Dennis Terry
Parents: Walter Terry &
Allie Cotton
Limestone County, TX
Courtesy of: Brenda

Allie Cotton Terry
Parents: Dennis Cotton &
Helen Forge
Wife of: Walter Terry
Limestone County, TX
Courtesy of: Brenda

Helen Forge Cotton and children:
Allie, Willie, Robert & Rastus
Husband & Father: Dennis Cotton
Limestone County, Texas Courtesy of: Brenda

Rastus Cotton Parents:
Dennis Cotton & Helen Forge
Limestone County, Texas Courtesy of: Brenda

Isaiah "Hot Dog" is the son of
Henry Leach and Margaret Paulk
of South Carolina |

Martha Leach & James Leach
Children of Henry Leach & Margaret Paulk
of South Carolina

Nola Kendall Sims
Parents: Hiram KENDALL and Mary
Wife of: Louis T. Sims
Born: Tennessee
Courtesy of: Lora Washington

Gertrude Ransom Hutsell
Parents: James Ransom & Florence
Wife of: James Aylette Hutsell
Born: Kentucky
Courtesy of: Lora Washington |

Louis T. Sims
Parents: Issac Sims and Sarah Hawkins
Husband of Nola Kendall
Born: Illinois
Courtesy of: Lora Washington

Rose Sims and husband Lenus Turley
Parents: Louis & Nola Sims
Parents: Cull & Biddie Turley
Born: Kentucky
Courtesy of: Lora Washington

James Aylette Hutsell
Parents: James Hutsell & Myrtle Bradley
Husband of: Gertrude Ransom
Born: Kentucky
Courtesy of: Lora Washington

Lenus Turley
Parents: Cull TURLEY and Biddie Biggs
Husband of: Roosevelt "Rose" SIMS
Born: Illinois
Courtesy of: Lora Washington |

James Andrew Hutsell
Parents: David Hutsell and Lucy Collins
Husband of: Myrtle Bradley
Born: Kentucky
Courtesy of: Lora Washington

Sandy Tucker and wife Carrie McDuffie
d/o of Chaney & William McDuffie
Courtesy of: Charee Harvey

James Ransom
Parents: Samuel Ransom and Betsy
Husband of: America Davis
Born: Kentucky
Courtesy of: Lora Washington

Mary & Walter McDuffie
son of Chaney McDuffie
Courtesy of: Charee Harvey

Chaney (Charity) McDuffie (Georgia)
Courtesy of: Charee Harvey |

Otis McDuffie and Magdaline (Georgia)
son of Walter McDuffie
Courtesy of: Charee Harvey |

William Berry (Ohio)
Courtesy of: Rene Austin

These are the daughters of Lewis Henry
Divers and
Mary Jane (Jenny) Poindexter. (not in
order of
appearance in the picture): *Daisy
Divers *Cora Divers Sims
*Fannie Divers Saunders *Doshie Divers
*Dove Divers Treadhill
Courtesy of: Renee Law-Jones

Charles W. and Irena (Taswell)
Powderly, Lamar County, Texas abt.
Courtesy of: Diane Turner

Bishop J. P. Williams
Independent Methodist Church
of Ruston, Louisiana
Courtesy of: Nita Robinson |

George and Kitty Landrum
Ex-Slaves of the Landrum family of
Falls Co., Tx from Georgia
Courtesy of: Lisa Matthews