Hailes Parish Church

Hailes Church
Photos by John Wilkes
of Cam near Dursley,
The Gloucestershire
Photo Library

Page composition by
Allan Taylor
Vancouver, Canada
Hailes church has a chancel Ęthat is as long and as wide as the nave. The nave floor is stone-flagged. The spectacular wall paintings are Early 14th C. The roofs are 17th C renewals. There is a sanctus bellcote. The church was restored in 1905 by Prothero & Phillott. The font is a 13th C plain octagonal stone bowl with a circular roll round the top. This bowl is mounted on an octagonal shaft set on a square plinth. Four stone claws fill the diagonals. There are some fragments of 15th C glass in the stained glass windows of the church. The ruins of Hailes Abbey are nearby.