Postal rates changes in 1968

Postal rates rising to new high on January 7th
    Increased rates for all classes of mail, except parcel post and international mail will go into effect January 7, Postmaster Wilton Woods reminded local postal patrons today.
    "Even with the new rates of six cents for first class mail and 10 cents for air mail postal service is still a real bargain," Woods declared.  "For six cents you can send a letter to any of the 50 states, to any United States territory or possession, to Canada or Mexico, or to an American Serviceman stationed anywhere in the world."
    The new rate for post cards will be five cents and for air mail post cards eight cents.  The added cent in the letter rate is a 20 per cent increase, compared to 24 per cent boost in the rates for mailing newspapers and magazines and a 34 percent hike for advertising circulars, "occupant" mail, and other material in the third class category.
    There will be no changes in the charges for special delivery, special handling, registered mail, certified mail, cash on delivery or insurance.
    "We have an ample supply of one cent stamps on hand," Postmaster Woods said, "for those people who have five cent stamps  to make up the postage required under the new rates."
    Higher rates also will go into effect January 7 for all categories of second class mail, controlled circulation mail, and the educational materials category of fourth class mail.  Mailers using these classes who need information on the new rates should contact the local Post Office.
Seguin Gazette, January 4, 1968

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