Civil War Obits
Confederate & Union
Weakley County
These are men who survived the War

From the Confederate Veteran, 1907, Page 181....BARGER

W. Gleason  BARGER died at his home, near Martin, Tenn., in July, 1906, aged sixty-six 
years.  He served throughout the war in Company H, 7th Tennessee Cavalry, under General Forrest, which is proof of his service as an active soldier.  He was married in 1873 to Miss S.E. CARLIN, daughter of Elder John H.D. CARLIN, A.B, D.D., one of the most noted scholars and ablest divines of the Baptist denomination in West Tennessee.  Ten children blessed this happy union.  Comrad BARGER, by industry and economy, became one of the wealthy men of Weakley County, and had many friends. 
                                                                            Submitted by 
                                                                     Lucille Adams Smith 

From the Confederate Veteran, 1908, Page xxxvii....JONES

Dr. John M. JONES was born July 3, 1846, in Weakley County, Tenn., and entered theConfederate Army at the very incipiency of the war in Company H, FORREST'S old regiment, participating in the battles and campaigns of that command, which were many, and surrendered at Gainesville, Ala., May11, 1865. He was a member of the Tom Hindman Camp. U.C.V., Newport, Ark.  He had lived at Newport for thirty-one years, where he practiced medicine successfully the entire time, dying February 13, 1908, aged sixty-two years--an excellent soldier and an eminent physician. Dr. JONES survived his wife, who was Miss Callie PATTERSON of Weakley County, Tenn., but five days, she  having been an invalid for ten years.

                                                                            Submitted by 
                                                                     Lucille Adams Smith 

Death of Aged Union Soldier....FORD
Dresden Enterprise      December 20, 1917   Page 1

Mr. J. H. (Uncle Sy) FORD died Tuesday afternoonat 4 o'clock at his home, three miles east of Dresden in the 79th year of his age. Mr. FORD had been ill for a year and confined to his bed for several months. He was the father of ten children, seven living, as follows: Messrs. Henry, George, Ben and Mesdames Nancy JACKSON, Maggie CROCKER, Fannie FORD, and Selma GLOVER. The remains were interred on Wednesday at West Union, services conducted by Rev. H. E. JENKINS.A very large crowd attended the funeral and interment.Mr. FORD was a Union soldier, serving, during the
Civil war, and his comrades say he made a brave soldier.  He had been a citizen of this community practically all his life, and was held in the highest esteem. He was an honorable upright, christian man,and the bereaved family have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow.

Submitted by 
Ann Westbrook Radcliff

The Dresden Enterprise    December 16, 1921.....RAMSEY

Death of Ex-Confederate Soldier
Mr. J. J. RAMSEY, 81 years of age, died Monday at his home in the 19th district and was laid to rest Tuesday at Oak  Grove burying ground, services by Rev. FLEMING. The deceased leaves a large family of children. His was an honorable, upright career and a man who was held in high esteem by  those who knew him. His was an honorable, unright career and he goes to his final reward ready to meet his maker in peace. He was stricken last Saturday with pneumonia, dying Monday.

Submitted by
Nancy Watson

from an undated paper, submitted by Maureen WHITE PIERCE, a great-great-granddaughter

In Memory of Hon. George M. Terry Hon. George Miller Terry, son of Captain James and Mildred Terry, was born September 2, 1847 at Brook Neal, Campbell County, Va.  He belonged to a large and distinguished family of old English and Scotch-Irish ancestors, who immigrated to Virginia in the early colonial days.  He enlisted in 1864 in Company A of the Virginia Reserves, artillery, which guarded the railroad from Richmond to Danville, Va.  He was also on duty at High Bridge, Farmville and in the battles of Sailor's Creek and Chafin's Farm, Va., where he was wounded in the jaw and captured by the federals under General Ewell, April 6, 1865 and taken to Point Lookout, Md., where he was parolled July 6, 1865 and returned home.  He entered a private school and remained from 1865 to 1867, when he came west and began merchandising with his uncle, Judge H. C. Bailey, at Hickman, Ky.  He married Miss Albertine Winston (a native of Weakley county, Tenn.)  June 14, 1871.  In the fall of 1871 he located on a farm one mile west of where is now the town of Sharon, Tenn., where in January, 1874 he moved his residence, newly built, and opened one of the first stores at this new railroad station.  He was elected justice of the peace in 1878 and continued in this office (except one year) until his death October 11, 1914, at 4:30 a.m.  He joined the Hickman Lodge No. 96 of the I. O. O. F. in 1868 and became a charter member of Sharon Lodge No. 208 in 1877, an held the offices of recording secretary and district deputy grand master at his death. He was also a member of the Dresden Encampment.  His brethren of the Odd Fellows order showed their high esteem of his worth by several lodges joining in the funeral march to the number of one hundred or more.  Rose Lodge No. 125, also claimed his membership in the order of Knights of Pythias.  All fraternal orders held a high regard for his because he was truly fraternal in his heart and practice.  He loved to help the needy and sympathize with those in distress, or in need of a friend and brother beloved.  He was a greater lover of children and young people and showed this interest not only in his home life, but also in his associations with friends and comrades and the public school.  He was notary public and attorney at law for any year and made a good reputation for prompt and accurate business ability, as well as equity and justice in the legal profession of law.  His general rule was to settle every case peacably (sic) and by satisfactory compromise, if possible, on right principles.  The poor sought his counsel because they learned that he heard them gladly and gave to them freely of his warm heart and active mind and body.  To serve his friends was his delight and job.  He longed to the United Confederates and attended a great many reunions.  They showed their appreciation of him by attending his funeral in a body and several spoke in loving and tender words.  He was a life-long Democrat, and attended, with two exceptions, for forty years every state convention.  Last, but no least, he was a strong believer in the Christian religion.  He professed faith in Christ in boyhood and united with the Missionary Baptist church at Brook Neal, Va.  After marriage he joined with his beloved wife the Methodist church, at Sharon, Tenn., and remained in this church until some years after the death of his wife, when he took a letter, but did not connect himself with an other church.  He was friendly and helpful to all institutions for the benefit of his fellowman, and especially liberal in building schools and churches.  He was the most devoted father the writer has ever known, and was never happier than when surrounded by his children at home.  His going away has  left a vacancy in the heart, the home and the community that can never be filled by anyone else.  May the good Lord sustain and comfort the many friends and relatives scattered from old Virginia to California.  Besides a host of friends, who are bereaved, the greatest loss is sustained by his seven children, viz.: Albert G. Terry, St. Louis, Mo.,; George M. Terry, Sommerville, Tenn.; Mrs. Robert Tidwell and Mrs. G. T. Mitchell, Miss Fern Terry, Charles E. Terry and Herman R. Terry, of Sharon, Tenn.  These dear children have the sincere sympathy and love of a large circle of relative sand friends who will counsel with and help them when needed.  He was also greater devoted to his two sons-in-law and two daughters-in-law and seven grandchildren.  He was the fifth member of his father's family to die and still leaves six brothers and three living sisters viz.: James M. Terry and Joseph O. Terry and Mrs. Eliza Puckett, of Brook Neal, Va.; Rev. Henry L. Terry, of Newington, Va.; Mrs. Mollie Maddox, Naruna, Va.; Mrs. Kate M. Holt, Lynchburg, Va.; Robert L. Terry, Pamplins City, Va.; Rev. Howson B. Terry, Martin Tenn.; Isham F. Terry, Chattanooga, Tenn.  These relatives and friends mourn the great loss of a devoted brother, affectionate father, grandfather and affectionate father, grandfather and helpful friend and neighbor.  The memorial services were conducted in the presbyterian church, instead of the home on account of the rain, Rev. L. E. McCoy, of McKenzie, Tenn., officiating.  The large audience crowded the church until there was no standing room.  Touching tributes were made to his persona life and character by representatives of the Confederate Veterans, the public school board, the I. O. O. F. Order and the different churches.  Among those who spoke were:  Wm. J. Allen, John M. Glass, Dr. B. T. Bondurant, Colonel E. E. Tansil, W. E. Tansil, Attorney J. R. Thomason of Dresden,; Rev. B. S. McLemore, P. C., Methodist church; Rev. Jackson Presbyterian church and Rev. Howson B. Terry, who had been intimately associated with his brother's home for forth years.  The largest procession, perhaps, ever leaving Sharon, followed his remains to Mt. Vernon, where they were laid to rest under the honors of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Noble Grand Jodie Nowlin in charge, and several lodges joining the Sharon Lodge No. 208.  The floral designs were many and  beautiful, including individual offerings and wreaths from his children, the Odd Fellow lodge, the Baptist Ladies' Aid Society and the Cemetery 
                            Howson B. Terry.

John Wesley PATTERSON - Confederate Obit.
The Sharon Tribune, 20 Jan 1928
Death of Old Soldier

 Another of that fast fading, thin gray line has answered the last roll call and is resting from his labors.  Mr. John PATTERSON passed away Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.B. BROOKS, in Sharon.
 On Saturday he was stricken while down town and carried home.  He continued to sink until the end came at 6 a.m. Monday.  He had a peculiar form of heart trouble.  Mr. Patterson was an ex-Confederate soldier.  He was a good citizen, a loyal, devout member of the Methodist Church and loved and esteemed by all who knew him. No finer Christian gentleman ever lived.  He was courteous and polite and cordial to all and all will miss his congenial greetings.  He had been a citizen of Sharon some thirty years.  Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Wednesday by his pastor, Rev. M.L. DAVIS, with internment at Woodlawn by the side of his companion, who preceded him in death many years ago.  To the sorrowing children, of whom there are five - four sons and one daughter - the sympathy of this people is extended.

 [John's daughter, Mrs. C. B. Brooks of Sharon, was Auvergne Patterson Brooks, the wife of Charles B. Brooks.]

Submitted by Nancy Denty Breidenthal

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