Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1887

Biographies of Weakley County

Biographies - W
H. P. WALKER, of the Eighteenth District, was born in North Carolina, in 1820, and is the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Walker, both of whom were natives of North Carolina. His father was born in 1795, and came to Weakley County, Tenn., in about 1846, locating on a farm in what is now the Eighteenth District, where he lived the remainder of his life, his death occurring in 1850. His mother was born in about 1795, and died in 1847. Mr. Walker was brought up on the farm, receiving his education at the neighboring schools, and in 1845 was married to Kisiah, daughter of Isbam and ----- Collier, who was born in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1828, and is now deceased. By this marriage one child, Eliza, wife of Warren Billingsby, was born to Mr. Walker. In 1853 he purchased 100 acres of land, upon which he located, and where he has since resided. In 1855 he married Susan B., daughter of Barnett and Sophia Winstead, and to them have been born seven children, all of whom are living: Sophia B., wife of Thomas  Laws; Letitia A., wife of Budd Russ; William J., Granderson A., Jemima A., Mary T. and Emma. Mr. Walker has lived an active and energetic life, and has been quite successful. He is a member of the Democratic party, and his first vote was cast for James K. Polk. His wife is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church.

Rev. J. W. WATERS, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Martin, Tenn., was born in Calloway County, Ky., in 1854. His parents, R. G. and Mary E. Waters, were  born in North Carolina, in 1818 and 1829, and died in 1863 and 1884, respectively. They were married in their native State and moved to Calloway County, Ky., in 1854.  J. W. Waters obtained his early education in the schools near his home, and at the age of nineteen entered the McKenzie College (now known as the McTyeire Institute), and completed his education there in 1876, taking a theological course at that place.   Immediately after this he entered the ministry and has continued that calling ever since.  He joined the Methodist Episcopal Conference in 1881, and that same year witnessed the celebration of his marriage with Lois A., daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Summers, of Milburn, Ky. Mrs. Waters was born in 1859, and is the mother of two children: Fletcher and Mary. From 1881 to 1883, Rev. Waters preached in Weakley County, Tenn., and then spent one year at Hickman, Ky. Since that time he has resided in Martin and has been engaged in ministerial labors at Martin, Ralston, Gardner and Freeman's Chapel, all the churches being in a flourishing condition. The church at Martin was organized in 1875 and now has a membership of 175.  Rev. Waters is an energetic worker for the Master and as a minister is universally loved and respected.

Mrs. L. A. WHITLOCK was born in Weakley County, Tenn., December 27,1847, and is the daughter of J. H. F. and Lucy A. Atkins. Her father was born June 25, 1811, and came to Weakley County at an early date. He was a farmer by occupation and was well known, and died December 16, 1874, having been twice married. Her mother's maiden name was Dabney, and was born in Maury County, Tenn., on March 24, 1818, and died November 28, 1868. Our subject was married to Charles D. Whitlock, January 12, 1864. He was born in Calloway County, Ky., April 1, 1838, removing to Tennessee when a small boy, and with his parents removed thence to Texas. At the age of twenty-two he returned to Tennessee. In 1873 he located on his farm near Ralston, where he died November 7, 1880, after a life of activity and usefulness. He was universally respected by his neighbors and acquaintances. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The marriage resulted in the birth of eight children, five of whom are still living, they being as follows: Annie, wife of John R. Rector, now living in Bell County, Tex.; W. H., Lucy D., C. D. and Fannie. Mrs.Whitiock has a fine farm of 240 acres, in a high state of cultivation, located just south of Ralston. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Whitlock was a Republican in politics.

Andrew WILLIAMS, farmer, merchant and mechanic, of Weakley County, Tenn., was born in Chatham County, N. C., in 1815. His parents, Allen and Elizabeth (Davis) Will iams, were born in Virginia and North Carolina in 1786 and 1792, respectively. The father was a farmer, and moved to Kentucky in 1827. The following year he brought his family  to Weakley County, Tenn., where he lived at the time of his death in 1875.  He was the father of ten children, only three of whom are now living: Jesse Jackson, a resident of Texas; Samuel G., living in California, and our subject. Their mother is yet living, and is in her ninety-fifth year. She is the oldest person in the county; lives entirely alone; does her own housework; milks, and tends her own garden, being very active for so old a lady.  Our subject came to Weakley County when be was thirteen years of age, and resided with his parents until he was twenty-two years old.   In September, 1837, he wedded Mary J. Turnbow, who was born in Alabama in 1821, and is the mother of six children, four now living: Mary Ann (Mrs. J. M. V. Cochran), James R., Cornelia L. (Mrs. B. N. Pullen) and Rachel Caroline (Mrs. Ira Nance).   After marriage Mr. Williams moved to Calloway County, Ky., where he resided twenty years, engaged in farming, carpentering, milling and merchandising.  In 1857 he moved to Farmington, Graves Co., Ky., where he farmed, bought and sold tobacco and general merchandise. In November, 1870, he moved to Tennessee, and he and his son James erected a saw and gristmill, in which business they have since been engaged. In 1874 Elm Tree post office was moved to the mill, and Mr. Williams has since been its postmaster. October 15, 1855, he lost his wife, and April 16, of the following year, he married Martha Cochran, who was born in Kentucky May 12, 1832. They have six children: Amphion, Lucian A., Lucy, Chiron E., William and Sallie. Mr. Williams is a Democrat and Mason, and he and Mrs. Williams are members of the Christian Church.

W. H. WILSON, a farmer of Weakley County, Tenn., was born In 1848, one of four children of W. P. and Mary E. Wilson, both born in Tennessee, the former in 1816 and the latter in 1821. The father came to Weakley County when a small boy, and served in the late war as colonel in the Federal Army. He was severely wounded in the spinal column during a battle, which disabled him for life. He is now living with our subject. The mother died in 1862. Our subject was reared at home, and educated in the Dresden Academy under Profs. Herbert and Bigle. In 1879 he married Willie Fields, daughter of Dr. James Fields. She was born in Missouri, in 1861, and departed this life in February, 1885, leaving three children: William J., Cecil L. and Verna B.  Mr. Wilson owns 154 acres of land, on which he located immediately after marriage.  Besides the homestead he owns 185 acres near Dresden, and 175 acres in the Third District. In 1882 he was elected to the office of magistrate, and still holds the position. He is well and favorably known throughout the county, and is a good neighbor and citizen.  He is a Republican, and his first presidential vote was cast for U. S. Grant.

George W. WINSTEAD, attorney , of Dresden, Tenn., is a son of S. M. and Priscilla (Hearn) Winstead, who were born in North Carolina and Tennessee in 1805 and 1831, respectively. The father was a farmer, and became a resident of Weakley County, Tenn., in 1835. He was twice married, his first wife dying a few years after their marriage. He was a man of fine business qualities, and at the time of his death, in October, 1877, owned a large quantity of land. He was the father of eight children. The mother now resides upon the old homestead. Our subject, George W.Winstead, was born in Weakley County, December 28, 1857, and was academically educated in his native county, and in 1877 entered the East Tennessee Wesleyan University at Athens, now the Grant Memorial University, taking a complete course, graduating June 1, 1881. At the early age of seventeen he began teaching school, but after his graduation was elected principal of the Sharon schools, and in April, 1882, while teaching there, was elected county superintendent of schools, to fill the unexpired term of E. W. Edwards. In the fall of 1882 he was elected principal of the Dresden schools, all the while looking after the interests of the public schools. In January, 1883, he was re-elected to the office of county superintendent, and held the position until the summer of 1884, when he resigned. He was an ardent worker in building up the schools of Weakley County, and was one of its first educators. During this time he devoted his leisure hours to the study of law, and in 1883 opened a law office in Dresden, and entered upon the practice of his profession. January 1, 1884, he was admitted to practice law before the courts of Tennessee, and for the past three years has given the practice of law his entire attention. He is a young man of temperate habits, a close student, and one who applies himself closely to his profession, the results being very satisfactory. He has always been an earnest Republican in politics, and his first presidential vote was cast for James G. Blaine. In 1884 he was elector on the Blaine and Logan ticket, and canvassed the Ninth Congressional District in their behalf, his opponent being W. P. Caldwell, ex-member of Congress.  Mr. Winstead is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

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