Photos of Greenfield, TN

The pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Greenfield was Rev. L.M. Real during the 1930's. The attached article from the Greenfield Gazette of Sept. 30, 1938 and the photo during that year portrays how world famous this horse was. I remember seeing the motion picture clip of him performing as well as in person as I was a friend of his son Dale who was about my age. Rev. Real had trained him to count with his foot as well as many other tricks.A year or so after this Reality died and was buried on what is now the parking lot of the Church. The silver studded bridle and saddle was buried with him.    Joe Stout

The following Newspaper articles from the Greenfield Gazette

-----this is text with the photo......
Reality’s Owner, Rev. L. M. Real Will Entertain community Fair Vistors Friday

Rev. l. M. Real and his trained horse, Reality, will be a feature of the Community Fair. Their part of the program will begin at 10 a. m., Friday. They have just returned from an engagment at the Orpheum Theater in Memphis where they played with Gene Austin.

Rev. Real has just accepted an invitation to be a guest of the president of the American Moving Picture Producers at their annual meeting in Oklahoma City on October 30th.


Greenfield Gazette...9-30-1938
Newsreels Will Show Pictures of Reality

Mrs. Earl Crotchett, staff camerman for Univeral Newsreels was in Greenfield Tuesday taking pictures of  Reality, the famous horse trained and owned by Rev. L. M. Real. These pictures will be shown al over the United States within a few days.

Mr. Cratchitt stated that the horse was the best that he had seen or heard of anywhere and he will recommend the horse to moving picture producers in Hollywood.

Reality has been receiving much publicity of late in various localities, but his is the first one that an opportunity has been presented for nationwide broadcasts of his fame.


Greenfield Gazette 11-11-1938
Rev. Ral showed before 7,000 folks in Oklahoma City

Rev. L. M. Real is back home again with Reality after a plesant and successful visit to OklahomaCity, Ok.a., where he was the guest of the president of the Motion Picture Producers Association.

Brother Real says that he was given an opportunity to appear with several of the most famous actors and actresses before an audience of 7,000 people. He and Reality put on a ten minut show that received generous applause from producers and critics who witnessed the act.

No business was transacted at the meeting but Rev. Real was encouraged to believe that he will hear further from Hollywood.

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