New Market Township, Highland County, Ohio

Oliver Harris Diary

January, 1802


January the 1 AD 1802. On fri I helpd carry up salt from abord the Debby.  clear. wind SW.

2. On Sat I went to Corys and got my ax up set and ground it up and broke it. clear. wind SW.

3. On Sun I went to methodus meeting. cloudy and warm.  wind SW.

4. On  mon I went to the cros rodes to Abraham Lewises vendue. it raind. wind SE and W.

5. On tues I went to Moses Harris and then hime. clear. wind NW. I got a coat cut out.

6. On wed I was not well. it cloudyd up in the after noon. wind  and SW. I went to Society meeting in the evening.

7. On thurs I was quite ill. it cleard away in the after noon. wind SW.

8. On fri I lay a bed some. some cloudy. wind SW.

9. On Sat I was broke out quite much. cloudy and raind in the after noon.  wind SE.

10. On Sun I had the measles out thick.some cloudy and thundred in the night. wind W.

11. On mon I was at my worst. clear. wind blew NW.

12. On tues I was some better they had turnd. clear and cool. weind NW.

13. On wed I was some better. clear. wind NW.

14. On thurs I set up all day. clear mostly. wind W.

15. On fri I went to John Reeveses. clear. wind SW.

16. On Sat I went to the Bridge. mostly clear. wind W.

17. On Sun I went to meeting. clear mostly wind SW.

18. On mon I went to daddys. mostly clear. wind SW.

19. On tues I stade at home. part clear. wind W.

20. On wed I went to Marks. it was a rainy day. wind NW.

21. On thurs I was at Marks. clear. wind SE.

22. On fri I came home. clear. wind NW. cooler.

23. On Sat I went down the creek in the Debry. part clear. wind S.

24. On Sun I went up the river to the hook. mostly clear. wind NE.

25. On mon I got to town about 4 oclock PM. clear. wind NW.

26. On tues I onloded. clear. wind NW.

27. On wed I came down town and took in hoops and went up to race street and onloded. clear. wind SW.

28. On thurs I came in the after noon. cloudy. wind SW.29. On fri we came down the river. it was a rainy day. wind NW.

29. On fri we came down the river. it was a rainy day wind NW.

30. On Sat we came up the creek. clear mostly. wind N.

31. On Sun I went to meeting.  clear. wind N.


February, 1802

February the 1. On mon I loded the Debry. cloudy and raind at night. wind  SE.

2. On tues I went to daddys and began to thrash my wheet. mostly clear. wind SW.

3. On wed I thrashd wheet. mostly clear. wind NW.

4. On thurs I thrashd. clear in part. wind NW.

5. On fri I finisd thrashing and cleand up. their was 11 1/2 bushels.  clear. wind NW. cool.

6. On Sat I dresd flax for daddy. clear. wind NE and SW.

7. On Sun I was at Lemuel Reeves and came home and went to meeting. cloudy. it snowd in the morning a little. wind SW.

8. On mon I went down the creek and then loded vessle inthe after noon. clear. wind NW.

9. On tues I cut wood for David Dare. clear. wind SW.

10. On wed I stade at home. clear. wind NW.

11. On thurs I cut for Smith Bowen. clear in part. wind SE. it snowd in the evening.

12. On fri I stade at home and cepherd (? ciphered) cloudy and misted some. the snow was about 4 inches deep wind S.

13. On Sat I ciphered at home.  cloudy. wind SW. snow is almost gone.  14. On Sun I went to burying of of Job Seeles wife and went to meeting. clear. wind W.

15. On mon I cut wood for Smith. some cloudy. wind SW.

16. On tues I began to grub for Bowen. clear. wind N.

17. On wed I grubd. part cloudy. wind SW.

18. On thurs I grubd. it was flying clouds. wind N.

19. On fri I finisd grubing. clear. wind NW. cool.

20. On Sat I cut wood. mostly clear. wind W.

21. On Sun I went down to methodus meeting and then to the Court housse. some cloudy. wind S.

22. On mon I stade at home. it snowd. wind NE.

23. On tues I was at home. it snowd. wind NE.

24. On wed I went to Court. it was a rainy day. wind SW.

25. On thurs I went to Court. it was a rainy day. wind N.

26. On fri I was at home. cloudy. wind NE.

27. On Sat I went up to daddys in the after noon.cloudy and misted some. wind NE.

28. On Sun I went to meeting. cloudy and misted. wind NE.


March, 1802

March the 1st. On mon I went afishing and caught one 150 hering. it misted. wind NE.

2. On tues I went to Mr. Plattses and got posts for the widdow Crouse. cloudy. wind SW.

3. On wed I went to Lemuel Reeves to cut wood. it came on to rain. wind W.

4. On thurs, fri and Sat, I cut wood.cloudy. wind NW.

7. On Sun I stade at home. some cloudy wind NW.

8. On mon I dresd flax for John Remington. clear. wind NW and SW.

9. On tues I dug stone at daddys and  came to town meeting in the after noon. cloudy and smoky. it raind some. wind SW.

10. On wed I dug stone. cloudy and smoky. wind SW and NW and N. Oliver Harris is my name.

11. On thurs I desd flax for daddy. clear. wind NW.

12. On fri I came home and soald my shoes. cloudy and raind some in the morning. wind NW.

13. On Sat I dug stone and went to Mr. Plattses to meeting. clear. wind NW.

14. On Sun I went to meeting. clear. wind NW.

15. On mon I loded Boons flat. clear. wind SW.

16. On tues and wed  I cut wood. clear. wind SW.

18. On thurs I loded the sl (? sloop) Governor and went to John Reeveses. clear  wind SW.

* 19. On fri I went to daddys and Hosea Harris my brother was very sick.  he was taken in the first place the 5 day of March and he continued so till the 14th and then got better so as to go out but was taken worse the 18 day about half after 2 oclock PM and had some very bad turns of severe pains through his bowels. he said he wa intirely clear of  any pain but had a very strang feeling. he expird about half after 7 oclock PM in peace. he seemd very willing to go.  he said he thought it was better to die and be with Christ which is far better than to be here on this troublesom foot stool. it was some clear and smoky. wind SE.

* 20. On Sat I went to the burying of my Dear Brother at 3 oclock PM. he was buryed by the side of his Mother who died the first day of September in the year of our Lord 1799. O may the loss of my Mother and brother awaken in me out of the tupididy to see the need of Jesus. it was cloudy and raind very hard in the after noon when we was going to the  burying. wind S and NE.

21. On Sun I went to meeting to the Baptist meeing house and heard my brothers funeral preachd and then came to mister Smalleys and got my diner and then came down to meeting and then home. clear. wind NW.

22. On mon I was at Bridgetown in the fore noon and then went to Jeremiah Ayares vendue and bought a yearling. some cloudy. wind SW.

23. On tues I came to daddys and began to plow for flax. clear. wind S.

24. On wed I went and movd my things to daddys. cloudy and raind some. it thundred at night. wind SW.

25. On thurs I helpd daddy move to the place that his wife ownd. clear mostly. wind NW.

26. On fri I went and movd Aunt Sally Bereman home to keep house for me. it snowd. the snow was about 4 inches deep. wind NE.

27. On Sat I pidled about in the fore noon and then went to Bridgetown and bought some dishes. part clear. wind NE & N & NW.

28. On Sun I went to meeting. cloudy. wind NW.

29. On mon I dresd flax. come cloudy. wind SE. I helpd daddy cill a calf.

30. On tues I went to David Davises after three pigs in the morning and then plowd. some cloudy in the morning. wind NE and SE.

31. On wed I plowd. cloudy. wind SE.


April, 1802


April the 1. On thurs I plowd in the fore noon and sowd my flax in the after noon. cloudy. wind SE.

2. On fri I plowd. clear. wind S. this day it run in my mind all day about my Brothers Death and the Funeral which Mr. Smalley preachd at the
meeting house the Sunday after his death. the text was in the 12 C and 1 verce of Ecclesiastes perticularly the fore part of the verce remember how thy Creater in the days of thy youth and I receivd a letter from Samuel B. H. which I thought of a great deal which said he expected to imbrace the ordnance of Baptism the next day on Saturday.

3. On Saturday I went and talkd with Mr. Smalley about the ordnance of baptism and then went to meeting and Mr. Smalley preachd from Mathew 11th Ch & last verce and after Serman I went and made my confesion before the Congregation and then we went to the watter and was Baptised. their was J.H. (Joel Harris) & W. S. (William Stillins/ teelings/Stillings) & S. B. H. (Samuel Harris) and two women (ElizabethHopkins and Hannah Robinson)*  Baptised at the same time. this is an ordinance appointed by God and instituted by Jeses Christ our Mediateor.  clear mostly. wind W. warm.

* for verification of list of names see Rev. Smalley's handwritten list of Baptisms for April 3, 1802.

4. On Sunday I went to meeting and Mr. Garman preachd from Romans the 8th Ch & 14th Vr and after Sermon was taken in to the Church and so pertook of the Lords Supper with them may the Lord inable us to walk according to his Commands which if we do he has promisd he will never forsake us. clear. wind SW. Cooler.

5. On mon I plowd. clear. wind nw & NW. W went to mill in  the after noon.

6. On tues I finisd plowing. clear. wind SW.

7. On wed I went to daddys and to Levi Halls and then workd in the garden. clear part. wind S.

8. On thurs I thrashd oats clear. wind NE. and shifted against the sun to South.

9. On fri I thrashd some rye and cleand out the stable. it came on to rain in the after noon. wind SW.

10. On Sat I sowd and harrowd in oats. part clear. wind NW.

11. On Sunday I went to meeting and Mr. Smalleys text was in mathew the XV Ch and 22. O may the Lord strengthen me to go on my way rejoicing and may I not be deceivd. O Lord thou knowest all things. the deceitfulness of mans heart which is partly wicked. clear. wind NW.

12. On mon I finisd sowing my oats and thrashd some rys. cloudy . wind S.

13. On tues I helpd daddy cill a calf and went to the Bridge and receivd a letter from Eli Bereman and one for Samuel. mine dated the 4th of March 1802. cloudy and raind some. wind NW.

14. On wed I plowd for corn. cloudy. wind NW.

15. On thurs I mended my shoes and cut wood for Moses Veal. some cloudy. wind SE & SW.

16. On fri I plowd. mostly clear. wind NW. Cool.

17. On Sat I plowd in the fore noon and went to Mr. Smalleys house raising in the after noon. cloudy. wind S. frost and ice this morning. raind at night.

18. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr. Smalleys text was in Colns C 11 verce 9. cloud and raind some. wind SW.

19. On mon I plowd. clear. wind NE.

20. On tues I plowd. clear wind S. frost and ice this morning. I receivd a letter from William Steeling.

21. On wed I plowd and went to mill. clear. wind N.

22. On thurs I cleand 26 Shad whihch Uncle Joel brought me from Glocester and plowd some. clear. wind NW.

23. On fri I plowd. clear. wind NE & SE.

24. On Sat I plowd in the fore noon and went to Dear field in the after noon to Uncle Wiliams. I took the plow irons and got them sharpend. some cloudy. wind SW.

25. On Sun I went to meeting then to the Bridge. clear and warm. wind SW. Mr. Smalleys ttext was in Romans Ch 111 31 verce.

26. On tues I plowd some in the after noon and dresd flax in the fore noon. clear. wind NW.

27. On wed I finisd one field and beegan to mark out. clear. wind SW.

28. On thurs I markd out ome and made shoes for uncle Joel. it was a rainy day. wind SE.

29. On fri I went to the Bridge and then markd out corn ground. cloudy. wind N & NW.

30. On Sat I went to meeting Mr S. text was in Micha the 6 C & 6 verce. clear. wind NW.

May, 1802


May the 1. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr s text was in S. John 11 C & 46 V. the youth was catecesed.

2. On mon I finishd marking out that field.clear. wind SW.

3. On tues I furrowd up in the other field. it raind in the fore noon. some cloudy in the after noon. wind W.

4. On wed I cut some wood and plowd some and thrashd some oats and cleand  up and went to mill. mostly clear. wind SE & SW.

5. On thurs I began to plant corn. clear but thick. wind N.

6. On fri I planted corn and went to the Bridge. clear. wind NE.

7. On Sat I went to Yearly meeting. Ferrrels text was in S. John 111 C 12 verce and in the after noon Mr. O Jones text was in achariah the IX C & 12 verce. clear. wind W. Smoky.

8. On Sun I went to meeting.  Mr. Jones D D text was in St peter 1 Ch & 15 verce & 23 & 24 verces and then went to the Bridge to meeting. Mr. O JonesYs text was in Ma the Ch 111 &  7 verce. smoky and some cloudy. wind W & N. (no entry for 9 and no correction made.)

10. On mon I went to meeting. yearly meeting ended. Mr Fereis text was in mathrew XXIV Ch & 14 verceand Mr Rutters text was in Math V Ch & 8 vece. cloudy and some smoky. wind S. I planted some corn.

11. On tues I planted corn and ground up an ax. cloudy. wind NE.

12. On wed I split some rails in the after noon. it raind in the fore noon. wind NE & N.

13. On thurs I planted corn for Mr Platts. cloudy. wind NW. it raind a little in the evening.

14. On fri I dungd corn in the hill. their was flying clouds. wind NW.

15. On Sat I finisd planting corn and went to mill. clear. wind NW. Cool & frost this morning.

16. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S text was in Gen XXII Ch & 18 verce. it raind. wind NE & SE.

17. On mon I red in the fore noon & went to Marks in the after noon. it raind part of the day. wind N & NW.

18. On tues I split and raind some. wind NW.

19. On wed I planted corn for uncle Joel. rind a little in showers. wind NW. Cool.

20. On thurs I went to training to Bridgetown. clear. wind NW & SW.

21. On fri I wen to the ceder swamp. it came on to rain. I started home before noon. it thundred and litened. wind SE.

22. On Sat I went to the ceder swamp. it rind in the after noon. foggy in the morning. wind SE & NE.

23. On Sun I went to meeting. it was the text in 1 Peter 4 Ch & 18 verce. I went to Court house to meeting. text was in Acts 26 Ch & 27 verce. it was flying clouds and cool. wind NW.

24. On mon I cut and split rails and washd sheep in the after noon. clear. wind NW & SW.

25. On tues I cut wood for Jonathan Platts in the fore noon and carted rails in the after noon. clear mostly. wind NW & S.

26. On wed I made fence. come cloudy. wind SE.

27. On thurs I plowd bocks. some cloudy wind SW.

28. On fri W went down to uncle Johns and came home again. part clear. wind SW. it raind at night.

29. On Sat I went to the Seven day meeting  and Mr T Jonesİs text was in 11 Corns V Ch & 11 verce and in the after noon it ws in Psalms XLVL Ch & 4 verce. cloudy some. wind NW.

30. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S text was in Math XI Ch & 28 verce. some cloudy. wind S.

31. On mon I plowd ground for buck wheet. part clear. their was a shower at night. wind NW & SW.


June, 1802



June the 1. On tues I went and finisd plowing then helpd daddy shear the sheep. clear. wind W. I went to L Halls last night.

2. On wed I replanted corn. mostly clear. wind S & SE.

3. On thurs I stade in the house andred. it raind. wind S & NW.

4. On fri I went to the ceder swamp and got out saw logs. clear. wind NW.

5. On Sat I carted some wood in the fore noon and then went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Luke XV & 10 and then their ware 19 people that gave in their exsperiances and ere Baptised.  they did not get done till dark. clear. wind SW. moderate.

6. On Sun I went to meeting. the text was in 2 Corn V Ch & 20 verce. the people ware taken in to the meeting and the Lords supper was administerd. clear. wind S.

7. On mon I harrowd corn. partly clear and raind at night. wind SW. this morning my mind felt settled but most disturbd towards night.

8. On tues I dug stone and harrowd corn. part clear and part cloudy. wind NW.

9. On wed I went to training. some clear. wind SE. it was the General review.

10 On thurs I planted potatoes and wrote a letter to Eli Bereman letter 7th and harrowd corn in the after noon. mostly clear. wind SW.

11. On fri I harrowd corn. clear. wind SW.

12. On Sat I harrowd corn. part clear. wind SW. it raind some in the after noon.

13. On Sun I went to meeting and their was a Sermon red by Isaac Mulford. the text was in Mathew XI Ch 28 verce and then I went to the Bridge. Samuel Bowen red a sermon. the text was in acts the XIV Ch 7. clear & warm. wind SW.

14. On mon I harrowd corn. clear. wind SW.

15. On tues I finisd harrowing corn and mowd some in the meddow and went to the Bridge.

16. On wed I mowd for Alexander Bishop. some cloudy. wind SE. cool.

17. On thurs I began to plow corn. cloudy. wind SE.

18. On fri I went to Marks and bought a house. gave 40 Dollars. cloudy. wind SE.  plowd corn in the after noon.

19. On Sat I plowd corn & carted in some hay. cloudy. wind SE.

20. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Eph 3 Ch & 8 v and I went to a methodus meeting at the widdow Smalleys. he text that was preachd by Charles Reed was in the 1 Ch of Math 21. verce. clear. wind SW.

21. On mon I plowd corn. clear. wind S. cloudy at night.

22. On tues I finisd plowing that field. mostly clear. wind SW.

23. On wed I mended the plow and ground the sith and began to plow corn in the other field. clear. wind SW.

24. On thurs I went to the marsh and mowd. clear mostly. wind NW and N.

25. On fri I plowd corn and went tothe bridge. cloudy some. wind SW.

26. On Sat I went to the marsh andfinisd mowing.  clear. wind SW.

27. On Sun I went to meeting.  Mr S text was in 2 peter 2 Ch & 2 verce and then went to the bridge and Mr Lasaday preachd from Jeremiah 3 & 10. clear. wind NE.

28. On mon I went to the marsh and rachd hay and fetchd home a lode. clear in part. wind W.

29. On tues I went to the marsh and finisd raching hay & fetchd home a lode. partclear. wind W. their was a shower in the after noon. wind N. it did not rain but a little.

30. On wed I finisd plowing corn and rep wheet for daddy in the after noon. clear. wind NE & S.


July, 1802

July 1. On thurs I finisd carting hay. cloudy some. wind SE.

2. On fri I rep wheet for Mr Long and harrowd in the after noon at home. some cloudy. wind W. this day I was 22 years old.

3. On Sat I harrowd corn in the fore noon and went to meeting in the after noon. Mr S text was in Solomon Songs 5 Vh & last verce. their was 7 baptisd. cloudy and raind at night. wind W.

4. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S text was in Hosea 10 Ch & 12 verce. the people that was baptised yesterday was taken in and the Lords supper administerd. cloudy. wind NE.

5. On mon I rep wheet for Moses Veal. cloudy. their was a shower at night. wind SW & SE.

6. On tues I rep some for Thomas Reeves. showery. drisled some. wind W.

7. On wed I rep for daddy and got done. cloudy. drisled some. wind NE.

8. On thurs I rep for uncle Joel. cloudy. wind NE & W.

9. On fri I was sick. had a very sick stomach. loudy and raind some. wind N & NW.

10. On at I rachd some hay but was very on well. clear. wind N & SW.

11. On Sun I was sick and cep my bed amost all day. I had a violent paine in my head. clear. wind SW.

12. On mon I got some better and rachd some hay. clear. wind N.

13. On tues I began to plow corn again. I carted in some of the hay out of the meddow. clear. wind SW.

14. On wed I plowd corn & carted the rest of the hay out of the swamp. clear. wind SE.

15. On thurs I plowd corn and went to the bridge to a vendue of Ch Seelys estate sherif sale. clear. wind SW

16. On fri I plowd corn & went to the vendue again. some cloudy. wind SE.

17. On Sat I pidled about in the fore noon and plowd corn in the after noon. mostly clear. wind SE.

18. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S text was in Acts XVII Ch & 30 verce &then went to the Bridge and Mr Greens text was the first Psalm. clear. wind S & SE. warm.

19. On mon I plowd corn mostly clear. wind SW. their was a shower in the morning.

20. On tues I finisd that field. clear. wind W & N.

21. On wed I plowd and sowd Buck wheet. clear. wind SW & W.

22. On thurs I plowd some corn & helpd uncle Joel cart in his flax and then carted in some of mine. mostly clear. their was showers went round. wind S & SE.

23. On fri I plowd and sowd Buck wheet. clear. wind W.

24. On Sat i plowd corn and wove a peace. it raind in the after noon. their was some thunder. wind S & SW.

25. On Sun I went to the meeting. Mr S text was in Job 22 Ch & 21 verce and then went to the Bridge and Mr Garmans text we in the 111 Ch & 41st verces. cloudy. wind S. their was a shower in the after noon.

26. On mon I cut some wood and then went to Levi Halls to help set bricks. it raind in the morning. Showers all day. wind SW.

27. On tues I finisd plowing corn & began to cradol oats. it raind in the morning. cloudy all day. wind S & W & SE.

28. On wed I cradold oats. mostly clear. wind N & W.

29. On thurs I finisd cradoling oats & went to Marks. clear. wind SE & S.

30. On fri I took up oats. clear. wind SW.

31. On Sat I took up oats till noon and then went to meeting. the text was in St John IX Ch & 38 verce. their was 8 persons examened after meeting. clear. wind SW.


August, 1802


August 1. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S text was in St John XV Ch & 15 verce. this was Communion day. clear mostly. their was a shower in the after noon. wind S & W. war. I felt better in my mind than before.

2. On mon I split some railes. it raind in the after noon. wind NE.

3. On tues I carted railes and made a fence round my truck pach. cloudy. wind NE. cool.

4. On wed I rachd oats in the fore noon & then wen to meeting at the court house and then their was 10 persons Baptised at the old ship yards. I supose their was nearly a thousand people out to see. clear. wind S. Mr Brashas Jones preachd from the 60th Ch of Isaiah & 1 verce.

5. On thurs I finisd takeing up oats & gto them in. clear. wind SE.

6. On fri I helpd daddy tare down a chimney at Bowentown. it raind some in the fore noon. wind SE and went to society meeting at night.

7. On Sat I took up oats for Mr Platts in the fore noon and then pulld a little hemp and went to the Bridge and got cloth for a coat. it was foggy then clear. wind SW and SE.

8. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S. text was in Hebrews 12 Ch & 1 verce. clear in the fore noon. wind SW. their was a shower in the after noon.  wind W.

9. On mon I helpd daddy move a house from Bowentown to whare he lives over a seller. clear. wind SW.

10. On tues I got in a pece. mostly clear. wind SE.

11. On wed I wove 5 yds. mostly clear. wind SE.

12. On thurs I wove 6 yds. it was a rainy day. wind SE & W.

13. On fri I wove 7 yds. clear. wind NW. cool.

14. On Sat I went to Salem to Yearly meeting. Mr Smalleys text was in Mat. V Ch & 25 verce and Dr Stoughtons text was in romans VII Ch & 3 last  verces. after meeting we went to Nicholas Harris's and stade all night. clear. wind N. cool.

15. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ferril preachd from 2 hexter (?) 1 Ch & 13 verce and D D Stough in the after noon preachd from Luke VII Ch & 8 verce and after sermon we surrounded the table of the Lord. their was  great number of members and a great many spetators of which conciderable
were affected. clear. mostly clear. wind NW. we came home at night.

16. On mon I went to daddys and helpd rais his house high enuff to put a seller under it and then came h ome and  thrashd some wheet. clear. wind W.

17. On tues I thrashd wheet.c lear. wind W & SW.

18. On wed I began to plow fallow ground and went to meeting at Caleb Barrots. Mr T Jones preachd from Revelations XIIII Ch & 4 verce. and I went to the Bridge in the evening. Mr. Sm preachd at Sam Sealy. the text was in St John 4 Ch & 10 verce. it raind some in the after noon. wind was NE & SE.

19. On thurs I plowd. clear. wind SE.

20. On fri I plowd. cloudy some. wind SE.

21. On Sat I went over to the Indian fields in the morning and then fixd up the waggon.  ? and began to pick up apples and went to Bowentown to singing school. come cloudy. wind NW.

22. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr T Jones preachd from Rev. 111 Ch & 20 verce. clear. wind N.

23. On mon I I pickd up apples for cider. clear. wind SW.

24. On tues I made 6 1/2 barrels of sider. clear. wind SW.

25. On wed I plowd. clear. wind W. their was a shower at night. warm.

26. On thurs I plowd and went to Marks at night to meeting. clear. wind SW.

27. On fri I plowd. come cloudy. wind SW. I went to society meeting at night.

28. On Sat I finisd plowing and began to pick up apples & went to singing school in the evening at Bowentown. clear. wind W and SW.

29. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S text was in St John 1 Ch & 45 verce and in the after noon the 29 verce of Chapter. mostly clear. wind SW.

30. On mon I pickd up apples. clear. wind SW.



September, 1802


September 1. On wed this day had been three years since my Dear Mother Departed this life and is now I trust bruning round te throne of her Dear redeamer, waiting for the time to come when she shall come forth and appear with Jesus Christ in glory. the to be receivd into full posession of that rest which is prepared for all them that love the Lord. I hope ere long to meet her ein the heaven of heavens, never more to part. I pickd up apples & fixd up the harrow. clear. wind SW.

2. On thurs I harrowd fallow ground and went to Bridgetown & began to make cider. clear. wind SW & NW.

3. On fri I made 8 1/2 barrels of cider. clear. wind W.

4. On Sat I finisd make ing uncle Joels cider and went to meeting. Mr Bishop (a black man) preachd from Mathew V & 8. after sermon we went to the  water and their was 9 persons Baptised. clear. wind W & NW.

5. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Bishop preachd from 1 Peeter 4 & 17 and then I went to the meeting house at Bridgeown and he preachd from St John 6 & 45. clear m ostly  clear. wind NW. cool.

6. On mon I markd out my fallow ground and began to cart dung. part clear. wind NW.

7. On tues I carted dung. clear. wind NW. cool.

8. On wed I thrashd wheet in the fore noon & went to meeting in the after  noon. Mr Bishop (the black man) preachd from the Epistle of John 1 & 9.  clear. wind NW.

9. On thurs I thrashd wheet and went to Bridgetown to a weding of Hennery stacks & Elizabeth Wither & waited upon them with Polly Belangy.  Mr  Smalley married them. clear. wind NW.

10. On fri I thrashd wheet & ground my sith & went to society meeting at G Shepards. Mr Smally preachd. clear. wind W & SW.

11. On Sat I went to the marsh & began to mow. clear wind SW.

12. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Osban preachd from Hebr X & 14. clear and warm. wind SW.

13. On mon I pickd up apples. clear wind SW.

14. On tues I went to the marsh & finisd mowing. clear. wind N & W.

15. On wed I went to the marsh & rachd hay and fetchd home a  lode. clear. wind SW. warm.

16. On thurs I made 7 1/2 barrels of cider. clear. wind N & NW.

17. On fri I went to the marsh and carted a lode of hay their was some shoers of rain. wind W.

18. On Sat I went to the marsh & finisd raching hay and fethd home a lode. their was some showers went round. wind N & NW.

19. On Sun I was onwell but went to meeting to granmother Smalleys. Mr Swing preachd from Isaiah 111 & 10 & 11 verces. cloudy & raind some. wind NE.

20. On mon I pickd up apples & cleand some wheet & began to top corn. mostly clear. wind S & SW.

21. On tues I topd corn. some cloudy. wind SW.

22. On wed I sheld some corn & got some wood & went to the Bridge at night & stade all night. it raind. wind was W & SW.

23. On thurs I came home from the Bridge & went a Squerrel hunting. it raind. wind Sw.

24. On fri I made Charles a pare of shoes. it raind in the morning then cleard away. wind N & NW.

25. On Sat I went to meting. Mr S text was in the X Ch of St Luke & 14 verce. their was one baptised. clear. wind NW.

26. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr S. text was in Hebrews 2 Ch & 14 verce & after sermon the one that was baptised yesterday was taken into meeting & the Lords Supper administerd. cloudy wind NE.

27. On mon I bound up corn fodder & topdsome. some cloudy. wind N.

28. On tues I carted dung. some cloudy. wind NE.

29. On wed I carted dung. cloudy. wind NE.

30. On thurs I finisd carting dung & topd some corn. clear. wind N & NE.


October, 1802


October the 1. On fri I topd corn. clear. wind S & SW.

2. On Sat I cradold some buckwheet & drove the cattle to the marsh. clear &  warm. wind SW/

3. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Wheeton Ely red a sermon. the text was in the 3 of Gens 15 verc. Mr Smalley has gone to the qsociation & Samuel B.Halls. clear. wind E & S.

4. On mon I finisd cuting buck weet & went to training. I had a sore on my foot so I did not train. clear. wind SW.

5. On tues I rachd my buck wheet & pickd up apples. clear. wind W.

6. On wed I made cider 4 barrels. clear. wind N & NW.

7. On thurs I topd & striipd corn. clear. wind SW.

8. On fri I topd corn in the fore noon & then carted & thrashd some buck wheet. clear. wind SW.

9. On Sat I bound some corn fodder & thrashd some buck wheet & went to the marsh & brought home the horse & cow for a beef. clear. wind SW. warm.

10. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Rutter preachd from Gen 45 Ch & part of the 4 verce & in the after noon I went to methodus meeting. the text was in Zech 3 Ch & 9 vr. clear mostly. wind SW.

11. On mon I thrashd & cleand up my buckwheet 7 3/4 bushels & went to Bridgetown. clear. wind NE.

12. On tues I bound some corn tops & spred some dung in the fore noon & began to sow in the after noon to plowin. clear. wind SE.

13. On wed I got up this mornig & found my hors ded. I plowd in wheet. this morning I gat a letter from Eli Bereman dated Sept 6th. mostly clear. wind SW.

14. On thurs I sowd & plowd. mostly clear. wind SW.

15. On fri I plowd in wheet. mostly clear. wind SW.

16. On Sat I went asquerrrel hunting in the after noon. it raind. wind SW.

17. On Sun I went to meeting Mr Sm text was in psalms 4 & 6 Ch & 1 ver. cloudy. wind NE. it raind some in the after noon.

18. On mon I plowd in wheet. part clear. wind NE.

19. On tues I plows in wheet. mostly clear. wind NE & E.

20. On wed I finisd sowing & carted in some corn tops & went to meeting. it being appointed by the Church as a day of transacting business. Nathan Sheppards wife was suspended from union & communion with us for the immoderate use of spirituous liquor which was prove against her. it raind in the after noon. wind NE.

21. On thurs I began to make a pare of shoes for my self. it raind a little. cloudy all day. wind NE & N.

22. On fri I finisd my shoes & began to beat out my flax. cloudy. wind NW.

23. On Sat I beat flax. cloudy wind N & NE.

24. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in Psalms 47 Ch 5-6 verces & then came home & went to methodus meeting. Mr Swings text was in Isaiah    55 Ch & 6-7 verces. cloudy & raind some in the morning. wind NE. cool.

25. On mon I finishd beating flax abd carted it out & began to shered. some cloudy. wind NE.

26. On tues I finishd spredin flax. part cloudy. wind E & SE.

27. On wed I cut out a pare of calf scin shoes for my self  bound & closd them & dug some potatoes. it raind some. wind SE. it thundred & litend in the evening.

28. On thurs I began to husk corn. clear in part. wind W and NW.

29. On fri I carted dung for daddy. clear. wind NW. I went to society meeting at night.

30. On Sat I huskd & carted in corn. mostly clear.wind NW & NE.

31. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in 1st John 4 Ch & 19 verce. it raind part of the day. wind SE.


November, 1802


November 1. On min I helpd daddy cart dung. it raind and snowd part of the day. wind NW. cool.

2. On tues I ridled & tread the flax sead & sent away 6 1/2 bushels the dug my sweet potatoes 4 1/2 bushels. mostly clear. wind SW & W.

3. On wed I helpd daddy cart dung. cloudy in the morning then part clear. wind NE.

4. On thurs I began to plow for rye. clear. wind NE.

5. On fri I began to husk the upper field of corn. clear. wind NE. I went to sosiety meeting at night.

6. On Sat I carted in a lode of corn & went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in 1st timothy 1 Ch & 15 verce. after sermon their was six (3 men & 3 women) baptisd. cloudy & blustry. wind NE. cool.

7. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in st. luke 4 Ch 15 verce & after sermon the persons were taken in that were baptisd yesterday & then we cellebrated the Lords supper. cloudy some. wind NE. cool.

8. On mon I plowd & sowd some french wheet & some rye. cloudy then cleard away. wind NE.

9. On tues I huskd corn. clear. wind NE.

10. On wed I huskd corn & for uncle Joel in the afer noon. clear. wind N & W & SW.

11. On thurs I getherd corn & had help. clear. wind NE & W.

12. On fri I getherd corn. mostly cloudy. wind NE.

13. On Sat I carted in corn mostly cloudy. wind NE.

14. On Sun I went ot meeting. Mr Ss text was in Roms 111 Ch & 31 or last verce. clear. wind NW.

15. On mon I finisd getheing corn & ot it in. clear. wind SW.

16. On tues I carted in my tops & plowd some. cloudy & raind a few drops. wind SW.

17. On wed I workd at makeing shoes in the fore noon & plowd in the after noon. it raind some then clear. wind W & NW.

18. On thurs I  plowd & sowd some rye. clear. wind SW. I went to the vendue of Aaron Creseys estate in the after noon.

19. On fri I finisd plowing & sowing rye & cut some wood. clear. wind SW.

20. On Sat I getherd corn for Mr Platts. clear. wind NW & W.

21. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in st Math 22 Ch & 14 verce & I came home & then went to methodus meeting. Mr D Parvin preachd. his text was in st John 5 Ch & 25 verce. clear mostly. wind SW & SE.

22. On mon I made a pare of shoes for David Bacon. it raind some in the after noon. wind S & SW.

23. On tues I thrashd wheet. clear. wind W & NW.

24. On wed I went to mill & dresd flax. clear. wind SW.

25. On thurs I cut wood for Sally Bacon. mostly clear. wind S & SE. warm.

26. On fri I cut some wood & went to Lemuel Reeses s. cloudy & raind in the after noon. wind N & NW & W.

27. On Sat sawd some wood in the morning then went to the sevan day meeting. Mr Lauheday preachd from Jerem 6 Ch & 16 verce. their was flying clouds. wind NW. grows coller.

28. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in 2 peter 3 Ch & 2 last verces. clear. wind NW. cool.

29. On mon I thrashd wheet. clear. wind NW. I went to meting at Shilo at night . Mr Laugheday preachd from Rom 7 Ch &  4 - 25 verces.

30. On tues I cleand up the wheet & carted a lode of wood & went to court in the after noon. cloudy. wind NE. raind at night.


December, 1802


December 1. On wed I finisd makeing a pare of calf skin shoes & went to court in the after noon cloudy & raind some. wind NE.

2. On thurs I made some rabit traps & cut some wood. clear. wind N & NW.

3. On fri I dresd flax. mostly clear. wind S & SW.

4. On Sat I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in math 22 Ch & 42 verce. it raind all day. wind SE.

5. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in math 26 Ch & 41 verce. mostly clear. wind SE.

6. On mon I cut & carted some wood. mostly clear. wind NW & went to meeting at Shilo at night. Mr Jones text was hebre 12 & 28 & 29.

7. On tues I cilld the beef & helpd daddy cull a hog & went to meeting to Levi Halls at night. Mr Tom Jones prachd from Isai 42 Ch & 16 verce. clear. wind N.

8. On wed I helpd uncle Joel cill a beef. cloudy & cold. wind N & NW. I went to meeting to Mr Smalleys at night. Mr Tom Jones preachd from hebrews 4 Ch & 9 verce.

9. On thurs I cut up my beef & salted it & mended a half peck. some cloudy. wind NW.

10. On fri I went to the Crossrods & go some eggs & then to John Reeveses & got the hors shod. clear. wind NW.

11. On Sat I cilld my poultry for market. their was a snow this morning one 1/2 inch deep. cloudy. wind SW.

12. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in Isai 30 Ch & 21 verce. cloudy. wind NW.

13. On mon I started to market about 4 oclock in the morning & got to the ferry a little after sun down. clear. wind NW.

14. On tues I went over the river & went in to market & sold part of my lode. it was a rainy day. wind SW.

15. On wed I finisd selling & went to the hors market & Mark Bowen & I bought a hors for 19 Dollars & then we came out of town & started home  about 3 1/2 oclock. clear. wind S & W.

16. On thurs I got home about 3 oclock inthe morning. Alexander Bishop & Enoc Fithian went with me. I began to write a letter to Eli Bereman. clear. wind NW. cold.

17. On fri I worte a letter to Eli Bereman (letter 8) & went put it in the post. cloudy & cold. wind NE.

18. On Sat I cut some wood inthe snowd a little in the morning then clear. wind NE & NW.

19. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Ss text was in Mark the 13 Ch & 35 V. mostly clear. wind Sw. more moderate.

20. On mon I went to the burying of Isaac Wheeton Esq & his daughter Hannah W. they was Drownded last wednesday  night in the river up at Billonsport. Mr S prechd their funeral. his text was in Isaiah 40 Ch & 6-7 & 8 verces. it was a sollom sight to see. their was above one  hundred waggons at the burying. their was two other people drowned with them. cloudy. wind S & SW.

21. On tues I made a pare of shoes for myself. rainy day. wind NE.

22. On wed I sheld corn & went to mill. cloudy. wind S & SW.

23. On thurs I carted wome wood & went to Mark Bowens. cloud and very dark. wind E & NE.

24. On fri I went with Samuel to his school & then home & cut off some wood at the wood pile. cloudy. wind NW.

25. On Sat I thrashd wheet 3 7/8 Bu. clear. wind S. Christmas.

26. On Sun I went to meeting. T.M. red a sermon. the text was in gens XXII & 11-12. cloudy  raind some. wind SE.

27. On mon I mended the hearth & chimney back & tride the flax to see if it  was rotted.  cloudy & warm. wind S.

28. On tues I cut wood in the fore noon & went to the widdow Sangles in the after noon. some cloudy. wind SW. warm.

29. On wed I pideld about. it was a rainy day. wind NE.

30. On thurs I cut a little wood & sheld some corn. it  was a drisly day. wind NE.

31. On fri I carted some wood & thrashd some oats. clear. wind NW.