Agnes Margaret Byrne to James Franklin Merriman

Agnes Margaret Flanagan to James Franklin Merriman

From a local Otisco paper...
Wednesday , February 10, 1915 a very pleasant wedding reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas FLANAGAN of Otisco.
This followed the marriage ceremony at Otisco churc with his mass by by Rev. J.V. BYRNE of Tully of their oldest daughter, Agnes Margaret, to James Franklin MERRIMAN, both highly respectde young people of this place, having been schoolmates untilof late, when the former fitted herself for a teacher, teaching in various surrounding districts and gaining many, many friends.
The guests numbering about twenty of the near relatives and friends, sat down to the table heavily laden with the goodies which Mrs Flanagan knows so well how to prepare. After refreshments the guests were entertained by music and in many other ways.
The bride wore white crepe�(illegible) �and carried pink and �(illegible).
Mr and Mrs Merriman were the recipient of many pretty and useful presents.
Those present were Mr and Mrs Thomas FLANAGAN, Anna, Edward, Madeline, Lillian, and Mildred FLANAGAN. Mr and Mrs Jacob P. MERRIMAN, Blanche, Eugene, Lina and Robert MERRIMAN, Mr and Mrs Arthur B. WEBBER, Mr and Mrs Florenzo MCAULIFFE and Josephine LONG.
After a good send off with rice, etc., and wishing them many years of happy married life, the happy couple were taken to the train. After an extended wedding trip to New York City and other places, Mr and Mrs MERRIMAN will take up their residence at the home of the groom's parents Mr and Mrs Jacob P. MERRIMAN, who are about to retire from the farm and take up their residence at their new home in Syracuse.

Mailnote from Jim Capo regarding the above announcement:

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:04:05 -0500
From: "JIM CAPO, COMMUNICATION/MEDIA STUDIES DEPT, FORDHAM U, BRONX NY 10458, 1 718 817 4860, 4868[FAX]." <[email protected]>

By the way, you might note re the wedding announcement of "Agnes Margaret Byrne (sic) to James Franklin Merriman" the following:

1. The bride is not a Byrne but a Flanagan, though I do not know if that mistake is from the original local Otisco paper or from some mistake since then. You can see from the text that her parents are Flanagan and that Byrne was the priest who presided at her wedding.

2. The bride is the same person who is referred to in your obit section as M. Agnes Merriman (Flanagan). It is my understanding that she was baptized Margarent Agnes but called "Agnes" thereby possibly leading to the obit as M. Agnes and the wedding as Agnes Margaret. But my understanding is based on the oral tradition and as an "inlaw" some generations removed from this lady, I would defer to more knowledgeable authorities.

3. I suspect that M. Agnes Merriman is also a grandaughter of Mrs. Margaret Flanagan and related in some way to Mrs. Josie Long Flanagan (persons who both have obit pages on your site). But I am going even further beyond my levels of confident knowledge in these statements.

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5 October 1997

Updated: 8 November 1997