PCHS Genealogy Club - A SAD BEGINNING - New Year's Eve Arrests in Paterson, NJ 1890

Early Celebrators of the New Year,
The Outcome of Too Much Enthusiasm

"The Morning Call,"
Thursday, January 2, 1890

Despite the many good resolutions Recorder GREAVES made to begin the New Year with, he had to foreswear them all when he opened Court yesterday morning and saw the way he had to begin what might otherwise have been a bright future.

Cornelius WINTERS was the first to demand his attention. Cornel is well known about town, and he confessed to the Recorder that in order to call on his many friends, he had to begin early New Year’s Eve. Overcome by their generosity, he was compelled to seek the aid of a policeman to navigate him to a safe harbor. He will spend the first month of the New Year in the County Jail.

Matthew MCGRATH, Peter MCCANN, and Michael KELLY were also introduced to His Honor as aspiring for lodgings in Hotel Buckley. They told the Court that by hard labor and sweat of their brows, they had accumulated funds enough to pay for their own New Years treat without relying on the invitations of friends. The Recorder acknowledged that their appearance indicated they had succeeded only too well, and kindly invited them to spend the new ten days in the County cloister at other’s expense.

Timothy SULLIVAN proved to be a hard working Knight of Labor, who had taken his New Year’s treat too early in the day, and was accordingly released under a suspension of sentence.

James JOHNSON had been spending a night investigating the interior of the "cooler" and liked it so well that at the request of the Recorder, an officer conducted him to the County Jail, where he will remain for ten days to find out how Passaic County conducts one of its most important institutions. He tried to convince the Court that he could sober up in less time, but this was doubted.

Joseph MCDONOUGH gave the Clerk $3.00 for the privilege of indulging in a New Year’s Eve racket all to himself.

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