Freeborn County MnGenWeb
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Welcome to genealogy in Freeborn County, Minnesota

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Freeborn County resources

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MN State Map with Freeborn hightlighted

Freeborn County History
Minnesota was organized as a territory in 1849 and by 1852, the population was estimated at 20,000. Freeborn County was established 20 February 1855 at the 6th Territorial Legislature. Goodhue, Dodge, and Freeborn Counties constituted the 4th District.

At the 7th Territorial Legislature in 1856, William Sherwood Freeborn represented the 4th District, as he did in 1857 when the Territorial Legislature passed an act authorizing the organization of Freeborn County. The first meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, appointed by Governor Gorman, was held at the home of George S. Ruble in the village of Albert Lea, 3 March 1857. It was at this meeting that the county was given the name of Freeborn in honor of Willian S. Freeborn. (It is interesting to note that he never lived in the county! He came to St. Paul in 1848, moved to Goodhue County in 1852, and then moved out West in 1864. He died in California in 1900.)

The MNGenWeb Project

In March and April, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Kentucky Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. This led to the USGenWeb of which Minnesota is a part. Volunteers are needed who are willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page. If you are interested in hosting a county -- in Minnesota or elsewhere -- contact Shirley Minnesota State Co-Coordinator.
My name is Kathy Hines and I have volunteered as coordinator for Freeborn County.
Jean R. Legried is a dedicated genealogy researcher, a consultant, and the co-coordinator for Freeborn County.

Kathy Hines, Minneapolis, MN [email protected]
Jean R. Legried, Oakland, MN [email protected]
This page was last modified Saturday, 23-Apr-2016 09:41:46 MDT.