MAPS of Denmark


from The Danish Connection
Hugh's rough guide to danish maps on line

there are many wonderful maps on the net for Denmark, but they are  easiest to use if you can read danish.

For modern maps go first  to  click on "Kort"
or enter a name or address in the yellow  åpages "Find Firma"
or white pages phone book "Find Person"

Vej/husnr.:   = street house / number
put in
brumleby 90
and the blue spot shows where I am sitting RIGHT now
Postnr. / By:   =   post number (zip code)   / town
2100    gives this destrict

Slet = clear form
søg = search


DIS-Danmark - english: "DIS-Danmark is an association of genealogical researchers who use data processing and computers as a tool for genealogical research."

Index of Counties (Amter), Districts (Herreder) and Parishes (Sogne) in Denmark
This page is outdated. Please refer to DIS-Danmark: Amt-Herred-Sogn
historically  DIS Denmark is the origin of those maps on geocities
a convenient entry point is via

on the Danish side there are some hidden resources

Kort over amterne = maps of the counites Amtsindelingen 1793-1970

kort over amterne fra 1682 til 1793.
is what I am looking for

is clickable to herred
(church administrative districts / hundreds )

click further   in and you get contacts who do - opslag i klden - look-ups in sources
I live in Sokkelund herred

sogn = parish number 23 St Jacob
endnu ikke klipbart - not yet clickable

back to
Kort over indtastninger
countymaps showing which census records are being transcribed at the moment and which have already been made available in the source transcription project.

click on a year


Udenbys Klædebo kvarter
is where I live and the yellow bit is that which I am very slowly transcribing


Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen the land registry, which make all the maps

In the beginning of the 19th century the registration of real estate property, which is still used today, was initiated. During this registration and the following maintenance, maps and records were created. These documents are of considerable importance for genealogists.

The reading room is open Monday to Friday from 10 am til 2 pm. The phone number is +45 35 87 58 12

this is an essential source if your ancestors owned land
again in Danish there is much more on thje website

dropdown menu >> mest til fritid >>  Slægtsforskning  >>  Danmark - Før og nu
  Funktionen viser høje målebordsblade fra perioden 1842-99
og 4-cm kortene fra 1986-97 i et og sammen vindue.
the small window is the main disadvantage and it need modern addresses to navigate.

is the register (index) of archaeological finds 

 Det Kulturhistoriske Centralregister

Gå på opdagelse i nationalmuseets register over fund og oldtidsanlæg.

Landsdækkende database over fund og fortidsminder. Begrænset adgang for gæster.
SØGNING = searching
search a parish name
Oplysningerne i "Fund og Fortidsminder" er sorteret efter amter, herreder og sogne.

eg Randers

DKC har registreret 99 lokaliteter i Randers sogn
Arkæologisk ansvarshavende museum: Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers (KHM)

eg Rundhøj, Oldtid ==   burial mound / tumulus   - prehistoric
click on the map icon
   Fund og Fortidsminder
7 scales of contemporary maps,
6 scales for  aerial photos from Ortofotos
eg 1:5.000  and  play with the tools   try  1000   x 1000 pixels  and 100% quality
2 scales of  historical maps

BTW This was new for me
and shows   in detail modern plans  eg

that site is paid for by Københavns Kommune, Stadskonduktørembedet.


at (which site map at Site Map +246sitemap+ has all sorts of fun stuff by Kai Birger Nielsen +246birger+)

before 1793   LENS  system was in use
related to estate ownership and bishopricks

after 1970 some  older amts were amalgamated

and now 2005 abolished into 5 regions  for hospital governance at least.


This is part of a map of whole of Denmark which was 
published by the newspaper POLITIKEN in 1898 
and republished in DJVU format by the Royal Library, Copenhagen Denmark 

Politiken 1898 djvu this the whole of Denmark
and the original is in the Danish Royal Library map collection 
- uses the plug in DJVU  - see below

Randers 1858
WARNING VERY BIG raw TIF 7.04 MB RAW SCAN froma photo copy the original is in Randers Local Archive printable in A2


Fund og Fortidsminder

Finds and Ancient Monuments - a wonderful collection of new and old maps and aerial photographs form the background for this catalogue.
I will try and write an english HELP page over the next couple of months. Meanwhile if you cannot read danish, you better ask for help with locating farms and villages on a message board or list or usenet group

Om "Fund og Fortidsminder

Begrebet "Det Kulturhistoriske Centralregister" (DKC) har i mange �r v�ret synonymt med Nationalmuseets landsd�kkende database over ark�ologiske fund og fortidsminder.
S�dan er det ikke mere.
Med den nye museumslov, der tr�dte i kraft den 1. januar 2002, blev DKC en del af den nyoprettede Kulturarvsstyrelse, der har ansvar for st�rsteparten af kulturarven � fra ark�ologiske udgravninger, over fredede bygningsv�rker til de statslige og statsanerkendte museer. Da flere kulturhistoriske og museale databaser nu er blevet samlet i �t hus, giver navnet "Det Kulturhistoriske Centralregister" ikke l�ngere nogen mening, og derfor har vi valgt at introducere det mere d�kkende "Fund og Fortidsminder".

Kulturarvsstyrelsens Dokumentationskontor, som har det overordnede ansvar for databaserne, vil p� l�ngere sigt etablere en f�lles indgang til de forskellige kulturarvsdatabaser, s�ledes at man f.eks. kan f� vist ark�ologiske fund, fredede bygninger og bevaringsv�rdige kulturmilj�er p� det samme danmarkskort eller kan g� fra en bestemt gravh�j til oplysninger om de genstande, der blev fundet ved udgravningen af den.

Den historiske baggrund
Det tidligere Kulturhistoriske Centralregister blev oprettet i forbindelse med museumsloven af 1984, men havde r�dder tilbage i et samarbejde mellem den dav�rende Fredningsstyrelse, Nationalmuseet og de danske museer om at overf�re "Sognebeskrivelsen" til edb.

Sognebeskrivelsen er et omfattende tekst- og kortmateriale, som blev grundlagt i 1873 med gennemf�relsen af de s�kaldte "herredsrejser".

Resultatet blev en systematisk og landsd�kkende optegnelse af de danske fortidsminder og findesteder. Dette store antikvariske materiale befinder sig i arkiverne p� Nationalmuseet.

Kulturarvsstyrelsen/Dokumentation varetager b�de det fortsatte arbejde med indtastningen af Sognebeskrivelsen og registreringen af alle nye fund og fortidsminder, der indberettes fra landets kulturhistoriske museer.
Ud over fund fra landjorden indeholder registeret ogs� oplysninger om skibsvrag, unders�iske bopladser og andre marine fund.

L�s mere om lokaliteter i Fund og Fortidsminder, om den aktuelle registreringsstatus og om arealer p� dkconline.

maps of Denmark today and yesterday Danmark f�r og nu
unfortunately you need a modern street address to use it effectively.

Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen - Note these Danish pages are best for genealogists - Milj�ministeriet department - Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen maps and land registration - Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen in english - Home page


REX catalogue - Det Kongelige Bibliotek MAPS

Select database  Special Collections   >> Maps and atlas 

Map Collection containing both Danish and foreign materials. The digitized maps are visible if you choose to search in Maps and atlas. (Included in the database: BOOKS AND PERIODICALS)

The Royal Library, Copenhagen - front page of website BEST in Danish Velkommen til REX: "Det Kongelige Bibliotek" Kortsamlingen
eng.Flere-kort: "See maps better: In order to see the Danish Royal Library map images better you have to download the program DJVU. It gives you the opportunity to zoom in on details - names of small villages, ships and much more. LizardTech, Inc - Downloads "The DjVu Browser Plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator is the primary means of viewing DjVu documents. The plug-in enables users to view and navigate a DjVu document, and zoom and pan in real time. You can also search the text of a DjVu document if optical character recognition (OCR) was performed or if the document was converted from an electronic source." More maps: You can also see pictures of more maps by seaching in our danish onlinecatalogue REX (unfortunately not yet possible in the english version). We have started to digitize our maps to make it possible to see them." [saves wear and tear too - Hugh W]
Search: Enkel s�gning fritekst blaeu You then will get 27 records with pictures of 11 maps. or try: fritekst janssonius You then will get 31 records with pictures of 12 maps, all 17th century.

the modern traffic system in HUR and greater Copenhagen

back to the Library
dnkcen Site Map updated July 17 2005 Hugh Watkins