data recorded :- Adresse; Navn; Køn; Alder; Ægteskabelig stilling (ikke 1916); Hustands stilling (ikke 1921); Erherv / fattighjælp

address; name; sex; age; maritial status (not 1916); relationship to the head of household (not 1921); occupation or income support

The danish census folketælling was taken on the following dates:--

15 August 1769 but very little survives - search transcriptions - only 61 parishes

May - June 1771 Oeders efterretninger - transcription online and see below

1 July 1787 images online - - search transcriptions - purchase csv on CD ROM - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1801 images online - - search transcriptions - purchase csv on CD ROM - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

18 February 1834 images online - - search transcriptions - purchase csv on CD ROM - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1840 images online - - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1845 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability images online - - search transcriptions - purchase csv on CD ROM - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1850 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability images online - - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1855 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion images online - - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1860 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion images online - - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1870 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1880 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion; Boligtælling - number of rooms images to be online - - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1885 only of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg; Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion - search transcriptions -

1 February 1890 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion images to be online - - search transcriptions -

1 February 1895 only of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg; Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion ; Boligtælling - number of rooms - search transcriptions -

1 February 1901 Matr. no - real estate registration number; Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion; Sidste opholdsted - last address - search transcriptions -

1 February 1906 Matr. no - real estate registration number; Fødested - birthplace (only for Copenhagen and Frederiksberg); Fødested - birthplace and Sidste opholdsted - last address (only for Copenhagen and Frederiksberg); - search transcriptions -

1 February 1911 Matr. no - real estate registration number; Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion; Sidste opholdsted - last address - search transcriptions -

1 February 1916 Fødested - birthplace (only Copenhagen and Frederiksberg); Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion; indkomst / formue - income / capital images to be online - - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

1 February 1921 Matr. no - real estate registration number; Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion; Sidste opholdsted - last address - search transcriptions - - purchase fiche from Statens Arkivers Filmningscenter

5 November 1925 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Sidste opholdsted - last address; Statsborgerskab - nationality - search transcriptions -

5 November 1930 Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Foreløbigt opholdsted - Temporary address; Sidste opholdsted - last address; Statsborgerskab - nationality

5 November 1935 destroyed

5 November 1940 only with written permission Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Foreløbigt opholdsted - Temporary address; Statsborgerskab - nationality

5 November 1945 destroyed

5 November 1950 only with written permission Matr. no - real estate registration number; Fødested - birthplace; Handicap - disability; Trossamfund - religion; Statsborgerskab - nationality; Datoen for vielse - date of marriage

5 November 1955 destroyed

5 November 1960 closed, available with written permission from 2010 and open from 2035

5 November 1965 closed, available with written permission from 2015 and open from 2040

1968 Folketællingerne blev afskaffet i forbindelse med indførelsen af Det Centrale Personregister (CPR) Census data was replaced by statistics from the Central Person-Register (CPR).

Other kinds of census Andre slags tællinger

Oeders efterretninger fra 1771 dækker København, Sjælland, Møn og Bornholm. Her kan man finde de talte mænds navn, stand, erhverv og ægtestand - og deres kones alder. - is of Copenhagen and the islands of Sjælland, Møn and Bornholm, and records the included men's name, civil status, occupation, and if married, their wife's age. - transcription online 

På landsarkiverne kan man også være heldig at finde forskellige mandtaller i købstædernes rådstuearkiver og måske også eksemplarer af den allerførste folketælling, der blev lavet i 1769. I Rigsarkivet findes bl.a. kopskattemandtaller 1660 - 1812, som tit kan give gode oplysninger.


more details of local coverage and access in danish archives

search multiple databases with one entry using the Surname Navigator - - there are also transcriptions on local archive sites google for site:dk folket�lling and add a place name in danish spelling

D�kningsgrad - transcribed % --

Kort over indtastninger amt og sogn - maps of transcriptions county and parish -

find which parishes and market towns have been uploaded -

In cooperation with DDA (Dansk Data Arkiv) and the organization DIS Danmark (Databehandling i Slægtsforskning) countymaps show which census records are being transcribed at the moment and which have uploaded in the transcription project. To get to the maps, click on the square for the desired year and county in this linked table.

map showing danish counties 1793 - 1970 -

Kirkebøger på Internettet - danish church book images up to 1891 -

Rigsarkivet - Folketællinger: "Hvad kan folketællinger bruges til?"

more very useful scandinavian links

and international archive links


Hugh Watkins, updated August 12 2006
site map of Denmark census dnkcen