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please email us with the web address & a short description.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Cyndi's List is a categorized list of over 100,000 links to genealogy and family history websites.

Family History Society of Arizona
A non-profit organization formed in 1983 to promote all aspects of genealogy.

An index of 90 online Genealogy Glosseries & Dictionaries

US National Archives and Records (NARA)
Records Center provider to the Federal Government

Secretary of State of Georgia, Cathy Cox
State Archives Referral List for most states of US

Library of Virginia
Collection with index

Ellis Island Immigrant Site
Ellis Island Immigrant information

USGS Map Viewing
View areas mentioned in old deeds and documents by description.
Arizona Birth & Death Certificates
Now Available to the Public Online "The Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records shall allow
a person access to all birth certificates if seventy-five years have passed after the date of birth
as registered on the birth certificate.and all death certificates if fifty years have passed after the date of death."