C. W. Schwieger, general manager of the firm of Schwieger Brothers, dealers in dry goods and men's and ladies' furnishings and ready-to-wear clothing, is thus active in the control of one of the leading mercantile interests of Lovell. Hip entire career has been dominated by a spirit of progress and enterprise that never stops short of the successful accomplishment of its purpose. He was born in Glenwood. Minnesota, on the 14th of Octobor, 1883, a son of Thomas and Mary (Kane) Schwieger. The father is an apiarist and resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
C. W. Schwieger acquired his education in the public and high schools of Glenwood and following the completion of his studies began his business career as a clerk in the wholesale dry goods house of Wyman, Partridge & Company of Minneapolis, remaining with them in the house and on the road for fifteen years—a most valued, trustworthy and efficient representative of the company. At length he severed his connections with that firm in the early spring of 1916 and established his home at Lovell, where on the 1st of May he opened his present mercantile house under the style of Schwieger Brothers, his business associate and partner being his brother, 0. J. Schwieger, who, however, does not reside at Lovell. C. W. Schwieger has had the entire management of the business and is meeting with notable success in his undertakings. He is a man of genial disposition and co-dial nature and his business training of fifteen years in connection with one of the leading mercantile establishments of the west, has made him thoroughly well qualified to conduct the interests now under his control. Some one remarked of him “Efficiency is his middle name.” All who know him, and his acquaintance is constantly broadening, regard him as a splendid type of the modern business man and feel that his success is well merited. He has made for himself an excellent place and name in the business and social circles of Lovell and he is. moreover, a valued member of the Lovell Commercial Club.