The Church of Christ in Steelton had its beginning as a congregation in September 1958;

however, as a church, it professes identity with the original church Christ promised to build

(Matt, 16:18) and which was established in Jerusalem in the first century on the day of

Pentecost (Acts 2) following the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


The original members of the Steelton congregation were once part of the nucleus of the

Church of Christ which met at North Street for services. However, by 1958, the average

attendance totaled in excess of 300 for worship services. In view of this rapid growth and the

desire of the elders and members at North Street to fullfill the standing orders of their Lord

(Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-16), they purchased additional property on Thistle Drive and

thereafter established the Steelton congregation with approximately 52 members of the North

Street church comprising the list of charter members. Eight years later with great assistance

from the older congregation, the church at Steelton was able to pay off its entire Indebtedness

of $55,000.


Today, the church at Steelton averages around 125 for worship services. Their present

minister, Dillon C. Bayes, has been preceded by 5 other ministers: David Epler, Bob Eddy,

Walter Sexton, Ray Dotson and Max King, who was the first minister for the newly

established congregation.


In view of the Bi-centennial theme of freedom in this historic year, the Church of Christ at

Steelton and elsewhere encourages men to “go back to the Bible” to learn how they can

obtain spiritual freedom from sin and from the bondage of men’s precepts. Excited as we are

about the celebration this year of our nation’s freedom, this excitement can never equal the thrill and

meaning of celebrating our spiritual deliverance each Sunday as we partake of the Lord’s supper and

remember Christ’s death for our sins.


Churches of New Martinsville


Wetzel County Genealogy