Mon. Jan. 1, 1900

6 below in morn. A happy New Year to everyone this bright beautiful morning. My text for the year is Matt. 5:16. Let your light so shine etc. God grant me the true light and grace to let it shine brightly for Him. I went out to May's for dinner with Mrs. Parish and had a nice time. Helped in the kitchen. Miss Oglesby came and then came back with us and intendeds to stay all week so that means extra work. Had our work out of the way in good season this morn. Got a good letter from dear Noah. Went over to Mrs. Peebles in the eve and had a pleasant time with the children, Roy and Flora. May invited me to come out to her house when I could. She has a nice home. This is my first New Year in Mich. I should like to see my home folks. My Christmas presents were 1st a nice silver spoon from Mrs. Parish, 2nd a pretty h'dk'f & her card from Mrs. Crittenden and 3rd a little book from Nat.

Tues. Jan. 2, 1900  Did my ironing and other work. Nice day. Text Matthew 5:6. This is my first real diary so I'll jot down a few explanations. I came to Mich. (Nunica) Wed. Mar. 1st 1899 and worked at Dr. Karsabious till Thur. June 29- '99 then stayed till Sat. July 8 when I came up here to 37 Coit Ave., Grand Rapids to work for Mrs. Parish where I have been ever since and think it the best place I ever have had. In Nunica I got acquainted with a number of good people, my families being Mrs. Olive Parkhurst & her three charming daughters - Grace, Florence, and Ola and her daughter-in-law Hattie. Mrs. Parkhurst was very kind to me when I needed a friend and I'm always very glad when she or the girls come here for a visit. I call her my good mamma of Nunica and Mrs. Parish my good mamma of Grand Rapids. I have several friends in G.R., Mr. & Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Edison, Mrs. Tanner. Mary R., Lizzie B., and Ada Stewart and dear Mrs. Griffin.

Wed. Jan. 3, 1900  Got a letter from Laura. How I wish I could see her. It has been over ten months since I've seen a relative. A year ago today Abe and I went to Reedsburg. Had a funny breakdown before we had gone 1/2 mile so went back and secured a more substantial turnout after which we rumbled along in great style. I was there purchasing with a view of coming to Michigan but little dreamed of living in Grand Rapids today. I went over and spent the eve with my friend Ada Stewart, Mrs. Weston's girl next door, last night. Lizzie came up to tea and to stay all night. She is so much nicer than Miss Oglesby. Miss O. is so English. Spent 3 cts. for postage today. Text: Matthew 7:7 When Mrs. Parish gave me my spoon for Christmas she said she gave it to me for being a good girl. Parishes went out to Mr. Gill's for dinner Christmas so Mrs. Weston kindly invited me to come over and eat with Ada.

Thur. Jan. 4, 1900  Lovely mild day. Got my work done in time to go down town and get the buttons fastened on my new shoes and run around a little. I like to visit the Book store. Text John 20:29 Mrs. Parish gave me calico for a new wrapper last week. She was so cute about it too. She went over to the corner to get some groceries and when she came back handed me a bundle & said she met a lady who told her to give that to me and when I asked who it was she smiled and said she didn't ask her name. In the afternoon as we were talking she asked me if I wouldn't like to go back to Valton and be able to teach & not let anyone know anything about it till I got there. Of course I said I should. I've been wondering since why she asked me that.

Fri. Jan 5, 1900  Sick all day. Finished reading "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy (see Jeanne's notes at end). It is grand. The most ingeniously gotten up of anything I ever read. So different from anything else. I only hope the blessed state of affairs he describes may begin very soon. How much sin & sorrow would be done away with. My & Ms. Reynolds were up to supper. A nice mild day. Text today 1st John 4:15.

Sat. Jan. 6, 1900  Text Eph. 2:8 Nice day. Mrs. Parish is sick and I'm lots better. Miss Oglesby took her departure and I'm glad of it. Ran over to see Ada a minute. She is 18 and real pretty and goes to dances and such things. Wish she wouldn't.

Sun. Jan. 7, 1900  Rained in the night and all the snow is gone. Windy and cloudy today. We had good sleighing the first half of the week. Wish it had stayed on. Text today Matt. 4:27. Saw such a pretty little white dog out on the street just now. I dreamed last night of such a beautiful Palace covered with snow & frost in the most bewitching forms. It was in the field just below Aunt Becca's line fence south of her house. Then I thought I went from there up to Aunt Phebe's and kissed her before she knew I was in the country. How such dreams make me long to see all my dear ones.

Mon. Jan. 8, 1900  Text 1st John 1:9 This has been such a beautiful bright day. I did a big wash and this eve I ironed quite a few things. Just 6 months this morn since I landed in Grand Rapids & so far I find no fault with the Furniture City. Am anxious for a letter from dear May.

Tues. Jan. 9, 1900  Text Ps. 9:10 Grey and rather cold til noon then rained the rest of the day. Had my ironing done before noon. I went & helped Mrs. Crittenden dress to go to a reception. She has a pretty pink silk waist & black silk skirt. Her mother was there. She is a pleasant old lady. Mrs. C. has a cozy home with lots of nice pictures & I like to go there. At noon Mrs. Parish and May were talking about short skirts and Watson had to make one of his funny puns. He said 'short skirts made women look shorter and men look longer." (at the women.) I went over to see Ada awhile. She is so pretty but thinks only of fellows & frivolity. I wish she was a Christian. Mrs. C's mother said to wring clothes out of Salt-Peter water and apply them for Rheumatism.

Wed. Jan. 10, 1900  Text - For even Christ pleased not himself. Rom. 15:3. Beautiful day. I've been sick - just able to the common work. I don't see what is the matter with me. Hope I'll soon be better.

Thurs. Jan. 11, 1900  Text Gal. 6:9 Nice cold grey day. I've had another sick day with my old dinner basket. Got up feeling terrible and as soon as Mrs. P. came out to the kitchen she made me quit work. About ten o'clock I felt better and went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. Poor little soul is sick and looks real bad. We had a pleasant little chat and she gave me a cordial invitation to come whenever I could. I shall go. She was telling me about getting the stuff to make some handkerchiefs for Christmas presents, one of which was to have been for me but she was so sick she couldn't make them. Dear Soul, to think so kindly of me. This pm Mrs. Parish took me down to see Dr. Ruffe. He gave me a little bottle of medicine which I hope will help me. All the stores are having linen sales and there was a little old lady in the window spinning flax on a little old fashioned wheel. It was real interesting. I bought a white apron 32� and a new pen 1� and some envelopes 5�.

Fri. Jan. 12, 1900  Text Mark 10:27 This is cousin Gladys May Mortimer's birthday. One year old. Cool grey day with a few balls of sticky snow. Got a letter from Mary & Net. Poor M has a horrid cold and poor Net is such a horrid writer & speller. I wish she would practice till she could be passably well at least. Poor Mrs. Griffin is very sick Oh, I hope she will soon be better. Mrs. Parish took her a beautiful red rose this eve. And she sent me across the street with two for Mr. Morse and his daughter who are sick. Year ago I was at Valton with Mary in Mrs. Clemons house and I remember I was real sick so I couldn't go work for Annie when Henry Gibbons came for me.

Sat. Jan. 13, 1900  Text Prov. 19:17 Grey day with a little soft wet snow falling at intervals. Have worked quite hard today but do not feel very tired tonight. I rec'd a letter & a very beautiful Calendar from dear Maude Frazier. May the Lord bless and save & keep her. This eve when I took a phone message to Mrs. Crittenden she said if she kept a girl I would be just the kind she'd want because I was honest and she could trust me. I'm glad she thinks so well of me. Poor Mrs. Griffin is not better. I was thinking today of a year ago New Year night. We Mary, Net and Smelcers went to hear dear Hannah Mann talk and how I told her that her talk did me lots of good & she put her arm around me in such a loving way and said she was glad to hear it & then what fun I had when Louie Lee came as far as the fence with me. haha. Pretty Good. (HaHa again Sat - Mar. 8, 1901)

Sun. Jan. 14, 1900  Text Matthew 5:6 The ground was covered with snow this morning but it was so wet it melted off. I got dinner alone today. It was good too. Chicken, mashed potatoes, lima beans, mince pie, doughnuts, bread & butter. After dinner I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. She is a little better today so I stayed quite a while and had a lovely visit. We talked & talked and she lent me some Ladies Home Journals so kindly. Oh, I do hope she will get well. I love her so much.

Mon. Jan. 15, 1900  Text Ps. 19:14 Snowed nearly all day. Bit wet flakes and tonight everything is covered so beautifully. Oh for a real good old fashioned snowy winter like we used to have. I washed & did the other work and cleaned some silver. This eve I combed my hair quite pretty for a wonder and put on my blue dress & white apron & slippers and felt real neat for a while. Mrs. G is better today but blue because it is such dull weather. Poor dear.

Tues. Jan. 16, 1900  Text Ps. 117:173-176 Everything was so very beautiful and white this morning, covered with a thick coat of damp snow. Did my ironing forenoon and wrote to Mattie Hall this afternoon. Ada came over a little while.

Wed. Jan. 17, 1900  Text Matt. 6:33 Rained nearly all day making very slippery sidewalks. Mrs. Cool came this morn and is here for the night. Mr. Olmstead was here for dinner. I sent a letter to Maude Frazier and one to Mattie Hall today. Dear Mrs. Griffin is not so well today.

Thurs. Jan. 18, 1900   Text Matt. 11:28 How the days fly! And I get so little done. Mrs. Cool stayed all day and is here for the night. Horrors I wish she would draw her visit to a close seeing I'm not feeling real extra well. I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. She is worse today poor soul. I took her some fried cakes. Mrs. Barlow was there & Mrs. G. introduced us. She is a sweet woman. Rain & Slush. It would be awful if it should freeze now.

Fri. Jan. 19, 1900  Text Matt 10:29-32 Foggy this morn & grey all day. Ms. Cool went home today. She has lots of money but is very unhappy. Got a nice long letter from the dear cousin Della. She said Mary was going with that detestable John James and she'd not be at all surprised if they'd get married. Oh it just breaks my heart to hear my dear sister act so. May God open her eyes before she ruins herself by tying to that little black imp for life. Fred & Mabel are (or are) soon to be married. Much joy to them is my wish. Mrs. Parish went to see dear Mrs. Griffin and found her much better. I'm so glad and hope she will keep on improving. Dell said Ed had got Annie a nice piano and she was going to get one in the spring. Whew! wouldn't I like to have that much money.

Sat. Jan. 20, 1900  Text Eph 4:28-32 May God give me Grace to do those things. Grey day with snatches of sunshine occasionally. Baked this morn & took dear Mrs. Griffin a nice loaf this pm. She is better and expects to make us a visit next week. Oh, I do hope she will be able to. Dear precious little soul. Had a nice visit with her and enjoyed it ever so much. Most beautiful starry night. The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handy work. Ps. 19:1

Sun. Jan. 21, 1900  Text Matt. 6:14 Oh I wish I'd never hold an unforgiving thought a moment. God help me to forgive as I would be forgiven. This has been a lovely bright day with rather cold wind. I went to the Fountain St. Church this morn & heard quite a good sermon & after church I rented a sitting for 6 mos. for $2.00. I don't know if I acted wisely or not. May God direct me in everything is my prayer. Rev. Randall shook hands with me today. Fri. Jan. 26, 1900 I have been thinking all week how foolish it was for me to rent a sitting in that church when there are so many ways that I could do better with the money so today I wrote a note to Mr. Thornton saying he need not keep that seat for me, so now I'm free again. Good.

Mon. Jan. 22, 1900  Text Ps. 103:12-14 Bright beautiful day. Did my wash and this pm Ada and I went down town. Didn't buy anything. Looked at some rings for Mary & Net. Last fall when I was cleaning the pantry Mrs. Parish showed me the plate her brother ate from in the war (1861-65) and also some of the hardtack they had to eat.

Tues. Jan 23, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28 I was so tired this morn that text seemed very appropriate. Oh for rest for I am tired. I was up a quarter to 4 yesterday and again this morning and it is eleven o'clock now. I ironed & cleaned my room besides the other work. Watson said the 3 quickest ways to sent a message was to tell a graph (telegraph) tell a phone (telephone) and tell a woman. Haha. he always is saying something funny & punny. Nice clear pleasant day.

Wed. Jan. 24, 1900  Text Rom. 1:16 Have had all sorts of weather today. First it was grey and rather cold with a good breeze blowing. then it got more cloudy and dark and about noon there came a sudden shower. Then the sun came out nice & warm and again at 3 o'clock it was real cloudy and dark and it rained another sudden shower and after that it began to clear up so it is real nice and clear tonight.

Thur. Jan 25, 1900  Text 1 John 2:2 Snow this morn, growing colder & clear as the day went by so tonight it is real cold. Have worked hard today & finished sweeping the rooms. Tonight I went down to the Baptist Church to a session of a Missionary Conference being held here. The Pres. of Kalamazoo College made an address & also Rev. Wm. Ashmore an old man who has been a Missionary in China many years. His address was very interesting. He is a fine speaker. Mr. Howard who conducted the meeting said 2 cute things. 1st When the Pres. of Kalamazoo College rattled around he usually got some results & 2nd that Mich. was a great state for copper & a great deal of it found its way into the contribution box. Dear Mrs. Parish helped me do the work so I got an early start. She is very kind to me.

Fri. Jan. 26, 1900  Text I John 5:1 Oh that I had a deeper love for God. I do truly want to be a good girl. Cold day. I am tired and sleepy. Ada came over and we had lots of fun reading some funny things in the Ladies Home Journals. Wish I could take it.

Sat. Jan. 27, 1900  Text Ps. 51:9-12 Cold grey day. Snow tonight. Mrs. Tanner came & stayed to dinner & when she went home I sent a $ to a poor woman who lives out there near her. I went up and called on Mrs. Griffin a little while this eve. She is better & had gone to see a sick neighbor, Mrs. Decker. I hope she will soon be able to come down here. Mrs. Peebles & Flora came over awhile & flora & I had a good time in the kitchen.

Sun. Jan. 28, 1900  Text Isa. 43:25 Snowy, blowy and cold. Mr. Sones, a friend of Mrs. Parishes who dropped dead on the St. last Thurs. eve was buried today. Had company to dinner & supper & all night. A Mr. Walsdorf - a widower who used to go to Mr. Parishes' school. I wrote to Mary, Net & Noah.

Mon. Jan. 28, 1900  Text Rev. 22:17 Did my wash & the other work & ironed some this eve. Such cold blowy weather. It is snowing & blowing & oh so cold tonight. I am very thankful for food & shelter & I pity the unfortunate ones who have to suffer so much in cold weather. Oh if each one that could would help the poor how much suffering would be avoided. Got a letter from Maude Frazier this morn.

Tues. Jan. 30, 1900  Text John 1:12 Cold with some snow. Nice lot of snow on the ground now. Mrs. Crittenden had me come over to help her dress for a reception. I like to do that. Got my ironing done before noon.

Wed. Jan. 31, 1900  Text Isa. 45:22 Beautiful cold day lots of snow & the merry jingle of sleigh bells is heard ever & ever so often. I long for a good sleigh ride. This eve a little girl came to sell tickets for the poor children's show fund so I bought one (10�) and am entitled to admission to the entertainment for that purpose which is next Friday at 4:15 pm. I've been reading some tonight in the Ladies Home Journals. Ada & I went to the Entertainment but it was rather a disappointment in most respects. I do hate to a female in tights or low neck dresses. There was one specimen of each there.


Thur. Feb. 1, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 Cold with some snow. Nice good old fashioned winter weather. Mrs. Parish and I have had quite a visit today. I do like her so much. She told me of a man who always tried to use big words regardless of the fact that he was so ignorant he didn't know the meaning of them. One slippery morn he went down town to his store & told the men that his wife's sister went out at the back door and fell prostitute. I just laughed as hard as I could. Haha.

Fri. Feb. 2, 1900  Text Matt. 5:7 Another cold day. Ground Hog Day too. I don't think Mr. Woodchuck saw his shadow very plainly but the sun did peep out once or twice. Had a pretty good letter from Mary. Mabel & Fred were married Sun. Jan. 28, 1900 - long life and great joy be theirs. Ada & I went to the Entertainment for the benefit of the poor Children's show fund this pm. & oh dear, such actions! The kids were there by the 100000s and they ran & yelled & did everything noisy they could. I enjoyed the music (piano) and one little girl spoke a piece very nicely but the singing was anything but pleasing to my uncultured ear. And the play was simply HORRID. And the Lady(?) trapeze performer was very near perfect in her art but I hate such things. I rather enjoyed the last which was two young men who performed on the cross bars. Of course they & the trapeze lady wore tights. House was full. Sat. Feb. 3, 1900  Text Prov. 30:5 Warmer with some snow at intervals. Have worked all day and am tired tonight. Miss Rhodes was here to supper. Ada paid me the 50� she borrowed last fall and she invited me to go out to the Soldier's Home next Tues. pm then to her home for supper. Mrs. Parish said I could. I like Ada.

Sun. Feb. 4, 1900  Text John 3:14-16 More snow fell in the night so we have lots now. Glad of it. Tonight is as beautiful with a young moon & the bright stars & the beautiful snow. I ran out and down the street a block or more just to drink in the beauty of it. Claude Crittenden was here for dinner. He is such a nice boy.

Mon. Feb. 5, 1900  Text John 10:9-11 Nice day sort of a grey day. Up at 4 & had my wash up before 10. Went up to Mrs. Griffin's but she was not home so I presume she is better. Called on Ada awhile then wrote to Della and ironed some after supper. Mrs. Parish said the other day that Watson looked as if he'd been dragged thru tofel and beaten with the smut bag. I had a big laugh of course. spent 2� for postage.

Tues. Feb. 6, 1900  Text Luke 11:5-13 Nice day. Got my ironing done early and this pm I went downtown and got Net & Mary each a ring. Net's $1.50 & Mary's $1.75. Hope they will be all right.

Web. Feb. 7,m 1900  Text Rom. 12:10-21 Lots warmer and raining a good share of the day. I went down to the post office to send the rings & letter. I sent $5 to pa leaving ten more to pay. Oh I wish I had enough money so I wouldn't need to work out but could have all my dear ones in a comfortable home. Mrs. Parish went to her Literary Club and they gave the question "who was Gustavus Adolphus, the "Snow King?" He was the King of Sweden 1611-32. Born 1594, died 1632. He was a Protestant. He was called the Snow King derisively by his enemies.

Thur. Feb. 8, 1900  Text Ps. 145:8-9 Just 7 months to day since I came here to work & I like it the best of any place I ever had. Mrs. Parish went to Sparta this pm to be gone till tomorrow eve. Last night it rained & thundered &lightened & all the snow was gone this morn and tonight it is snowing & colder again. Been very windy today. Oh I long so for a good old fashioned winter again. I want to see Dan & Rob & Nat & Noah & Mary & all my dear ones. I wonder if that time will be soon or late. Oh for enough money so I'd not need to work out but could have a happy home with my dear ones around me. God grant we may meet in Heaven anyway.

Fri. Feb. 9, 1900  Text Matt. 5:43-48 Quite cold and nice. Mrs. Parish came home radiant over her visit to Sparta and tonight she did my work & paid the 15� admission for me to go to a lecture by Mrs. Prentice against Catholicism. It was very good & lots of fun. I got Ada to go with me & paid her admission. Got a letter from dear Laura. Poor girl is or has been sick. She invited me up there next Summer.

Sat. Feb. 10, 1900  Text Ezekiel 36:26-28 Beautiful cold day. May & Mr. Reynolds were here for dinner & supper and spend the day. Lee came up to supper. I like May. I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. She is feeling better but not well. Oh I love her so much and she likes me too. I guess & I enjoy visiting her so much. Ran over to Mrs. Peebles to see Grace Parkhurst who came up from Nunica this morn & is going back tomorrow. Dear girl she looks so good and wholesome. Got a gay old letter from my good cousin Abe. I'd like to see him.

Sun. Feb. 11, 1900  Text Prov. 3:3-6 Very nice day. Snow all gone. Beautiful moonlight night. I have been thinking how much I should enjoy being on a farm with a jolly good family who had a proper home & sugar camp & help make sugar. Then in the fall help in husking & apple paring bees & go to country parties & spelling schools. That would be fun if the right kind. I'd like to make a Jack-o-lantern. Ans. Laura's letter. Had a good bath & some good apples afterward. Wish I could see my dear ones now. Wonder when I ever will.

Mon. Feb. 12, 1900  Text St. John 14:1st Grey day. Rain tonight. Mrs. Parish & I have done a big day's work. Had a good time talking about things this eve. Mrs. Weston came over & during her conversation she told Mrs. Parish she wished she had a girl like me. Thanks Mrs. W.

Tues. Feb 13, 1900  Text Heb. 13:5 Snowed during the night and some today. Then the sun shone & tonight the moon is bright & it is real cold. I got a letter from dear Mary. Her ring suited her very well but Net's is too small so I'll have to try again for her. Went over & spent an hour with Ada & Mrs. Weston's Mother Mrs. Johnson, a dear old blind lady.

Wed. Feb. 14 1900  Text Acts 2:21 Valentine's Day. Quite cold. Snow in pm. Dear Mrs. Griffin came down for the pm. Mrs. Parish bought some carnations. They were pretty. This pm I went down town & got me a thimble 60� and traded Net's ring back for a pr. of silver handled scissors then went & got Net a ring lie Mary's at Mr. Siegels $1.75. Oh I wish I had lots of money so I'd not feel so horrid when I spend a few cents. I went to the Public Library this pm. It is in the City Hall which of course, is a nice building. I got "Little Women" to read. Commenced to use my Christmas spoon. Lizzie came up to tea. I'm sick today. Oh I'm tired & wish I could rest a long time.

Thur. Feb. 15, 1900  Text Ps. 145:18 Just 15 years ago today since Aunt Becca & Uncle Hiram were married. Very cold that day and also today. I had real good success with my bread today. Good.

Fri. Feb. 16, 1900  Text Prov. 31:30 Cold & clear today. Mrs. Parish told me a true tramp story or two today. I laughed & laughed. One old burly fellow came to her back porch when she lived in Peoria & demanded her to get him some dinner & when she refused he swore that she would give him his dinner & she told him she'd see whether she would or not. As luck would have it she was washing & had a boiler of hot suds & a big dipper handy so she took a dipper of that hot suds 7 let him it in the middle of his back. She and he just yelled & scratched & swore & the second dipperful landed on his heels and he made such good time that he didn't require the third. Haha. Good. Reading Little Women best story ever was. Spent 18 cts for thread & lining & 7 for postage.

Sat. Feb. 17, 1900  Text Ps. 51:12 Oh this is my prayer so often. I was thinking today of the joy I once had and longing oh so much to have it restored in all its fullness. Cold this morning but got warmer during the day. Oh I'm enjoying Little Women so much. Think it is the best thing I ever read. Hope to have one of my own some day. Think I'll try keeping all my dimes. Commenced yesterday.

Sun. Feb. 18, 1900  Text Matt. 7:7,8 Rather cold. Clear in pm. Had company to dinner - Mr. Bennett a friend of Watson's. I was so tired & felt so bad it seemed I could have given a good deal for a good rest but instead I had to just jog along. Oh will I ever have a chance to rest & take things easier. Oh for the strength & Grace to be good in my heart. Reading Little Women and that always helps me ever so much.

Mon. Feb. 19, 1900  Text Matt. 6:25, 26 Nice day. Dear Mrs. Griffin came down this pm. I was so glad to see her. Got my work out of the way easier than usual today. Answered Abe's letter.

Tues. Feb. 20, 1900  Text John 6:47048 Nice day. I got a good long letter from Saint Malinda in ans. to one I wrote her last summer. Mrs. Crittenden came over & hugged me & said she'd rather have me to work for her than any one she knew 'cause I was good & honest. Thanks Mrs. Crit. I put on my velvet waist & got a good 'do up' on my hair so I look rather "uncoming" tonight.

Wed. Feb. 21, 1900  Text Ps. 139:23,24 Snowy day and tonight as I sit in my room. I hear the wind blowing and the snow beating on the window and I'm thankful for food & shelter etc. this stormy night. Clarence is sick today & I was his 'nuss' this pm. Someone sent him 1/2 doz. of the loveliest red roses. "Little Women" is the attraction & oh how I wish I could write good stories.

Thur. Feb. 22, 1900  Text Prov. 16:32 Dear old Washington's Birthday. Quite a nice day. Kind of a thawy day. Considerable snow. Ada came over this eve with her first masquerade rig on & oh horrors! How she did look. So tawdry & dowdy with short skirts, semi-low necked waist, old red cotton trimmed hat etc. etc. I fear she is going downhill rather fast. Her pretty face is more harm than good to her. Oh that she may listen to wisdom before she is ruined. Clarence was in the kitchen and he didn't seem to approve of her costume. No one with good sense could. Got a postal from grace Parkhurst.

Fri. Feb. 23, 1900  Text Prov. 4:18 Nice day. Snowing a little this eve. God is good to all. We had company. Mr. & Mrs. Abe Brokaw, to dinner & Mr. Brokaw is a case. He says the most ridiculous things in the funniest way. They were talking about Cuba being such a perfect country according to a pamphlet Mr. Parish had rec'd., so warm & nice & May said she supposes they wouldn't need to wear any clothes there & Mr. B. said as sober as could be "I'd be so ashamed I wouldn't know what to do if I had to go around naked if I lived down there." Then the conversation turned to leaves. Mr. P. guessed Mr. B. could find one big enough. Then Mr. B. was telling how fat he was at one time & said he felt sure he must be in the family way. Haha. Of course I laughed. I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. She is feeling real bad. Oh, I fear she is not to stay with us long. Poor little dear. I feel so sorry for her. Clarence's Birthday age 26.

Sat. Feb. 24, 1900  Text Luke 1:37 Snowed a good bit in the night and is cold today. I finished reading Little Women. How I wish I could write stories. One thing I like is that Miss Alcott the original of Jo in Little Women never married. I'm an Old Maid sure, and am glad that I have some distinguished company in the state of single Hesseduers (NOTE: not sure what this is). Miss Willard & Miss Alcott at least.

Sun. Feb. 25, 1900  Text Ps. 23 Cold, clear & windy  & plenty of snow. A perfect writers day. Mr. & Mrs. Parish went out to Mays & of course the boys were gone so I had the day to myself. I ans. dear Aunt Becca's letter & read a good deal. A kiss is worthless until it is divided between two. I should enjoy dividing some with my dear ones in Wisc. wonder when I will have the pleasure.

Mon. Feb. 26, 1900  Text Isa. 1:18 Clear cold day. Did my work & other work & this pm went down to the Library to take back dear "Little Women." Got a book on Astronomy for Mrs. P. & the Dec. St. Nicolas for myself. Don't think much of it, so won't get another. I'm thankful for the many blessings God has given me. Food, clothing, shelter, warmth, kind friends, a taste for good literature and many more. I do want to be a good girl & fully trust my kind Heavenly Father.

Tues. Feb. 27, 1900  Text Isa. 55:7 Clear & cold again today. Just a year since I bade Aunt Becca, Aunt Phebe & Annie "Good Bye" before leaving for Mich. I wonder what another year will bring. God grant it may be for our soul's eternal welfare & His honor & glory. I wish I could see my dear ones tonight.

Wed. Feb. 28, 1900  Text Jas. 1:27 Snowed all night & all day so now we have a good big snow just the kind I like. The wind is howling around the house tonight & I'm very thankful for a good shelter. I got a letter from Mary & Net to today. Net was very much pleased with her ring & Ma liked her thimble real well so I'm glad but I was very, very sorry to hear that Mary is going to marry John James. She says he has become a Christian but tho' he has I wouldn't think she could bear such a fellow. and I fear she will have a hard life of it. Of dear. Just a year today since I left home to come out here. Oh I wish I could see them now & not lose my place either. Wonewoc had a big fire & John's store came near getting burned.


Thur. Mar. 1, 1900  Text Jas. 2:8 Nice bright thawing day. I went down town to see Dr. Ruffe, paid him. I think he is so nice. He only charged $1.00 for the 4 bottles of medicine I have gotten. I'm in hopes I'll get real well. Went up & had a nice visit with dear Mrs. Griffin. She is some better but is going to see Dr. Ruffe & I hope he will help her ever so much. Just a year today since I landed in Mich. I'm not sorry I came.

Fri. Mar. 2, 1900  Text Luke 11:13 Oh I do really want the Holy Spirit and the full assurance of pardon & grace above every other thing. May God grant these blessings is my prayer. This has been a lovely clear day. I'm tired tonight.  Oh I wish I had a good home & wouldn't need to work out. But I don't want to murmur if this is God's will for me. There are many much worse off. I'll cheer up & not be discouraged. God is good and all is for the best.

Sat. Mar. 3, 1900  Text John 20:31 This has been a beautiful clear day.  I went down to the Library & got Silver Pitchers & have read "Transcendental Wild Oats."

Sun. Mar. 4, 1900 Text St. Luke 4:17-19 Snowy day here, rather windy & cold except in the morn. Mrs. Parish dreamed such a funny dream last night. Thought she had been away & on coming back met Clarence & I starting down town each with a satchel & bundle, carrying an old canvas covered trunk between us. I've been reading in "Silver Pitchers" today. Read "Anna's Shins" "Letty's Tramp" "Scarlet Stockings" "The Romance of a Summers day" "My Rococo Watch" & "By the River" (Sad). Each of them charming little love stories with beautiful rose faced girls & Manly young men as the heroines & heroes. The first of the Stories is "Silver Pitchers" a pretty Temperance story. Just 7 years today since I went to work at Kriders.

Mon. Mar. 5, 1900  Text Matt. 5:6 Snowy day & tonight it is sleeting & the wind is tearing around terrible. I pity anyone who has to be out such a night. Worked hard today & don't feel extra well on account of a cold.  Here is a little conundrum I found in the story "My Rococo Watch" in Silver Pictures. "I was sent to India, & stopped there; I was sent home because I didn't go there." Ans. - a watch.

Tues. Mar. 6, 1900  Sleet & rain all night with high wind & this morning there is a hard crust on the snow, making progress very difficult. Been windy, cloudy & cold today with a flurry of snow occasionally.  Mrs. Penter entertained the Mutual Improvement Club of which she is a member and after the doins' we passed refreshments. Got it all over without any fearful blunders for which over joyful and thankful. I feel so miserable with my cold. Just a dozen ladies here. We served coffee, sandwiches, cake, Long Island Wafers & a sort of jelly with frosting & sauce. First of the kind I ever did. Paper napkins. Got a letter from dear old Laura.

Wed. Mar. 7, 1900  Text Matt. 18:11 Bright clear day. Thawing. I have been miserable all day with a bad cold.  Oh for a rest. Got 2 letters one from Mattie Hall & one from Mary. Mary is busy with her wedding fixings.

Thur. Mar. 8, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5-6 Bright mild day. Have such a cold, I'm almost sick. Just 8 months today since I came here to work. Wish I could go home for a visit at least. If someone with plenty of money would only give me enough so I could go how glad I would be. This is a beautiful night. I'm tired & sleepy.

Fri. Mar. 9, 1900  Text Ps. 42:11 Dull day with some rain. Answered Grace Parkhurst's card tonight. I do wish I had enough money so I could go home & see the folks. Heard yesterday that cousin Em Mortimer is dangerously ill.

Sat. Mar. 10, 1900  Text Matt. 6:28-29 I've been wishing for better clothes today but when I read my text tonight I felt better contented. Oh for a Faith that will not shrink. Grey day. Streets are very slippery. May & Sadie & Lee & Mrs. Reynolds were here to supper so I had some extra work and am tired. Called on Mrs. Crit & she gave me a little lecture. Said I always decried myself which was as bad as "tooting my horn" & when I think about it, it does look that way & I shall try to quit it. Postage 2 cts.

Sun. Mar. 11, 1900  Text Ps. 50:14-15 Cold grey day. I am sick & tired. Lizzie came up and stayed to tea. I wrote to Mary & Maude Frazier.

Mon. Mar. 12, 1900  Text Prov. 16:32 Nice day but rather cold. Got my work done quite well and feel better than I expected to. Worked at my white apron when I got my work done. Postage 4�.

Tue. Mar. 13, 1900  Text II Cor. 8:9 Grey thawy day. Just 7 years today since I saw Isaiah Krider for the first time. Well after I'd gone to bed last night Roy Peebles came & Said Mrs. Parkhurst & Grace were at their house & wanted to see me so I got up and went & had a good little visit & today I went down town with Grace to do some shopping in the a.m. Then this p.m. Mrs. Parkhurst & Grace & I met down town. Then they asked me to go to Mrs. Townsends with them so I did & had a real good time. Grace is soon to be married to Mr. Manavian & they are going to Keystone, Chippewa Co., Wisconsin to live. Dear Grace is so sweet & they are all so good to me. I hate to have Grace marry Manavian as I don't think him good enough for her. She came out and talked to me while I waited for the car & told me she was to be married soon. A last good bye kiss & she skipped back & I came home. Wonder when I'll see her again. Dear Grace. Spent 45� today. Embroidery 34�, Tablet .06� & car fare .05�.

Wed. Mar 14, 1900  Text Ps. 49:15 Kind of a grey day with a little sunshine at times. Rather cold & snowing a little tonight. Got along good with my work today & worked some on my white apron. Oh I wish I was a good girl like I want to be. God help me to be good. I tried not to speak ill of any one today but forgot & did once or twice. I'll try again & may God help me.

Thur. Mar. 15, 1900  Text Matt. 7:11 Rather cold day at first clear & part grey & tonight it is a most beautiful moon light. I worked like a Trojan till 1/2 past 3 then went to the Library & up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. she is feeling real bad and her little dog Trix has been poisoned & died a terrible death so she is so sad over that she can't keep from crying. The poor little dear. I hope she will get relief soon. May God help her. she gave me a nice white apron. Poor dear has made it with her poor lame arm. How I wish I could do something for her. I saw the sweetest & prettiest girl at the library today. And a young man I thought must be her brother. They were such sensible wholesome looking young people it did me good to see them. Fri. Mar. 16, 1900  Text Mark 5:34 Cold & a little snow. Had plenty of work today but got it all done. Just now I wish I could see dear sister Mary. Oh I wonder when I shall see my dear ones again. God grant we may meet in happiness & love & peace. Little Robert Hyslop is 5 years old today.

Sat. Mar. 17, 1900  Text Jer. 29:13 Saint Patrick's Day. Cold & Grey. Did my work & bathed & scrubbed my head. Got a letter from dear Mary. She will soon be married I suppose & oh may she be happy. How I want to be at home. They heard from the boys and they are well & will be home soon. I want to see them

Sun. Mar. 18, 1900  Text Matt. 6:3-4 Just 31 years today since pa & ma were married.  Little did I think then I'd be then I'd be in Grand Rapids today but here I am. Haha. Wrote to Mr. Smelcer & sent $2. That is why I chose the text I did. Mrs. P. gave me 2 pens, one of which I am now writing with. It was clear & bright this a.m. but this p.m. it has snowed a little & rained some & it is quite warm & it looks as if we were going to lose our snow.  I called Mrs. Peebles a little white this eve. Met Mr. Peebles' sister from Chicago. Oh I wish I was good as I want to be. God help me to trust & obey.

Mon. Mar. 19, 1900  Text Heb. 7:25 Warm & Rainy looking till about 4 o'clock when there came a veritable blizzard.  The wind blew & snow fell amazing lively for some time & it turned cold.

Tues. Mar. 20, 1900  Text Matt. 6:33 Rather cold with flurries of snow & fits of sunshine.  Each accompanied with plenty of Mar. wind. Went down town & shopped a little. Wrote to Mary and told her she could have my 6 napkins if she hadn't any.   Company for supper - Miss Rhodes.

Wed. Mar. 21, 1900  Text Isa. 53:5 Nice day but cold. I did my work then went up to see dear Mrs. Griffins. Poor little soul is still suffering with her lame arm. She is so good & kind to me. I wish I could do something for her. Got a letter from dear Della. How I'd like to see her. this is my friend Mrs. Lulu Hyslop's birthday. 30 years old.

Thur. Mar. 22, 1900  Text Heb. 4:14-16 Nice bright warm day with plenty of wind. Called at Mrs. Peebles this p.m. Mrs. Cool came this morn. She is rather tiresome.

Fri. Mar 23, 1900  Text Matt. 6:31-33 I rose this morning wishing for some nice clothes & building Air Castles about how I'd like to get them when I thot of the text above and I do mean I was more contented & trustful. God help me to trust & not wish for things He doesn't see fit to give me. This has been such a bright, calm & pleasant day we feel as if Spring were near. Dear little Mrs. Griffin came this pm & we had such a nice visit. I prepared a nice little lunch for her & Mrs. P.

Sat. Mar. 24, 1900  Text Matt. 6:6 Beautiful clear calm & so mild that we enjoyed standing out in the sun during the middle of the day.   Worked hard all day.   Mrs. P. is making the calico dress she gave me. I went up to Mrs. Griffins a little while this eve and the poor little dear is feeling so bad and she just broke down & cried and tole me she was so forlorn & sad & blue & lonesome & wanted to see her brother (the only relative she has on earth) so much, that I cried too for I love her so much I can't bear to see her feel so bad.  Would that God would relieve her of her suffering.  Poor dear little soul how my heart aches for her. This is Pa's birthday 63 years.

Sun. Mar. 25, 1900  Text Ps. 43:3 Grey day with a raw chilly wind. All the folks went away and I have read & wrote some. Sunday is always too short and I never feel rested much. Oh for a home of own where I can keep Sun. as I wish.

Mon. Mar. 26, 1900  Text Matt. 25:40 Oh that I may always obey & help whenever I can so that I may hear the blessed words of the text when I stand before the King. Snowed some last night - Grey day - not cold - very clear & ice tonight.  This is little Armen Lincoln Kassabraris birthday - 2 years old. How well I remember two years ago today. There has been quite a change since then.   Mr. Bunker had his mill burned two yrs ago tonight. Worked all day - cleaned up more than usual. Am reading "Laura Rivers" by Mary J. Holmes.   Of course I can see through it as plain as glass but there are so many funny things said is real interesting. Got a letter from Laura. She said Em was getting along nicely after her operation.   I am so glad.

Tues. Mar. 27, 1900  Text Rom. 13:10 Oh for such love for all. Beautiful day. This is Mrs. Parish took me with her when she went after Mr. Parish then they showed me thru the College Rooms which were very interesting to me indeed. I enjoy anything of an educational nature so much. Mr. P. surprised me just as I was starting upstairs tonight by asking "Now for bed?" & I answered "sure." then he said "Good night." He has not been in the habit of saying "Good night" is why it seemed strange. Mrs. P is out to Lodge tonight. Dear good soul.

Wed. Mar. 28, 1900  Text Ps. 34:10 Nice day. This eve Kattie Howarth (Mrs. Peebles girl) and I went down to the Auditorium to a session of the C. E. Convention being held in this city at present. They sang "Blessed Assurance" At the Cross" "Saved to Serve" "Saved by Grace" "Sunshine in the Soul".   Then a minister read II Peter 1st Chap. and prayed, then came a violin solo & an encore. Then they sang "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." Then an address by a Mr. Boynton of Detroit. The auditorium was crowded & the first thing Mr. B said was "It won't disturb or molest me in the least during my discourse if some of the young men will get up & let the ladies sit down." That brought an applause - not altogether from the young men who were sitting.

Thur. Mar. 29, 1900  Text Ps. 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed." Mr. Boynton told of a good man, Deacon Wilkins of Boston who heard this text preached from & took it for his own through life so I chose it today. this has been a grey day - a little chilly. Went up to see dear Mrs. griffin. Poor dear little soul has been suffering so much this week. She seemed real pleased that I came to see her. Oh if I could only do something to make her happy. A Miss Jessie Heatherington who lives across the street from here died today with consumption. Miss Sarah Davis - a maiden lady some 55 or 60 years old, a dear friend of Mrs. Parishes came today to visit. Her hair is white & she has a fine face and is altogether a delightful body. She shows her good sense by being single. I don't think it is every body's bounden duty to marry.

Fri. Mar. 30, 1900  Text Ps. 34:15, 18 Rather changeable today, snowy just a little. Clear tonight. Cool. Worked hard today. Got a letter from Mary and Net. Dan & Rob have returned from the North fat & hearty with plenty of money and Noah has bought Mattie's old farm for $1400.00. I wish he could have a better place than that. Ed & Annie have had a rumpus & a sale & are moving into Mrs. Clayton's house. Mattie Thompson has bought Horace's place & H. is going to live at or with Aunt Phebe. Oh I'd like to run over home a spell. Wonder when I ever will. Mary is to be married next week, I suppose, to John James. Oh I wish she was getting a better & wealthier man so she need not work very much.

Sat. Mar. 31, 1900  Text Heb. 2:18 A most beautiful day. Did my work, bathed & took Hattie Howarth out for a little walk. Miss Davis went away today. She came & bid me "Good bye" so nice when she started.


Sun. Apr. 1, 1900  Text Ps. 31:24 Rain in the eve. Grey all day. I wrote to Mary & Net & just a little to each of the boys.  How I long to see them all in peace & happiness. Clarence was putting up the ironing board with a slap and a dash & he said "See that? It goes just like clockwork - and the next day it snowed. Mrs. P. Said her mother used to tell her girls the Robins sang Scour your skillet, scour your skillet, scour it clean." Robins arrived several days ago.

  Mon. Apr. 2, 1900  Text Isa. 1:18 Election here today and as I set here writing I hear the newsboys crying the extra press - all about the 'lection of Perry.  Watson went away this morn to be gone 2 or 3 wks. as a traveling man for some firm here in town.   Hope he will be successful. After bidding the folks "Good bye" he came out thru the kitchen & said "Well Hattie, Good Bye" in a pleasant cheery way.   I think it was nice in him to do so.   Got a letter from Maude Frazier. Rainy looking till afternoon then cleared up & tonight is very beautiful & starry with a young moon.

Tues. Apr. 3, 1900  Text John 8:32 Oh this is the freedom for me. Clear & every other way by spells today.  Rained a little, snowed a little & sleeted a little more.  I went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin.  She has moved upstairs & is going to rent her downstairs rooms. She intends to go away. I hope she will get well again. Poor little dear.

Wed. Apr. 4, 1900  Text Ps. 19:1 Surely the heavens have declared the glory of God this most beautiful day.   Not a cloud all day and the sky is blue & the sun so bright - no wind only a pleasant breeze. This is dear Gracie Parkhurst's wedding day. She & Rev. Garabed M. Manavian were married at noon today. May she be perfectly happy is my wish. Hattie Howarth & I went down town today.  I got a corset 50� & pr. side combs 50�.  Mrs. P. finished the calico wrapper she gave me just after Christmas & I have it on.   It is O.K. & Mrs. P. is a dear good soul to give me it.

Thur. Apr. 5, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5,6 Quite a nice day. Some windy & some cloudy.  Flora Peebles came in on her way to school to invite me over to see Gracie & then Mrs. Parkhurst came & asked me to come so after dinner I went over & upstairs where Gracie was dressing & I hugged & kissed the dear girl & wished her all the blessings God can give. After a little G. M. M. came & I congratulated him. Then we went down & Gracie gave me one of her wedding announcements & a beautiful pink carnation from here flowers & 2 pieces of cake. We chatted a short time then Gracie invited me to the train so I did & GMM paid the St. car fare. We talked as long as possible and then came back.   Gracie promised to write to me. She got lots of wedding presents among others were 5 $5.00 gold pieces. Dear, dear Gracie. I wonder when I shall ever see her again.

Fri. Apr. 6, 1900  Text Isa. 55:7 Nice and warm today. Soon be summer at this rate.   I have digged all day so am tired tonight.

Sat. Apr. 7, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28 Nice day a little too warm for comfort. Sadie Reynolds came up & stayed all day & this pm she and I went down town and I looked at the hats & jackets but couldn't find anything to suit my purse & taste. Oh it is such a trial to go shopping with no money.   We went up to the college as Sadie had never been up there. This eve Sadie's father & Lee & Mary & Miss Davis came for supper so I'm very tired.   After the supper work is done. I guess I shall have to do without any finery this summer.  Oh dear.

Sun. Apr. 8, 1900  Text Rom. 2:10, 11 Nice cool day. Miss Davis stayed all day & Mrs. Parish made some nice popcorn balls like Ma used in the 'long ago' pm. I read some. One funny thing was about a fellow who said he watched a woman out of the west end of his east eye. Just 9 mo. since I landed in Grand Rapids.

Mon. Apr. 9, 1900  Text Ps. 19:14 I wish I would always remember this text when tempted to say or think wrong things. May God help me. Beautiful day. So cool & bright. Clarence tole me "You're getting to be a pretty good cook Hattie. Do you Know it?" & I said "Am I?" & he said "Why don't you get married? I'm going to" & I said I couldn't get a chance was why I didn't. A conundrum. What is the difference between a man with black hair & one with red hair - Ans. One's hair is crocheted (crow shade) and the other is knit (nit meaning not). This was dear Sister Mary's wedding day. She was married at 6 pm at Mr. Smelcer's & by Mr. Smelcer. It being his first knot tying experience. Net was the only one there except Smelcers family. My prayer is for Mary's true peace & happiness in this world & a home in heaven at last.

Tues. Apr. 10, 1900  Text John 10:9-11 Beautiful cool day. Starry moony tonight. This is my dear Aunt Phebe's birthday. How I wish I could see her. Oh I wish someone with lots of money would give me enough so I could go home for a visit at least.

Wed. Apr. 11, 1900  Text John 3:16 Cold & grey and quite a little snow fall this pm. Such a change since Sat. I like this best. Spent 48� for stuff to make 2 prs. of pants. Got a chain letter from Maude Frazier for the Rocky Beach Benevolent Association (see Jeanne's NOTE) so I guess I will send 10� as requested. I hope it is a worthy cause.

Thur. Apr. 12, 1900  Text Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than receive. Rather cold and grey with some snow just a little.  Making my pants in my spare time.   Been having some great day dreams while sewing all alone in the cosy kitchen today.

Fri. Apr. 13, 1900  Text II Cor. 12:9 Good Friday. Snowing this morn. A wet slushy snow.  Grey all day.  Did my work & finished my pants.   Went over to see Ada's Easter finery. She had a new hat & dress. Wish I had one for Easter.

Sat. Apr. 14, 1900  Text 1st Peter 5:7 Nice day. Got a letter from Mr. Smelcer with his & Helen's pictures.  Said Mary & John James were married, and also that our folks had the grippe.

Sun. Apr. 15, 1900  Text Easter. Matt. 28:5-10 & John 1:29 Rain some in the night and a little this morn. Kind o' cloudy all day.   Watson came home in the night. Clarence was so frisky & comical I had a big laugh this morn. He only had 4 eggs for his breakfast & about as many for dinner.   Ada came out in her Easter finery this pm. Of course I wasn't 'in it' at all so stayed at home all day.

Mon. Apr. 16, 1900  Text Matt. 4:6,7 Rather rainy all day. Have worked hard and am tired.   Had a letter from dear Mary telling of her wedding.   May she always be as happy as now. She said she saw John Griffith Sun. & he inquired after me. Good for John Griffith. Glad I am remembered by one so nice & good as he. There was a little boy who heard a sermon on the wonders of creation & especially on the miraculous origin of Eve. The next day after a very active game of tag he ran in& with a combined expression of anguish & terror exclaimed "Oh mamma! I'm an awful pain in my side.   Say Mamma!   You don't suppose I'm going to have a wife do you?" Haha!

Tues. Apr. 17, 1900  Text Ps. 37:5,6 Rainy day cleared up at dark. Ironed nearly all day.   Dear Mamma Parish helped me wash the dishes twice.  Mrs. Crittenden came home from Chicago yesterday.   She came over & we gassed a little while.

Wed. Apr. 18, 1900  Text Ps. 42:11 Rainy day - one of my favorites - cool & windy with a fine rain.  Went over to Mrs. Peebles and had a pleasant time just before supper.   This morn Watson was slow about getting up & Mrs. P. said to me "Did you ever see such doings? Watson will be late for his train. It's enough to make a fellow strike his daddy the way he acts." Haha, she is always saying something cute.   Watson went out on the road again this morn to be gone a week.

Thur. Apr. 19, 1900  Text John 16:33 Beautiful clear day so warm & spring like.   I went up to Mrs. Griffins a little while and this eve I went over to Mrs. Peebles and had a fine time with the kids, Roy & Flora.  They seem to like me & I enjoy laughing & joking with them.

Fri. Apr. 20, 1900  Eph. 4:29-32 Oh that I would remember the words of this text and obey them.   God help me to.   Beautiful day - rather warm.   I've worked hard and am tired. Long for a rest. When Mrs. P. came in at noon May wasn't along & I asked where she was & Mrs. P. said "She is coming.  She stopped to talk to your Uncle." That was rich.   I laughed. haha

Sat. Apr. 21, 1900  Text John 6:37 Good rainy day. Worked hard and am tired.  Went over and visited awhile with Ada & Mrs. Weston's Mother this eve.   I always enjoy visiting with them. Mrs. Parish has just got her a new dress made.   It is pretty.  Wish I could have one.

Sun. Apr. 22, 1900  Text Ps. 51:10 Rather a rainy day. I have written several letters & did what work I had to & it is night.  Oh dear I wish I could keep Sun. as I want to.   God grant me a home of my own with no boss on Sun.

Mon. Apr. 23, 1900  Text Matt. 5:6 Foggy in the morn. Cleared up & was rather warm. Got my work around quite well. Spent 6� for postage.

Tues. Apr. 24, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 Beautiful day. Mrs. Parish wore her new dress for the first time. Got a letter from Laura. She invited me to come there for a visit in the summer. Hope I can. Clarence told me again tonight that I was a good cook & asked me why I didn't get married. I said I hadn't any chance & was too young. Went over to Mrs. Peebles tonight & we went down on Ransom St. to the house they are going to move into this week. Had quite a pleasant time. The small pox is in the north end of town & several schools have been closed. Hope it won't spread. Dear Mrs. Edison was in awhile & we had a pleasant chat. I like her ever so much.

Wed. Apr. 25, 1900  Text Heb. 13:5 Beautiful day - rather warm. Mrs. griffin came & we had a pleasant visit. Poor little dear, she has some serious trouble & we are unable to help her, not knowing what it is exactly. Oh I wish she was happy. I indulged in the May number of the Ladies' Home Journal. May got her new suit done & home from the dressmaker & her new hat & brought them here and put them on & they are fine. I never saw a nicer skirt. May looked very nice. Her hat cost $1.50. Oh, I'm always wishing for some nice clothes. But I suppose it is wrong to wish for what I haven't got or can't get.

Thur. Apr. 26, 1900  Text Isa. 53:5 Another bright warm day. Mrs. Brokaw came for dinner. She is such a pleasant motherly old lady. WAs 60 years old the 16th of this month. I cleaned at the cellar today. Got the worst done. Went over & read awhile for dear Mrs. Johnson - Mrs. Weston's mother. She is blind & seems to enjoy my reading ever so much. I'm very glad If I can afford her any pleasure.

Fri. Apr. 27, 1900  Text Prov. 21:3 Bright warm day. Finished clearing the cellar. Wish the house cleaning was all done. I feel as If I'd gladly give $5.00 to get free of it & not have to touch it any more. I'm so tired. Watson came home this eve after an absence of nearly 10 days. I paid for his laundry while he was gone 63� & tonight he couldn't make the change readily so gave me the 2� difference. Guess I'll start a Bank Account.

Sat. Apr. 28, 1900  Text Prov. 3:6 Warm & bright. Worked hard all day. Reynolds folks all here for supper. Couldn't refrain from shedding a small wasp as I was washing the dishes. I was so tired and almost discouraged but I must not do so for God is good and all is for the best.

Sun. Apr. 29, 1900  Text Isa. 46:2 Another bright warm day. I ans. Saint Malinda's long neglected letter then went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin & had a pleasant little visit. Watson & a young lady was here when I came back. They soon left & Watson took the very unusual pains to say "Good Night Hattie" when he left. Dear me, wonder what has or is going to strike him. Haha. Saw an apple tree in bloom this eve.

Mon. Apr. 30, 1900  Text Luke 3:8-14 Rather windy all night & today has been cool & lovely. Oh it is so nice after the heat of the past week. I washed then cleaned the back room where the coal & wood are. Am so tired I wish I could have a rest before I break down. Watson starts on the road again for a wk. or so trip. Said "Good Bye Hattie" as usual. Hah. If someone would read this they might think I was just a bit love-cracked - but they would be phooled just the same. Guess they would. Sun. eve Oct 21, 1900


Tues. May 1, 1900  Text Mark 10:27 & Luke 1:37 Nice day, a little warmer than yesterday. Mrs. Parish went out to Ada to Mr. Rhodes & was gone all day. Mrs. Marks went with her. Mr. & Mrs. Parish got weighed today. Mrs. P. 154 & Mr. P. 187 lbs. Mrs. Marks weighted 167. I ironed then cleaned at the back room. Went down to Peebles a few minutes this eve. May Day 1900. Plums & cherries in bloom now.

Wed. May 2, 1900  Text Deut. 33:27 "The Eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Nice cool day with a little rain & wind. Cleaned at the back room. Oh I wish I had it all done. Sent Malinda Hutchens some papers with an account of the C. E. Convention.

Thur. May 3, 1900  Text Ps. 121:12 Beautiful & cool & clear. Oh I longed to get out to enjoy the lovely sunshine, fresh air & flower laden trees but had to dig dirt in the back room. Mrs. P. had company all pm & her am was taken up with previous engagements so I had no help. Oh I wish this miserable cleaning could be done without any company to other. Am so anxious for a letter from home. Hope it will soon come . Once Lincoln & some other young lawyers went to hear a case & when one of them took off his coat he showed a hole in the seat of his trousers. There upon someone started a subscription paper to raise money to get the fellow some new pants. They each gave or subscribed something till it came to Abe & he said "I'm too poor to subscribe anything for the end in view." Haha - pretty good for Honest Abe.

Fri. May 4, 1900  Text Rom. 10:8-10 Rained during the night, cloudy till noon then beautiful & clear the rest of the day. Cool & lovely. I worked at the back room.

Sat. May 5, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5,6 Nice cool & clear. I digged all day but didn't make much show or headway. Went down town this eve with Mrs. Crittenden girl (Nettie) & after looking quite a while I got me a hat cost $4.00. Oh dear I s'pose I hadn't ought to have gotten such a dear one but everything costs so much. May God forgive me if I did wrongly. Sun. May 6, 1900  Text Gal. 3:26 Clear & getting warmer. I went to Christ Church corn. Lyons & Barclay streets this morn. It seemed so good to get back to church after such a long absence. I put on my new hat & came down stairs this morn & went to Mrs. Parish's room & she liked it ever so much & so did Ada & Mrs. Weston when I showed it to them. Ada & I went for a walk this pm. First strawberries today. They were shipped here, not grown.

Mon. May 7, 1900  Text Isa. 55th Chapter Sort of hazy till a little after noon then clouded up & we are having a real good rain. Just the thing. I have been so miserable all day, I could scarcely wiggle but managed to get the washing and other work done. Mrs. Parish tore all the things out of the front bedroom & cleaned the carpet & painted the woodwork. Oh if we could only get the wretched job all done once how glad I'd be. Mrs. Parish was telling me the story about what a very muddy rough street she & Mr. P. drove through this eve trying to find a paper cleaner & she exclaimed "My soul & body! in a pink sunbonnet" as Mother used to say."

Tues. May 8, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 Rainy day and lots of work & in the pm Mrs. Parish got a letter from a friend saying she & her mother were coming to tea Fri. eve. Oh dear that means extra work & we are in such a mess. Just 10 months since I arrived in Grand Rapids.

Wed. May 9, 1900  Text Ps. 19 Chapter Surely the Heavens have declared the glory of God today. This has been such a lovely cool clear day. The leaves are out so they make quite a little shade & the grass looks so nice. We have worked like Trojans or something else today. Cleaned carpet till we are as stiff as stage hosses. Got a letter from Mary. Said she was perfectly happy & getting fat. And Poor Eldna was very sick. Mary has been married just a month today. Hope she will always be happy. Said her wedding day was perfectly lovely. Good. We had a strawberry shortcake for dinner. Splendid!

Thur. May 10, 1900  Text I John 1:9 Grey day. Rained a little. We washed curtains & did all sorts of cleaning up getting ready for the expected company. I stayed up till 12 o'clock digging dirt. Oh I am so tired & sick of this long siege. If we could just go ahead & finish it I wouldn't mind it. Oh I wish I had a home of my own - a good one.

Fri. May 11, 1900  Text Prov. 3:56 Oh such a busy day and I'm glad it is over with. We got things straightened up & the company came. Mr. & Mrs. Kymer, Mrs. Kinnow & her daughter Mrs. Burrett & her little girl 2 1/2 years old and such a sweet pretty little creature I haven't seen in a lone time. She was singing "The Sight of the World is Jesus." It sounded so good. One time last fall little Trances woke up in the night & when her mother asked her what was the matter she said "Oh thunder! Here I am awake again." she had heard someone use that word so thought she could too.

Sat. May 12, 1900  Text Heb. 13:5 I wish I would always remember this text when I go down town & see things I can't afford. It was rainy this am, but cleared up bright 7 warm in pm. Mrs. Tanner came to dinner and dear little Mrs. Griffin came down & spent the pm. Dear sweet little soul. I went down town & got a parasol $1.50. Wished of course I could get a nice fine one. I looked at some jackets & had two sent up but guess I can't get one. Mrs. P. paid me $2.00 again today. Perfume 10�. I saw a 'centipede', a 'horned toad' a tarantula' and a 'trap door spider' beautifully mounted downtown today. Also a scorpion.

Sun. May 13, 1900  Text Matt. 6:28-33 Warm & clear. I went to church this morn & have written to Mary this pm. Oh I want to see her so much. Westons invited me over there to hear the phonograph this morning and it was so funny. The phonograph belongs to Mrs. Weston's son that is married. Louie ran a number of pieces through it "Uncle Josh on a 5th Ave. Bus" "Uncle Josh riding a bicycle" and one that is nearly all laugh were the best. I enjoyed it every so much.

Mon. May 14, 1900  Text Ezekiel 36:26, 27 Oh to be pure in heart. This is my greatest desire this minute. Sultry & hazy & muddy. I've had a hard day of it - never got my wash out till after 3 o'clock. Am so tired. Paul Weston has the "Mandolin Club" that he belongs to there tonight & so we are enjoying some nice music. This is dear Mrs. Stearns Birthday.

Tues. May 15, 1900  Text Luke 11:13 Had a nice shower in the night. Warm & clear. Some cloudy in pm. & commence to rain at 9 tonight. Good. I picked some lily's of the Valley this morn for the first time in my life. These are the first I ever saw & they are so sweet. I wore a bouquet of them all day. I found a 4 leaf clover this pm when I was out washing windows. It is the first one since I came to Grand Rapids. Of course I wished for a lot of good things.

Wed. May 16, 1900  Text Isa. 53:5 Oh if I'd just remember this good verse in times of trial & weariness how it would help me. Rained some in the night. Warm all day except early in the morn, cloudy in pm. & a little rain this eve. Fairly clear in Am. Ans. Maude Frazier's letter this eve.

Thur. May 17, 1900  Text Luke 2:8-14 Nice cool rainy day - not very much rain. Dear Mrs. Griffin came this morn & stayed for dinner then Mrs. P. took her down town & then she came back with Mrs. P & stayed till 1/2 past 5. Oh she is such a dear little soul. she brought two of her last summer's waists to see if they'd fit me & one did so she gave it to me & will give me the skirt to go with it. Mary sent me some pieces & Mrs. Griffin offered to make me a hand bag out of the large piece of silk. I can't help thinking how much more I enjoyed today than did last Fri. Mrs. Stearns was in the morn. She is such a dear good woman. She always speaks to me so nice which is more than lots of folks do to a "hired girl."

Fri. May 18, 1900  Text John 3:16 Nice cool rainy day. Just the kind I like & oh I wished we had the housecleaning all done so we could enjoy such weather. I digged in the back room. Ada came over this eve & we had a nice visit. I want to go home on a visit so bad. Wish some kind soul would defray my expenses so I could.

Sat. May 19, 1900  Text John 10:9-11 Nice day. We cleaned house all day & well into the night. I paid for Clarence's laundry when it came then he paid me 2� extra when he gave me the change at supper time.

Sun. May 20, 1900  Text Ps. 31:24 Beautiful day. All nature seems rejoicing in the lovely spring time. Watson came home in the night. Seems nice to see him again. He is a good hearted fellow I believe. Clarence is as 'cunnin' as usual. Mrs. Cool came wagging in the morn with her incessant tiresome humdrum talk about her money & enemies etc. etc. Same old story every time. House cleaning will fly if she stays. Clarence said to me "someone ought to throw that woman (Mrs. Cool) in the river."

Mon. May 21, 1900  Text Luke 12:6-8 Beautiful pleasant day. Mrs. Cool stayed till 5 o'clock. Lizzie came up & is staying all night. She is such a sweet girl. I have worked so hard today and now it is nearly midnight. I ran up to Mrs. Griffins to see how she was as Mrs. Decker telephoned that she was very sick but found Mrs. D. had told a big lie. Mrs. G. gave me an organdie dress that she had last summer. She is such a dear little woman. Got a letter from Net & the poor child is having a time. Dad is so mean she says. Oh I wish he would quit his "jim-jams" & do right.

Tues. May 22, 1900  Text John 14:1-3 Nice day. Lizzie went home this morn. Her Sister comes from California today. Oh I wish I could visit my sister. I ironed & did other work. Tired & sleepy. Last night when Clarence came to supper he shook hands with Lizzie - or rather she got up & shook hands with him & he said "is that all your going to do?" Haha - that is like the little skunk.

Wed. May 23, 1900  Text Ps. 42:11 Kind of a hazy day - getting warmer. I digged in the back room & got it in pretty good order. Mrs. P. gave me a Scotch Blessing about some baked beans spoiling and a lot of other things. Oh dear. I wish I was perfect like some people. I'm so tired & sleepy tonight. Got a good letter from dear Maude Frazier this pm.

Thurs. May 24, 1900  Text John 3:16 Nice day. Hazy in pm. This is dear Brother Noah's 20th birthday and oh how I want to see him. 20 years ago I went to school, a little barefoot gal with my sister Mary & cousin Mattie. Cleaned house. Nora, Mrs. Gill's housekeeper came & s Mrs. P. was gone I had a nice visit with her. Poor dear. I wish I could lessen her burden. She gave me a cordial invitation to visit her & I should like to very much.

Fri. May 25, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28-30 Warm & clear or sort of clear. Cleaned house all day. Surely I am weary & in much need of rest. Mrs. griffin, the dear little soul came a while this pm. Mrs. P. was gone so I visited with her. May said at noon the back room north was the nicest looking now she ever saw it. I felt rather complimented as I cleaned it all alone & she has seen it so often when others cleaned it.

Sat. May 26, 1900  Text Ps. 19:14 Warm & clear. I was up & at it before 5 o'clock. Hard day. I'm so tired. I guess the house cleaning will never be done. Oh I wish I could have things as I want them. Mrs. Pmix came up tonight and asked Ms. P. to take some boarders & she talked as if she would. Oh hear then there will be more to do than ever. I hope they won't come.

Sun. May 27, 1900  Text John 14:18,19 Warm all day. Threatened rain in the morn but cleared up & was a bright pm. I went down to see Mrs. Peebles & found her very sick. Roy & Flora have been vaccinated so they are about laid up - making a bad mess all around.

Mon. May 28, 1900  Text Luke 12:608 Rain a while this morn then sun shone till after noon then some showery rest of time. Did a big wash. Felt as if I'd never get the day's work done but Mrs. P. helps me & I feel better than when I started this morn. Watson started on the road again this morn. I had a pleasant chat with Ada Stuit this eve. Mrs. Crittenden gave me an introduction to her niece, Miss Cora Wheeler, this morn & this evening I called on Nettie & also cultivated my acquaintance with Miss Wheeler & find her very sweet. Would like to be well acquainted with her.

Tues. May 29, 1900  Text Isa. 1:18 Quite a rainy day. I arose at 1/4 till 4 & worked all day. Am so tired tonight and long for a good rest. May God grant it. There was quite a hard storm in the north part of town but not here.

Wed. May 30, 1900  Text John 5:24:30 Decoration Day. Cloudy in the morn but cleared up early & was warm & bright the rest of the day. I started down town to see the parade but was too late so came back after calling to see how Mrs. Peebles was. This pm Mrs. Parish took Mrs. Griffin to the Valley City Cemetery and I went out on the car & then we all came back together & Mrs. G. stayed to a small lunch & Lizzie came up awhile & lunched too. Cemeteries were lovely today. I didn't have to pay any car fare, cause the "Konducter" didn't take it. Got a good letter from dear Mary this morn. She is anxious to see me & how I wish I could see her & all the rest.

Thur. May 31, 1900  Text Luke 15:10 Rather cloudy & quite warm. Digged up in the Garret. Oh it is a very dirty & tedious job.


Fri. Jun. 1, 1900  Text Luke 6:27-35 Cloudy and some rain. Another hard day in the attic. Oh if we were only done so we could rest & tonight Mrs. P. told me I undid all she done & it made me so sad. Oh when will I find peace and rest. No one ever cares for me it seems. I often wish God had taken me I was a little baby and so sock then I'd been spared all these trials but I suppose I hadn't ought to feel so. But trust and obey. I wish I could truly live up to the text above. God help me.

Sat. Jun. 2, 1900  Text John 20:28-31 Nice cool day, cloudy with two or 3 short spells of sunshine. Worked hard - took the things all out of my room & did a lot of other stuff. Mrs. Sones came to supper & then the new Literary Club of which Mrs. P. is President met here. I digged till 1/2 past ten & then I'm tired. Sleep in the attic tonight. Mr. P. got a new clock for me to use in my room & the kitchen. Glad. It is nice 55 cts.

Sun. Jun. 3, 1900  Text John 3:16 Nice bright cool day. I went down to see Mrs. Peebles & found her about the same. She said Mrs. Parish praised me very highly when she was there yesterday. I wish she would say some of her good things to me. It would do me lots of good. Watson came home last night. I wrote to Mary, Net, & Laura today.

Mon. Jun. 4, 1900  Text Ps. 23:1 Beautiful bright day. Not very warm. We had the biggest awful wash. I got up at 3 o'clock and it is now 1/2 past 10 & I have just come up to bed. Ada came over & helped me wash the supper dishes - dear girl. And I told her she could have my two red aprons. Mrs. Parish paid me today for last week - only $1.50. "Spose she docked me for going out to the cemetery on a holiday. I'm just about discouraged to think I must work so hard & all the other girls are done house cleaning and can go places while I am still a digging with no prospect of a let up. Oh for strength & Grace.

Tues. Jun. 5, 1900  Text Ps. 139:23,24 Nice day. I digged hard all day & in the eve went out to the Lake with Ada & enjoyed it hugely. The little newsboy's & the flower people who made peace & the 8 young people, 4 girls and 4 boys, did some very fine performed. Then the shadow pictures were very amusing & interesting. (1) What happened in the Laundry (2) Washer woman's mistake (3) The breadwinners (4) Cavalry in S. Africa (5) Railroad scene in S. Africa (6) Horse & horseless engines going to a fire (7) Campau Square Grand Rapids (8) Faust & Marguerite (9) a noted impersonator (10) Washing the elephant.

Wed. Jun. 6, 1900  Text Isa. 30:19 Rainy day. I digged at my room & did the other work. So tired - had a cry while washing the supper dishes. Oh I wish I didn't have to work beyond my strength.

Thur. Jun. 7, 1900  Text 2 Cor. 6:1 Nice day - warm. I straightened my room & scrubbed a lot of carpet etc. I went down to see Mrs. Peebles & found dear Mrs. Parkhurst there. She said Grace was doing fine. She showed me a picture of their family including Hattie (Delbert's wife) and Mr. Manavian (Grace's husband) & it is good. Also one of Mr. M. & his bro. Stephen & Gracie taken in Chicago on their wedding trip.

Fri. Jun. 8, 1900  Text John 4:41 Very beautiful cool breezy day. I cleaned the water closet & did some sweeping. The census man came & asked Mrs. P. a lot of stuff then asked me where I & my parents were born. My age, whether I was married, divorced or single, my occupation & whether I could read, write & speak English, & Mrs. P. spoke up & said I was pretty well posted in literary things. Ada came over a little while this eve.

Sat. Jun. 9, 1900  Text Heb. 7:25 Nice cool day. I got up at 3:10 & digged hard all day. Mrs. P. paid me only $1.50 after all this hard work. I wonder how she'd like to have May work as I have for such wages. But I'd rather be wronged than do wrong. I went with Nettie over to her sister's this eve. Had a pleasant walk & a nice time.

Sun. Jun. 10, 1900  Text Luke 2:8-14 Rather warm & some rainy. Had quite a good deal of thunder & lightening & a little hail. My head has ached all day. Mrs. Cool came this morn & will stay all night. Just as we got dinner ready Mrs. Gill's housekeeper, Nora Parker & her daughter Birdie Smith came for dinner. Nora got a divorce from her husband & took her Maiden name - Parker - so that is why her name is not Smith, same as her daughter. Birdie is such a handsome girl. I wrote a letter to dear bro. Noah. Oh I wish I could see him.

Mon. Jun. 11, 1900  Text Prov. 22:29 & Matt. 5:6 Very nice day. I was up at 3 and plugged along at my work all day & this eve I went down to the City Hall with Mr. & Mrs. Crittenden & their niece Miss Cora Wheeler where the wonderful Admiral Geo. Dewey, Hero of Manilla and wife were holding a public reception. Oh such a crowd it was! But after a great deal of pushing & squeezing we got inside of the Hall & went in single file up to where Mr. D. stood with his wife & seated at his left. As I came up he spoke * and shook hands & she bowed & held out her daintily gloved left hand so I have really shook hands with Dewey & his wife - Think of it! * He said "How do you do?"

Tues. Jun. 12, 1900  Text I John 1:9 & 3:23,24 Nice bright day - not very warm. I ironed in the A.M. & in the pm went down town with Ada to the Dewey parade. We got a good place & saw soldiers & bands & Dewey in uniform riding in a fine carriage bowing & smiling and a lot of maccabres in their odd rigs. One band was led by a young lady and there was a little girl riding in a cart drawn by a goat & two little boys in another one drawn by two long-horned goats - the Maccaber wagons where the fellows were dressed in their Maccaber Paraphernalia contained one goat. There were a lot of the most ridiculous ragamuffins one ever saw. We lots of funny things. Mr. Dewey stood on the reviewing stand doffing his gold trimmed & pointed uniform hat & bowing. Every one stretched their necks. There were a lot of Woodmen all dressed in their uniforms. I have enjoyed it. Mrs. C. (Mildred) had a bad cold so she could not appear today.

Wed. Jun. 13, 1900  Text Luke 12:7,8 Cloudy all day with a nice shower at noon. I finished my ironing & did the other work. Mr. & Mrs. P. are at a banquet at the Masonic temple so I only had boys to get supper for. Clarence came home 8:15 & went to bed like a good boy. Got a letter from Net. She is working for Dell & Bim, Dolph & Lucy with some of his children are down. Spent for tablet 10�, gum 1�, & stamps 14� = .25�. Mrs. Crittenden jawed poor Nettie this morn & she came over & told me about it & cried so. Poor girl. I feel so sorry for her. She says she has enough so she don't really have to work out but does it rather than stay & sponge off of her sisters or brothers. Oh I wish there was more love & kindness in the work & that each one would practice the 'golden rule.'

Thur. Jun. 14, 1900  Text Rev. 21:6,7 Nice day. I went away down on the LaFayette Street to invite Lizzie up to tea & she was out of town. Had a nice walk & enjoyed it. Canned strawberries today.

Fri. Jun. 15, 1900  Text Matt. 5:6 Nice day. I swept & dusted all the room & did the other work. Mrs. Griffin came down & brought the loveliest roses. She is such a dear. Ada & I went to the Lake and there was some fine performances. A tiny girl who danced on her toe tips & some boys who turned all sorts of curly cues. Then 5 or 6 boys or boys & girls all dressed in fancy spangled boy's clothes came & did some wonderful & beautiful acting. The shadow pictures were fine. Dewey receiving some soldiers or sending them off - a railroad collision, noise & all. A conjurer who spread out a table cover & on lifting it displayed a tub of water then he spread the covers on again & on lifting it there were 3 geese in the tub & he took them out by the necks. Then he spread the cover over the tub & when he took it off a little curly headed boy ran out. A panoramic view of the Olympia - nice. The haunted picture gallery where a lady & gentleman portrait leave their respective frames & got out & danced to some nice slow graceful music. The enchanted cafe - funny and a ride on Cherry St.

Sat. Jun. 16, 1900  Text Rev. 21:19-27 Nice fine day. Did my work, washed my hair & took a bath. Walked down town with Ada this eve. Mrs. Weston's mother (Mrs. Johnson) & Mrs. Weston went to Ind. this morn., to stay a week & her mother to stay till fall or till she wants to come back. The dear old lady we will miss her.

Sun. Jun. 17, 1900  Text Matt. 25:40 Nice day. Mr. & Mrs. Parish & the boys went out to May's for dinner so I'm alone. Wrote a letter to Dan & Rob. Called to see how Mrs. Peebles was & found she is not much better but the nurse thinks she will pull through. Went up to see Mrs. Griffin and she was gone so I looked at her beautiful roses instead.

Mon. Jun. 18, 1900  Text Eph. 2:10-22 Beautiful day. I arose very early & did a big wash besides quite a lot of other work. At noon I got so sick I had to go and lie down awhile & have been suffering a good deal all afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. P. are out to some kind of a doings so I'm alone & have had a good cry. Oh for health happiness & money. Rained some in the night.

Tues. Jun. 19, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 Very nice day - did my ironing. Mrs. P gave me another raking this morn. Oh that God had taken me away when I was a little baby. Then I'd have escaped all these trials. But all I ask is Grace to live aright. Lizzie & her sister Mrs. Nellie Hamilton from Sacramento, Cal. were up to supper. Beautiful starry night.

Wed. Jun. 20, 1900  Text Heb. 13:5 Nice day rather warm. Did part of the sweeping. Am tired tonight. Oh for rest - sweet rest. I'm so anxious for a good letter from home & from Dell & Laura.

Thurs. Jun. 21, 1900  Text Ecclesiastes 11:1 Kind of cloudy & windy till 4 o'clock or so than it began to rain & get cooler. Good. I did my work then went up to see dear Mrs. Griffin. Took her a loaf of bread. We had a nice visit & she lent me a book "Bitterwood" by Mason A. Green, and gave me some beautiful roses & a photo of her lot in the Valley City Cemetery. The photo is real god and she is a dear to remember me. She sent one to Mrs. P. Too. I got me things for a belt. Ribbon 40� and buckles 25� = 65�. Just a year since Delbert Parkhurst and Hattie Firestone were married. During our conversation this p.m. Mrs. G said she'd feel as if she was in heaven if she could have me or someone like me to work for her.

Fri. Jun. 22, 1900  Text John 3:16 Nice rainy day, cool - I cleaned silver & the dining room. Am so tired & sleepy. Oh I wonder if I ever will get rested on this side of the grave. I ran over to Westons a minute this pm to see Louie running his little toy engine. It was real cute & amusing. Louie told Ada to call me so I could see it.

Sat. Jun. 23, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28-30 Nice day. I digged tell 3 o'clock then went up to Mrs. Griffins but didn't find her at home. Went to see how Mrs. Peebles was & found she is not much if any better. Poor soul, I wish she was well.

Sun. Jun. 24, 1900  Text Ps. 16:1 Bright warm day. My head ached all day. Oh to be at home awhile. I got my Pentecostal Hymn Book and sang a good many of the old familiar tunes & it made me homesick. Oh I do want to see my dear ones so much.

Mon. Jun. 25, 1900  Text Luke 2:8-14 100� in shade Very warm day but I didn't mind the heat so very much. Did my wash & other work & had time to iron some. Everything went pretty good today for which I'm thankful. Ran up to Mrs. Griffins & had a nice rest with her. It always does me good to have a chat with the dear little soul. I got a letter from Mary & one from Maude Frazier this morn.

Tues. Jun. 26, 1900  Text Rom. 3:21-35 Warm but a nice breeze blew so it wasn't very uncomfortable. I ironed & did my other work. Had blk. raspberries for dinner, first time this season. This eve I walked up home with Ada. Her home is way out where there are no sidewalks. Came back on the car 5�. Pleasant time. Just 12 years ago Jun. Hawkins school was out & we aimed to have a picnic, but there was such a cold drizzly rain we all shivered around half friz. I snowed in Northern Wis. that day. Ethel Waterson was there. Now she is married & I heard a short time ago her husband was crazy. Poor little Ethel.

Wed. Jun. 27, 1900 Text John 20:29 Another warm day.  Had quite a hard storm this morn between 2 & 4 o'clock so it was cloudy part of the forenoon. Mrs. P. god word today she is going to have company come next wk. Oh dear, I wish we could rest when we are so tired.

Thur. Jun. 28, 1900  Text Heb 7:25 Clear & nice. Not extremely warm. I digged all day, sweeping & sponging carpets & dusting. No rest for me like other girls have. Oh dear, I do wish I had a nice pleasant home of my own. God grant it & soon. Got a good letter from Rob & Noah. Dan is off up North working on the railroad. Rob is working for pa & Noah is working for pa & himself.

Fri. Jun. 29, 1900  Text Rev. 22:17 A most beautiful cool breezy day. Oh how I should have liked to go off for a holiday but of course I had to be coopered up in the house working hard all day. Cleaned the dining room & my room. Mrs. Brokaw came for dinner. She is such a dear motherly woman. I like her ever so much. Nettie Morse gave a musical this eve. Mrs. & Mr. Parish went & said Nettie did very well. Just a year today since Topsy K. gave me the G. B. Glad she did. I did Mrs. Parishes hair & lent her my corset for the occasion this eve.

Sat. Jun. 30, 1900  Text Rev. 12:10,11 Very nice cool day. Just such a day as I'd like to go off for a holiday. I have digged very hard today as we had a lot of company to supper. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gill & two kids (Gaylord& Baby) - Mrs. Gill's mother & father (Mr. & Mrs. Calhoun), Mrs. Gill's mother and another Mrs. Gills. Got a letter each from Laura & Dell. Laura gave me a good many hints not to come up there & she had been urging me to come, but I don't care. If they don't want me I can stay away. Dell said Will Ballentyne died the 23 of this month. Poor Sarah will feel so bad.


Sun. Jul. 1 1900  Text Matt. 17:24-27 I have worked so hard all week that I rather hoped Mrs. P. would pay me extra but she didn't & when I came up & picked up my Bible the first thing I read was the above text so I dried my tears & thought "God has power to give me all the money & everything else I need, so I'll not cry even if folks do wrong me by overworking & underpaying me. Even Jesus suffered so I will trust the Lord to give me what I need." Lizzie came up to dinner & it will probably be the last time for a while as she intends to go to California with her sister. Clarence started off with her & she waved her hand & called 'good bye' to me as she started. I was up at my window. Mrs. Peebles is still sick, poor soul.

Mon. Jul. 2, 1900  Text Ps. 46 Sultry day with good many showers. Had a nice rain this eve. Grand Rapids had a sad calamity happen just a few blocks north of us at 4:40 this morn. A big reservoir (see Jeanne's Notes) bursted & the water washed everything in its track. Houses were carried away & smashed all to splinters, also furniture etc. Some rooms were flooded 3 or 4 feet deep with muddy water & when it ran out there was a foot of mud to be shoveled out. Mary (Mrs. Ander's girl), Ada, & I went down to see it. There were ditches washed 4 or 5 ft. deep right in the street & sidewalk all washed away. It certainly was a terrible sight. A little news boy gave the first alarm & was no doubt instrumental in saving many lives as few people were up at that time. One woman was washed down & all covered but her head. Don't think she can live. Some say the accident could have been avoided had there been a competent man at the pump house.

Tues. Jul. 3, 1900  Text St. John 6:47, 48 Hot day with some rain. Did my ironing & went down tow & got me 2 suits underwear at 50� each & 2 prs. stockings at 25�. Also 34� worth of ribbon = $1.84. Mrs. Woodward a friend of Mrs. Parish form Peoria, Ill. came this eve on the 10:15 train for a visit.

Wed. Jul. 4, 1900  Text John 6:34, 35, 37 Very warm & some cloudy. I baked the bread & did up the work then Nettie (Mrs. Crit's girl) and I went to John Ball Park & stayed awhile, then Nettie came home and I went out to the Lake 7 met Ada & her sister & we went all around together. We rode twice around the lake stopping at Manhatton the first round. I got a lunch for ten cts. Came home about 4:30 so tired.

Thurs. Jul. 5, 1900  Text John 5:24 Very warm, clear. Did my work then went downtown in pm. Stopped at Mrs. Peebles & found Mrs. Parkhurst there so she let me see Mrs. Peebles & oh such a sight. Poor dear soul has an abscess on the right side of her neck close to the ear & she had a stroke of paralysis so she can only talk very slow & not very distinctly & she looks so queer, as if her mind was affected. Oh dear. I hope she may soon get well. Mrs. Parkhurst told me to come down to Nunica for a visit. Down town I got 2 Ladies Home Journals - June & July 1.00 and a small picture, "The Soul's Awakening" and a toothbrush =35� in all. Ada & I took a little walk this eve. Watson's birthday 29.

Fri. Jul. 6, 1900 Text Ps. 51:10-12 Warm & windy & thi s eve It clouded up & we are having a nice rain. Good. Mr. & Mrs. Calhoun were here to dinner. I'm in love with dear Mrs. Woodward. She is a good woman. I went up to Mrs. Griffins but found she had gone to Highland Park for a wk. or so. Got a package of Lyons Tooth Powder at Mr. Fanckboner's drugstore - 20� & he gave me a cute little fan. I like the powder.

Sat. Jul. 7, 1900  Text Ps. 50:14, 15 Rainy day. I digged all day. Folks went to Mrs. Gills for supper so I had a minute to breath at bed time.

Sun. Jul. 8, 1900  Text Ps. 19 Just a year ago today since I came up here to Grand Rapids from Nunica to work for Mrs. Parish. Nice grey cosy rainy day. Wrote to Della. How I want to see her. Oh I do want to go home for a visit so bad. I wish God would make it happily possible for me to.

Mon. Jul. 9, 1900  Text Matt. 15:16 Beautiful day. Dear Mrs. Woodward helped with the dishes so I didn't have so much to do on wash day. She is feeling real bad so she went to see good Dr. Ruffe this eve 7 told her she would be quite well in two days. Hope so. Mrs. Peebles is still very sick. Had the abscess on her face lanced in two places this eve.

Tues. Jul. 10, 1900  Text I Tim. 6:17 Rain this am. & some sunshine awhile this pm. Did my ironing and other work. Am so tired out I don't feel well at all. Mrs. Woodward is so nice. She always says "Good bye, Hattie" when she starts off anywhere. Ada & I took a little walk this eve.

Wed. Jul. 11, 1900  Text Heb. 4:15,16 Nice cool day. I swept some &* did my other work. Nothing unusual came to pass today & poor Mrs. Woodward not feeling well at all. Hope she soon will.

Thur. Jul. 12, 1900  Text Ps. 25:7-10 Very beautiful cool day. Got my work out of the way then rode down town with Mrs. Parish & Mrs. Woodward when they went out to May's for supper. Got me a jacket $3.95. Came home & got supper for Clarence then went on to the Lake with Ada. We got seats so we could sit down & enjoy the sights. 1st: Miss Violet McMillen - singing & dancing 2nd: Lee Ingram - Equilibrist - did a number of very extraordinary antics. Made one hold their attention. 3rd: Negley, "The Male Melba" - Dressed as a woman and sang like one and once he said something in a gruff voice. Hard to tell what 'sex' it was. 4th: Mr. & Mrs. Perkins Fisher in a cute play. It was nice when the old gentleman sang and the light from the fire place shone on him. 5th: Cook & Lester in illustrated songs was the finest thing of all. The man sang & the pictures illustrating the songs were thrown on the canvas in all their rich colorings. 1st song 'What the Good Book Taught," 2nd "The Only Way - beautiful costumes of the rich in Napoleon's time. 3rd "What is Home without Love?" & 4th "I Wonder If She's Waiting." Twin daughters whistled. 6th: Mrs. Alice Shaw & then the girls dressed as a boy & girl so fancifully & danced & played very prettily. 7th: Was the Moving Pictures "Cavalry Charge" 1. French Eurasians - fine 2. Who said watermelons - funny 3. "Murder Will Out" rather comical. 4. U. S. Volunteers - short but sweet. 5. Columbia & Shamrock rounding the stake boat. Nothing extra. 6. Fisherman's Luck 7. Such a Headache. Haha - too funny for anything. 8. A Beggar's Dream - rather funny 9. Two Colored Sports - Kinder funny. 10. Colored Film - Panorama from an engineer's seat on the London & Southwestern Rept. passing under the great Saltash Bridge. The only colored Panoramic picture in existence. Very beautiful indeed.

Fri. Jul. 13, 1900  Text Matt. 7:7,8 Another nice day. Getting warmer. Went down town & got a new dress. Pink & white stripe. 10 yds. 20� per yd = $2.00 Mrs. P said it was nice & pretty & becoming. Ada said Mrs. Weston said that I was just the girl for Mrs. P., that she liked me. Wish she'd tell me so.

Sat. Jul. 14, 1900  Text John 11:25-27 Warm & clear. Quite stormy looking in the eve. but no rain. did my work & went down town to get my jacket they were to fix over. Don't like it very well. Mrs. Woodward was very sick this morn & she fainted. She is better & went for a ride this eve.

Sun. Jul. 15, 1900  Text I John 1:9 Warm & clear, with a considerable breeze. Some cloudy this eve. Wrote to Mary & called to see how Mrs. Peebles was. She is still very sick. Dear Mrs. Parkhurst was there. She had a white wrapper on & did look so cool &nice. We had a nice little visit.

Mon. Jul. 16, 1900  Text Prov. 3:26 Quite warm and also quite rainy. Considerable thunder & lightening & hard showers this eve. Glad of the rain. Got my work done in good season. Watson saw a letter I had addressed to Mary & asked if I wrote that "I said yes" & he said "You're a pretty good penman aren't you?" I said I didn't think so but would like to but he said he thot that was pretty good writing. Wish I'd had his chance for education or one like it. Oh dear I wish I could do something lighter than this old housework.

Tues. Jul. 17, 1900  Text Isa. 55:7 One of my favorite kind of days. Breezy, grey &cozy. Got my ironing did. Am tired tonight. One Mon. eve a few wks. ago I was eating my supper Clarence went & rummaged in the clothes basket trying to find a clean handkerchief & not succeeding he came & whispered to me "where do you keep the handkerchiefs," so I went & fished one out & ironed it for him & he thanked me & said "I'll be your Uncle for that." Haha. Uncle Clarence.

Wed. Jul. 18, 1900  Text John 10:27-28 Very nice day & eve. I busied myself in the am with culinary work & in the pm Mrs. Parish & Mrs. Woodward went to the Lake so I swept. Mrs. Crittenden came calling on me so I had a little visit with her. In the eve Ada & I went to the Lake & I bought seats so we could see & rest. Eddie Smith & a beautiful little lady did some wonderfully fine roller skating. I saw them last Summer. They were dressed in white satin trimmed with white fur all spangled with gold so It glittered beautifully in the light. 3 men did some clever acrobatic tricks & an old fellow & a pretty girl performed quite well. 1. The moving pictures were "Ashanti natives diving after coins thrown in the water by visitors. 2. Mephistos Laboratory in which a great many changes were made a man turned into a monkey & into a donkey. 3. A visit to a spiritualist was very funny. 4. How his wife gets her spending money. 5. An actual collision of 2 trains on the 4th of July '99 at Indianapolis, Ind. It was fun to see the crowd gather. Then the colored pictures of Cinderella was last & best. First she is all ragged & dirty & her sisters are all finely dressed & going to a ball. Then the fairy comes & transforms everything. Turns a mouse into a coachman & evolves two footman from somewhere & a beautiful coach from a large pumpkin then makes Cinderella a beautifully dressed girl & she gets in the coach & off she goes. Than at the ball she has a good time till she turns all ragged again whereupon she hastily returns & when her sisters come they berate her & then comes the prince with the slipper & both the girls try it but it doesn't fit so poor Cinderella tries it & it fits & then the fairy transforms her into a fine lady & she goes off with him & then the scene changes & lots of beautifully dressed people are going up the steps of the palace to the wedding & a lot of young people are stationed outside to dance etc. Then there is shown the wedding then last a beautiful coach & the bridal party init & those young forks all seated along the side. The coloring & all were very nice. I enjoyed seeing it every so much.

Thur. Jul. 19, 1900  Text Ps. 103:11-14 Nice day - quite warm. I missed my whole afternoon by having a terrible headache. Oh for rest. Nellie came back to Mrs. Anisdens this morn. She worked there last summer. Mr. Rush made an appointment to meet Clarence here at 6 o'clock this eve & when he didn't come Clarence said "He's a peach he is. He can just go to work & kiss my ankle. That's what he can do." & off went Clarence down town.

Fri. Jul. 20, 1900  Text Ps. 27:10 & 31:24 Nice day, sort of grey & growing cooler this eve. Dear Mrs. Griffins came down this pm. She has been off for an outing & looks better than she did. I had the headache about all day. Had a big cry. There is so much to do & I'm so tired. Mrs. P. acts as if I wasn't doing half enough. I don't see what ails her. She acts so cranky & disagreeable & says so many cutting things. She isn't like she used to be at all. Oh dear I wish I didn't have to work out at all. Went over to see Ada & Nellie was there and we had a nice time only it only lasted a short time. Hope we can have lots of good times after this.

Sat. Jul. 21, 1900  Text Eccles. 12:13 Beautiful day so bright & not warm enough to be disagreeable. Just 33 yrs. since Mr. & Mrs. Parish were married. They had a lot of company here for supper - not an anniversary but just a common "blowout." They had invited some of the guests before they thought of what day it would be. Mrs. Woodward, dear soul gave Mrs. P. a nice white apron this morn & me a beautiful handkerchief & a kiss. She is so good. We had a big days work. Watson helped wait on the table like a dude & Ada came & helped me wash dishes. Guests were Mr. & Mrs. Calhoun, Mr. & Mrs. Gill & 2 kids, Mrs. Weston, Mr. Reynolds , Mary Lee & Sadie, Mrs. Amsden, Mrs. Crittenden & niece Cora Wheeler, Mr. Crittenden, Mr. Amsden & Mr. Weston, also Mr. & Mrs. Griffin were invited but didn't come. Everybody talked & laughed & seemed to enjoy it ever so much. Got my thimble finger smashed on the nail. Make me squall.

Sun. Jul. 22, 1900  Text I Peter 5:7 Nice bight day, a little warmer. Have read Ada's S. S. paper. Like it. It makes me think of the Home Sundays when I always read something good. Oh, I wish I could be happily at home. This eve Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Parish & I went down to the Davison St. Methodist Church to a Missionary lecture by G. W. Leitch, who with his 2 sisters, Mary & Margaret have been in Ceylon & India for 2 years. He illustrated his lecture with Stereopticon views of the people & scenes in Indiana. He had 100 views - all very interesting. He showed song in the Hindu language & sung it& that was so nice. They sang "Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun Doth" & "This successive journey run" & "from Greenland's icy mountains" which he illustrated very nicely on the canvas. Oh it was all very nice indeed & we enjoyed it & the walk home beneath the starry skies with the crickets & Katydids singing of autumn.

Mon. Jul. 23, 1900  Text Heb &:25 Nice day. Dear Mrs. Woodward helped me by doing the dishes & getting things ready for dinner. They went out to May's for supper so I only had Clarence to cook for this eve. Ada, Nettie & Nellie came for awhile.

Tues. Jul. 24, 1900  Text Matt. 12:50 Beautiful rainy day. Mrs. Woodward & Mrs. Parish made some calls as dear Mrs. Woodward intends to start home in the morning. They went up to Mrs. Griffins & Mrs. W. said Mrs. G said "I was a good girl." Mrs. W said so too & thanked me so much when I ironed her clothes. Dear soul. I wish she lived here. This eve Ada, Nettie & I went down to the Trinity Lutheran Church to the same Lecture I was at Sun. eve. We enjoyed it. I got one of their books 50� & a magazine 10�. I hope they will help the poor of India.

Wed. Jul. 25, 1900  Text Ps. 19:12 An exceptionally beautiful morning & all day. We were all up early & after breakfast Mrs. W. dear soul, bade Clarence good bye then she came & put her arm around me & kissed me & said good bye Hattie. Take good care of yourself & write to me. I promised & said good bye. Then they were off. Clarence said "She is a pretty nice sort of woman to have around." He also told Trix the dog to go & lay an egg. Haha. Mrs. P. & I went down town this pm & I spent a lot of money for trimming for my new dress. Velvet ribbon $1.80, shields 25�, stays 30�, collar 15�, lining 20� = $2.70. Oh dear I wish I could have things so I would look nice.

Thurs. Jul. 26, 1900  Text Jer. 23:5,6 Another very bright beautiful cool day. Oh such days are a great blessing & I would love to be free to enjoy them as I please. Have tinkered around doing odd jobs. Swept my room & did some sewing this pm. It is so beautiful outdoors this eve. I'm so tired all the time I can't enjoy things half. Oh for rest. Sweet rest. Please God grant it me happily.

Fri. Jul. 27, 1900  Text John 3:16, 17 Very beautiful pleasant day. Got my work done at 3:15 then went down to the Library for Mrs. Parish & as I couldn't get both books she wanted I got a story book for myself - "The King's Daughter" by Pansy. Then I went up to Mrs. Griffins & we had a nice visit only it was far too short. She is such a dear little soul. I love to go to visit her. She gave me a nice lot of flowers & some applies so I came home well laden, 2 books, apples, umbrella & flowers. Went to see how poor Mrs. Peebles is & found her no better but Meningitis has set in with all her other sickness so it is no wonder if she dies, poor soul.

Sat. Jul. 28, 1900  Text Matt. 6:19,20 Beautiful day. Getting warmer. Lovely eve tonight. Mrs. Sones was here to dinner. May invited me down to her house with the folks tomorrow for dinner. After I got my work done this pm I went over to the Hill Drugstore & got a bottle of Packer's Hair Balsam 45�, and washed my hair. Hope it will prove efficacious in curing my dandruff & falling hair. Mrs. P. had a letter from dear Mrs. Woodward & she sent her love to me. I'm sitting in my room with my feet soaking in the wash bowl while I write this. Tis 1/2 past 9.

Sun. Jul. 29, 1900  Text Jer. 29:10-13 Rainy looking this forenoon but cleared up so nice in pm. We got ready & went down to May's for dinner. Clare came but Watson didn't. I didn't enjoy it extremely as May & Sadie were in the kitchen all the time nearly. I combed Mrs. P. hair then went in the parlor & read till dinner time. Clarence commenced to blab about me not eating anything & being bashful etc. so I said "Clarence talks too much for his age" & they all acted as if that was rather sassy or something so of course it made me just a little ill at ease. He sat just around the corner form me but he shut his smartness when I made my speech. May visited awhile after dinner then I helped Sadie wash dishes then she played a little & we soon came home. They have a lovely place & I like to go there but not with Mrs. P. for she always comes home too soon. Beautiful this eve. I'm reading "The King's Daughter" by Pansy & like it. 1st time I've sat down at the first table like this since I came to G. R.

Mon. Jul. 30, 1900  Text Ps. 50:14 & 15 Nice day, bright & not so very warm. I digged all day. Mrs. P. got made at something I said this morn & jawed & fussed at a great rate and among other things she said "if you don't lie things here & my way of doing work you know what you can do." Oh yes, I know. Oh why must one suffer so much from those they never harmed. I don't know what terrible thing I've done that makes her so different from what she used to be. Oh for a home of my own where I can enjoy a little rest & peace. I've shed a good many bitter tears today. I'm sick & tired but there is no rest for me. As yet Mrs. Parkhurst called & said the Dr. & Nurse had given up hoping or expecting Mrs. Peebles would get well. Poor soul has had a hard life & got very little good out of it. God grant her a happy relief.

Tues. Jul. 31, 1900  Text Rev. 2:10 Beautiful day but getting warmer. Got my ironing done in pretty good season. Poor Mrs. Peebles is till failing there is no hopes of her recovery. I was down a little while this eve 7 had quite a little visit with Mrs. Parkhurst. Mrs. Peebles talks all the time when she is awake. Her mind seems to ramble around on various subjects. Oh I wish she could have gotten well but God's Will Be Done. Got a nice letter from Dear Coz Dell this morn. How I'd like to see her & all the other dear ones. I'm afraid Ada Stuit is fast going downhill as she is so crazy after beaux & doesn't exercise any judgment in her choice of them. Oh I wish she would be wise.


Wed. Aug. 1, 1900  Text Matt. 10:29-32 A nice day - some cloudy & a very little rain just a sprinkle. I digged out the front bedroom & the boys room. Della sent me her photo of Aunt Eliza's six girls to look at ( Mattie, Belle, Maude, Ethel, Nellie, & Genie) that Ethel sent her. I wish I had one like it. Still it is not an extra good picture. Nellie is the prettiest & Genie next. Belle looks like May Mortimer did & also like Aunt Maria. Ethel looks natural but so much poorer as if she had suffered. I'd like to see them. This is sister Net's 22nd birthday. How time skims along! I remember what a bright warm day it was 22 years ago. Lots of changes since then.

Thur. Aug. 2, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28-30 Cloudy with some rain. I digged till almost 3 o'clock. Oh dear - other girls can get off early every Thur. pm & lots of other times. I'm so tired I can scarcely go. Mrs. P. cut part of my next dress this pm. Wish it was done & suited me. Buffalo Bill (Wm. Cody) is in town with his Wild West Show today. Mr. Peebles is no netter. Ada gave me one of her pictures today so I owe her one when I get some taken. Mrs. P. went over to call on Mrs. Crit this eve & she gave her a history of my meanness on Mon. I suppose from what I heard. Oh for a happy home all my own. God grant it. I'm so sad & tired & homesick. Mrs. P used to be so good to me & now she talks about me & makes me work harder. God only knows what will become of me when I can't work anymore.

Fri. Aug. 3, 1900  Text Matt. 5:4-7 Nice day - some cloudy - not much. Mrs. Parkhurst came up & said Mrs. Peebles was a little better & they had hope that she would recover. Hope she may be relieved from her suffering. She also told me that Mrs. Kassabian was on her way to Boston again. Good! Hope she enjoys her condition. Maybe that 's what she got for saying what she did about me trying to steal her husband's affections. I digged all day swept & dusted the sewing room & Mr. P's room & washed windows. Am tired tonight. Nettie came awhile this eve. She asked Mr. P. about his school & thinks her niece will go. How I wish I could go. Mrs. P. is making my dress. Hope I'll like it.

Sat. Aug. 4, 1900  Text Heb. 4:14-16 Clear or nearly so & warmer - very warm. I got up early & digged steadily but so many drawbacks occurred that I had no spare time. Oh I'm so tired. I can't half work. I think it is a shame for anyone to have to work so hard for so little. I went over to go with Nettie to her sisters & Mr. Crit gave her 10� to go to the drugstore to get some ice cream soda but we didn't want to go to the store so went to Gaskils & got some washing tablets & will get the soda some time again. I spent 5� for hooks & eyes for my dress & 10� for washing tablet.

Sun. Aug. 5, 1900  Text Isa. 51:10 Very warm & clear. My head has ached all day. I wrote to Rob & Noah & Maude Frazier. Finished reading "The King's Daughter" by Pansy. Like it.

Mon. Aug. 6 1900  Text John 5:14-17 Warm & clear. Got my work done reasonably easy today so ironed some & I am oh so tired tonight. Everyone else can get a rest or outing except me it seems. Ada is to go home for a wk. on Thurs. & Netty gets her work done so she can rest every pm.

Tues. Aug. 7, 1900  Text Matt. 7:7 and 21:22 Warm clear day. Did my ironing & Mrs. P. took me down to the Library this pm as the horse was all hitched. I got "Wise & Otherwise" by Pansy. It is a sequel to "The King's Daughter." Mrs. Parish got a beautiful handbag (made of shoe strings & silk) from Mrs. Woodward today. We wrote some to her. Mrs. Peebles is no better. Poor soul. I'm so tired I can scarcely navigate. Oh I wish I could have enough money to get a good business education then get a good position & have a chance to be something. But most of all I want to be a true daughter of the Heavenly King.

Wed. Aug. 8, 1900  Text Matt. 5:9 Oh, I wish I was a good girl. A peacemaker like Mrs. Sayles in Wise & Otherwise" by Pansy. Had some spare time this pm so darned my stockings. Went to Mrs. Fletcher's store & got some things for Mrs. P. A spool of silk th'd for myself 10� & among the change was a 1900 nickel so I kept it as it is the first one this year. I've been planning to save 50� a wk. & all my 10� pieces. Been warm & clear. This is the longest hot spell this summer so far.

Thur. Aug. 9, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5, 6 Another clear warm day. Mr. & Mrs. Parish went out in the country to a picnic so I only had to get dinner for Watson. Sewed on my pants & read some this pm.

Fri. Aug. 10, 1900  Text Luke 11:9, 10 Warm & clear. Mrs. Parish sewed on my dress and I did the work. I spent 20� for a white yoke & collar. I got a book "Soul Food" form Net & a nice little handkerchief from Mary this morn for my birthday. Mary evidently intends that I shall keep my nose clean & Net wants me to read good books in this big wicked city. Dear sisters how I want to see them. Mrs. P. & I were talking about education etc. & she said something that gave me a little hope again, that perhaps someday ( may learn bookkeeping or stenography.

Sat. Aug. 11, 1900  Text Matt. 7:1 & 12 Warm again & clear most of the day. It clouded up this eve & we had a few drops of rain & a cool breeze, so good. Poor Mrs. Peebles was nearly dead this pm. Not expected to live through the night. Mrs. Parish got to see her today.

Sun. Aug. 12, 1900  Text Ps. 119:133 Commenced to rain in the night & got cooler & has rained a lot today. I'm so glad for the change in the weather. This is dear brother Rob's 24th birthday. How time flies! Soon we will all be middle aged, then old. Oh how I want to see all my dear ones. I finished reading "Wise & Otherwise" by Pansy Like it & wish I could be charitable as dear Mrs. Sales. Mrs. Parkhurst called & and Mrs. Peebles was still alive but they expect her to die any minute almost. Poor, poor soul. I dreamed a great lot about rings last night & that I had one my own. Wouldn't care if Mary & Net or somebody would give me a nice one for a birthday gift.

Mon. Aug. 13, 1900  Text John 10:9 Pleasant day rainy looking most of the forenoon but cleared up beautifully in pm. Poor Mrs. Peebles died last night at 10 o'clock. I feel so sorry for Mrs. Parkhurst as they do not act as if they cared for her & have not let her help in preparing her sister for the funeral or let her have any say whatever about anything. She is to be buried at the Spring Lake where her mother is. Nellie was here for a call on me this eve. I like her. I found a 4 leaf clover this morning. Got a letter from dear Maude Frazier. Wish I could see her.

Tues. Aug. 14, 1900  Text Matt. 11:4-6 Clear a little while this morn then nice grey sky & a little rain then grey til eve when it cleared off again. Mrs. Peebles was buried at Spring Lake today. After services conducted by Rev. F. P. Arthur of Christ Church, Pall bearers Mr. Parish, Mr. Weston, Mr. Thompson & Mr. Cars. I didn't go to the funeral for want of decent clothes. 11 years ago ma & I went over to Ira Hutchens & stayed to dinner & Ma had a tooth pulled. I had a fine time with Bess who was 4 yrs. old then. At dinner Watson was telling how he disliked Mrs. Emory & told me she said he was riding around with a nigger once so I said "It didn't hurt the nigger did it?" & he & Mrs. Parish about hurt themselves laughing. And tonight Watson was bragging up a girl to Clarence & said she could pack her clothes in his (Watson's) trunk etc. & Clarence said "She could put her feet in your coffin haha & when anybody is homely they are as homely as the backside of a mixing board. Ada told me that. I visited Nettie a little while this pm.

Wed. Aug. 15, 1900  Text Luke 2:18 Grey day. Nice big shower this pm. I went down to the Library & got "Camping Out" by C. A. Stephens. There was a very terrible wreck on the G. R. & I. Ry. north of here early this morn. 7 persons were killed outright & nice seriously injured & a number of slightly injured ones. The wreck was caused by an operator going to sleep & not sending a message which he should have. Then there was a heavy fog else the engineers might have seen the danger before it was too late. It was terrible. Oh that such things could be avoided. I pity that wretched man who slept when he hadn't ought to. Am getting my new dress done by degrees. Weston was showing it off to May. He thinks it is fine.

Thur. Aug. 16, 1900  Text Ps. 139: 23, 24. Isa 55:7, Ps. 19:14 Nice foggy morning with white soft-clouds & sunshine in pm. My 29th birthday. I did my work in am & this pm went with Nettie over to her sisters & took my sewing. They gave me a little stone book cutout form clay taken from the reservoir where the flood was on July 2nd. Quite a curiosity. Nettie came over awhile this eve. I wanted very much to get some photos taken today but couldn't as no one would or could go with me. Ms. Parkhurst sent me a note in a letter to Mrs. Richmond & she brought it over this eve.

Fri. Aug. 17, 1900  Text Gal. 3:26 Clear after a little fog in the morn, not uncomfortably warm. got my work out of the way so had time to sew part of the velvet on my ruffles. Nellie came over this eve & I went to the drugstore with her. Poor girl is about sick.

Sat. Aug. 18, 1900  Text Eph. 4:29-32 Oh for Grace to live according to this text every minute. Bright & warm. Got my work done in time to take a bath & try on my new dress which Mrs. Parish finished today. Like it only it doesn't become me as my complexion is so horrid. Am real disappointed but will try to be resigned & also try to improve my ugly complexion. I intended to pay for having it made & Mrs. P wouldn't take a ct. It made me feel cheap to say the least. Clarence got 2 new shirts today. I got a good letter from Mary this morn. I saw a spider going up his web last eve & wished for a good letter from home this morn & got it. Paid 25 cts for a photo coupon.

Sun. Aug. 19, 1900  Text Isa 42:16 Bright & very warm. We were all saddened to hear that Mrs. Mary E. Thompson (aged 23, daughter of Lawyer T. just up the st. a little ways) was stricken with apoplexy & paralysis at 9 o'clock last night & died at noon today without regaining consciousness. She was well & had gone to take a bath & dress for company who was coming for a sort of a party & they found her in the bathroom unconscious. Oh it is terrible but thy sting is partly taken away from the fact that she was a Christian so has gone to be with Jesus who said "If ye confess me before men I will also confess ;you before my Father in Heaven." It all seems so sad as she was such a bright lovable girl. But God knoweth best & I only pray we may reach be ready when the summons comes.

Mon. Aug. 20, 1900  Text John 14:1 & 2 Cooler & quite clear till afternoon when it began to cloud up and we had several lovely showers & considerable wind. Got my work did rather late, as usual.

Tues. Aug. 21, 1900  Text Ps. 36:1, & Rev. 21:7 Oh, I need so much help from God that I may 'overcome.' There are so many trials & temptations & my temper is a perfect powder box. Oh I do want to be meek & patient & humble but I forget every good impulse the moment I get angry. This morn Mrs. P. accused me of crackling all of her dishes by pouring hot water on them. Said I did it as she knew they were all right when I came here. It is just a big life & nothing else. Oh dear it is just fuss, fuss all the time. Oh that I could have a happy home. I pray God will keep me & take me home to Heaven at last. Mary Thompson was buried today.

Wed. Aug. 22, 1900  Text Heb. 4:14-16 Nice day. Worked all day. Visited Nettie while in eve.

Thurs. Aug. 23, 1900  Text Ps. 18:28 Nice big shower this morn. I baked some nice cookies and stewed some apple sass etc. Oh yes it was clear & pleasant this pm.

Fri. Aug. 24, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 & 11 Big shower early this morn the cleared up beautifully & also quite warm. Then at eleven or so it suddenly clouded up & we had another big shower then it cleared up & was quite warm & tonight it looks rather stormy. Got my dining room cleaned & other work done then went over to Ada's with Nettie a while & after that I sewed till supper time. I'm sad or something. Wish I could have some fun or a good time with a nice rest.

Sat. Aug. 25, 1900  Text John 14:1-6 Nice day. It stormed a good deal in the night & rained by the bbl. full so to speak. I've had a hard day - sick as a dog & never got done till supper time ten after supper Nettie wanted me to go with her down town so I went & got a bustle 20� and a wax for irons 9� & a strainer & brush for Mrs. Parish but she would pay for them.

Sun. Aug. 26, 1900  Text Matt. 6:27-33 Rainy day, pleasantly cool. Wanted to go to church but couldn't. Wrote to Mary. I am blue & tired & sad and sick & almost discouraged. Oh I do wish I could have a good rest.

Mon. Aug. 27, 1900  Text John 16:33 Rainy looking in the forenoon but cleared up nice in pm. I felt so miserable when I first got up that I cried but after I got to work, I felt better & got all my work out of the way before noon & even got my dress changed, something very unusual for me. This pm I went down town & got some stuff for 2 aprons & brought up a walking skirt but won't keep it. Have felt much better than I expected to & am very thankful for it. May said at non that my kitchen always looked so clean & neat. Glad someone thinks so.

Tues. Aug. 28, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5&6 Nice day - some cloudy & quite warm. Beautiful starry night. Went own town this pm & got Sept. Ladies Home Journal 10�. Stuff for collar 34�. Got "Winter Furs" at the Library.

Wed. Aug. 29, 1900  Text John 16:24 Beautiful day. Such blue clear sky & bright sun & delightful air. How I should have enjoyed being free to stay out doors this morn. But I had my work to do. This pm I went up to Mrs. Griffins but she was out to her farm. Mr. Griffins called up & invited Mrs. P. out there. Wish they had invited me too. Got two Ladies Home Journals today 20�.

Thur. Aug. 30, 1900  Text Ps. 19 Nice day - a little warm. I went over helped Mrs. Weston & Ada pare peaches this pm & enjoyed it. Watson has been looking at the moon & stars with a field glass & making funny remarks. I went out at his urgent request & looked at the moon. Fine. Wish Ma could wade into the peaches as I have today. Dear old Ma.

Fri. Aug. 31, 1900  Text Heb. 19:28 Nice clear day, somewhat warm. Got my work did & went over to curl Ada's hair. Wish my hair was as nice as hers. Also my complexion. Mrs. Weston went to Ind. after her mother today. Will stay a week.


Sat. Sept. 1, 1900  Text Ps. 37:3,4 Nice day - quite warm. Got y work done in good season then got ready & Ada & I went down town & I got my hair dressed 25�. It was the first time in my life & such a transformation as it was! Really I looked handsome. Then we went to Noble's Art Gallery where I sat for 2 doz. & one pictures. 12 cabinets 12 small ones & 1 large one. I do hope they will be nice. They will cost just 3 dollars when done. Then we went to Spring's Dry Good store & I got a white skirt $2.00 & to the Boston Store where I got a pr. of those supporters $.35. I paid $1.50 on the pictures so only owe $1.25 as I paid 25� for a coupon. Clarence & Watson thought I looked extra fine & so did everyone around here. Wish I could look as nice all the time. Roy Peebles invited me to a sociable at the church next Thurs. eve.

Sun. Sept. 2, 1900  Text Rom. 12:10 Rather rainy looking & quite windy all day. Mr. & Mrs. Parish went out to Mrs. Griffins farm early this morn & stayed all day. I wore my new dress & went to Christ Church & such a sweet faced lady motioned me to her pew & shared her hymn book & was so nice. I enjoyed it all very much. Rev. T. P. Arthur preached a good sermon. I believe he is a good man. He seems so earnest. Clarence came to dinner & in the eve I went to church again & Roy came & invited me to their social Thur. eve. A girl was friendly & a young man shook hands as I started away. Hope I'll get acquainted with the young people soon. I'm sort of lonesome without any church acquaintances. Mr. P. bet a goose Nettie couldn't bake as good bread as I can.

Mon. Sept. 3, 1900  Text Phil. 4:6-8 Rained in the night then cleared up beautifully & this has been a perfectly lovely day. I washed & as it is Labor Day Mrs. P. made me go out to John Ball Park with Ada this pm & she flew around & did a lot of work. I didn't want to go & when I came back & saw what she had done I squalled. I felt so mean & disappointed. Didn't enjoy my outing & wish I had stayed at home and worked.

Tue. Sept. 4, 1900  Text John 16:20 Nice day. I baked cookies & pies & did my ironing. Dell & Lottie Poole came & stayed all day. They are 2 girls about 11 & 13 or so. In the pm I went down to get my proofs & am very much disappointed with them. Oh dear I wish I could get some real honest good pictures. I will have to set again A little boy came here today & was playing with Dell & Lottie & he said to me "You look just like a lady."

Wed. Sept. 5, 1900  Text Isa. 45:22 Nice day. Somewhat warm & windy. Have worked hard doing nothing.

Thurs. Sept. 6, 1900  Text Isa. 54:7,8 Nice day cool this eve. Mrs. Parish & Mrs. Sones went to Cedar Springs this morn to stay till Sat. I 'flyed' around & this pm went down & got my hair dressed & sat again for my pictures. Oh dear I do wish they will be good. May came up to super & when I went into eat she said my dress looked so nice & Clarence said "Hattie is all right" in his good hearty way. Clarence is a fine kid. Too bad he drinks. Went down to the church of Christ to an entertainment. Not much fun. One or two spoke to me very nicely & Rev. Arthur asked my name & shook hands & said he hoped I'd come often to church. Saw an Automobile with 2 men just gliding along so nice.

Fri. Sept. 7, 1900  Text Mat. 18:11 & 14 Very nice day - especially this eve. It is so nice & bright & cool & beautiful. I'm very, very tired after a hard day of sweeping & other work. Got a bad cold.

Sat. Sept. 8, 1900  Text Ps. 130:7 Very nice day & this eve is just perfect with a bright full moon. I have done stacks of work today. Baked cake, bread & pie. Got praised on the cake. Watson as much as said I was a good cook & added that I'd be getting married . Spose I will like I always have. Mrs. Parish came home from Cedar Springs at non & went & got Mrs. Cool so she is here for a spell. Went to the Drug store & got stamps 10�, perfume 10�, & Palmolive soap 10� = 30�. Just had a good bath.

Sun. Sept. 9, 1900  Text Ps. 51:9,10 Nice day. I went to Church this morn. finished reading "Winter Furs" this pm. Clarence paid me for his laundry this morn & gave me 2� over. Wish I could have such a nice time as the folks in "Winter Furs" did.

Mon. Sept. 10, 1900  Text Ps. 119:133 Nice day ;& quite warm everybody said hot. Got my work did & Mrs. Parish asked me to drive down & leave the horse for Mr. Parish so I did. First time I ever drove him. Got along all right of course. Went & got my proofs & don't like them very much. I think it is a pity I can't have a picture that looks like me. Mrs. Stearns came back Sat. & called a few minutes this eve. She is a dear. Mrs. Cool went home. She is a miserable miser or seems so besides a lot of other disagreeable things. But I do wish I could be real charitable in all my thoughts of others. Mr. Peebles called to thank the club Mrs. P. belongs to for the flowers they sent to Mrs. Peebles funeral.

Tues. Sept. 11, 1900  Text Ps. 119:175, 176 Kinder bright & nice a little while this morn but clouded up & has been very windy all day & eve. (10 o'clock) with quite a little rain this eve. I have worked all day & felt half sick & miserable with a bad cold & some rheumatism. Mr. & Mrs. Parish are away down town to an Eastern Star doings this eve.

Wed. Sept. 12, 1900  Text I Peter 5:7 Beautiful bright cool day. Air so fresh & sweet after yesterday's bluster. Digged along with a miserable cough & a strong touch of rheumatism. Looking & longing for a good letter from home.

Thur. Sept. 13, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 Very beautiful bright cool day. Mr. & Mrs. Parish went to Ada to an Eastern Start doings this pm so I only had the boys for supper. Went down town this pm & ordered my pictures. Dear I wish I could have good natural ones. Wrote to Laura this pm & sent her one of the proofs.

Fri. Sept. 14, 1900  Text Luke 12:27-31 Beautiful cool day. did my regular Fri. work. Have been building air castles & wishing for some good clothes so think the text very appropriate. Oh I wish I was truly good.

Sat. Sept. 15, 1900  Text John 3:14-17 Some cloudy & some sunshine & a good shower & some small ones & tonight it is some windy & clear. Have digged all day. We canned a bu. of the nicest tomatoes I ever saw. I went over to Mrs. Westons & stayed with her mother a while this eve as Mrs. W. & Ada were gone. Had a nice time. Read some to her. She always is so grateful for any favor. She gave me some candy. Everyone is talking of the terrible storm in Texas. It is such a sad thing. I'm anxious to hear from home.

Sun. Sept. 16, 1900  Text Rom. 1:16 Cold, cloudy & windy. Just cosy & nice to hug up to a fire or snug up in bed. Wish I could have Mary for a bed fellow tonight. Rainy this eve. I digged till after 2 o'clock today & then Mrs. P. seemed out of sorts cause I didn't get downstairs & get supper earlier. Oh dear I wish God would be pleased to place me where I could keep Sun. as it ought to be. Nora, Mrs. Gill's housekeeper was up awhile this pm.

Mon. Sept. 17, 1900  Text Heb. 2:18 Rainy in am. Nice in pm. I jumped out of bed at 2:30 this morn & oh how I have worked all day Not a minute's rest & mixed bread this eve to top off with.

Tues. Sept. 18, 1900  Text John 7:2 Nice day, frost last night. Dear Mrs. Griffins came down this pm then I took her home. She is such a dear little soul. We had a nice time. She said she just wished she could have me to work for her. She always praises me & it seems good for my life is not all sunshine by any means.

Wed. Sept. 19, 1900  Text John 14:1-6 Nice cool rainy day. Did the work & had time to clean up my room & read a little. I'm waiting for a letter from home.

Thurs. Sept. 20, 1900  Text Deut. 4:29 Nice day cool & windy & some cloudy. Mrs. P. sick with Cholera Morbus so I did the work. Went up to Mrs. Griffins & had a little visit with the dear. She gave me a handful of flowers & some apples & peaches. Mrs. P. had a letter from dear Mrs. Woodward. She remembered me & wants me to write to her again. I shall.

Fri. Sept. 21, 1900  Text Heb. 13:8 Nice day with grey clouds part of the times, cool. I have swept nearly the whole house today & am so tired tonight. I can hardly wiggle or squirm. They had a man in here this eve to estimate how much it will cost to have this house moved back & fixed up good. Hope if they make any change it will be for the better.

Sat. Sept. 22, 1900  Text I Tim 1:15 Nice cool day. I digged till 4 pm then Mrs. P. sent me downtown with the horse for Mr. P. & then I went to the Library & to get my pictures. Got all the cabinets & 6 small ones. they are quite good only don't look as much like me as I do. Mr. & Mrs. P. say they are good.

Sun. Sept. 23, 1900  Text Ps. 42:1 Nice day some warmer than yesterday. Rained in the night. Mrs. Wood of Bay City, Mich. came today for a visit. She seems real pleasant. May was up to dinner & the boys were home so there was a nice full table. I've had the headache & felt miserable all day but feel better now 8:15pm. Wrote to May Parks. Clarence cut up a lot of comical antics this morn. He is such a clown.

Mon. Sept. 24, 1900  Text Matt. 18:11-14 Clear in morn but soon clouded up & rained a little wee. I digged all day. No news from home & I'm so anxious. State Fair began today. I went last year with Ola Parkhurst & Flora Peebles & wore Mrs. Peebles watch. Don't think I'll go this year.

Tues. Sept. 25, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28-30 Oh how much I need rest for both soul & body. Oh I'm so tired. Got my ironing done before dinner & this pm went downtown & to Dr. Ruffe's office & got some medicine. Hope it will help me. I also got an Oct. Ladies Home Journal 10�. I've been so sick & tired I've had to cry a good deal today. Oh for rest, sweet rest. Gave Ada one of my cabinet photos this eve.

Wed. Sept. 26, 1900  Text St. Luke 11:9, 10 Nice day after a tiny rain this morn. Warm but not uncomfortable. Feeling much better today. Nettie & Mrs. Crittenden had a split up & Nettie left this morn. I went over to Mrs. Weston's this eve & Grandma told some funny incidents that she saw. Once she got a new bonnet & parasol one Sat. & the next morn her little daughter Amelia 4 or 5 yrs. old got up & put on the bonnet & took the parasol & went to church in her night dress & they found her there in the front pew with her parasol spread & ready for anything that might come. How Ada & I laughed! Mr. Weston came while I was there. He is such a nice man.

Thur. Sept. 27, 1900  Text Prov. 31:30 Cool & grey - very starry tonight. Did my work & went up to Mrs. Griffins' but she was away so I came back & read some. Got some shampoo stuff 15�, hair tonic $1.00, & face brick 25� from Mrs. Wood. S'pose I'm a fool for getting it but my hair falls out so I do hope I can get it stopped. God forgive me if I did wrong in getting it! May was up today (This is her vacation week). I wrote a little note to Mary & hope she will soon answer.

Fri. Sept. 28, 1900  Text Matt. 5:8 & Ps. 51:10 Bright beautiful this am but grey this pm & tonight it is raining a steady cosy rain, just what I enjoy. Mrs. Wood went away this morn. She is a cheery pleasant little lady & I like her. Got a dear good letter from Maude, very glad to hear from her. She said Annie Mortimer & Mabel Hutchens were wearing wrappers. Dear I wonder how they enjoy it. Don't believe I'd want to change places with them.

Sat. Sept. 29, 1900  Text Isa. 12:1,2 Nice cool day. I digged all day. The Reynold tribe all came up to supper so of course that made extra work. I got a letter from Mary & Net this morn. Dear cousin Jennie Smith is home from Tex. on a visit. O I wish I could see her & her husband & little girl. Clarence gave me 2� over due on his laundry this eve & told me to write to my fellow with it.

Sun. Sept. 30, 1900  Text John 20:29 Very beautiful day, clear & cool. Mr. John Davis from Mackinac Island came this morn in time for breakfast. His first wife was Mrs. Parish's cousin so they are great friends. Miss Oglesby came to dinner so of course I had a full day's work as usual on Sun. & in the eve I helped get supper & washed the dishes. Oh I wish I could be free on Sundays.


Mon. Oct. 1, 1900  Text Dan. 2:44 Another beautiful autumn day. This is Brother Dan's 26th birthday. Wish I could see him & all the rest. I've digged all day but had no bad luck or scolding's for which I'm glad & thankful. Lillian Bell calls fine clothes "Glad Rags" in her writings. Haha. Wait till I get my "Glad Rags" on & I'll be gay sure. Mrs. Parish said today that she didn't think my photos flattered me a bit - she must have licked the "Blarney Stone" on both sides ends. Watson went out on the road for Rinsey this morn & Mrs. Davis went home.

Tues. Oct. 2, 1900  Text Ps. 19:14 Grey this pm & a little sprinkle of rain. Bright this forenoon. Got my ironing did & washed my head. I tried to be good today & succeeded better than usual. Oh I wish I was a good girl. Had a nice daydream while I was ironing. Mrs. Wood came back this eve. Is here for all night.

Weds. Oct. 3, 1900  Text Peter 5:7 Quite warm & some cloudy. Very beautiful & moony tonight. Have worked quite a lot today. Mrs. Parish had her club Wednesday. Woman's Club meet here today. It is their first meeting. Mrs. P. is President. I ran up to Mrs. Griffins this pm & gave her one of my cabinet photos. She was much pleased with it. Dear little soul. She wants me to come up & help her someday & will pay me for it.

Thurs. Oct. 4, 1900  Text Eph. 4:31, 32 Beautiful day. Quite warm. Did my work then had time to ans. Mary's letters & take that & one each of my 2 kinds of photos to the P.O. to send to her. Also got the rest of my small ones. Wrote to Mrs. Woodward this eve.

Fri. Oct. 5, 1900  Text John 16:33 Beautiful day. Quite warm. Have worked all day & feel very tired. Have had to putter around so much with unexpected things. Mrs. Griffins borrowed the horse to go into the country & came back for supper here. Poor dear is having lots of trouble. Mr. Griffin seems to be proving himself a great rascal. I'm so sorry for her & wish I could help her. Sent one of my small pictures to Mrs. Woodward this morn. Beautiful moonlight tonight. I walked home with Mrs. Griffin to keep the boogers off of her. Succeeded of course.

Sat. Oct. 6, 1900  Text Luke 11:9 Sort of windy. Quite clear in am. but rainy looking this pm with a dash of rain this eve. Have worked hard all day & feel miserable with a fresh cold & headache. Mrs. Griffin came for dinner just after Mrs. P. had gone to take Mr. P. & May down to work so I got her some dinner & had her all to myself. Poor little dear. I wish she was happy.

Sun. Oct. 7, 1900  Text Deut. 32:31 Grey & cool. Did my work & this pm have written to Mrs. Parkhurst & Maude Frazier. Sent Maude one of my small photos. I've got a cold & feel rather blue. I'm so tired and discouraged. I wish someone would give me enough money so I could take a rest.

Mon. Oct. 8, 1900  Text Matt 10:29-32 Cool. Rainy looking in am, but nice in pm. Beautiful moon light tonight. I've done all the work today & am miserably tired tonight. Oh for rest, rest, rest!

Tues. Oct. 9, 1900  Text Matt. 11:28-30 Nice cool autumn day. Have digged all day & am very tired. Mr. & Mrs. Parish left on the 327 train this pm for Port Huron to attend the Eastern Star Meeting. That leaves Clarence & I to run things. I take care of the hoss except watering him. Clarence lit his cigar in the house tonight (a thing he don't can do when the folks are here) and he said "If I could do this every night how happy I would be." I didn't tell him that if it was my house he couldn't, but I thot it.

Wed. Oct. 10, 1900  Text Luke 2:8-14 Lovely day. I swept & dusted the parlor Library & bedrooms today. Bryan made a speech this eve so Clarence came not home to supper. I've worked so hard I'm very tired. Got a letter from Laura.

Thurs. Oct. 11, 1900  Text Ps. 103:11-14 Another fine day. Oh to be free with lots of money to go shopping with. But I digged away here. Baked bread & cookies & cleaned the service room. Clarence came home early & stayed. He cared for the horse like a good boy. Got a nice letter from dear Mrs. Woodward . She is so good. Clarence had no socks darned so I set out to fix some for him & it took me over 2 hours. They were so holy.

Fri. Oct. 12, 1900  Text Eph. 2:8 Nice day. I cleaned the dining room & fixed the cellar & put the fruit al down nicely. Had everything in good shape when Mr. &Mrs. Parish came at 1/2 past 5. May came up to supper. Mrs. P. brought me a nice little china pin tray. Got a nice letter from May Parks. Shall ans. & send her a photo.

Sat. Oct. 13, 1900  Text. Isa. 55:7 Nice day, some cloudy. Got my work done & bath taken at 4:30 so had a few minutes to breathe in. Got a nice letter from Gracie Manavian. She is a dear. Watson came home this eve & shook hands with me first as I was the first one he ran into. I have a bad cold& cough. Oh I wish for a little fortune to buy me some clothes & take a rest & some medicine etc. Sent Laura some Grand Rapids papers. 'Herald' & 'Press'. Clarence gave them to me. He is good. Mrs. P. paid me $2.00 today.

Sun. Oct. 14, 1900  Text Ps. 50:14,15 Mattie Thompson's birthday. Most beautiful day. So bright & just warm enough to be comfortable. Mrs. Parish was rather cross at me because there was no baking done yesterday so she flew in & made cake, pie & doughnuts. I don't see why she didn't say something about it yesterday & besides it was in the bargain that she was to do that part of the work anyway. But we didn't have any serious trouble for which I was thankful. Mrs. Cool came up this pm. S'pose she will stay awhile. Am sad today thinking of lots of things. Wish I could have some nice clothes & a good girl chum & go to church & Endeavor. How I would enjoy it. Wrote to May Parks & sent a photo. I found this little verse in Arthur's Home magazine "The sweetest lives are those to duty wed. Whose deeds both great & small are close knit. Strands of an unbroken thread, where love ennobles all. The world may sound no trumpets, ring no bells. The Book of Life the shining story tells."

Mon. Oct. 15, 1900  Text I John 1:9 A beautiful day. It seems too bad to have to work so hard such perfect weather & to get to enjoy it at all. How I should have liked to go shopping this perfect morning with a lot of money. Instead I worked so hard all day I can scarcely wiggle. I wonder if it is to be so always - anyway I would say from my heart "God's Will Be Done."

Tues. Oct. 16, 1900  Text Heb. 7:25 Grey cold & windy but cleared up before noon. Rained in the night. Worked all day. So tired I cried while mixing bread. Mrs. Parish took Mrs. Cool home.

Wed. Oct. 17, 1900  Text I Cor. 13:13 Big frost & froze a little ice outdoors. Pretty cool all day & clear except a few clouds occasionally. Been busy all day. Found time to sew little on my apron & tonight I helped Mrs. Parish mend some duds for Watson so she can send them to him as he went out on the road Sun. eve. Clarence started after Bun this morn & caught his overcoat pocket on the door knob & tore it. Perfectly awful. Poor boy, he never said a work. I am sorry for him for it was a nice coat & can never be made as good as it was.

Thurs. Oct. 18, 1900  Text John 20:29-31 Beautiful day! Such lovely weather for house cleaning. We commenced today. Cleaned the front bedroom & done part of the parlor. Got a good long letter from Laura. Poor girl she is so blue. I wish I had the power to make her happy. May God bless her help her to be happy in the true way. Mrs. Parish said if she had the house remodeled & set back next spring it would be a good time for me to go home & make a visit. Don't suppose she would want me back. Will see how it "pans out."

Fri. Oct. 19, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5,6 Beautiful day. Digged at housecleaning. Oh for freedom this nice weather so I can enjoy it.

Sat. Oct. 20, 1900  Text Acts 10:43 & Rom. 12:14 Beautiful Oct day. Worked hard all day & scrubbed the kitchen & put the clothes to soak besides a lot of odd jobs after supper & for this week's work Mrs. P. paid $1.50. I think it is no wonder she doesn't prosper. she told me when I did extra work I could have extra pay & this is how I get it. I was so provoked & sad I couldn't eat any supper. Oh dear I do wish I could have decent wages at least. But God can make it all come out right so I will trust Him. I cried this morn because I didn't get any letter from home & I've waited so long.

Sun. Oct. 21, 1900  Text Matt. 7:78 Somewhat breezy & some cloudy. Mrs. & Mr. Parish went off for a ride in the country & took their lunch so I only have Clarence to get dinner for. Went up to Mrs. Griffins & stayed till 5:30. We had quite a chat & she gave me some peaches & some of her cough medicine. Didn't have to get supper so I'm glad of that.

Mon. Oct. 22, 1900  Text Matt.6:6 Sort of a rainy day but I got my clothes up. Have worked all day. Got a good letter from Maude Frazier. She thinks my photo is really pretty. Dear me! Mrs. Parish got some new curtains for the dining room & one for the front bedroom. Very pretty. Wish I could have my own room here. I'd fix it up nice.

Tues. Oct. 23, 1900  Text Rom. 12:19-21 Cloudy cool & a little rain. Mavis Williams was here & cleaned up the back yard. I'm glad for it looks bad. I wish I'd get a good letter from home tomorrow sure. Mrs. Parish gave me a ticket to supper & entertainment at the Trinity Lutheran Church next Tue. eve. Don't suppose I will go as I have no chum to go with nor no duds to wear.

Wed. Oct. 24, 1900  Text I Tim. 6:17 Foggy in morn. Clear & warm. Cleaned windows in pm. Mrs. Griffin came down a few minutes. Mrs. P. sent me down with the horse for Mr. Parish & to the Library for her & I had to go to the Reference Room & it is fine. I want to go down & read some afternoons. The leaves are falling very fast & everything is getting Halloween. Wish I could have a good time Halloween.

Thurs. Oct. 25, 1900  Text I Peter 5:7 Beautiful, mellow autumn day. I got a letter from Mary at last. Said Elma Crackerjack (McCracken) had married a fellow by the name of Clarence Parish. I have cleaned house & been sick both. O dear I wish I had enough money so I needn't work out any more. I'm so tired & weary. This is dear Mary's birthday, 28. Oh how I wish I could see her. She said they were all stuck on my 'bare headed' pictures. Guess they will be disappointed when they see the original.

Fri. Oct. 26, 1900  Text Ps. 9:10 Fine day. Oh this is such lovely weather. I do wish I could be fee to enjoy it, but instead I must dig so hard all the time. I scarcely know what the weather is. How I long for a genuine rest & no other time or weather would suit me better. Oh for money, money, money. Not without God's blessing on it though.

Sat. Oct. 27, 1900  Matt. 6:33 Beautiful day. We are having perfect weather. I cleaned house some & did my Saturday work. Mrs. P. paid me $2.00 and when Clarence paid for his laundry he told me to keep the change & write to my fellow. I said "you must be getting rich" & he said he always was a generous sort of a fellow. Poor boy - too bad he drinks. Went over to the corner & got a Ladies Home Journal & some stamps 20�. Went over to Westons & Lon was there & he acted up great & Grandma told stories so I had a nice time. Ada said how Lon came up on the car with Clarence the other eve & he was so drunk he occult scarcely get home. Oh that he would become a Christian & do aright. May God save him is my prayer.

Sun. Oct. 28, 1900  Mat. 11:6 Dull grey day with just a little pale sunshine at times. May & little Bee Jeffries came just in time for dinner. I've been reading some this pm. Clarence never came home till 4 o'clock this morn & then never got up till about eleven. I fear he was drinking. Oh dear to think such a boy is a slave to such evils.

Mon. Oct.29, 1900  Text Luke 6:35-38 A rainy day - just a continual drip, drip & drizzle. Very nice only I put most of ten clothes out & they look terrible. Mrs. P. decorated the front & dining rooms with autumn leaves for the Club meeting Wed. They look nice.

Tues. Oct. 30, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5,6 Cloudy & some rain. Had to take in what duds I hung out doors & wash them over & dry them upstairs. Got a letter from Laura asking me to find her a place here in G.R. Dear, I can't find places & fill places and I'm sure I couldn't suit her anyway. I do wish she had a home so she wouldn't need to work out.

Wed. Oct. 31, 1900  Text Luke 6:27-36 Halloween & Ma's 59th birthday. How I'd like to see her. I cleared up nice & then we had a little shower & some more sunshine & again a little rain at ten o'clock pm. Mrs. Parish entertained her Literary Club this afternoon. They seemed to enjoy it very much. Had the table set & served light refreshments. I did the dishes & am so tired - have been on the jump all day & tonight I went over & stayed from 9 to 11 with Mrs. Farling. Mrs. P. went too. Four years ago since Mattie Clemons had her Halloween party. Nearly everyone is married who was there that eve. Just Nora Canon & I. I ate an apple tonight & named it (crossed out) & it had just 12 seeds in it. Haha - we'll see.


Thurs. Nov. 1, 1900  Text Matt. 6:1-4 Showers & grey clouds & a little sunshine. I finished my ironing & in the pm Mrs. Parish took me with her when she went to visit Mrs. Jennie Reynolds, a poor little woman whom she & Mrs. Brewer & Mrs. Bissel are helping. Mrs. R's husband deserted her & she has 2 children. Margaret Louella, a sweet little tot of 3 & a baby 2 wks. old, Madeline Adell. Little Margaret is very bright & is learning her letters so I intend to get her a pretty book. she said her little prayer for us. And she obeys her mother the best of any child I know of. Heartily enjoyed my call & hope to go again.

Fri. Nov. 2, 1900  Text St. John 20:28-31 Beautiful day. Surely this has been a lovely season here. I have been busy at all sorts of housework today. Would so love to go down town such a day but it seems as if my work never has an end.

Sat. Nov. 3, 1900  Text Rom. 13:8-10 Beautiful day. Got my work out of the way nicely & too my bath & was just getting ready to go down town when Nora (Mrs. Gill's housekeeper) came so I stayed & visited with her, as Mrs. P. was away. Nora is going to the hospital in the morn to undergo an operation. We had a big visit. She told me Cen.? was seen going in to Sweets Hotel with a chippy. Dear me he must be hard up indeed. It is a shame & a pity that such performances are not thoroughly rooted out. I went down to see the Political Parade this eve. Me & all the other fools were out. It wasn't worth the shoe leather.

Sun. Nov. 4, 1900  Text Ps. 51:9,10 Bright & beautiful till after noon then cloudy. Mr. & Mrs. Parish went to May's & I wrote some letters then laid down as I was sleepy & tired. Poor Nora went to the hospital this morn & I do hope she will get through all right.

Mon. Nov. 5, 1900  Text Matt. 7:7,8 Beautiful day rather windy & a good chill in the atmosphere. Ms. P. took Mrs. Griffin out to her farm & Geo. got loose & he & Griffin's horse had a great scrap kicked each other all to holes. Geo could hardly get home he was so kicked up. Poor Mrs. Parish cried so I'm sorry for her. Watson came to dinner. He got in town Sat. & this is the first he has shown up.

Tues. Nov. 6, 1900  Text Isa. 42:16 Nice day but grey clouds. Quite cool or cold. Rain some this eve. This is the wonderful Election Day. Poor Bryan is to be completely "snowed under" so the Reps say. Mrs. P. went down to see Nora & she sent word for me to come & see her. How I should like to.

Wed. Nov. 7, 1900  Text Isa. 55:10, 11 Foggy then cleared up & by noon it was cloudy & hailing or sleeting little balls of snow as large as currants then there came 2 or 3 dashes of rain and at about 4 pm it began to snow. Great big soft flakes & now at 10 pm everything is covered with soft clinging snow & looks so nice. First snow of the season. Mrs. Parish sent me with some toast & a bottle of water down to the Butterworth Hospital for Nora. I enjoyed going and Nora was telling things in her funny way & I laughed so. She wants me to come to see her whenever I can, dear Nora.

Thurs. Nov. 8, 1900  Text Ps. 19:17 Great old day, snow & wind & sunshine in fits & starts. Did my work & this pm took Nora some of my cookies & an apple & had a lot of fun. she says such funny things. Then I went down town & got two suits of underwear at $1.75 each & a pr. of rubbers at 50�. Then I looked at the books & found one for little Margaret for 37�. Got home & found Bee Jefferies & Gertrude Tuttle here. They are 9 yr. old girls. So merry & funny. Little Gertrude is a dear. Clarence fell in love with her. He told Bee to put salt on Trix Tail so she could catch him & she did & such fun!

Fri. Nov. 9, 1900  Text Rom. 12:12-14 Changeable day - snow, etc. then in eve kind of wintry. I was sick all night& miserable al day. Cleaned the dining room. Mrs. P. scolded me like fury because I didn't cook any squash for dinner. I got bean soup & they had roast port potatoes. Bread, butter - doughnuts, cookies, pie. etc. & she came banging out so hateful & cooked squash as tho their lives depended on it. I think she could save enough to get some of the things she wants so badly if she'd set a decent table & have less company. I went down tow & got little Margaret Reynolds a book 39�, myself a tablet 20�, & car fare 5�. Mrs. Wood came to Miss Ramsey's & Mrs. P. went over & stayed for supper. Mr. P. brought some books, "Literature of all Nations" 10 volumes for Mrs. P. this eve.

Sat. Nov. 10, 1900  Text Matt. 6:14 Lord help us to forgive aright. Snowed nearly all day. Wet slushy stuff. We did a lot of baking this A.M. & Mrs. Wood came to dine & stay till Mon. Morn. I got the apron Ma got me for my birthday. Not finished & too short. Went down to see poor Nora. She intends to leave the hospital tomorrow. We had a great visit. Watson paid me 10� overdue on his laundry.

Sun. Nov. 11, 1900  Text I. Cor. 12:4-7 Beautiful day. Bright till along in pm then grey clouds. After dinner I went out to see Mrs. Reynolds & took her something to eat. She has been sick & is still quite poorly. I felt sorry for her & gave her $3.75 & gave Margaret her book. Mrs. P. said that was not her name. Her husband's name is Eldridge but she goes by her maiden name so he won't find her. When I got home Mrs. Parish said she had heard a bad story about Mrs. R. & I wished I hadn't given her a cent if it is so.

Mon. Nov. 12, 1900  Text Ps. 40:11 Grey & windy. Washed & hung it upstairs. Mrs. Wood went away early this morn. She invited me to come & see her. Should like to. Nell& Ada came over awhile this eve.

Tues. Nov. 13, 1900  Text Exodus 33:13,14 Pretty cold & a fine sleety snow falling most of the day. Got my ironing all done at 4 pm, sewed a little. Mrs. Parish raked me good at noon 'cause I forgot to cook cabbage. Oh dear. I guess if she had to get up as early as I do every morn & work her whole life out as I've always had to she wouldn't do any better than I do.

Wed. Nov. 14, 1900  Text Phil. 4:6-8 Cold freezy day. I went down town in pm & mailed 5 of my large photos home 4� then went to Herpolsheimer's & got 2 yds. lace for the apron ma sent me for my birthday = 44� & I rode uphill on the car 5� = 53� in all. Got a letter from Maude Frazier & one from Laura Magaw. Laura was to have been married this fall then her lover couldn't get a divorce from a girl he married & parted from 20 or 25 years ago. Dear me, I wouldn't want him.

Thur. Nov. 15, 1900  Text Ps. 45:11 Bright & quite cold. Snowed quite a jag in the night. Have learned to make a nice cranberry pie today. Bake the crust then put in the following filling & frost with white of an egg. 1 1/3 cup stewed cranberries strained. 1 1/2 cups sugar, yolk of egg, heaping teaspoon flour. This all beaten together & cooked well. Set the pie in the oven long enough for frosting to set. Visited Ada a while this pm. & Lou acted so funny we had a big laugh. May & Bee Jefferies came up to supper & Bee got her new dress Mrs. Parish made for her. May gave it to her. It is real pretty.

Fri. Nov. 16, 1900  Text Rev. 22:17 Quite a nice day, cold. Cleaned the dining room & baked bread good for once. Finished the apron Ma sent me. Put some lace on and everyone admires it. Real pretty I think.

Sat. Nov. 17, 1900  Text St. Matt. 18:11-14 Busy day. Snow some in the night & rain a little today. Got my work did & a bath taken. Mrs. Parish got a lot of tin granite & such ware on a debt a man owed Mr. Parish, so now will have some new stuff to do with.

Sun. Nov. 18, 1900  Text. Luke 4:16-19 Rain, Rain, Rain - good. I don't mind rain. It is warmer too. Got my work done before 2 pm & am up in my room. Clarence home to dinner & for the pm I guess. He seems to be trying to be a good boy.

Mon. Nov. 19, 1900  Text Ps. 9:10 Rainy day so hung wash upstairs. Watson went away to be gone a week. He set the satchel in the window of his room then sneaked out & went around & took it so Mr. & Mrs. P. wouldn't know he was going on the road. He certainly acts rather curious to say the least. Mr. P. says Watson shan't come back here & Mrs. P. feels miserable so she managed to make everyone else feel about the same. She found fault all forenoon with me & jawed about everything. I feel sorry she has such trouble with Watson but I don't like to take a scotch blessing on that account. Clarence came to dinner & we had quite a little talk all by ourselves & he rather took my part. How I wish I had a good true friend.

Tues. Nov. 20, 1900  Text Luke 12:27-31 Another rainy day. Ironed all day & got done. Unexpected company to dinner took considerable time. Mrs. P. cranky a usual. Oh dear if I could have a rest. Ran over to Mrs. Crittenden & saw her & Cora's new things they have just had made. It makes me wish I could have such nice clothes too but I suppose they are not for me else I'd have them. I would rather have Grace to live just right than anything else.

Wed. Nov. 21, 1900  Text John 3:16 Thundered & stored quite a lot in the night. Rain a while this morn then acted as if it would snow. Got colder windy & this eve cleared up. I got a good letter from Dear Mattie Hall. Went down stayed all pm with dear Nora. Had a lot of fun. She tells me all sorts of things. Hope she will get well & strong soon. Mrs. Gill invited me down & Nora invited me over to see her when she goes to work again. Read a story "Margaret" a mosaic by 5 authors. Each wrote a chapter except Mrs. Barber who wrote the two last ones. Quite a love story.

Thurs. Nov. 22, 1900  Text Matt. 6:13,14 Grey & muddy. Have digged all day with a dull ugly headache. Longing for rest & a home of my own. How I'd enjoy a nice little home here in G.R. but I want to be good & finally have a home in Heaven whether I have one here or not. God grant it for Christ's sake.

Fri. Nov. 23, 1900  Text Ps. 23:1 Beautiful day, cool enough to be almost cold. Got the last of $10.00 in 10� pieces. so now I guess I'll deposit it in the bank & see what it will come to

Sat. Nov. 24, 1900  Text Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief. Snow some. Digged considerable. Mrs. P. made mincemeat for Thanksgiving & Mrs. Amsden sent some venison & we had it for supper. Mrs. Morse also sent some. Got a letter from Low Hyslop asking me to come there to work for her. Oh dear, it just puts me between two fires so to speak. I'd like to accommodate Lou but I don't want to leave Mrs. Parish & it is my opinion I would rue it if I left her to go to Lou's with her 2 kids.

Sun. Nov. 25, 1900  Text Prov. 3:5,6 May the Lord direct me in choosing between Lou & Mrs. Parish for I don't know which is best. This is Aunt Elizabeth's birthday. Nearly 2 years since she died. May & Bee came up & stayed to supper. Nice day.

Mon. Nov. 26, 1900  Text Luke 1:37 Very nice day. Digged all day as usual. Ans. Lou's letter saying I couldn't come now but if for any reason I got done here I'd come if she still wanted me.

Tues. Nov. 27, 1900  Text John 16:38 Grey day. Did my ironing & other work. Watson came to dinner after the rest were gone & hunted around till he found some things of his that Mrs. P. had hid. Took them & skipped. Mr. Parish wrote him a letter forbidding him to come home so he is clear out now. Mrs. P. told me he was spending his money on women of bad repute. Dear me it didn't seem possible Watson is such a fool. Too bad he don't behave & be a credit to Mr. & Mrs. P. who have done so much for him.

Wed. Nov 28, 1900  Text John 16:22-24 Grey day some fine rain & a little snow this eve. We have been preparing for tomorrow's feast but only in a half hearted way as Mrs. Parish is so sad about Watson's conduct & she fears he will go away & she will never see him. Poor soul. I feel sorry for her & sorry Watson is throwing himself away. I wish he would brace up & do right. Mrs. P. sent me out to take some Thanksgiving things to Mrs. Reynolds on Prescott St. Clarence came home sick.

Thurs. Nov. 29, 1900  Text Ps 103 Grey day some snow, just a little. Rather cool. Watson came home in the night so Mrs. P. don't feel quite so bad. Clarence better. Paid me for his laundry & gave .02� over & smiled, saying I could write another letter to my fellow. Had dinner at 10 o'clock. Mr. & Mrs. Griffin, May & Mrs. Reynolds & lee & Sadie, Mr. & Mrs. P. & Clarence & Watson sat down. Just a nice little crowd. Then I ate & washed the dishes & visited with Sadie & also with Mrs. G. & May. The men played cards. Boys went away after dinner. They (the company) all stayed till 9pm. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves real well & I'm so glad of it. for dinner we had Turkey, Chicken, Venison, potatoes, squash, bread, butter, cream puffs, gravy, salad, pickled peaches, cucumber pickles, cheese & mince & pumpkin pie, angel food & maple layer cake, cookies, doughnuts, Uneeda crackers, cranberry sauce & jelly. Surely we have a great deal to be thankful for. I've enjoyed the day. Took Mrs. Farling a snack of goodies for her dinner.

Fri. Nov. 30, 1900  Text John 15:9-12 Grey cool or cold day. Swept my room & did other work. Went down town & got some darning yarn 10�. Watson is going to be a good boy & stay here. It is to be hoped he will really do right. I felt so sorry to see Mrs. P. grieving over his conduct & hope he will not repeat it. How well ( remember 12 years ago tonight! May & I happened to go to a Prohibition Club meeting that night & how we did think we "done it" going with whom we did. Little green simpletons we were & perhaps not much better now. Mrs. P. let me read the letter she got from Lizzie Borya today. She isn't coming home for some time yet.


Sat. Dec. 1, 1900 Text I Peter 1:8 Grey day & no snow & so anyone need wear no overshoes or rubbers. Did my work & in pm went over to Mrs. Gills to see Nora. She showed me over the house & it is so nice, neat & comfortable. We had a big visit. Came back on the car. Mrs. P. got a new boiler. New Union Depot was opened to the public tonight.

Sun. Dec. 2, 1900  Text Ps. 51:9-12 Nice day. Mrs. Parish sent me up to Mrs. Griffins on errand & she did the morning work. After dinner she took Mrs. Griffin out to May's & to see Dr. Jefferies. I ans. May Parks & Maude Frazier's letters. Read some in eve. Oh I wish I was a real good girl. god help me. Burr the cat caused Mrs. Parish to knock down & break a flower pot last night & this morn while she was cleaning the dirt up Clarence said "It's a good thing you didn't do that Hattie" & I said "Would I have got broke in two?" & he said "Worse than that." Haha - he seems to know. Haha

Mon. Dec. 3, 1900  Text Ps. 50:14,15 Grey day looks rainy, not cold. Mrs. Parish gave me a pretty calendar today from the American Steam Laundry. Did my wash & other work. Mrs. Griffin came & she & Mrs. Parish had a nice little lunch. Got two photos from Wisc. this morn. One is of Mary & her husband & the other is of Net. I'm greatly disappointed in them. Net looks old enough to be her grandmother & not her own natural self. And of course Mary is looking sideways has her mouth spread. John is another sucker & I wish I had been there to fix them up. I've been laughing about writing to Mary & asking her what that thing is that's sitting on a chair by her. John of course Oh I'm a born tease. But I do hope I'll never be tempted to marry such a fellow as John James. If I couldn't have a pretty good sort of husband I'd prefer to go through single. I think I'll try single anyway

Tues. Dec. 4, 1900  Text Rom. 12:10, 20, 21 Rain most of the day. Not cold. Ironed all day. Got a letter from Mary says cousin Jennie Chapin has gone back to Texas. Oh how I wish I could have seen her. Clarence is out of work. Hope not for long. I'm so sleepy & tired.

Wed. Dec. 5, 1900 Text Rom. 14:7-13 Grey day sort of sprinkled a little snow at intervals but not enough to show after it fell. I digged Mrs. Parish's room out nice clean, also the front bedroom. This noon I was at the sink pumping a little water & Watson came & lightly shoved me aside & asked if I was ticklish. I flared up in a jiffy & said "you don't need to know." He saw I was made & said "I just wanted to help you." & I said, "I'm not helpless." He found out I was not one of the kind that takes such things. I know what sort of fellow he is & so long as he minds his biz it will be all right but he will soon learn a lesson when he gets soft around me. Of course he meant nothing but I wasn't going to take even that much. Clarence saw it all. He isn't like W. anyway.

Thurs. Dec. 6, 1900  Text I Peter 5:7 Grey day. Sun almost came out this morn. I cleaned the boy's room & the front room & just got done at supper time. Mrs. Parish went downtown & got her cloth for a handsome black silk dress. She insisted & commanded me to go to an entertainment at the college this eve, but I felt as if I'd rather stay home & do my work than go down there looking like a freak with that little felt pip of a hat Mrs. Crit gave me & my old Indian blanket golf cape & my old wobbly black skirt & ancient red waist. Hair half combed etc. etc. I should have enjoyed going had I any decent duds but I have no "glad rags" as Lillian Bell would say. So I stayed home & am not sorry as yet.

Fri. Dec. 7, 1900  Text Ps. 23:1 Grey day - Watson went out on the road to stay 2 days. I cleaned dining room good. In the eve Mrs. Parish & I went up to Mr. Griffins & had a good time.

Sat. Dec. 8, 1900  Text Luke 2:8-14 Grey & windy, cold - sun shone a little once or twice. Digged all day & tonight bathed & got things all out of the way in good season.

Sun. Dec. 9, 1900  Text Matt. 17:5 Cold & mostly grey. I stayed in bed till 4:30 pm. Came down & helped get supper & put things away then sat down in the kitchen to read. After a while I began to feel faint & would have fainted clear away but called Mrs. P. to my aid & just escaped. As it was I got so blind I couldn't see a thing & felt terrible for awhile. Oh dear I wish I was well & happy.

Mon. Dec. 10, 1900  Text Matt. 6:34 & 37 Cold day. Mrs. Parish did nearly all the washing & we had it all done before breakfast. Got quite a lot of extra work done. I don't feel anything extra.

Tues. Dec. 11, 1900  Text Ps. 46:1 Cold & a little sifting of snow. This has been a troublesome day. I've felt worse than miserable & didn't get my ironing done till night. Went over to Mrs. Crits & made an "ath" of myself so any exceedingly blue & somber this eve. Oh for peace the peace of God in my heart.

Wed. Dec. 12, 1900 Text Rev. 2:10 Grey day. I went down to the Library this pm & got the "Story of My Life & Work" by Booker T. Washington & find it very interesting reading. The young lady who waited on me at the Library is so nice. Wish I could do something for her. Mrs. Parish went down to see Jennie Reynolds - the young woman whom she & Mrs. Brower & Mrs. Bissell have been pitying & helping & find she is a perfect jezebel or worse. She is a terror & when she got cornered she was very made & made great threats. I'm so sorry it turned out so for they tried to do good. Started a letter to Mary tonight.

Thur. Dec. 13, 1900  Text Rev. 3:5 Nice day - real cold. Went up to Mrs. Griffins. A young couple are moving in the lower part of their house. Mr. G. goes to see his mother Sun. She is sick.

Fri. Dec. 14, 1900  Text Ps. 85:7 Beautiful day but cold. Cleaned the dining room. Mrs. Parish is making some lovely handkerchiefs & corset covers for her friends. May, Mrs. Woodward & Lizzie Boeye will each get a lovely corset cover. Such beauties. I wish I could make some for my friends. One hundred & fourteen years since dear old Washington died.

Sat. Dec. 15, 1900  Text I Chron. 16:34 Nice day, a little speck warmer. Mrs. Parish heard this morn that Jennie Reynolds had skipped early today. She is glad for she feared she'd have to go to court to tell what she knew of the case so they could take her children from Jennie who is not fit to have the care of them. Oh dear what times one has. May invited me out there to dinner Christmas but I don't want to go. I do wish I could stay here & read & write & be alone long enough to think at least one thought of my own. I'm in a quandary as to what to get to send to my home folks for Christmas. If I had any money to spare I could easily sent them each a present but it is the same old story - no money.

Sun. Dec. 16, 1900  Text Matt. 5:6 Clear in am, grey in pm.  Not so cold this eve as it was this morn.  Jus at dinner time Mrs.  Cool came & oh dear she is full of the same old clatter. She always is. I wish I had more patience.   My head aches.  I have read some in "The Story of My Life & Work" by Booker T. Washington. It is interesting. He is a man I'd like very much to see.   I feel so heathenish not going to church for so long.   Oh I wish I had some good duds to wear.

Mon. Dec. 17, 1900  Text John 6:47, 48 Snow a little in the night & this morn & it is warmer. Worked hard all day. Mrs. Cool went home. Mrs. Parish sent Lizzy Boeye a beautiful corset cover & her sister a nice handkerchief & I furnished a little perfume to make them smell good. She put in a little spray of Holly to make it more Christmasy. How I'd enjoy sending each of my beloved ones a present.

Tues. Dec. 18, 1900  Text Ps. 89:18 Grey day, not cold. Got my ironing did. Got a headache too. Ran over to see Ada a little while this eve. She had gotten a necktie for her beau I guess & a ten cent ring for herself. Her ma gave her the money. Oh dear I wouldn't wear cheap stuff like that. Christmas is in the air everywhere. I only wish each one could really be happy then.

Wed. Dec. 19,1900 Text Matt. 6:6 Nice day. I digged around with pretty good success in the forenoon & Mrs. Griffin came just at dinner time & Mrs. P. had to go to her club so Mrs. G. visited with me some & when she went home I sent along & we got weighed at a meat market. I weighed 118# without my cape & Mrs. G. weighed 113# with her cape. This eve Mrs. P. & I went downtown & I got a pretty little paper knife, pearl blade & silver handle for Mrs. Woodward 25�. Mrs. P. sent her a lovely corset cover & Mrs. W. a handkerchief.

Thurs. Dec. 20, 1900  Text Matt. 6:25-33 Nice day, some cloudy. I was up early & worked hard to get done till noon so I could go downtown. Didn't get done but Mrs. P. was determined I should go so I went down & paid Dr. Ruffe 50� I owed him & trotted around. I got 5 little booklets 25�. Think I will send them to some friends. Got a letter from Maude Frazier with a little doiley she had embroidered. Also got a letter from Laura. She is crazy to come to G.R. but I think she is better off where she is. Oh dear I'm sort of tired & disappointed. Wish I had stayed home this pm. Mrs. Parish got a firkin of maple sugar from her sister for a Christmas present. Jolly nice. Mrs. Parish is making Mrs. Amsden & Mrs. Crittenden each a pretty corset cover with pink ribbon & trimming. Very pretty & dainty.

Fri. Dec. 21, 1900  Text Matt. 7:7,8 Nice day, like Indian Summer. Cleared the dining room & digged around some so as to lessen tomorrow's work.  Went over & scrubbed Ada's head.

Sat. Dec. 22, 1900  Text I Peter 2:24,25 Beautiful in am, grey & ? in pm.   I as up & had a lot of work done before breakfast then got all done Til noon.   In pm rambled around downtown trying to find Christmas presents for home & Mrs. Parish. Came up & ate my supper & got ready & went back & dallied around & the following is a list of articles & prices.  Book for Sarah Ballentyne's boys 15�, pin 10�, writing paper for Net 10�, 4 h'dk'fs for pa & the boys 40�, 2 h'dk'fs for ma & Mrs. Parish 25�, 3 yds. ribbon 3�, rubber for my elastics 15�, for Mrs. Parish (but think I will change it) 25�, thimble for Mrs. Parish 65�, basket for Mrs. Griffin 25�, cuticle knife for Mrs. G. 25�, car fare 10�.   Also got a nail file for Mrs. Griffin 25�, but Mrs. P. paid for it. Mrs. Parish got a number of presents from Mrs. Woodward & daughter & Mrs. Dunlea in Peoria, Ill.

Sun. Dec. 23, 1900  Text Ps. 19:14 Rain during the night & some this morn then commenced to snow & also getting colder & windy. Mr. & Mrs. Parish have gone out to May's & I'm ans. letters. Clarence, good boy, carried a lot of water for me this morn. Pump at the house is dry so we have to carry it from the barn.

Mon. Dec. 24, 1900  Text Matt. 2:1-12 Snow & blowy. I washed & did my other work and this eve took Mrs. P's & my present to Mrs. Griffin. Poor dear is feeling so bad. She gave Mrs. Parish a pretty h'dk'f & I haven't opened my present she gave me. Mr. & Mrs. Crittenden came over & brought me a present (haven't opened it) & Mrs. P. a pretty h'dk'f & piece of Battenberg for her neck. Mrs. P. gave me silk for a waist. I was so surprised. Shall always remember how she switched into the bedroom & brought it out. Mrs. Farling gave me a h'dk'f this morn & Mrs. P. a vase. Della sent me a sweet little booklet. Mrs. P. has 16 presents in all this eve. 1. Dress from Mrs. Parish, 2. Shoulder shawl, Mrs. Amsden, 3. ? eve from Mrs. Dunlea, 4. sofa pillow cover from Mrs. Woodward, 5. Paper knife from Mrs. Stearns, 6. Carpet sweeper from Mrs. Gill, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - handkerchiefs from Lizzie, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Crittenden, Charlie Woodward, Nita West, and Mrs. P's sister; 13. Battenberg from Mrs. Crit, 14. Vase - Mrs. Farling, 15 photo from Carrie Liedyke (Posy's sister), 16 Towel from Nita West.

Tues. Dec. 25 1900  Text Luke 2:8-14 Christmas Day. Beautiful snowy day, not so very much snow but kept snowing nearly all the time. I got up & opened my presents from Mrs. Griffin & Mrs. Crittenden. Mrs. G. gave me a nice red woolen house jacket & Mrs. C. gave me an outing flannel undershirt. Mrs. Parish gave me a pretty little hand glass & a photo of their house. A pretty booklet came in the mail from May Parks. I went over & saw Mrs. Westons & Ada's presents. They are nice indeed. Mr. & Mrs. Parish & I went out to Mays for dinner. Mr. Gills folks & Nora & Birdie were there and we had a pleasant time. I helped in the kitchen & also spent some time in the parlor. Real pleasant time all around. I gave Mrs. P. a thimble & a h'dk'f & 75� for a crumb try & brush. She seemed real pleased. I beat everyone around here saying Merry Christmas. Clarence thanked me & said the same to you & many of them. This has really been a merry Christmas. Wonder where I'll be a year hence & what I'll be doing.

Wed. Dec. 26, 1900  Text Ps. 89:14-18 Grey with a few flakes of snow leisurely falling. Just cold enough not to be sloppy. Lovely weather. Mr. Parish went to Detroit to a business college convention to stay till some time Sat. Mr. & Mrs. Brokaw came to supper. I ironed. Am sleepy and tired tonight. Sent Dell one of my small photos this morn for Christmas. Postage 2�.

Thur. Dec. 27, 1900  Text Matt. 6:19,20 Grey day, inclined to look a little bit rainy, sun shone a short time.   Not cold. got my work did then went downtown went to Dr. Crandall's to see what he could do with my teeth. Said it would cost me about $14.00 to have what need it filled & make a plate with two eye teeth and about $7.00 more to put new ones in below. I dread it but am willing to pay if it is good work.  Am to have some gold fillings in the front ones. Glad of that. Got a L. H. J. 10�, & a Woman's Home Companion 10�. Paid 2� due on Library book.

Fri. Dec. 28, 1900  Text John 6:37 I made a mistake turning two leaves instead of one & getting Wed's notes here instead of where they belonged. Grey & cold.   Mrs. Fanner was here. Mrs. P. was away in pm. I cleaned the dining room. Went over to the corner in eve & got a tablet 10�, & 3 postage stamps 6�.   Mrs. Parish is 59 yrs. old today.

Sat. Dec. 29, 1900  Text Heb.7:25 Bright beautiful day. Got a box form home.  Little glass jar, little stickpin & a book "Christ Alone" by Rev. Jas. Smith. Got my work did & took my bath. Mr. Parish walked in just before supper.  He had a nice time.  Clarence has been so good this week - to carry water & attend the horse.

Sun. Dec. 30, 1900  John 3:16 Grey day, warmer. Snowed just a little this morn. May came up to dinner. It is her 39th birthday. She said Bee Jefferies was making a little tissue paper umbrella each for Mrs. P & I. Nice to know the little gal thinks of us. Went up to Mrs. Griffins a little spell this eve. Mr. G. came home today from N.Y. where he had been visiting his mother.

Mon. Dec. 31, 1900  Text Luke 12:6-8 Nice cold day. Quite a little snow. Rose at 3:30am & whacked away at my washing.   Mrs. Tanner came to dinner & hindered some. Went downtown this pm & got pr. shoes $2.50 & pr. tan slippers $1.50, a hair brush 50�. Went down to the Auditorium to a benefit entertainment. Little newsboys Band was the best.  Stereopticon news of Red Cross work & illustrated songs were good.   Spent a nickel for car fare.   It is past eleven as I write.  There are many watch meetings in town tonight.   Last of the year & century.  May God bless us all during the coming days & finally take us safely home.  This has been a fairly good year & I'm thankful for the many blessings that have fallen to my lot. I pray for Grace & strength from above to do aright at all times. Ps. 19:14 is my prayer for myself and all others.   May God bless us all for Christ's sake. Amen.

1901 20th Century began 12 midnight.

JEANNE'S NOTES: SOURCE: Page 2: Looking Backward: 2000-1887 [Book] By Edward Bellamy, Eliot Fintushel, Walter James Miller - Signet Classics (2009) - Paperback - 256 pages - ISBN 0451531167 Originally published in 1888, Looking Backward is Edward Bellamy's most famous work. The story revolves around Jul.ian West, a man who falls asleep near the end of the 19th century and wakes up in the year 2000. During the time he slept, the United States became a socialist utopia. The majority of the book is a vehicle for Bellamy to expound upon his ideas about societal improvement. Americans in his year 2000 work fewer hours, retire early, and receive all they need from the government. Entertaining and oddly prophetic in some ways, Bellamy's vision of the future from the perspective of the late 19th century is highly engaging. American author EDWARD BELLAMY (1850-1898) also wrote Dr. Heidenhoff's Process (1880), Equality (1897), and The Duke of Stockbridge (1900).

ROCKY BEACH BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION  "Rev. Winfield S. Sly is the founder and general manager of the Rocky beach Benevolent Association, which was organized for the purpose of rescuing and placing orphans and indigent children in good private homes." It is supported by free will offerings. ```````````````````````````

SOURCE: Grand Rapids History & Special Collections Archives, GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY Finding Aid for the Grand Rapids Century Exhibit Collection �A Grand Rapids Century:100 Years of Photographs from 20th Century Grand Rapids� Collection # 268 Destruction rained down on the people who lived on Clancy Street, below Lookout Hill, when the water reservoir burst in 1900. [Belknap Park Reservoir Flood/Landslide. Grand Rapids Public Library Cyanotype Collection. 87-1-5.] ``````````````````````````

SOURCE for the following: Belknap Lookout, WIKIPEDIA The area which forms the Belknap Lookout Neighborhood was purchased from the government in 1831 by Charles Dexter. In 1850 the area was included in the original organization of the city of Grand Rapids. In its early days the area was significant for several reasons. First, the neighborhood contained the city's first cemetery. More importantly, the neighborhood contained a spring known as an excellent supply of drinking water. Shortly after the spring's discovery, water pipelines were built connecting the water supply to downtown Grand Rapids through Michigan, Lyon and Monroe Streets. After a disastrous fire in 1873, the citizens of Grand Rapids realized they needed a larger supply of water. A water reservoir, which today holds 6 million US gallons (23,000 m3) of water, was constructed within the neighborhood. This reservoir was intended to be a backup water supply for the City of Grand Rapids. In 1880, the reservoir leaked and flooded Ottawa St. In 1900, the reservoir failed again and flooded Coldbrook, Newberg, Coit, Clancy, and Bradford Streets. The latter flood caused more than a million dollars in damages. `````````````````````````````` TEXAS STORM SEPTEMBER 1900

Galveston after the September 8, 1900, hurricane. Texas State Library photo HATTIE'S EXPENSE ACCOUNT & LETTERS RECEIVED and ANSWERED in 1900 Received Answered Date Date Jan. 1 Noah, dear brother Jan. 28 Jan. 2 Laura, dear cousin Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Mary & Net, dear sisters Jan. 18 Jan. 13 Maude Frazier, dear friend Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Della Mortimer, dear cousin Feb. 5 Jan. 29 Maude Frazier Mar. 11 Feb. 2 Mary, dear sister Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Laura, dear cousin Feb. 11 Feb. 10 Abe, dear cousin Feb. 19 Feb. 13 Mary, dear Sister Feb. 15 Feb. 20 St. Malinda Hutchens, dear friend Apr. 29 Feb. 22 postal Grace Parkhurst, dear friend Mar. 18 Feb. 28 Mary & Net, Dear Sisters Mar. 1 Mar. 6 Laura, dear cousin Mar. 9 Mar. 7 Mattie Hall, dear friend Mar. 11 Mar. 7 Mary, dear sister Mar. 11 Mar. 17 Mary, dear sister Mar. 21 Mar. 21 Della Mortimer, dear cousin Apr. 5 Mar. 26 Laura, dear cousin Apr. 22 Mar. 30 Mary & Net, dear sisters Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Maude Frazier, dear friend May 16 Apr. 14 Rev. H. A. Smelcer Apr. 23 Apr. 16 Mary, dear sister Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Laura, dear cousin June 3 May 9 Mary, dear sister May 14 May 21 Net, dear sister June 3 May 23 Maude Frazier, dear friend June 14 May 30 Mary, dear sister June 3 June 13 Net, dear sister July 16 June 25 Mary, dear sister July 16 June 25 Maude Frazier, dear friend Aug. 5 June 28 Rob & Noah, dear brothers Aug. 5 June 30 Laura, dear cuz July 1 June 30 Dell, dear cuz July 8 July 31 Della, dear cuz Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Maude Frazier, dear friend Sept. 3 Aug. 14 Laura, dear cuz Sept. 13 Aug. 16 Mrs. Parkhurst, dear friend Aug. 19 Aug. 18 Mary, dear sister Aug. 26 Sept. 6 Mrs. Parkhurst Oct. 7 Sept. 28 Maude Frazier, dear friend Oct. 7 Sept. 29 Mary & net, dear sisters Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Mary, dear sister Oct. 4 Oct. 10 Laura, dear coz. Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Mrs. Woodward, dear friend Jan. 7 1901 Oct. 12 May Parks Oct. 14 Oct. 13 Gracie Parkhurst Nov. 4 Oct. 18 Laura, dear cousin Oct. 30 Oct. 22 Maude Frazier, dear friend Nov. 4 Oct. 25 Mary, dear sister Nov. 5 Oct. 30 Laura, dear coz Oct. 30 Nov. 6 May Parks, dear friend Dec. 2 Nov. 14 Maude Frazier, dear friend Dec. 2 Nov. 21 Mattie Hall, dear friend Feb. 27, 1901 Nov. 24 Lou Hyslop, dear friend Nov. 26 Dec. 4 Mary, dear sister Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Maude Frazier Dec. 23 Dec. 20 Laura, dear coz Dec. 23 Dec. 25 May Parks Dec.28 Dec. 28 Mary, dear sister Jan. 3, '01 ************************************************************* Date $ .cts Oct. 13 Put in L. F. .20 Oct. 20 Put in L. F. .15 Oct. 27 Put in L. F. .21 Nov. 3 Put in L. F. .15 Nov. 12 Put in L. F. .17 Nov. 17 Put in L. F. .15 Nov. 24 Put in L. F. .15 Dec. 8 Put in L. F. .30 Dec. 15 Put in L. F. .15 Dec. 26 Put in L. F. .15 Dec. 27 Put in L. F. .02 Dec. 29 Put in L. F. .15 ************************************************************* Jan. 1st Amt. of money in L.F. $ 2.28 Jan. 6th Put in L. F. .15 Jan. 13 Put in L. F. .15 Jan. 20 Put in L. F. .15 Jan. 27 Put in L. F. .15 Feb. 5 Put in L. F. .15 Feb. 10 Put in L. F. .15 Feb. 17 Put in L. F. .15 Feb. 24 Put in L. F. .15 Mar. 3 Put in L. F. .15 Mar. 10 Put in L. F. .15 Mar. 29 Put in L. F. .15 Mar. 31 Put in L. F. .15 Apr. 7 Put in L. F. .15 Apr. 14 Put in L. F. .15 Apr. 21 Put in L. F. .15 Apr. 28 Put in L. F. .18 May 5 Put in L. F. .20 May 12 Put in L. F. .20 May 21 Put in L. F. .20 May 26 Put in L. F. .20 June 4 Put in L. F. .15 June 9 Put in L. F. .15 June 16 Put in L. F. .15 June 30 Put in L. F. .15 July 16 Put in L. F. .30 July 30 Put in L. F. .30 Aug. 4 Put in L. F. .15 Aug. 4 Put in L. F. .01 Aug.20 Put in L. F. .30 Aug. 25 Put in L. F. .15 Sept. 2 Put in L. F. .15 Sept. 11 Put in L. F. .15 Sept. 15 Put in L. F. .16 Sept. 22 Put in L. F. .15 Sept. 24 Put in L. F. .15 Oct. 6 Put in L. F. .15 *************************************************************** Jan. 21 Gave to Fountain St. Church .10 Jan. 27 Gave to a poor woman 1.00 Jan. 31 Gave to the Poor Children's Shoe Fund .10 Mar. 19 Sent to Rev. H. A. Smelcer 2.00 Apr. 12 For the R. B. B. A. Chain Letter .10 Apr. 23 Sent to Rev. H. A. Smelcer 1.00 May 6 Gave to Church of Christ .05 May 13 Gave to Church of Christ .05 July 24 Gave to Missionary in India .25 Sept. 2 Gave to Church of Christ .05 " " Gave to Church of Christ in the eve .25 Nov. 9 Got a book for a poor little tot .39 Nov. 11 Gave to Poor Woman on Prescott St. 3.75 Dec. 31 Gave to Red Cross & Children's Home Benefit .25 ******************** CASH ACCOUNT - JANUARY RECEIVED PAID Jan. 6 wages 1.50 Jan. 13 wages 1.50 Jan. 3 Postage .03 Jan. 20 wages 1.50 Jan. 6 Put in L.T. .15 Jan. 27 wages 1.50 Jan. 8 Postage .02 Jan.11 Apron, envelopes .38 Jan. 13 Put in L.T. .15 Jan. 17 Postage .04 Jan. 20 Put in L.T. .15 Jan. 26 Postage .04 Jan. 27 Put in L.T. .15 Jan. 27 Postage .02 CASH ACCOUNT - FEBRUARY RECEIVED PAID Feb. 3 Ada pd. me Feb. 5 Put in L.T. .15 what she owed .50 Feb. 5 Postage .02 Feb. 5 wages 1.50 Feb. 6 Mary a ring 1.75 Feb. 10 wages 1.50 Changed to scissors Feb. 17 wages 1.50 Net 1.50 = $3.25 Feb. 24 wages 1.50 Feb. 7 Pd. Pa 1/3 of the debt I owed him & postage 5.05 Feb. 9 Took Ada to a lecture .15 Feb. 10 Put in L.T. .15 Feb. 12 Postage .02 Ma a thimble .35 Feb. 14 Net a ring $1.75 Lining & Thread .18 = $2.35 Feb. 16 Postage .25 Feb. 17 Put in L.T. .15 Feb. 19 Postage .02 Feb. 24 Put in L.T. .15 Feb. 26 Postage .02 CASH ACCOUNT - MARCH RECEIVED PAID Mar. 3 Wages 1.50 Mar. 1 Dr. Ruffe 1.00 Mar. 10 Wages 1.50 Mar. 2 Postage .02 Mar. 24 Mrs. Griffin Mar. 3 Put in L. T. .15 gave me .10 Mar. 9 Postage .02 Mar. 28 Wages 3.00 Mar. 10 Postage .02 Mar. 31 Wages 24-31 1.50 Mar. 10 Put in L.T. .15 Mar. 12 Postage .04 & embroidery .34 CASH ACCOUNT - MARCH (continued RECEIVED PAID Mar. 13 Tablet .06& car fare .45 Mar. 19 Postage .02 Mar. 21 Postage .04 Mar. 22 Face Brick .30 Mar. 29 Put in L.T. .31 Mar. 31 Put in L.T. .15 CASH ACCOUNT - APRIL RECEIVED PAID Apr. 7 Wages 1.50 Apr. 2 Postage .02 Apr. 14 Wages 1.50 Apr. 4 Side Combs & Corset 1.00 Apr. 21 Wages 1.50 Apr. 5 Car fare & postage .07 Apr. 27 Watson pd. .02 Apr. 7 Put in L.T. .15 overdue on Apr. 11 Stuff for 2 prs pants .48 laundry Apr. 12 Postage on better chairs .02 Apr. 28 Wages 1.75 Apr. 14 Put in L.T. .15 Apr. 21 Put in L.T. .15 Apr. 24 Postage .06 Apr. 25 Postage, Envelopes & LHJ .17 Apr. 30 Postage .04 Apr. 30 Put in L. T. .18 CASH ACCOUNT - MAY RECEIVED PAID May 5 Wages 2.00 May 2 Postage .02 May 12 Wages 2.00 May 5 Put in L.T. .20 May 19 Clarence .02 May 5 Hat 4.00 Pd for Laundry May 12 Put in L.T. .20 May 21 Wages 2.00 May 12 Perfume .10 May 26 Wages 2.00 May 12 Parasol 1.50 May 14 Postage .02 May 16 Postage .02 May 21 Put in L.T. .20 May 26 Put in L. T. .20 CASH ACCOUNT - JUNE RECEIVED PAID Jun. 4 Wages Jun 2 1.50 Jun. 4 Put in L.T. .15 Jun. 9 Wages 1.50 Jun. 4 Postage .04 Jun. 16 Wages 1.50 Jun. 5 Car Fare to Lake .10 Jun. 23 Wages 1.50 Jun. 9 Put in L.T. .15 Jun. 30 Wages 1.50 Jun. 11 Postage .02 Jun. 13 Tablet, Stamps, Gum .25 Jun. 14 Salve .10 Jun. 15 Car are to Lake .10 Jun. 16 Put in L. T. .15 Jun. 21 Material for pulley belt .65 Jun. 23 Put in L.T. .15 Jun. 26 Home w/Ada Car Fare .05 Jun. 28 Pens .05 Jun. 30 Put in L.T. .15 Jun. 31 Lost .35 CASH ACCOUNT - JULY RECEIVED PAID Jul. 16 Wages 3.00 Jul. 3 Underwear, hose, ribbon 1.84 Jul. 30 Wages 3.00 Jul. 4 Car Fare, lunch, boat ride .35 Jul. 5 Ladies Home Journal .15 Tooth brush, picture .20 Jul. 6 Tooth powder .20 Jul. 12 To the Lake .20 Jacket 3.95 Jul. 13 Stuff for dress 2.00 Jul. 16 Put in L. T. .30 Jul. 18 To Lake, seat Ada & I .25 Jul. 25 Things for my new 2.70 dress Jul. 28 Packer's Hair Balsam .45 Jul. 24 Books from missionary .60 Jul. 30 Put in L.T. .30 CASH ACCOUNT - AUGUST RECEIVED PAID Aug. 4 Wages 1.50 Aug. 4 Hooks, eyes, washing .15 Aug. 4 From tablet Mrs. Crittenden .05 Aug. 4 Put in L.T ,15 Aug. 20 Wages 3.00 Aug. 8 Put in L.T. .01 Aug. 25 Wages 1.50 Spool blk. silk 100 yds .10 Aug. 13 Postage stamps .10 Aug. 18 Photo coupon .25 Aug. 20 Put in L.T. .30 Aug. 25 Put in L.T. .15 Bustle .25, wax .01 .26 Strainer & brush Mrs. P. .10 Aug. 27 Apron Gingham .20 Aug. 28 Collar .34 Ladies Home Journal .10 Aug.29 2 Ladies Home Journal .20 CASH ACCOUNT - SEPTEMBER RECEIVED PAID Sep. 2 Wages 1.50 Sep. 1 White skirt 2.00 Clarence .02 Hose supporters .35 Paid on photos 1.50 Sep.9 Clarence .02 Hair dressed .25 Sep. 11 Wages 1.50 Sep. 2 Put in L.T. .15 Sep. 15 From CEW .02 Sep. 3 Car Fare & postage .12 Wages 1.50 Sep. 6 Hair dressed .25 Sep. 22 Wages 1.50 Church of Christ .05 Sep. 29 Clarence .02 Sep. 8 Soap, shampoo, perfume .30 Wages 1.50 Sep. 11 Put in L.T. .15 Sep. 15 Put in L.T. .16 Sep. 22 Put in L.T. .15 Photos & washing 1.50 Sep. 25 Ladies Home Journal .10 Sep. 27 Hair preparation 1.15 Face brick .25 Sep. 29 Put in L.T. .15 CASH ACCOUNT - OCTOBER RECEIVED PAID Oct. 6 Wages 1.50 Oct. 3 Postage .08 Clarence .02 Oct. 4 Postage .02 Oct. 13 Wages 2.00 Oct. 6 Put in L.T. .15 Oct. 20 Wages 1.50 Oct. 8 Postage .04 Oct. 27 Wages 2.00 Oct. 10 Postage, envelopes .16 Clarence .02 Oct. 13 Postage .02 Put in L.T. .20 Oct. 20 Put in L.T. .15 Oct. 27 Put in L.T. .21 Stamps & Ladies H.J. .20 CASH ACCOUNT - NOVEMBER RECEIVED PAID Nov. 3 Wages 1.50 Nov. 3 Put in L.T. .15 Nov. 10 Overdue .10 Nov. 8 Underwear 3 .50 on Watson's laundry Rubbers .50 Nov. 12 Wages 1.50 Nov. 9 Car Fare .05 Nov. 17 Wages 1.50 Tablet .20 Nov. 18 Watson Nov. 12 Put in L.T. .17 overdo laundry .02 Lace & car fare & .53 Clarence .02 Nov.14 Postage .04 Nov. 24 Wages 1.50 Nov. 17 Put in L.T. .15 Nov. 24 Put in L.T. .15 Nov. 26 Ladies H.J., Ladies World .15 Nov. 26 Stamps & sugar of lead .15 Nov. 30 Yarn .10 CASH ACCOUNT - DECEMBER RECEIVED PAID Dec. 8 Wages 3.00 Dec. 1 Car fare .05 Dec. 15 Wages 1.50 Dec. 8 Put in L.T. .30 Dec. 26 Wages 1.50 Dec. 15 Put in L.T. .15 Dec. 27 Mrs. P. .20 Dec. 19 Paper Knife for .25 gave me Mrs. Woodward Dec. 20 Dr. Ruffe, Booklet .75 Dec. 22 Christmas things 2.93 Dec. 24 Postage .28 Dec. 25 Gave to Mrs. Parish .75 Dec. 26 Postage .02 Put in L.T. .15 Dec. 27 Magazines, due on .24 library book, put in L.T. Dec. 28 Postage .16 Dec. 31 Shoes 2.50, car fare .05 4.55 slippers 1.50, hair brush .50 CASH ON HAND at end of 1900 $23.59 </plaintext> </BODY> </html><!--Rootsweb footer--> <style> .rwFooter { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; text-align: center; clear: both; } </style> <br> <div class="rwLayoutTopBottomAd"> <center><div id='rwsites-ldr-bottom'></div></center> </div> <div id="footer" class="footer"><div class="rwFooter" id="footer_div"> <hr width="90%" size="1" noshade style="text-align:center; margin: 20px auto;"> <p> <font size="-2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> RootsWeb is funded and supported by <a href="https://www.ancestry.com/s33216/t10989/grid1005/rd.ashx">Ancestry.com</a> and our loyal RootsWeb community. <a href="https://home.rootsweb.com/support">Learn more.</a> <br><br> <a id="Ftr_About_Link" href="https://corporate.ancestry.com/">About Us</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a id="Ftr_ContactUs_Link" href="https://support.rootsweb.com/s/contactsupport">Contact Us</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a id="Ftr_Legal_Link" href="https://www.ancestry.com/cs/legal/copyright-policy">Copyright</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a href="https://useraccount.rootsweb.com/websites/reportInappropriateWebsite?url=/~wisauk/HattisSmith.htm">Report Inappropriate Material</a> <br> <a id="Ftr_CorporateInfo_Link" href="https://www.ancestry.com/corporate/">Corporate Information</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a id="Ftr_Privacy_Link" href="https://www.ancestry.com/cs/legal/privacyphilosophy">Privacy</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a id="Ftr_TermsAndConditions_Link" href="https://www.ancestry.com/cs/legal/termsandconditions">Terms and Conditions</a>&nbsp|&nbsp<a id="Ftr_ccpaAncestry_Link" href="https://www.ancestry.com/cs/legal/privacystatement#personal-info-categories">CCPA Notice at Collection</a> </font> </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var utag_data = { page_name:'ancestry rootsweb : hostedsites : wisauk' }; </script> <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.ancestrycdn.com/aa-rw-home/504/scripts/adHelper.js"></script> --> <!-- Adding in the new ad code --> <!-- AdBridg, GPT, Amazon library inclusion --> <script async type="text/javascript" src="https://prod.adspsp.com/adb.5781260.min.js"></script> <script async type="text/javascript" src="https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/gpt.js"></script> <script async type="text/javascript" src="https://c.amazon-adsystem.com/aax2/apstag.js"></script> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-NSWCNL5" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(a,b,c,d){ var env='prod'; try{ var domain = window.document.location.hostname.split('.'); domain = (domain.length > 2) ? domain[1] : domain[0]; if(/loc/.test(domain) || /dev/.test(domain)){ env = 'dev'; } else if (/stage/.test(domain)){ env = 'qa'; } }catch(e){} a='//tags.tiqcdn.com/utag/ancestry/rootsweb/'+ env +'/utag.js'; b=document;c='script';d=b.createElement(c);d.src=a;d.type='text/java'+c;d.async=true;a=b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0]; a.parentNode.insertBefore(d,a) })(); </script>