To submit surnames you are researching
in Polk County, please e-mail me with the surname, your name and e-mail
address and the township or other details. Please place POLK
CO. SURNAMES in the subject line of your message. Surnames will usually
be posted within a week.
Surname | Researcher | Township or Other Details |
Anderson | Greg Lyons | |
Anderson | John R. Peterson | Balsam Lake (See Query) |
Anderson | Norma Bladow | Norma Bladow looking for information on GUSTAV ADOLPH ANDERSON married to HEDVIG KAROLINA SALL, lived on a farm near Clayton, Wisc. They are buried in the church cemetery of Immanuel Lutheran Church rural Clayton. See Query |
Armstrong | Greg Lyons | |
Armstrong | Jill Olney | (See Query) |
Babcock | Talma Klaassen | |
Benson/Bengtson | Fred Josephson | Clear Lake -Rose Turcotte and Charles Benson were my maternal grandparents. |
Braden | Maureen MacDonald | (See Query) |
Bjourstad |
Greg Lyons | |
Champeau | Steve Champeau | (See Query) |
Comer | Judy Comer-Schultz | Family of William Peter Comer looking for relatives of William Comer, who first bought land in Polk Co in 1859. The Peter Comer's, from whom we descend, lived in Juneau Co - we believe Peter and William to be brothers. |
Crowley | Greg Lyons | |
Dudczak | Mary Scott Kurth | Township of Blackbrook |
Endicott | John Chalmers | Wolf Creek |
Engel | John Engel | Clear Lake (see Query) |
Evenson | Roxanne White | |
Fathke | Donald Dean Fathke | Osceola |
Flanum | Roxanne White | |
Fox | Greg Lyons | |
Goodell | Arnold Goodell | |
Gray | Sharon Gray | Gray, CHARLES W. (Wyman) b. 30 Nov 1880 in Clear Lake Wisconsin. |
Gudmanson | Greg Lyons | |
Hall | Mary Scott Kurth | Township of Blackbrook |
Havens | Jill Olney | (See Queries) |
Herold | Ann Jungbauer | Osceola/Farmington 1853-present |
Hoag | Arnold Goodell | |
Holmes | George Holmes | |
Johnson | Ronald Olson | |
Jones | Meg Lambalot | Clear Lake or Black Brook 1880's |
Jorgensen | Sharlene Evans (Olson) | Christ Jorgensen and Ruth Jorgensen (Peterson) they lived in Luck. Ruth's parents were named Laurits and Anna Marie. |
Josephson | Roxanne White | |
Kennedy | Kenneth J. Matheson | |
Kennedy | Gloria Richardson | |
Kittle | Talma Klaassen | |
Krenz | Gary Williams | Jacob Krenz arrived at Farmington from Prussia and married Wilhelmina Schwanke of Stillwater, MN in 1868. |
Larson | JoLeen Randolph | |
Linton | Sharlene Evans (Olson) | |
Lowe | Chuck Rose | |
McKee | Jan Kerrick McKee | Resided in area 1880 to 1895? |
Melin | George Holmes | Balsam Lake (See Query) |
Mitchell | Eleanor Mitchell | Frederic (See Query) |
Moberg | Debbie Boaz | Looking for any information on John E. MOBERG and wife Severina J. MALBURG MOBERG. John born Apr. 1859 Sweden, Severina born Mar. 1859 Sweden. Married abt 1855 in U.S. Also need info on children: Ginnie born Sept. 1888, Robert born Dec. 1891, and two other children who possibly died before 1900. They lived in or near Clear Lake, Polk County, PA. John was a diary farmer(1900 census). Severina had siblings in Elk County, PA. |
Munson | Tonja Lund | |
Nelson | John Engel | Clear Lake (See Queries) |
Olson | Sharlene Evans (Olson) | Oscar Olson and Frances Olson (Linton) they lived in St. Croix Falls.
Oscar's parents were named Andrew and Emma. Frances's parents were named
James and
Clara E. |
Peterson | Greg Lyons | |
Peterson | Sharlene Evans (Olson) | |
Samuel(s) | Kathy Redd | Capt. Maurice M. Samuel (also called Samuels) resided Balsam Lake and St.Croix Falls 1840-1864(approx.). Married to Chippewa wife. Trader. First Regiment Infantry Company F under John Starkweather. |
Scott | Mary Scott Kurth | Township of Blackbrook |
Scovill | Chuck Rose | |
Shaffner | Jerry Shaffner | |
Stoltz | Greg Lyons | |
Tanner | [email protected] | |
Turcotte | Fred Josephson | Turtle Lake -Rose Turcotte and Charles Benson were my maternal grandparents. |
Wennerstrom | Tonja Lund | |
Whitmer | Chris Petersen | Clear Lake, WI - David Whitmer and descendents |
Last Updated: 07 November 1998 09:21 PM -0400
WiGenWeb Coordinator for Polk
County/ Marie
K. Loughlin /Luck, WI
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