- Post
a Message Click on Begin New Thread, you will then be prompted to login or if you don't have a username,
you will be prompted to register. All messages must relate to Outagamie county. When submitting a new message,
please make sure to capitalize all SURNAMES and list all surnames in the surname box. Make sure your subject is
specific to your message. For instance, a subject that reads Joe SMITH, 1903 Ulster Co., NY>1912 Seymour,
WI will give you more accurate results than Smiths in Outagamie. Make sure to choose the category that
best fits your message type from the drop-down menu labeled Classification:.
- View
Messages (submitted since January 1999) - If you want to view a certain category of message such as a Birth,
Marriage or Obituary, click on Advanced Search link next to the search box. On the resulting page, type
in your search criteria and make sure to select the Message Classification from the drop-down list.
- Search
New Messages (For messages submitted since January 1999) - this link will send you to the Outagamie message
board on Ancestry.com. Use the search box towards the top of the screen titled Names or Keywords. Make sure
to select Outagamie Board under the search box. Otherwise you will be searching all of the message boards
located on Ancestry.com.
- Browse Surname Archives (For queries submitted through January 1999)