USGenWeb Juneau, WI Table of Contents

WI Archives
Juneau County, WI

USGenWeb Project NOTICE:

In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for other presentation.

Do you have files that you would like to include in these free archives? E-Mail me and I will include them here. Jackie Hufschmid
Description File Name File Size Submitter
Juneau County Settlers @1854 settlers.txt Jackie Hufschmid
Biography: Oscar Peck opeck.txt 4.7 KB Darrell Peck
Biography: Hezekiah Peck, Jr. (1820-1856) hpeck.txt 8.2 KB Darrell Peck
Biography: Harry Peck (1901-1951) hpeck.txt 3.9 KB Darrell Peck
Biography: Fred Peck (1875-1974) fpeck.txt 5.4 KB Darrell Peck
Juneau Co. WI Marriages (17 couples) juncomar.txt 14.0 KB Marsha Wilcox
Johnnnes Halvorsen Temtemoen & Julia Jorgensen temte.txt Laura Ware
1883 list of Pensioners or dependents, Juneau Co.,WI junepens.txt Martin Wm. Johnson

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Background designed by Karen Isaacson and used with her permission.

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Table of Contents maintained by: Jackie Hufschmid