Forest County Civil War Vets by Ron Krueger
April 10, 2001

Please send questions and comments to Ron Krueger.

In June of 2000 I began a project to identify and gather information on Civil War Veterans who lived in Forest County.  (These are NOT vets who enlisted from Forest County, as the county wasn’t established until 20 years after the war was over.)

Some of these men spent many years here, were an integral part of their community and left a very obvious trail for me to follow.  Others were part of the last generation of real American frontiersman, who left only a single census record or a few months of pension records.

My list contains some men that I think will probably prove eventually to NOT belong here.  They are a product of poor record keeping, assumptions and lack of proper fact checking.   If you come across an error place notify Theresa or me.   I think I’ve searched most of the obvious sources and uncovered some not-so-obvious ones.  It is also a very dynamic list so check back.  And, if you have a relative that belongs here that you don’t see, PLEASE contact me.  Also note, that it does not contain the names of the men that lived in areas that eventually became part of Oneida or Vilas County.  (I will probably add them in the future)

I sincerely hope the list proves beneficial to folks using the site, but I also hope it leads me to additional information.  I have loads of notes, records and stories on many of these men.  The names followed by * are men that I have photos of.  I hope to find many more photos and stories.  Eventually, I hope to collect enough information to put together a small book that the Forest County Historical Society could sell.  In the mean time I will certainly provide additional information on the men listed to their descendants, but I will also save some of the “secrets” I’ve uncovered until later.  Please feel free to contact me with comments.  Enjoy.

Erastus J. Bastin Crandon.  Co G 98th NY  (census and service records)
Christian Beller Rec’d pension Sept 1904 – May 1905 no other information.
Frank Benoit Cavour/ N. Crandon.  98th NY art. (1890 census) (maybe Frank Benware)

Albert Berdan* Crandon.  1st NY art.
James Beulen * Crandon.  Co I 11th WI & Co E 52nd WI (many references)
David S Bishop Crandon.  Co K 7th WI (Many references)

James A. Black Sr. Crandon.  HELP! Was he a vet or not?
Sylvester Boodry Co E 32nd WI (Probably didn’t live in Forest Co.  Listed in “Memories of Forest County” in error.  Ancestor of local families)
William Bouret Hiles.  Unit unknown (service ref. on death cert. - died 3/3/03)

William Bridge “Peshtigo Valley” (Between Crandon and Argonne)  Co C 14th WI (Many references)
Martin V. Briggs Argonne.  Unit unknown.
Caleb Brigham* Crandon.  Co I 35th WI (Obituary and family information)

W. J. Brown  Wabeno.  Co C 17th WI (1905 Enum. only)
John Brown Sr. Unit unknown  (single newspaper reference - 1897)
John Burchem Co D 7th MI (interpretation of 1890 census – both name and unit may contain error)

Frederick Carson Co H 5th WI I believe this person is listed in ERROR as being buried in Laona Wis. – I believe he is listed IN PLACE OF John Carson (next) who is buried in Laona.
John Carson  Laona Co B 17th IN  (Service records)
William Chaney* Rural Crandon. 5th KT (census and family information)

Avery E. Colborn* Crandon.  6th WI battery (census and family information)
Wilson Combs  N. Crandon.  Unit unknown of Kentucky (1910 census)
Henry D. Dutcher Peshtigo Valley.  10th WI battery (census and newspaper ref.)

N. W. Filkin Crandon (regular visitor). Unit unknown.  Died in KC 1893 listed as “Major” (newspaper reference)
Dewitt C. Forrest* Padus.  Co C 1st NY light art.  (census, obit, family information)
Frank Fosdick * Padus.  Co B 12th WI.  (Census and family information)

Emmitt Fowler Wabeno.  Co G 12th  IN  (Census, obit and service records)
Frederick French Hiles (pre-Hiles).  Co C 44th WI.  (Census and service records)
Andrew Henkel Nashville.  Co A 9th WI.  (Census and service records)

Joseph Hettinger Mole Lake.  Co I 43rd WI (Census and newspaper references)
James Hiles Newald.  Unit unknown (1910 census)
Rufus Hitchcock Crandon.  Co K 11th WI.  (census and service records)

Alonzo W. Johnson* Crandon.  Co A 6th WI  (Census and service records)
John Klemp  Newald.  Co F 4th WI cav.  (1905 Enumeration)
Frank Lyons  Laona.  Unit unknown  (County vet’s grave register)

Thomas Mader or Maden Armstrong Creek.  Unit unknown (1910 census)
?  McDermid Mole Lake.  Unit unknown.  Probably “James McDermand”
of Co E 7th NH (local newspaper reference 1910)
Francis McHugh Laona.  Co K 51st WI.  (Census)

Patrick McHugh* Laona.  Co I 17th WI.  (Census and family information)
Daniel McKinnon Hiles.  Unit unknown (1910 census)
Carlos McNab  Wabeno.  Co C 8th VT  (Obit)

Robert Mountain* Crandon.  Co K 21st WI  (Obit and census)
Martin V. Murray Sr. Rural Crandon.  Probably KT – Confed (1910 census)
V. Nelson  Rec’d pension Jan. 1905 – Nov 1906.  No other information.

Charles Ormsby Newald.  Co A 1st IL cav.  (Not verified – 1905 census)
Adam Oettinger Mrs Oettinger rec’d pension.  He may have died before she came to Forest Co.
? Patterson Same as Oettinger comment.

James Pooler  Co F 36th WI.  See comment for Sylvester Boodry.
William Quinlan Laona Unit unknown (County register of Vet’s graves).  I suspect this may be an error.
Henry Reanier  N. Crandon, Wall.  Co A 52nd WI.  (census and service records)

(Samuel Richardson County register of Vet’s graves lists Mr. Richardson as a Civil War vet – this is an error.  He was a soldier in the late 1800’s and died young around the turn of the century.)
George Rohrer  Crandon.  Co H 3rd CO cav.  (Census and newspaper refernces)
Peter Sharp Same as Oettimger comment.

Patrick Shay* Crandon.  Co E 48th WI  (also “Doctor’s boy” prior to regular service).  (Obit and other references)
Dillon P. Slater Crandon.  Co H 32nd WI.  (Census and service records)
Alfred Smith  Crandon.  Co C 47th WI – maybe never formally assigned

John W. Smith  Mole Lake.  Co F 13th CN  (Census and newspaper references)
Henry Sparks  Rural Crandon.  Unit unknown – prob. KT Confed.(1910 census)
Lucius Starks  Argonne.  Co G 153 NY.

James Tackett* Alvin.  Co C 7th Ark. – Confed.  (Grave marker and family information)
Byron R. Tarbox Hiles.  Co D 4th WI cav.  (census and published biography)
William Tate  Argonne.  17th WI inf.  (Newspaper and other references)

Charles Thompson Crandon.  16th ME  (census and obit)
Charles Vallier Wabeno/Soperton. 1st WI art.  (Census and service records)
Fred Waldenberg Co C 3rd US cav. (interpretation of 1895 census)

William W. Walker N. Crandon.  Co B MI Sharpshooters.  (census and service records)
Clark Whitbeck Crandon.  Co B 16th MI
Worthy Wickham Rural Crandon.  Co B 48th IN  (service records)

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