Ellensburg Localizer 08241901


Saturday, August 24, 1901

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(?? indicates letters that could not be read due to microfilm quality.)

BREVITIES That Will Interest You

Dr. P. P. GRAY returned Sunday from Victoria. Jack LYEN is visiting with friends in Cle Elum and Roslyn. Ernest BADACHER returned from Buckley Wednesday. Miss Annie DAVIES of Carbonado is spending the week with Ellensburg friends. Jack OSBORN and J. E. VENCH of Thorp were in the city on business Monday. John LINDER of North Yakima has been visiting friends in the city for a few days. Harry HALE and wife returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit in Port Townsend. Mrs. WALKER and daughter Sophie, returned Wednesday from their visit in Portland. C. H. KING left Tuesday morning for Tacoma and other Sound points for a few days outing. Miss Bessie BLANCHARD is the guest for a short time of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. WIDRATH at
Portland, Or. B?? COLEMAN and family left Wednesday for the Coose bay country in Oregon, to be absent
a year. Will GRAVES, Henry WAGER and A. M. HALL went upon the Teanaway last Wednesday for an outing. G. B. GREEN of South Seattle was in town a short time Monday. He was at one time in business
in Thorp. Robert HOLLEY, colored, was brought down from Roslyn by Mr. SHEPPARDSON Tuesday to be tried
for insanity. Mrs. J. B. DAVIDSON and little daughter, Mary, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A.
SCHNEBLY, in Victoria. Prof. WILSON of the Normal, and his boys, Stanley and Frank, went to the mountains Wednesday
to take a weeks vacation. Hon Edward WHITSON and Attorney W. P. GUTHRIE of Yakima honored the Pioneer's picnic with
their presence Thursday. Mrs. Maud D'ABLAING and children returned Tuesday from Walla Walla after a four weeks' visit
with relatives and friends. Mrs. W. H. CARROTHERS and daughter returned Wednesday from a month's visit among friends at
their old home in Oregon. Quite a large number of our citizens attended the Elk's Carnival at Tacoma last week. About
all of them have succeeded in getting back home again. John SCHLOTFELDT accompanied his family to Port Townsend Tuesday to enable the latter to
enjoy the sea breezes a few weeks. He will return in a few days. Hon. J. C. PAINTER came over from Walla Walla Tuesday and will remain a few days visiting
with his children and friends. He went on up to Tacoma yesterday morning. Mrs. B. F. BOYCE, residing near the Columbia river, was carried to this place on a stretcher
Thursday. She is critically ill and will remain with her daughters pending her recovery. Master Dorsey SCHNEBLY while going from town to the ranch of P. H. ADAMS Saturday night was
held up by a highwayman and robbed of what little pocket change he had with him. T. W. FARRIER was fined $12 and costs by Justice BOYLE for killing sage hens contrary to law.
He pleaded guilty to the charge... William MACK of the Teanaway was a visitor in the city Wednesday. He says the farmers in his
neighborhood are pretty well along with their crops and that the latter are generally very good. A number of our townsmen have been a few days in Victoria. Treasurer PURDIN and
Frank McCANDLESS being among their number. Mr. CORNETT and ?? of North Yakima were also there
for a few days. Our people seem to be enjoying the best of health during the present warm weather. A case
or two of typhus fever have developed in a mild form, but at this time we understand there isn't
a case in the county. Miss Agnes HINMAN, one of the teachers in our public schools, has resigned in order to accept
a similar position in the Roslyn schools at an increase of salary. Miss HINMAN was one of our
most valuable instructors and will be greatly missed by her pupils. Prof. CONOLY of North Yakima will be here shortly to organize a class of ?? both instrumental
and vocal. Persons desiring to enter the class will leave word with Mr. Mat BARTBOLET. In vocal
music, Mr. CONOLY is a Wagnerian graduate. Chris HOLMES returned Tuesday from an extended tour through California, Oregon and Idaho.
He visited a great many parts of the neighboring states and enjoyed his trip ... From 75 to 100 miles on the Great Northern trains will be operated by electric motors on the
Cascade division instead of engines. The power will be generated from the waterfalls of the
Skykomish and Tumwater rivers alongside the track. This will do away with the danger in the
tunnel in which several persons have nearly suffocated with smoke recently. Engines 350 and 129 participated in a head-on collision in the yards Monday. The accident
occurred near the round house and ... nobody seems to understand just how such a thing could
happen... The pony trucks, pilots and boiler-heads in each machine were smashed, but no one
was hurt...


A. O. JOHNSON had the misfortune to lose 1000 cords of wood by the recent forest fires near
this place. W. J. BOLTON finished baling his hay this week. Frank GODFREY made a business trip to the 'burg' this week. John BOLTON with a number of his friends picniced on Lake Katchees last Monday. Walter R. TURNER came over from Cumberland this week for a few days visit with John BOLTON. J. R. STROM attended the carnival at Tacoma last week. The atmosphere has been so dense with smoke the past week that our people have been unable
almost to see the sun. The farmers of this section are hoping for a good, old-fashioned rain.
Owing to the continued warm spell, many people have been disappointed in the berry crop.


Fatal Accident to a Pilgrim Going to Seattle from Chicago Frank ERNEST, claiming Tripoli, Ia., as his home, was run over and killed at an early hour
yesterday morning. He was trying to beat his way to Seattle from Chicago and had come as far as
Ellensburg without mishap. The crew had driven him away from the train, but as the latter began
to pull out, ERNEST took a desperate chance by attempting to get aboard. His foot slipped down
until it was caught by the wheel. He was dragged down until the right leg and arm were crushed
and the left leg and arm were broken. He was removed to a Valley house where death ensued
three hours later.

ROSLYN NOTES (Cascade Miner)

Martin CAMERON, postmaster at Ellensburg, made us a pleasant call as he went through town on
his way to join Will GRAVES and a number of other campers from the 'burg'. We hope that anticipations
in the piscatorial line may be fully realized. When Captain BRADER reached the river on his way to the Honolulu coal property this week, he
found the boat on the opposite side and decided to wade across but miscalculated on the strength
of the stream. He lost his balance, his money, his watch and his dry goods, which he had taken
off and had in a bundle. However, he did not lose his head, and finally succeeded in reaching
camp the same condition that Adam was when he entered the Garden of Eden. Had the Captain not
been a strong swimmer, he would no doubt have lost his life.


C. L. COLLINS' store was entered by burglars Thursday night of last week and robbed of several
suits of clothes and about $12 that had been left in the cash register, the latter being found
the next morning three blocks away. Earlier the same night the St. Louis Brewery was relieved
of about $40, presumably by the same gang. One of the members of which was arrested, but
succeeded in getting away before he could be caged. M. F. BAKER, brother of our fellow townsman C. S. BAKER, arrived Monday from Jefferson City,
Mo., for the purpose of looking ?? the country.


The State Normal School opens Sept. 4. Let all who can, be ready to enter on the opening
day. An increased attendance from Kittitas county is desired...


The following letters remain unclaimed in the Post Office at Ellensburg, Wash. for the week
ending August 10: APPLEBY, Rob LAMPING, I. F. BANISTER, L. C. MILLER, Miss Eva BREEN, Audey MORRIS, Miss Lillie COMBS, Joe MULLER, Albert DENNIS, Miss Jenkie McDONALD, J. D. HADWAY, M. V. OLSEN, Sam Edw HOLLOWAY, G. W. PRECHER, Peterson HANSON, W. H. U??, K. K. WARNER, Willie In calling for any of the above please ask for "Advertised Letters" Martin CAMERON, P.M.


For the Pan American Exposition to be held at Buffalo, N.Y., May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, tickets
will be on sale the first and third Tuesdays of each month, June to October at $79.80 for the
round trip, limited 30 days from date of sale. For futher information call at Depot ticket
office. H. M. BALDWIN, Agent.

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