Ellensburg Dawn 05251900


May 25, 1900

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At the home of the bride, May 21st, Mr. B. W. FILER and Miss Ida C. CHARLTON,
Rev. J. V. MILLIGAN officiating. At the Catholic church, Tuesday morning, May 22d, Mr. Henry MITCHELL and Miss Annie OLDING,
Rev. Father SWEENS officiating.


Rev. J. S. SMITH has received the blank applications from the war department at Washington,
D. C., for headstones to mark the graves of the old soldiers that are buried in the cemetery at
this place. He desires the names, rank, company, regiment and date of death, of all the old
soldiers whose graves are unmarked. The government furnishes the headstones and prepays the
freight to the railroad station and the G.A.R. will see that they are set. This should be
attended to immediately so that all stones may be ordered at one time.


Misses Julia and Clara MOEN and Tilda STRANDE, bright pupils of Sparta, have quit school
for the present. Miss Gay YOCUM has been staying in town the past week. If you want a good hand at taking care of pups or babys just get Al TURNER. Jude CRAMMER has started back east where he was called to the death bed of his father. John MOEN and Fred NELSON are in Roslyn this week. Miss HIDDLESON has been visiting her friend, Miss MURRAY, recently. Pearl GEDDIS and Ethel BARNES visited the latter's parents ranch recently.
E. B. PREBLE visited Ellensburg this week. Miss Maggie NEVIN is visiting her sister, Mrs. Phil FITTERER, at Ellensburg. W. W. FISH has disposed of his interest in the lease of reservation lands to F. GOSHEN
for $2500... H. F. BEAN returned from Ellensburg last week and is again behind the counters at the
Chicago Dry Goods store. Geo. Washington SMITH came down from Teanaway on Saturday last and left on Monday for the
Seven Devils mining country in Idaho.


If you want fresh vegetables buy them of GRINDROD. W. J. WALSH was down from Roslyn this week looking after legal matters. John HOFFMAN came down from Roslyn Saturday and spent Sunday with his family. A. S. RANDALL, editor of the Roslyn Miner, was in the city this week on business. Henry RUSCH and son left last Tuesday for a three or four months visit in Germany. John VANDBERG is building for himself a nice little barn on his Santa Anna property. Ellensburg will let the eagle scream and her people turn out en masse on the 4th of July. Edgar SMITH left Tuesday to visit his parents in the east whom he has not seen for five years. George STEEL expects to resign his position on the N.P. next week and will soon leave for
Alaska. If you want a good Tailor-made suit see Jim BALES at the New Gem. Suits from $6 up. Pants
$2 up. If you wish to secure bargains in millinery, call Mrs. STEVENSON's Millinery establishment,
Club Blk. Hay harvest is coming on very fast. Some farmers talk of starting the work next week,
especially the rye crop. Jay FREDERICK is spending the week in Yakima County visiting his brother and fishing. If he
is not enjoying himself, it is not his fault. The president has signed the free homes bill. Under this law, an applicant may receive
government land, live on it five years, and then own it. The machinery for TJOSSEM & Sons' new mill will be put in as soon as possible. They hope to
have the mill in running order by July 1st. Our young fellow townsman, G. T. SHORT, was admitted to the bar by the supreme court at
Olympia. He has been employed in the office of KAUFFMAN & FROST for some time as clerk. "Billy" BEERS this week finished papering and painting the court room and if we are any
judge in matters of this kind we should say "well done thou good and faithful workman." Martin MAYER and George HORNBECK have bonded the "Pole Pick" claim in the Peshastin district
for $30,000. It is claimed now that the Pole Pick is one of the best claims in the district
and will perhaps make a few men rich. PAUTZKE, the photographer, is making a big run on Stamp Photos for a short time at 25 cts a
dozen. Luther WEEDIN, sheriff of Island county, a nephew of ye editor and wife, spent Sunday in
Ellensburg, accompanied by Grover TERRY, one of the leading businessmen of Coupeville. Otto KOHLER left this week for Nebraska where he is to be married shortly. From there he
will go to Sweden on a visit and then to Paris, France, where he and Mrs. KOHLER will take in
the Paris exposition. They expect to return to Ellensburg in the course of a year or less time. Lost - Between Teanaway and Ellensburg on wagon road, by way of Thorp, one pocket day book...
also 3 school warrants of District 15, general fund Nos 7 to 9 inc., treasurers Nos 36-38 inc.,
issued in favor of Christel HIDDLESON, of $45 each. Finder please leave at Dawn office and
receive suitable reward. Some mischevious boys have during the past two or three weeks made a habit of destroying
some fine flower beds. For instance, Mrs. RUGG has one of the finest flower beds in the city...
only to have it almost entirely destroyed a few nights ago by some boys, as the tracks show,
who should be severely dealt with...


W. A. FISHBURN, D. D. S., upstairs over brick bank, corner Pearl and Fifth Streets. MILLER & BRUNSON, Assayers. J. C. HUBBELL, Bonds, Warrants and Insurance. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Brick Bank Bldg.,
Ellensburg. Jas. G. BOYLE, (Abstractor, 8 years experience in this county), Davidson Blk. Room 9. Theo. LAMBSON, Pump Repairing and Plumbing.


In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kittitas County. In the matter of the estate of Edgar EGGER, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate
of Edgar EGGER, deceased, late of Kittitas County, Washington....Otto KOHLER, Sr., May 14, 1900.


I will continue hatching chicks all summer. If you want eggs hatched, you must make your
engagements ahead and be prompt both in delivering your eggs and taking away your chicks.


Superior Court was in session Wednesday. Public school closes one week from today. J. G. SLOAN is building a nice little barn on his premises in the south part of town. A. J. HAMMOND was sent down to the Yakima hospital Tuesday by order of the board of county
commissioners. Cards are out announcing the coming marriage of Mr. Ernest KOEPKE and Miss Etta SHOUDY in
this city on June 6th. Judge Theodore L. STILES of Seattle is in the city this week looking after business connected
with the Ben E. SNIPES estate. The editor of the Localizer has purchased one of those fine derby hats which have been on
exhibition in D. H. WESTCOTT's show window for some time. Rev. E. SUTTON will lecture in this city on May 30 at 8 p.m. on "Mormonism", at the West Side
chapel on Tursday evening the 31st on temperance. Clarence WAGNON got into a difficulty with a man by the name of THOMPSON in Klickitat County
and shot him under the left eye. THOMPSON is in a critical condition and not expected to
recover. Last Tuesday evening a party of young people gathered at the home of Miss Myra BARNETT to
celebrate her seventeenth birthday. It was a surprise to her when nearly 25 of her young friends
walked up to the house...


One hay baler, one hay slide, one gang plow. Apply to C. H. KING.


Unlimited supply of water. Will take choice residence property in Ellensburg as part payment
down. Balance on time to suit purchaser. For information, apply to W. J. ROBBINS, Ruby St.,
bet. 3rd and 4th Sts.

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