Ellensburg Capital 03071912


Thursday, March 7, 1912

   Considerable interest centered in the school election on Saturday.  The vote stood 314 for Harry W. HALE to 128 for Samuel KREIDEL, the
only other candidate. A large number of the votes were cast by women.


A call from the COBLE lodging house at midnight on Sunday told the officers that Mrs. Hattie PEIGHT, formerly Hattie COBLE, had been shot,
presumably by her own hand. The officers found her unconscious from a bullet wound in the head. Jeff JONES, who lived at the house and who
called the officers told them she had shot herself. She received emergency attention and the following day was taken to Mrs. WRIGHT's
hospital. Monday evening an operation was performed, from which she rallied somewhat, but she died at midnight Tuesday. A note was found, supposedly written by the woman, in which she spoke of trouble with JONES; it indicated that she was very unhappy and
melancholy, and showed that she was contemplating the taking of her own life. JONES was taken in hand by the sheriff and detained for a day
in the county jail, being released next day. The woman was a widow, her husband having been found dead in the bay at Seattle in 1910. She
has since been conducting the lodging house built by her father. The tragedy is supposed to have been directly due to trouble between her
and the man JONES. The inquest, being held today may throw additional light on the tragedy. The victim was about 24 years old, a daughter of Dan COBLE, an old citizen, who is now in California. She was raised in this city and
was well known.


Norman PEASE has been indisposed this week. Charles GOODWIN of Edmonds spent a few days visiting James BARNARD this week. Mr. and Mrs. Perry PEASE, who spent a few days with relatives on the west side and in Thorp, have returned to their home in Cle Elum. Mr. and Mrs. Walter LOWE moved into their new home Tuesday. J. A. YEARWOOD spent Tuesday in Ellensburg. Logan HULMAN and Charlie ELLIS went to Wapato last week to commence work on M. E. BECKER's baler. The Royal Neighbors gave a farewell reception Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. George BRAIN who go to Oregon some time soon to live. David ROSS spent Satruday in Ellensburg. Margaret LACKMAN who spent several days in Ellensburg, returned to her home at Thorp Sunday evening. Frank BROWN and wife have spent a few days at the home of E. HARRELL. Mr. and Mrs. John WAGGONER spent a few days with friends and relatives here and returned to their home at Auburn Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy DARTER on Sunday, a daughter. Mrs. W. D. KILMORE of Ballard is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter LOWE, this week. Jerry CROSS and wife of Thorp left Tuesday evening for Kentucky for a visit. Mrs. George HARVEY spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Henry PREE. Andrew BIERS left Thursday for Grandview and expects to be gone about a month. The house on John CATLIN's place which John SHELDON had rented was consumed by fire Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Horace HUTCHINSON spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed PAGE. Ervin, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed HARRELL, who got his leg hurt three weeks ago, is slowly improving and is able to walk. Rev. CAUGHLAN of Ellensburg held services in the M. E. church at Thorp last Tuesday evening and it was well attended. Miss Minerva HUNTER of Ellensburg is spending a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George HUNTER. Mrs. Amy ELLISON is indisposed this week. At the school election at Ridgeway school house on Saturday, two directors were selected. William PACKWOOD will serve for two years and
Felix PRATER for a term of three years.


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam SORENSON in Denmark, Saturday, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Sam HOLLENBECK of Ellensburg are visiting Mr. HOLLENBECK's brother. H. E. VINING was a North Yakima visitor on Saturday. C. A. BLACKMAN left Monday for his home in Everett. He has been here for a week attending to his farm interests. Miss Elma WILSON of the normal spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. WILSON. Miss Helen BLACKMAN left Monday and will spend a few days in Ellesnburg visiting friends, before leaving for her home in Everett. Jack FULLEN and family spent Sunday with John GREEN of Ellensburg. Hugh WEBBER and family have arrived for Collebrawn, Colorado, and will spend the summer with Mr. WEBBER's sisters. Several men under foreman BOECHER are now working on the Cascade canal, cleaning and repairing it. Jack RUFF of Roslyn is now in the employ of T. T. WILSON, in the place of Dan McKEENAN who has rented C. A. BLACKMAN's place. Mrs. STOWELL of Ellensburg spent a few days visiting her brother, T. A. SAGER of Edgemont. M. MANAMAN left Sunday for Monroe after visiting his son-in-law, John BOLLMAN. W. SMITH returned from the Columbia last week after taking about 500 head of cattle there for Chester COOKE. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. STULFAUTH of Ellensburg were Edgemont visitors Sunday. They have decided to build on their orchard tract and
Mr. MELVIN is employed as carpenter. Miss Esther JAQUES visited friends on the West Side Sunday. Mrs. Ethel CAHOON and little son and Mrs. Ida SHERRARD of Ellensburg were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. WILSON, as guests of
Miss Helen BLACKMAN Saturday and Sunday. H. E. VINING, operator at Thrall for the past year, has gone to Arlington, Oregon, where he and Miss Nina SNELL will be married. They
will return to Thrall where they expect to make their future home. They have the best wishes of numerous friends. Donald SMITH and brother of Ellensburg came out to Edgemont on Monday and will work on their place for a few weeks. J. O. NOGGLE has returned from New Mexico where he was looking for a location, but failing to find one, has decided to stay at Thrall. John DEARING and family, who have been renting of T. T. WILSON for the past year have moved to the W. W. ROBINSON place, three miles
north of Ellensburg and will reside there. William McGRATH is building a large house on his place near Thrall. Mrs. Fred JACOBSEN returned the latter part of the week after visiting on the Sound. John WHITTENDALE, who has rented John KILLMORE's ranch, spent Sunday at the home of his parents on the West Side.


Dr. KREIDEL has been installing some new electrical devices in his dental office. A weekly paper, to be called the Spokesman, is to be published at Kittitas, beginning at an early date. Frank KOBILKA has moved his tailor shop into the Pearson building on the corner of Fifth and Main streets. The alarm at 3 o'clock this morning was for a blazing ash heap in the rear of David KINKADE's house on Sprague street. Charles BULL has purchased from Mrs. Florence MIRES, formerly Mrs. READY, the lot on Ruby street, just north of the M. E. church. Dr. L. H. WALKER and Phil FITTERER have each purchased from Jack KELLEHER a Ford auto. O. E. KERSTETTER of Liberty also purchased one. John SHELDON's home on the west side was burned a few days ago. Much of his household property was saved but his loss will be quite
heavy. K. O. KOHLER is a victim of oak poisoning as a result of his visit to his range on the Columbia. It manifested itself on his face and
was very painful. I. W. BUXBY has received from the east a large oil burning traction engine with a ten-gang plow, which is expected to turn over a great
furrow in a day... Manager STOCKING of the Postal Telegraph received election bulletins from Seattle until 1:30 Wednesday morning. A. M. WRIGHT and Frank WESTCOTT are building a motor boat to put on Lake Keechelus this summer. They will build the shell extra strong
and put in a 25-horse power auto engine, which should make the craft very swift. M. E. RANDALL, Milwaukee agent, informs The Capital that he has been unable to secure a carload of choice oats as per instructions...


At the performance of "The Bohemian Girl" an entire row of seats in the pit had been mysteriously reserved and just before the curtain
C. H. STEWART filled in amid cheers and took the chairs. As is well known, they are nearly all bald-heads from away back, and together with
their conspicious position, they carried on in a way that kept all eyes on them when the curtain was down....


Mrs. A. H. DAVIS is visiting in Seattle. J. C. HUBBELL has been in Olympia several days. Mrs. H. A. HARMON has returned from a visit to Spokane. William WELSH has returned from a short visit in Spokane. W. F. LEWIS of Cle Elum is doing jury duty here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay WHITFIELD returned from a visit in Yakima Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. WOLFF entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Hallie MERRYMAN has joined a surveying party in the lower Yakima valley. Mrs. William FREYBURGER who has been seriously ill is rapidly convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. CARTER entertained friends at dinner Friday evening. J. V. HOEFFLER, the Cle Elum attorney, has been attending court this week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie WILSON of Badger Pocket on Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret NIBLET of Seattle has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Martin CAMERON. J. E. FARRELL, who has spent the winter on the Sound, is in the city for a few days. J. A. BALMER, the Cle Elum statesman and florist, is here this week doing jury duty. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. ELWOOD have had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. HOUGH of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. HOLMES have returned from an extended trip through the southern states. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. INMAN of Yakima were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE. C. E. CRANE and family have returned from Ogden, Utah, where they went to spend the winter. A. C. SPALDING came down from the ranch on Tuesday to look after some business connected with the reclamation district canal. Mrs. R. D. BROTHERS and daughter, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. ELWOOD, have returned to their home in Tacoma. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Amos SMITH gave them a delightful surprise Tuesday evening at the home of their daughter, Mrs. E. J. BECKER. F. L. CALKINS and his son, Forrest, are spending the week in the valley in the interest of the Producers and Consumers Cooperative company
in Seattle. W. G. LAUDERDALE went to Seattle on Sunday, returning Tuesday night with his wife, who has been there a few weeks. Mrs. Belle MORSE, who has been living in Seattle, was in the city yesterday, preparatory to going to San Diego, where she and her father,
W. N. WESTFALL, will make their home.


In the Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington Ella BELBECK, Plaintiff, vs. John W. BELBECK, Defendent. You are hereby summoned to appear ... within 60 days after the 25th day of January, 1912, and defend the above entitled action to the above
entitled court... The object of said action is to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant, and for the custody
of two minor children by the plaintiff, on the grounds of abandonment of plaintiff by defendant for a period of more than one year, and the
neglect and refusal of defendant to make suitable provision for his family. John B. DAVIDSON, Attorney for Plaintiff.


In the Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of Hanna A. PRESTON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Reuben E. PRESTON, administrator of the estate of Hannah A. PRESTON, deceased has rendered and presented for
settlement and account of his administration of said estate ...


The board of directors of school district No. 3 invite bids for the purchase of the dwelling house situated at the corner of Sprague and
Second streets, known as the HORNBECK house. Bids....

NOTICE (In Probate, No. 191)

In the Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington In the Matter of the Estate of Nicholas HOSCHEID, deceased To Margaret FARIBAULT, Anna MECHTEL, W. M. HOSCHEID, Kate HALER, Nicholas HOSCHEID, John HOSCHEID, Mary ATTON, Louise ATTON,
Matthias MECHTEL, Gertrude FECHTER, Respondents: You and each of you are hereby notified that on Saturday, the 20th day of April 1912 at the Court room of the above ... Susanne HOSCHEID,
by her attorneys, will make application to the Court for a commission to take the depostion of the said Susanne HOSCHEID upon oral
interrogatories; the said Susanne HOSCHEID being a material witness in regard to the matters and things alleged in her amended petition,
filed herein, and she being a resident of the State of Minnesota. GRAVES and McDANIELS, Attorneys for Petitioner.

NOTICE (In Probate, No. 648)

In the Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington In the Matter of the Estate of Caroline B. WALKER, deceased. Charles J. WALKER, the executor of the last will and testament of the said decedent ... Notice is hereby given that said account, report
and petition will be heard by said court ... the 30th day of March 1912 ...


In the Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of Peter H. JENSEN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Peter H. JENSEN, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 10th
day of February 1912, by the said superior court. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with the
necessary vouchers to me at my residence, five miles southeast of Ellensburg, Wash., or at the office of E. E. WAGER ... Dated at Ellensburg,
Wash., this 22d day of February, 1912. Hans J. JENSEN, Executor of Said Estate.


Buff Orpington Poultry - We have the best and largest flock of pure bred single comb Buff Orpingtons in Kittitas valley, and in 1911 sold
and shipped out more eggs and chickens for hatches and breeding purposes than all the other breeders of poultry of all kinds here.... We
sell eggs 13 for $1.00; 50 for $3.50; 100 for $6.00. J. HANKS & Sons, Ellensburg, Wash. White Orpingtons - The greatest winter egg producer in the world today... eggs from choice utility pens, $1.00 and $2.00 per sitting...
Mrs. T. S. WASSON, corner A and Ninth Sts., Black 3121.

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