Abbe, Anna, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Daniel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620² 

Elipha, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Hannah, m. Joshua Webb, v. pt. 2, 504

Jacob, of Westminster v. pt. 2, 620

Jacob jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Nathan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Sarah, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Sarah (Richardson), wife of Jacob Abbe, v. pt. 2., 620²

Zarriah, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Abbee, Wm., of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²

Abbey, Anna (Goodell), wife of Hezekiah Abbey, v. pt. 2, 620²

Daniel, of Holland, iii. 238²

Hezekiah, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

William, of St. Albans, ii. 291

Abbot, Anna, m. Caleb Colvin, iii. 618

Barachias, of Landgrove, i. 198, 2d ed. 197²

Rev. Benjamin, of Pittsfield, iii. 937

David, of Barton & Sheffield, iii. 71², 84². 86(2)

Mrs. David, of Barton, iii. 85

David S., ____ of Barton, iii. 85

Elizabeth. m. Samuel Stewart, i. 21

Joseph, of Barton, iii. 75

Polly, of Barton, iii. 84²

Prudence, of Barton, iii. 84²

Samuel, of Pawlet, iii. 902²

Sarah (Kezer), wife of David Abbot, iii. 84²

Solomon, of Ira, iii. 783²

Thomas, of Barton, iii. 75²

Abbott, ____, of Andover (Mass.), iii. 1105

____, of Groton, iv. 1148²

Dr., iv. 1180

Rev. Abiel, of Peterboro (N. H.), v. 29²

Abigail, of Worcester, iv. 907²

Abraham, of Worcester, iv. 893², 898(2), 907²

Albert, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228

Asa, of Worcester, iv. 898

Asenath (née Davis), v. pt. 2, 106²

Rev. Benjamin, of Brookfield, ii. 863, 867

of Tophsam, ii. 1108

C. E., of Montpelier, iv. 354

C. E. & co., of Randolph, ii. 996

Catharine, of Worcester, iv. 907²

Charles, of Tunbridge, ii. 1128²

Charles C., of Worcester, iv. 891(2), 1200

hist. of Worcester, iv. 883²-912

sketch, iv. 911²-12

Charles E. of Northfield, iv. 683², 684

Charles E. jr., of Northfield, iv. 684

Christopher, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Daniel, of Barton, iii. 75²

of Worcester, iv. 902², 906, 911²

David, of Barton, iii. 72(2), 80², 86²

David C., of Fairlee, ii. 905²

Elizabeth, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Ephraim, of Worcester, iv. 893², 898(2), 907²

Francis B., of Northfield, iv. 706

George, in Bennington, 1765, i. 144 2d ed. 146²

of Barton, iii. 72

Hannah, m. James Vance, iii. 196

Hannah (Closson), wife of Daniel Abbott, iv. 911²

Dea. Hart B., of Windham, v. pt. 2, 394; v. pt. 3², 10

Lt. Henry C., iv. 522, 559²

Ira S., of Vershire, ii. 1135

Rev. J. J., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164

J. L., of Northfield, iv. 696²

J. S., of Northfield, iv. 684²

Jacob, of Groton, i. 321²

James from Haverhill (N. H.), grantee of Groton, i. 321(2); iv. 1145, 1146, 1148(2), 1157, 1158

sketch, iv. 1147-8

James, of Peacham, i. 363

Mrs. James, of Newbury, ii. 825²

James H., of Landgrove, iv. 1194

Jane K., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Jeremiah, of Barnet, i. 283

of Barton, iii. 72

Jesse, of Worcester, iv. 893², 897², 898, 907²

Mrs. Jesse (née Buzzell), of Worcester, iv. 898

Job, of Barnet, i. 275

Maj. Joel, in Rev. War, ii. 389²

John, pioneer of Newbury, ii. 943²

of Pawlet, iii. 880²

Col. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

John B., of Franklin co., ii. 94²

John S., of Montpelier, iv. 279

John S. C., author, iv. 13, 295

Dea. Jonas, of Worcester, iv. 887(2), 888², 891², 892², 893, 898, 901, 903², 905², 906

Jonathan D., of Barnet, i. 274², 276





Abbott, Joseph, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

L. F., v. pt. 35, 55²

Lemuel, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12

Lemuel jr., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12(2)

Loretta E., m. Jonathan Cutler, v. pt. 2, 394

Lucian Vail, of Worcester, iv. 892²

Lucius, of Middletown, iii. 835²

Marcia E. (Ladd), wife of Charles C. Abbott, iv. 911²

Maria E., of Worcester, iv. 912

Martha, m. Nathan Morse, iv. 626²

Mary, of Calais, iv. 166²

Minerva E. (Vail), wife of Jonas Abbott, iv. 900

N. K., of Cabot, iv. 97(2), 103²

Nathan, of Worcester, iv. 887, 888², 898, 907²

Nathaniel, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Nathaniel K., of Cabot, iv. 104², 105², 108²

Phoebe, m. Horace Blodgett, ii. 1018

S., of Montpelier, iv. 279²

S. S., editor, iv. 321

Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 279, 329, 394², 526²

of Newbury, ii. 946²

of Williamstown, ii. 1149²

Samuel W., & Co., of Montpelier, iv. 277

Sarah, of Sudbury, iii. 1141²

of Worcester, iv. 907²

Simon C., of Worcester, iv. 900², 909

Susan, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

of Worcester, iv. 907²

Sylvester G., of Randolph, ii. 1176

Thomas, lawyer, iii. 37

Timothy, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

of Montpelier, iv. 530, 551

Titus, of Worcester, iv. 898

Urial, of Williamstown, ii. 1149²

Walter E., of Fairlee, ii. 905²

William, of Cabot, iv. 108²

of Calais, iv. 166, 175

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 649²

Abbott & Emery, of Montpelier, iv. 277, 279

Abbott & Whitman, of Rutland, iii. 1029²

Abbotts, ____, of Fairlee, ii. 891

____, mill owners, of Fairlee, ii. 893

Abel, Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

D. O., of Hoosic Falls (N. Y.), i. 259

Jesse, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Thomas, pioneer of Bennington, i. 144², 158, 161², 2d ed. 147, 160², 163²

Abell, Dr., iii. 1039²

Asa, of Swanton, iv. 994², 997(2), 1079, 1132

Dr. Chester, of Fairfield, ii. 197

Orange, of Swanton, iv. 1186

Rodney, of West Haven (Conn.), 425²

Rodney C., of Rutland co., iii. 427²

Abels, Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1024

Abenard, an Indian, iv. 967

Abenard, Magdaline, iv. 962²-3, see also Abernard, Magdaline

Abercrombie, Gen. James, at Ticonde­roga, 1758, i. 3², 660², 661, 766(2), 767; ii. 614²; iv. 1152, 1153

Abernard, François, Indian, i. 455 (2) ; iv. 962²-3

Magdaline, Indian, i. 455(2)

Abernethy, Gov., of Oregon, iii. 568

Abomsawin, Joseph, Indian, i. 455

Abotts, John, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Abraham, Charles, of St. Albans, ii. 433²

Absomsawin, Joseph, iv. 962²-3

Achimides, ii. 324²

Ackerman, Ed. P., of Newark (N. J.), v. 183

Edward P., of Brattleboro & N. Y., v. 183²

Acklen, ____, of La., iv. 635

Ackley, Calvin, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

John, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851²

Joseph, of Pawlet, iii. 893, 897

S. H., of Mt. Holly, iii. 852

Acomb, May, m. Charles Mellen Knight, v. pt. 2, 215²

Acreman, Sarah (Morse) (Stickney), wife of Stephen Acreman, v. pt. 2, 145²

Stephen, v. pt. 2, 145²

Acterian, H. H., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549²

Adair, John, of Wallingford, iii. 1066

Adam, Rev. Darwin, of Fayetteville, v. pt. 2, 153²

Adams, ____, held teachers' institutes, i. 1018

____, m. Dr. Ebenezer Marvin. iii. 1144

____, from N. H., of Bennington, i. 252²

____, of Brookfield & Barre, iv. 51

____, of Cambridgeport, v. pt. 2, 501²

____, of Fair Haven, iii. 687², 702², 718

____, addressed Franklin co. Teachers' Institute, 1861, ii. 99

____ settled in Richford, 1802, ii. 287

____, of Wallingford, iii. 1169

Miss, m. Nahum Cutler, v. pt. 3, 68

Mrs. of Marshfield, iv. 205²

Mrs., m. Isaac Norton, iii. 730²

Dea., of Cabot, iv. 92(2)






Adams, Prof., used term "Taconic," ii. 28 note

Rev., in Cambridge, ii. 620, 621

Rev., of Shaftsbury, i. 236, 2d ed. 235²

Squire, of Pawlet, iii. 892

Rev. A., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Aaron, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

of Swanton, iv. 997², 1002²

Abbie A., of Northfield, iv. 627

Abel, of Swanton, iv. 997²

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

Abel jr., of Swanton, iv. 998

Abiah (Edgerton), wife of Joseph Adams, ii. 547²; iii. 913

Abial A., of Newport, iii, 295², 304²

Abner, of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342², 346

of Poultney, iii. 981

from Moultonborough (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 33

Abraham, of Benson, iii. 417²

Abram, of Ludlow, iii. 1113²

Abram S., iv. 246²

Ada M., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Adaline, of Northfield, iv. 627

Alanson, of Burlington. i. 510.

Alice A., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Allen, of Newport, iii. 304²

Amasa, of Swanton, iv. 997²

Rev. Andrew N., of Rutland co., iii. 519²

of Fair Haven, iii. 707², 708², 709², 718, 741, 1195²

hist. of Fair Haven, iii. 672-746

Angie M. (Phelps), wife of Joseph Adams, iii. 741

Anna Edgerton, m. William L. Al­vord, ii. 1038²

Anna P., wife of J. S. Adams, i. 655²

Annie, of Stowe, ii. 715

Annie E., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Anson, of Northfield & Roxbury, iv. 613², 614(2), 626², 671², 759

Anson jr., of Northfield, iv. 627

Archalus, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Asa, of Cambridge, ii. 601²

of Swanton, iv. 997²

Asaph, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338

Avaline M., of Northfield, iv. 627

Azuba, of Swanton, iv. 997²

B. F., of Castleton, iii. 509, 1068²

of Randolph, ii. 995², 1050

of Rutland co., iii. 519²

B. H., of Tunbridge & Waitsfield, iv. 786², 791²

Rev. B. S., of Cabot, iv. 96², 122²

Baxter, of No. Adams (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 717²

Benjamin, of Burlington, i. 500, 509(2), 511²

of So. Hero, ii. 475², 478(2), 572²

of Waitsfield, iv. 785

Dea. Benoni, of Pawlet, iii. 887², 892²

Betsey, dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

C., in Johnson, ii. 674²

Rev. C., in Newbury, ii. 951²

C. B., author, i. 555², 556²

Prof. C. B., geologist, ii. 22, 53², 62, 67 note

Dr. C. C., of Island Pond, i. 956²

Rev. C. C., of Fairfield, ii. 197²

Dr. C. G., of Island Pond, iii. 43²

C. M., of Roxbury, iv. 758

C. O., of Calais, iv. 136², 169²

Rev. Calvin C., of Fairfield, ii. 198

Catharine (Brown), wife of Chauncey Adams, v. pt. 2, 397

Dr. Cephas, of Island Pond, iii. 182; iv. 1194

Dr. Cephas G., of Charleston, iii. 112

Charles, iii. 1160²

of Burlington, i. 468² note, 473, 504, 507, 510, 511, 530², 539, 543, 545², 616-18, 632², 648, 659, 874²; ii. 480, 553²; iv. 851, 852²

of Fairfield, ii. 197²

of Roxbury, iv. 758(2), 759²

Rev. Charles, of Newbury & Wash­ington (D. C.), iv. 385(2)

Charles B., i. 255²

Prof. Charles B., of Middlebury, i. 55²

Charley H., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 397

Charlotte, of Northfield, iv. 627

Chauncey, from Dummerston, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 396²

Chauncy, from Brookline, of Ind., v. pt. 2, 397

Clarissa, dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Clark, son of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Cornelia E. (Bigelow), wife of Ezra E. Adams, ii. 1038²

Cyrus, of Middletown, iii. 838

D., of Waterbury, iv. 831², 834²

Daniel, author, iv. 314

pioneer of Berkshire, ii. 110, 124²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226², 230

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

of Worcester, iv. 891², 892, 893

Rev. Darwin, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 483², 487

David, of Ira, iii. 779²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 449², 452

of Waterbury, iv 829²

David B., of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Deborah, of Swanton, iv. 997²






Adams, Dexter, of Middletown, iii. 844

Dorcas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

Dorcas (Haile), wife of Samuel Adams, v. pt. 2, 40, 396²

E., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

E. O., v. pt. 35, 55²

Edrick, of Panton, i. 82²

Edward, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 729²

Edwin, of Grand Isle, ii. 480, 533

Edwin R., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Edwin S., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Corp. Elinus D., of Bennington, i. 260²

Eliphalet, of Cabot, iv. 94², 95(2), 96²(2)

Elisha, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548², 549², 551²

of Pittsford, iii. 944², 948

Rev. Elisha, of Brookfield, ii. 863

in Fairlee, ii. 903

Elvira, of Northfield, iv. 627

Emily, of Northfield, iv. 627

of Randolph, ii. 1039

Enos, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 46

Enos & co., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 46

Ephraim, of Enosburg, ii. 137, 141(2), 142², 143, 150, 466²

from New Ipswich, N. H., of Enosburg, sketch, ii. 137-9

Mrs. Ephraim, of Enosburg, ii. 137

Rev. Ephraim, of Hinesburg, i. 796

Ethylinda, dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Ezra Edgerton, of Randolph & Brookfield, ii. 1038²(2)

Dr. F. A., of Boston, iii. 149²(2)

Dr. F. W., of Barton & Montpelier, iii. 75²(2), 76²; iv. 278, 294², 295, 314, 358²

Fanny, dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Fanny H., of Northfield, iv. 627

Fidelia, of Enosburg, ii. 144

Francis C., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453

Dr. Frederick A., of Barton & Montpelier, iii. 130, 298

Dr. Frederick W., from Pawlet, of Barton, Montpelier, etc., ii. 197; iii. 95², 96², 208, 893²

sketch, iv. 479-81

Friend, ran ferry, i. 81²

George, of Enosburg, ii. 92², 133², 141², 145, 147² notes, 149², 154² note, 156², 160², 466²

hist. of Enosburg, ii. 132²-45

of Swanton, iv. 998

Rev. George Jones, from Me., of Pawlet, iii. 908

George W., of Northfield, iv. 627

from Brookline, of Washington, D. C., v. pt. 2, 397(2)

Gideon, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note, 563

from Canterbury (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 873², 880²(2), 881, 907, 919²

H., of Newport, iii. 305

H. C., of Alburg, ii. 503²

Hannah, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387

of Newport, iii. 296

dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

m. John Knapp, v. pt. 2, 149

Hannah (Underwood), wife of Simeon Adams, v. pt. 2, 450

Harriet (Cobleigh), wife of Samuel L. Adams, iv. 627

Harriet (Herrick), wife of Abram S. Adams, iv. 246²

Harriet M.. of Northfield, iv. 627

Harriet Newell, m. William C. Kit­tredge, iii. 740

Harriet S., of Northfield, iv. 627

Hector, of Milton, i. 473; ii. 480

hist. of Milton, i. 839-43

of So. Hero, ii. 479(2), 480(2), 481, 574²

Helen M., m. David B. Colton, iii. 741

Henry, of Grand Isle & St. Albans, ii. 93, 94, 299², 316, 480(2), 503, 526(2), 531; iv. 1052², 1054, 1144; sketch, ii. 547²-48

of Ludlow, iii. 1113²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453²

of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Rev. Henry, of Brookfield, ii. 863

Henry C., of Grand Isle, St. Albans & Swanton, ii. 94², 480(2), 526(2), 533(2); iv. 1054, 1098²

Rev. Henry Martin, ii. 14

Capt. Ira, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446²

Ira A., of Newport, iii. 305²

Ira M., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Isaac, from New Ipswich (N. H.), of Enosburg, ii. 138 (2)

of So. Hero, ii. 571²

Rev. J., of Guildhall, i. 952

Rev. J. F., in Northfield, iv. 649²

Dea. J. L., of Cabot, iv. 90, 97

J. P., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

J. S., of Burlington, i. 255, 616, 655²; iii. 162²

J. W., of Stowe, ii. 715

James pioneer of Berkshire, ii. 110²

of Castleton, iii. 509(2), 514², 520², 733, 740

of Enosburg, ii. 139

grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2)

of Tinmouth, iii. 1141², 1142, 1144

pioneer of Waterford, i. 431(2)

of Rutland co., iii. 519(2)

James Boutelle, of Enosburg, ii. 141²

James C., pioneer of Newport, iii. 293², 303², 304(2), 305






Adams, James Callender, grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2)

James F., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 120, 121(2)

James Henry, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 397

James O., of Manchester (N. H.), ii. 101²

Job, of Barre, iv. 23, 27²

Joe, in Barre, iv. 41

Joel, of Peru, i. 211², 2d ed. 210²

Mrs. Joel, of Peru, i. 211², 2d ed. 210²

John, of Barton & GIover, iii. 75²

of Belvidere, ii. 594², 595

Mrs. John, of Boston, v. 89

John, of Canterbury (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 246

of Enosburg, ii. 144

of Franklin, ii. 222

of Irasburg, iii. 244², 245

of Killingly (Conn.), iii. 1039

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

of Pawlet, iii. 901²

of Swanton, iv. 997², 1002²(2), 1003², 1036², 1045, 1056², 1134

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Rev. John, of Essex, i. 788², 789²

of Randolph, ii. 999², 1021²

Vice-Pres. John, ii. 837²

Pres. John, i. 136², 176, 177, 218², 268², 544² note. 591, 775², 942², 2d ed. 138², 178, 179, 217²; ii. 1076; iii. 173, 406², 1012²; iv. 321²; v. pt. 2, 291², 599; v. pt. 35, 30(2), 98

John jr., of Andover (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 246

of Swanton, iv. 997², 998

John A., of Cabot, iv. 103², 105²

John C., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 397

Rev. John F., of Barre, iv. 52, 377

of Middlesex-, iv. 238²

John J., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

John Q., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 397

John Quincy, of Northfield, iv. 627

Pres. John Quincy, i. 252(2), 508, 554², 605(2) note, 612²(2), 613, 622², 634², 733, 764²; ii. 326²(2), 530², 584, 905, 960²-1, 965, 997, 1053, 1175; iii. 48², 184, 250², 331², 729; iv. 6, 269², 311², 331, 477², 725; v. 69², 88², 89, 140; v. pt. 2, 239; v. pt. 35, 31², 88², 91

John S., of Burlington, i. 470, 473²; ii. 99², 102; v. 185²

Jonathan, grantee of St. Johns­bury, i. 390²(2), 395², 404²

Joseph, of Fair Haven, iii. 693(2), 707(2), 708, 709², 735, 740², 742², 745²

of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 532², 544², 547²

of Hinesburg, i. 799

of Pawlet, iii. 873², 913

of Pittsfield, iii. 936

of Roxbury, iv. 759

Capt. Joseph, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Joseph J. jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Joseph & Son, of Fair Haven, iii. 707²

Josiah H., of Grand Isle, ii. 480, 526

of Franklin co., ii. 95

on Henry Adams, ii. 548²-9

Jude, of Pawlet, iii. 907, 919²

Jude (Leach), wife of Gideon Adams, iii. 907

Julia A., m. Thomas Clark 3d, v. pt. 2, 96

Justin, of Randolph, ii. 1037

Justin Morgan, of Randolph & Brookfield, ii. 1038²(2)

L., of Sheldon, ii. 369

L. D., of Newport, iii. 295²

Laura A. (Lyman), wife of Justin M. Adams, ii. 1038²

Laura (Ormsbee), wife of Samuel N. Adams, v. pt. 2, 397

Laura W., of Northfield, iv. 627

Lincoln, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452

Lovinia, dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Mrs. Lucretia, of Cambridge ii. 601²

Lucretia, of Eden, ii. 623²

Mrs. Lucy, of Stowe, ii. 706

Lucy, m. Capt. Rufus Mathew, v. pt. 2, 446

m. Cyrus Dickinson, v. pt. 2, 618

Lucy (Higgins), wife of Nathan Adams jr., v. pt. 2, 104²

Lucy (Perkins), wife of Thomas Adams, v. pt. 2, 449²

Luther, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²

Lydia (Bigelow), wife of Rufus Adams, ii. 1038²

Lynda, of Stowe, ii. 706

Major, of Brookfield, ii. 857

Margaret, m. Joseph Keigwin, iii. 907

Maria (Waite), wife of Charles Adams, i. 616

Martha Maria, of Randolph & Brookfield, ii. 1038²

Martin, of Newport, iii. 186², 293², 304², 305

grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390², 392(2), 395²

Martin S., of Royalton, iv. 1192²

Mary, iv. 998

m. John Kirby, iii. 907

m. F. W. Cole, v. pt. 2, 397

Mary B., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

Mary Elvira, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 397

Mary M., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

Matilda, of Swanton, iv. 997²






Adams, Milo K., son of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Moses, of Groton, i. 322

Rev. Moses, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446²

N. & G., of Swanton, iv. 1036², 1130

Nancy (Morgan), wife of Rufus Adams, ii. 1038²

Nathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107², 127², 162², 216

of Grand Isle, ii. 534

of Worcester, iv. 891²(2), 905², 906²

Nathan jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2. 104², 216

Nathan C., of Sherburne, iii. 1123

Nelson of Swanton, iv. 998(2)

Rev. O. W., of Stamford, i. 238²(2)

Capt. Oliver, of Marlboro, v, pt. 2, 446

Orange, iv. 1144²

Orinda, m. Capt. Isaac Worden, v. pt. 2, 449²

Oscar F., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Ozro, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387

Rev. P., of Middlebury, i. 57

Rev. P. L., of Brattleboro, v. 31²

Rev. Parker, of Middlebury, i. 107, 741². ii. 198²

Pelatiah, grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Phila, m. Chester Olds, v. pt. 2, 446

Philemon, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128 (2)

Mrs. Philemon, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Plin, of Danby, iii. 592²

Pliny, of Pair Haven, iii. 709

of Hampton (N. Y.), iii. 688², 697

Polly, m. Isaac Miller, v. pt. 2, 134

dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Polly (Whitney) (Stearns), wife of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 162²

Porter, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Preston, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338²

Rhoderick, of Newport, iii. 305

Robert, of Fair Haven, iii. 674

Roswell, of Northfield, iv. 627

of Roxbury, iv. 735², 757², 759², 760²

Rufus, of Cabot, iv. 102², 103²

from Hampton (Conn.), of Randolph & Brookfield, ii. 1038²

Ruth, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230

dau. of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

Ruth (Kendrick), wife of Nathan Adams, v. pt. 2, 216

S. A., of Swanton, iv. 1130²

Sally, of Enosburg, ii. 141²

Sally (née Boutelle), of Enosburg, ii. 142²-3

Sally, of Newport, iii. 296

Sally (Stone), wife of Abel Adams, iv. 998

Sampson, of Cambridge, ii. 602

Samuel, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386, 396²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 40, 107²

of Grand Isle, ii. 127, 478(2), 479, 526, 528, 532², 533(2); sketch, ii. 544²-5

of Northfield, iv. 672

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

from Newtown (Conn.), of Arlington, i. 123, 129

of Mass., i. 151², 2d ed. 154; iii. 924²

Dr. Samuel, of Arlington, i. 126², 129², 463; v. pt. 35, 25²

Capt. Samuel, of Arlington, i. 123², 2d ed. 124

Samuel E., of Montpelier, iv. 353²(2)

Samuel L., of Brookfield & North­field, iv. 627, 683

Samuel N., from Dummerston, of Brookline & Newfane, v. pt. 2, 396²

Sarah, of Pittsford, iii. 944²

m. E. Marvin Smalley, iv. 1053²

m. Jonathan Warren 3d, v. pt. 2, 452

Sarah (Osgood), wife of William Adams, v. pt. 2, 397, 398

Silas, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Capt. Simeon, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446, 450

Sophia, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 216

Sophronia, of Northfield, iv. 627

Stella A., of Fair Haven, iii. 741

Stella (Miller), wife of Joseph Adams, iii. 740²

Stephen, of Greensboro, iii. 214

of Hardwick, i. 324²

Sukey (Gold), wife of Anson Adams, iv. 627

Susan, of Northfield, iv. 627, 672

Susan (Warren), wife of David Adams, v. pt. 2, 449², 452

Susannah (Chase), wife of Baxter Adams, v. pt. 2, 717²

Thomas, of Hampton (Conn.), ii. 1038²

from Amherst (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 449²(2), 452

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Ursula, of Northfield, iv. 627

Virtue, of Swanton, iv. 998

W. E., of Montpelier, iv. 280, 549

Warren, of Newport, iii. 305²

William, of Brookline & Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 385(2), 388, 396², 397, 398, 403²

Mrs. William, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 398²

William, of Cabot, iv. 89²






Adams, William, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

of Waterford, i. 432

Dr. William, of Grand Isle, ii. 526

Rev. Z., of Barre, iv. 52

Zebner, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 449²

Rev. Zenas, in Burke, i. 306

Adams family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 396-7

Adams & Allen, of Fair Haven, iii. 707², 708², 1068

Adams & co., of Northfield, iv. 693²

Adams & Cushman, of Swanton, iv. 1035(2), 1036²

Adams & Davey, of Castleton, iii. 513²

Adams & Langdon, of Castleton, iii. 516²

Adams & Pepper, of Castleton, iii. 516²

Adams, Brown & co., of Castleton, iii. 514²

Addarawansett, Indian, v. pt. 2, 275

Addington, Jsa., iv. 241

Addison, Joseph, iv. 486²

Adgate, Dr. L. W., of Irasburg, iii. 43(2), 253(2)

Adkins, Timothy, of Brattleboro, v. 191

Mrs. Timothy, v. 191

Adolphas, Isaac, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Adrich, ____, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1124²

Aeschylus, ii. 324²

Agaid, Joseph, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Agar, Edward, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Agard, Caleb, of Pawlet, iii. 902²

Lydia, of Pawlet, iii. 902²

Agassiz, Prof., ii. 27 note; v. 191²

Louis, naturalist, i. 649

scientist, iv. 984², 986², 987 (2), 1139

Ager, Edward, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Agile, John, iv. 1²

Agur, i. 208², 2d ed. 207²

Aiken, ____ (née Gregg), wife of John Aiken, v. pt. 3², 10

____, m. Darius Williams, v. pt. 3², 14²

Dea., of Kent, v. pt. 3¹, 16

Judge, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 16

Mrs., of Londonderry, N. H., v. pt. 3², 5²

Mrs. (née Stevens), of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18²

Rev., v. 28²

Rev., of Rutland, iii. 789

Maj., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8

Anna, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9²

Asa, see Aikens, Asa

Capt. Benjamin, of Albany, iii. 51²

Betsey Clark, wife of Nathaniel Aiken, v. pt. 3², 13

Betsey (Goodhue), wife of Henry L. Aiken, v. pt. 3², 14

Calvin, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14²

Caroline (Bliss), wife of Edward Rodney Aiken, v. pt. 3², 14

D. W., of Hardwick, iv. 159

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14², 19

David jr., of Fredericksburg (N. Y.), grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² (2)

Edward, from Londonderry (N. H.), of Benson, iii. 408²

grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 15(2), 16², 17(2), 22(2)

of Saratoga (N. Y.), v. pt. 3², 14(2)

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 5(2), 6(2), 7², 9²(2), 13(2), 10(2)

Elizabeth, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

Elizabeth (Goodhue), wife of Dea. Peter Aiken, v. pt. 2, 239

Elizabeth (Paterson), wife of Phineas Aiken, iii. 1019²

Ellen K., of Saratoga (N. Y.), v. pt. 3², 14

Emily L. (Robbins), wife of Henry L. Aiken, v. pt. 3², 14

G. W.. of Troy, iii, 350

George C., The Autumn Days, a poem, v. pt. 3², 14²-5

Harriet Adams, m. Rev. W. H. Lord, iv. 393²

Henry, of Saratoga (N. Y.), v. pt. 3², 14

Henry L., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14(2)

Henry Locke, from Windham, of Saratoga (N. Y.), v. pt. 3², 14

Inez R., m. Ira R. Kent, iv. 159

James, of Bradford, ii. 812

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 10

Rev. James, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 235²(2)

Jesse, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14²(2)

John, from Londonderry (N. H.), of Benson, iii. 408², 421

of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204; iv. 393²

of Wentworth (N. H.), in Cor­inth, ii. 874

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9², 10, 11²

Jonathan, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 17(2), 22

Josiah, grantee of Charlotte, i, 733² note (2)

Margaret, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14²

Margaret Laura, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14

Martin J., i. 675² note

Mary, m. David Cochran, v. pt. 3¹, 22





Aiken, Mary Ann, m. William Arms, v. pt. 3², 14²

Mary Gibson, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14²

Mary (Jamieson), 2d wife of Jona­than Aiken, v. pt. 3¹, 22

Nancy (McCormick), wife of Jona­than Aiken, v. pt. 3¹, 22

Nancy (Witherspoon), wife of William Aiken, v. pt. 3¹, 22

Naomi, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 5²

Nathaniel, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 15²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 13, 14²

Peter, of Windham, v. pt. 2, 239; v. pt. 3², 5², 6², 14

Phineas, of Bedford (N. H.), iii. 1019²

Samuel, of Haverhill (N. H.), iii. 237²

Samuel C., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 13

Rev. Samuel Clark, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 13²

Mrs. Sarah (Weston), of Burling­ton, ii. 1176

Rev. Silas, of Rutland, iii. 467, 1018², 1019², 1020

Simeon, of Benson, iii. 421

Solomon, author, iv. 314

Rev. Solomon, iv. 321²

Susan R., of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Wm., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 22

William L., of Windham & Grafton, v. pt. 3², 14²

Aiken & Lull, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 36²

Aikens, Capt., ii. 1053²

Asa, author, i. 555², 559(2), 560

Edward, of Kent, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²

Jonathan, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Capt. Joseph P., iv. 521

Aimes, Phineas, of Barnet, i. 275

Ainger, Benjamin, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Dorothy, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Jacob B., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55

Jesse, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27², 43², 53²

Rebecca, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Ainsworth, ____, of Williamstown, iv. 659²

Dr., of Milton, i. 939²

Rev., in Cabot, iv. 93

from Jaffrey (N. H.), i. 1009²

Albigence, of Northfield, v. 613², 630²

Alice, of Craftsbury, iii. 170²

Amasa, of Calais, iv. 170

Annette, of Northfield, iv. 630²

Benjamin, of Woodbury, iv. 874², 875, 912²

Betsey, of Warren, iv. 806²

Calista, m. ____ Pearce, v. 85²

Calvin, of Northfield, iv. 687(2)

of Williamstown, ii. 1148², 1150

Clarissa (Meacham), wife of Hiram Ainsworth, iii. 674²

Danforth, of Calais, iv. 147²

of Fair Haven, iii. 675

in Highgate, ii. 258², 262

E., of Fayston, iv. 188²

of Randolph, ii. 1032²

Ebenezer, of Roxbury, iv. 758²

Emily (Lyman), wife of Albigence Ainsworth, iv. 630²

Ephraim, of Woodbury, iv. 874², 876², 880²

Ethan N., of Woodbury, iv. 876

Frederick, of Woodbury, iv. 873

H., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Hannah, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Harry, of Northfield, iv. 613², 614², 615²

Harvey, of Calais, iv. 136(2), 166²

Henry, of Fair Haven, iii. 675

Hiram, of Castleton, iii. 509, 674²

of Rutland co., iii. 519²

Horace, of Calais, iv. 166

Lt. J. T., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²

J. W., of Randolph, ii. 996

Jacob, of Calais, iv. 165², 176

James M., of Calais, iv. 147²

Joel, of Wallingford, iii. 1169²

Joel W., of Wallingford, iii. 1170

Julia, m. Hiram Robinson, iv. 169²

L. D., of Middlesex, iv. 233(2), 246, 250

Lucius, of Calais, iv. 167

Lucy, of Calais, iv. 166(2)

Luther, of Calais, iv. 165²(2), 176

of Roxbury, iv. 757, 759, 760, 763²

Capt. Luther, of Waitsfield, iv. 16, 796

Margaret, of Calais, iv. 166

Mary J., of Northfield, iv. 630²

Matilda, m. Lucius Edson, iv. 626²

Mercy, of Calais, iv. 165²

Moses, of Calais, iv. 165², 175

Nancy, of Woodbury, iv. 879²

Nathaniel D., of Montpelier, iv. 530

Parley, of Calais, iv. 176

Polly, m. Caleb C. Hathaway, iv. 140

Reuben, of Calais, iv. 175

Rhodolphus, of Williamstown, ii. 1149²-50

Rial, of Calais, iv. 171²

Ruamy, m. John Thomas, iv. 875

S. Gaius, of Calais, iv. 167

Sabin, of Calais, iv. 145², 166, 175²

Sally (Moore), wife of Benjamin Ainsworth, iv. 912²

Samuel, of Marshfield, iv. 208²

Smith, of Calais, iv. 176²

of Woodbury, iv. 874², 875

Thomas, of Woodbury, iv. 874², 876², 880²(2)





Ainsworth, Sgt. W., of Highgate, ii. 420

W. W., of Calais, iv. 174(2)

Wareham, of Calais, iv. 176

Welcome, of Calais, iv. 147², 165², 176, 1199

Aiton, Robert, grantee of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 684², 685(2), 688²

Akeley, Henley C., lawyer, iii. 37

Thomas, of Brattleboro, v. 53²

Akin, David, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

John, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Jonathan, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Josiah, grantee of Charlotte, see Aiken, Josiah

Akin, see also Aiken

Alain, Elizabeth, of Montpelier, iv. 330

Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 330

Albany, Mayor of, see Cuyler, ____, mayor of Albany, i. 149

Sheriff of, in Pownal, i. 215, 2d ed. 214

Sheriff of, see also Ten Eyck, Henry, sheriff of Albany, i. 149

Albany co., sheriff of, in Rupert, i. 223, 2d ed. 222

Albatrose, Dick, i. 2

Albee, ____, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 586

Clark, of Highgate, ii. 265 (2)

Eliphalet, of Highgate, ii. 265

Mrs. Elizabeth, m. Alexander Kelly, v. pt. 2, 67²

Elkena [Elkanah], of Highgate, ii. 263, 264², 272², 273

Mrs. Elkena (née Potter), of Highgate, ii. 272², 273

Ellery, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 600², 608²(2), 609, 622, 623(2), 624², 625²

Ellison, of East Montpelier, iv. 585

Rev. F. T., of Peacham, i. 361²

George, of Charleston, iii. 122

H., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 516

Mrs. H. H., iii. 1037²

Hannah (Messer), wife of Ellery Albee, v. pt. 2, 622

Henry, of Charleston, iii. 120

Jacob, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583

John, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583

Nancy (Messer), wife of Sumner Albee, v. pt. 2, 622

Philena, m. David Brock, iii. 614²

Selathel, of Danby, iii. 588

Silas, of Barton, iii. 86

Simeon, of Orleans co., iii. 34

Stephen G., buried in Barre, iv. 46

Stephen P., of Elmore, ii. 627

Sumner, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622

Timothy, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378

Alcalde, ____,from Monterey (Cal.), of Georgia, ii. 242²

Alcott, Thomas, of Danby, iii. 600

Alden, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 177²

____, of Lebanon (Conn.), ii. 643²

Dr., v. 65²

Mrs., of Stowe, ii. 707

Rev., of Lunenburg, i. 1021(2)

A., iv. 163

Adam, of Stowe, Rev. soldier, ii. 741

Avis, of Calais, iv. 166²

Avis (Snow), wife of Asa Alden, iv. 163²-4

Asa, from Natick (Mass.), of Calais, iv. 163², 164, 172(2), 173

Rev. Byron, of Hinesburg, i. 796

Calvin, of Charleston, iii. 108², 120

Rev. E. A., of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²

Rev. E. H., of Richmond, i. 845

George, of Calais, iv. 164

Georgia, m. John Jackson, iii. 1140²

Georgiana, m. John Jackson jr., iii. 1141

Hannah (Snow), wife of Isaac Al­den, iv. 164

Isaac, of Calais, iv. 164

of Newbury, ii. 956²

Jesse, of Irasburg, iii. 241²

Rev. Justin, of Hinesburg, i. 796

Luther, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531(2)

Lydia Ann, of Calais, iv. 164

Mrs. Mehitable, m. Cyrus Graves, iii. 741

Rev. Nathaniel, of Ripton, i. 36²

Rev. Nathaniel B., of Brandon, iii. 471, 472, 473

Walter, of Lebanon, ii. 643²

Zenas, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Aldidge, Benson, of Corinth, ii. 882²

Aldis, ____, of Franklin, Mass., ii. 322²(2)

Judge, of Swanton, iv. 1092²

Judge Asa, of St. Albans, i. 530², 604², 609²; ii. 93(2), 108, 129², 238², 312², 321², 322, 531, 547²(2), 660²; iv. 1051; v. 164(2) ; sketch, ii. 322²-6

Mrs. Asa (née Metcalf), ii. 322²

(née Owen), ii. 323

Judge Asa Owen, of St. Albans, ii. 94, 97², 98, 324, 368 and note, 470², 479, 480(2), 516², 531

American Consul at Nice, ii. 127(2)

Harriet, of St. Albans, ii. 367², 368 and note

Mary Frances, of St. Albans, ii. 367², 368 and note

Miranda, of St. Albans, ii. 367², 368 and note

Miranda M., m. Daniel Kellogg, v. 164(2)

Aldis & Gadcomb, attorneys, ii. 295²

Aldrich, ____, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 253²

____, of Westmoreland (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 219²






Aldrich, ____, m. Jeffery A. Barney, iii. 1130

Capt., of Peacham, i. 359²

Gen., from Westmoreland (N, H.), of Putney, v. pt. 2, 219²

A. J., & co., of Coldwater (Mich.) v. pt. 2, 249²

Alvin, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1125

Amos, of Woodford, i. 249²

Anson L., of Bennington, i. 260

Ariel, v. pt. 2, 617

of St. Johnsbury, i. 397², 401

B. B., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Mrs. Betsey, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Betsey (Whipple), wife of Daniel Aldrich, v. pt. 2, 189²

Blake, of Lowell, iii. 278²

Bradford B., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

Caleb, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46

Calvin, of Swanton, iv. 998², 1186

D. L., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²

Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 189²

David W., buried in Barre, iv. 41

E. O., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

E. W., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128(2)

Edgar, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Edwin R., of Bradford, ii. 824

Elias, of Brighton, i. 953(2)

Gen, George, of Westmoreland, (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 253²

Mrs. Hannah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Harriet N., m. James T. Flint, ii. 1061²

Henry, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 189²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287

Isaac W., of Brighton, i. 953²

James Dwight, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287

Jasper, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

Joel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 602

Jonah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Mrs. Jonah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Jonathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 66²

Jonathan jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 35²

Keziah (Burke), wife of Ariel Aldrich, v. pt. 2, 617

L. F., of Barre, iv. 23², 25², 26(2)

Leonard F., of Barre, iv. 27, 46

Leonard J. of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287

Levi, of Waterford, i. 431

Luther, of Swanton, iv. 998²

Mariam, m. Israel Thompson, iii. 649²

Melvina (Butterfield) (Goss), wife of Henry Aldrich, v. pt. 2, 189²

Nancy, m. Isaac Wilbur, iii. 651²

Nathaniel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Niles, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

Olney, of Brighton, i. 953

P. Emory, of Barre (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 319

Peter, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36

R. R., of Bradford, ii. 824²

Richard R., of Bradford, ii. 824

Rev. S., of Cabot, iv. 99², 101

Rev. Smith, of Williamstown, ii. 1144²

Sylvanus, buried in Barre, iv. 41

Truman, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

W. G. of Lowell, iii. 280

Mrs. W. G., of Lowell, iii. 280

Ware, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

Ziba, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Mrs. Ziba, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128(2)

Aldright, Corp. Elijah, in War of 1812. ii. 391

Aleck, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 167²

Alesworth, ____, of Rutland, iii. 1088², 1089

Alexander the Great, iii. 1039²

Alexander, ____, v. 188² note

____, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 555²

____, grammarian of Mass., ii. 323

Lt., v. pt. 2, 434²

of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 434²

Aaron, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24², 233²

from Northfield (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577

Aaron jr., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 577

Abigail W., of Berlin, iv. 1189

Abraham, of Groton, iv. 1164

Amy, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Ann P., m. James H. Burnham, iv. 642

Asa, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

C., of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Montpelier, iv. 279

Catherine B., m. Isaac Reed jr., v. pt. 2, 101²

Catherine ( Knapp), wife of Giles Alexander, v. pt. 2, 149

m. John F. Stearns, v. pt. 2, 149, 168²

Charles E., of Guilford, iv. 1192²

D., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346

Dr. Dixon, of Benson, iii. 415

Ebenezer, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Capt. Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 22

Eldad 1st, of Scotland & North­field (Mass.), i. 320

Dr. Eldad jr., of Danville, sketch, i. 320

of Hartland, i. 320

Eldad 3d, of Hartland & Danville, i. 320

Elijah, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3², 76

grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221





Alexander, Elijah, grantee of Shrews­bury, iii. 1127²

of Winchester, v. pt. 2, 70

George, from Windsor (Conn.), & Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 255

Giles, of Boston, iv. 992(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 149

grantee of Hubbardton, iii. 746²

Hannah, m. Amos Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

J. F., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499

James, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

John, v. 19²(2)

of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359, 360

of Brattleboro, v. 53², 57², 191²

from England, of Windsor (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 255

from Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 255

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

of Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 364²

John A., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 515

John F., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 514²

John H., of Tunbridge, ii. 1128

Joseph, of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688

from Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 255

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

Lyman, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 363. 376²

Lyman B., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376

M. T., of Danville, i. 446²

M. T. C., biographical sketches of Danville, i. 316-20²

hist. of Danville, i. 312²-5²

on B. F. Deming, i. 320

Martha (Holton), wife of Alvin Alexander, v. pt. 2, 161²

Mary P. (Perry), wife of John A. Alexander, v. pt. 2, 515

Philip, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 219², 220, 233², 253, 254²

Reuben, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

from Winchester (Mass.), of St. Johnsbury, i. 397

Rhoda, m. Eleazer Harlow, v. pt. 2, 577, 579², 613²

S. P., of Worcester, iv. 901

Samuel P., of Worcester, iv. 889²

Thaddeus, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376

Capt. Thomas, of Scotland & Northfield (Mass.), Rev. soldier, i. 320

Thomas C., iv. 523

W., of Brattleboro, v. 32²

of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346

William, grantee of Hubbardton, iii. 746²

Alford, Alfred, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Benedict, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Alfords, Elijah, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Alfred the Great, v. pt. 2, 101²

Pamelia A., of Fairfax, ii. 182²

S. D., of Fairfax, ii. 173², 176

Alger, ____, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Dr., of Williston, ii. 727²

Abigail, of Northfield, iv. 672³

Abraham, of Richmond, i. 846²

Amasa, of Northfield, iv. 671

Asa, grantee of Danby, iii. 577

of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217, 238²

of Richmond, i. 844²

Mrs. Benjamin, of Stowe, ii. 706

Charles I., attorney, i. 473²

Charles J., of Burlington, ii. 480

of Hinesburg, i. 796, 799

Cyrus, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 306²

Elizabeth (Pennock) (Baldwin), wife of John Alger, ii. 1073² note

Enos, of Derby, iii. 181²

George W., of Strafford, ii. 1081²

Dr. Isaac D., of Stowe & Williston, ii. 727²

Isaac S., of Stowe, ii. 712

Jared, of Strafford, ii. 1080²

John, of Strafford, ii. 1073² and note, 1080², 1085²

Capt. John, in Rev. War, ii. 389²

Joseph, grantee of Danby, iii. 577

Nathaniel, of Richmond, i. 844²

Roswell, of Northfield, iv. 672

Samuel, grantee of Danby, iii. 577

Silas, of Strafford, ii. 1068, 1069, 1073²

Willard, of Northfield, iv. 671³

William, of East Montpelier, iv. 585

William R., of Coventry, iii. 140²

Algur, Joseph, grantee of Danby, iii. 579²

Alick, of Stirling, i. 279²

Alison, Sir Archibald, History of England, cited, i. 677(2) note

Allair, Peter, of N. Y., ii. 562²(2)

Allan, Miss, of P. Q., in Newport, iii. 386²

Sir Hugh, of Canada, iv. 306²

in Newport, iii. 386²

Allard, Aaron, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Abner, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14²

Dr. Abner, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14²

Alfred, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 26²

Mrs. Aurelia., of Montpelier, iv. 337²

Betsey (Tainter) (Chase), wife of Isaac Allard, v. pt. 2, 719

David, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121

Henry, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44(2)





Allard, Henry J., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Horace, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 708²

Isaac, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719

John, of Fair Haven, iii. 684, 686², 743²

Susan (Hosley), wife of Horace Allard, v. pt. 2, 708²

Allbee, Dea., from Mass., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504

Ann, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

B. H., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 519

hist. of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 510-17

hist. of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 501-9

Burton H., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Ebenezer, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Eleazer, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²

Jane, m. Carlton E. Webb, v. pt. 2, 503²

John, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

John 2d, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504

Leonard, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Lewis, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Obadiah, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Rachel (Avery), wife of Ebenezer Allbee, v. pt: 2, 503²

Samuel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Sarah K. (Thayer), wife of Lewis Allbee, v. pt. 2, 503²

Simeon, of Morgan, iii. 286(2)

Sophia (Smith), wife of John All­bee 2d, v. pt. 2, 504

William Pitt, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Allen, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 47

of Guildhall, i. 997²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 18

of Irasburg, iii. 242²

of Panton, i. 81²

of Poultney, ii. 579²; iii. 964², 979

of Sunderland, i. 239²

of Swanton, iv. 1016

of Tinmouth, iii. 1151²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551²

from Sturbridge (Mass.), of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670²

lawyer, of Chittenden co., ii. 129²

m. Capt. Willard Cobb, iii. 912

m. Reuben Evarts, ii. 237²

m. Henry Hitchcock, i. 632

an officer of Cromwell's, i. 607² and note

Dea., of Waterbury, iv. 820²

Dr., of Brattleboro, v. 181

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

Eld., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 194²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

Allen, Mrs. (née Sheldon), mother of Ebenezer Allen, ii. 579² and note

Rev., of No. Woodstock (Conn.), v. pt. 35, 76²

of Pittsfield (Mass.), iii. 419(2)

in Stowe, ii. 702²

of Wheelock, i. 433²

Lt., letter from Gen. Sullivan, ii. 935

uncle of Heman Allen, ii. 585²-6

Capt., i. 683²; iii. 1075

Col., in Fair Haven, iii. 734

mills, in Burlington, ii. 640², 641

Maj., ii. 937

A., of Fair Haven, iii. 707², 716²

of Montpelier, iv. 280²

A. & I. C., of Fair Haven, iii. 707²

Col. A., of Fair Haven, iii. 720²

Abigail, of Danby, iii. 609

of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Abishai, i. 603² note

of Ashfield (Masi.), ii. 546

of Deerfield (Mass.), i. 607² and note

of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 532², 534

Abner, of Charleston, iii. 108 (2)

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670

Abraham, of Danby, iii. 665

Dr. Acherson, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

Achsah, of Warren, iv. 810

Adaline, of Northfield, iv. 641

Adelia A., see Chadwick, Mrs. Adelia A. (Allen)

Alanson, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Alexander, of Lincoln, iii. 609

Alexander M., of Middlesex, iv. 241²

Alexander V. G., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 55 (2)

Alonson, of Fair Haven, iii. 678², 679, 692², 700, 703², 704², 705, 706², 707(2), 708, 717², 741, 742(2), 743, 907

Alonzo, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Gen. Alonzo G., of Granville, i. 42, 43²

hist. of Granville, i. 39²-42²

poem, i. 42²

Alvah, of Enosburg, ii. 399

Alvira, of Grand Isle, ii. 531²

Amanda, of Northfield, iv. 641

Amanda L., of Northfield, iv. 641

Amasa, of Randolph, ii. 1036²

Amaziah, of Grand Isle, ii. 531² note

Amy, of Ira, iii. 783²

Anna, dau. of Levi Allen, i. 563

m. James Miller, iii. 742

Anna (Boynton), wife of Ebenezer S. Allen, iii. 374

Anna (Rice), wife of Charles Allen, iii. 907²

Mrs. Anne, wife of Levi Allen, i. 572, 573(2).






Allen, Annis (Safford), wife of Elisha Allen, iii. 907²

Archibald, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 229²

Aretas, i. 603² note

of Ashfield (Mass.), ii. 546

Asahel, of Grand Isle co., ii. 479

Asaph, of Waterbury, iv. 819², 820, 829², 838², 867, 1199

Barna, of Fair Haven & Whiting, iii. 742

Rev. Barna, of Hubbardton, iii. 778, 907

Benjamin, of Huntington, i. 815²

of Ira, iii. 783

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Benjamin F., of Montpelier, iv. 348

Betsey, grantee of Irasburg, iii. 239

m. Richard Hall, v. pt. 2, 418

Brush, of Grand Isle, ii. 534

Dr. C. L., iii. 1037²

C. P., of Irasburg, iii. 254

Caesar, of Burlington, i. 505

Caleb, son of Samuel, ii. 546

of Deerfield (Mass.), i. 607², 608 and note

of Pawlet, iii. 881, 898, 907, 912

Dr. Carlos, of Richmond, i. 845

Caroline Adelaide (Merrill), wife of Rev. Fred Allen, v. pt. 2, 156²

Charles, of Burlington, i. 938

of Charleston, iii. 120(2), 125

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 216

of Highgate, ii. 420²

of Northfield, iv. 641

of Pawlet & Darien (Wis.), iii. 881², 907²

Charles jr., v. pt. 2, 216

Rev. Charles A., of Stowe & Montpelier, ii. 715; iv 289²(2), 319², 408, 409(2), 553

Charles P., iii. 5

of Irasburg, iii. 242²

of Port Kent (N. Y.), i. 606²

Chastina, of Albany, iii. 58

Chili, pseud., see Allen, Heman, of Colchester

Chloe, of Northfield, iv. 641

Clark R., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 286²

Cornelia A. (Smith), wife of Ira Allen, iii. 742

Cornelia M., of Fair Haven, iii. 742²

Rev. D. O., from Rupert, of India, iii. 741²

D. T., of Stowe, ii. 712

Dana, of Burlington, i. 593

Daniel, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503

of Danby, iii. 609, 663

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Dr. Daty, of Pawlet, iii. 893², 907(2)

Daty 2d, of Pawlet, iii. 905²

David, v. pt. 2, 430

of Danby, iii. 609

of Middlesex, iv. 237

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224², 232, 236

of Scotland & Ryegate, i. 375, 376

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 624²

Dr. David, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 647²

Desire, dau. of Josiah Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Desire (Jones), wife of Lt. Josiah J. Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Douglas A., of Fair Haven, iii. 742²

E. E., of Lamoille co., ii. 590

E. H., of Bradford, ii. 824²

Rev. E. W., of Charlotte, i. 743²

Eathen, v. pt. 2, 210²

Ebenezer, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

of Chelsea, ii. 1167

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

from St. Albans, of Grand Isle, ii. 563²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

from Medway (Mass.), of New­fane, v. pt. 2, 461, 464

Col. Ebenezer, from Northampton, (Mass.), of Tinmoth, So. Hero etc., i. 144, 185², 454, 518, 566², 571, 572², 860², 2d ed. 146², 186²; ii. 389²(2), 481, 496, 519(2), 520 and note, 521(2), 523, 539², 543, 563, 571²(2), 572(2), 573², 585(2); iii. 673(2), 676, 682²(2), 872², 889², 943², 964, 969², 970², 974, 978², 979, 989², 1073², 1074(2), 1142, 1145², 1146 (2), 1147(2); iv. 167²

sketch, ii. 579²-83

Mrs. Ebenezer (née Richards), wife of Col. Ebenezer, ii. 520², note(2), 579²

Ebenezer jr., of South Hero, ii. 582

Ebenezer S., of Barton, iii. 374

Edna, of Northfield, iv. 641

Edward, of Burlington, i. 493

of Deerfield (Mass.), i. 603(2), 607²; ii. 539²

of Fair Haven, iii. 742²

of Stowe, ii. 745²

of Conn., ii. 546

Edward L., of Fair Haven, iii. 708², 710, 742²; iv. 1194

Edwin J., of Stowe, ii. 746(2)

Eliakim, of Waterbury, iv. 829², 838², 839

Elihu, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866², 867

of Williston, i. 901

Elijah, of Northfield, iv. 641

Elijah S., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 724²

Eliphlet, v. pt. 2, 216






Allen, Elisha, iv. 736

of Brattleboro, v. 110

of Danby, iii. 609

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Pawlet, iii. 880², 881(2), 904, 907(2)

of Poultney, iii. 972²

of Me., v. 85²; v, pt. 2, 319

Eliza (Allen), wife of Isaac Allen, iii. 907²

Elizabeth, author, i. 555²

poem, iii. 176

of Craftsbury, sketch, iii. 175-6²

Elizabeth (Gilman), wife of Charles Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Elizabeth M., of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Ellen (Winchester), wife of John Allen, iii. 907²

Elnathan, of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

from Conn., of Vt., about 1780, i. 43²

Emelia, dau. of Charles Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Emery A., of Montpelier, iv. 311

Emily, of Moretown, iv. 603

Emily E., of Northfield, iv. 641

Enoch, of Ashfield (Mass.), ii. 546(2)

of Deerfield (Mass.), i. 603 (2)

of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 525(2), 532, 533

of Milton, ii. 607²

Mrs. Enoch (née Belding), i. 603²

Enoch jr., of Ashfield (Mass.), i. 603² and note; ii. 546

of Grand Isle, i. 604

Esther, of Grand Isle, it. 522²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

Esther E. (Libby), wife of William Allen, iv. 641

Ethan, of Northfield, lister, iv. 615², 627

Rev. Ethan, of Guilford, v. pt.. 3, 53²

Gen. Ethan, i. 11(2) 32², 43², 50², 51², 72², 94, 97², 98², 99, 107, 116, 124, 134², 150, 151, 164², 171(2), 173, 181, 239²(2), 240(2), 252, 255, 258, 301², 312², 388², 389, 463, 475, 484², 489², 493², 498, 505, 516, 555², 571, 573(2), 574, 591(2), 593, 607(2), 608, 632, 634², 661² note, 662, 663, 667² note, 733² note, 734 note, 763², 764(2) note, 765², 767², 768², 769(2), 770, 771, 773(2), 776², 794, 909², 913², 914, 915(2), 917² note, 923², 925³, 929, 1066, 2d ed. 136, 152², 153², 166², 173, 175, 182²; ii. 123², 228², 233²,  234, 241, 255², 291², 351², 367², 375, 540, 563, 573², 579², 580, 583(2), 745², 792², 857, 926, 929², 938, 940², 1173; iii. 48², 186, 235, 416²(2), 505, 506, 510(2), 529, 555(2), 556, 557, 558(2), 572² note, 581², 582², 585(2), 624, 644², 650, 724², 760(2), 809², 871², 907, 913², 918, 920², 933², 942², 965(2), 969², 973², 978²(2), 979², 980, 988², 1024. 1031, 1037²(2), 1077(2), 1084, 1091², 1092, 1093, 1097, 1105, 1143², 1184², 1190², 1102; iv. 8, 11, 20², 190, 295, 325², 509², 635, 714, 993, 1050², 1190; v. 11²(2), 17², 20(2), 47, 91, 92², 153; v. pt. 2, 9², 20², 59, 312², 588, 590², 620, 635; v. pt. 3, 7, 38², 39(2); v. pt. 35, 25(2), 26(2), 27, 64², 91², 96

address at deferred execution of Tory Redding, 1778, i. 159², 2d ed. 161²

biography by Z. Thompson, i. 560-71

birth, i. 561², 570²

built block fort in New Haven, i. 69²

of Green Mt. Boys, i. 150², 2d ed. 153

cut road from Castleton to Col­chester, i. 492²

demanded surrender of Ticonderoga, i. 152, 2d ed. 154

dispossessed Reid in Panton, 1772, '73, i. 79²

secured boats to take Ticonderoga, 1775, i. 79²

ejectment trials of Bennington men, 1770, i. 148, 2d ed. 150²

escape from Yorkers in Bridport, 1772, i. 16²-17

first cousin to Remember Baker, i. 123 note

friend of Robert Torrence, i. 51

grantee of Burlington, i. 488²

grantee of Georgia, ii. 233

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², 519

grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

grantee of No. Hero, ii. 563²

grantee of So. Hero, ii. 570²

grantee of South Island, ii. 473²

his impiety reproved, i. 132², 2d ed. 134

joint author with Jonas Fay, i. 172, 2d ed, 174

letters, i. 562

life, by H. W. DePuy, cited, i. 72²

m. Mary Brownson, 1762, i. 135, 2d ed. 137

list of children, i. 135, 2d ed. 137

occupied Tory house in Arlington, i. 130², 2d ed. 131²

proclamation offering reward for Duane & Kempe, i. 151, 2d ed. 153²






Allen, Gen. Ethan, report of Baker's arrest, i. 124-5

represented Arlington, 1778, i. 134², 2d ed. 136²

returned to Bennington from his captivity, 1778, i. 159(2), 2d ed. 161

Rev. Benjamin Hough whipped, 1775, i. 126², 2d ed. 127²

saying about "Gods of the valley," i. 148, 2d ed. 150²

sketch of life in Bennington, i. 174 and note, 2d ed. 176-7²

son of Joseph & Mary (Baker) Allen, i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

took N. Y. surveyors prisoners, i. 492

took Ticonderoga, with Green Mt. Boys, 1775, i. 5

Mrs. Ethan, m. Jabez Penniman, i. 763²

Ethan jr., smuggler's trial, 1808, ii. 346²

Ethan A., from Milton, of Stowe, sketch, ii. 746

of Swanton, iv. 1035, 1050², 1187²

son of Gen. Ethan, i. 567

Ethan A. jr., of N. Y. city, i. 567

Ethan Voltaire, i. 570², see also Allen, Ethan A.

Eunice, v. pt. 3, 80(2)

of Ashfield (Mass.), ii. 546

of Deerfield (Mass.), killed by Indians, i. 603(2) and note, 607²

dau. of Enoch Allen, i. 603² note

dau. of Samuel Allen, ii. 546

Experience (King), 2d wife of Prince Allen, iii. 609

Ezra, of Bakersfield, ii. 106²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

Fanny, iii. 933²

dau. of Ethan Allen, i. 567 and note, 570²

Frances Eliza (Parsons), 2d wife of Ira H. Allen, iii. 259

Mrs. Frances (Montresor) (Buchanan), wife of Gen. Ethan Allen, i. 567, 570²; v. pt. 2, 588

Francis A., of Warren, iv. 810

Rev. Fred Lyman, of Walpole (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 156²

Frederick P., i. 675² note

Gaius, of Calais, iv. 140, 144.

George, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

of Georgia, ii. 247

of Phila., sketch of Heman Allen, i. 602-6

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650²

lawyer, ii. 94

Prof. George, ii. 546 note

sketch of Heman Allen, ii. 519²

Rev. George, of St. Albans, ii. 337²

George jr., attorney, i. 473²

George F., of Grand Isle, ii. 519², 539²

Gilbert, Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479

H. N., of Guildhall, i. 1000(2)

Judge H. W., of No. Hero, ii. 546²

Hannah, of Chelsea, ii. 1167(2)

of Danby, iii. 609

Hannibal, son of Ethan Allen, i. 567, 570², 571

Mrs. Hannibal, of Mich., i. 567

Harding, of Enosburg, ii. 118², 143²

Harriet, dau. of Charles Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Harriet E., of Fair Haven, iii. 742²

Harrison P., of Northfield, iv. 641

Harry, son of Charles Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Hawks, of Grand Isle, ii. 532

Mrs. Heber, in Colchester i. 571

Heber, of Georgia, ii. 237²

of Poultney, iii. 250², 965(2), 970², 971², 972, 995

grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

brother of Ethan Allen, i. 561² and note, 562, 571, 764²

Maj. Heber, from Woodbury (Conn.), of Poultney, iii. 979²-80

Heber jr., of Poultney & Milton (Ga.), i. 562, 571

Heman, ii. 519², 530², 531(2) ; iv. 271(2), 722², 724², 992²

of Ashfield (Mass.), ii. 546(2)

from Ashfield (Mass.), of Milton & Burlington, sketch, i. 602-6

grantee of Burlington, i. 488², 509², 510(2), 548²; ii. 326², 586

of Colchester, i. 471², 472, 497², 518, 603, 607, 763, 764², 770²; iv. 714²; sketch, iii. 250²-1, 980

known as "Chili" Allen, of Colchester, ii. 234²(2)

grantee of Georgia, uncle of Heman Allen, of Colchester, ii. 233(2), 234(2)

of Highgate, i. 562; ii. 255, 257, 258, 259²(2), 260(2), 261, 270, 488², 492

clerk of Irasburg, iii. 240², 241(2), 248(2), 250², 251

of Milton, i. 471², 607², 640, 840², 841²; ii. 93², 480; iv. 304

of Poultney, i. 571

of Salisbury (Conn.), i. 561² and note, 562(2), 733² note





Allen, Mrs. Heman, m. ____ Wadhams, i. 562

Capt. Heman, at Dorset, i. 185², 468², 572, 608, 2d ed. 186²; v. pt. 2, 539²

Heman jr., of Milton i. 606²

Heman W., Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 480

Henry, of Pawlet, iii. 896², 901, 907², 930²

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Henry W., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 55

Capt. Heyman, see Allen, Heman

Horace, of Pawlet and Rutland, iii. 886², 894², 907

of Poultney & Rutland, iii. 1062

of Rutland, v. 138

from Williston, of Potsdam (N. Y.), sketch, i. 929²

I. C., of Fair Haven, iii. 708²

Col. Ira, i. 3², 185²(2) 239²(2), 456(2), 463², 465(2) note, 475, 490², 491, 494, 496(2), 500, 505, 511², 516, 517², 518, 521(2), 522, 524², 555², 561² note, 562(2), 566², 570², 571, 573², 574, 661², 667² note, 733² note, 734 note, 760, 761², 762, 763(2), 764², 768, 794, 834, 857(2), 858, 863², 865, 875², 902², 910², 911² note, 914², 917 note, 919² note, 920, 921, 2d ed. 186²; iii. 82²; 83(2), 137(2), 555, 589, 609, 663, 682², 703², 704, 742, 743², 873, 979(2), 1061², 1094, 1096², 1097; iv. 252² and note, 253², 256, 257, 271, 300², 594, 713², 716, 719, 951, 963², 964², 992²(2), 993(2), 998², 1000, 1005, 1016², 1019², 1026, 1106², 1107, 1115, 1148; v. pt. 2, 534, 539, 553

from Cornwall (Conn.), of Colchester, sketches, i. 471 and note, 563, 770-6

grantee of Alburg, ii. 489²

grantee of Barton iii. 71²

grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

grantee of Danville, i. 313²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

grantee of Georgia, ii. 233(2), 234(2), 236, 250², 255², 256(2), 257(2), 258, 261², 284, 291², 377, 389², 473², 488, 492, 540, 563(2), 583, 744², 745², 926, 930, 941(2), 1001

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², 519

grantee of Hubbardton, iii. 746²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

grantee of Irasburg, iii. 239, 240, 241(2), 242

grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2)

grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

ass't judge, Addison co., i. 6²

associate with Joseph Fay in Haldimand negotiations, i. 172, 2d ed. 174

conference with British, i. 918, 919

confiscation of estates, i. 201, 912 and note

cut road from Castleton to Col­chester, i. 492²

delegate to Congress, i. 916²

hist. cited, i. 126² note, 150² note, 156(2), 492, 565, 769 note, 2d ed. 127, 152² note, 158 note

Indian claims on Missisquoi Bay, i. 454-5

letters, i. 552(2), 572²-3

lived in Sunderland, i. 130², 2d ed. 131²

offered blessing at table, ii. 489²

owned lands in Burlington, i. 490

portraits of, i. frontispiece; v. pt. 2, facing p. 534

proprietor's clerk of Burlington, i. 488², 489(2), 492²

refused to pay for labor by Marsh, i. 836²

surveyor of Burlington, i. 493

surveyor general, charter of Panton, i. 78²; iv. 990²

Vt. state seal, i. 135², 2d ed 137²

Mrs. Ira, of Colchester, i. 475

see also Allen, Jerusha (Enos)

Ira C., of Fair Haven, iii. 693, 705, 706²(2), 707(2), 708, 734, 742(2), 743, 745²

Ira H., of Irasburg, i. 563, 770², 929²; iii. 33², 102, 243(2), 245, 247(2), 250, 251, 253, 254(2)

sketch, iii. 255²-60

of Stowe, ii. 746(2), 768²

sermon on, iv. 314

Ira M., of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Ira Mason, preceptor of Franklin co. grammar school, ii. 98

Irad, of North Hero, ii. 481

Isaac, of Danby, iii. 609(2), 663

of Pawlet, iii. 894², 907²

of Randolph, ii. 998²

Ithamar, of Northfield, iv. 613, 614

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2), 671², 674

Ithamar jr., from Gill (Mass.), of Northfield, iv. 641






Allen, J., of Winhall, i. 246²

Dr. J. A., of Middlebury, i. 120; iv. 311

J. C., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

J. Q. A., of Calais, iv. 174

J. W., of Craftsbury, iii. 170²

of Richmond, i. 846²

Jabez, of Burlington, i. 504²

Rev. Jacob, of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²; iv. 317²

James, of Charleston, iii. 121

grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of Plainfield, iv. 731

of Warren, iv. 806²

from Walpole (N. H.), of Warren, iv. 804-5

in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Mrs. James, of Warren, iv. 805

Rev. James, of Charleston, i. 954

James H., attorney, i. 473²

of Montreal, i. 606²

James M., of Brattleboro, v. 185²

James S., Georgia trader, ii. 242

Jane, of Danby, iii. 609

Jane G. (Reed), 2d wife of Alonson Allen, iii. 742²

Jane (Harper), wife of Zoeth Allen, iii. 609

Jehial, of Roxbury, iv. 757², 758, 760

Jeremiah, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Rev. Jerome, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224(2)

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 646²

Jerusha (Enos), wife of Ira Allen, i. 762, 764², 770²; iii. 240², 241(2), 242, 255², 257(2)

Joel, from Ashfield (Mass.), of Grand Isle & No. Hero, i. 603² note, 604²; ii. 478, 479(2), 480(2), 481, 532²(2), 533, 534, 546-7, 566

John, of Brookfield, ii. 863²

of Danby & Pawlet, iii. 592, 600, 608², 665², 873², 881, 893, 907²

of Deerfield (Mass.), i. 603(2), 607²

of Monkton, i. 67²

in Ryegate, iv. 1158²

of St. Albans, ii. 496

of Westford, i. 472²; iv. 1191²

of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607

from England, settled in Conn., ii. 546 and note

in War of 1812, ii. 392

John jr., of Danby & Pawlet, iii. 592, 609(2)

grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15

John H., of Hinesburg, iv. 1194

John L., of Northfield, iv. 641

John W., of Northfield, iv. 641

Johnson, son of Josiah Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Jonas, of Charleston, iii. 108², 110², 111², 114², 115(2), 116(2), 117², 121, 122

Rev. Jonas, of Charleston, iii. 379(2)

Dr. Jonathan, iii. 520²

Jonathan, of Castleton, iii. 521

Dea. Jonathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 66²

Dr. Jonathan A., of Brattleboro, v. 60², 62(2); v. pt. 2, 680

Dr. Jonathan Adams, from Hollis­ton (Mass.), of Middlebury, sketch. i. 59²

Mrs. Joram, of Thetford, iv. 314²

Joseph, grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. i. 122

of Bakersfield, ii. 106²

grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

of Cornwall (Conn.), i. 770

of Danby, iii. 594², 599², 663, 665²

of Danby & Lincoln, iii. 609(2)

of Deerfield (Mass.), and Coventry (Conn.), i. 607

of Northampton (Mass.), i. 607 note

of Poultney, i. 571

father of Ethan Allen, i. 561², 562, 563

m. Mary Baker, i. 133, 2d. ed. 134²

son of Ethan Allen, i. 566²

Eld. Joseph, in Charleston, iii. 380

Joseph D., of Burlington, i. 513²

Joseph E., son of Ethan Allen, i. 135, 2d ed. 137

Joseph W., of Milton, i. 606²; sketch, i. 841-2

of Richmond, i. 845

attorney, i. 473²

editor, i. 559²(2)

Joshua, of Danby, iii. 609, 663

Josiah, of Franklin, ii. 223²

of Barre, iv. 41(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 72²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 18(2), 19², 24²

Josiah jr. v. pt. 2, 216

Lt. Josiah, J.. v. pt. 2, 216

Jude, of Danby, iii. 609

Julia, dau. of Heman Allen, i. 606²

Julia (Leffingwell), wife of Nathan Allen, Iii. 609, 907²

Juliza, of Fair Haven iii. 742²

Juliza H. (Higby), wife of Alonzo Allen, iii. 742²

Justus, pioneer of Bristol, i. 19²

of Fair Haven, iii. 742






Allen, Kate (Edgerton), wife of Horace Allen, iii. 907²

King, of Danby, iii. 609, 663

Lamberton, from Deerfield (Mass.), of Grand Isle & So Hero, i. 603² and note, 607² and note; ii. 519²(2), 520², 521(2), 522², 525(2), 540, 541², 546(2)

sketch, ii. 539

Mrs. Lamberton (Chamberlain), of Grand Isle ii. 541²

Lampson, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149

Laura, of Danby, iii. 609

Laura (Barrett), wife of Joseph Allen, iii. 609

Levi, i. 517², 561² and note, 562-3 note, 566², 572, 590²

letters, i. 571-4

of Burlington, i. 512²; ii. 489²

pioneer of Richford, ii. 284

of St. Albans, ii. 291²

Mrs. Levi, of St. Albans, ii. 291²

Levi, of Salisbury (Conn.), & Georgia, ii. 232(2), 234; iv. 992

of Swanton, iv. 992², 993(2)

Rev. Lewis, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 237

Lois, m. Capt. John Vail, iii. 650

Loraine, dau. of Ethan Allen, i. 135, 239², 566², 2d ed. 137

grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Lorenzo, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519 note

Lucinda, m. Moses Catlin, i. 552, 563

m. Joseph Richardson, v. pt. 34, 32

Lucius of Milton, i. 606²

Lucy, of isle La Motte, ii. 563

m. Warren Vaughan, iii. 651

dau. of Ethan Allen, m. [Samuel] Hitchcock, i. 125², 493², 566², 567, 591, 2d ed. 137²

sister of Ethan Allen, m. Dr. Bebee, i. 561² and note

m. Orange Smith, i. 571

m. David Whedon, iii. 929²

m. Richard M. Winter, iii. 907²

Lucy L., of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Lura (Clapp), wife of Joel Allen, ii. 546²

Lydia, sister of Ethan, m. ____Finch, of Goshen (Conn.), i. 561² and note

of Bakersfield, ii. 106²

m. David Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

m. Abraham Chase, iii. 617

Mrs. Lydia Curtis, m. Timothy Mathew, v. pt. 2, 446

M. J., v. pt. 35, 54²

Margaret, m. Edward Vail, iii. 650²

Maria, of Brattleboro, v. 29

m. Joseph Blodgett, ii. 1018

Maria Juliet, of St. Albans, i. 770²

Marietta C., of Northfield, iv. 641

Mary, of Moretown, iv. 603

of Pawlet, iii. 887

grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607²

m. Howe Graham, ii. 572

Mary Ann, dau. of Ethan Allen, i. 135, 566², 571, 2d ed. 137

Mary (Baker), wife of Joseph Allen, i. 133, 561², 770, 2d ed. 134²

Mary (Bronson), wife of Gen. Ethan Allen, i. 134²-5, 564, 2d ed. 136²

epitaph, i. 567 and note

sketch, i. 135, 2d ed. 137

Mary E. (Hurd), 3d wife of Alonson Allen, iii. 743

Mary E. (Richardson), wife of Ira C. Allen, iii. 743

Mary (née Wilder), v. pt. 2, 167

Matthew, from Chelmsford (Eng.), of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607(2), 608

Mercy, dau. of Enoch Allen, i. 603² note

wife of Enoch Allen, ii. 546

of Ashfield (Mass.), m. ____ Goodwin, ii. 546

mother of Joseph Allen, i. 561²

Mercy (Painter), wife of Edward Allen, i. 603² note, 607²

Merritt, of Pawlet & St. Paul (Minn.), iii. 894², 907²

Mervin, of Benson, iii. 416²(2)

Rev. Mervin, of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Mindwell, m. Thomas Holton, v. pt. 2, 150

Nancy, grantee of Irasburg, iii. 239

of Northfield, iv. 641

m. Earl Hathaway, iv. 140

Nancy, see also Allen, Mrs. Anne

Nancy (Jones), wife of Ithamar Allen, iv. 641

Nat, of Burlington, i. 504²

Nathan, of Charleston, iii. 119(2)

of Danby & Pawlet, iii. 609

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 679, 698²

grantee of Irasburg, iii. 239

of Pawlet, iii. 810, 879², 881, 904, 907²(2), 1076

Mrs. Nathan, of Pawlet, iii. 810

Nathan, of Franklin co., ii. 94

pioneer of Richford, ii. 284(2)

of Williston, i. 904

Nathaniel, surveyor of Burlington, i. 493

Nehemiah, of Pawlet, iii. 873², 929²

of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607(2)

Newman, v. 22

of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 20²

Noah, of Brownington, iii. 91²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

of Goshen i. 35, 36²; sketch, i. 137²






Allen, Obed, of Ashfield (Mass.), ii. 546

of Chelsea, ii. 1167

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Obediah, of Danby, iii. 587², 589

Orpah (Graves), wife of Rev. D. O. Allen, iii. 741

Parmalee, of Pawlet, iii. 880², 907

Capt. Parmalee, iii. 872², 1057²

in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Parmelia, dau. of Ethan Allen, i. 135(2), 2d ed. 137(2)

m. Eleazer W. Keyes, i. 566², 567

Peter, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Phebe, dau. of Josiah Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Phebe (Benson), wife of Jude Allen, iii. 609

Phebe (Toby), wife of Samuel Allen jr., ii. 540

Philip, of Salem (N, Y.), iii. 685

Phineas, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 111², 120

Mrs. Phineas, of Charleston, iii. 111²

Polly, dau, of Noah Allen, i. 35

Prince, of Danby, iii. 592, 609(2), 611

Prussia, of Danby, iii. 609

m. David Bartlett, iii. 611

Rev. R., in Calais, iv. 145

R. V., of Chittenden, iii. 548

Rebecca (Calkins), wife of Ira Allen, iii. 609

Reuben of Goshen, i. 37²

Rhoba, of Danby, iii. 609

Rhoda, of Danby, iii. 609

m. Justus Angier, v. pt. 2, 450

Richard, of Bristol, iii. 743

of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Robert, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 119(2)

Dea, Robert, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Mrs. Robert, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

Roheth, of Danby, iii. 593

Rossel, pioneer of Richford, ii. 284(2)

Rufus, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

of St. Albans, ii. 330²

Ruth, of Danby, iii. 609

Sally, of Danby, iii. 609

of Northfield, iv. 641

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

of Roxbury, iv. 756

Sally (Brown), wife of John Allen jr., iii. 609

Samuel, iv. 594; v. pt. 3, 80

grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Burlington, i. 493², 496, 505, 509²

of Deerfield (Mass,), i. 603(2), 607; ii. 518² note, 522, 531²; sketch, ii. 539²-40

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 178²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 18², 20², 24(2), 31², 34², 37

grantee of Isle La Motto, ii. 554 note

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255

of Northampton (Mass.), i. 607 note (2) ; v. pt. 2, 150

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24², 220²

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607(2), 608

of Conn., son of Edward Allen, ii. 546

son of Edward, killed by In­dians, i. 607²

surveyor, iv. 56²

Dr. Samuel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353

Rev. Samuel, in Rev. War, ii. 389²

Samuel jr., from Deerfield (Mass.), of Grand Isle, i. 603(2); ii. 522, 540, 546

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607

Indian captive, i. 607

Samuel 3d, from Ashfield (Mass) of Grand Isle, ii. 540

Samuel A., of Brattleboro, v. 29

Samuel C., of Albany, iii. 67²

Rev. Samuel C., of Northfield (Mass.), iv. 447²

Samuel J., of Hartford, iv. 1194

of Stowe & Hyde Park, ii. 746

Sarah, of Pawlet, iii. 887

Sarah, dau. of Josiah Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

m. ____ Everts i. 571

m. Rev. J. K. Converse, i. 606²

m. Lewis F. Jones, iii. 907²

Sarah (Fessenden), wife of Elisha Allen, v. 85²

Sarah (Prentis), wife of Heman Allen of Milton, i. 604 note, 606²

Sarah (Shedd), wife of Henry Allen, iii. 907²

Sarah C. T. (Parsons), 1st wife of Ira H. Allen, iii. 259

Rev. Seth, of Calais, iv. 144², 145²

in Randolph, ii. 1001

Seymour, of Georgia, ii. 247

Silas, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Simeon, of Fair Haven, iii. 706², 708², 742

Solomon, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 179²

Solomon M., of Middlebury College, sketch, i. 55², 607 note

Sophronia, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Stephen, in War of 1812, ii. 391²






Allen, Stillman, of Northfield, iv. 671²

Stilman, of Charleston, iii. 108²

Sylvester, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673

Sylvia, of Danby, iii. 609

Sylvia (Staples), wife of Isaac Allen, iii. 609

T., see Allen, Ira, surveyor general Theophilus, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 23²

Thomas, of Danby, iii. 587²

from Mass., iv. 582

of St. Louis (Mo.), v. pt. 35, 77²

of Stowe, ii. 712

of Windsor (Conn.), i. 607(2), 608

Rev. Thomas, of Pittsfield (Mass.), Rev. soldier, i. 607 note

Timothy, of Bristol, i. 20²

from Woodbury (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 907(2), 910

of Pittsfield (Mass.), iii. 872²

of So. Hero, ii. 572

Timothy jr., of Pawlet, Bristol & N. Y., iii. 742, 873², 907

Timothy 3d, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Dr. Timothy E., of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 647²

Vial, of Calais, iv. 144, 147², 176

Warren of Northfield, iv. 641

Wells, from Brookfield, of Albany, iii. 51, 67(2)

Willard, of Charleston, iii. 108²

William, of Northfield, iv. 641

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673

son of Charles Allen, v. pt. 2, 216

Rev. William, i. 607 and note

William B., of Highgate, ii. 420²

Wolcott, of Randolph, ii. 1036²

Wyman H., of Greensboro, iii. 220

Zebulon, of Waterbury, iv. 820

Zimri, grantee of Burlington, i. 488²

grantee of Hubbardton, iii. 746²

of Salisbury (Conn.), i. 733² note

brother of Ethan Allen, i. 561² and note, 562, 770²(2) ; iii. 257

Zoeth, of Danby, iii. 591², 599, 609(2)

Zoheth, of Danby, iii. 600²

Allen family, of Chittenden co., iv. 1197

Allens, i. 254, 909; ii. 238, 930, 934; iii. 988²

of Fair Haven, iii. 742

land titles in Hubbardton, iii. 748

of Irasburg, iii. 242²

of Poultney, iii. 973²

land claims in Swanton, iv. 969²

of Waterbury, iv. 870

of Vermont, iii. 256

Allen, Adams & co., of Fair Haven, iii. 707², 743

Allen & Adams, of Fair Haven, iii. 707(2)

Allen & Evarts, in Highgate, ii. 259²

Allen & Higgins, of Rutland, iii. 1041

Allen & Poland, of Montpelier, iv. 292², 311, 315²

Alley, John, of Mt. Holly, iii. 849²

Rev. John, of Brandon, iii. 474

of Rutland, iii. 1047²

Alleyn, Samuel, of Chelmsford (Eng.), i. 607(2)

Sir Thomas, of Thaxted Grange (Eng.), i. 607

Allin, John, see Allen, John

Nathan, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Alliny, Timothy, of Wells, iii. 1193²

Allis, ____, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10²

A. S., of Brookfield, ii. 858²

Caroline, m. Rev. Oliver Hopson, iii. 1205²

Dr. E. H., of Brookfield, ii. 863

Elisha, of Brookfield, ii. 858²

Orange Co. officer, ii. 804²(2), 805(2)

grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Dea. Elisha, from Mass., of Brookfield, ii. 866²-7

Elisha jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²

John, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Josiah, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Rev. O. D., of Brookfield, ii. 863

author, iv. 314

Rev. Obed D., in Randolph, ii. 999²

Samuel, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Allsworth, Capt. E., of U. S. army, v. pt. 2, 324²

Allyen, Edward, iv. 922²

Allyn, Abner, pioneer of Charleston & Barton, i. 953²; iii. 72, 83, 105², 107(2), 109², 110², 111, 112²(2), 113(2), 114(2), 115(2), 118, 119, 132, 134(2), 376², 377(2)

Mrs. Abner, of Charleston, iii. 134²

Abner jr., of Barton, iii. 72(2), 73²(2), 74²

of Charleston, iii. 113

Adelaide (Nash), wife of Alpha Allyn, iii. 136

Albro, of Charleston, iii. 113, 132²

Alpha, of Charleston, iii. 108², 110, 114²(2), 118, 190(2), 121(2), 122(2), 125² note, 126, 127, 128², 132-6, 381², 386, 390; iv. 1200

hist. of Charleston, iii. 105-16

hist. of Westmore, iii. 367-8

of Charleston, on Elijah Strong, iii. 376-7

Anna, of Charleston, iii. 113

Anna (Melvin), wife of Abner Allyn, iii. 112², 114, 132







Allyn, C. S., of Barton, iii. 86

Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Deborah (Cushing), wife of Thomas Allyn, iii. 113²

Eben S., of Charleston, iii. 109

Ebenezer S., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 114², 118, 379

Jacob, of Rehoboth (Mass.), iii. 113²

Jonas, of Charleston, iii. 110², 126

Jonathan, of Barton, iii. 71², 72(2), 73²(2), 74(2), 83 note, 86², 374

Dr. Jonathan, of Barton, iii. 86(2), 134²

from Rehoboth (Mass.), of Charleston, iii. 113²(2), 119

Joseph, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 248²

Josiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Rev. Lewis, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 248², 249

Luther, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152, 249

Lydia (Haven), wife of Philip Allyn, v. pt. 2, 33²

Mary, wife of Joseph Allyn, v. pt. 2, 248²

wife of Luther Allyn, v. pt. 2, 152

Matthew, v. pt. 2, 171²

Nathan, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 119

Olive, of Charleston, iii. 113

Pascal, of Charleston, iii. 119

Paschal, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 118

Philip, v. pt. 2, 33²

Dr. R. H., of Charleston, iii. 122

Rachel, of Rehoboth (Mass.), iii. 113²

Dr. Rachel, of Lowell (Mass.), iii. 381(2)

Dr. Rachel H., iii. 136

Rosetta H., of Charleston, iii. 390

Sarah A., of Barton, iii. 86

Sarah (Hedding), wife of Abner Allyn, iii. 113²

Thomas, from Wales, of Rehoboth (Mass.), iii. 113²

Walcott, of Randolph, ii. 1033(2)

Allyn family, of Charleston, iii. 390

Alma, Obadiah, of Danby, iii. 611²

Rhoda (Barrett), wife of Obadiah Alma, iii. 611²

Almy, Sarah, m. William Otis, iii. 639²

William, of Boston, v. 157

Almy, Blake & co., v. 157

Alokaim, Jehosuhim, Indian, iv. 197²

Alphonso, Henri, iv. 1077

Alpin, Mary, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230

Mary R., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Thomas, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

Alsbee, Sarah, m. John Cole, v. pt. 2, 669

Alsop, John, grantee of Bradford, ii. 809²(2)

Joseph, of Bennington, i. 259

Richard, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Thomas, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Alsworth, ____, m. Dwight H. Washburn, v. pt. 2, 324²

Alton, Abel, of Jay, iii. 266²

Oren, of Coventry, iii. 159²(2)

Alvord, ____, of Rutland, iii. 1026

Anna E. (Adams), wife of William L. Alvord, ii. 1038²

Benedict, of Georgia, ii. 247²

Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 35², 79, 86, 107², 110², 158, 205

Gen. Benjamin, of Rutland, iii. 1026, 1032, 1034

C. T., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3², 13

C. W., of Plainfield, iv. 731

Caleb, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 8, 14

Catherine (Davenport), wife of Benjamin Alvord, v. pt. 2, 35², 86, 205

Elijah, of Wilmington, v. 11; v. pt. 3³, 7, 8(2), 14

Gad, pioneer of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9

Isaac, of Calais, iv. 175²

Julius, of Wilmington v. pt. 3, 10

Lucy, m. Levi Caryl, v. pt. 2, 163²

Luther, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Moses, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 117

Nathan & wife, of Brookfield, ii. 860

Rebecca, m. Ebenezer Barber, v. pt. 2, 86²

Stephen, of Calais, iv. 175²

William L., of Brookfield, ii. 1038²

Amadon, Moses, of Watervliet (N. Y.), iii. 1046

Amaseen, Christopher, grantee of Tops­ham, ii. 1105²

Ephraim, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

John, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Joseph, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Amberman, Derrick, grantee of Under­hill, i. 886² note

Amblau, Joseph, of Champlain (N. Y.), i. 706

Ambler, ____, m. Dea, Ephraim Strong, iii. 438²

Mrs. (née Royce), of Tinmouth, iii. 1144²

Abigail, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

Deborah, of Tinmouth, iii. 439²

Ebenezer, of Brandon & Huntington, iii. 439², 447, 448

of Huntington, i. 815(2), 816, 817², 818², 819

of Tinmouth & Huntington, i. 814², 824






Ambler, Elizabeth, i. 824²

Elizabeth (Brewster), wife of Eben­ezer Ambler, i. 824²

Frederick, of Huntington, i. 815²

James, of Brandon, iii. 439²(2), 447(2), 479

James jr., of Huntington, i. 815(2), 816; iii. 439²(2) ; iv. 573²

John, of Brandon, iii. 430, 436², 438², 439(2), 443², 447, 448²

of Huntington, i. 819

of West Chester co. (N. Y.), i. 824

John jr., of Huntington, i. 824²

Lucy (King), wife of Dr. William Ambler, iii. 439²

Lydia, m. Dea. Ephraim Strong, iii. 439²

Mary, m. Samuel Seely Schofield, iii. 439², 447

Moses, of Brandon & Tinmouth, iii. 439²

of Danby, iii. 665(2)

Prudence, m. David June, iii. 437

Selah, of Huntington, i. 815²(2), 821²

Theodocia, m. David Finney, iii. 439², 448²

Dr. William, from Brandon, of Lyons (N. Y.), iii. 439²

of Huntington, i. 816, 817²

Ambrome, John, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Ambrose, Benjamin, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Samuel, from Sandwich (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 35²

Rev. Samuel, a missionary, iii. 154²

Amel, Louis, of Middlesex, iv. 246

Ames, Gov. of Mass., v. pt. 35, 53, 61²

Rev., of Huntington, i. 827

Capt., Rev. officer, ii. 936

A., of Shoreham, i. 256²

Aaron, of Essex co., i. 1006²

Abigail, m. Stephen Cole, jr., iii. 125²

Capt. Adon, of Grand Isle, ii. 533²

Gen, Azel, v. pt. 35, 55

Rev. B. D., of Brandon, i. 254

Benjamin, of Dorset, i. 182 note, 2d ed. 183² note

Rev. Bernice D., of Brandon, i. 256²; iii. 473, 474(2)

in Charlotte, i. 743, 939

hist. of Charlotte, i. 733²-53²

hist. of Methodism in Brandon, iii. 469-74

on Dr. Anderson G. Dana, iii. 400-1²

on Stephen A. Douglas, iii. 474-8

Rev. Bernice Darwin, on Henry Olin, i..45-6

Mrs. Deborah, of Burlington, i. 655

Bishop Edward R., of Plainfield, iv. 728

Eleazer, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Elizabeth (Thompson), wife of Samuel Ames, i. 629

George W., of Alburg, ii. 500²

Lt. George W., of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Henry D., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453²

Isaac, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Rev. J., in Shelburne, i. 883²

John, of Barton, iii. 71², 72, 84², 374

grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15

Rev. Joseph, of Pawlet, iii. 904

Rev. L. D., of Randolph, ii. 995²

Luman E., of Greensboro, iii. 220

Mrs. Mary Clemer, iii. 5

on Portus Baxter, iii. 189²-94

Molly (Carver), of Natick (Mass.), iiii. 125²

Nathan, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

Rev. Nathan, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548

Gov. Oliver, of Mass., v. pt. 35, 62², 63²

Robert, of Manchester, i. 253²

Royal, of Greensboro, iii. 220

Samuel of Keeseville (N. Y.), i. 629

of Shaftsbury, i. 253

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583

Stephen, of Guildhall, i. 1000, 1001², 1005

Thomas, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108, 119

Amidon, ____, in Enosburg, ii. 146

Alfred, of Randolph, ii. 998

Ezra, of Readsboro, i. 220², 221, 2d ed. 219, 220

Jacob, of Northfield, iv. 613², 672²

Jonathan, of Randolph, ii. 996²

Rev. Moses, of Brandon, iii. 474(2)

Amidown, Rev. Moses, of Danby, iii. 606²(2)

Amiers, Rev., of Calais, iv. 146²

Ammadon, Caleb, iv. 258

Ammidown, Caleb, grantee of Calais, iv. 130, 131, 132²

Amory, Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 72²

Rufus Green, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 77²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 74²

Thomas, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Amsben, Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 205

Amsden, A. M., sketch of Free-will Baptist Church, Hardwick, i. 329

Abraham, v. pt. 2, 161

Amory, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Anna, of Brattleboro, v. 86

Azubah, m. Dea. Wood, v. pt. 2, 161²





Amsden, Bezaleel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Eunice, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

Fanny, v. pt. 2, 161²

Frances (Perriman), wife of Isaac Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161

Hannah (Newton), wife of Abra­ham Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161

Ira, of W. Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²(2)

Isaac, from England, v. pt. 2, 161

Isaac jr., v. pt. 2, 161

Jacob, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 104, 161(2)

Jacob jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Jane (Rutter), wife of Isaac Amsden jr., v. pt. 2, 161

Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Justin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Lewis, of Brattleboro, v. 86

of W. Brattleboro, v. 189

Lewis M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Louisa, m. ____ Elliot, v. pt. 2, 161²

Lydia (Rice), wife of Jacob Ams­den, v. pt. 2, 161²

Lyman, v. pt. 2, 161²

Mark A., of Westmore, iii. 366²

Martha, m. Reuben Holton, v. pt. 2, 161²

Mary, wife of Jacob Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161²

Mary (Ormsby), wife of Amory Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161²

Oliver, v. pt. 3, 80

Rev. P., of Waitsfield, iv. 783²

Patience (Miller), wife of Dr. Thomas Amsden, v. pt. 2, 131, 161²

Patty, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 131

Polly, m. Joseph Smith, v. pt. 2, 161²

Eld. Richard, in Bristol, i. 20²

Roxanna, m. Benjamin Chamberlin, v. pt. 2,161²

Rev. S. H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 347²

Simeon, v. pt. 3, 8O

Sophia (Wellington), wife of Lewis M. Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161²

Thomas, v. pt. 2, 161², 574²

Dr. Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 54, 95, 161, 208²

of Petersham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 47, 131

Thomas O., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 161²

W. W., of Lebanon (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 161

William H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Amherst, Gen., i. 93²

Gen. Jeffrey, i. 660², 661(2), 755² note, 767; ii. 490 note, 614²; iii. 428², 939², 940, 1014; iv. 56, 771², 960², 1152, 1154; v. 19²

at Crown Point, 1759, i. 263-5²

built Crown Point, 1760, i. 3-4, 78²

signed commission of Lt. Fran­cis Pfister, 1760, i. 158, 2d ed. 160

Amy, ____, m. Franklin H. Keyes, i. 1003²

Mrs. of Maidstone, i. 1029²

Caleb, of Maidstone, i. 1045

Maj. Caleb, of Guildhall, i. 1003², 1004

Hannah, of Guildhall, i. 1009²

John, of Guildhall, i. 1003²

Micah, of Guildhall, i. 998, 999, 1003²

of Maidstone, i. 1027²

Micah jr., of Guildhall, i. 1003²

Rebecca (Cutler), wife of Maj. Caleb Amy, i. 1004(2)

William, of Granby, i. 989², 990(2)

of Guildhall, i. 991, 1003², 1004², 1010

Capt. William jr., of Guildhall, i. 1003²

Ancaster, Duke of, i. 127, 2d ed. 128

Anderson, ____, in Pownal, i. 214, 215, 2d ed. 213, 214

Maj., at Ft. Sumter, H. 837²; iv. 119

Gen., at Antietam battle, i. 719

at Gettysburg battle, i. 712

Capt. Alexander, British officer, i. 678², 680²

Andrew, grantee of Bradford, ii. 809² (2)

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

David, of Highgate, ii. 420²

James, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Rev. James, of Manchester, i. 204², 2d ed. 203²

Capt. James, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

John, iv. 1153

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419²

of Highgate, ii. 421

Rev. John, i. 286², 289², 290, 295(2)

of Phila., i. 297²

sermon in Barnet, i. 287

Lurviah, m. Jonas Warren, iii. 128

Martha D., m. Rev. Jonathan Tilson, ii. 852²

Capt. Matthew, of Ira, iii. 783²

Nicholas, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Dea. R. P., of Washington, D. C., ii. 852²

Gen. Richard Henry, v. 155

Robert, of Berkshire, ii. 119²

of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202²

Maj. Robert, i. 437; v. pt. 2, 611²

Thomas, of Calais, iv. 176

Rev. Thomas D., of N. Y., ii. 852²





Anderson, William, of Castleton, iii. 521

Dr. William, iii. 520²

Capt. William, of Burlington, commanded steamer U. S., i. 667², 701, 703, 704², 706

Anderson family, of Glover, from Scot­land, iii. 198²

Anderson, Heath & co., of Boston, ii. 898²

Anderson, Sargent & co., of Boston, ii. 898

André, Maj. John, British spy, i. 197², 278²; ii. 375, 544, 1121², 1126; iii. 918

Andrew, Rev. E. D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88²

Capt. James, of Greensboro, iii. 214

Gov. John A., of Mass., v. 158

Andrews, ____, of Hartford (Conn.), iii. 217

Dr., from Mass., of Fletcher, ii. 204

Rev., of Brattleboro, v. 30², 31(2)

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228²

A. F., of Northfield, iv. 688, 690², 696²

Abel, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Abigail K. (Black), wife of Ira Andrews, iv. 54

Alma, m. Maj. Smith, iii. 273

Amos, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Asa, or Berlin, iv. 62, 1189²

Benjamin, of Calais, iv. 176

Betsey (Lathrop), wife of Elisha D. Andrews, v. pt. 2, 244

Betsey (Wait), 2d wife of Dr. David Andrews, iii. 609²

Bradford, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Rev. C., i. 743

C. E., of Berlin, iv., 686²

Chester, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Darwin, of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202²

Dr. David, from Hubbardton, of Danby, iii. 609

Dinah, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Dulcena, m. Orrin B. Slayton, iv. 138

E. D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 27²

E. E., of Montpelier, iv. 425²

Ebenezer, of Rutland, iii. 1088, 1089², 1090

Edmond, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Elijah, of Berlin, iv. 62

Elisha, of Fairfax, ii. 184

of Tinmouth, iii. 1150²

of Wells, iii. 1201

Elisha jr., of Eastbury (Conn.), iv. 60²

Elisha 3d, from Eastbury (Conn.), of Berlin, iv. 60²

Rev. Elisha D., of Putney, from Southington (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 235, 237, 247²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 243²-4

Prof. Ethan Allen, author, i. 55²

Fanny, m. Geo. J. Slayton, iv. 138²

G. B., of Northfield, iv. 694²

George, in War of 1812, ii. 392

George Martin, of Berlin, iv. 68²

Gilbert R., of Northfield, iv. 694²

H. J., of Montpelier, iv. 427²

Ira, of Berlin, iv. 54, 68²

of Shelburne, i. 877

Lt. Isaac, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Isaac, of Wells, iii. 1195², 1196², 1201

Isaac jr., of Wells, iii. 1201

Isaac B., of Richmond, i. 846²

Eld. J. N., in Irasburg, iii. 260²

James, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

of Tunbridge, ii. 1121, 1123²

Jane, wife of Samuel Andrews, iv. 892²

m. Dr. Ira R. Rood, iv. 892²

Jane (Blanchard), wife of Samuel Andrews, iv. 906²

Jehiel, of Rutland, iii. 1018

Rev. Jerial, of Mt. Holly, iii. 850

Joel, of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 790²

John, of Fairfax, ii. 403

pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Dea. John, of Essex, i. 789

Joseph, of Calais, iv. 171

of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of Swanton, iv. 1002²

in militia, ii. 513²

Dr. Joseph, of Danby & Hubbarton, iii. 609(2)

L., of Hinesburg, i. 798²

Leman, of Wallingford, iii. 1176²

Lydia, of Hinesburg, i. 796²

Lydia J., in Johnson ii. 589²

Mabel, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

of Wells, iii. 1201

m. Asa Town, i. 783²

Mabel (Messenger), wife of Isaac Andrews, iii. 1201

Margaret, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Mary, of Wells, iii. 1201

Mehitable, of Rutland, iii. 1018

Nadocia (Woodcock), 1st wife of Dr. David Andrews, iii. 609²

Nathaniel K., of Pittsford, iii. 944

R., of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²

Reuben, from Conn., of Pawlet, iii. 908

Samuel, of Charlotte, Rev. soldier, i. 737

of Johnson, iii. 280²

of Montpelier, iv. 523, 524²

of Worcester, iv. 887², 891², 892², 905², 906², 910

Dea. Samuel, of Johnson, ii. 674

Sarah, of Rutland, iii. 1018

Thomas, of Calais, iv. 176²

Timothy, of Granby, i. 988²

grantee of Holland, iii. 231²





Andrews, Lt. Timothy, of New Haven (Conn.), i. 988, 989²

Titus, of Wallingford, iii. 1174²

William, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Andros, Adam, of Swanton, iv. 1039

Bildad, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 568², 603²

of N. H., ii. 939

Dudley K., of Bradford, ii. 824

John, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 169², 171²

Levi, of Fairfax, ii. 170

Andross, Dr., of Bradford, ii. 819

Andrew, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Bildad, of Bradford, ii. 816

Capt. D. K., of Bradford, ii. 841²

Capt. John, of Bradford, ii. 829²

L. A., of Bradford, ii. 842

Rebecca (Barron), wife of Capt. John Andross, ii. 829²

Andrus, ____, of Pawlet, iii. 897

____, pioneer of Shaftsbury, i. 232

____, m. Reuben Ives, iii. 1167²

Mrs., mother of Eldad, 106 yrs. old, i. 24

Lt., of Guildhall, i. 999(2)

Dr. Allen, of Pawlet & N. Y., iii. 893², 908

Asa, of Pawlet, iii. 901², 908, 920, 921

Asa jr., of Pawlet & Lockport (N. Y.), iii. 908

Atla, of Danby, iii. 609

Bartholomew, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Benjamin of Granby, i. 988²(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 908

Betsey (Griswold), wife of Dr. Allen Andrus, iii. 908

Clara, of Danby, iii. 609

Rev. Cyrus, of Mt. Holly, iii. 848(2), 850

Daniel, of Poultney, iii. 971

David, of Pawlet, iii. 885(2), 902²

Rev. E. W., of Martinsburgh, iii. 728

Eldad, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 24

Ephraim, of Wallingford, iii. 1166, 1167², 1168²

Ethan, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 24

Ezra, of Danby, iii. 609, 636²

of Pawlet, iii. 910

Hannah, of Danby, iii. 609

J. H., of Danby, iii. 627

John, of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 639²

John jr., of Danby, iii. 609

John H., from Colchester (Conn.), of Danby, iii. 592(2), 593(2), 599, 600², 609

from Danby, of Pawlet, iii. 907²

Capt. John W., navigated Conn. river, ii. 955

Jonathan, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Joseph, grantee of Isle La Motto, ii. 564 note

Joseph R., sketch, i. 28²

Julia, of Danby, iii. 609

Laura F., of Wallingford, iii. 650²

Rev. Lemon, of Pawlet & N. Y., iii. 887², 902², 903, 908

Mary, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Noah, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Rachael, m. William Roberts, iii. 643

Rachael (Willey), wife of John H. Andrus, iii. 609

Samuel, of No. Haven (Conn.), i. 998²(2)

Sarah, m. Jeremiah Durand, iii. 720²

m. Capt. Abner Lumbard, iii. 920

Sophia, of Danby, iii. 609

m. Edward Herrick, iii. 627

Stephen, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Susan, m. Capt. Josiah Monroe, iii. 921

Tempa, of Danby, iii. 609

Timothy, grantee of Holland, iii. 231², 232

of No. Haven (Conn.) i. 998

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

agent to Vt. Assembly, i. 999²(2)

Capt. Timothy, lotted Granby, i. 989

William, of Pawlet, iii. 908

Zebadiah, of Pawlet, iii. 901², 908

Mrs. Zebadiah, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Capt. Zebadiah, from Norwich (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 907²

Zebadiah jr., from Norwich (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 907²

Angel, Capt., of Pownal, i. 217, 2d ed. 216

James, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690(2), 692

Nebediah, of Clarendon, iii. 581²

Noahdiah, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Angell, Mrs., of Rutland, iii. 1041²

James B., Pres. of Univ. of Vt., ii. 102; iii. 374

Nehemiah, of Rutland, iii. 1041²

Stukeley, of Montpelier, iv. 329, 524²

Angelo, Michael, see Michael Angelo

Anger, ____, of Williston, i. 904

____, Canadian surveyor, iv. 952²

____, king's surveyor, ii. 89²

Eld., see Angier, Rev. Aaron

Angevine, Oliver L., of Poultney, iii. 995

Sally, of Poultney, iii. 989, 995

Angier, Rev. Aaron, of Derby, iii. 181²(2)

of Orwell, i. 74; iii. 469

of Waterbury, iv. 839²






Angier, Rev. Aaron, Baptist minister, i. 326²

Abigail (Spencer), 2d wife of Justus Angier, v. pt. 2, 450

David, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Justus, from Haddam (Conn.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Luther of Rutland, iii. 1043²

Mary, m ____ Spofford, i. 326²

Rhoda (Allen), wife of Justus Angier, v. pt. 2, 450

Sarah, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Angurm, Stephen, of St. Albans, ii. 433

Angwin, John, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Ann, Aunt, see Hawley, Mrs. Ann (Hard), wife of Andrew Hawley,

Annan, Rev. David, in Barnet & Ryegate, i. 269, 384

of Peterboro (N. H.), i. 284²(2)

Rev. Robert, in Barnet, i. 269

of Boston, secured N. Y. grant on the Passumpsic, i. 279, 284²

of Ryegate & Newbury, i. 384

Anne, Queen of Gt. Brit., ii. 543; iii. 1088

Annes, Rev. S. D., in Randolph, ii. 1001

Annis, ____ of Northfield, iv. 624

Jacob of Strafford, ii. 1080²

James, of Corinth, ii. 883²

Thomas, of Swanton, iv. 997

Anse, Rev., of Burlington, i. 551

Anson, Rev. ____, in Isle La Motte, ii. 557

Capt. Charles H., of Montpelier, iv. 16, 521

Edward, of Port Kent (N. Y.), i. 706

Lt. Frank, of Montpelier, iv. 522

Rev. William, in Charlotte, i. 742²

of Danby, iii. 606

of Grand Isle, ii. 535(2)

in Shelburne, i. 883²

in So. Hero, ii. 574

circuit preacher, ii. 485 (2)

Anthony, ____, of Rutland, iii. 1039²

Abraham, of Danby, iii. 603

Albro, of Sherburne, iii. 1121(2)

James, iii. 852

of Rutland, iii. 1069², 1070(2)

John, of Sherburne, iii. 1121

of Sutton, i. 423²; v. pt. 34, 20, 29(2)

Capt. John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 37²,

from Woodstock, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27²

Mrs. John (née Cohoon), v. pt. 34, 27²

John jr., of Sherburne, iii. 1121

Joseph, of Sherburne, iii. 1121

Samuel of Sherburne, iii. 1121(2)

Theophilus, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Dr. William C., from Sherburne, of Princeton (Ill.), iii. 1121²

Antunes, George, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

James, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Joshua, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Anville, Jean Baptiste, Bourguignon d', Danville named after him, i. 312²

Aplebee, Emeline (Bemis), wife of Nathan Aplebee, v. pt. 2, 62²

Nathan, from Dummerston, of Littleton (N. H.), v. 62²

Aplin, Rebecca, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Applebee, Jerry, of Charleston, iii. 122

Appleton, Dea. Ashley, of Granby, i. 994²

D. & Co., iii. 1102

Daniel, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

E. m. Dr. John Ives, iii. 181²

Sgt. Ed. W., of Bennington, i. 259

Emily, m. Moses Jewett, i. 651

George A., of Victory, i. 1048

hist. of Victory, i. 1045-51

Giles S., of Burlington, i. 937²

Margaret, m. Giles Peckett, ii. 822²

Mrs. Nancy M., of Granby, i. 995

Nathan, of Boston, i. 651², 652

Samuel, of Boston, i. 651²

Appleton, Reves & Co., iii. 1113²

Appling, Lt. Col., i. 674², 675(2)

Apsey, Rev. W. S., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44

Rev. William S., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 42

Apthorp, Henry, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521

Apthrop, James, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Arbuckle, Benjamin, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

Hiram W., of East Montpelier, iv. 585

James, of Montpelier, iv. 298², 377², 378(2), 379, 524²

Jane, of Berlin, iv. 1188, 1189

John, of Middlesex, iv. 240²

Joseph, of Berlin, iv. 1188

from Glasgow (Scot.), of Berlin, iv. 62²

of Middlesex, iv. 238

Polly, of Worcester, iv. 907²

William, of Barre, iv. 41²

of Worcester, iv. 234², 886², 887², 888², 907²

Archibald, Earl of Gosford, see Gorsford

Rev. F. H., in Wallingford, iii. 1178

Rev. Henry, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 52²

Rev. T. H., of Mt. Holly is Bristol, iii. 849; v. pt. 2, 512²

Archy, ____, of Iowa, ii. 181²

Argyle family, of Scotland, v. pt. 2, 505²

Aristotle, i. 940²; ii. 324²

Arkwright, Sir Richard, inventor, iv. 232²

Arm, William, from Wethersfield (Conn.), of Dorset, i. 183², 2d ed. 185





Armes, Rev. A. L., of Swanton, iv. 1094

Charles, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

John B., of Swanton, iv. 997

Josiah, of Brattleboro, v. 47²

Thomas, of Swanton, iv. 997²

Armington, Dr. G. B., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14²

George B., of Pittsford, iii. 950, 951(2)

Henry I., of Franklin co., ii. 95

J. R., of St. Albans, ii. 305(2)

John, of Coventry, iii. 149(2), 159²

Joseph, of Waterford, i. 432(2)

William, of Chester, iii. 950

Armington & Horton, of Fletcher, ii. 215

Armistead, Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 714², 718, 719; iv. 20

Armitage, B. F., of Northfield, iv. 697

Armond, John, from Newbury, in Cor­inth, ii. 874

Armor, Rev. J. M., of Craftsbury, iii. 170(2)

Armory, Joseph, of Franklin co., ii. 392

Arms ____, grantee of Rutland, iii. 1014²

____, of Waterbury, iv. 870

____, m. Dr. Oliver W. Drew, iv. 860²

Maj., of Brattleboro, v. 61

A. D., & Co., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Rev. A. L., of Richford, ii. 285(2)

Alfred, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 20²

Austin, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Austin D., of East Montpelier, iv. 586

C. C., of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Dr. C. C., of Stowe & Waterbury, iv. 839, 869

C. N., of Waterbury, iv. 831², 832, 835², 840, 872

Mrs. C. W. (née Hutchins), of Waterbury. iv. 859²

Dr. Charles C., of Stowe & Waterbury, ii. 725²-6; iv. 838², 915

Dr. Charles Carroll, of Waterbury & Cleveland (O.), iv. 869

Emma (Parker), wife of Josiah Arms, v. pt. 3², 14²

Frances (Stearns) (Childs), wife of George A. Arms, v. pt. 2, 168²

G. F., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349²

G. W., of Richford, ii. 285

George A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 168²

George C., of Waterbury, iv. 831², 866²

George F., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485

Guy, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 63²

Dea. Ira, of Duxbury, iv. 915

Jesse, of Duxbury, iv. 915

John, v. 19²

of Brattleboro, v. 20(2), 22², 36, 121; v. pt. 2, 20²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 18

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

Maj. John, of Brattleboro, v. 23(2), 46²(2), 47(2), 60, 61; v. pt. 2, 20²(2)

John jr., grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

Capt. Jonathan, of Berlin, iv. 461²

Josiah, of Brattleboro, v. 46², 57(2), 61(2) ; v. pt. 2, 20²

of Putney, v. pt. 3², 14²

Lucia (Mills), wife of Dr. C. C. Arms, iv. 869

Lucinda, m. Dr. L. Dickerman, v. 60²

Lucretia, m. Dr. Oliver W. Drew, iv. 869²

Maria, of Windham & Springfield, v. pt. 3², 18²

Martha, wife of Thomas Arms, ii. 285

Mary, m. Rev. William Goodell, v. pt. 2, 620²

Mary Ann (Aiken), wife of William Arms, v. pt. 3², 14²

Rev. Nathan, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Polly (Frost), wife of William Arms, v. pt. 2, 135

Sarah, m. Jonathan P. Miller, iv. 461²

Rev. Selah, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18²

Rev. Selah R., of Westminster & Windham, v. pt. 2, 606²; v. pt. 3², 9²

Sophia, m. Joseph Miller jr., v. pt. 2, 51, 135, 170

Mrs. Susan, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Susan (Arms), wife of Dr. Willard Arms, v. 61

Mrs. Susannah, of Brattleboro, v. 46², 47²

Thomas, of Richford, ii. 285

Willard, of Brattleboro, v. 47

Dr. Willard, of Brattleboro, v. 22, 46², 59, 60(2), 61(2), 62; v. pt. 2, 20²

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 20², 135

in Wisc. & Ill., v. pt. 3², 14²

Dr. William, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 647²

Arms & Haines, of Waterbury, iv. 832(2)

Armsbury, Gideon, iii. 1074²

Armsby, James H., of Castleton, iii. 521

Prof. James H., of Albany, N. Y., v. pt. 2, 560

Armstrong, ____, iii. 803, 1147²

____, of Tunbridge, ii. 1118²

Mrs. Abigail (Haynes), wife of Jonathan Armstrong, i. 186²

Candace, m. Daniel Fitch jr., iii. 914

Clarisa, m. Willard Gordon, ii. 523







Armstrong, Cyrena (Miner), of Castleton, iii. 803

E. A., v. pt. 35, 54

Egbert H., of Rutland co., iii. 519²

Hezekiah, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

Capt. Hezekiah, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Hopestill, of Bennington, i. 153², 2d ed. 155²

Ira, of Fletcher. ii. 201(2), 202

James, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Jeremiah, of Grand Isle, ii. 522

of Poultney, iii. 974, 989(2)

John, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

Jonathan, from Norwich (Conn.), of Dorset, i. 158, 186, 2d ed. 160, 187; iii. 914

Joseph, of Bennington, Danby & Pawlet, iii. 592, 609², 897, 908

L. B., of Dorset, i. 192 note, 2d ed. 193 note; iv. 1200

hist. of Dorset, i. 182-96². 2d ed. 183-96

Laurel B., of Dorset, i. 158, 2d. ed. 160

Libbeus, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

M., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Martin, of Cambridge, ii. 605², 606

of Fletcher, ii. 215

Phineas, of Pawlet, iii. 874²

Reuben, from Bennington, of Fletcher, ii. 201(2), 202

of Cambridge, ii. 621

Reuben jr., of Fletcher, ii. 201

Robert, iii. 1096

Lt. Robert, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Sarah, of Fletcher, ii. 209

Sophia, m. Joel Winchester, iii. 932

Thomas, of Montpelier, iv. 335

William, of Holland, iii. 232

of Plainfield, iv. 731²

Armstrong Bros., of Castleton, iii. 516²

Arnold, ____, of Derby, iii. 138², 315²

of Lyndon, i. 343

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 633²(2)

of Ill., iii. 477²

m. Abraham Staples, iii. 649

m. Dea. John Manley, i. 184², 2d ed. 186

m. Dr. Perley D. Blodgett, ii. 1006

Rev. of Braintree, ii. 848

of Charlotte, i. 743

Lt., v. pt. 2, 49²

Capt., of St. Johnsbury, i. 397(2)

Col., iv. 1115²; v. 153²

Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 714

Abigail, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598, 622²

Abigail (Shaler), wife of Seth Arnold, v. pt. 2, 597²

Adeline, m. Royal Edson, ii. 1045²

Amanda (Richards), wife of Fenelon Arnold, v. pt. 2, 622

Ambrose, of Haddam (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 597²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585, 625²

Ambrose jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622

Ambrose Tyler, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598, 622

Andrew, of Warren, iv. 806²

Ann (House), wife of Rev. Seth Shaler Arnold, v. pt. 2, 622

Rev. Artemas, of Ira, iii. 782

in Randolph, ii. 1064

Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Capt. Benedict, i. 184², 2d ed. 186

Col. Benedict, at Castleton, iii. 510²(2)

Gen. Benedict, i. 5(2), 80, 217, 223², 230, 475, 565, 662-7, 764-5, 2d ed. 216, 222²; ii. 123², 228², 231, 375, 489², 614, 684, 936²; iii. 922², 923, 983²; iv. 109², 110, 256² and note, 432(2), 624², 973²; v. pt. 3, 77²; v. pt. 35, 93²

Betty, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

Burke, i. 266

Caleb, of Brandon, iii. 446², 458(2)

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Calvin, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Caroline, m. ____ Waite, v. pt. 2, 622

Catherine, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

Catherine (Cone), wife of Ambrose Arnold jr., v. pt. 2, 622

Catherine (Wheeler), wife of Gamaliel Arnold, v. pt. 2, 190, 476²

Charles, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 25²

Clarisa, of Warren, iv. 806²

Clark, of Danby, iii. 581²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

Daniel, of Hampton (N. Y.), iii. 685², 726

Daniel jr., grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Darius, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

David, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 25, 29

Edward A., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Emily (Butterfield), wife of Thomas Arnold, v. pt. 2, 189, 190

Esther of Westminster, v. pt 2, 598

m. John F. Hills, v. pt. 2, 622

wife of Seth Arnold, v. pt. 2, 607

Esther (Ranney), wife of Seth Arnold, v. pt. 2, 585, 597², 606², 616, 622

Eunice, wife of Randall Arnold, iv. 1002²







Arnold, F., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 629

Fanny, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²

Fanny L., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Fenelon, of Westminster, iv. 1194; v. pt. 2, 622, 625²

Francis, from Norwich (Mass.), of Denson, iii. 408²

Gamaliel, of Dummerston, v. 133²; v. pt. 2, 107², 189(2), 190, 476²

from Hardwick (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 1045²

Gamaliel jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

Gardner, of Randolph, ii. 1045²

George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 25²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461², 487

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Dr. George J., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 25

Green, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

Harry, of Randolph, ii. 1045²

Henry, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

from Hardwick (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 1045²

Henry A., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Jeremiah, of Pawlet, iii. 897, 903, 904², 908

Dr. Jeremiah, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 25

Joel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598

Joel R., from Waterbury (Conn.), of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 516²

Joel Ranney, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585, 606-7 and note, 622²

Joel Ranney jr., from Westminster, of Willimantic (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 622²

John, i. 266, v. pt. 35, 80(2), 81

of Brandon, iii. 446², 458

pioneer of Bristol, i. 19²

John C., grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²

John L., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Jonathan, of Barton, iii. 83²

grantee of Sutton, i. 423²; v. pt. 34, 23, 24², 55²

grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

grantee of Lyndon, i. 339(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 908(2)

grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 266, 388², 390², 391(2), 392²(2), 393(2), 394(2), 395², 396(2), 397, 398(2), 399(2), 400, 407, 410²(2); v. pt. 34, 23²

Orange co. officer, ii. 804²

Josiah, of Lyndon, i. 354²

Josiah L., i. 269²

Josias Lyndon, from Providence, (R. I.), of St. Johnsbury, i. 339²(2), 395², 397², 398(2), 399, 400(2), 404², 411²

author, i. 555²

poems, i. 398²-9

Mrs. Josias Lyndon, m. Charles Marsh, i. 339²

Julia (Arnold), wife of Joel R. Arnold, v. pt. 2, 622²

Julia M., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Lemuel, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Lemuel Hastings, Gov. of R. I., born in St. Johnsbury, i. 394(2)

Lucy C., m. J. Washburn Melendy, v. pt. 3¹, 25

Luther, of Pawlet, iii. 874², 905

Luther H., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Lydia (Dudley), wife of David Arnold, v. pt. 3¹, 25(2)

Lyndon, of St. Johnsbury, see Ar­nold, Josias Lyndon

Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

Mary Ann, m. Rev. A. Stevens, v. pt. 2, 622

Mary (Ellsworth), wife of Jeremiah Arnold, iii. 908

Mary E., m. George C. Robinson, v. pt. 3¹, 25

Melissa, m. Julius Converse, ii. 1045²

Myra, m. Dr. PerIey Davis Blodgett, ii. 1018, 1045²

Nancy (Wheeler), wife of Samuel Arnold, v. pt. 3¹, 24², 25²(2)

Naomi (Hitchcock), 2d wife of Rev. Seth S. Arnold, v. pt. 2, 622

Nathan, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Nathaniel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Oliver, of Clarendon, iii. 554, 559, 572

of Danby, iii. 603²

Olivia, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598, 622²

m. ____ Gage, v. pt. 2, 622

Phebe, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598

Phobe, m. Isaac Holton, v. pt. 2, 609, 615², 622²

Priscilla (Farnum), wife of Am­brose T. Arnold, v. pt. 2, 622

Randall, of Swanton, iv. 1002²(2)

Ranney, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598

Rev. S. S., of Weathersfield, v. pt. 2, 629²

Sally, m. Henry Holland, v. pt. 2, 190

Samuel, from Norton (Mass.), of Londonderry, sketch, v. pt. 3¹, 24-5

Samuel jr., from Londonderry, of N. Y., v. pt. 3¹, 25

Samuel P., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 28²







Arnold, Serena, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

Seth, of Haddam (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 597²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585, 606², 607, 615², 616, 622, 670²

Seth jr., from Haddam (Conn.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 597²-8

Rev. Seth S., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 153, 605², 606², 607, 622

Seth Shaler, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585(2), 598(2), 622(2), 670²

Seth Shaler 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Sophia, of Westminster v. pt. 2, 622

Sprague, Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2), 998

Stephen, of Clarendon, iii. 559, 561², 572

of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Mrs. Susan (Perkins), m. Charles Marsh, i. 399

Sylvia (Cobb), wife of Harry Ar­nold, ii. 1045²

Thomas, of Brattleboro, v. 63(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 189, 190

of Rugby, i. 724²

Wheeler, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190

William, of St. Johnsbury, i. 266

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

William B., of Pownal, iv. 1191

Arnold family, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹; 24²-6

Arnold, Constable & co., of New York City, ii. 151²

Arsenault, B. F., of Swanton, iv. 1038, 1044², 1046², 1130

J., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Arsenault & Pease, of Swanton, iv. 1129²

Arsino, Frederick, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Arthur Prince of Eng., in Newport, iii. 386²

Rev., of Fairfield, ii. 197²

Pres. Chester A., v. pt. 2, 397²

Rev. William, of Hinesburg, i. 796²

of Richford, ii. 285²

of Williston, i. 904²

Asbury, ____, ii. 484

Bishop, i. 104; iii. 469², 470, 631²; iv. 600, 622²

Bishop Francis, in Charlotte, i. 746(2), 830²

Aselstine, "Uncle" Harry, of Swanton, iv. 1124

Aselstyne, Enos, of Swanton, iv. 1034²

Aseltine, Andrew, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Conrad, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Henry, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Isaac, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Jane, m. Matthew Lampman, iv. 1106²

John, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Lydia, m. Andrew Decker, iv. 1106²

Margaret, m. William Emery, iv. 1106²

Peter, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Ash, Eben, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 158

Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

Rev. George, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224(2)

Reuben, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²

Ashbridge, William, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Ashburton, Lord, iii. 268

Ashcraft, Dan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 7

Daniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 6

Capt. Daniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 27², 37

David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 38

Fred, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58

Ashcroft, Abigail of Northfield, iv. 623²

Betsey L., of Northfield, iv. 672²

Betsey (Lawrence), wife of Rev. Nathan B. Ashcroft, iv. 624

Daniel, of Northfield, iv. 623²

Eliza Ann, of Northfield, iv. 624

Eliza T., of Northfield, iv. 623²

Hester Ann R., of Northfield, iv. 624

John D. of Northfield, iv. 623²

John Wesley, of Northfield, iv. 624

Lois, of Northfield, iv. 623²

Lucy, of Northfield, iv. 623²

Lydia, of Northfield, iv. 623²

Rev. Nathan B., from Brookline (Conn.), of Northfield, iv. 616², 623-4

Nathan Sias, of Northfield, iv. 624

Nathaniel B., of Northfield, iv. 671

Sarah, of Northfield, iv. 623²

Tamasin, of Northfield, iv. 623²

wife of Wm. Ashcroft, iv. 623²

William, from Conn., of Northfield, iv. 613, 614, 615, 623², 708

William jr., of Northfield, iv. 623²

Ashey, Rev. Jonathan, of Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 80

Ashley, ____, ii. 644(2)

Sheriff, i. 215 (2), 2d ed. 214

Aaron, of Barre, iv. 37

Clarissa, m. Christopher Bresse, iv. 1177²

Daniel, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

E., of Poultney, iii. 708²

Elias, of Poultney, iii. 978² note, 980, 988

hist. of Poultney, iii. 964-7, 1008

Elisha, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Milton, i. 839²

of Poultney, iii. 965, 970², 972, 976²(2), 985, 994, 995

Elkana, of Poultney, iii. 970²






Ashley, Elkanah, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

Enoch, of Milton, i. 839², 840

of Poultney, iii. 965, 970²

Gideon, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Hannah, of Poultney, iii. 995

Isaac, of Poultney, iii. 965(2), 969², 970², 971(2), 979², 989(2)

James B., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 22

John, of Poultney, iii. 970², 971², 989²

of Sheffield (Conn.), iii. 978

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778

Jonathan grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Eld. Jonathan, of Strafford, ii. 1080

Rev. Jonathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 79 (2)

Jonathan jr., of Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 77²

Joseph, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567²

Laura (Briggs), wife of Silas Ash­ley, v. pt. 2, 185²

Leonard, of Hampton (N, Y.), iii. 726²

Olive, m. Elisha Johnson, iii. 1129

Oliver, grantee of Groton, iv. 1145, 1150

Philemon, of Moretown, iv. 599², 602²

Samuel, of Pownal, i. 167², 2d ed. 169²

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567²

Samuel jr., grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Samuel & co., land grant Bakers­field, ii. 90

Silas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 185²

Sylvia, of Moretown, iv. 603

Terzah, m. Gilbert Leonard, iii. 726²

Thomas, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 678²

of Poultney, ii. 579²; iii. 964, 965, 969², 970², 971(2), 972, 973², 974, 978, 979, 989², 997

Mrs. Thomas, of Poultney, iii. 989²

Tirzah (Field), wife of Jonathan Ashley jr., v. pt. 3, 77²

W., of Waterbury, iv. 832

W. H., of Waterbury, iv. 840

William, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Poultney, iii. 965, 970²

Ashleys, of Poultney, iii. 973²

Ashmun, Rev. Jehudi, i. 530²

Aspenwall, Rev. J. C., in Craftsbury, iii. 166²

editor, iv. 311², 312

Rev. N. W., of Cabot, iv. 99(2), 100²

in Craftsbury, iii. 166²

in Groton, iv. 1167²

Aspinwall, ____, of Albany, iii. 58²

____, of West Fairlee, ii. 913

Rev., of Wells, iii. 1195²

Rev. N. W., of Barre, iv. 52

of Cabot, iv. 209

in Glover, iii. 208

of Middlesex, iv. 238²

of Peacham, i. 361²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

of Essex co., i. 975²

Rev. Nathan, in Barton, iii. 80²

Samuel, of Bradford, ii. 1160

Aspiambelet, Indian, v. pt. 2, 275

Asselstyne, A. W., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Andrew, of Swanton iv. 1002²

Arthur W., of Swanton, iv. 1036(2)

Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1048

Conrad, of Swanton, iv. 994², 1002², 1132, 1185

E., of Swanton, iv. 1134

Rev. Enos, of Swanton, iv. 1087², 1088, 1112²

H., of Swanton, iv. 1007

Mrs. H. S., of Swanton, iv. 1129²

Harry, of Swanton iv. 1039², 1103²

Henry, of Swanton, iv. 1002², 1059², 1132², 1185², 1186²

Isaac, of Swanton, iv. 1185²

John, of Swanton, iv. 1002², 1059², 1132², 1185

Peter, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Asseltine, Abraham, of Highgate, ii. 258

Isaac, of Highgate, ii. 265(2)

Isaac and Sally, in Highgate, ii. 257²

Asseltyne, Conrad, of Swanton, iv. 996²

John, of Swanton, iv. 996²

Astor, Lady, of Eng., v. pt. 2, 102

John Jacob, fur trader, i. 668²

Atchinson, Dr., of Saxtons River, iii. 65²

Mrs., of Brattleboro, v. 58

T., of N. H., iv. 990

Athearn, Rev. W. D., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548²

Atherton, ____, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379

Waterbury, of iv. 870, 916²

Miss, of Montpelier, iv. 395²

Capt., of Brattleboro, v. 49

A. A., of Waterbury, iv. 840²

A. A., & Son, of Waterbury, iv. 832

Abial P., of Montpelier, iv. 395²

Arethusa, m. Clark Hubbard, iv. 1118²

Charles G., of N. H., iv. 303²

David, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 697

Dudley, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Elihu, in Middlesex, iv. 243²

Elisha, of Moretown, iv. 603

Frederick, of Greensboro, iii. 220







Atherton, George F., of Brattleboro, v. 122

George W., of Waterbury, iv. 832

Mrs. H., of Brattleboro, v. 185²

Capt. J., of Brattleboro, v. 49²(2)

John, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Joseph, of Mass., v. pt. 2, 275

Lemuel, of Waterbury, iv. 835

Luke, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379

Nancy, m. Dr. Charles B. Chandler, iv. 481

Oliver, of Middlesex, iv. 222²

Olivia L. B., m. Dr. Oliver W. Drew, iv. 869²

Sgt. Omri S., of Montpelier, iv. 524²

Dr. Sandford, of Glover, iii. 205, 208²

Atkins, ____, of Waterbury, iv. 869²

Mrs., of Waterbury, iv. 840²

A., of Waterbury, iv. 835

Albro, of Waterbury, iv. 829, 870

Avery, of Cabot, iv. 88², 117²

Daniel, of Pittsfield, iii. 936

David, of Waterbury, iv 837, 840², 870

Enos H., from Huntington, of Stowe, ii. 746²

George, of Montpelier, iv. 353², 354

of Waterbury, iv. 837², 870

H. S., of Stowe, ii. 701

Harriet (Coburn), wife of James Atkins, iv. 111

Henry, of Cabot, iv. 86

of Waterbury, iv. 837², 870(2)

Hial, from Waterbury, of Stowe, ii. 746²

Hiram, of Bellows Falls & Montpelier, iv. 271², 280², 292², 294, 310², 313, 411², 550², 592, 691; v. pt. 2, 511

portrait, iv. facing p. 310

Hiram, sketch of Christ Church, Montpelier, iv. 410-13

Horace, of Waterbury, iv. 837²(2), 870

Capt. Ira, of Cabot, iv. 117², 118

Isaac, of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 523², 524²

James, of Cabot, iv. 103², 111

Jeremiah, of Cabot, iv. 103², 104², 117², 118

Mrs. Jeremiah, of Cabot, iv. 100

Jerry, of Cabot, iv. 99², 105²

Jerum, of Waterbury, iv. 870

John, of Grand Isle, ii. 534

of Waterbury, iv. 840², 870

Joseph, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Martha W., m. Leander Hutchins, iv. 859²

Orrin, of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Reuben, of Cabot, iv. 84, 85², 86, 93², 103, 117²

Temperance, of Waterbury, iv. 840²

W. S., of Cabot, iv. 84, 89²(2), 91²

William, of Cabot, iv. 84, 108²

William S., of Cabot, iv. 100(2)

Atkins family, iv. 910

Atkinson, ____ from Boston, grantee of Troy, iii. 313(2)

Col., i. 580

Mrs. Anna, from Newburyport, (Mass.), of Newbury, ii. 945²

G. T. jr., see Atkinson, Theodore jr.

George, of Portsmouth (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 76²

Rev. George O., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9

Joseph, of Swanton, iv. 1025, 1030, 1031

P., of N. H., v. pt. 3, 16²

P. jr., sec. to Gov. Wentworth, ii. 377

P. S., of N. H., iv. 990

Capt. Samuel, Rev. officer, ii. 935(2)

Theodore, of N. H., i. 855², 856; ii. 889², 1105; iii. 997; v. 18², 19(2) ; v. pt. 2, 4, 568; v. pt. 3, 16²(2)

grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. 1. 122

grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

grantee of Burlington, i. 488

grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 4

grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15(2)

grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7

Theodore jr., i. 274; ii. 975, 976

grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of Swanton, iv. 991, 994²

grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Theop jr., grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Thomas, grantee of Huntington, i. 813²

William, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 510²

from Newburyport (Mass.), of Newbury, ii. 945²

Atkinson & Hoyt, of Swanton, iv. 1030

Atlee, ____, v. 17²





Atley, Rev. John, in Danby, iii. 606²

Atridge, Nathaniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Polly (Bemis), wife of Nathaniel Atridge, v. pt. 2, 63

Attridge, Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163

Lucinda (Hadley), wife of Daniel Attridge, v. pt. 2, 163

Atwater, Miss, m. Capt. Thaddeus Tuttle, i. 630²

Mrs. (née Perry), of Middletown, iii. 800

Abiah,  m. Theophilus Doolittle, i. 640

Abigail, m. James Moody, iii. 1204

Ambrose, from Cheshire (Conn.), of Burlington, i. 629; iv. 159², 547

Auburn, of Burlington, i. 655 note

Daniel, of Wells, iii. 1206²

David, of New Haven, (Conn.), i. 640

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589

Delia (Wetmore), wife of Dr. William Atwater, i. 630

Rev. Edward, of New Haven (Conn.), v. 153

Elizabeth M., m. Prentiss J. Kent, iv. 159²

Dr. H. H., of Burlington, i. 504, 630²

sketch of Dr. William Atwater, i. 629-30

Hannah (Sargent), wife of David Atwater, v. pt. 2, 589

Rev. Jeremiah, from New Haven (Conn.), of Middlebury, i. 54², 55

Jonathan, of Middletown, iii. 799², 844²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 588²-9

Joseph, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 588²-9

Linus, of Burlington, i. 512²

Lois, wife of Daniel Atwater, iii. 1206²

Mary, m. Rev. Asa Lyon, i. 655 and note

Mary (Averill), wife of Jonathan Atwater, v. pt. 2, 589

Merab, m. Stephen R. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 596

Merrit, of Middletown, iii. 844²

Otis B., of Brattleboro, v. 58

Phineas, of Burlington, i. 509, 548², 608, 630²

Reuben, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 625(2)

Sally, wife of Ambrose Atwater, iv. 159²

Samuel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 588-9

Samuel jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 588²

Sarah, of Burlington, i. 537

Thomas of Burlington, i. 630²

W. W., in Enosburg, ii. 146

Rev. W. W., in Fair Haven, iii. 718

of Rutland, iii. 1047²

Dr. William, of Burlington, i. 504

sketch, i. 629-30²

Rev. Wm. W., of Brandon, iii. 474²

of Charlotte, i. 743

Atwell, ____, from Mass., of Johnson, ii. 671

Benjamin, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

Eveline, m. ____ Coburn, iii. 568

Hollis, from Cambridge, of West­field, iii. 345²

sketch, iii. 357²

Rev. P. P., in Wells, iii. 1194²

Sarah, m. M. W. Gilbert, iv. 644², 705

W. C., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

William C., of Eden, ii. 624²(2)

Atwood ____, of Hancock, iv. 805

of Randolph, ii. 1037

of Iowa, ii. 181²

Rev., missionary in Sheldon, ii. 379

Capt., i. 675

Mrs. A. S., of Stowe, ii. 706

Amos, of Shoreham, i. 96², 256²

Amos A., of Ripton, i. 86²

Arnon A., of Ripton, i. 87

Betsey, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

Charles E., of Ripton, i. 86²

David, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 45²

E., of Pittsfield, iii. 935

Ebenezer, of Shoreham, i. 96², 256

Edward, of Pittsfield, iv. 1194

Elizabeth, m. Thomas Colby, v. pt. 34, 34²

Eseck, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542², 550

Dr. H. C., of Castleton, iii. 516, 522², 547

Mrs. H. C., of Castleton, iii. 547

Hannah (Boyden), wife of Samuel Atwood, v. pt. 2, 38²

Harriet (Walter), wife of Peter Atwood, i. 986

Henry L., or Stowe, ii. 717, 746²

Mrs. Henry L., of Stowe, ii. 717

Howard C., of Fairfield (Me.), v. pt. 2, 402

James, v. pt. 35, 54²

Jannett, of Stowe, ii. 706

Jesse, from Sandwich (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 34²

John, of Newport, iii. 305

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 14(2), 20, 36², 39², 40, 45², 51

John jr., of Newbury, ii. 944²

Levi, of Cambridge, ii. 611²

Louisa B., of Newbury, ii. 1171

Luke, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Luke jr., of Stowe, ii. 712

Rev. Mark, in Huntington, i. 827²

of Starksboro, i. 103², 817

Martin, of Bennington, i. 260





Atwood, N., of St. Albans, ii. 306²

N., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Norman, of Cambridge, ii. 602, 605², 606

Peter, of East Haven, i. 986

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20, 33, 34², 45²

Samuel, of Bennington, i. 143², 145, 2d ed. 145²-7

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 38²

Sarah (Walker), wife of Howard C. Atwood, v. pt. 2, 402

Col. Stephen, of Stowe, ii. 706

Stillman iii. 1038²

Susan, m. Joshua Bromley, iii. 614

Thomas, of Ripton, i. 86²

pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Victor, of St. Albans, ii. 96², 101², 434²; iv. 1144²

Aubery, John F., of Essex, i. 782

Aubry, Dr. Frederick, of Bradford, sketch, ii. 824²-5

Aulger, Cyrus, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

David, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

John, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Judah, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Aupanmat, Hendrick, Indian, iv. 197²

Aurora, Mrs., v. pt. 2, 313²

Austin, ____ (née Hopkins), wife of Rev. Samuel Austin, i. 525

Dr., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

Fr., iv. 1078

Mrs., of Marshfield, iv. 206

Rev., in Benson, iii. 425² note, 426²

in Franklin, ii. 226²

Abel, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Apollos, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377²

of Rutland, iii. 1094²

Asa, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

of Waterbury, iv. 837²

Lt. Asa, v. pt. 2, 213

Capt. B. J., of Lamoille co., ii. 591

Benjamin, of Richford, ii. 427²

C. G., of Richford, ii. 283²

C. P., of Hubbardton, iii. 754²

Charles, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Daniel, of Warren, iv. 807

grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6², 7

David, of Waterbury, iv. 819², 820

Rev. Densmore, in Richford, ii. 285

Esther, of Swanton, iv. 1079

Gad, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778

Rev. H. F., of Benson, iii. 425²(2), 426

of Swanton, iv. 1087(2), 1089

Hannah, m. Samuel Chipman, iii. 1154²

Rev. Harvey F., in Benson, iii. 413²

Henry, of Warren, iv. 807

Horace, of Highgate, ii. 420²

Isaac, of Marshfield, iv. 216

Rev. J. M., of Montpelier, iv. 319

Rev. Jehiel, in Braintree, ii. 848

Jeremiah, of Fairfax, ii. 176²

John, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376

of Swanton, ii. 393²; iv. 1002², 1079

of Scotland, i. 428

pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Dr. John, of Windham, v. pt 3², 12²

Rev. John M., of Montpelier, iv. 289, 408(2), 409²(2)

John P., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228

Jonathan, of Bradford, ii. 816²(2)

Joseph, of Cambridge, ii. 602, 621

Joseph H., of Cambridge, ii. 602

Joshua, grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Rev. L., of Cabot, iv. 101

Lenus, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707

Rev. Leonard, of Braintree, ii. 848

of Lunenburg, i. 1019²

Levi, of Stowe, ii. 742²

Lewis A., librarian in Middlebury college, i. 55²

Linus, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16²

Rev. Linus, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 698, 702², 723

Lydia, of Colchester, i. 776²

wife of Samuel Austin, of New Haven, Conn., i. 525

Mary, of Waterbury, iv. 820

Mary (Wiswell), wife of Asa Austin, v. pt. 2, 213

Nancy, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Nelson, of Berkshire, ii. 120²

of Highgate, ii. 421

Capt. O. H., of Barton, iii. 374

of Brownington, iii. 104

Oliver, of Berkshire, ii. 120

Oliver 2d, of Berkshire, ii. 120

Orin, of Albany, iii. 57

Paul, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Mrs. Polly, of Warren, iv. 810

Raymond, of Berkshire, ii. 120

of Richford, ii. 427²

Riley H., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 213²

Romeo, attorney, i. 473²

Rufus, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Highgate, ii. 420

of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Samuel, of Warren, iv. 807

Rev. Samuel, author, iv. 314

Pres. Univ. of Vermont, i. 365, 522², 741; iv. 1081

sketch, i. 525

Seneca, of Burlington, i. 504, 554

Seth, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Col. Seth, of Tunbridge, ii. 1121(2)

William G., of Barre, iv. 25

Austins, of Waterbury, iv. 870





Austin & Wilson, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Averhill, Samuel, grantee of Burlington i. 488

Averil, Josiah, of Burlington, i. 505

Averill, ____, of Sunderland. i. 239

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567

(Harlow), 2d wife of Daniel Averill, v. pt. 2, 578²

Mrs., iv. 27

A. J., of Roxbury, iv. 741², 758, 760²

A. W., of Elmore, ii. 627

of Lamoille co., ii. 591

Abigail, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Albert, of Roxbury, iv. 747²

Albert J., of Northfield, iv. 619

Amos, of Northfield, iv. 618, 619, 671

Anna, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 577

m. John Averill, v. pt. 2, 574, 626²

Anna 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626²

Anna 3d, m. Amos Carpenter, v. pt. 2, 577²-8, 613, 627

Anna (Averill), wife of John Averill, v. pt. 2, 578, 626²(2)

Anna (Chaffee), wife of Asa Averill, v. pt. 2, 577²

Asa, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 577(2), 578, 583, 589, 590, 619², 625(2), 626²

Mrs. Asa (Lovejoy), 2d wife of Asa Averill, v. pt. 2, 577², 578

Asa jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577²(2), 626²

Asa 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626²

Betsey, of Northfield, iv. 618

Betsey (Vent), wife of Daniel Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Betsey (Wall), 3d wife of Asa Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Charles, of Northfield, iv. 619

Clark, of Northfield, iv. 619

Columbus, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626²

D. T., of Northfield, iv. 614², 616, 659

D. W., of Barre, iv. 41²

Daniel, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578, 609, 614, 626²

David, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577²(2)

David 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626² (2)

David T., of Northfield, iv. 619, 621

Dudley, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Edwin, of Northfield, iv. 619

Capt. Elisha, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Gen. Elisha, of Pawlet, iii. 873², 880, 908, 913

Elizabeth, of Northfield, iv. 671

Elizabeth R., of Northfield, iv. 671

Elizabeth (Robinson), wife of Thomas Averill, iv. 618

Experience, m. Abraham Nutting, v. pt. 2, 577²-8, 626²

George, of Highgate, ii. 261², 421

of Northfield, iv. 619

H. L., of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Hannah, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578(2), 626², 627

Harriet (Wright), wife of Obed Averill jr., v. pt. 2, 626²

Henry, of Northfield, iv. 619

Henry K., i. 675² note

Isaiah, of Mendon, iii. 790

J. Ketchum, of Swanton, iv. 1101

James, of Barre, iv. 36²

Jesse, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Northfield, iv. 613², 614(2), 615², 618, 652, 670², 683

Capt. Jesse, of Northfield, iv. 618-9, 621, 632, 672²

portrait, iv. 671

Mrs. John, iv. 712

John, from Northfield (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564, 577

of Highgate, ii. 263, 264²(2)

of Northfield. iv. 614(2), 615², 618, 619, 623, 659, 672²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 253²

of Swanton, iv. 1041²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567², 577, 578²(2), 583, 613, 626²

John jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578, 626²(2)

John 3d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578(2), 626²

John W., of Barre, iv. 36²

Jotham, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578(2), 627

Keziah, of Northfield, iv. 618

L. M., of Barre, iv. 33

Lavina, of Northfield, iv. 618

Loretta C., of Northfield, iv. 619

Loretta (Robinson), wife of John Averill, iv. 619

Lucy of Northfield, iv. 618

M. R., of Highgate, ii. 265

Maria P., of Northfield, iv. 619

Mary, of Northfield, iv. 618²

m. Jonathan Atwater, v. pt. 2, 589

m. John Edgerton, iii. 913

m. Jonathan A. Phippen, v. pt. 2, 619²

wife of John Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Mercy, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577²

m. Josiah Davis, v. pt. 2, 626²

m. ____ Swinton, v. pt. 2, 609





Averill, Molly, m. Atwater Phippen, v. pt. 2, 626²

m. Jonathan Atwater Phippen, v. pt. 2, 577²-8

Moses, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

N. F, of Barre, iv. 27², 38

Nabbie, of Northfield, iv. 618

Obed, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577²(2), 626²

Obed jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626²

Olive, m. ____ Heald, v. pt. 2, 578, 627

Oliver, of Northfield & Westminster, iv. 613², 614², 615², 616, 618(2), 619, 630², 648², 652, 669, 672²; v. pt. 2, 577, 578², 627

Persis, m. James Tower, v. pt. 2, 626²

Phoebe, m. Nathan Marvin, v. pt. 2, 626²

Polly (Hopkins), wife of Col. Oliver Averill, iv. 618²

Loomis, of Northfield, iv. 671

(Loomis), wife of Jesse Averill, iv. 619

(Wright), wife of David Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Rhoda (Wales), 2d wife of John Averill 3d, v. pt. 2, 578, 626²

Riley, of Northfield, iv. 618²

Robert, of Shelburne, i. 859

Rolan, of Northfield, iv. 618²

Russell, of Northfield, iv. 619

Sally, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577², 626²

Samuel, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

grantee of Bolton, i. 482

grantee of Essex, i. 778²

grantee of Huntington, i. 813²

grantee of Lemington, i. 1014

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

of Bristol, i. 19

of Kent (Conn.), iv. 227

of Litchfield (Conn.), i. 491(2)

Samuel jr., iv. 227

Susan, m. (1) John Johnson; (2) Ephraim Smith, v. pt. 2, 626²

(Lyman), wife of Obed Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Thomas, of Westminster and North­field, iv. 618, 619, 670, 671, 696; v. pt. 2, 583

Volney H., of Westminster & North­field, iv. 616, 618², 652

Zilpah (Harlow), wife of Daniel Averill, v. pt. 2, 614, 627

Averill family, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 279

Averis, Capt., in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Averist, Joseph, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

Zadock, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

Avery, ____, of Burlington, i. 496

Rev., in Cambridge, ii. 621

of Holden, Mass., ii. 105

Gen., ii. 746

Abigail, m. Case Cook, iii. 454²

Abraham, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28, 29²

Anna (Ayers) wife of Nathan Avery, ii. 1160

Charles, of Norwich (Conn.), iii. 451

Mrs. Charles, m. David Hawley, iii. 451²

Christopher, of Corinth, ii. 883

Rev. D., of Stamford, i. 238

Daniel, of Brandon, iii. 454²; sketch, iii. 451²

David, grantee of Fletcher, ii. 200

of Pittsfield, iii. 935

Rev. David, of Bennington, i. 160²-1, 2d ed. 163

Delila, of Lowell, iii. 280²

Ebenezer, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695(2)

Elijah, of East Haven, i. 986(2)

from Hartford (Conn.), of Brandon, iii. 451²

Emeline (Baldwin), wife of Rev. John A. Avery, ii. 1160²

Eunice (Weeks), wife of Daniel Avery, iii. 451²

Eld. F. S., of Williamstown, ii. 1145

Mrs. Fanny, of Duxbury, iv. 599²

George, of Newbury, ii. 946²

George W., of Newbury, ii. 947²

Israel, of Northfield, iv. 631²

Capt. James, of Groton (Conn.), ii. 1160

John, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Rev. John A., of Bradford, sketch, ii. 1160

of Middletown and Syracuse, N. Y., iii. 832²

Joseph, of Conn., ii. 638²(2)

Josiah, of Strafford, ii. 1083²

L. W., of Northfield, iv. 689², 696

Mrs. L. W., of Northfield, iv. 689², 690

N. Ayers, of Newbury, ii. 842

Nathan, of Bradford, ii. 1160

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 27², 30, 34²

of Newbury, ii. 947²

of West Fairlee, ii. 913

Rachel, m. Ebenezer Allbee, v. pt. 2, 503²

Rev. Royal, of Cambridge, ii. 620

Russell, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422

Samuel, of Avery's Gore, ii. 90

grantee of Troy; iii. 312², 313

Simeon, of Brandon, iii. 446, 451, 454²

Mrs. Simeon, of Brandon, iii. 446

m. Simeon Bigelow, iii. 451

Simeon, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note





Avery, Simeon, of Newbury, ii. 946²

Stephen, of Brandon, iii. 451²

Mrs. T., of Brattleboro, v. 176

Avorll, John, v. pt. 2, 574²

Avory, John, of Enosburg, ii. 399

Avrill, see also Averill

Axtel, Daniel, of Danby and N. Y., in. 609², 665²

Sarah (Baker), wife of Daniel Axtel, iii. 609

Axtell, Daniel, of Danby, iii. 603²

John, of Pittsford, iii. 943²

Rev. N. G., in St. Albans, ii. 335²

Sabra, m. William Martin, iv. 213²

Silas,  pioneer of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9

Ayer, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1098²

Dr., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

Albert J., of Montpelier, iv. 525

Betsey S., wife of Nicholas W. Ayer, ii. 822²

Prof. Charles, of Fairfax, in Fletcher, ii. 209²

Daniel, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

David, of Goshen, i. 36²

David jr., of Goshen, i. 37²

Elisha, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 360², 361

James, of Lyndon, i. 344²

guide, hung in Brookfield, ii. 845, 854²-5

John, in War of 1812, i. 37²

Mrs. Merriam (Miriam?), wife of David Ayer, i. 36²

Nicholas W., of Bradford, ii. 816, 822²

Sarah, of New Hampton (N. H.), and Derby, iii. 181²(2)

Timothy, of Bradford, ii. 822²

Ayers, Anna, m. Nathan Avery, ii. 1160

Rev. Braman, of Brandon, iii. 474

David, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

George, of Plainfield, iv. 721², 727

Rev. J., in Shelburne, i. 883²

John P., of Plainfield, iv. 731

Mrs. John P., of Plainfield, iv. 731

Rev. Joseph, of Middlebury, i. 58

of Pawlet, iii. 904²

Joseph F., of Plainfield, iv. 722

Samuel, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 20

Aylesworth, Abel jr., i. 253²

Catharine, m. Daniel Perry, iv. 984

Ruth, m. Belus Hard, 2d ed. i. 135²

William, of Canaan (N. Y.), iv. 984

Ayott, Alix P., of Wells, iii. 1197²

Ayres, Dr., of Brattleboro, v. 60²

Rev., of Hubbardton, iii. 771²

Annie, m. Dea. John Kimball, iii. 78²

Daniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 24

Elizabeth, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Jacob, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Jonathan, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Rev. Joseph, in Charlotte, i. 742²

in Fair Haven, iii. 717

Love, m. Joseph Kingsbury, iii. 390²

Capt. Romeyn Beck, iv. 1180


B., J. E., of Randolph, ii. 995² (probably J. E. Babbitt)

Babbit, Rev., of Essex, i. 779, 788

in Glover, iii. 207

Rev. James, in Whiting, i. 116²

Babbitt, Miss, of Randolph, ii. 995²

A. C., of Greensboro, iii. 214 note

Abigail, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Asa, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Daniel, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

E. G., of Orleans co., iii. 34

Elbridge H., of Randolph, ii. 994

Elizabeth, m. Rev. Lemuel Haynes, iii. 1051²

Emily (McKinstry), wife of Simeon A. Babbitt, ii. 1027

Isaac, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Rev. Isaac, in Georgia, ii. 247²

G. H., of Rutland, iii. 1069

J. C., of Swanton iv. 1039²

Rev. J. H., of Swanton, iv. 1080², 1124², 1129

of Waitsfield, iv. 781², 792²(2)

Jacob, of Greensboro, iii. 213

Jennie E., sketch of Babbitt family, ii. 1026-7

John, of Danby, iii. 605

Mary (Barlow), wife of Simeon Babbitt, ii. 1026²

Nathaniel, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Dr. Robert A., of Randolph, ii. 1027

S. A., of Randolph, ii. 994

Sally, m. William Jones, iv. 620²

Seth, grantee of Bolton, i. 482 

Simeon, from Shutesbury (Mass.), of Bethel, ii. 1026²-7

Simeon A., of West Randolph, ii. 1026², 1027

T. S., of Swanton, iv. 1129

Babbitt family of Bethel and Randolph, ii. 1026²

Babbitt & Gleason, of Greensboro, iii. 214 note

Babcock, ____, ii. 937

Dr. of Berkshire, ii. 100

Mrs., of Middletown, iii. 827

Gen., iv. 1055

Abel, v. pt. 35, 54²

Betsey, m. Timothy Bull jr., iii. 616

Brainerd, of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Rev. C. W., of Westford & Pletcher, ii. 209(2)

Rev. D. C., of Lunenburg, i. 1020

David, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 52

E. G., of Northfield, iv. 656², 668, 683

Rev. E. G., of Thetford in Corinth, ii. 881², 1096

E. W., from N. H., of Swanton, iv. 1030²(2), 1044², 1186²

Elias, pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Capt. Elias, of Berkshire, ii. 396

Erastus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 147

Fanny (Holton), wife of Worden Babcock, v. pt. 2, 162²






Babcock, H., of Middletown, iii. 835²

Hamilton, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508, 513²

Harvey, of Cabot, iv. 92(2)

Hiram, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Ichabod, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Eld. J. L. M., of Strafford, ii. 1079²

J. M., of Newport, iii. 295²(2)

J. V., of Montpelier, iv. 280

J. V., & co., of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Jason, of Charleston, iii. 115²

Jeremiah, of Cabot, iv. 91², 92, 104²

Jerry V., of Montpelier, iv. 348²

Job jr., of Alburg, ii. 508

John, from Sturbridge (Mass.), of Craftsbury, iii. 165²

Capt. Joshua, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Lorenzo, of Franklin co., ii. 94²; iv. 1055

Dr. Myron N., in Fairfield, ii. 197

Oliver, of Enosburg, ii. 147²

Peleg, of Highgate, ii. 420

Persis (Cutler), wife of ____ Babcock, v. pt. 2, 164

Polly, m. Harry Manning, of Alburg, ii. 503²

Robert, of Wardsboro, sketch, v. pt. 2, 680-1

Samuel G., of Concord, i. 968², 972

Solomon, of Concord, i. 968²

Stephen, of Craftsbury, iii. 170

on Reformed Pres. church of Craftsbury, iii. 169-70

Thomas of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Volney C., from Bridgewater, of Stowe, ii. 746²

William, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Worden, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162², 163

Babcock & Cutler, of Montpelier, iv. 280², 281, 312

Babcock & Story, of Swanton, iv. 1030²

Baber, Job, of Berkshire, ii. 393(2)

Bacchus, Negro, of Guildhall, i. 996²

Bache, Mrs., i. 634²

Alexander D., of Phila., ii. 1153; iii. 483

Richard, of Phila., iii. 1091²

Sarah (Franklin), wife of Richard Bache, iii. 1091²

Theophylact, tory, iii. 1091(2)

Bachelder, ____ in Bakersfield, ii. 106²

Rev. C. R., in Northfield, iv. 657

Eld. Daniel, of Unity (N. H.), in Corinth, ii. 887

David, of Groton, iv. 1164

Ebenezer, of Groton, iv. 1164

Jeremiah, of Groton, i. 321; iv. 1148, 1164

Jerry, of Groton, i. 322

John, of Danville, i. 316

Samuel, of Danville i. 315²

Bacheldor, Rev. Calvin R., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 153

Bacheller, Theodocia, m. Dea. Abel Grout, v. pt. 2, 526

Bachellor, Mrs. (née Winslow), of Bran­don, iii. 440

Thomas, of Irasburg, iii. 244

Bachop, William, of Barnet, i. 283

see also Barchop

Bachop & Farwell, of Wells River, ii. 944², 955²

Bachot, Capt., iii. 1037²

Bachus, Elijah, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Backus, Ann, of Fair Haven, iii. 740²

Charles, of Brandon, iii. 478, 500

of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 676 note

Dr. Charles, of Fair Haven and N. Y., iii. 740², 743²

of Randolph and Brandon, ii. 1006

of Middletown, iii. 832²

Charlotte, of Fair Haven, iii. 740²

Frances, of St. Paul (Minn.), iii. 740²

Mary, of Fair Haven, iii. 740²

Rev. Simon, of Granby and Westminster, v. pt. 2, 604(2)

Bacon, ____, in Underhill, i. 887²

Dr., of New Haven, Conn., v. 68²

Abel, of Benson, iii. 417

Abner, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Arthur B., of Spencer (Mass.), iv. 153, 159

Benjamin H., of Ripton, i. 87

Chauncey, of Brandon, iii. 443²

Clark, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 157

D., of Northfield, iv. 695², 696

Daniel, of Calais, iv. 133²

Daniel jr., grantee of Calais, iv. 130

David, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

David F., of Randolph, ii. 994

Delos M., v. pt. 35, 63

Edmund, of Williamstown, ii. 1141², 1145²

Ella Fanny (Kent), wife of Arthur B. Bacon, iv. 153, 159

Esther, m. Preserved Wheeler, i. 753²

Fannie L., of Spencer (Mass.) iv. 159

Sir Francis, quoted, i. 477²; iii. 368²

Fred K., of Spencer (Mass., iv 159

Frederick, of Spencer (Mass.), iv. 153

G. B., hist. of Sunderland, i. 238²-40²

George A., of Derby, iii. 182²

Lt. Harrison K., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202

Rev. Henry C., Putney Baptist church, v. pt. 2, 237

Isaiah, of Northfield, iv. 613, 708

J. E., of Spencer (Mass.), iv. 159





Bacon, Jacob, of Brandon, iii. 439, 443²

of Lanesboro (Mass.), i. 753²

James, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 20², 21

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 36

James T., in Barre, iv. 46

Jedediah, of Northfield, iv. 672

Job, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Lt. John, of Randolph, ii. 1031

Joseph, of Randolph, ii. 1045, 1047²

Katherine, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

Laura, of Spencer (Mass.), iv. 153

Lement, Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Levi, of Brandon, iii. 472²

of Strafford, ii. 1069, 1088²

Lucy (Weston), wife of Joseph Bacon, ii. 1045

Melisse (Scofield), wife of Nathaniel Bacon, ii. 443²

N. C., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 280, 337

Nathaniel, from Chesterfield (N. H.), of Brandon, iii. 443², 453²

of New Haven (Conn), iii. 185(2)

Nathaniel jr., of Brandon, iii. 443², 444

Olive (Strong), wife of Jacob Bacon, iii. 439, 443²

Philip, of Brandon, iii. 443², 455²

Ruth, of Northfield, iv. 708

Samuel, of Groton, i. 321(2) ; iv. 1147², 1148

of Montpelier, iv. 530

Simeon of Vershire, ii. 1182²

William, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Bacon family of Brandon, iii. 443²-4

of Lyndon, i. 344

Badgeley, Joseph, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Badger, Dr., of Westminster, iv. 1135

Aaron, of Charleston, iii. 109

C. W., of Montpelier, iv. 396

Charles W., of Montpelier, iv. 551, 571

J. E., of Montpelier, iv. 353

James, in militia, ii. 513²

John, of Charleston, iii. 108², 122

in militia, ii. 513²

John E., of Montpelier, iv. 353²

Dr. Jonathan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603

Gen. Joseph, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Philip D., of Greensboro, iii. 221

Samuel, of Chelsea, ii. 873

of Greensboro, iii. 221

William P., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 353²

Badger & Wheeler, of Randolph, ii. 996

Badord, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 341

Baggs, Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103²

Lucinda (Tenney), wife of Charles Baggs, v. pt. 2, 103²

Bagley, Maj., in Civil war, iv. 127²

A., of Barre, iv. 41²

Amos, of Warren, iv. 806²

Benjamin, of Ira, iii. 779²

Benjamin jr., of Ira, iii. 779²

Dea. David, of Topsham, ii. 1106², 1110

Ethalston, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

F. M., of Topsham, ii. 842

Henry J., of Elmore, ii. 627

Jacob, see also Bayley, Jacob, of Newbury

Jonathan, pioneer of Goshen, i. 39

Lewis, of Moretown, iv. 603²

of Warren, iv. 807²

P. D., of Warren, iv. 807²

Peter, of Newbury, ii. 947²(2)

Samuel, from Sterling (Mass.), of Athens, v. pt. 2, 357, 366

of Warren, iv. 806²

Sarah, m. Phineas Bailey, ii. 899

Walter, of Warren, iv. 807

William A., of Topsham, ii. 1111

Bahan, George, of Bennington, i. 260

Bailey, ____ Fairfield, Belvidere, ii. 594²

of Fairfield, ii. 301

of Guildhall, i. 1002²

of Newbury, ii. 944

of Peacham, i. 359²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

Dr., at Berkshire, ii. 126²

of Brookfield, ii. 863

Rev. A. F., of Rutland, iii. 1047²

A. H., i. 205, 2d ed. 204

of Montpelier, iv. 281

Rev. A. H., i. 864

of Brandon, iii. 478²

of Castleton, iii. 514²

of Enosburg, ii. 147

of Montgomery, ii. 277

of Poultney, iii. 998²

of Sheldon, i. 879 note; iii. 737

hist, of Sheldon Episcopal church, ii. 379²-80

on Rev. Bethuel Chittenden, i. 879-83

A. M., of Greensboro, iii. 220²

Aaron, of Calais, iv. 165²

of Peacham, i. 362²

Mrs. Aaron, of Peacham, i. 362²

Abigail, of Newbury, ii. 919

Abijah, of Greensboro, iii. 220²

Abner, of Newbury, ii. 919

Rev. Abner, in Newbury, ii. 919²

Abner A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

Achsah, of Fletcher, ii. 201

Rev. Albert, of Sheldon, ii. 372², 376², 380

Rev. Albert H., at Montgomery and East Berkshire, ii. 113²

of Rutland, iii. 1021²

of Sheldon, i. 741² note

Almon, of Poultney, iii. 998²





Bailey, Rev. Alvin, of Coventry, iii. 155, 157²

Amherst, of Newbury, ii. 919

Amon, of Poultney, iii. 981²

Anna, of Peacham, i. 363

m. Daniel Baldwin, v. pt. 2, 179²

Arvilla (Jackson), wife of Silas Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

B. F., of Burlington, i. 510

Bealey, of Shoreham, i. 96²

Benjamin, of Shoreham, i. 96²

Benjamin F., of Burlington, i. 468² note, 504, 624²; ii. 480; iv. 573

sketch, i. 645-6

Benleth (Gove), wife of Chester W. Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Betsey, of Fletcher, ii. 201

C., of Westfield, iii. 356 note

Caleb, of Middlesex, iv. 240²

Caroline (Huntley), wife of Abner Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Catharine F. (Hyde), wife of Benjamin F. Bailey, i. 624², 646

Catherine (Neale), wife of Rev. A. H. Bailey, iii. 999

Charles, of Winhall, i. 246²

Charles F., of Troy, iii. 338 note

Charles W., iv. 592

of Montpelier, iv. 332, 348², 505(2)

Chester W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

Clara, of Montpelier, iv. 505²

Cyrus, of Berlin, iv. 58², 1188²

D., of Fletcher, ii. 215

D. B., of Highgate and St. Albans, ii. 264²

Dana, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541², 550

Dana R., of St. Albans, i. 93, 95, 481

Daniel, from Weare (N. H.), of Fletcher, ii. 201(2), 208²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 659

Daniel W., of Greensboro, iii. 220²

David, of Albany, iii. 62

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152², 179(2)

Dudley, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108, 179(2)

E. W., of Montpelier, iv. 275, 333², 505²

E. W., & co., of Montpelier, iv, 281

Ebenezer, of Berlin, iv. 68, 1188²

of Fletcher, ii. 201

Edson Carolus, of Newbury, poems, ii. 952²-3

Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 505²

Edwin W., of Montpelier, iv. 550²

Electa, m. William H. Merriam, v. pt. 2, 179²

Elijah, of Readsboro, i. 220², 221, 2d ed. 219, 220

Elizabeth, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Elizabeth (Bryant), wife of Levi Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Ella, of Montpelier, iv. 505²

Elnathan, of Greensboro, iii. 220²

Emily (Bryant), wife of Jason R. Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Mrs. Emory (née Washburn), iv. 530

Enos jr., of Pittsford, iii. 943², 944

Ephraim, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

of Newbury, ii. 919, 932

Ezekiel, from Newbury (Mass.), of Newbury, Vt., ii. 945

F., ii. 531(2)

F. M., of Fairlee, ii. 899, 905²

Flavel, of Peacham, i. 325²

Fry, of Newbury, ii. 926

Capt. Fry, of Newbury, ii. 927, 955²(2), 1074

Frye, Orange co. officer, ii. 804²(2)

Capt. Frye, in Rev. war, ii. 389²; iii. 129

G. F., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 505²

Rev. G. H., see Bailey, Rev. Albert H.

G. W., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Rev. G. W., of Lebanon (N. H.), iv. 26

of Morristown, ii. 690

George Franklin, from Burlington, of Chicago, i. 473², 646

Rev. George H. of Newport, iii, 296(2), 297(2), 374

George W., i. 464² note

of Elmore, Berlin & Middlesex, ii. 627 (2) ; iv. 237², 283, 504²

of Montpelier, iv. 524

of Lamoille co., ii. 591

George W. jr., of Montplier, iv. 13², 273², 277², 358, 504²

Georgiana (Reed), wife of George W. Bailey jr., iv. 504²

H. W., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487²

of Orange, ii. 957

Hannah, of Berlin, iv. 1189

of Ira, iii. 783

m. ____ Mann, ii. 899

Harriet (Guyer), wife of J. Warren Bailey, iv. 505²

Harry J., of Troy, iii. 340 note

Haynes, of Fletcher, ii. 201, 202

Henry, from Dummerston, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 179²

of Greensboro, iii. 220²

Henry D., of Franklin co., ii. 95

Henry W., of Newbury, ii. 944(2)

Orange co. officer, ii. 807

Capt. Ira A., of Troy, iii. 328²

Isaac, of Newbury, ii. 919, 927

Orange co. officer, ii. 804²(2), 805(2)

Israel, of Groton, i. 321; iv. 1146, 1148

J., of Charleston, iii. 109

J. B., of Fairlee, ii. 905²(2)

Rev. J. D., iv. 145²






Bailey, Rev. J. G., of Hyde Park, ii. 590

J. W., portrait of, iv. 286

Rev. J. W., of Brattleboro, v. 179

of Stowe, ii. 703

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 17²

J. Warren, of Montpelier, iv. 307, 505, 549, 592

Gen. Jacob, of Newbury, i. 266², 313², 323², 362(2), 375, 376; ii. 802², 804²(2), 807, 828, 917², 918(2), 920²(2), 921(2), 926²-7, 929, 930, 931, 1109; iii. 210; iv. 965², 968², 971, 1146², 1156; v. 14²

letters, ii. 934²-8

sketch, ii. 919

see also Bayley, Gen. Jacob

Mrs. Jacob, of Newbury, ii. 927²(2)

Jacob jr., of Newbury, ii. 919, 927

James, of Newbury, ii. 919, 927², 935

of Peacham i. 359², 363

Dr. James, of Ticonderoga (N. Y.), iv. 505²

Rev. James, of Barnet, i. 299²

of Peacham, i. 322²

James jr., of Peacham, i. 363

James A., of Newbury, ii. 945²

Dr. James H., of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Rev. James J., in Wells, iii. 1194²

Jason R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

Maj. Jerome B., of Fairlee, ii. 899(2), 905

Eld. Jerome D., of Woodbury, iv. 877

Jesse, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

of Westfield, iii. 358²

Jesse jr., of Corinth, ii. 883²

John, of Newbury, ii. 919, 927(2); iii. 129

of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 638²

John jr., of Newbury, ii. 944²(2)

John 2d, of Groton, iv. 1166²

John G., Orange co. officer, ii. 804(2)

Rev. John G., of Hyde Park, ii. 656(2)

Capt. John G., in Rev. war, ii. 389²

John H., of Fletcher, ii. 205²-6

John L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

Jonas, of Readsboro, i. 221, 2d ed. 220

Jonathan, of Coventry, iii. 144

of Fletcher, ii. 201(2), 208

Joseph C., of Elmore, ii. 627

Joshua, of Newbury, ii. 927, 945; iv. 58²

Joshua jr., of Newbury, ii. 947²

Julia (Pattee), wife of Orra Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Katherine (Smith), 2d wife of Wil­liam Dailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Rev. Kiah, of Greensboro, iii. 215²(2)

L. M., of Landgrove, i. 198², 2d ed. 198

Rev. Lansing. of Shaftsbury, i. 236, 2d ed. 235²

Levi, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179(2)

Lois (Gould), wife of William Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179²

Louisa, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Luther, of Albany, iii. 62

Lydia, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Lydia (Allen), wife of David Bai­ley, v. pt. 2, 179²(2)

Marcia, m, Louis Follett, i. 646

Mary, of Peacham, i. 363

Mary 2d, of Peacham, i. 360², 363

Moses, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241, 242²

Myron W., of Franklin co., ii. 95(2)

Nathan, or Fletcher, ii. 201, 202

Nathaniel, of Cabot, iv. 122²

Noyes, of Newbury, ii. 919, 945

Orra, from Dummerston, of Mass., v. pt. 2, 179²

Percival, of Groton, i. 321²

Peter, of Holland, iii. 238²

Philip, of Fairfield, iv. 970

of Fletcher, ii. 201

Phineas, from Dunbarton (N. H.) of Fairlee, ii. 899, 905²(2)

Rev. Phineas, of Berkshire, ii. 114; iii. 117

of Charleston, iii. 117

Polly, of Fletcher, ii. 201

m. Joel French, v. pt. 2, 42², 179

Prudence (Noyes), wife of Gen. Jacob Bailey, ii. 919(2)

R., of Montpelier, iv. 351

Rachel, m. Benjamin Byron, i. 1035²

Richard, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 31²

from Mass., of Berlin, iv. 1188(2), 1189(2)

Ruhamah (Dunster), wife of Dudley Bailey, v. pt. 2, 179(2)

Russell, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 649

S. E., of Montpelier, iv. 562²

S. W., of Fair Haven, iii. 730

Sally, of Fletcher, ii. 201

of Newbury, ii. 945²

Samuel, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

of Coventry, iii. 159

of Elmore, ii. 627

of Greensboro, iii. 220²

Samuel W., of Fair Haven, iii. 708

Sarah, of Ira, iii. 783

Sarah (Bagley), wife of Phineas Bailey, ii. 899

Seth M., of Roxbury, iv. 759², 761(2)

Silas A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

Silas E., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

Sophronia, of Newbury, ii. 919





Bailey, Squier, of East Montpelier, iv. 584², 586

Susan, of Brunswick, i. 963

Susan (Colburn), wife of Rev. A. H. Bailey, iii. 737, 999

T. O., of Montpelier, iv. 335², 549

T. W., of Montpelier, iv. 562²(2)

Theron, of Montpelier, iv. 230²

Theron L., of Greensboro, iii. 220²

Theron O., of Montpelier, iv. 287², 505(2), 550²

Thomas, of Shoreham, i. 94²

Thomas R., of Rutland, iii. 1100²

Thomas W., of Barre, iv. 23²

Ward, of Lemington, i. 1014

Lt. Ward, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Capt. Ward, of Maidstone, i. 945, 1028²(2)

Col. Ward, of Guildhall, i. 999, 1000(2), 1006, 1009, 1027²(2), 1029², 1035²

William, from West Newbury (Mass.), of Newbury, ii. 945²

William D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²

William P., of Shoreham, i. 96²

Baileys, of Irasburgh, iii. 242

of Peacham, i. 360²; iii. 246²

Bailey & Bros., of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Bailey & Marsh, of Burlington, i. 646

Bailey & Park, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Bailey, Bullock & co., Chicago, iv. 505

Bailies, Timothy, of Randolph, ii. 1042²

Bailis, Nicholas, see Baylies, Nicholas

Baily, Daniel, of Brownington, iii. 91²

Jacob, ii. 1095

Jerome, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 35

Rev. Phinehas, of Albany, iii. 57²

Baird, ____, of Dummerston v. pt. 2, 15

D. jr., of Chittenden, iii. 548

Hiram F., of Chittenden, iii. 548(2), 549

James, of Barton, iii. 73²(2)

of Fayston, iv. 188

John, of Barton, iii. 73²(2), 86²

of Roxbury, iv. 751²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 535²

L. L., of Chittenden, iii. 549²

Margaret, m. Alexander Kathan, v. pt. 2, 14²

Mercy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 15

R. K., of Chittenden, iii. 548

S. S., of Chittenden, iii. 548

Thaddeus, of Chittenden, iii. 549²

Thomas, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 535²

Baker, ____, in Bakersfield, ii. 138

m. Silas Willard, iii. 931²

of Castleton, iii. 509, 513², 514

of Isle La Motte, ii. 555

of Lyndon, i. 347(2)

of Pompey (N. Y.), iii. 917

of Stamford, i. 237

of N. Y., ii. 644²; iii. 860²

son of Remember Baker, of Arlington, i. 233

Dr., of Pawlet, iii. 893², 950

of Guilford, v. pt. 2, 185

Mrs., of Morristown, ii. 682²

Rev., in Grand Isle, ii. 536

of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Rev. A. A., in Cornwall, i. 25

A. C., of Morristown, ii. 689²

A. D., of Danby, iii. 604

A. G., of Brandon, iii. 500

A. S., of Danby, iii. 601, 608², 612, 666

poems, iii. 669

Aaron, of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202²

Dr. Aaron, of Pittsford, iii. 949²

Abigail, of Ira, iii. 783²

Absalom, grantee of Williamstown, ii. 1140²

in Benson, iii. 406

of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Achsa (Griswold), wife of Edward Baker, ii. 151²

Addie (Howe), wife of Joel C. Baker, iii. 609²

Adelaide, m. Loren F. Sheldon, iii. 610

Albert A., of Danby, iii. 660

Alexander, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Alice, m. P. W. Thompson, iii. 610

Alvin H., from Leominster (Mass.), of Enosburg, sketch, ii. 465

ms. of his history of Enosburg unfinished, ii. 154² note

papers from, ii. 149²-51², 153

poem, ii. 465² 6

statistics regarding Enosburg, ii. 144²-5

Amasa, of Danby, iii. 609²

Ann, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Anna, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

of Newport, iii. 296

Anna (Hosmore), wife of Jonathan Baker, iii. 609²

Anson, of Danby, iii. 609²

Anthony, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

of Goshen, i. 35, 36²

Arabell (Gilbert), 3d wife of Alvin H. Baker, ii. 465²

Rev. Ariel Anson, sketch, ii. 151, 154² note

Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1132²

Austin, of Danby, iii. 603

Austin S., of Danby, iii. 599², 604, 609²

Benjamin, of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Danby, iii. 609²

Brayton, of Danby, iii. 609, 650

Rev. C. L., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480²

Rev. Calvin, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 237

Candace, m. Daniel Kelley, iii. 609²





Baker, Charles, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Charles S., of Missouri, ii. 465²

Constant, of Swanton, iv. 1003(2)

Cornelia J. (Child), wife of Allen C. Baker, iv. 917

Daniel, of Isle La Motte, ii. 555, 563

pioneer of St. Albans, ii. 291

David, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58

Dr. David, of Glover, iii. 208²

Desire, sister of Capt. Remember Baker, i. 133

Desire (Hurlbert), wife of Remember Baker, i. 124², 133, 768, 2d ed. 125, 134²

E. D., on Gen. Orville Clark, iii. 858-61

Ebenezer, of Pawlet, iii. 908², 931²

Edia, of Danby, iii. 590, 597², 601, 603², 609²(2)

Edward, in Bakersfield, ii. 108

of Swanton, iv. 1059

pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 133², 147, 151²

Electa, dau. of Ozi Baker, i. 133², 2d ed. 135

Elijah, from Canterbury (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 908²

of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

Elijah jr., of Georgia, ii. 249²

Elisha, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

of Westford, i. 891²

of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

Elizabeth, of Danby, iii. 609²

m. Jonas Warren, iii. 127²

Ephraim, of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

Esther (Gordon), wife of Willard Baker, iii. 610

Eugenie (Emerson), wife of Oliver G. Baker, iii. 610

Ezra, of Essex, i. 779

Mrs. Fanny A.. of Putney, v. pt. 2, 465

George, of Danby, iii. 609², 610

George 2d, of Danby, iii. 610

George W., of Danby, iii. 602, 666

Gideon, of Danby, iii. 588

of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866², 867(2), 868(2)

Mrs. H. R., of Stowe, ii. 717

Rev. H. V., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 348

of R. I., v. pt. 2, 392²

Hannah (Millard), wife of Peter Baker, iii. 609²

Harvey, of Pawlet, iii. 893

Heman, of Newport, iii. 296

Mrs. Henriette (Scott), wife of Edia Baker, iii. 609²

Henry J., of Danby, iii. 660

of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Henry S., of Danby & Pawlet, iii. 610

Mrs. Hetty (Darling), wife of Ozi Baker, i. 133² and note, 2d ed. 135 and note

Ichabod, of Pawlet, iii. 908²

Isaac, of Ira, iii. 779²

Capt. J. C., v. pt. 35, 69

Jacob, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 149², 151(2), 465

James, grantee of Danby, iii. 577

of Enosburg, ii. 398²

of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Dea. James, see Barber, Dea. James

Jennie (Williams), wife of George Baker, iii. 610

Joel C., from Danby, of Rutland, iii. 609², 1183²

John, from New London (Conn.), of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

of Barre, iv. 32²

of Danby, iii. 609²

of Ira, iii. 779(2), 780, 783

of Swanton, iv. 998, 1002², 1093², 1132, 1185²

Rev. John, statistics regarding Enosburg, ii. 144²

John jr., of Arlington, i. 133², 2d ed. 135

of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

John K., of Burlington, i. 551², 552²(2), 553², 555

Jonas, surveyed Bloomfield, i. 950

survey of Victory, i. 1046

Jonathan, of Danby & Mt. Holly, iii. 609²(2)

Joseph, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

of Ira, iii. 779², 783

of Northampton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 150

pioneer of Bakersfield, ii. 103, 104, 108, 132²(2), 133, 151²

Rev. Joseph, in Bloomfield, i. 951²(2)

in Cambridge, ii. 605²

of Fairfield, ii. 197²

in St. Albans, ii. 464

of Swanton, iv. 1096²

Joseph jr., grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Rev. Joseph L., of Alburg, ii. 507²

Julia (Sheldon), wife of John Baker, iii. 609²

L., of Newport, iii. 34

Laura, m. Fitch Clark, iii. 911

Levi, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²

Lois, m. Oliver Hubbard, v. pt. 2, 91²

Lorane, m. ____ Barnes. i. 133², 2d ed. 135





Baker, Mrs. Lucy (Hard), wife of Ozi Baker, i. 133², 2d ed. 135

Mrs. Luke, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Luther, of Arlington, i. 133², 2d ed. 135

of Newport, iii. 295², 305²

Lydia, m. Josiah Toby, iii. 928²

m. Emer Wooden, iii. 609²

of Ira, iii. 783

Mrs. Lydia, of Stamford i. 238

Lydia Ann, m. Timothy Shepard, iii. 610

Lydia (Davis), wife of Alvin H. Baker, ii. 465²

Lydia (Hill), wife of Sanford Ba­ker, iii. 610

Mahala (Davis), 2d wife of Alvin H. Baker, ii. 465²

Marcellus, of Mt. Holly, iii. 609²

Margaret, of Newport, iii. 296

Marion (Williams), wife of Henry J. Baker, iii. 610

Marshall, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Martha F. (Rolfe), wife of Ariel Anson Baker, ii. 151

Mary, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

m. David Clarke, ii. 469

m. George Bealls, iii. 610

m. Joseph Allen, i. 133, 561², 770, 2d ed. 134²

m. Josiah Southwick, iii. 648²

m. Dr. Silas Hodges, iii. 565²

Merrill, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Mindwell, m. Peleg Stone, i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

Moses, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

grantee of Townshend, v. pt 2, 533²

N. L., of Danby, iii. 597²

Nabby (Perkins), wife of Jacob Baker, ii. 151

Nahum, surveyor of Burlington, i. 493, 496

Nancy, m. ____ Yates, i. 133², 2d ed. 135

Naomi, m. Louis Streeter, iii. 610

Nathan, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Nathaniel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Nathaniel L., of Danby, iii. 610

Nelson, of South Hero, ii. 586

Bishop O. C., iv. 385², 708²

O. G., of Danby, iii. 666

Oliver G., of Danby, iii. 610, 656

Oreon, of Danby, iii. 609²

Rev. Osman C., iv. 380

in Newbury, ii. 951², 952

Ozi, of Arlington, i. 133² and note, 770, 2d ed. 135(2) and note

P. A., of Fair Haven, iii. 710

Peter, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

from R. I. of Danby, iii. 609²

Lt. Peter, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Philena, of Danby, iii. 609²

Philene (née Hascall), iii. 917

Philip, of Cambridge, ii. 605²(2)

Philip H., of Topsham, ii. 1107²

Capt. Remember, from Roxbury (Conn.), i. 50², 123 note, 124-7, 133-4, 151, 456, 463, 471, 489², 491², 571, 638, 661², 667² and note, 770-1, 909, 2d ed. 124², 126. 134²-5, 153²

of Arlington, i. 233²

cut road from Castleton to Col­chester, i. 492

grantee of Burlington, i. 488², 490

grantee of Georgia, ii. 233, 239²

in Clarendon, iii. 556

in Colchester, i. 760-2; ii. 234

in Sunderland, i. 240

in Vergennes, i. 11

of Pawlet, iii. 885, 908²

sketch, i. 133, 2d ed. i. 134-5

Capt. Remember, from Woodbury (Conn.), of Colchester, sketch, i. 765-70

Remember 3d, from Arlington, in N. Y., 133², 2d ed. 135

Mrs. Remember, i. 233, 762

Reuben, of Ira, iii. 779², 782(2), 783

Rhoda, dau. of Ozi, i. 133², 2d ed. 135

m. Asa Smith, iii. 647²

Robert, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 219², 251

Roxana, of Newport, iii. 296

Rufus, of Newport, iii. 296

of Pawlet, iii. 908²

Russell, of Ira, iii. 783²

Ruth (Holton), wife of Joseph Baker, v. pt. 2, 150

S., of Swanton, iv. 1059

Salusha (Davenport), wife of Edia Baker, iii. 609²

Samuel, i. 128-9, 2d ed. 129², 134²

of Concord (Mass.), ii. 151

grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Dea. Samuel, of Greensboro, iii. 41, 216

Col. Samuel, of Greensboro, iii. 213

Samuel H., of Burlington, i. 655²

Samuel S., of Arlington, iv. 573

Sanford, of Danby, iii. 609², 656²

of Mt. Holly & Mt. Tabor, iii. 610

Sarah, of Danby, iii. 609²

of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

m. Daniel Axtel, iii. 609²

Schuller, of Swanton, iv. 1059

Solomon, of Danby, iii. 592²

Sophronia (Bartlett), wife of Nathaniel L. Baker, iii. 610

Stephen, of Danby, iii. 609²(2)

Sumner W., of Danby, iii. 610





Baker, Susanna (Mathewson), wife of Stephen Baker, iii. 609²

T., of Barton, iii. 45²

Mrs. Tamar (Warner), wife of Re­member Baker, i. 123 note, 133, 2d ed. 134²

Theron P., of Enosburg, ii. 137

letter to Miss Hemenway, ii. 149

on Alvin H. Baker, ii. 465²

Therry, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Thomas, of Barton, iii. 46²(2), 75

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 252²

Dr. Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76, 95²

Eld. Thomas, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20

Rev. Thomas, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

Thomas H., of Franklin co., ii. 94²

U., of Rutland, iii. 1097

W. F., of Northfield, iv. 698²

Willard, of Danby, iii. 609², 610(2), 615²

William, of Charleston, iii. 120

of Orange, ii. 956²

Zebulon, from Bennington, of Cam­bridge, ii. 598, 621

Zenas, of Cambridge, ii. 612²(2)

of St. Albans, ii. 433

Baker & Merrifield, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726

Bakewell, Rev. W. W., of Swanton, iv. 1087 ²

Balch, ____, m. Sidney A. Miller, v. pt. 2, 134

Lt., v. pt. 2, 307

Allen, of Northfield, iv. 645, 672³

Amos, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

Barney, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 118

Barney D., of Charleston, iii. 109

Benjamin, iv. 283

Cyrus, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

Edward, of Charleston, iii. 108², 119, 120

Enos, in Enosburg, ii. 133²

Mrs. H. D., of Northfield, iv. 672

Mrs. Hepsebah (Dodge), wife of Allen Balch, iv. 645

Mrs. Israel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

P., of Charleston, iii. 121

Robert, of Johnson, ii. 693²

Samuel, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

Mrs. W. S., v. pref.

Rev. W. S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 134

William, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485²

Rev. William A., of Brattleboro, v. 178²

Rev. William S., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349²

Balch, Kearney & Hinch, ii. 329

Balches, from N. H., of Johnson, ii. 671

Balcom, Darius (Wheeler), wife of Francis Balcom, v. pt. 2, 476²

Francis from Newfane, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 476²

Henry, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 482

Mable, m. Samuel Chase, v. pt. 2, 717

Balding, Mary L. of Sudbury, iii. 1137²

Baldridge, Daniel, from R. I., of Pawlet, iii. 903, 908²

Daniel jr., of Pawlet, iii. 908²

Edward, of Pawlet, iii. 908²

James, of Pawlet, iii. 881

Baldwin, ____, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480²

of the Coos country, i. 944

m. Charles Reed, iv. 516²

m. Marcus D. Gilman, iv. 516²

Dr., in Corinth, ii. 882²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

of Strafford, ii. 1071

Mrs. of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

Messrs., of Bloomfield, i. 950²

Rev., in Cambridge, ii. 620, 621

Rev., of Fairfield, ii. 197²(2)

of Swanton, iv. 1080²

in West Fairlee, ii. 915²

Capt., of N. Y., ii. 644

Col., of Mass., iii. 420

A. C., of Salem, iii. 307²

A. T., of Wells River, ii. 955²

Aaron, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 10

Abraham, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Rev. Abram, missionary in Colchester, i. 777²

Albert, of Chester, v. 7

Alpheus, of Westfield (N. Y.), iii. 914

Anna (Bailey), wife of Daniel Bald­win, v. pt. 2, 179²

Asa, of Dorset, i. 182 note, 184², 186-7, 2d ed. 183² note, 185², 188

Mrs. Asa, return to Dutchess co. (N. Y.), i. 187, 2d ed. 188

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Bedee, m. Richard Kilbury, v. pt. 2, 36²

Benjamin, iv. 901; v. 14²

from Andover, v. pt. 3¹, 18

of Bradford, ii. 815², 816, 823²(2)

of Londonderry, iv. 232

of Middlesex, iv. 886², 887

from N. Y., pioneer of Dorset, i. 182 and note, 186², 2d ed. 183, 187²

grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092(2)

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651²

of Worcester, iv. 897²

Betsey, m. Israel Dewey, iv. 61²

Bradstreet, of Londonderry & Mid­dlesex, iv. 231², 232, 234²

Charles C. P., of Bradford, ii. 819

Orange co. officer, ii. 806² (2)





Baldwin, Cornelia, m. Pliny Curtis jr., iv. 153²

D., & co., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Daniel, of Montpelier, iv. 2², 6(2), 22², 70(2), 72, 156², 230, 247, 274, 276, 282, 285, 298, 302(2), 304(2), 305, 307², 314, 322, 327, 351, 352², 379, 394², 409, 410², 474, 483², 489(2), 513, 537, 547², 549², 558², 568, 591, 659²

portrait, iv. opp. p. 516

sketch, iv. 516-9

Mrs. Daniel, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Daniel, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 179²

David, v. pt. 2, 684²

David jr., grantee of Bloomfield, i. 932² note

Dorothy, m. Henry Wooster jr., iii. 932²

Dudley, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Ebenezer, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Ens. Edmund, of Hinesburg, i. 795(2), 797, 798², 805

Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Eleazer, of Manchester, i. 204, 205

of Strafford, ii. 1081², 1082, 1083

pioneer of Dorset, i. 186², 2d ed. 187²

from Mansfield (Conn), of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338², 339², 346, 355

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670

Elisha, pioneer of Dorset, i. 186², 2d ed. 187²

Eliza, m. Jedediah P. B. Ladd, iv. 901

Elizabeth (Pennock), m. John Alger, ii. 1073² note

Emeline, m. Rev. John A. Avery, ii. 1160²

Emily Eliza, m. Charles Reed, iv. 513

Emily (Wheelock), wife of Daniel Baldwin, iv. 516²

Rev. F., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164

Rev. F. N. B., in Corinth, ii. 888

Fred H., i. 805

Frederick, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673

Frederick H., of Hinesburg, i. 796

Rev. G. C. jr., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44

George, lawyer, iii. 37

George P., of Bradford, ii. 823²(2), 824

Orange co., ii. 806²(2)

H. M., of Newport, iii: 295²

Hannah (Havens), wife of Daniel Baldwin, iv. 516

Isaac, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

of Strafford, ii. 1079, 1083 note

from Westminster, of Coventry, iii. 143(2), 149²(2)

Jacob, of Worcester, iv. 893², 897², 903

James, of Orange, ii. 957, 969²

Midshipman James M., i. 678², 680²

Jane (Fitch), wife of Alpheus Baldwin, iii. 914

Jared, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Jared jr., grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Jeduthian, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

Jeremiah, of Strafford, ii. 1073² note, 1080

Jeremy, of Pawlet, iii. 903

Jesse, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20(2)

Joel, of Pawlet, iii. 905

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107², 110²

from Hebron (Conn.), of Fairlee, ii. 891² and note, 898, 900

of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

of Roxbury, iv. 753², 759²

Rev. John, from Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 391²

John B., Universalist society of Strafford, ii. 1080-3

Rev. John C., of Fairfield, ii. 197²

of Strafford, ii. 1082(2)

Jonathan, of Coventry, iii. 149²

Rev. Jonathan, of Coventry, iii. 157²

of Derby, iii. 181²(2)

Rev. L., in Shelburne, i. 883²

Levi, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20

Rev. Levi, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²

Lucia L., m. W. C. D. Grannis, iv. 517

Lucius, of Rutland, iii. 1046

Rev. Lucius, of Brandon, iii. 474

in Charlotte, i. 742²

in Danby, iii. 606²

of Swanton, iv. 1087

Lucy, of Burlington, i. 533

Lydia, m. Ebenezer Waste, v. pt. 2, 713

M. H., of Hinesburg, i. 798²

Maria Malleville, m. Marcus D. Gil­man, iv. 156², 558²

Mary, m. John Spofford, iii. 1150²

Mary (Rice), wife of Thomas Bald­win, v. pt. 2, 618²

Nancy, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Nathan G., of Monkton, ii. 1160²

Olive, m. Benjamin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Orange, from New Milford (Conn.), of Hinesburg, i. 805

Mrs. Polly, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Polly, m. William Buell, iii. 689

Rinda (Spaulding), wife of Asa Baldwin, v. pt. 2, 26²





Baldwin, Mrs. Ruth, wife of Benjamin Baldwin, i. 186², 2d ed. 188

Mrs. Sally (née Richards), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 609

Samuel, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

of Pawlet, iii. 885²

Seth, with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Silas, pioneer of Dorset, i. 186², 2d ed. 187²

of Worcester, iv. 897²

Solomon, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Mrs. Susan (Jackson), i. 192 note, 194, 2d ed. 193 note, 195²

Mrs. Susanna, m. Benjamin Jones jr., v. pt. 2, 51²

Susanna (Stowe), wife of Edmund Baldwin, i. 805

Sylvanus, of Montpelier, iv. 275², 276, 285(2), 300², 301², 302(2), 307², 308², 309, 351, 352, 387², 391², 516, 568

Thomas, of Brandon, iii. 431(2), 433

of Coventry, iii. 141²(2), 155, 159(2)

of Derby, iii. 181²

of Dorset, i. 186², 2d ed. 187²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 618², 625

Rev. Thomas, in Lowell, iii. 272

from Plymouth, in Peru, i. 209², 2d ed. 208²

Rev. Truman, of Charlotte, i. 741; ii. 347

Willard, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 34, 37(2), 46²

William, of Bridport, i. 18

William A., of Strafford, ii. 1081²

Baldwin & Prentiss, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Baldwin & Scott, of Montpelier, iv. 156², 278²

Baldwin, Hutchins & co., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Baldwin, Scott & co., of Montpelier, iv 279

Balentine, Mrs. of Calais, iv. 136(2)

Balestier, Joseph N., of N. Y., v. 174²

Balfour, ____, v. pt. 2, 477

Balis, John, of Benson, iii. 407, 706

of Fair Haven, iii. 708

Reuben, of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²

William, of Hubbardton, iii. 772²; iv. 1184²

see also Bates

Balis family of Groton, iv. 1171-2, see Bates

Ball, ____, of Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 332²

Eld., of Albany, iii. 58²

Rev., in Lunenburg, i. 1021

A. H., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 5², 15², 21, 29², 31, 33, 34, 37², 40, 45, 46²

Mrs. A. H. (née Brewer), v. pt. 34, 33

Aaron, of Worcester, iv. 908²

Abraham, of Athens, iv. 573², v. pt. 2, 376

grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Abraham 2d, from Townshend (Mass.), of Athens, v. pt. 2, 375²

Amos, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 656², 651

Amos T., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 375²

Arad, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²

Arnold, of Newark, i. 358

Benjamin, of Bakersfield, ii. 107²

Betsey, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²

Calvin, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Celia M., i. 42²

Charles, of Springfield (Mass.), iii. 1018²

D. J., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 26²

Daniel, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

David, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Dustin, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

Ebenezer, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Edmund E., of Woodbury, iv. 877²

Edward, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

Eleazer of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20²

Rev. Eli, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 449²

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16²

Eusebius, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617

Ezekiel, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

of Woodbury, iv. 874², 875

Hannah (Edwards), wife of Abraham Ball 2d, v. pt 2, 375²

Rev. Heman, of Rutland, iii. 1018²(2), 1050, 1053(2), 1059², 1179²

Heron, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Isaac, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Israel, pioneer of Granville, i. 39²

J., of Rutland, iii. 1080²

Jacob, of North Hero, ii. 564

James, of Circleville (O.), v. pt. 2, 449

of Fair Haven, iii. 682

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 455², 480²

pioneer of Newark, i. 356², 357² 358, 985(2)

James B., of Concord, i. 968²

John, of Concord, i. 967²

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

from Wittshire (Eng.), v. pt. 2, 375²

Rev. John C., of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522²





Ball, Jonas, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

Jonathan, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Joseph, of Strafford, ii. 1080²

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

from Westboro (Mass.), of Concord, i. 967²(2), 968, 969, 971²

Joseph P., of Granville, i. 39²

Julia A., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 375²

Justin, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

L. Chandler, of Hoosic (N. Y.), i. 253²

Lemuel, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3², 10

Levi, of Concord, i. 968²

Luther, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Rev. M., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16²

Mark, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376(2)

Mary, m. Adin Thayer, v. pt. 2, 162

Mary (Burke), wife of Eusebius Ball, v. pt. 2, 617

Mary Graham, m. Silas Chipman Newton, v. pt. 2, 449

Nathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²

Nathaniel, of Granby, i. 995

P. E., of North Bennington, i. 141²(2), 2d ed. 144

Perley, of Newark, i. 356²

Mrs. Persis, wife of Israel Ball, i. 39²

Phineas, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651²

Sally, m. Daniel Rice, v. pt. 2, 530

Sarah, m. David Nurse, v. pt. 2, 106²

m. Joseph Gleason, v. pt. 2, 182

Mrs. Sylvania, of sutton, v. pt. 34, 39

Thomas, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Mrs. Ursula, see Painter, Mrs. Ursula (Ball)

Victoria, see Painter, Mrs. Victoria (Ball)

Ballad, Dorcas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

Ballantyne, Dr., of Schodack (N. Y.), iii. 564²

Ballard, Eld., of Unity (N. H.), in Cor­inth, ii. 887

A. K., of Burlington, i. 515

Alfred, of Tinmonth, iii. 1151²

Alfred Cowles, of Tinmouth & Winooski, iii. 1160², 1161

Anna, of Georgia, ii. 247²

Benjamin, of Peru, i. 212(2), 2d ed. 210²

Benjamin jr., of Peru, i. 212, 2d ed. 210²

Betsey (Warren), wife of Benjamin Ballard jr., i. 212, 2d ed. 210²

C. R., of Montpelier, iv. 291

Darwin, of Danby, iii. 653², 654

Dinah (Shippee), wife of Ezekiel Ballard, iii. 610

Elizabeth, m. John Day, v. pt. 2, 38²

Erasnius, of Albany, iii. 47²

Ezekiel, of Danby, iii. 587², 591², 592², 607², 608, 610

George, of Fairfax, ii. 206²

George A., of Georgia, ii. 243²

of Franklin co., ii. 95

H., of Tinmouth, iii. 1151²

H. H., of Georgia, ii. 250

Henry, of Burlington, iv. 1191

from Tinmouth, of Georgia, ii. 240

Henry C., of Burlington, iii. 1161(2)

Huldah, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

Isaac, of Danby, iii. 592

James, of Bennington, i. 163²-4, 2d ed. 165²

from Tinmouth, of Georgia, ii. 240

Jeffery, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149

Rev. Jeremiah, of Vermont & Mass., iii, 675

John Morrow, of Fair Haven, iii. 675(2)

John T., of Tinmouth, iii. 1149

Jonathan, of Charlemont (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 712²

Mrs. Jonathan (née Brown), v. pt. 2, 712²

Joseph, of Fair Haven, iii. 671(2), 677², 684

from Tinmouth, of Georgia, ii. 240, 462²

Rev. Joseph, from Georgia, of N. Y., ii. 242²(2)

Judith (Boyden), wife of Sylvanus Ballard, v. pt. 2, 38²

Mahlon, of Georgia, ii. 241²

Nathan, of Danby, iii. 592

O. L., of Burlington, i. 515

R. W., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Rollin C., of Tinmouth, iii. 1161

Samuel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Selvenus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88²

Stephen, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Sylvanus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 38², 77², 206

William, from Tinmouth & Georgia, ii. 240(2), 249²

Ballards, of Fair Haven, iii. 717

Ballou, ____, v. pt. 2, 477

printer (of Montpelier?), iv. 315

Eld., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 709

Rev., v. pt. 2, 559²

in Strafford, ii. 1083

Lt., at Gettysburg battle, i. 717²

Alma, poem, iii. 1186

Almon, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²

Charlotte (Goss), wife of Sumner Ballou, v. pt. 2, 188²

Cyrus, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 700





Ballou, David, of Brattleboro, v. 178

Mrs. Eli, of Bethel, iv. 768²

Eli, of Montpelier, iv. 314, 317, 319², 320, 336(2), 352

Rev. Eli, in Huntington, i. 827²

of Marshfield, iv. 208²(2)

in Montpelier, ii. 715; iv. 222, 289(2), 293, 355, 408(2), 409, 553, 576², 642², v. pt. 2, 316²

in Northfield, iv 652(2)

of Randolph, ii. 995²

of Stowe & Montpelier, ii. 712², 713; iv. 410

of Swanton, ii. 464(2); iv. 1096²

of Williston, i. 903²

Eliakim, of Wallingford, iii. 1164, 1167

George, of Tunbridge, ii. 1128

George E., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Rev. H. F., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 17²

Harriet B. (Hall), wife of Dr. N. H. Ballou, iv. 1135

Henriette, m. Asa Brown, iii. 614

Hosea, in Brattleboro, v. 178(2)

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 55

Rev. Hosea, iv. 576²

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 477

in Northfield, iv. 651²

in Strafford, ii. 1081

in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703²

founder of Universalism, v. pt. 3³, 17²

Rev. Hosea 2d, of Medford (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 316²

editor, i. 309

Hosea B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 697²

Hosea F., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 723², 724²

Rev. Hosea F., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349²

in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 704, 723

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 17

Irene, of Richmond (N. H.), iv. 178²

Jerome E., of Montpelier, iv. 523², 524

Joel, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Joseph L., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

M. A., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Mrs. Mary A., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²

Masenna F., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550

Maturen, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 700

Rev. Moses, in Concord, i. 975²

of Phila., v. 178

Dr. N. H., of Burlington, i. 504²

of St. Albans and Mechanicsville (N. Y.), iv. 1135

Newton of Swanton, iv. 1057

Dr. Newton H., of St. Albans, ii. 100

Olivia, of Wallingford, iii. 1167²

Rev. R. A., of Brattleboro, v. 179²

Sumner, of Mendon, v. pt. 2, 188²

Sylvia, m. Oliver Harrington, iii. 626²

Rev. W. S., of Brattleboro, v. 179

Rev. William, of Strafford, ii. 1082(2)

Rev. William S., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3², 17

Ballou & Burnham, of Montpelier, iv. 279, 320

Ballou & Loveland, of Montpelier, iv. 279², 293, 320

Ballou & Son, iv. 293

Ballou, Loveland & co., printers, iv. 315-20

Balls, Ithamar of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 502

Balser, Eld., of Rockingham, iii. 864

Baly, John, of Ira, iii. 779²

Bancier, Ambrosie, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Ambrosie jr., of Montpelier, iv. 530

Louis, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Bancroft ____, v. pt. 35, 21

Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 327

A., of Danby, iii. 602

A. D., of Montpelier, iv. 335²

Aaron, iv. 591

Aaron, of Boston, iv. 722²

of Montpelier, iv. 326², 327

sketch, iv. 475-6

Rev. Aaron, of Worcester (Mass.), i. 542; ii. 105²; iv. 475

Aaron jr., of Montpelier, iv. 476, 526²

Alice D., of Montpelier, iv. 527

Amasa, of Calais, iv. 176

of Danby, iii. 596², 599², 600(2), 601, 602

of Montpelier, iii. 610; iv. 351

of Plainfield, iv. 720, 723(2)

Anna F., of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Anna (Foster), wife of Aaron Bancroft, iv. 475²

Arthur Daggett of Montpelier, iv. 497(2), 527, 549

Asa, from Warmouth (Mass.), of Plainfield, iv. 721², 727², 730²

Azro, of Montpelier, iv. 330², 530

Baxter, of Plainfield, iv. 722², 723, 730(2), 731

Mrs. Baxter, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Benjamin, of Calais, iv. 147², 166, 176

Sgt. C., of Barre, iv. 41²

C. W., of Montpelier, iv. 411², 414², 548





Bancroft, C. Waterous, of Montpelier, iv. 723²

Carlos, of Montpelier, iv. 331, 336, 337², 339², 413; 527, 528, 529, 547², 548, 549(2), 591, 723²

portrait, iv. opp, p. 280

sketch, iv. 497

Mrs. Carlos (née Johnson), iv. 497

Carlos & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Carlos J., drowned, iv. 331

Charles, of Plainfield iv. 720, 722², 723(2), 731

of Roxbury, iv. 758², 759

Charles jr., of Plainfield, iv. 723

Charles De Forest, of Montpelier, iv. 326², 527, 550², 574, 584, 587, 590, 591

additional necrology, iv. 530-2

list of Civil war soldiers from Montpelier, iv. 520²-32²

Charles E., of Montpelier, iv. 476, 526²

Lt. Charles E., of Montpelier, iv. 523, 524

Chester, of Plainfield, iv. 723

Cornelius Watrous, of Montpelier, iv. 527

Daniel Foster, of Montpelier, iv. 476

David, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²

of Plainfield, iv. 726²

Dyer, of Chesterfield (Mass.), v. 68²

Edward C., of Montpelier, iv. 476

Eleazer, of Randolph, ii. 1015

Eliza, of Montpelier, iv. 476

Elizabeth (Bissell), wife of Eleazer Bancroft ii. 1015

Eunice, m. Ira F. Page, iv. 721²

Ezra, of Plainfield, iv. 722

Fred W., of Montpelier, iv. 331², 428²

Frederick W.. of Montpelier, iv. 497

Rev. G. C., iv. 380

George, iii. 758²

historian, iii. 393; iv. 475

hist. of the U. S. quoted, i. 147, 2d ed. 149²

George W., of East Montpelier, iv. 585²

H., of Calais, iv. 171²

Harrison, of Calais, iv. 137

Harvey, of Plainfield, iv. 719, 722(2), 723², 724², 725, 730

Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 476, 530

Horace, of Barre, iv. 722

of Calais, iv. 150²

Howard, from Montpelier, of Columbus (O.), iv. 527

James, of Roxbury, iv. 757², 758, 759, 763

Jennie, m. ____ Scott, iv. 497

John, of Barre, iv. 41(2)

of Calais, iv. 176

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²(2), 549, 551²

Lt. John, of Plainfield, iv. 720, 721², 723(2), 724², 728², 734

Jonathan, of Barre, iv. 37, 42

Juliette (Camp), wife of Arthur D. Bancroft, iv. 497²

L., of Calais, iv. 171²

Leonard, of Barre, iv. 46

Lewis, of Calais, iv. 143², 174, 723

Lucy, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Lydia (Hadwin), wife of Amasa Bancroft, iii. 610

Mrs., M. of Plainfield, iv. 730²-1

Margaret, of Montpelier, iv. 330

Mrs. Margaret (Wallace), (McLean), wife of Carlos Bancroft, iv. 497

Mary, m. Resolved Mack, i. 326

m. ____ Rogers, iv. 476

Moses, of Plainfield, iv. 722², 723(2), 724², 726, 730²

Moses 2d, of Plainfield, iv. 723

N. W.. of Calais, iv. 158²

Nathan, of Calais, iv. 143², 144, 165², 171

Nathaniel, of Calais, iv. 167, 168², 176², 339², 340

of Middlesex, iv. 237²

of Montpelier, iv. 298², 351(2)

of Plainfield, iv. 14

in War of 1812, ii. 392

Dr. Nathaniel, of Plainfield, iv. 722, 725, 730(2), 731

Phebe, of Calais, iv. 166

Phoebe, wife of John Bancroft, iv. 728²

Polly (Carrol), m. Sanford Kinne, iv. 722

Polly (Robinson), wife of Nathaniel Bancroft, iv. 168²

Preston, of Marshfield, iv. 723

S., of Calais, iv. 136

Sally, of Plainfield, iv. 726

Samuel, of Wood End (Mass,), iv. 475

Sarah, of Calais, iv. 166²

of Montpelier, iv. 476

Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, iv. 545²

Sarah (Hayes), wife of Dyer Ban­croft, v. 68²

Smilie, of Calais, iv. 142², 173

Thomas of Boston, iv. 475²

Tyler, of Plainfield, iv. 721²(2)

Watrous, of Montpelier, iv. 497

William, of Plainfield, iv. 721²

Bancroft & Holmes, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Bancroft & Riker, of Montpelier, iv. 279(2)

Bancroft & Spear, of Montpelier, iv. 277

Bane, ____, of Waitsfield, iv. 785

Banfield, George, of Corinth, ii. 874²

Banfill, Anna, of Topsham, ii. 1182

George, of Corinth, ii. 883





Banfill, Nathaniel, of Corinth, ii. 882²

Banger, Nicholas, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Bangs, Col., of Barton, iii. 75²

Adnah, pioneer of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9

James, of Derby, iii. 179

Mrs. James, of Derby, iii. 179

Rufus, of North Bennington, i. 141²(2), 2d ed. 144

Theophilus, of Grand Isle, ii. 534

Banister, Col., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 133²

Artemas, of Warren, iv. 806²

Mrs David, of Warren, iv. 806²

Sylvester, of Warren, iv. 807², 811²

Rev. Warren, of Barre, iv. 51²

circuit preacher, iv. 377

Banjor, ____, of N. Y., iii. 584

Banks, Dr., of Phila., i. 297(2)

Gen., v. pt. 35, 73²(2), 74

Benjamin, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Bentley, of Corinth, ii. 883

Elias, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

John, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191(2)

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Rev. John, i. 293

Jonathan B., in War of 1812, ii. 392

Littleton, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Gen. Nathaniel B., iii. 654², 900

Gen. Nathaniel Prentiss, retreat, ii. 577

Thaddeus, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Thomas, of Corinth, ii. 883

Bannester, Rev. Warren, in Northfield, iv. 649²

Banning, Lucy, m. Maj. Josiah Benjamin, iv. 60²

Bannister, Joseph, of Middletown, iii. 823², 836

Mary (Oatman), wife of Joseph Bannister, iii. 823²

Sylvester, of Warren, iv. 1192

Bantram, Daniel S., attorney, i. 473

Banyar, Goldsbrow, grantee of Bradford, ii. 809²(2)

Baptist, Eunice, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

John, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Baptiste, Jean, Indian, i. 455(2); iv. 962²-3, 967

Barber, ____, of Bridport, ii. 645²

____, of Georgia, ii. 247

____, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421²

____, of Pawlet, iii. 886²

____, of Pittsford, iii. 948; v. pt. 34, 948 note

____, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499

____, of Shelburne, i. 877²

Dr., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²

Mrs., of Brattleboro, v. 173

of Cambridge, ii. 601²

of Richmond, i. 846²

Rev. A. D., in Williston, i. 904²

on Rev. C. E. Ferrin, iv. 731-3; 732, 733

Dr. A. P., of Swanton, iv. 1138

Aaron, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Aaron, of Westfield, iii. 358

Allen, of Georgia, ii. 243²

Amaziah D., of St. Johnsbury, i. 397

Andrew, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

Dea. Anson, of Brattleboro, v. 181

Arthur Samuel, from Osborn (Mo.), v. pt. 2, 404

Azuba, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Azuba (Hitchcock), wife of David Barber, iii. 360²(2)

Betsey, of Benson, iii. 408

C., of Swanton, iv. 1041²

Rev. C., of Bennington, i. 163, 2d ed. 165

Dr. C. W., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

Clarissa (Whelpley), wife of David Barber, iv. 1174²

Cyrus, of Barre, iv. 42

D., of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217

D. S., m. John Tufts, v. pt. 2, 671²

Daniel, of Benson, iii. 407²(2), 408(2), 411

of Hubbardton, iii. 772², 1184²

of Shelburne, i. 859

of Sunderland, i. 866² (2)

grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Rev. Daniel, of Manchester, iii. 903², 933²

David, of Hubbardton, iii. 756; iv. 573², 1184²

sketch, iv. 1174²

of Westfield, iii. 317, 344², 345, 355, 357 358, 361, 364

Mrs. David, dau. of Capt. Medad Hitchcock, iii. 357(2)

(née Rich), iv. 1174²

Denslow jr., of Richmond, i. 846²

E. D., author, iv. 314

Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 86²

Rev. Edward, of Greenwich, N. Y., i. 92

Edward. D., of Middlebury, i. 219², 232, 2d ed. 218², 231²

Edward D., i. 56

Edward Downing, from Greenwich (N. Y.), of Middlebury, i. 92, 256

Edwin Munson, of Benson, iii. 416²

Elisha, of Fairfield, ii. 200

of Hinesburg, i. 794²(2), 796, 798²

of Richmond, i. 846²

Elisha H., of Westfield, iii. 358

Eliza, of Hubbardton, iv. 1174²

Franklin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

Mrs. Franklin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

G. A., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²(2)





Barber, Dr. G. W., from Wardsboro, of De Peyster (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 677²

Dr. George F., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 304²

George Jesse, from La Crosse (Wis.), v. pt. 2, 404(2)

Dr. George W., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 404

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 395

Giles A., of Cambridge, ii. 605², 606(2)

H. G., of Hubbardton, iii. 772²

Heman, of Benson, iii. 407²

Horatio, of Hubbardton, iv. 1174²

Horatio N., of Franklin co., ii. 92²

Horatio Nelson, of Enosburg, ii. 96

Hoxey, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

I. Allen, in Fairfield, ii. 197²

Isaac, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 37

Israel, of Middletown, iii. 827, 829(2)

J. W., of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²

J. Allen, of Franklin co., ii. 94, 95²

Dea. James, of Shoreham, i. 96

James W., of Hubbardton, iv. 1174², 1184²

Jennie Louisa, from Osborn (Mo.), v. pt. 2, 404

Jervis, of Middletown & Granville (N. Y.), iii. 821², 829(2), 832²,

Jesse, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1133 (2), 1134, 1186

Job L., pioneer in Berkshire, ii. 110(2), 113, 117, 124²

Joel, of Georgia & Fairfield, ii. 95², 192², 243²

Joel jr., of Georgia, ii. 92², 245(2)

John, of Bridport, i. 17²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 20²

pioneer of Leicester, i. 45

John L., of Berkshire, ii. 113

Joseph, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

Julia A., poem, i. 77

Junia D., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550²

Levi, of Benson, iii. 408

of Georgia, ii. 249²

of Hubbardton, iv. 1174²

Dea. Lewis, of Glover, iii. 345

Louisa K. m. Andrew J. Walker, v. pt. 2, 404

Louise, of Brattleboro, v. 44

Lucina, m. Rev. H L Gilman, iii. 344², 364

Lucy (Wainwright), wife of Ed­ward Downing Barber, i. 92, 256

M., of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217

M. G., of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²

Martin, of Richmond, i. 846²

Mary E., m. John B. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 395

Matthew, from Pittsfield (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408²

Mills O., of Bradford, ii. 824

Milton G., of Hubbardton & Rut­land, iv. 1174²

Moses, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Nancie W., poem, iii. 778²

Mrs. Nancy, of Barre, iv. 36²

Nancy (Wainwright), see Barber, Lucy (Wainwright)

Nelson, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 427

Norman, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192², 197

Rebecca, wife of Robert Barber, iii. 417²

Rebecca (Alvord), wife of Ebenezer Barber, v. pt. 2, 86²

Rebecca (Hinman), wife of Levi Barber, iii. 408

Rhoda, m. Lemuel Brooks, iv. 476

Robert, from Brookfield, (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408², 417²

pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

Roswell, of Benson, iii. 408

Russel, of Middletown & Middle­bury (N. Y.), iii. 808, 820(2), 821², 827, 828²

of Mt. Holly, iii. 851

Mrs. Russel, dau. of Bela Coswell, iii. 820²

Russel jr., from Middletown, of Mid­dlebury (N. Y.), iii. 821²

Mrs. Ruth, wife of Daniel Barber, iii. 408

Shubel, of Richmond, i. 846²

Simeon, of Benson, iii. 407²

Simon, in Barre, iv. 41

Sorrel, smuggling because of the embargo, ii. 140

Stephen, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Stephen jr., grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

T, A., of Alburg, ii. 503²

Theda, m. Joseph S. Jennison, iv. 1119²

Theodore, of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Georgia, ii. 243²

Thomas, of Richmond, i. 846

Truman A., of Franklin co., ii. 94

of Grand Isle co., ii. 479, 480, 503

Tryphena, of Hubbardton, iv. 1174

Virgil H., of Herkimer co. (N, Y.), iii. 933²

Westover, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

William, of Enosburg, ii. 114², 133(2) 136, 155

of Hinesburg, i. 820

Capt. William, of Benson, iii. 407², 408(2)

sketch, iii. 418

Sgt. William B., of Pownal, i. 260





Barber, William C., of Benson, iii. 418

William N., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 486

Rev. William N., from Alstead (N. H.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 174², 203(2)

of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

Willis Judson, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 404

Barber family, of Middletown, iii. 823²

Barberini, Virgillius, see Barber, Virgil H.

Barbour, ____, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 153²

Rev., in West Fairlee, ii. 915²

Dorcas D., wife of James Barbour, v. pt. 2, 153²

Esther, m. John Woodruff, i. 305

James, of Bridport, v. pt. 2, 153²

Laura (Ripley), wife of Nelson Barbour, v. pt. 2, 154

Mary (Willard), 3d wife of Nelson Barbour, v. pt. 2, 154

Rev. Nelson, from Bridport, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 157, 172

sketch, v. pt. 2, 153-4

Ruth (Dunklee), 2d wife of Nelson Barbour, v. pt. 2, 154

Dea. William, of Burke, i. 306²

Barce, Jonathan, of Middletown, iii. 835

Barchop, John, of Barnet, i. 375²

see also Bachop

John, of Barnet, i. 275²

Barclay, Robert, i. 738; ii. 537

Bard, Dr., associate of Horace Eaton, ii. 152² note

Dr. David H., of Fairfield, ii. 197

Rev. George Ingersoll, from Derby, of Dunbarton (N. H.), iii. 181

Rev. George J., of Waterford, i. 431²

James, of Barton, iii. 73², see also Baird, James

Lester, of Pittsfield, iii. 938

Dr. Simeon I., of Francistown (N. H.) & Derby, iii. 181

Barden, Adam, of Wells, iii. 1197²

Edgar, of Wells, iii. 1197

John, of Wells, iii. 1196 (2), 1206²

John T., of Pawlet, iii. 880, 897, 906²

Juliana, m. Rev. Edward S. Soullard, iii. 927

Lemuel, from Dighton (Mass.), of Pawlet, iii. 897, 906, 908², 912

Lt. Lemuel, of Pawlet, iii. 873²

Nancy, m. Allen Willis, iii. 932

Polly, m. John Crapo, iii. 912

Shubel, of Rupert, iii. 927

Bardwell, ____, grantee of Rutland, iii. 1014²

C. S., of Pawlet, iii. 885(2), 898, 933

Consider S., of Pawlet, iii. 895², 897², 909

Rev. Joel, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Otis, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 383²

Rebecca, m. ____ Goss. v. pt. 2, 716

Barett, John, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553²(2)

Baring Bros. & co., of London, v. 157², 158

Barker, ____ of Brandon, iii. 441²

____, railroad contractor, i. 483(2)

Rev., of Cabot, iv. 100²

Sheriff, of Rutland, iii. 852

A., of Colebrook (N. H.), i. 949

Abram B., iv. 246²

Anna, m. Jonathan Barrett, iii. 611²

Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1186

Barnabas, of St. Johnsbury, i. 391, 396, 400

Caroline (Finney), wife of W. H. Barker, iii. 1132²

Charles A., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Dan, in Barre, iv. 46

Daniel, of Concord, i. 1057

Edmund, of Goshen Gore, i. 434²

Eliza, m. Stephen Barrett, iii. 611²

Erastus, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149(2)

F. W., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21, 46², 51

G. W., of Montpelier, iv. 351²

George W., of Montpelier, iv. 273, 274, 307², 309²(2), 566-7

H. F., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21

Hannah (Barrett), wife of Slocum Barker, iii. 611²

Henry, of Essex (N, Y.), i. 706

Hopson, of Northfield, iv. 619²

Rev. Isaac, of Strafford, ii. 1080

John, of Brandon, iii. 459²

of Montpelier, iv. 396

of St. Johnsbury, i. 396²

John P., of Enosburg, ii. 135²

John S., of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Jonathan, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Joseph, of Brandon, iii. 430, 448², 452²

sketch, iii. 442²-3

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 33

Justus, of Middletown, iii. 835²(2), 836²

L. R., of Brandon, iii. 500

Lewis, of Brandon, iii. 447, 449², 473

Lucy, of Tinmonth, iii. 1149²

Martha (Tuttle), wife of Joseph Barker, iii. 442²

Nathan, of Walden, i. 426(2)

Norman, of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1061

Obadiah, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651²

Oliver, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Polly, of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Prudence, wife of John Barker, i. 45

R. A., lawyer, iii. 37

Ralph, see Parker, Ralph





Barker, Rhoda, of Brandon, iii. 443

Sally, m. Jazaniah Barrett jr., iii. 611²

Samuel, iii. 1112

Slocum, of White Creek (N. Y.), iii. 611²

T. J., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 28, 38

Theodore, of Bradford, ii. 1160

Dr. Thomas, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

Thomas J., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 46

Timothy, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Capt. Timothy, delegate of Brandon to the Dorset convention, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²

W. H., of Shelburne & Burlington, iii. 1132²

Mrs. W. H., of Burlington, iii. 861²

William, of Enosburg, ii. 147

Barker & Haight, iv. 247

Barksdale, Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 711, 719

Barkyoumb, Joseph, of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Barlow, ____, in Peacham, ii. 928

____, m. Rev. Jeremiah Dwyer, iii. 730

Gen., at Gettysburg, battle, i. 718²

Anna, from Fairfield, of St. Albans, ii. 366

Bradley, of Fairfield & St. Albans, ii. 93², 96², 97², 191², 331², 366

of Swanton, iv. 1092²

Maj. Bradley, of Fairfield, ii. 198², 200

Bradley jr., of Fairfield, ii. 200

Lt. Damon, of Franklin co., ii. 175

Darius Sherman, of Franklin co., ii. 94

Davis, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Debbie, from Fairfield, of St. Al­bans, ii. 366(2)

Dimon, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²(2)

Eben, of Bakersfield, ii. 108²

Ebenezer, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

of Franklin co., ii. 94, 95²

Helen, of Fairfield, ii. 366(2) and note

Heman, of Fair Haven, iii. 682², 683(2), 684, 685², 726

of Greenfield (N. Y.), iii. 676

Hubbard, pioneer, of Fairfield, ii. 191²(2), 192², 198², 200(2)

of St. Albans, ii. 336

Mrs. J. B., author, i. 118²-9

Joel, poet, ii. 1026²

John, of Danby, iii. 591², 607²

of Pittsford, iii. 954²

Lewis, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Mary, m. Simeon Babbitt, ii. 1026²

Orissa Willmarth, m. Dr. Thomas Chamberlain, i. 636²

Dr. Peleg, of Pittsford, iii. 950

Dr. Peleg C., of Pittsford, iii. 950

Polly, first child born in Fairfield, ii. 200

R. K., of Fairfield, ii. 200

Mrs. Sally, wife of Samuel Barlow, ii. 469²

Samuel, of Danby, iii. 587²

pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

of St. Albans, ii. 331², 336, 469²

Sarah of Danby, iii. 591

Sidney, of Burlington, i. 496²

Thomas, of Pittsford, iii. 943²-4

William, from Greenwich (Mass.), of Pittsford, iii. 950

from Woodstock (Conn.), of Peru, i. 208, 2d ed. 207

William W. jr., of Pittsford, iii. 944

Barnaby, Jacob, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 66²

Barnam, Gideen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88

Barnard, ____, m. Joshua Clapp, ii. 455

Barnard, of Brandon, see Barnes, of Brandon

Dr., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722²

Judge, of Franklin, ii. 224

pioneer of Montgomery, ii. 275²

Albert D., of Waitsfield iv. 796²

Rev. Alonzo, of Peru, i. 212, 2d ed. 211

Asa, of Hyde Park, ii. 799² 

B. F., of Newport, iii. 295²

B. L., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13, 14

Benjamin, pioneer of Peru, i. 209, 211-2, 2d ed. 208, 210, 211.

Mrs. Benjamin, of Peru, i. 209, 2d ed. 208

Benjamin jr., from Westminster (Mass.), of Peru, i. 211, 2d ed. 210

C. P., of Chittenden, iii. 549²

Clarissa (Kimball), wife of Milton Barnard, iii. 78²

Dr. D. D., classmate of Ebenezer Emmons, ii. 35 note

Dan, of Berlin, iv. 1188

of Chittenden, iii. 549², 550, 551²

Dan jr., grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Daniel, of Chittenden, iii. 552²

David, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

Ebenezer, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 17², 18, 19

of Waitsfield, iv. 777²

Eleazer, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15

Eli, of Guilford, v, pt. 3, 17





Barnard, George M., iii. 1119

George W., of Chittenden, iii. 549

Henry, i. 976²

of Vershire, ii. 1137

Hepsabeth (Philbrook), wife of Benjamin Barnard jr., i. 211, 2d ed. 210

Isaac, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533², 535

J., of Montpelier, iv. 394²

James G., of Charleston, iii. 109, 117(2)

Joel, of Brandon, iii. 448

Mrs. Joel, m. David Finney jr., iii. 448²

John, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 20²

of Montpelier, iv. 278², 435, 547², 551

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²(2)

of Waitsfield, iv. 781²

of Worcester(?) (Mass.), ii. 105²

Jonathan, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Joseph, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15

of Peru, i. 212², 2d ed. 211

Joshua, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533², 537², 544²

Joshua jr., grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Josiah, pioneer of Peru, i. 212, 2d ed. 211

Julia (Hobart), wife of Rev. P. F. Barnard, iv. 65², 790²

Laura, m. Wells Goodhue, v. 121²

Lavina, wife of James G. Barnard, iii. 117

Levi, of Lunenburg, i. 948(2), 1018²

Rev. Lucius, of New York, iv. 784²

Lucy, wife of Benjamin Barnard, i. 211, 2d ed. 210

m. Gen. Peter Dudley, i. 210², 2d ed. 209

Lucy (Hazeltine), wife of Joshua Barnard, v. pt. 2, 544²

Mary A., m. James H. Burnham, iv. 642²

Nancy, m. Ira K. Batchelder, i. 212, 2d ed. 211

Nathaniel, of Randolph, ii. 999

Otis, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

P. F., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 635

Rev. P. F., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 623², 626

Rev. Pliny F., from Richmond (Me.) of Williamstown, ii. 1144²; iv. 65², 784², 790², 795

R. H., of Waitsfield, iv. 794

R. W., of Chittenden, iii. 548

Mrs. Rachel (Philbrook), wife of Benjamin Barnard, jr., i. 211, 2d ed. 210

Royal W., of Chittenden, iii. 549

Rufus, of Charleston, iii. 119

Capt. Rufus, of Moretown, iv. 597²

Sarah, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15

Samuel, from Deerfield (Mass.), of Montgomery, ii. 275(2), 278, 455

of Waitsfield, iv. 777²

of Franklin co., ii. 92²

Samuel jr., grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15

Sarah, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Maj. Selah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 18

Sophia E., of Burlington, i. 533

from Salisbury (Conn.), of Burlington, i. 534²

Stephen, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541

Stowell, from Andover (Mass.), of Peru, i. 211, 212(2), 2d ed. 210²

Warren, of Chittenden, iii. 549(2)

Barnard & Dutton, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Barne, Joseph, of Ashford (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 628²

see also Barney, Joseph

Barnes, ____, of Brandon, iii. 495

____, of Cambridge, son of Abner Barnes, ii. 602²

____, of Charlotte, iv. 1007

____, of Elmore, ii. 799

____, of Fair Haven, iii. 680, 693²

____, pioneer of Panton, i. 79

____, m. Abraham Fitts jr. v. pt. 2, 105

____, with Roger's Rangers, i. 273

Dr., ii. 579² note

Mrs., of Brandon, iii. 440²(2)

of Elmore, ii. 799

Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 718²

Aaron, of Brandon, iii. 495²

Abigail of Stowe, ii. 706

Abner, of Cambridge, ii. 602²

Amos, of Calais, iv. 176

Ann Elizabeth, m. George Otis Washburn, ii. 1063²

Asenath, m. Oliver Palmer, iv. 142

Avery, of Randolph, ii. 999

Aziel, from Williamstown (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408²

Benjamin, of Bakersfield, ii. 394

of Danby, iii. 600(2), 601, 612

of Highgate, ii. 263

Capt. Benjamin, of Danby, iii. 663

Benjamin Tuttle, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

Bradford, of Danby, iii. 591(2), 592, 593², 599, 600, 601², 603; 612

Bradford jr., of Danby, iii. 612, 663

Caroline, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Clarissa, of Fair Haven, iii. 735

m. Joel Nichols, iii. 612

Coats, of Sutton, Canada, i. 942

Comfort, of Bakersfield, ii. 138²

Comfort jr., of Rutland, iii. 1043

Dr. Cornelius, of Stowe and Mich., ii. 725²





Barnes, Cornelius Tuttle, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

Cyrus, of Bakersfield, ii. 106², 107²

Dana, of Brandon, iii. 478

Capt. Daniel, of Mass., i. 1021²

Daniel jr., in Panton, 1764, i. 79

David P., of Elmore, ii. 627

Deborah, m. Sylvester Bishop, v. pt. 2, 451²

Duaxy (Negus), wife of Thomas Barnes, v. pt 2, 69², 86

Edmond, of Grand Isle co., ii. 475²

Dr. Edmund, of Benson, iii. 414²

Eli Y., of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Elizabeth M., of Burlington, i. 533

Emma, m. Lemuel Page Johonnott, iv. 918²

H. jr., owned building at Chimney Point, i. 13²

H. C., of Swanton, iv. 1037², 1045², 1046², 1087², 1129(2), 1130

H. E., of Stowe, ii. 712²

H. Y., of Montpelier, iv. 278², 394², 519

Hannah, of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Harriet, of Danby, iii. 612

Heman, of Danby, iii. 601, 604, 612

Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 348, 549, 550

Henry Y., of Montpelier, iv. 276², 287², 328², 550

Gen. Hezekiah, of Charlotte, i. 735, 736(2), 744(2), 745²

Mrs. Hezekiah, of Charlotte, i. 735

Lt. Hezekiah jr., of Charlotte, i. 736²

Capt. Hezekiah jr., of Burlington, i. 629²

Hosea, of Danby, ii. 593², 594², 600, 601, 612, 663²

Jacob, from Woodbury (Conn.), of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Jefferson, of Fair Haven, iii. 703²

Jaffrey, of Pittsford, iii. 944, 954²

Jimmie, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 167-9

Joel Tuttle, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

John, from Williamstown (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 407², 408²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

of Pittsford, iii. 943(2), 948²

Lt. John, v. 13

John jr., of Pittsford, iii. 943²

Capt. Joseph, of Charlotte i. 736²

Joshua, pioneer of Cambridge and Bakersfield, ii. 103²

L., of Swanton, ii. 445

Lawrence, of Burlington, i. 514², 519, 937²

Levi N., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Mrs. Lorane (Baker), i. 1332, 2d ed. 135

Lovel, of Highgate, ii. 421(2)

Lydia, of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Maria (Hyde), wife of Dr. Melvin Barnes, ii. 542² and note

Martha, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Mrs. Mehitable (Sherman), i. 242 note

Dr. Melvin, of South Hero, ii. 542², 549, 572²

Dr. Melvin jr., of Grand Isle, ii. 478(2), 479(2), 481, 516², 520, 526², 529(2), 530, 533(2), 535(2), 541² note, 549, 550(2), 575, 581² note; iv. 573²

sketch, ii. 542²-3

letter to Henry Stevens, ii. 585-6

Moses, of Brandon, iii. 458, 463², 468

Dea. Moses, from Lanesborough (Mass.), of Brandon, sketch, iii. 446-7

Myron D., of Fair Haven, iii. 674²

O. C., of Stowe, ii. 701

Rev. O. C., of Chittenden, iii. 548

Olive, of Brattleboro, v. 168², 169

Olive (Simonds), wife of Moses Barnes, iii. 447

Patty, m. Moses Pierce, v. pt. 2, 101

Persis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69

Polly, m. Dr. Eliphaz Eaton, ii. 151²

Polly (Negus), wife of John Barnes, v. pt. 2, 69(2)

Rebecca, of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Rebecca (Crowell), wife of Jacob Barnes, iii. 735

Richard, of Saratoga (N. Y.), iii. 610²

Robert, of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 535²

Sally, of Danby, iii. 612

Sally (Willard), wife of William Barnes, v. pt. 2, 181

Samuel, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Samuel H., of Charlotte, i. 744²

Sarah, of Fair Haven, iii. 735

Sarah (Bartlett), wife of Richard Barnes, iii. 610²

Sarah (Howard), wife of Bradford Barnes, iii. 612

Sibyl, m. Asa Bennett, v. pt. 2, 99²

Sophronia, of Danby, iii. 612

Standish D., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Sukie, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 167-9

Thomas, from Cambridge, of Bakers­field, ii. 103²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Rev. Thomas, in Northfield, iv. 651²

Thomas B., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 86

Thomas F., of Stowe, ii. 701, 717, 744²

Vinton, of Brandon and Pittsford, iii. 454






Barnes, W. H., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Wheeler, of Charlotte, i. 737², 744²

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181

of Rutland, iii. 1081

William F., of Fair Haven, iii. 707

of Rutland, iii. 1066(2), 1100²

of West Rutland, iii. 707

Willis H., of Stowe, ii. 746²

Zilphia (Gifford), wife of Benjamin Barnes, iii. 612

Barnes family of Rutland, iii. 1013²

Barnes & Johnson, of Montpelier, iv. 280

Barnes & Matthewson, of Swanton, iv. 1037²(2), 1130

Barnes, Clement & Gilmore, of Rutland, iii. 1067

Barnet, ____, of Johnson, ii. 451²(2)

Rev. of Berkshire, ii. 114²

ordained in Middlebury, i. 52²

Amy (Miller), wife of Capt. Benjamin Barnet, ii. 279

Benjamin, pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Capt. Benjamin, of Richford, ii. 279

moved to Canada, ii. 279²

Rev. Eli, of Grand Isle, ii. 485², 535²

Harriet, of Berlin, iv. 1189

James, m. Jerusha Hyde 2d, ii. 635

Jerusha (Hyde), m. James Barnet, ii. 635²

John, of Piermont (N. H.), Rev. soldier, i. 847

Rev. John, from N. Y., of Berkshire and Sheldon, ii. 112²

Mrs. John (née Spencer), of Berk­shire, ii. 112²

Capt. John, Rev. soldier, i. 482²

Rev. Levi, of Danby, iii. 606²

Samuel, of Newbury & Bolton, i. 482, 484

Barnett, Aaron, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

Aaron jr., grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

David, of Topsham, ii. 1106²

Rev. Eli, of Brandon, iii. 474

Dea. John, v. 14²

Jose, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168², 169², 171

Robert, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168², 169²(2), 171², 174, 176²

Samuel, of MiddIesex iv. 250

Barnetts of Fairfax, ii. 176

Barney, ____, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1125

____, of Swanton, iv. 1031, 1032, 1053², 1057, 1081²

____, m. Robert Foster, iv. 1109²

Gen. of Guilford, v. pt. 2, 138²

A. J., of Swanton, iv. 1023²

Aaron, of Brattleboro, v. 42², 43

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 63², 64, 80²

Gen. Aaron, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58

Aaron C., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 64²(2)

Aaron Chase, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²

Allen, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128(2)

Dr. Allen, of New York, iii. 1130

Alonzo, of Charleston, iii. 121

Amherst, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130

Anna, of Swanton, iv. 1111

Anna (Hinman), wife of Lemuel Barney, iv. 1023, 1111, 1124

Asa, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Mrs. Betsy (Carlton), i. 410

Betsey (Foster), wife of Horatio W. Barney, iv. 1121

Bryon, of Swanton, iv. 1124

Charles, of Swanton, iv. 1111

Charlotte (Bullock), wife of Aaron Chase Barney, v. pt. 3, 80²

Constance (Sandries), wife of Joseph Barney, v. pt. 2, 629

Constantine, of Swansea (Wales), v. pt. 2, 629

Col. E. L., of Swanton, iv. 1120²

Earl, of Charleston, iii. 109

Edgar, of Swanton, iv. 1121

Edward, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28(2), 29, 31², 33(2), 34², 35

Capt. Edward, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36

Maj. Edward, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28

Elisha, of Swanton, iv. 1002², 1010 1016², 1017, 1018², 1020²(2), 1021, 1022, 1023(2), 1026², 1043², 1078², 1083(2), 1084, 1087², 1088, 1102(2), 1108², 1109(2), 1121(2), 1125, 1133²

Elisha jr., of Swanton, sketch, iv. 1109-11

Elisha L., of Swanton, iv. 1037, 1060², 1061², 1088, 1125-8

Col. Elisha L., of Swanton, ii. 444², 445²-54

portrait, iv. facing p. 1125

Ellen M., m. J. B. Morgan, iv. 1057²

Eunice (Goodrich), iv. 1060²

mother of Col. Elisha L. and Col. Valentine G. Barney, ii. 444²

Evaline, of Swanton, iv. 1021,            1109²

Esther (Hathaway), wife of John Barney, iv. 1124

Experience, of Rutland, iii. 1042

F. H., of Swanton, iv. 1007, 1023², 1033

F. H. jr., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Fayette, of Castleton, iii. 515², 516(2)

Friend, of Swanton, iv. 1111, 1124

Friend H., of Swanton, iv. 1023

G., of Swanton, iv. 1075²

G. & Sons, of Swanton, iv. 1043², 1105

G. & V. G., of Swanton, iv. 1029, 1030





Barney, George, of St. Johnsbury, i. 410

of Swanton, iv. 933², 934, 949, 1014, 1015², 1017, 1027²(2), 1028, 1029, 1030, 1034(2), 1035², 1044, 1048, 1059²(2), 1087², 1088, 1103(2), 1109², 1125, 1130, 1134, 1144²

hist. of Swanton, iv. 989-1144

portrait of, iv. facing p. 989

George and R. L., of Swanton, iv. 1029², 1030, 1129

George & Sons, of Swanton, iv. 1024², 1029², 1030

Goodsill, of Swanton, iv. 1121

H. W., of Swanton, iv. 1017, 1023²(2), 1086, 1132²

Hannah (Bentley), wife of Truman Barney, i. 832

Hannah S. (Ring), wife of Rufus L. Barney, iv. 1122

Horatio W., of Swanton, iv. 1109², 1121(2), 1133², 1134, 1185²

Ira, of Essex, i. 782

J. A., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1014, 1128, 1129, 1144²

James, of Burlington, i. 505

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 21², 37

James A., of Swanton, iv. 1121, 1133²

James Alanson, of Swanton, iv. 1109²

Jane of Swanton, iv. 1111

Jeffrey A., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128, 1130, 1131²

Mrs. Jeffrey (née Aldrich), of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130

Jesse, of Swanton, iv. 1060²

Dr. Job, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130²

John, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 4², 5², 19(2), 20(2), 21², 22(2), 24², 25, 28², 33², 38

John, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 252

of Swanton, iv. 1014², 1015, 1034², 1098, 1111, 1124(2), 1129², 1132², 1133, 1134, 1185², 1186(2)

John jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25², 37

of Swanton, iv. 1124

Capt. John, v. pt. 2, 628²

from Rehoboth (Mass.), of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²

of St. Johnsbury, i. 402(2), 411

sketch, i. 409-10

Jonathan, of Swanton, iv. 1022

from Taunton (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 628²

Joseph, of Rutland, iii. 1042

of Shrewsbury, iii, 1128

of Taunton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 628²(2)

from Taunton (Mass.), grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564, 628², 629

Capt. Joseph, of Castleton, iii. 513²

L., of Rutland, iii. 1064²

L. C., of Swanton, iv. 1129

Lemuel, of Swanton, iv. 1009², 1016², 1022², 1023(2), 1027², 1034², 1060², 1108², 1111, 1120², 1124(2), 1129²

Lemuel jr., of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Louis, of Montpelier, iv. 335²

Lovell A., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453²

Mabel (Chittenden), wife of Thomas Barney, i. 832, 907²

Martha (Blake), wife of Col. E. L. Barney, iv. 1120², 1126

Martin, of Charleston, iii. 108², 125

Mary Ann, of Swanton, iv. 1111

Mary Danforth, of Taunton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 628²

Mason, of Charleston, iii. 109

Mrs. Mehetable, of Swanton, iv. 1083

Mehitable (Leonard), wife of Elisha Barney jr., iv. 1109²

Miles R., of Swanton, iv. 1014, 1031², 1032², 1086², 1087², 1088, 1121

Mrs. Narina, wife of Ward Barney, iv. 1047

Nathaniel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130

Nelson, of Charleston, iii. 108²

Nicholas, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130

R. L., of Swanton, iv. 1012², 1014(2), 1017

R. L. & H. W., of Swanton, iv. 1023, 1121²

R. Lester, of Swanton, iv. 1014, 1029(2), 1037, 1039², 1087², 1088

Rebekah (Martin), wife of John Barney, v. pt. 3, 80²

Reuben, m. Mary Hard, 2d. ed. i. 135²

Rufus, of Bennington & Swanton, iv. 994, 1110, 1111 (2), 1112, 1120²

sketch, iv. 1108-9

Capt. Rufus, of Bennington & Swan­ton iv. 1020²(2), 1021, 1022(2), 1023(2), 1120

Rufus 2d, of Swanton, iv. 1021

Rufus L., of Swanton, iv. 1001, 1009, 1015(2), 1028², 1058², 1103², 1109², 1110, 1120², 1121²(2), 1122, 1128², 1132², 1186

Sally, of Swanton, iv. 1111

Sarah A. (Burton), wife of Col. Elisha L. Barney, iv. 1125

Seth W., of Swanton, iv. 1109²

Silence, m. Levi Scott, iv. 1022, 1108², 1112

Thomas, from Salisbury (Conn.), of Arlington, v. pt. 2, 628²

Mrs. Thomas (née Chittenden), of Arlington, v. pt. 2, 628²





Barney, Thomas, of Burlington, i. 509²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Manchester, on Committee of safety, i. 201, 203, 2d ed. 202²

of Williston, i. 907²

Capt. Thomas, of Manchester and Jericho, sketch, i. 832-3

Rev. soldier. ii. 389²

Truman, of Jericho, i. 832

Urania, m. Nathan Finney, iii. 1130

Uranius, v. pt. 2, 629

V. G., of Swanton, iv. 1029, 1186

V. G. & R. Lester, of Swanton, iv. 1122

Col. Valentine G., of Swanton, ii. 444², 445²; iv. 1060², 1061

W., of Swanton, iv. 1134

W. W., of Guilford, v. pt. 2, 628²

Ward, of Swanton, iv. 1039², 1047, 1111, 1130

William, of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

of Harvard College, v. pt. 2, 629

of Underhill, i. 466², 887

in War of 1812, ii. 392²

William W., of Guilford, iv. 1194; v. pt. 3, 64², 80²

Zenas, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²

Barney & Martin, of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 683

Barney, Scott & co., of Swanton, iv. 1125

Barnham, Jehial R., pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

Barns, Dea., of Brandon, iii. 449²

Rev., in Mendon, iii. 789²

Abel N., of Mendon, iii. 789²

Amos, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

B. H., of Mendon, iii. 789²

Henry, grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. i. 122

Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Dea. Moses, of Brandon, iii. 452

Mrs. Moses (née Simonds), iii. 452

Lt. William, of Rutland, iii. 550²

Barnum, Lt., of Shoreham, ii. 645²

Gen. A. W., of Monkton and Vergennes, i. 67

Abigail, m. ____ Harding, iii. 612

Amos W., of Vergennes, i. 688, 692(2); iv. 573

Ann, m. William Lake, iii. 612

Anna, m. William Lake, iii. 630

Barnabas, pioneer of Monkton, i. 65², 66

Mrs. Barnabas, of Monkton, i. 66

Barnabas, pioneer of Rupert, i. 223, 2d ed. 221²

Lt. Barnabas, of Monkton, Rev. soldier, i. 878(2)

in Shelburne battle, i. 860

Caleb, of Worcester, iv. 902²

Capt. Daniel, of Hinesburg, i. 795

Ebenezer, of Monkton, i. 66², 67²

Gideon, from R. I., of Danby, iii. 592³, 612

J. P., of Richmond, i. 845²(2)

L., at Shelburne, iii. 1084²

N. P., of Brighton, i. 956

Mrs. Polly (Sanford), see Olin, Mrs. Polly (Sanford)

Rhoda, m. Amasa Wade, iii. 612

Sally, of Danby, iii. 612

Samuel, of Monkton, in Vergennes, i. 67(2)

Stephen, of Monkton, discovered kaolin clay, i. 67

Dea. Stephen, of Shoreham, i. 94²

Thomas, pioneer of Shoreham, i. 94²

Timothy, of Danby, iii. 592², 605, 612

Barnwell, George, of Eng., v. 173²

Barr, Allen, of Highgate, ii. 265, 420

Conrad, of Highgate, ii. 254², 255(2), 258, 263, 265², 269², 272

Capt. Conrad, of Highgate, ii. 420

Conrad jr., of Highgate, ii. 272

Elisha, of Highgate, ii. 265

John, of Highgate, ii. 258, 264²(2), 265, 269², 272

of Rutland, iii. 1081

Martha, of Highgate, ii. 269²

Col. Samuel, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

William of Cabot, iv. 110

Lt. William, of Rutland, iii. 1080(2)

Barrande, Joachim, French geologist, ii. 28(2) note, 36² note, 69 note, 81

Barrant, Daniel, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Barrel, Nathaniel, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Barrell, Nathaniel, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Barret, ____, of Barton, iii. 77(2)

Benjamin jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Jazmiah, of Danby, iii. 593

John, in Corinth, Rev. soldier, ii. 874²(2)

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

with Steven's Rangers, ii. 946²

John jr., grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Levi, of Danby, iii. 601

Nathaniel, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Samuel, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Dr. Thomas T., of Springfield, iv. 156

Barrett, ____ of Danby, iii. 634

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

Dr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603

Rev., of Middlebury, i. 256

Abagail, of Danby, iii. 611²

Abigail m. Isaac Nichols, iii. 638

Alexander, of Danby, iii. 591², 593², 595(2), 599², 600, 605, 609, 612






Barrett, Capt. Alexander, iii. 663

Alvin, of Strafford, ii. 1081²

Anna, of Danby, iii. 612

Anna (Barker), wife of Jonathan Barrett, iii. 611²

Arozina (Hildreth), wife of Hum­phrey Barrett, v. pt 2, 52, 184

Aseph, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

B., of Middlesex, iv. 242²

Benjamin, of Cambridge, ii. 621

of Middlesex, iv. 225²

of Waterbury, iv. 840

of Woodbury, iv. 880²

C. F., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 393²

Calvin, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

Dea. Calvin, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 391², 392²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9

Calvin T., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385, 392(2)

Cantlin, of Danby and Ohio, iii. 612

Catherine (Vail), wife of Capt. Alexander Barrett, iii. 612

Charles, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 554², 556(2), 557

from New Ipswich (N. H.), of Enosburg and Bakersfield, ii. 138

of Northfield, iv. 614

of Pawlet, iii. 878

of Strafford, ii. 1068, 1083²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Cortez P., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 25

Cynthia D., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Derastus, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

Eli, of Rutland, iii. 1046

Elijah, of Pawlet, iii. 878(2)

Elisha. of Danby, iii. 611²

Eliza (Barker), wife of Stephen Barrett, iii. 611²

Elizabeth, of Fayston and Waitsfield, iv. 183, 188, 794²

of Strafford, ii. 1084²

Elvira (Hadley), wife of William Barrett, v. pt. 2, 163

Eunice (Stickney), wife of Ira Bar­rett, v. pt. 2, 146

Fanny, of Danby, m. Martin Brom­ley, iii. 612

George, of Danby, iii. 611²

Gideon, of Danby, iii. 605

Hannah, m. Slocum Barker, iii. 611², 612

Hannah (Dunklee), wife of Lemuel Barrett, v. pt. 2, 184

Harriet (Powell), wife of Levi Barrett, iii. 612

Henry of Brattleboro, v. 177²

Hiram, of Strafford, ii. 1082, 1083

Horace W., of Burlington, i. 513²

Huldah (Brown), wife of John Barrett, iii. 611²

Humphrey, of Brattleboro and Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 52, 184(2)

of Concord (Mass.), ii. 1057²

Ira, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146

J., of Mendon, iii. 789(2), 790

of Rutland, iii. 789

J. H., publisher, of Middlebury, i. 53

J. J., iii. 1112²

Jaaz, of Middletown, iii. 836²

James, of Rutland, iii. 788², 1009, 1029², 1041, 1099²

of Strafford, ii. 1083², 1085²

of Woodstock, v. 165-6

addresses, iv. 323²

Col. James, ii. 1057², 1099²

Dr. Jared, of Northfield, iv. 616

Jazaniah, from R. I., of Danby, iii. 601², 603(2), 607², 611², 836², 837

Jazaniah jr., of Danby, Middletown, etc., iii. 611²

Jesse, of Fairfax, ii. 170

John, of Danby, iii. 603², 611²

of Fayston, iv. 179-80, 183

of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 554(2), 556²(2)

Col. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

John S., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 382

Jonathan, of Danby and Granville (N. Y.), iii. 593², 601², 603², 611²

Joseph, v. pt. 3², 26

of Bakersfield, ii. 104²

of Strafford, ii. 1081², 1183²

Laura, of Danby, iii. 612

m. Joseph Allen, iii. 609

Lemuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179, 184

Lester, of Strafford, ii. 1082

Levi, from Pawlet, of Danby, iii. 599², 600²(2), 612

Linda, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184

Lysia, v. pt. 2, 184

Martin, of Strafford, ii. 1068, 1083 (2)

Mary, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

m. David Hubbard, ii. 1057²

pseud., see Nutting, Mary Olivia, ii. 1058

Merritt C., of Pawlet, iii. 878

Micajah, v. pt. 2, 184

Nathaniel, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

Nathaniel, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Pardon, v. pt. 2, 184

Philander, of Danby, iii. 592²

Polly (Odell), wife of Cantlin Bar­rett, iii. 612

R., of Rutland, iii. 1066

Rebecca, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 17²

Reuben, of Essex, i. 789²

Rhoda, m. Obadiah Alma, iii. 611²

Rhoda (Reed), wife of Jazaniah Barrett, iii. 611²

Rockwood, of Rutland, iii. 789(2)







Barrett, Rufus, of Fayston, iv. 178, 179-­80, 183

Rush P., of Montpelier, iv. 277², 357, 553

Russell, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 704²

Ruth, m. Daniel Katham, v. pt. 2, 14, 15

Sally (Barker), wife of Jazaniah Barrett jr., iii. 611²

Sidney H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184, 194

Silas, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 867

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14

Mrs. Silas (née Aiken), v. pt. 3², 14

Simeon, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 14

Sophronia, of Danby, iii. 612

Stephen, of Danby and Mdidletown, iii. 611², 836²

Thomas, grantee, of Brandon, iii. 450

Dea. Thomas, ii. 1057²

William, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163

Barrett & Gilman, of Waterbury, iv. 840

Barrett & Holden, of Middlesex, iv. 245²

Barrington, ____, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 414

Viscount, i. 127, 2d ed. 128

Barron, Abigail, m. Elias Cheeney, ii. 829²

Abigail (Derby), wife of Col. John Barron, ii. 827²

Ada, m. Dr. Byron L. Dwinell, iv. 162

Benjamin, of Cambridge, ii. 621

Elizabeth, m. David Hartwell, ii. 832²

Elizabeth (Pearson)., wife of Gen. Micah Barron, ii. 830, 832²

Hannah, m. Dr. Jacob Goodwin, ii. 830

Hannah (Brooks) (Trotter), wife of Col. William Barron, ii. 833, 835²

Maj. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Col. John, from Grafton (Mass.), and Lyme (N. H.), of Bradford, ii. 813², 819², 820(2), 823²(2)

sketch, ii. 827²-30

Jonathan P., of Pittsford, iii. 944

Joseph, i. 680²

of Georgia, ii. 249²

Lyman P., Orange co. officer, ii. 807(2)

Mary, m. Timothy Farrar, ii. 829²

Mehitable, m. Robert Whitelaw, ii. 829²

Mehitable (Rogers), wife of Col. John Barron, ii. 827², 828, 829²

Gen. Micah, from Tyngsborough (Mass.), of Bradford, ii. 805(2), 823²(2)

sketch, ii. 830-3

Nathan T., of Waterbury, iv. 837²

Rebecca m. 1st, Capt. John. Andross, 2d, Amos Fisk, ii. 829

Relief, m. William Niles, ii. 830

Timothy, in Haverhill (N. H.), iv. 1156²

William, Orange co. officer, ii. 805², 806

Col. William, from Bradford of Hartford (Conn.), ii. 833(2)

William T., of Guildhall and Chicago, i. 948, 1007, 1008²; iii. 37

Barrow, Rev. A. J., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44

Crowley, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Micah, of Bradford, ii. 1106²

W. T., of Guildhall, i. 949

William, of Bradford, ii. 1106²

Barrows, Dr. Albert, of Eden, Hyde Park and Stowe, ii. 701, 717, 727

Alfred J., from Canada, of Stowe, ii. 746²

Daniel, pioneer of Montgomery, 275²

Ebenezer, of Stowe, ii. 706

Eleazer, of Castleton, iii. 518

Esther M., m. A. S. Hutchins, iii. 260²

Rev. George W., of Salisbury, i. 90

Harriet, m. Rufus Bucklin jr., iii. 615

Isaac, of Bridport, i. 17²

Jesse, of Irasburg, iii. 260²

Joseph, of Irasburg, iii. 243(2)

Rev. Justin, in Windham, v. pt. 3², 18

Rev. L. D., in Newbury, ii. 951

Rev. Lorenzo, in Windham, v. pt. 3², 18

Lucinda, m. Rufus Bucklin, iii. 615

Lydia, of Irasburg, iii. 260²

Mary, of Irasburg, iii. 243

Philbrook, iii. 615

Pliny, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

Polly, of Stowe, ii. 706

Reuben, of Strafford, ii. 1082

Silas, of Montpelier, iv. 327

Solomon, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 33, 35²

T. C., of Montpelier, iv. 279, 355²

Barrows & Graves, of Castleton, iii. 517

Barrows & Peck, of Montpelier, iv. 277, 280, 312, 336, 337

Barrus, Betsey (Enos), wife of Jonas Barrus, v. pt. 2, 106

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Jonas, v. pt. 2, 106

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107², 110², 179, 214²

Moses, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Barry, Alvin, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Asa, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504²





Barry, Clarissa (Perry), wife of Kendall P. Barry, v. pt. 2, 504²

Elisha, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 633

Hannah (Ober), wife of Joel Barry, v. pt. 2, 504²

Joel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504²

John, of Burlington, i. 509

of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504²

Jonathan, from Lynn (Mass,), of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504²

Kendall P., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 504²

Lucius M., from Rockingham, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 504²

Lucius P., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 504²

Mary A., from Rockingham, of Marlboro (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 504²

Milton P., of Sextons River, v. pt. 2, 504²

Samuel, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504²

Thankful L. (Cone), wife of John Barry, v. pt. 2, 504²

William, i. 258²

Barsha, Peter, of Swanton, ii. 393²(2)

Barsley, Amy, m. Lovell Leach, iii. 919²

Barstow, ____, of Colchester, i. 762

of Wis., iv. 605²

Rev., of Keene (N. H,), v. 112

Eben, juror, 1788, i. 466²

Ebenezer, from Canterbury (Conn.), of Shelburne, Rev. soldier, i. 859, 865, 871²

Elisha, of Burlington, i. 655

Esther (Owen), wife of Ebenezer Barstow, i. 865

Heman, of Shelburne, i. 472², 877, 883, 884

sketch, i. 865

Rev. J. S., of Keene (N. H.), v. 81²

Gov. John L., v. pt. 35, 61², 63²

Mary (Caldwell), wife of Dr. Noyes Barstow, v. pt. 2, 234

Noyes, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Dr. Noyes, of Vernon v. pt. 2, 284

William, of Haverhill (N. H.), in Corinth, ii. 880²

Rev. Z. S., of Keene (N. H.), v. 28

in Westminster, iii. 272²

Barter, ____, pioneer of Jay, iii. 266(2)

Bartholomew, Mrs. Abigail, of Thetford, ii. 1097²

Abner, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

B. W., of Washington, iv. 25

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Bethu, of Washington, ii. 1139

Charity, m. ____ Rowell, iii. 96²

Eleazer, pioneer of Castleton, iii. 502², 506

of Washington, ii. 1139

Elisha, of Brownington, iii. 96

Franklin, of Brownington, iii. 96(2)

Jacob, of Salisbury, i. 89²

Lemuel, of Fair Haven, iii. 674

T., Orange co. officer, ii. 804²(2)

Timothy, of Fairlee, ii. 902

of Thetford, ii. 1093, 1095, 1132²

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Bartholomy, Joseph, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Barthrow, Joseph, of Charleston, iii. 118

Bartlet, Rev. ____, in Strafford, ii. 1083

Elisha, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²

Bartlett, ____, of Lyndon, i. 352

____, of Troy, iii. 314

Prof., of Peacham, i. 360

Rev. of Georgia, ii. 241

of Hartland, iv. 144²

in Williamstown, iv. 321

Abel, of Danby, iii. 602, 611(2)

Abel jr., of Spuyten Duyvil (N. Y.), iii. 611²

Abigail, m. John Stebbing, v. pt. 2, 288

Abner, from Manchester (Eng.), of Mass., iii. 610²

from R. I., of Danby, iii. 611

Abner jr., of Danby, iii. 611

Ada, of Danby, iii. 611²

Alfred H., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 22

Alonzo, of Kan., iii. 182

Alpheus, of Cabot, iv. 87²

Amasa, of Coventry, iii. 158

of Irasburg, iii. 37, 41, 182, 255²

Maj. Amasa, of Coventry and Irasburg, 389²

sketch, iii. 384-5

Ann, of Danby, iii. 611²

m. Augustus Rogers, iii. 610²

m. Levi Taft, iii. 611

Anna (Buck). wife of Christopher Bartlett, iii. 288, 291²

Anna (Cook), wife of Jacob Bartlett, iii. 610²

Artimitia, of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 288

Asenath (Huggins), wife of Seth Bartlett, iii. 157, 384², 389²

Ashley, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Austin, of Charleston, iii. 108²

of Morgan, iii. 284, 285²

Benjamin, of Jericho, i. 834

Ens. Benjamin, in Rev. war, ii. 391

Bill, iv. 993²

Billy, of Jericho, i. 834

Byram, of Morgan, iii. 284, 285², 286, 290(2)

Charles, of Danby, iii. 611²

of Poughkeepsie (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 527

Charles R., of Jay, iii. 267

Chauncy, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Mrs. Chauncy, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Chloe, of Danby, iii. 611





Bartlett, Christopher, of Derby, iii. 179

from Strafford (Conn.), pioneer of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 285(2), 286, 287², 288(2), 290, 291²

Clark, of Shaftsbury, i. 260²

Curtis, of Plainfield, iv. 720²

Cynthia (Rogers), wife of Jacob Bartlett jr., iii. 610²

D. W., of Hartford (Conn.), ii. 1067²

Daniel, of Coventry, iii. 148²

of Danby, iii. 595, 599², 600(2), 601, 610², 611(2)

David, of Danby, iii. 593², 599² 601-2, 611(2)

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46

grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Deborah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18², 42²

Deliverance, of Danby, iii. 611²

Dexter, of Danby and N. Y., iii. 611

Don A., of Coventry, iii. 158

of Irasburg, iii. 255²

lawyer, iii. 37

Drusilla (Smith), wife of Abner Bartlett, iii. 611

E. H., of Coventry, iii. 158²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

Eben, of Charleston, iii. 108²

of Jericho, i. 834

Ebenezer, of Morgan, iii. 112(2), 125

Edward, of Plainfield, iv. 720², 722

Elisha, of Charlotte and Georgia, i. 736

from Middletown (Conn.), of Georgia, ii. 241, 244, 249, 393²

Elisha jr., of Georgia, ii. 249²

Eliza (Potter), wife of Daniel Bart­lett, iii. 610²

2d wife of Joseph Bartlett, iii. 610²

Emily J. (Scales), wife of Rev. Leavitt Bartlett, iii. 157

Enoch, of Coventry, iii. 182

Capt. Enoch H., of Brownington and Coventry, iii. 37, 152

sketch, iii. 389-90

Enos, of Brownington, iii. 92(2)

pioneer of Newport, iii. 293², 303², 304, 305

Esther (Church), 2d wife of Zaruger Bartlett, v. pt. 2, 450

Eunice (Cole), wife of Ebenezer Bartlett, iii. 112, 125

Fanny (Kelley), wife of Marcus Bartlett, iii. 611

Rev. Franklin W., Episcopal church in Northfield, iv. 656-8

on Gen. A. Jackman, iv. 677-81

on A. Stevens, iv. 685-6

on Norwich University, iv. 673-4

poet, iv. 658, 674, 698²

Gardner, of Coventry, iii. 155, 157²

George, of Danby, iii. 611

of Morgan, iii. 285²( 2 )

George B., verses, v. pt. 2, 114²

H. C., of Montpelier, iv. 354²

Dr. K. O., of Georgia, ii. 241

H. S., of Lyndon, i. 949

Hannah (Boomer), wife of Abel Bartlett, iii. 611

Dr. Heman O., of Georgia, ii. 243

Henry, of Danby, iii. 611

Henry S., of Lyndon, i. 347, 350, 355

Huldah (Colvin), wife of Ira Bart­lett, iii. 611

Ira, of Granville, iii. 611

J., of Morgan iii. 284²

J. N., of Lyndon, i. 347

Rev. J. R., of Barre, iv. 52, 293, 383², 553², 728, 919²

early Methodism in Northfield, iv. 708-9

Methodism in Montpelier, iv. 374-82

sketch of Vermont Christian Messenger, iv. 382

Jacob, of Danby, iii. 591², 607², 610², 611

from Manchester (Eng.), of N. H., iii. 610²

Jacob jr., of Ohio, iii. 610²

Jarvis, of Morgan, iii. 284, 286, 288, 290(2)

Jemima, of Danby, iii. 610

m. Nathaniel Wright, iv. 388²

Jeremy, of Danby, iii. 602, 611

Joel, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

of Orange, ii. 969²

John, of Danby, iii. 611²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450, 451²

of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 285², 286

of Shaftsbury, i. 260²

Maj. John D., of Montpelier, iv. 299, 520²

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 607², 610(2), 653², 663

of Manchester (Eng.), and R. I., iii. 610²

of Plainfield, iv. 734²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18, 45, 46

Josiah, signer of Declaration of In­dependence, iii. 610²

Judith, m. Enoch Colvin, iii. 610²

Julia (Cune), of Brattleboro, v. 178

Katherine (Cook), wife of William A. Bartlett, v. pt. 2, 36²

Leavitt, of Coventry, iii. 152, 157, 158, 182

of Irasburg, iii. 255², 384², 385²

Rev. Leavitt, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 48²

Levi, of Plainfield, iv. 717, 721²(2), 730, 731

Mrs. Levi, of Plainfield, iv. 731





Bartlett, Louisa, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Lucius, of Danby, iii. 604, 611²

Luther, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Luther 2d, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Lydia, of Danby, iii. 611(2)

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Lyman, of Morgan, iii. 284

Rev. Lyman, of Morristown, ii. 689²; iii. 88²

missionary to Turkey, ii. 690²

Marcus, of Danby, iii. 596, 604, 611

Martin, of Danby, iii. 611²

Mary, of Danby, iii. 611

m. Freeman Paddock, iii. 611²

m. Rev. Elisha Smith, v. pt. 34, 18²

Mary Ann, m. Joel Chamberlin, iii. 611

Mary (McLaughlin), wife of Abel Bartlett jr., iii. 611²

Mary (Nye), wife of Edward Bart­lett, iv. 722

Mary (Potter), 3d wife of Joseph Bartlett, iii. 610²

Medad, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Moses, of Chittenden iii. 549²

Nancy (Batchelder), wife of Levi Bartlett, iv. 717

Naomi, m. Roswell Johnson, i. 342²

m. Albert Mead, iii. 610²

Nathaniel, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Olive (Emerson), wife of Daniel Bartlett, iii. 611

Orson, of Georgia, ii. 393²

Patty, m. Isaac Newton, v. pt. 2, 470²

Phebe, m. Frank A. Carpenter, iii. 611

Phebe (Colvin), 1st wife of Joseph Bartlett, iii. 610²

Phoebe, m. Amos Prouty, v. pt. 2, 451²

Philip, of Moretown, iv. 593²

of Waterbury, iv. 819, 821²

Phineas, of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Plyn, of Danby and Collins (N. Y.), iii. 611

Polly, of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 288

Prussia (Allen), wife of David Bartlett, iii. 611

Rebecca, of Morgan, iii. 288

Ruth, of Danby, iii. 611

Ruth (Rogers), wife of Daniel Bart­lett, iii. 611²

S. M., of Sutton, v. pt 34, 21, 46²

Sally, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Sally (Taylor), wife of Zaruger Bartlett, v. pt. 2, 450

Salusha (Davis), wife of Henry Bartlett, iii. 611

Samuel, of Highgate, ii. 420

of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 285², 287²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

Capt. Samuel, ii. 241

in Rev. war, ii. 390

Samuel C., of Dartmouth, v. pt. 35, 76², 77²

Samuel H., of Georgia, ii. 241

Sarah, m. Richard Barnes, iii. 610²

Sarah Jane (Smith), wife of George Bartlett, iii. 611

Seth, of Brownington, iii. 92

of Coventry, iii. 157, 384², 389²

Smith, of Danby, iii. 611(2)

Solomon, of Plainfield, iv. 720², 727², 734

grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Solomon 2d, of Plainfield, iv. 734

Sophronia, of Danby, iii. 611

m. Nathaniel L. Baker, iii. 610

Susan (Chase), wife of Plyn Bart­lett, iii. 611

Sylvanus, of Eng. and Plymouth (Mass.), i. 308

Thomas, from Plymouth (Mass.), of Burke, i. 304², 308

of Lyndon, i. 270, 355², 949

on Thomas Bartlett, of Burke, i. 308

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 45²

Thomas jr., of Groton, iv. 1163²

of Lyndon, i. 347, 354², 355(2)

Thomas J., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 22

Thomas P., of Plainfield, iv. 730²

Urania, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

W. P., of Brandon, iii. 500²

William, of Newburyport (Mass.), i. 55

of Plainfield, iv. 720

William A., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 36²

Mrs. William C., of Plainfield, iv. 719

William P., of Charleston, iii. 125

Wing, of Danby, iii. 611²

Zaruger, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Zenas, of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 285², 286

Bartlett & Melford, publishers, iv. 419²

Barto, Benjamin, of Hinesburg, i. 799

Mrs. Benjamin, of Hinesburg, i. 799

Bartol, Rev. of Boston, v. 104

Barton, Dr., of Phila., iii. 460

Rev., in Mendon, iii. 789²

Gen., of Barton, iii. 85²(2)

A. S., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549

Andrew, of Charlotte, i. 736²

Andrew jr., from Conn., of Waltham, i. 108², 109

Anna, of Moretown, iv. 603

m. Josiah Robinson, iv. 168

Benjamin, of Orange, ii. 969²

Caleb, of Charlotte, i. 669²

Daniel, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553

of Pittsford, iii. 944





Barton, David, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²

of Montpelier, iv. 298², 524², 530

Capt. David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76²

David jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 6

Elizabeth, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 130²

Esquire, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Capt. George E., v. 189²

Henry H., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226

Hiram, of Shaftsbury, i. 232

Jacob, v. 14²

Jeremiah, of Charlotte, i. 744²

Jerry, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 502²

Jonathan, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Lewis, grantee of Danby, iii. 578

grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869

of Whitehall (N. Y.), pilot, i. 706

Mehitable, m. Samuel Duncan, v. pt. 2, 93

Polly, of Montpelier iv. 328²

Robert, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Rollin, of Charlotte, i. 737²

Stephen, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

William, grantee of Barton, iii. 71², 72, 83 and note, 84

grantee of Danby, iii. 577²

grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Col. William, from Providence (R. I.), of Barton, iii. 84(2); v. pt. 2, 681

petitioned for land grant, iii. 82²

Gen. William, of Barton, iii. 86², 138, 373²; v. 185²

William T. jr., grantee of Danby, iii. 577

Barton & Tower, of Ludlow, iii. 988²

Bartram, Ebenezer, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²

Job, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Bartrum, D. S. of Danville, i. 948²

Bascom, Mrs. Charlotte (Hawley), wife of Elisha Bascom, i. 102

D. C., of Brandon, iii. 500

Edward S., of Fair Haven, iii. 704

Elias, from Orwell, of Shoreham, i. 101²

of Worcester, iv. 885, 893²

Elihu, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 8

Elisha, from Newport (N. H.), and Orwell, of Shoreham, sketch, 101²-2

of Franklin, ii. 222

Frank H., of Montpelier, iv. 354(2), 355

Ira, of Shoreham, i. 101²

John, of Milton, i. 841

Jonathan, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Joseph, from Newport (N. H.), of Benson, iii. 420²

Joshua, of Brandon, iii. 457²

Mrs. Joshua, m. Rev. Increase Graves, iii. 457²

Sgt. Josiah, of Enosburg, ii. 398

Mrs. Laura (Bush), wife of Elisha Bascom, i. 102

Linus, of Milton, i. 841

Lucretia (Griswold), 2d wife of Joseph Bascom, iii. 420²

Moses, of Milton, i. 841

Oliver, of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 685(2)

Rev. Samuel, of Sharon, ii. 1177

Samuel R., of Swanton, iv. 1049, 1119

Semantha, of Burlington. i. 533

Solomon, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 412²

Timothy, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279, 285

Bascom & Clark, of Bradford, ii. 824

Bascom & Dewey, of Montpelier, iv. 281

Bascomb, Ann F. (Strong), wife of William F. Bascomb, iii. 928

Chester, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Rev. Ezekiel L., of Gerry (Mass.), ii. 105

Frank H., of Northfield, iv. 683²

Harry, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Jonathan, grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. 1, 122

Newell, of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Samuel L., attorney, i. 473

Samuel P., of Franklin co., ii. 94

William F., from Manchester, of Washington (D. C.), iii. 928

Basford, ____, of Franklin, ii. 222²

____, of Waterbury, iv. 837

Dr. H. H., of Waterbury, iv. 839

Dr. Horace H., of Georgia and Low­ell, ii. 469²

Bashaw, Joseph, of Elmore, ii. 627

Sarah, m. Samuel Mansfield, v. pt. 2, 211²

Bashford, ____, of Wis., iv. 605²

Bass, Aaron of MontpeIier, iv. 387²

Alpheus, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Anna, m. Joseph FIint, ii. 846²

Betsey, m. Capt. Samuel Harwood, ii. 846²(2)

Rev. E. C., of Moretown, iv. 602²

in Newbury, ii. 951²

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Ebenezer, of Williamstown, ii. 1148

Orange co. officer, ii. 807 (2)

Dr. Edward, iii. 932²

Rev. Edward, of Newburyport (Mass.), iii. 903²

Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Bass., ii. 847, 848²

Hiram, of Braintree, ii. 846(2)

J. M., of Williamstown, ii. 1152²

J. Q. A., of Randolph, ii. 996

James M., of Williamstown, ii. 1148





Bass, Joel, of Williamstown, ii. 1145², 1148², 1149², 1152²

Gen. Joel, of Williamstown, iv. 304²

Jonathan, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Moses, of Braintree, ii. 846²(2)

O. L., of East Haven, i. 986²

Perkins, of Glover, iii. 200

from Williamstown, of Chicago, ii. 1149, 1154²

Peter, of Braintree, ii. 846²

Samuel, from Braintree (Mass.), of Braintree (Vt.), ii. 845²-6, 848², 852²

sketch, ii. 846²-7

of Randolph, ii. 995²

Samuel, jr., of Braintree, ii. 846²

Sarah, m. Micah Mann, ii. 846²(2)

Seth, of Braintree, ii. 846²

Wales, of Moretown, iv. 603²

William, of Braintree, ii. 846²

Basset, ____. of Essex, i. 779

Alvin, of Essex, i. 783²

Elnathan, of West Fairlee, ii. 909

Joshua, of Essex, i. 786(2)

Seth, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Bassett, ____, of West Fairlee, ii. 908

Mrs., of Middletown, iii. 840

Daniel, of East Montpelier, iv. 583

Elias, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²

Esther (Buel), m. Elnathan Hathaway, iv. 139²

Ezra, of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

G. W., of Barre iv. 34²

Goodyear, of Montpelier, iv. 378²

Dr. H J. of Castleton, iii. 516²

Heman, of Guildhall, i. 1009²

Horace, lawyer, iii. 37

Orange co., ii. 805(2)

Dr. Jared, of Plainfield, Marshfield, etc., iv. 725²

Jedediah, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²

Jesse, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

Joel, of Montpelier, iv. 548

Dea. Joel, of Granby and Guildhall, i. 994²(2), 1003²

Joshua, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

L. Amelia (Willard), wife of R. G. Bassett, iv. 575

Lucy (Cutler), wife of Joel Bassett, i. 1003²

Massa, of Eden, ii. 624²

Oliver, of West Fairlee, ii. 909

Rodney G., of East Montpelier, iv. 575

Rufus, of Benson, iii. 413

Mrs. Theresa, of Burlington, i. 533

Dr. Ward, in Randolph, ii. 1005²

William, of Barre, iv. 41, 42

of Danby, iii. 595

Zachariah, of Waterbury, iv. 867

Bassford, Barnwell David, lawyer, ii. 94

Dorcas, m. Capt. Jeremiah, Bushee, iii. 910²

Basto, Ebenezer, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Batchelder. Rev.. of Castleton, iii. 514²

Abigail, m. Asa Foster, iv. 717

m. Joseph Glidden, iv. 716²

Adaline, of Roxbury, iv. 752²

Adeline, m. K. P. Kidder, iv. 717

m. Levi Martin, iv. 717²

Alice, m. Stephen Perry iv. 717

Alonzo, of Calais. iv. 164²

of Plainfield, iv. 716², 717²

Alpheus, of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

Alpheus 2d, of Plainfield, iv. 717

Ambrose, of Barre, iv. 717

Augusta (Nye), wife of Elijah A. Batchelder, iv. 722

Breed, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Bridgman, of Plainfield, iv. 717²

Mrs. Bridgman, of Plainfield, iv. 719²

Rev. C. R., in Highgate, ii. 270²

of Manchester, i. 204², 205, 2d ed. 203², 204

Rev. Calvin R., from Wendell (N. H.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 605²(2)

Charles T., of Plainfield, iv. 717, 730²

Chester, of Roxbury, iv. 735², 737², 756², 759(2)

Daniel, of Plainfield, iv. 717², 719²

Rev. Daniel, in Huntington, i. 827²

in Northfield, iv. 653

E. B., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478²

Ebenezer, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

Edmund, pioneer of Peru, i. 212(2), 2d ed. 211

Elijah A., of Plainfield iv. 717, 719², 722

Elvira, m. Arouette Gunnison, iv. 717

m. ____ Mack, iv. 717²

Erastus, of Plainfield, iv. 723(2)

Erastus B., of Plainfield, iv. 717

Eri, of Calais, iv. 150

Experience, wife of Nathaniel Batch­elder, iii. 955²

Fanny, m. Jonathan Blaisdell, iv. 717

George W., from Plainfield, of Stowe, ii. 746²-7

Harriet, m. Ira Nichols, iv. 717

Harriet (Perry), wife of Daniel Batchelder, iv. 718

Harrison, of Plainfield, iv. 717²

Harvey, of Plainfield, iv. 717

I. K., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478²(2)

Ira, of Plainfield, iv. 717²

Era ii., from Mount Vernon (N. H.), of Peru, i. 208², 212, 213, 2d ed. 207², 211, 212

Ira R., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551

Isaac, of Middlesex, iv. 245

of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)





Batchelder, Israel, pioneer of Peru, i. 212, 2d ed. 211

Ives, of Montpelier, iv. 427²

J., of Plainfield, iv. 721

of Waterbury, iv. 829

Dr. J. P., Pres. of Castleton med. college, iii. 521(2)

J. S., of Montpelier iv. 354

J. Wesley, of Plainfield, iv. 716²(2)

Jacob, of Plainfield iv. 734

of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521², 525

James, of Plainfield, iv. 717², 727², 731

Mrs. James, of Plainfield, iv. 720

James K., of Arlington, v. pt. 35, 63², 96²

James Merrill, of Plainfield, iv. 717² 

Jeremiah, of Barre, iv. 717²

Mrs. Jeremiah, of Plainfield, iv. 720

Jerry, of Barre. iv. 36²

Jethro, of Strafford, ii. 1084² 

John, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75² 

John, of Morgan, iii. 286²

of Peru, i. 208², 209, 212, 2d ed. 207²(2), 211

Dr. John P., of Castleton, iii. 521

John W., of Topsham, ii. 806(2), 1107², 1110², 1111

Jonathan M., of Plainfield, iv. 717²(2)

Joseph, of Plainfield, iv. 715², 716², 719², 727²

of Roxbury, iv. 750, 751² 

Joseph, jr., of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

Joseph 3d, of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

Josiah, of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

Josiah 2d, of Plainfield, iv. 717

Judith, m. William B. Foss, iv. 717, 726

L. C., of Plainfield, iv. 717²

L. Cheney, of Plainfield, iv. 715, 717, 730

Lee, of Plainfield iv. 721²

Mariam, m. ____ Boyce, iv. 717² 

Mark, of Plainfield, iv. 717

Mary, m. Eld. Isaac R. Pettingill, ii. 688²

m. ____ Whceler, iv. 717²

Mrs. Mary, of Middlesex, iv. 245

wife of John Batchelder, iii. 286²

Mary (or Polly), m. Henry Parker, iv. 716²

Eld. Matthew, of Rutland, iii. 1022

Millard F., from Marshfield, of Stowe, ii. 747

Moulton, from Lyndeboro (N. H.), of Plainfield, iv. 716², 717², 722², 724², 726², 727², 730²

N. M., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478², 479, 726

Nancy, m. Levi Bartlett, iv. 717

Nancy (Barnard), wife of Ira K. Batchelder, i. 212, 2d ed. 211

Nathaniel, of Barre, iv. 41²

from Lyndeboro. (N. H.), of Barre, iv. 716²

of Brimfield (Mass.), iii. 955²

of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

Nathaniel jr., of Barre, iv. 42

Newton M., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726²

Olena, m. Sewall Sturtevant, iv. 717² 

Otis, of Roxbury, iv. 751², 756² 

Parley, of Barre, iv. 42

Phebe, m. Rev. Elisha Rich jr., iii. 955²

Rosette (Perry), wife of Charles T. Batchelder, iv. 718

Royal, of Roxbury, iv. 741², 744², 749²

S. S., of Cabot, iv. 114

Sally, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Samuel, of Topsham, ii. 1111

Samuel R., of Roxbury, iv. 748² 

Samuel S., of Cabot, iv. 78

Sanborn, of Orange, ii. 956²

Sarah, of Roxbury, iv. 756²(2)

Sarah (Richardson), wife of Chester Batchelder, iv. 737²

Sewell, of Plainfield, iv. 717

Susan, m. Arthur Colburn, iv. 717² 

Dr. T. P., iii. 520²

Thomas, of Cabot, iv. 77², 78², 79

Timothy, of Danville, i. 313²(2)

Wheeler J., of Plainfield, iv. 717

William, of Barre, iv. 42

of Newport, iii. 305²

of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

William M., of Castleton, iii. 516² 

William N., of Rutland co., iii. 519² 

Ziba, of Cabot, iv. 122

Batchelder, Evans & co., of Boston, iv. 603²

Batcheller, Anna (Gale), wife of Lyman Batcheller jr., iii. 1172

Aurora (Randall), wife of Isaac Gale Batcheller, iii. 1172

Isaac Gale, of Wallingford, iii. 1172

J. K., of Arlington, v. pt. 35, 69

John C., of Wallingford, iii. 1172

Lois (Rice), wife of Jacob Batcheller, v. pt. 2, 525

Lyman, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 525

Lyman jr. from Stratton, of Wal­lingford, iii. 1172

Batcheller & Sons, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 525

of Wallingford, iii. 1171, 1172

Bateman, Ebenezer, of Middletown, iii. 820

H., iii. 1039

Joseph, of Middletown, iii. 820

Ransom, of Poultney, iii. 1204

Smith, i. 675² note





Bates, ____, iii. 1110²

of Colchester, i. 757²

of Danby, iii. 603

of St. Louis (Mo.), v. pt. 2, 466²

of Waterbury, iv. 916²

lawyer of Addison co., ii. 129²

m. Capt. Hale, iv. 1172

m. F. Pollard, iv. 1172

Dr., of Marshfield, iv. 206

of Middlebury, iii. 527²

Rev., in Westford, i. 896²

of Williston, i. 904²

A. D., of Orleans co., iii. 34

Abigail, of Lanesboro (Mass.), iv. 1171

m. Ichabod Higgins, iv. 1172²

Abner, Negro, of Fletcher, ii. 208

Albert, buried in Barre, iv. 46

Alonzo, of Charleston, iii. 119, 182

Alonzo D., lawyer, iii. 37

Anna, of Lanesboro (Mass.), iv. 1171

m. James D. Butler, iii. 1106²

m. Samuel Rumsey, iv. 1172²

Ansel, of Worcester, iv. 884²

Asa, from Randolph, of Bristol (R. I.), ii. 1054²

of Randolph, ii. 1053

Benjamin 1st, of Randolph, ii. 1053²(2)

Benjamin 2d, of Randolph and Ill., ii. 1053², 1054

Capt. Benjamin, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

C., of Barre, iv. 41²

Carver, buried in Barre, iv. 41

Chandler, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487

Rev. Chandler, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 483

Charles C., of Goddard Seminary, iv. 26²

Charlotte (Stanley), wife of Reuben Bates, iv. 1171²

Christopher, of Benson, iii. 417

Daniel, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Dr. Daniel, of Barton, iii. 75²

of Glover and Northfield, iii. 208²

of Newport, iii. 43(2)

of Northfield, iv. 616

of Plainfield, iv. 725²

David, iv. 762²

of Randolph, ii. 996, 999

Dexter, of Rutland, iii. 1045

Rev. Dexter, of Brandon, iii. 473²

in Charlotte, i. 742²

of Danby, iii. 605²

in Shelburne i. 883²

in Grand Isle co., ii. 485

Edward, of Waterbury, iv. 820

Edwin, of Charleston (S. C.), iii. 182(2)

Elias, of Hartland, ii. 1053

of Ira, iii. 783²

Eliphalet, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 999

sketch, ii. 1053-4

Eliphalet S., of Randolph, ii. 1053², 1054²

Elisha, ii. 538(2)

Elizabeth, m. John Bronson, ii. 565²

Emily (Newell), wife of James Bates, ii. 1054

Eunice, wife of John Bates, iv. 1171

Ezekiel, of Randolph, ii. 1053²

Ezekiel 2d, of Randolph, ii. 1053²

Dr. Ezra, of Waitsfield, iv. 784²

F. R., of Northfield, iv. 616, 689², 695²

Frank R., of Northfield, iv. 697

G. C., of Northfield, iv. 683²

George, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Northfield iv. 697

of Randolph, ii. 1053²

George 2d, of Randolph, ii. 1053²

H. M., of Irasburg, iii. 34

of Northfield, iv. 13², 652², 668, 687(2)

H. W., of Fair Haven, iii. 709

H. W. & co., of Fair Haven, iii. 700²

Harris W., of Fair Haven, iii. 700², 702

Rev. Harvey, of Mass., iv. 784²

Henry C., lawyer, iii. 37²

Rev. Henry H., of Benson, iii. 416²(2)

Henry M., of Irasburg, iii. 253, 254(2), 255²

J. 2d, of Derby Academy, iii. 182²(2)

Jabez, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583

Jacob, of Derby, iii. 34, 180²

of Hartland, ii. 1054²

of Randolph, ii. 1053

James, of Danby, iii. 591²

Rev. James, of Randolph, ii. 999²

sketch, ii. 1053²-4

James T., of Pawlet, iii. 905

Jane, m. M. I. Hill, iii. 182²

Mrs. Jemima, of Richmond, i. 846²

Jesse, v. pt. 35, 54²

Job, of Essex, i. 783²

John, of Hubbardton and Ill, iv. 1172

of Lanesboro (Mass.), iv. 1171

of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Rev. John, of Colchester i. 777²

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 591²

of Randolph, ii. 1053

Eld. Joseph, of Fairhaven, (Mass.), in Johnson, ii. 675²

in Irasburg, iii. 260²(2)

Joseph 2d, of Orleans co., iii. 34²

Rev. Joshua, in Brandon, iii. 464²

of Middlebury, i. 55, 56, 880²; iii. 1106², 1140²; v. pt. 3², 15





Bates, Julia F. (Dickison), 2d wife of Rev. James Bates, ii. 1054

Rev. Lewis, of Danville, i. 315²

of Hardwick, i. 328²

Lewis C., of Charleston, iii. 108², 111², 114², 115

Louisa (Newton), wife of Rev. Chandler Bates, v. pt. 2, 470²

Luther M., of Essex, i. 782

Lydia, m. Lewis Grout, v. 162²; v. pt. 2, 474²

Rev. M., of Burlington, i. 546

Maria, m. Joseph Warner, iii. 1140

Martin, in Lunenburg, i. 1019

Mary, m. Lewis Bronson, ii. 568²

Mary Abiah, m. Otis Parsons. ii. 1053², 1054²

Mary S., wife of Eliphalet Bates, ii. 1053(2)

Merrit, of Stowe, ii. 716

Rev. Merrit, of Swanton, iv. 1087²

Rev. Merritt, of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164²

Moses, of Waterbury, iv. 820

Rev. P., of Tinmouth, iii. 1151

Paschal, of Derby, iii. 182

Peter, of Randolph, ii. 999

Peter N., buried in Barre, iv. 46

Mrs. Philena, of Stowe, ii. 717

Polly, m. James Harrington, iii. 570

Rebecca, of Ira, iii. 783²

Reuben, from Lanesboro (Mass.), of Hubbardton, sketch, iv. 1171

Robert B., of Middlebury, i. 645²; iv. 573²

Dr. Roswell, of Randolph, iv. 156

Rufus, of Ira, iii. 783

Rev. S. L., of Brookfield, ii. 863

Samson, of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Seth, of Stowe, ii. 717

Simeon, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Solomon, of Richmond, i. 846²

Stephen, of Calais, iv. 176

Sylvanus, of Randolph, etc., ii. 1053², 1054², 1175²

Sylvester, of Charleston, iii. 109

Thomas, of Randolph and Illinois, ii. 1053², 1054²

Dea. Thomas, of Brookfield, in Cor­inth, ii. 880²

Warner, of Sherburne, iii. 1122²

William, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

of Hubbardton, iv. 1172

Rev. William, author, i. 555²

William G. P., lawyer, iii. 37

William P., of Charleston, iii. 109, 115²

Bates family of Hubbardton, iv. 1169

Bathurst, Earl, i. 679², 680

Batineau, Lewis, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Batson, Nathaniel, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Battaes, John, alias John B. Joyal, iv. 1041

Battell, Joseph, of Middlebury, iv. 1194

of Ripton, iv. 1191

Philip, of Middlebury, i. 62²-3; iv. 1196²

Addison co. Items, i. 120², 255², 256

quoted, i. 51²

Scene of Our Youth, a poem, i. 92²

visited Amos Goodrich, i. 52

Battles, Charles H., of Randolph, ii. 994

Luther, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 36², 55²

Battson, Stephen, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Batty, Joel, Quaker, in Huntington, i. 827²

Roxana A., of Roxbury, iv. 756

Baulding, Joel, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Baum, Col. F., British officer, ii. 319, 549, 580, 583²; iii. 533²; v. pt. 35, 17(2), 18(2), 19², 20(2), 50², 81

at Bennington battle, i. 11, 154², 156², 157, 157²-8, 173², 176, 186², 772², 2d ed. 156², 158², 159, 160, 175², 178, 187²

his broad sword, i. 158, 2d ed. 160

sent to seize American supplies at Bennington, i. 154, 2d ed. 156

Baury, Rev. A. L., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²(2)

Bauvais, file de, land grant to, ii. 89

Baxter, ____, ii. 660²

of Jay, iii, 318

of Phila., engraver, i. 531

Mrs., of Brownington, iii. 97

Rev., of Brownington, iii. 92²

in Marshfield, iv. 207

Gen., iii. 1120; iv. 680

Albert, of Grand Rapids (Mich.), iv. 191

Rev. B., of Berlin, iv. 65

Carlo, of Burlington, i. 510, 656

lawyer, iii. 37

Mrs. Celia R., iv. 917

Charles D., of Burlington, i. 656

Chester, of Sharon, iv. 304

Rev. E. B., of Brownington, iii. 179²

in Eden, ii. 797²

of Middlesex, iv. 238²

in Morristown, ii. 689²

in Northfield, iv. 654²

E. H., of Fayston, iv. 191²

Eber H., of Fayston, iv. 191

Edwin, of Grand Haven (Mich.), iv. 191

Mrs. Ellen J., iii. 5

Ellen Janette (Harris), wife of Portus Baxter, iii. 190

Flora, m. Alvin Brigham, iv. 745²

H. Henry, of Rutland, iii. 1009

Harry, of Orleans co., iii. 33²





Baxter, Henry, iii. 1118²

Dr. Henry, of Highgate, ii. 260(2), 264 (2)

Capt. Hiram, of Brownington, iii. 99²

Master Hugh, iii. 1040

Hugh H., iii. 1039²

Ira C., of Fayston, iv. 191²

J. N., of Rutland, iii. 1022, 1041

Mrs. J. N., iii. 1039

John N., of Rutland, iii. 1068

Miss Mary, iii. 1038

Capt. Moses H., of Chicago, i. 706

Nathan, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 340, 344, 346

Portus, ii. 531(2), 752²

of Brownington and Derby, iii. 33²(2), 100

sketch, iii. 189-94

Mrs. Portus, of Brownington, iii. 100

Richard, sermons, iii. 154²

Rosina, m. R. B. Cadwell, iv. 191

S. A., of N. Y. City, iii. 538

Sabrina, poem, iv. 193²

Uri J., of Washington (D. C.), iv. 191

poem, iv. 192

William iv. 143

of Brownington, i. 319², 618²; iii. 33², 34, 37, 91(2), 93(2), 94, 95², 96², 99², 100, 102, 143, 189², 233², 245, 248², 376

with Steven's Rangers, ii. 946²

Bay, ____, boat builder, i. 670

Bayard, Stephen, of Phila., iii. 137(2)

Bayden, Rev., from Rutland, of Benning­ton, i. 163, 2d ed. 165

see also, Boylon, Rev. C., i. 163

Bayley, Col., iv. 1153

Abner, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944(2)

Ebenezer, of Morgan, iii. 284²(2)

Edward, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

Ephraim, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

Col. Frye, of Newbury, ii. 939² note, 944(2)

George, of Newbury, ii. 946²

Isaac, of Newbury, ii. 944(2)

Isaac A., of Newbury, ii. 944

Jacob, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241

Gen. Jacob, of Newbury, ii. 944(2), 946, 947(2); v. 13, 14², v. pt. 2, 72

Jacob jr., on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946

James, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 375², 376

in Haverhill (N. H.), iv. 1156², 1157

Jeffrey A., of Newbury, ii. 946²

Col. John, of Newbury, ii. 946²

Joseph, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Joshua, of Newbury, ii. 939², 944(2)

Samuel, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 375²

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

see also Bailey

Baylies, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 283²

Baylies (Bailis), of Montpelier, i. 948

Baylies, Col. H. N., of Montpelier, iv. 276, 279, 351(2), 410², 414², 547²

H. N., & co., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Harriet, m. ____ Wood, ii. 1005²

Horatio N., of Lyndon, i. 352²

of Montpelier, iv. 272²

Mary Ripley, m. George C. Cahoon, i. 352

Nicholas, of Lyndon, i. 347, 350², 352, 354²(2), 355

of Montpelier, iv. 10², 12, 13², 14, 235², 273²(2), 274(2), 277², 294², 295, 314, 357², 454, 461², 544², 551, 556, 559, 568

Nicholas jr., of Des Moines (Ia.), i. 352²

of Montpelier, iv. 543

attorney, iv. 277²

Timothy, Orange co. officer, ii. 805² (2)

Dr. Timothy of Randolph, ii. 1005

Baylies & Goss, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Baylies & Hart, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Baylies & Hutchins, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Baylies & Storrs, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Bayne, Thomas, author, iv. 314

Rev. Thomas, of Irasburg, iii. 35(2), 41, 116², 251², 255

extracts of sermon on Ira H. Allen, iii. 255-60

Beach, Ens., iii. 1083²

Maj., iii. 942²

A. L., of Salisbury, invented screw-plate, i. 89²

Aaron, of Chittenden, iii. 547², 548²

of Whiting, i. 116

Aaron L., of Charlotte, i. 744(2)

Rev. Abraham, of Sheldon, ii. 456

Angeline, of Franklin, ii. 224²

Asahel, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Azariah, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Azariah jr., grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Barney, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Benjamin, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Lt. David, from New Milford (Conn.), of Hinesburg, Rev. soldier, i. 804²

Rev. Edwards A., of Tinmouth, iii. 1151²

Elisha, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Enoch, grantee of Bolton, i. 482






Beach, Gershom, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 547², 549², 551², 552²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Gershom 2d, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

James E., grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

John, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Rev. John, led congregation from Newtown (Conn.), to Arlington, i. 131, 2d ed. 132

Marcellus, of Glover, iii. 208²

Medad, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Miles, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Noah, of Whiting, i. 116

on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 161

Mrs. Rachel (Walker), wife of Aaron Beath, i. 116

Samuel, of Canaan, i. 1067²

sketch, i. 946²-7

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

of Rutland, iii. 438

of Whiting, iii. 1097

surveyor, iv. 257²

Maj. Samuel, front Rutland, pioneer of Whiting, i. 116(2)

Sarah C., m. Jarvis Gilbert, iii. 727²

Sherman, of St. George, i. 852², 853²

Silas, of Westford, i. 891²

Socrates, of Burlington, i. 547

Rev. Stephen, i. 879

in Fairfield, ii. 198²(2)

in St. Albans, ii. 335²(2), 336(2)

in Sheldon, ii. 372², 380

T. G., of Westford, i. 892

Thomas, of Stratford (N. H.), iv. 54

Titus, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Beadel, Samuel Sharp, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Beadell, Samuel Sharp, grantee of Guild­hall, i. 997 note

Beaden, Smithfield, of Fairfield, ii. 192²

William, from Huntington (Conn.), of Fairfield, ii. 192

Beadle, Col., in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Beagle, Daniel, of Alburg, ii. 494²

of Swanton, iv. 996

Beal, George, of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 310

Horatio, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

Rev. Isaac, of Clarendon, iii. 469, 777

of Pawlet, iii. 1050

Mary (Mehuman), wife of George Beal, v. pt. 2, 310

Lt. Shepard, i. 672

Stephen, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 110²

William, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 357²

Beale, Eld., of Pawlet, iii. 925

Rev. Oliver, of Barre, iv. 51²

circuit preacher, iv. 375², 377

Bealey, Mary, of Roxbury, iv. 756², 757

Beall, Rev., iii. 903

Rev. Isaac, of Pawlet, iii. 882, 903, 908²

Mrs. Isaac, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Beans, George, of Phillipston (Mass.), iii. 610

Horatio, of Clarendon, iii. 571

Mary (Baker), wife of George Bealls, iii. 610

Beals, ____, of Belvidere, ii. 592² note

Rev., in Northfield, iv. 649²

Barden, of Wells, iii. 1197

George, of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Gorham, i. 350

Henry, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

of Swanton, iv. 1134, 1186

Hiram, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Eld. Isaac, of Clarendon, iii. 562

Rev. Isaac, of Pawlet, iii. 991²

Jeremiah, of Brattleboro, v. 179²

Mrs. Jerusha, wife of Wheat Beals, ii. 472²

Levi, of St. Albans, ii. 393²

Wheat, of St. Albans, ii. 472²

William, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359, 362²

of Belvidere, ii, 594²

Beaman, Dr., of Fair Haven, iii. 732(2)

Aaron S., of Franklin co., ii. 94, 95²

Betsey (Gibson), wife of Luke Beaman, iii. 734²

Caroline L., of Fair Haven, iii. 734

Charles H., of Fair Haven, iii. 734

Cullen C., of Fair Haven and Poultney, iii. 734

Elijah, of Strafford, ii. 1069, 1083

Frances H., of Fair Haven, iii. 734

George H., from Fair Haven, of Rutland, iii. 734, 1064²

J. D., in Stowe, ii. 716

Jabez, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Jacob, of Rutland, iii. 1045², 1046

Rev. Jacob, of Wells, iii. 1194²

Jane, of Fair Haven, iii. 734

Jencks, of Fair Haven, iii. 734

Lt. Jenks, of Poultney, iii. 985²

Joel, from Leominster (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 700(2), 709, 734(2)

of Poultney, iii. 978², 980², 981, 985², 987

of Rutland, iii. 1014

Joel D., of Fair Haven, iii. 734

John, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

from Mass., of Rutland and Fair Haven, iii. 709(2), 734

John B., of Poultney, iii. 734, 977²

Rev. Joseph, of Grand isle, ii. 535²

Joseph jr., of Franklin co., ii. 92²





Beaman, Luke, from Leominster (Mass.), of Putney and Fair Haven, iii. 734(2), 742²

Lydia (Brown), wife of Joel Bea­man, iii. 734

Mary, of Fair Haven, iii. 734

Mary L., of Fair Haven, iii. 734

Minerva L., m. Rollin C. Mallary, iii. 734

Rev. N. S. S., of Hampton (N. Y.), and Fair Haven, iii. 714, 716, 718, 719²

Sally (Russel), wife of John Bea­man, iii. 734

Samuel, of Fair Haven, iii. 688

of Hampton (N. Y.), iii. 728²

Bean, ____, of Northfield, iv. 625

A. G., of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Alva, hist. of West Fairlee, ii. 908²-15

Alvah, of West Fairlee, ii. 806² (2), 913²(2), 914, 1170²

presentation to Col. Stephen Thomas, ii. 1169²-70

Amos P., of Glover, iii. 199²

Andrew, of Charleston, iii. 109, 121

Charlotte, of Glover, iii. 200

Cromwell P., of Glover, iii. 200

David, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 14, 15², 29

lumber dealer, i. 518

Dorothy, m. Jonas Phillips, iii. 197²

Eben, of Charleston, iii. 108²

Ebenezer, of Berlin, iv. 1188(2)

pioneer of Charleston, iii. 111, 120

Mrs. Ebenezer, of Charleston iii. 111

Edward, of Northfield iv. 672

Elijah, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²

Enoch, of Strafford, ii. 1073², 1083

of Waterbury, iv. 833, 837²

Fulsam, of Albany, iii. 48²

Mrs. G. N. M., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 37

George, of South Hero, ii. 586(2)

George N. M., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²

H. D., of Montpelier, iv. 354²

Hannah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 14, 43²

of Victory, i. 1046²

Henry, of Burlington, i. 547

Henry D., of Barra, iv. 37²

of Montpelier, iv. 354

of Northfield, iv. 683², 684

Henry R., of Northfield, iv. 694²

John, of Albany, iii. 68²

of Charleston, iii. 120

of Colchester, i. 761²

Joseph, of Northfield, iv. 683

Mrs. Laura S. of Glover, iii. 200

Lemuel, of Barre, iv. 46

Lovey, of Strafford, ii. 1084

Nathaniel, of Strafford, ii. 1079

Peter, of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Rev. Peter, in Brookfield, ii. 861², 862²

Philip, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27², 29, 33

Samuel, from Sutton (N. H.), pioneer of Glover, iii. 197²(2), 198², 199²

Silas, of Coventry, iii. 159(2)

Silas G., of Orleans co., iii. 34², 158, 254(2)

Stephen F., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18

Susan, of Bradford, ii. 1160

W., of Albany, iii. 54

W. R., of Northfield, iv. 696

Wentworth, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Bear, Barnabas, of Burlington, i. 509²

Rev. Josiah O., of Montgomery, ii. 277

see also Obear, Rev. J.

Beard, ____, dau. of Dr. David H. Beard, iii. 335

Aaron, from Westminster (Mass.), of Peru, i. 210²-11, 2d ed. 209²

Mrs. Annie (Dunster), wife of Aaron Beard, i. 210², 2d ed. 209²

Calvin, of Essex, i. 779

Charles F., of Northfield, iv. 688

Dea. David, of Shelburne, i. 869²

Dr. David H., of Troy, sketch, iii. 335-6

Mrs. David H., of Troy, iii. 336

George F., of Northfield, iv. 682

Rev. George P., born in Orange, ii. 957²

of Shippenburg (Pa.), iv. 25

Rev. Ira, of Bloomfield, i. 951²(2)

in Groton, iv. 1167²

born in Orange ii. 957²

of Pittsfield, iii. 937²

of Strafford, ii. 1080

Isaac, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 70²

James, of Barton, iii. 86²

John, of Barton, iii. 72

of Highgate, ii. 263

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944, 946

of Shoreham, i. 96²

with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

John H., of Orange, ii. 969²

Joseph, of Orange, ii. 956²

M. G., of Bradford, ii. 841²

T. A. C., of Northfield, iv. 684²

Thomas, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Beard & Butterfield, of Lowell (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 327²

Beardsley ____, of Grand Isle co., ii. 515²

Andrew, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Augustus, in militia, 1839, ii, 513²

Charles B., of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Daniel, of Manchester, i. 201

Dolly, of Fairfield, ii. 393

Ephraim, of Grand Isle, ii. 524², 528², 532² (2)

Evans, of Cabot, iv. 94





Beardsley, Rev. Evans, of Shoreham, sketch, i. 95

George W., of Alburg, iv. 1191

Gershom, from Mass., of Cabot, iv. 78, 79

Dr. Gershom, of Cabot, iv. 93², 94, 101²

H. R., of St. Albans, ii. 293², 315, 480, 515², 526(2)

Henry, of Cabot, iv. 93

Herman R., of St. Albans ii. 331², 547²

Herman Ruggles, lawyer, ii. 94

Horace, from Mass., of Cabot, iv. 78, 79², 93², 104

Dr. Horace, of Cabot, iv. 103

J. J., of Franklin, ii. 222²

of Sheldon, ii. 373², 377², 378

Jehiah, of Grand Isle, ii. 525²

Jehial, of Wells, iii. 1106²

Jerome John, State's attorney, ii. 93, 94

Sgt. Levi, of St. Albans, ii. 433

Lewis, of Fairfield, ii. 393

Marcus W., of St. Albans, ii. 305(2)

Marcus Wells, Franklin co. treasurer, ii. 93²

Nathan, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Nathaniel, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Ruth, of Cabot, iv. 94

Theodore, ii. 541², 550

Whittemore, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192

Sgt. William, in War of 1812, ii. 391

Beardsly, Horace, i. 269²

Beardster, ____, of Dorset, tory, i. 184, 2d ed. 185

Bearnard, D. W., of Stowe, ii. 712²

Beadsley, ____, pioneer of Shaftsbury, i. 232

Beattie, ____, of Charleston, iii. 380²

of Maidstone, i. 1027², 1030

Miss, of St. Albans, ii. 307

D. H., of Maidstone, i. 1030², 1032²

Mrs. D. H., of Maidstone, i. 1007²

D. H. and T. G., of Maidstone, in Brunswick, i. 966

David H., of Maidstone, i. 948

James, of Ryegate, i. 379

Rev. James M., of Barnet, i. 299

of Ryegate, i. 385(2), 447²

church history, Ryegate, i. 384²-5

hist. of Ryegate, i. 375-82

Mrs, M. S., poem, i. 386²

T. G., of Maidstone, i. 1031

Thomas G., of Guildhall, i. 948

of Maidstone, i. 1030², 1032²(2)

Beattis, John, of Calais, Rev. soldier, iv. 147

Beauharnois, Marquis de, governor of Canada, i. 660

Beauman, Thomas, grantee of Shrews­bury, iii. 1127²

Beaumont, Mrs., of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 676 note

Dr. William, author, i. 556

Beauneau, John, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Beavins, William, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 481

Bebee Dr., of Sheffield (Mass.), i. 561²

Mrs. (née Sherman), from Waterbury, of Burlington, iv. 869²

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

L., of Waterbury, iv. 819

Lewis, of Manchester, i. 203, 204, 2d ed. 202², 203²

Lucy (Allen), i. 561²

Peter, of St. Albans, ii. 433²

Rhoda, m. John Bemis jr., v. pt. 2, 62²

Steadman, of Danby, iii. 665²

William, of Danby, iii. 665²

Beck, Lewis C., of Castleton, iii. 521

Beckett, Josiah, of Barre, iv. 37

Seth, of Barre, iv. 42

William S., of Williamstown, ii. 1148²(2), 1149

Beckhorn, ____, of Brandon, iii. 495

Beckley, Rev., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 153

in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548²

Abigail, of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

Anna, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

David Webster, of Chesterfield and Keene (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 89

Rev. Gray, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

Guy, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485

Rev. Guy, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Horace, of Barre, iv. 41²

Hosea, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 15, 117, 124², 141, 157², 172(2)

Rev. Hosea, of Brattleboro, v. 112

of Dummerston, v. 80²

author, i. 556

historian, v. pt. 2, 55, 218, 268²(2), 410, 457², 458

History of Vermont, quoted, ii. 91²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 88-9

Jane Louisa, m. Nelson W. Herrick, v. pt. 2, 89

Lydia (Pierson), wife of Rev. Hosea Beckley, v. pt. 2, 89

Mary H., wife of David W. Beckley, v. pt. 2, 89

Oramel, of Barre, iv. 41²

Zebedee, of Barre, iv. 1199²

Beckwith, Rev., of Bristol, i. 21

in Burke, i. 311

Maj., of Canada, at N. Y., v. 92

Abigail, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38², 39²





Beckwith, Rev. Amos, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 390, 391

of Putney and Sutton, v. pt. 34, 14², 16², 37², 38², 40²(2), 53²

Gen. Amos, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 41(2)

C., of St. Albans, ii. 480

Corydon, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 39, 40²(2), 41

lawyer, ii. 94²

Daniel, of Burke, i. 305²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38², 39, 43²

Mrs. Daniel, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 39

Daniel N., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40², 41

Elizabeth, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38²

m. Truman Newell, v. pt. 34, 39²

Rev. George A., in Westfield, iii. 352²

Henry, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40², 41

Rev. J. H., in Guildhall, i. 1011²

in Irasburg, iii. 255

John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 21², 36², 38², 39², 41(2), 42, 43, 45, 51

hist of Sutton, i. 423-5

Mrs. John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 39

Rev. John, in Pittsfield, iii. 936²

John jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40²

Rev. John H. of Barton, iii. 35, 87²

of Middlesex, iv. 238²

of Middletown, iii. 832²

Joshua, of Calais, iv. 175²

Kate, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40²(2)

Laura, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40²

m. David Joy, v. pt. 34, 41

Lodoska, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38²

Lodoska B., m. R. D. Wilson, v. pt. 34, 40²

Lucy, m. Hollis Wright, v. pt. 2, 615

Lydia, of Roxbury, iv. 756

m. Nathan Richardson, v. pt. 2, 619

Matilda, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Matilda (Shaw), wife of John Beck­with, v. pt. 34, 40²

Ranson, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Rebecca, of Sutton, v. pt 34, 382

m. Rufus Newell, v. pt. 34, 39²

Reynald, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Roswell, of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Rufus, of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Sarah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40²(2)

Susanna (Truman), wife of Rev. Amos Beckwith, v. pt. 34, 38²

Sylvania, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38², 43²

Truman, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38², 40², 41(2)

of Sutton and Providence (R. I.), sketch, v. pt. 34, 39

Becley, see Beckley, Rev. Hosea

Bedard, ____, of St. Albans, ii. 307(2)

Beddow, Rebecca (Pearce) (Hosford), wife of Richard Beddow, iii. 682, 698, 726

Richard, of Fair Haven and Warsaw (N. Y.), iii. 674², 682, 726

Bedel, Abraham, of Plainfield, iv. 728²

Col. Timothy, i. 274²

led troops from Conn. river to Canada, i. 266²; iv. 3

Bedell, Rev., of Lunenburg, i. 1021

Col., of Mass., i. 1021²

Rev. A. of Richford, ii. 285

Rev. Abram, in Bloomfield, i. 952²

Rev. C. C., of Waterbury iv. 839²

Hubbard W., of Lunenburg, i. 948

Jacob, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

John P., of Elmore, ii. 627

Thomas, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Rev. William, in Hubbardton, iii. 771²

in Wells iii. 1194²

Bedford, Rev. B., of Barre, iv. 52

Daniel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Elias, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Rev. R., of Peacham, i. 361²

Bedle, Timothy, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

Col. Timothy, in Rev. war, i. 1031

Beebe, A. J., of Swanton, iv. 1134²

Aaron, of Wells, iii. 1206²

Abigail (Martin), wife of Robert Beebe, iii. 1206²

Alexander, of Brandon, iii. 439, 451²-2

Asa, from Conn., of Winhall, i. 246, 247(2)

Asa jr., from Conn., of Winhall, i. 246, 247

Asahel, grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. i. 122

David, grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. i. 122

David L., of Pittsford, iii. 943², 944

Dr. Dudley, of Winhall, i. 246²

Ephraim, of Wells, iii. 1206²

Capt. Ezekiel, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Ezra, of Swanton, iv. 1046²

G. W., of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1123

H. H., of Danby, iii. 666

James, grantee of Arlington, 2d ed. i. 122

John, grantee of Arlington, 2d. ed. i. 122

pioneer of Charleston, iii. 122

of Newport, iii. 295²

John M., of Charleston, iii. 109

of Newport, iii. 305

Dr. Lewis, from Arlington, of Pawlet, iii. 901(2), 909

Luther, of Winhall, i. 246²

Lydia, wife of Asa Beebe, i. 247

Mrs. Maria, poem, i. 230, 2d. ed. 228²

Ozias, of Wells, iii. 1206²

Robert, from Conn., of Wells, iii. 1206²





Beebe, Robert jr., of Wells. iii. 1206²

Roswell, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

Mrs. Roxana, m. Stephen Clark, iii. 1207

Sally, of Wells, iii. 1206²

Sarah (Day), wife of Asa Beebe jr., i. 247

Silas, of Wells, iii. 1206²

Zaccheus, of Newport, iii. 296

Beebee, G. M., of Highgate, ii. 421

Beech, Gershom, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Ruth, m. Benjamin Cooley jr., iii. 942

Beecher, Austin, of Hinesburg, i. 798², 800(2)

Catherine, v. 174²

Clarissa, wife of John Beecher jr., i. 796²

Rev. David, of Pawlet, iii. 904², 909

Elmer, of Hinesburg, i. 472², 797, 798², 799, 808

Elmer, of Shelburne, i. 877

Dr. Elmer, of Shelburne, i. 868

Rev. Henry Ward, quoted, ii. 310, 311(2)

John, of Hinesburg, i. 796², 797

grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

John jr., of Hinesburg, i. 796²

Rev. John S of Hinesburg, i. 796

Mrs. Lydia, wife of John Beecher, i. 796²

Lyman, of Hinesburg, i. 797

Rev. Lyman, iii. 938

of Boston, v. 160

Beede, Mrs., of Albany, iii. 57

Aaron, of Strafford, ii. 1083²

John W., of Charleston, iii. 122

Nathan, of Albany, iii. 61, 67²(2), 68 (2)

Beedel Col. Timothy, see Bedel, Col. Timothy

Beedels, Samuel S., grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Beeden, Smithfield, of Fairfield, ii. 200

Beedy, John, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Beel, William jr., of Pittsford, iii. 944

Beeman, ____, of Enosburg, surveyor, ii. 150²

of Fairfax, ii. 174²

surveyed Alburg, ii. 489²

Rev., in Huntington, i. 827²

of Swanton, iv. 1103

Lt., on northern frontier, ii. 403²

Aaron S., of Fairfax, ii. 435

Beriah, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 169, 172², 175, 179², 402²

Catherine (Durkee), wife of Joseph Beeman, ii. 178²

Lt. Elijah, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Capt. Elijah, of Strafford, ii. 1084

Lt. H., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Rev. J. D., of Hyde Park, ii. 660²

of Swanton, iv. 1087², 1129

J. M., mills in Fairfax, ii. 172²(2)

Sgt. J. M., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Rev. Jacob, of Brandon, iii. 473², 474(2)

in Bristol, i. 21

in Charlotte, i. 742²(2)

in Grand Isle co., ii. 485²

in St. Albans, ii. 334²

Rev. James M., of Swanton, iv. 1094

Jedediah, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

John, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278

Joseph, from Bennington, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168², 169, 178²

of Franklin co., ii. 175

Capt. Joseph, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Joseph jr., from Bennington, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168², 169(2), 171, 175², 184, 283, 402

Judge Joseph jr., from Warren (Conn.), of Fairfax, sketch, ii. 178²-9

Lewis N., of Swanton, v. pt. 35, 53²

Lucas R. of Fairfax, ii. 96

Nancy (Merrill), wife of Joseph Beeman, ii. 179²

Nathan, guide to Ticonderoga, i. 565(2)

Thomas, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Beers, Andrew, surveyed Bloomfield, i. 950

Benjamin, of Charlotte, i. 744²

Ephraim, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Hannah, m. Abner Hard, 2d ed. i. 135²

Beethoven, Ludwig von, i. 534

Belair, Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Belamy, Rev., of Bethlehem (Conn.), iii. 1060

Charles D., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542

Belcher, Mrs., of Roxbury, iv. 751²

Isaac, of New York, iv. 1137²

Gov. Jonathan, granted Fall Town (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 275

Joseph, of Fairfax, ii. 169(2)

Samuel, of Braintree, ii. 844²

William, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Beldan, Gideon, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Belden, Augustus, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34², 35², 36(2)

Benjamin, from Farmington (Conn.), of Burke, i. 307²

Charles jr., of St. Albans, ii. 433

Mrs. Florinda, of Moretown, iv. 603²

see also Belding, Florenda F.

H. W., of East Haven, i. 986(2)

Henry C., of St. Johnsbury, iv. 1191

Rhoda (Phelps), wife of Benjamin Belden, i. 307²






Belden, Sally (Woodruff), wife of Ben­jamin Belden, i. 307²

Beldin, Daniel, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Belding, ____, from Pittsfield (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408²

Miss A. W., in Johnson, ii. 589²

Charles, of Benson, iii. 407²

David, of Moretown, iv. 603, 917

pioneer of Weybridge, i. 109², 110

David T. Jeff., of Moretown, iv. 598²

E. F., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 312 

Edgar F., from Vernon, of Fitchburg (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 311

Edward E. jr., of Vernon and Chic­opee (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 311

Elijah, of Ashfield (Mass.), i. 603²

Elijah, of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 310²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 324

Elijah 2d, of Vernon and Spring­field (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 311

Elijah E., of Vernon, portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 310

sketch, v. pt. 2, 310-11

Eliza E., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 311

Elisa (Frost), wife of Elijah E. Belding, v. pt. 2, 310²

Everett E., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 311

Mrs. Flavilla, ii. 1022

Florenda F., of Moretown, iv. 603

Hattie (Overhiser), wife of Elijah Belding 2d, v. pt. 2, 311

Henry, of Danby, iii. 656²

John Eastman, of Springfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 311

Jonathan, of Northfield and Fitch­burg (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 311

Lt. Jonathan, of Hadley and Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 310

Jonathan jr., of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 310²

Levi, of Benson, iii. 413

Lois, wife of Elijah Belding v. pt. 2, 324

Lois S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 324

Lois S. 2d, of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 310²

Lois (Stevens), wife of Elijah Belding, v. pt. 2, 310²(2)

Maria A., m. Elijah M. Dickinson, v. pt. 2, 310²

Mary E., m. Lyman Daggett, iv. 169²

Mary (Steadman), wife of Edward E. Belding jr., v. pt. 2, 311

Moses, of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 275²

Reuben grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Richard, of Eng., v. pt. 2, 310

Samuel, of Grand Isle, ii. 525

of Hatfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 310

in Johnson, ii. 589²

Samuel, of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Stephen, of Hadley (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 310

of Conn., v. pt. 2, 89

Thankful, m. Joseph Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 288

Titus, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Belding family of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 310-1

Belford, ____, of Col., iv. 635

Belknap, ____, iv. 662-3

of Brookfield, ii. 863²

artist, v. pt. 2, 144², 216²

British prisoner in Canada, ii. 985

Dea., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Dr., of Strafford, ii. 1071²

Amanda (Kingsbury), wife of Willard Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107(2)

Bathusa, wife of Calvin Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107(2)

Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

m. John Greenwood, v. pt. 2, 107

Betsey (Plummer), wife of Daniel Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Calvin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107(2)

Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107(2)

Cyrus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 107 (2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107², 152, 185, 191

Daniel jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

Elizabeth (Porter), wife of Simeon Belknap, ii. 978

Harriet, m. George Willard, v. pt. 2, 107

Harriet (French), wife of John P. Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Rev. Henry, of Randolph, ii. 999²

Horace, of Castleton, iii. 518

Huldah (Edson), wife of Perley Belknap, iv. 698

Rev. J. W., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164²

Rev. Jeremy, historian, ii. 941; iv. 957; v. pt. 2, 457², 458

memorial, iv. 319

Jesse, pioneer of Castleton, iii. 506², 512², 515², 525(2)

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Jesse jr., of Castleton, iii. 506²

Joe, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

John P., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

Rev. John W., in Brandon, iii. 473, 474






Belknap, Juliette (French), wife of Sewall Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Lewis, of Brandon, iii. 496

Dea. Lorenzo, of Northfield, iv. 656, 682 (2 )

Lucy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

m. William Goss, v. pt. 2, 107, 188

Marian, of Northfield, iv. 672

Marion (Edson), wife of Simeon Belknap jr., ii. 978²

Mary (Gibbs), wife of Simeon Bel­knap jr., ii. 978²

Miriam, m. John Weston, ii. 1045²

Moses, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976, 1030, 1046², 1047(2)

Nathaniel, pioneer of Goshen, i. 36

Mrs. Nathaniel, i. 36

P., & co., of Northfield, iv. 681²

Perley, of Northfield, iv. 645², 656², 667, 668, 682², 687(2), 695

of Randolph and Northfield, ii. 1035(2); iv. 697²-8

Polly, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

Ruth Greenwood, wife of Asa Bel­knap, v. pt. 2, 107

S. F., v. pt. 2, 191²

Sally, m. Dr. Sewall Foster, v. pt. 2, 107, 191

Sally (Lawton), wife of Cyrus Bel­knap, v. pt. 2, 107

Samuel, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889

Sarah (Duncan), wife of Charles Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Sewall, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

Sibyl, m. Samuel Wakefield jr., v. pt. 2, 161²

Simeon, from Conn., of Randolph, iv. 697²

of Ellington (Conn.), ii. 978

of Randolph, British captive, ii. 985-9, 990², 1030, 1033², 1034(2), 1035, 1045²

Suel (Oriel), railroad contractor, i. 483(2)

Willard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

William W., iv. 606²

Belknapp, Belle, m. Henry H. Kathan, v. pt. 2, 19

Bell, ____, ii. 358

lawyer, iv. 468²

lawyer of Caledonia co., ii. 129²

Mrs. of Granby, i. 992

Rev., of Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 164²

of Guildhall, i. 1009(2), 1010

in Strafford, ii. 1083

Abbie W., of Hills Grove (R. I.), iv. 170

Arthur T., of Hills Grove (R. I.), iv. 170

Benjamin, of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 527²

Sir Charles, of Eng., iv. 449²

D. P., of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Delia J. (Tobey), wife of Thomas Bell, iv. 170

Delight, m. Dr. John Sargent, iii. 626², 925

Eli, of Enosburg, ii. 137, 140², 141

F. C., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

F. E., of Swanton, iv. 1134²

Freeborn, of Swanton, iv. 1046

Freeborn F., of Highgate, ii. 262

of Swanton, iv. 1088

H., iii. 1112²

H. C., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²

Harvey, of Weybridge and Middle­bury, i. 53, 110²

James, iv. 271

of Lyme (N. H.), i. 428(2)

of Walden, i. 426², 645², 949, 1008(2); iv. 573²

Mrs. James, m. Col. Robert Johns­ton, i. 428²

Capt. James, of Walden, sketch, i. 428-30

James D., of Walden, i. 428², 448²; iv. 1200

hist. of Walden, i. 425²-30

John, i. 508²; ii. 530², 838²

of Danby, iii. 607²

of Troy, iii. 320² note

of Tenn., i. 634

Jonathan, of Tinmouth, iii. 1142, 1143²

Joseph, of N. H., iv. 303²

Dr. Luther V., i. 648

Rev. M. P., in Alburg, ii. 487²

Mary, m. Abel Haskins, iii. 626²

Meshech jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Nathaniel, of Granby, i. 991, 992

Sampson, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Samuel, of N. H., iv. 303²

Shadrach, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Solomon, pioneer of Weybridge, i. 110(2)

Thomas, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

of Hills Grove (R. I.), iv. 170

grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²(2)

Capt. Thomas, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

W. H., of Swanton, iv. 1134, 1186

William, of Bradford, ii. 812

editor, iv. 293

Rev. William, in St. Albans, ii. 464

of Woodstock and Montpelier, iv. 409²

William H., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Lt. William H., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Mrs. (Yeatman) (née Erwin), wife of John Bell, i. 634

Bell & Fuller, of Swanton, iv. 1130





Bellamy, ____, author, iii. 509

Dr., taught Rev. Job Swift, ii. 466

Edward, ii. 551²

Elizabeth, m. John Pray jr., iii. 1198²

Rev. Joseph, ii. 907

Bellamy & Austin, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Bellard, Lt., v. pt. 2, 28²

Belles, Maj. v. pt. 2, 22²

see also Maj. Bellows

Bellor, Hiram, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Bellow, ____, chief justice, of Walpole (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 627²

Bellows, Maj., v. pt. 2, 22²

Col., i. 283; iii. 511², 749²

Almira, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Capt. Benjamin, of Walpole (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 23², 44, 130, 180², 253², 494, 495, 496, 497, 499, 504², 567², 573²(2)

Col. Benjamin, in Shrewsbury, iii. 1125(2)

Catherine, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Charles, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Capt. Charles jr., v. pt. 2, 450²

Charles Herman, v. pt. 2, 450²

Dolly A., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Dorcas (Cutler) (Willard), wife of Benjamin Bellows, v. pt. 2, 180²

Capt. Ela, of Fairfax, ii. 403

Eleanor (Bellows), wife of Charles Bellows, v. pt. 2, 450

Elias, of Fairfax, ii. 171

Elmira, of Marlboro. v. pt. 2, 450²

Franklin, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Rev. H. W., of N. Y., iii. 1125

Harry, from Westminster, of N. H., v. pt. 2, 609

Hiram, of Fairfax, ii. 96

of St. Albans, ii. 292

James, of Fairfax, ii. 170², 171

John, from Dalton (Mass.), pioneer of Hancock, i. 43²

of Derby, iii. 181²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Jonah, of Walpole (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 596

Joseph, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450

Jotham, of Southboro (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 450

Juda, m. Capt. Fairbank Moore, v. pt. 2, 23²

Judah, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Laura, m. Luman Stearns, v. pt. 2, 450²

Laura (Miller), wife of Charles Bellows jr., v. pt. 2, 450²

Martha, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Mary A., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Peter, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Rufus, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Sally, of Marlboro, v. pt. . 2, 450²

Sally (Croner), 3d wife of Charles Bellows jr., v. pt 2, 450²

Stella (Bradley), wife of Jonah Bel­lows, v. pt. 2, 596

Thomas, of Walpole (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 114

Timothy, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Wealthy (Moon), 2d wife of Charles Bellows jr., v. pt. 2, 450²

Maj. William of Walpole (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 13²

Bellus, E., of Fairfax, ii. 467

Ebenezer, of Fairfax, ii. 402², 403

Belville, Lewis, of Elmore, ii. 627

Beman, Dr. Charles, of Pawlet, iii. 893²

Rev. J., in Shelburne, i. 883²

Rev. Jacob, of Danby, iii. 606(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 904

Bemas, Joseph, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 14

Bement, Dr. John, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

Mrs. John (née Roberts), of Whitingham and Mass., v. pt. 2, 720²

John W., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722²

from Whitingham, of Baldwinsville (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 721

Bemington, Rev. E. F., of Bennington, i. 162²

see also Remington, Rev. E. F.

Bemis, ____, of Northfield, iv. 498

Aaron, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 13

Abigail, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62, 63²(2)

wife of Joseph Hildreth, v. pt. 2, 52, 206

Abigail Hadley, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63

Abigail (Stevens), wife of John Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62(2)

Abijah, of Marshfield, iv. 204, 206², 216

Abner, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62, 63², 113²

Rev. Abner, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 63², 408, 417²

Alanson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 175

Alonzo, of Lyndon, iii. 366

Amanda (Bemis), wife of Daniel G. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Amanda M., m. Daniel G. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Ann (Crossfield), wife of Edwin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Anna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62, 63(2)

Beman, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 38, 62(2), 63², 107², 110²







Bemis, Benjamin 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²(2)

m. Benjamin Hadley jr., v. pt. 2, 163

m. Levi Caryl jr., v. pt. 2, 163²

Betsey (Bemis), wife of Samuel Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Betsey (Buck), wife of Lemuel K. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Bezina, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Bolivia (Tracy), wife of Abner Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Bradley, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 38²

C., of Glover, iii. 200

C. C., of Wilmington, v. pt.. 3³, 23

Caroline (Bruce), wife of Horace Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Catherine, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

m. Dr. Sewall Walker, v. pt. 2, 62²(2), 94

Charles, of Dover, v. pt 2, 338

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Charles A., v. pt. 2, 84²

Clarissa, m. Jonathan French, v. pt. 2, 63²

Cyntha, m. Joel Chandler, v. pt. 2, 63

Cyrene, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 175

of Marshfield, iv. 198², 208

of Wells, iii. 1197

Daniel jr., of Marshfield, iv. 208(2)

Daniel G., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

Daniel H., of Lancaster (Mass.), iv. 220²

Daniel W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²(2)

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62(2), 107², 110², 134

Dolly (Pettis), 2d wife of John B. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Dolly (Sergeant), wife of William Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Dorcas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 175

Edmond, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62

Edmund, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19², 25²(2)

Edwin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 93²

Edwin B., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Mrs. Electa B., of Dummerston v. pt. 2, 28

Electa (Boyden), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26², 39²

wife of Bradley Bemis, v. pt. 2, 38²

1st wife of John Bradley Bemis, v. pt 2, 62²

Elias, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62, 63²(2), 107², 110², 134

Eliza, m. Loran Smith, v. pt. 2, 63²

Eliza Ann (Duncan), wife of Edwin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Eliza (Duncan), wife of Edwin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 93²

Elizabeth (Lawrence), wife of Phil­ip Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62

Elizabeth (Robinson), wife of Samuel Bemis, v. pt. 2, 64

Emeline, m. Nathan Applebee, v. pt. 2, 62²(2)

Erastus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

Experience (Kendrick), wife of Elias Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

George C., of Woodbury, iv. 882

Gideon, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 652

Harriet S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Horace, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²(2)

Rev. I. W., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Ira, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Ira 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Isabella (Houghton), wife of William Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Rev. J. W., of Barre, iv. 52

in Craftsbury, iii. 166²

in Moretown, iv. 601

Jane E., m. James Peabody, v. pt. 2, 63²

Jemima, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

wife of John Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

wife of Joseph Bemis, v. pt. 2, 113²(2)

Jemima (Stoddard), wife of Joseph Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63(2)

Jemima (Whipple), wife of John Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62

Jesse, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Joanna, m. Dan Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148(2)

m. Joshua Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²(2)

m. Rufus Hadley, v. pt. 2, 63, 163

John, of Brattleboro, v. 53², 59

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62(2)

John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

John Bradley, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62², 206

Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62, 77², 107², 110², 113², 127², 163, 194²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 63

of Watertown (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 62(2)

Joseph jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63(2), 114

Joshua, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63², 75, 127², 148², 163(2)







Bemis, Katie (Freeman), wife of Abner Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Lavina, m. Edward Whitney, v. pt. 2, 63²

Lemuel K., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²(2)

Levi, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62

of Marshfield, iv. 205²

of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 63²

Lewis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

of Marshfield, iv. 216(2)

sketch, iv. 220-1

Louisa E., m. Alexander Dickinson, v. pt. 2, 63²

Louisa (Miller), wife of Samuel N. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Lucy, of Marshfield, iv. 206²

m. John Streeter, v. pt. 2, 62

Mandana, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Maria, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Marinda (Willard), wife of William Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Martin, of Marshfield, iv. 204

Martin B., of Plainfield, iv. 734

Mary, of Marshfield, iv. 206²

Mary Ann, m. John Emerson, v. pt. 2, 63²

Mary (Dunster), wife of David Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62, 134

Melinda, m. David Daily, v. pt. 2, 62²(2)

Melindy (Goddard), wife of Daniel W. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Melvina A., m. Daniel G. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Melvina (Bemis), wife of Daniel G. Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Moody, of Marshfield, iv. 205, 220

Naomi (Cushman), wife of Lewis Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Nial, from Westminster, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 375

Obadiah, of Marshfield, iv. 216

Olive, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2. 63²

m. Samuel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148²

Olive (Baldwin), wife of Benjamin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Orpha, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

Parmelia (Cole), wife of Jesse Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

Patience (Wright), 3d wife of John Bradley Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Peter, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Mrs. Phebe (Boyden), m. Alvin D. French, v. pt. 2, 96(2)

m. Amasa Clark, v. pt. 2, 96

wife of Benjamin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 38

Philip, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107², 110²

of Westminster (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 62

Philip jr., of Brookline, v. pt 2, 381

Phineas, of Marshfield, iv. 216

Polly, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63², 152²

m. Nathaniel Atridge, v. pt. 2, 63

Polly (Whitney) (Sargeant), wife of William Bemis, v. pt. 2, 162²

Priscilla, m. George Dickinson, v. pt. 2, 63²

Rebecca (Dickinson), wife of Benjamin Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62

Rhoda (Bebee), wife of John Bemis, jr., v. pt. 2, 62²

Rhoda (Sargeant), wife of David Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Roxana, m. Charles Butler, v. pt. 2, 62²

Ruth (McCullough), wife of Erastus Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Dr. S. N., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 25²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2. 174

of Putney, v. pt 2, 224²

Sally, m. Asa Miller, v. pt. 2, 63², 134

m. Job Knight, v. pt. 2, 137²

Sally (Pierce), wife of Philip Bemis, v. pt. 2, 101

Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62(2), 63²

Samuel L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 205²

Samuel Newell, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 62²

Sarah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62

m. Dennison Wilson, v. pt. 2, 63²

m. Paul Dickinson, v. pt. 2, 64

wife of Joseph Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62

Sarah (Washburn), 2d wife of Horace Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Seneca S., of Plainfield, iv. 722²

Sibyl, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

m. Ebenezer Hadley, v. pt. 2, 63, 163

Sophia (Daniels), wife of Stephen Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²

Mrs. Sophia (Watrous), poet, iv. 294², 298

Stephen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²(2), 63²

Sumner, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

Welcome, of Lyndon, iv. 1194

Wells A., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 13

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62(2), 162², 202, 203

William H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62²

Willis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2. 63²

Zacheus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62

Dea. Zacheus, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 10





Bemiss, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347²

Elias, of Lyndon, i. 347

Capt. Elias, of Lyndon, i. 343(2), 344

Elias jr., of Lyndon, i. 343², 354(2)

Rev. J. W., of Cabot, iv. 101

Joel, of Lyndon, i. 343, 344²

Wait, of Lyndon, i. 343

Welcome, of Lyndon, i. 343², 354²

Bemus, Daniel, of Marshfield, iv. 1199

Joshua, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²

Bender, Mary A., of Burlington, i. 533

Benedict, Dr., of Underhill, i. 888

from Underhill, of Fletcher, ii. 203²

Mrs., of Randolph, ii. 1173²

Prof., of Burlington, iv. 24, 661

Abel, of Arlington, i. 126², 130, 2d ed. 123², 127², 131

of Colchester, i. 761

Anna, m. Gen, John Peck, iv. 913

Benajah, pioneer of Addison, i. 12, 13²

Charles, of Northfield, iv. 688

Charles L., preceptor of Franklin co. grammar school, ii. 98

Daniel of Burlington, ii. 480

of St. Albans, ii. 323

attorney, i. 473

David, from Randolph, of Plainfield, iv. 723

E. C., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478²

F. N., of Burlington, i. 523²

Dr. George, of Richmond, i. 845

George Granville, of Burlington, i. 554²; iii. 5

address, iv. 323²

Lt. George Granville, Gettysburg battle, i. 708-19

George W., of Burlington, i. 472²(2), 508², 523, 530, 532², 554², 555, 600; iv. 322, 1200

Burlington Free Press, i. 554-5

Prof. George W., of Burlington, i. 648²; ii. 35 note

Lucy, m. Elisha Hard, 2d ed. i. 135²

Moses, of Underhill, i. 886²

Peter, of Burlington, i. 490, 494(2), 496, 509², 511²

Phoebe, m. ____ Lowry, of North East (N. Y.), i. 602

Pitman, pioneer of Arlington, i. 123²

Samuel, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976, 1033(2), 1047², 1064²(2)

Rev. T., in Charlotte, i. 742²

of Pittsfield (Mass.), iii. 622²

in Shelburne, i. 883²

Benet, Daniel, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Benham, Mrs., of Derby, iii. 183²

Gamaliel, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

John, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

John jr., grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Mrs. Maria (Nutting), m. Dr. Isaac Knapp, v. pt. 2, 149

Nathan S., of Derby, iii. 179²

Samuel, of Tinmouth, iii. 1152

Samuel jr., of Tinmouth, iii. 1152

Sarah, of Derby, iii. 179

Dea. Stoddard, of Derby, iii. 183²

Benidict, A. G., of Clinton (N. Y.), v. pt. 34, 52²

Benjamin, ____, of Berlin, iv. 73

of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

B. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Caleb, grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

D. H., of Swanton, iv. 1187

Daniel grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

David, of East Montpelier, iv. 589

of Marshfield, iv. 200(2)

Elisha, of Marshfield, iv. 200²

of Woodbury, iv. 873, 875², 876(2)

Elisha jr., of Marshfield, iv. 200²

Ernest C. of Barton, iv. 876²

George W., of Woodford, i. 259

Guy, of Marshfield, iv. 200²

J. F., of Swanton, iv. 1187

John, v. 15

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

John E., of Berlin, iv. 1192

Jonathan, of Guildhall, i. 1005

Joseph, of Fair Haven, iii. 720²

Josiah, of Berlin, iv. 68

of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Maj. Josiah, from Ashburnham (Mass.), of Berlin, iv. 60²

Josiah jr., of Berlin, iv. 60²

Lucy, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Lucy (Banning), wife of Maj. Josiah Benjamin, iv. 60²

P. S., of Island Pond, i. 956

Phineas L., of Wolcott, ii. 783

Reuben, v. pt. 35, 54

Sally (Race), of Fair Haven, iii. 682

Sarah (Race), wife of Joseph Ben­jamin, iii. 720²

William, of Ashburnham (Mass.), iv. 60

Bennet, Mrs., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 20

Adam, of Richmond, i. 846

Benjamin, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Capt. Charles, i. 672

Rev. Daniel, of Huntington, i. 827

Dea. David, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9

Rev. Francis, of Pownal, i. 254

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

John N., of Bridport, i. 17²

Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Rachel, m. Nathan Wilcox, iii. 291

Salmon, of Brattleboro, v. 81²(2)





Bennet, Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Stephen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107²

Thomas, of Richmond, i. 846

Bennett, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 191²

of Charleston, iii. 121

of Corinth, ii. 875²

of Grand Isle, ii. 520² note (2)

of Rutland, iii. 788

m. Benjamin Sage„ iii. 909

Rev., in Stamford, i. 238

Sgt., of 2d Vt. regt., iv. 14²

A., of Worcester, iv. 888²

A. G., of Swanton, iv. 1132², 1133, 1186

Aaron, from Canterbury (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 873², 903, 905, 909

Abigail (Graves), wife of Josiah Bennett jr., v. pt. 2, 99²

Adaline (Miller), wife of Jonas Bennett, v. pt. 2, 100

Ahira, of Pawlet, iii. 909

Capt. Albert, of Brattleboro, v. 49, 51

Alfred, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 92 (2)

Allyn O., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

Almira, of Dummerston and Brattle­boro, v. pt. 2, 187²

Aloton, of Mendon, iii. 790

Ambrose of Northfield, iv. 624

Amelia (Haven), wife of Wilson Bennett, v. pt. 2, 33²

Amy (Temple), wife of Alfred Ben­nett, v. pt. 2, 92

Andrew, of Tunbridge, ii. 1126

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99²

Asa G., of Swanton, iv. 1134

Augusta (Bradley), wife of Joseph Bennett, v. pt. 2, 92

Austin, of Calais iv. 150²-1

Banks, from Halifax, of Pawlet, iii. 909

Bristor, of Benson, iii. 417

C. C., m. Joshua M. Dana, iv. 882²

C. S., of Calais, iv. 136²

Caleb, of East Montpelier, iv. 578², 581, 582, 583²

of Montpelier, iv. 549

Catherine, m. Forbes Jones, iv. 168

Charles, v. pt. 2, 187²

from Bennington, of Cambridge, ii. 599, 611²

Mrs. Charles, of Cambridge, ii. 599

Charles, of W. Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

Charles S., of Calais, iv. 174²

D. K., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 337, 590²

D. P., of Swanton, iv. 1056, 1134

Daniel, of Tunbridge, ii. 1126

Daniel K., of Montpelier, iv. 332²

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99², 100, 127², 152

Dorcas, m. Ezekiel L. Chapman, v. pt. 2, 100

m. Oliver Hale, v. pt. 2, 99²

E. A., of Stowe, ii. 712²

E. H., editor, i. 559²

E. N., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

E. O., of Orleans co., iii. 34

Ebenezer, of Plainfield, iv. 719

Mrs. Ebenezer, of Warren, iv. 806²

Edmund H., attorney, i. 473², 559²

Edwin Richardson, iv. 918

Electa, of Brattleboro, v. 191

Elenor (Wright), wife of Dr. Lemon Bennett, v. pt. 2, 400

Eli N., of Cambridge, ii. 606

Elizabeth, m. Luther Rice, v. pt. 2, 99²

Elizabeth (Millington), wife of Lebbeus Bennett, iv. 624

Ellen, of Ludlow, v. pt. 2, 400²

m. Rev. Luman Kinney, v. pt. 2, 399

Ellen C., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 400

Elmira, m. Rev. John S. Lee, v. pt. 2, 288², 317

Emery, v. pt. 2, 187²

Eunice, m. Nathaniel Munn, v. pt. 2, 187

Experience, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99²

Frances (Morse), wife of Warren Bennett, v. pt. 2, 400

Franklin W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

Freeman, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Gamaliel, of Northfield, iv. 624

George, of Charleston, iii. 108², 122

George R., v. pt. 2, 187²

Gertrude Crosby (Johonnott), wife of Sanford Fillmore Bennett, iv. 918

Hannah (Ross), wife of Josiah Ben­nett, v. pt. 2, 99²

Hannah (Turner), wife of Stephen Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187

Harriet, m. Alonzo Bradley, v. pt. 2, 92

Harriet (Walker), wife of William Bennett, v. pt. 2, 94²

Henry C., v. pt. 2, 187²

Henry L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

Hephzibah (Foster), wife of Sam­uel Bennett jr., v. pt. 2 187²

Isaac, of Stowe, ii. 706, 707

Jacob, of East Montpelier, iv. 586

James, of East Montpelier, iv. 139², 586

of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of Pawlet, iii. 902²





Bennett, Jane, of Ludlow, v. pt. 2, 400²

m. Samuel Cutler, v. pt. 2, 399²

Jesse, v. pt. 2, 187²

of W. Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

Rev. Jesse, of Brattleboro, v. 59

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 75², 99²(2), 100, 187

John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99²

Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2; 99²(2), 172²

Rev. Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100, 194

Rev. Jonas G., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 53

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99², 100

Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187, 188

of Northfield, iv. 624

of Stowe, ii. 717, 741, 742²

Mrs. Joseph (née Whipple), v. pt. 2, 188

Joseph F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 92(2)

Joseph H., of Stowe, ii. 701, 712², 715, 720², 721

Josiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99²(2), 100

in War of 1812, ii. 286²

Josiah jr., v. pt. 2, 99²(2)

Judah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

Julia, m. Voranus Larrabee, v. pt. 2, 187²

L. Austin, of Calais, iv. 168

Laura (Walker), wife of Mason Bennett, v. pt. 2, 94²

Lebbeus, of Northfield, iv. 614(2), 624, 652, 670²

Dr. Lemon, from Brookline, of Ia., v. pt. 2, 398², 399(2), 400

Leonard, of Pawlet, iii. 905, 909

Libbeus, of Northfield, iv. 671²

Lockhart W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

Louisa, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 400

m. Rev. Samuel Kingsbury, v. pt. 2, 399, 403²

Lucinda, of Northfield, iv. 624

m. David Merrick, v. pt. 2, 187²

Lucretia, wife of John Bennett, v. pt. 2, 100

Lucretia (Rice), wife of John Ben­nett, v. pt. 2, 99²

Lucy, m. James Larrabee, v. pt. 2, 187²

Lucy S., of Stowe, ii. 715

see also Rennett, Lucy S.

Lydia, v. pt. 2, 187²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99²

of Worcester, iv. 907²

m. Benjamin Willard, v. pt. 2, 181, 188

Maria, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 399²

m. Rev. Nathaniel Cudworth, v. pt. 2, 399

Maria (White), 2d wife of Smith Bennett, iv. 168

Marilla, m. Amos Temple, v. pt. 2, 92

Mary, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 399²

of Ludlow, v. pt. 2, 400²

of Pawlet, iii. 902²

of Stowe, ii. 706

Mary E., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 400

Mary W., of Calais, iv. 168

Mary (Williams), wife of Jonas Bennett, v. pt. 2, 99²

Mason, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²

Matthew, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480

May Ruth, iv. 918

Mehitable, m. Horace Turner, v. pt. 2, 187

Melinda, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

of Northfield, iv. 624

m. Amos Howes, iv. 624

Mercy, m. Gershom Palmer, iv. 142

Milo L., of Burlington, i. 472; ii. 480; v. pt. 35, 96

of Manchester, i. 202; iii. 1186

Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479(2)

editor, i. 559²

Miriam, m. Ebenezer Cutter jr., v. pt. 2, 99²

N. S., of Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 219

Nancy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100

Nathaniel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 502

Nicholas, of East Montpelier, iv. 883

Nicholas D., of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

Noah, of Brattleboro, v. 58, 59, 81²

Mrs. Noah, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Olive, m. Reuben Thayer, v. pt. 2, 187²

Orren, v. pt. 2, 76²

Orren L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187²(2), 188²

Mrs. Orren L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202²

Orrin L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Oscar F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 16²

Oscar L. F., v. pt. 2, 187²

P. S., of Calais, iv. 159

Persis (Cutting), wife of David Bennett, v. pt. 2, 100

Philip Sidney, of Calais, iv. 168

Polly, m. Capt. William Holton, v. pt. 2, 187

Polly (Codding), wife of John Ben­nett, v. pt. 2, 100

R. D., of Lamoille co., ii. 591

Rebecca (Shaw), wife of Samuel Bennett, v. pt. 2, 399






Bennett, Rhoda (Stevens), wife of James Bennett, iv. 139²

Rial, of Northfield, iv. 624

Robert Crosby, iv. 918

Roswell, of Pawlet, iii. 873²

Mrs. Ruth, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Ruth, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

Ruth E., m. Murray Abdiel Kent, iv. 153, 159. 168

Ruth (Eaton), wife of Sidney Ben­nett, iv. 153, 168

Ruth (Fellows), wife of Lt. Stephen Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187²

Rev. S. P., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703²

Sally (Graves), wife of Charles Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187²

Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 53²

of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381²

of Dummerston„ v. pt. 2, 137², 188

grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²

grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

from Lancaster (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 100

of Pawlet, iii. 873², 909

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226², 227, 248², 399

of West Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

Rev. Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Samuel jr., from Brookline, of Ia., v. pt. 2. 399²(2), 400

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107², 179, 187²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221², 399

Sanford Fillmore, of Richmond, (Ill.), iv. 918

Sarah A. (Cochran), wife of Philip S. Bennett, iv. 168

Sarah (Bowker), wife of Orren Ben­nett, v. pt. 2, 187²

Sarah Jane, v. pt. 2, 187²

of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 400

m. Samuel Cutler jr., v. pt. 2, 394

Sarah (Reed), wife of Samuel Bennett jr., v. pt. 2, 399(2), 400

Sarah (West), wife of Smith Bennett, iv. 168

Senia, of Dummerston and Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 1872(2)

m. Eleazer Church, v. pt. 2, 187

Seymour, of Northfield, iv. 624

Sibyl (Barnes), wife of Asa Bennett, v. pt. 2, 99²

Sidney, of Calais, iv. 153

Simeon, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 400

Smith, of Calais, iv. 168

Stephen, of Brattleboro, v. 58², 59, 76²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187(2), 188²

of Montpelier, iv. 329²

of Stowe, ii. 697²

Dr. Stephen, of Plainfield, iv. 725²

Stephen, jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187(2)

Stephen B., v. pt. 2, 187²

Susannah, of Stowe, ii. 706

Mrs. Tryphena, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Tryphenia (Black), wife of Jesse Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187²

Uriah, of Pawlet, iii. 874²

Urial, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Vashti (Stebbins), wife of Walter Bennett, v. pt. 2, 399²

Walter, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 399²

Walter S., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379, 383², 400(2)

Warren, from Brookline, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 399², 400

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²

of Montpelier, iv. 327², 524

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

of Washington, ii. 1139

of Worcester, iv. 888², 907²(2)

William Zebina, of Montpelier, iv. 553

Wilson, v. pt. 2, 33²

Zebnia W., of Stowe, ii. 716², 721

Mrs. Zebnia W., of Stowe, ii. 716²

Bennett family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 398-400

Bennington, J., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549

Bennit, John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88

Benson, ____, of Worcester, iv. 888²

Lt., i. 680² note

Dr. A., of Landgrove, i. 197-8², 2d ed. 196²-8²

Allen, of Danby, iii. 612(2)

Amos, of Danby and Jefferson co. (N. Y.), iii. 612²

Billah (Benson), 1st wife of Daniel Benson, iii. 612²(2)

Chloe, of Danby, m. ____ Leach, iii. 612

Daniel, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 384, 386, 387

of Danby and Dorset, iii. 612(2)

Daniel jr., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387

David, of Danby and Mich., iii. 612², 653²

Duty, of Danby and Mich., iii. 612(2)

Edbert, of N. Y., iii. 406²(2), 407

Elihu, from R. I., of Danby, iii. 587², 609, 612

Elizabeth, of Danby, iii. 612²

Dr. Harmon, of Hinesburg, i. 799

Holbrook, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379², 384²

Holdrook, see Benson, Holbrook

Homer. of Williston, i. 904²

Homer H., of Hinesburg, i. 795²

Rev. Homer H., of Hinesburg, i. 796






Benson, Huldah, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

of Danby, iii. 605²

Jacob, of Danby and Dorset, iii. 612², 656²

Job, of Danby and Ohio, iii. 612²

John, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379²

Joseph, of Stowe, ii. 742², 743

Joseph jr., of Stowe, ii. 712

Joseph A., of Stowe, ii. 706

Loraine (Bromley), wife of Allen Benson, iii. 612²

Lyman, of Strafford, ii. 1079², 1083

Peter, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378(2), 383(2), 385, 386²(2)

of Strafford, ii. 1088²

Phebe, of Danby, iii. 612²

m. Jude Allen, iii. 609

Porter, of Clarendon iii. 562

Rufus, of Danby, Ellisburg (N. Y.), etc., iii. 612(2)

Ruth (Marsh), wife of Rufus Ben­son, iii. 612²

Samuel, of Stowe, ii. 721

Sarah (Rogers), 2d wife of Daniel Benson, iii. 612²

Solomon, of Danby, iii. 612(2)

Tily (Record), wife of Jacob Ben­son, iii. 612²

Willis, of Clarendon, iii. 573²

Bent, David, of Mt. Holly, iii. 845, 851

Rev. J. A., in Cornwall, i. 25

of Stowe, ii. 711²-12; iv. 314

Samuel G., of Marshfield, iv. 206², 209²

Bentley, E., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Hannah, m. Truman Barney, i. 832

Ira, of Mt. Holly, iii. 849²

Rev. Ira, in Danby, iii. 606²

in Huntington, i. 827²

Capt. James, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Mrs. James, pioneer of Middlebury, i. 255²

Polly, m. Tyler Duncan, v. pt. 2, 207²

Robert, of Scotland and Barnet, i. 283(2)

Samuel, pioneer of Middlebury, i. 255

Solomon, of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202²

see also Bently

Bently, E., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

Elisha, of Cambridge, ii. 606(2)

Hannah, first child born in Middle­bury, i. 50² and note

m. Jabez Bronson, ii. 568

James, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 23²

pioneer of Middlebury i. 50

Mrs. James, flight from Middlebury, 1778, i. 50²

James jr., pioneer of Cornwall, i. 23²

Richard, of Castleton, iii. 507, 510², 513

Thomas, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 23²

of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380

Benton,____, of St. Louis (Mo.), v. pt. 2, 466²

Dea., of Moretown, iv. 599

Rev., of Concord, Corinth and Calif., i. 976²; ii. 881

Col., ii. 753

Alexander, of Barton, iii. 76(2), 248²

of Irasburg, iii. 244²(2), 245²

Asa, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Lt. C. H., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²

Charles, of Guildhall, i. 1000

Lt. Eldad, v. 13

Eliza Anne (Nutting), 2d wife of Samuel A. Benton, ii. 1057²

Esther, of Moretown, iv. 603

Mrs. Eunice, of Moretown, iv. 599²

George & Sons, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 45²

Rev. J. H., of Northfield, iv. 655², 656

Jacob, of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 949

of Waterford, i. 432

Rev. James H., of Waterford, i. 432

Joel, of Barton, iii. 73², 74, 75², 86²

John H., of Swanton, iv. 1004

Joseph D., in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Mrs. Levi, of Marshfield, iv. 221

Myra, in Johnson, ii. 674²

Nathan, pioneer of Middlesex, iv. 244

of Moretown, iv. 599², 602²

Nathan jr., of Moretown, iv. 603

Noah S., of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Col. P. C., in St. Albans, ii. 308²

R. C., of Hyde Park, ii. 662²

in Johnson, ii. 674²

of Lunenburg, i. 949

of St. Albans, ii. 481

of Waterford, i. 432

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Capt. R. C., of Lamoille co., ii. 591

R. C. jr., of Waterford, i. 432

Reuben C., of Lunenburg, i. 948, 976², 1018²

Lt. Col. Reuben C., of Lamoille co., ii. 591

Samuel, of Bridport, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²

pioneer of Cornwall, i. 24

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1125

Samuel A., Prin. of Randolph Academy, ii. 995

Rev. Samuel A., of Saxtons River, ii. 1057²

of Waterford, i. 432

Samuel W., grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Sarah Maria (Nutting), wife of Rev. Samuel A. Benton, ii. 1057²

Selah, of Braintree, ii. 847

Seymour, of Barton, iii. 76






Benton, Stephen, of Braintree, ii. 847

Thomas H., Thirty Years' View, ii. 326²(2)

Thomas Hart, of Mo., i. 612²

Thomas M., of Swanton, iv. 1038²

Willard, of Marshfield, iv. 206²

Dr. William, of Waterford, i. 432

Dr. William C., of Castleton, iii. 522

Benton & co., paper mill in Bennington, i. 144², 2d ed. 147

Benton & Jones, paper mill in Benning­ton, i. 137, 2d ed. 139²

Benway, Eli, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Berdan, Col. H., i. 440²

Berland, Harriett, m. Gardner Griffith, iii. 624²

Bernard, Francis, grantee of Stamford, i. 237

Gov. Francis, of Mass., v. 87

Bernards, Don, of New Orleans, v. pt. 2, 303²

Berrand, ____, of Austria, iv. 985²(2), 986

Berry, Rev. Charles, in Pittsford, iii. 946

Ebenezer, of Corinth, ii. 1169(2)

Elias, pioneer of Highgate, ii. 258

Elisha, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 659

Elisha jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 659

Eliza (Hopkins) (Cornell), wife of Dr. Jonathan Berry, iv. 1055², 1117²

Franklin O., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 36

Dr. J., of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1130²

J. D., of Essex, i. 789²

James, of Chittenden, iii. 552²

of Essex co., i. 948

Dr. Jireh S., of Alburg, ii. 481, 503²

Dr. Jonathan, of Alburg, ii. 503²

of Swanton, ii. 100; iv. 1018², 1035, 1055², 1112², 1129², 1133(2), 1186

Joseph, of Bradford, in Corinth, ii. 881

of Guildhall, i. 948, 949, 1005, 1006²(2), 1007(2), 1009²(2)

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Lucian of Swanton, iv. 1055²

Philo, of Alburg, ii. 475²(2), 479, 480, 574²

attorney, i. 473

Sarah, of Guildhall, i. 1009²

Stephen, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²

Bersons, Beta, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Berthier, Mons., ii. 560²

Berton, Timothy S., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Besley, Oliver jr., grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Bessee, Anthony, of Enosburg, ii. 155

see also Bessey

Bessey, Anthony, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

of Richford, ii. 427²

Hope, wife of Samuel Bessey, ii. 145, 146

Sgt. Rodmund, of Enosburg, ii. 135²

Samuel, of Enosburg, ii. 143², 145, 146, 155

Rev. Samuel jr., in Enosburg, ii. 145², 146²

Bessy, Elias, pioneer of Highgate, ii. 255

Ephraim, of Highgate, ii. 421

Best, C. A., of Montpelier, iv. 281

Hiram, of Highgate, ii. 421

Lydia M., m. D. G. Freeman, iv. 1055

Merriam (Hyat), wife of Thomas Best, ii. 271²

Noah, of Highgate, ii. 265

Thomas, pioneer of Highgate, ii. 255(2), 258, 264²(2), 265, 269(2), 271²-2; iv. 573²

of Swanton, iv. 1026, 1078

Thomas jr., of Highgate, ii. 272

Truman, of Montpelier, iv. 331²(2)

Bestor. Dr. Uriel, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14²(2)

Bestow, ____, of Grand Isle, ii. 520 note (2)

Betterley, Dimmus (Whipple), wife of George Betterley, v. pt. 2, 189²

George, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 189²

Hannah (Zwears), wife of Thomas Betterley jr., v. pt. 2, 184²

Sally, m. Benjamin Stickney jr., v. pt. 2, 146

Samuel, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 146

Thomas jr. of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 184²

Betterly, Lydia, m James Richardson jr., v. pt. 2, 619

Mrs. Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Capt. Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

of Newfane, v. 173

Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Mrs. Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Bettis, John, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

of Woodbury, iv. 874², 876²

Betts, Lt. Col., in Civil war, iv. 126

Abraham, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Benjamin, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Ichabod, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

John, of Pawlet, iii. 909²(2)

of Pittsford, iii. 943²

grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Lydia (Loveland), wife of John Betts, iii. 909²

Orson F., of Pawlet, iii. 881²

Peter, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191²





Betts, Royal C., of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 909²

of Pawlet, iii. 894²

Samuel, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Selah, from Norfolk (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 873², 909

Mrs. Selah, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Selah jr., of Pawlet, iii. 909²

Mrs. Sibel, wife of Selah Betts, iii. 909²

Beverage [Beveridge], Rev. Andrew M., of Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 164²

Beveridge, Rev. Thomas, i. 286, 289², 290(2), 291²(2), 292², 294, 296, 297, 384

of Cambridge (N. Y.), Barnet and Ryegate, i. 269, 281, 285(2), 292

of Pa., i. 286²(2)

Beverly, John, grantee of Charleston, iii. 118

Beverstock, Lyman, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1124²

Bexby, Nathaniel, grantee of Newfane, v. pt 2, 455²

Bibb, Gov., of Ala., i. 633

Bickford, ____, of Waterbury, iv. 821

Mrs., of Albany, iii. 66

of Stowe, ii. 706

Aaron, of Danville, i. 316

Abigail (Rand), wife of Eli Bickford, i. 317

Abner, of Stowe, ii. 697²

Abram, of Stowe, ii. 706

Mrs. Abram, of Stowe, ii. 706

Mrs. Dana, iii. 200²

E., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Ebenezer, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Eli, from Durham (N. H.). of Danville, Rev. soldier, sketch, i. 316²-17²

Fred T., of Montpelier, iv. 574²

Rev. G. H., of Groton, iv. 1167(2)

circuit preacher, iii. 80²

Rev. George H., of Marshfield, iv. 210²

George W., of Woodford, i. 260²

H. R., of Waterbury, iv. 867

H. S. of Glover, iii. 200

Dr. Henry, of Glover, iii. 208²

Ira C., of Belvidere, ii. 593²

James H., of Greensboro, iii. 221

John, of Danville, i. 314²

of Stowe, ii. 697², 712²

Oliver, born in Corinth, ii. 747²

of Stowe, ii. 768²

Paul, of Corinth, ii. 1169

of Greensboro, iii. 221(2)

Stillman, of Greensboro, iii. 221

Wilbur E., of Greensboro, iii. 221

Bicknal, Amos, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Bicknell, Anne Eliza, m. Lucius Mead, iv. 155²

D. H., ii. 799², 800²

hist. of Hyde Park, ii. 628-69

Dennis H., from Underhill, of Stowe, ii. 747

Edna, of Underhill, iv. 155²

George C., from Underhill, of Stowe, ii. 747

George E., of Stowe, ii. 744²

Rev. George W., of Strafford, ii. 1083

Joseph J., of Vershire, ii. 1137

Nathan, of Underhill, iv. 155²

Roxy Ann (Gilman), wife of Nathan Bicknell, iv. 155²

Sidney, of Underhill and Chicago, iv. 155²

Rev. Simeon, of Jericho, sketch, i. 830-1, 940

Biddell, Albert J., of Elmore, ii. 627

Biddlecome, Daniel, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Bidwell, ____, in Fairfax, ii. 169²

Gen., iii. 921²

Anson, of Pawlet, iii. 909²

Betsey (Strong), wife of Jonathan Bidwell, iii. 909²

Cyrus, of Starksboro, i. 103²

George, pioneer of Starksboro, i. 103(2)

I. G., of Auburndale (Mass.), iii. 297²

Isaac, of Middlesex, iv. 222²

Jonathan, from, Glastenbury (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 909²

Josiah, of Barre, iv. 41²

Ruth, m. Isaac Wickham, iii. 930

Bigalow, Henry, of Middletown, iii. 991²

Russell, from N. H., of Franklin, ii. 225(2)

Dr. Thomas, of Burlington, i. 504

William, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Bigart, Francis, of Pawlet, iii. 878

James, from Scotland, of Pawlet, iii. 878, 897, 909²

Bigelow, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 562²

in Morgan, iii. 290

father-in-law of George B. Shaw, i. 349

Dr., of Bennington, iii. 805

of Boston, v. 134

Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 571²

Rev., in Williamstown, ii. 1144²

Capt., of Barton, iii. 75²

Dr. A. E., of Barre, iv. 34²

Abby, m. Austin Roel, v. pt. 2, 185

Abel, of Brookfield, ii. 858², 867²

Abigail (Brooks), wife of Reuben Bigelow, i. 209², 210, 2d ed. 208², 209





Bigelow, Alfred, of Williamstown, ii. 1150

Sgt. Alonzo, v. pt. 35, 53²

Alvah H., of Stowe, ii. 747²

Anna Maria, m. Norman Seaver, iii. 1020

Dr. Asa, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²

Capt. Barney, of Brookfield, ii. 1009²

Betsey T., of Middlebury, i. 58

Charles A., buried in Williston, iv. 41

Cornelia E., m. Ezra Edgerton Adams, ii. 1038²

Daniel, of Hubbardton, iii. 772

David, of Brookfield, ii. 858², 864², 1038

Dorinda (Brewster), wife of Dr. William Bigelow, iii. 739, 805

E. G., of Brandon, iii. 500²

Edumnd, of Middletown, iii. 790²(2), 797, 805, 819²

of Springfield (Mass.), iii. 739

Electa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

Elisha, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 55²

Eunice (Kathan), wife of Israel Bigelow, v. pt. 2, 17²

Freedom, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 17²

George H., of Burlington, i. 555; iv. 1137²

Gorham, of West Fairlee. ii. 914

Harriet L., m. Rev. Perrin B. Fisk, iv. 790²

Rev. Henry, of Middletown, iii. 625, 831², 832(2), 833, 842

Horace, buried in Barre, iv. 46

Isaac, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 22², 77², 107², 110²

Israel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 17²

J., of Montpelier, iv. 919

Rev. J. F., of St. Albans, ii. 340(2)

Jabez, ii. 622

of Newbury and Groton, iv. 1147

of Ryegate, iv. 874

James W., of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Jedidah, m. John Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²

Joel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 31²(2), 32(2)

Col. Joel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36

John, of Barre, iv. 39

of Ryegate, i. 375²

Jonathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 4²

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495², 496

Josiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34², 36

Jotham, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19², 20(2), 27(2), 30(2)

Katharine, m. Abbott Lawrence, iv. 256²

L., iii. 1115, 1116(2)

L. G., of Burlington, i. 509², 519

Levi, of Brownington, iii. 97²

Lois (Griswold), wife of Capt. Barney Bigelow, ii. 1009²

Lucy (Sargeant), wife of Isaac Bigelow, v. pt. 2, 22²

Lydia, m. Rufus Adams, ii. 1038²

Margaret, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

m. Adin H. Green, iii. 625, 842

Mary, m. Diah Flint, ii. 1023

Mary Ann (Hayes), wife of W. H. Bigelow, v. 174²

Rev. Noah, of Brandon, iii. 473

Peter, of Charleston, iii. 108², 120

R. H., of Brattleboro, v. 58

Reuben, from Westminster (Mass.), of Peru, i. 208(2), 209, 212(2), 2d ed. 207(2), 208, 211(2)

sketch, 209²-10, 2d ed. 208²-9

S. E., of Barre, iv. 35²

Seth G., of Brookfield, iv. 352

Silas, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Simeon, from Conway (Mass.), of Brandon, iii. 445, 451

sketch, iii. 446

Mrs. Simeon, of Brandon, iii. 446

Mrs. (née Avery), 3d wife of Simeon Bigelow, iii. 451

Susanna (Kathan), wife of Freedom Bigelow, v. pt. 2, 17²

Timothy, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 252², 254², 255²

Rev. Timothy, in Northfield, iv. 651²

Col. Timothy, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 253², 254

of Worcester (Mass.), iv. 256-7

Timothy jr., of Mass., iv. 256²

W. H. of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Chicago, v. 67, 174²

William, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 4², 7, 8², 20², 24, 28(2), 30², 31(2), 32(2), 33(2), 34(2), 35²(2), 36(2), 37²(2), 63², 64(2)

Dea. William, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

Dr. William, from Middletown, of Fair Haven & Bennington, iii. 703, 739

Bigelow family of Middletown, iii. 823²

Bigelow & Wheatley, of Berlin, iv. 53²

Biggsbee, Benjamin, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Biglow, Barna, of Brookfield, ii. 858²

Capt. Barna, from Shrewsbury (Mass.), of Randolph and Brookfield, ii. 865²-6

David, of Wooster [Worcester?] (Mass.), ii. 105²

F. G., of Brookfield, ii. 858²

Lois (Griswold), wife of Capt. Barna Biglow, ii. 866

Nabby (Pride), wife of Capt. Barna Biglow, ii. 866

Bigot, J., French missionary, iv. 980²

V., French missionary, iv. 980²

Bigsby, Samuel, of Fairfax, ii. 403

Bigwood, Samuel, of Burlington, i. 513





Bilding, Noah, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Bill, Dr. of Albany, iii. 49(2)

Calvin, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Carlos, of Topsham, iv. 1200

hist. of Topsham, ii. 1104-14

Carlos P., of Topsham, ii. 1111

Dr. Curtis. from Albany, of Tenn., iii. 65, 373²(2)

Dwight, from Albany, of Pa., iii. 373²

Dyer, of Albany, iii. 67(2)

Dr. Dyer, of Cabot and Albany, iii. 43(2), 65; iv. 101², 111

sketch, iii. 373²

Elijah, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629², 631²

Eliphalet M., of Orange, ii. 969²

Dr. Eliphalet Mason, from Lebanon (Conn.), of Orange and Topsham, ii. 958

Eunice, m. Rev. Ammi Nichols, ii. 850

Israel, of Greensboro, iii. 215

Mary, of Greensboro, iii. 215

R. M., of Orange, ii. 957²

Rhoda Pitkin, wife of Dr. Eliphalet M. Bill, ii. 958

Roswell M., of Topsham, ii. 1110², 1111(2)

Ruth (Coburn), wife of Dr. Dyer Bill, iv. 111

T. W., of Castleton, iii. 515²

Billing, Asa, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Benjamin, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Benjamin jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

David, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²(2)

Joseph, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Joseph jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Samuel, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Silas, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Zach., grantee of `wanton, iv. 990²

Billings, ____, of Cambridge, ii. 643, 648(2), 651², 652

of Castleton, iii. 514

of Hartford, iv. 440

of Newark, i. 358

of Chittenden co., ii. 641

Dr., of Mansfield (Mass.), iii. 729

of Middlesex, iv. 237²

Lt., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19

Amos. of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 64

Andrew, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629², 631²(2)

Avery, of Rutland, iii. 1013², 1077², 1081²

Benjamin, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851²

Beulah (Fay), wife of Samuel Billings, i. 171, 2d ed. 173

C. D., of Fayston, iv. 188²(2)

Candace, of Brookfield, ii. 861

Christopher, of Pawlet, iii. 873², 909²

Clark K, of Warren, iv. 812²

De Estings, of Warren, iv. 803²

E., paleontologist, ii. 22², 42², 80²

E. A., of Castleton, iii. 514, 517

E. D., of Castleton, iii. 516²

E. D. & co., of Castleton, iii. 517

Elkanah, in Hinesburg, i. 794², 799²

Dr. Elkanah, of Essex, i. 781², 784

Enoch, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

pensioner, ii. 392²

Erastus N., of Roxbury, iv. 743²

Fellows, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Franklin, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

Hannah, wife of Rufus Billings, iv. 806²

Henry, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Isaac, pensioner, ii. 392²

J. J., of Middlesex, iv. 231²

J. L., of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Jessie L., of Rutland, iii. 1036

John, of Fair Haven, iii. 705²

grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15² 

M. B., of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Margaret, m. Jonathan Blakely, iii. 909²

Mary W., m. 1st, Rev. R. O. Dwight, 2d, Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 930²

Nathan, of Cambridge, ii. 611²

Nathaniel, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Orlando, of Warren, iv. 810

Capt. Roger, of Conn., ii. 638(2)

Rufus, of Warren, iv. 806²

Dr. S. R., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

Sam L., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500

Samuel, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Maj. Samuel, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Samuel L., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500

Sarah, m. ____ Hubbard, v. pt. 2, 91²

Sewell C., of Warren, iv. 810

Mrs. Sewell C., of Warren, iv. 810

Silas, pensioner, ii. 392²

W. H., of Waitsfield and Middlesex, iv. 231²

William, of Montpelier, iv. 272², 548, 586², 731

of Conn., ii. 638²

William J., of Fair Haven, iii. 709

Billington, Frederic, of Mendon, iii. 785

Bills, Ebenezer, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Samuel, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

William, of Montpelier, iv. 328





Bing, Daniel, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Hophni, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Bingham, ____, m. ____ Kinsley, ii. 640²

____, m. Dr. Willoughby, iii. 1142

Dea., of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 640²

Rev., in Brandon, iii. 467

in Greensboro, iii. 215²

A. H., of Brandon, ii. 360², 361; iii. 500²(2)

Mrs. A. H., poet, of Brandon, iii. 490, 492-4, 500²

of St. Albans, iii. 492 note, 493 note

A. L., of Cornwall, i. 119²

Rev. Amos, in Peru, i. 209², 210(2), 211, 2d ed. 208², 209(2)

Anna Maria, of Morristown, ii. 686²

Arial, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

B. F., of Brattleboro, iii. 35²; v. 41²

Benjamin F., of Fletcher, ii. 208²

Calvin, of Bennington, i. 141, 144², 2d ed. 143, 147

Mrs. Calvin, sister of Col. Martin Scott, i. 141, 2d ed. 143

Eldredge, of Highgate, ii. 420

Elias, of Barton, iii. 75²

of Fletcher, ii. 201², 208²

of Stowe, ii. 699, 742²

Elisha, of Charleston, iii. 108², 114²(2), 115(2), 121

Elisha jr., of Charleston, iii. 109, 121

George A., of Lyndon, i. 949

H., of Morristown, ii. 684²

Hannah, m. Dr. Amhurst Willoughby, ii. 114², 115

Henrietta (Florida), wife of Warren Bingham, v. pt. 2, 162²

Hiram, v. pt. 35, 55²

of Morristown, ii. 590, 682²

Rev. Hiram, of Bennington, sketch, 140²-1, 163, 2d ed. 143, 165

Rev. J. C., of Charlotte, i. 883

Jedediah, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Jeremiah, from Norwich (Conn.), of Bennington, i. 144², 158², 2d ed. 147, 161

sketch, i. 27

Rev. Joel S., of Charlotte, i. 741, 744

John, of Morristown, ii. 682²

John A., of Ohio, iv. 456²

Joseph, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Kinsley Scott, Gov. of Mich., i. 141, 167, 2d ed. 143, 169

Leonard, of St. Albans, ii. 306²

Lucy, m. Alanson Gibbs, v. pt. 2, 168²

Luther, from Conn., and N. H., of Morristown, ii. 681², 800²

sketch, ii. 686²

of Stowe, ii. 733

Rev. Luther G., in Williston, i. 904²

M. A., of Cambridge, ii. 206²

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Marcellus A., of Essex, iv. 1191²

of Fletcher and Cambridge, ii. 204

Rev. Moore, in Hampton (N. Y.), and Berkshire, ii. 113, 116

in Enosburg, ii. 147

in Fairfield, ii. 197², 198², 199

in Rutland, iii. 1021

in Sheldon, ii. 380

in Wells, iii. 1195

N. R., of Fletcher, ii. 202(2)

N. W., iii. 182

of Island Pond, i. 956

poems, iii. 263

Norman W., of Irasburg, iii. 254²

Peregrine, compiler, i. 559²

Polly (Cummings), wife of Luther Bingham, ii. 686²

R. T., of Fletcher, ii. 201², 202², 206², 215²

Royal T., asst. judge Franklin co. court, ii. 92²

Sarah A. (Mrs. A. H.), of St. Al­bans and Brandon, sketch, ii. 360²-1

Silas, of Ferrisburg, i. 34²

Rev. Silas L., i. 70²

in Huntington, i. 827

of Mt. Holly, iii. 847²

Rev. Silas S., in Fairfax, ii. 170²(2)

Solomon, of Berkshire, ii. 114², 116

pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

of Tinmouth, iii. 432, 1141², 1142, 1145, 1148², 1149

Solomon jr., of Berkshire, ii. 116

of Tinmouth, iii. 1142

Thomas, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Tyler, of Charleston, iii. 108², 114², 115, 121

W. E. & Sons, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 729

W. Harrison, of Cornwall, iv. 1194

W. H. H., ii. 531(2); iv. 272(2), 282. 489², 587

of Burlington, iv. 519; v. pt. 35, 73²

of Stowe, ii. 694², 721(2), 729², 730(2), 731, 732(2), 737

of Waterbury, iv. 871², 872

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Warner, of Concord, i. 948

Warren, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

Bingham Brothers, of Cornwall, i. 119²

Binney, Col., of Boston, ii. 1137(2)

Amos, of Boston, iv. 303²

Charles J. F., hist. of the Prentice family, i. 606² note

Lewis & co., of Boston, iii. 326

Birch, David, in War of 1812, ii. 391²





Birchard, ____, of Strafford, ii. 1069

m. Rutherford Hayes, v. pt. 2, 159(2)

A., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

A. & B. of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726

A. & R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 473²(2)

Austin, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 143², 177², 194²

of Newfane, v. 83 note; v. pt. 2, 160, 478(2)

of Wilmington, sketch, v. pt. 2, 473²-4

Edwin A., iii. 1118², 1119(2)

Mary, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 175²

of Ohio, v. pt. 2, 161

Mary (Putnam), 2d wife of Austin Birchard, v. pt. 2, 473²

R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 158²

Roger, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 67², 160, 473²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 175²-7²

from Mansfield (Conn.), of Do­ver, v. pt. 2, 338², 339²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2)

Roxanna (Plummer), 1st wife of Austin Birchard, v. pt 2, 473²

Sardis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 160, 214

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 473²

Birchard & Sawyer, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726

Birchard, Livermore & co., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425

Bird, ____, m. William Hallibird, iii. 504

Col. Amos, from Salisbury (Conn.), pioneer of Castleton, iii. 501²(2), 502(2), 503-4, 505(2)

Mrs. Amos, from Castleton, of Salisbury (Conn.), iii. 504

Dorcas, m. Col. Noah Lee, iii. 505

Gustavus A., i. 675² note

John, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Lois, m. Leonard Randall, v. pt. 2, 184²

Birdsall Dr., of Swanton. iv. 1057

Benjamin, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

John, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

John jr., grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Birge, Rev., of Berkshire, ii. 114

Abigail, of Underhill, i. 888²

Rev. Caleb, see Burge, Rev. Caleb

Cyrus, of Underhill, i. 887²

David, of Underhill, Rev. soldier, i. 887²

Capt. Elijah, i. 672

of Underhill, i. 887²

John, of Brattleboro, v. 189²

Birney, James G., i. 508; iv. 269²

of Ky., iv. 550²

Bisbee, ____, of Moretown, iv. 598

Capt. Abner, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Charles Carlos, of Brandon, iii. 489

D. F., of Newport, iii. 46²

E. W., of Barre Academy, iv. 24, 34²

of Waitsfield, iv. 794

Hattie, dau. of Maj. Lewis H. Bis­bee, iii. 186²

J. B., of Waitsfield, iv. 787²

Jane E. (Hinman), wife of Maj. Lewis H. Bisbee, iii. 186

L. H., of Newport, iii. 182

Lewis H., of Orleans co., iii. 34, 37, 200²

Maj. Lewis H., of Newport, iii. 186

Marshall N., of Highgate, ii. 420²

Bisco, Isaac, from Newtown (Conn.), of Arlington, i. 123, 128², 2d ed. 129², 130²

m. Ruth Hawley, 2d ed. i. 134

Biscoe, Rev. George S., in Westfield, iii. 352²

Biscomer, William, of Elmore, ii. 627

Bisconers, John, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Bishop, ____, of Bridgeport (Conn.), iii. 1112²

of Pittsfield, iii. 935²

of Vt. Chronicle, iii. 216²

m. Emmons Stockwell, iii. 376²

Rev., v. pt. 2, 634²

Abel, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851, 862

Almira, m. Daniel Roberts, iii. 1186

Amasa, of Calif., iii. 1170²

Ann, of Poultney, iii. 814

Ann (Upham), wife of Arch Bishop, iii. 929

Arch, of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 929

of Pawlet, iii. 921

Azro, of Burlington, i. 553

Capt. Benjamin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

C. N. of St. Albans, ii. 304

Cynthia, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42²

Cyrus N., of Franklin co., ii. 93²

Dana, of Readsboro, i. 220², 2d ed. 219

Deborah (Barnes), wife of Sylvester Bishop, v. pt. 2, 451²

E., of Richford, ii. 428²

Ebenezer, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Enos, of Brighton and Morgan, i. 953(2), 954, 957; iii. 110, 125, 284², 286, 291, 376²(2)

Mrs. Enos, of Brighton, i. 954

Enos, of Charleston, iii. 110²

Ephraim, of Cambridge, ii. 201 and note

Harriet E., author, i. 83²-5

Isaac, of Highgate, ii. 257²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 451²

Isaac D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Isaac W., of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 912²





Bishop, J., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Rev. J., of Woodford, i. 249²

Jerome, of Morgan, iii. 376²

Jerry, of Morgan, iii. 376²(2)

John, of Brighton and Morgan, i. 952²; iii. 125, 284², 286

of Charleston, iii. 108², 109, 115(2)

of Danby, iii. 601²

from New Milford (Conn.), of Monkton, i. 65², 66, 67²

Mrs. John, of Monkton, i. 66

John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42²

John jr., in Hinesburg, i. 794

John M., from Salisbury, of Danby, iii. 612²

Joseph, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Knaptaly, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

L. A., of Jericho, i. 934

Levi, of St. Albans, ii. 433

Lovina, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Lucy (Cole), wife of John Bishop, iii. 125

Luther, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Martha, m. Caleb Phillips. iii. 641

Napthalia, of Barre, iv. 919

Nathaniel H., of St. Johnsbury, i. 396²

Nelson, of Windsor, v. pt. 2, 629²

Samuel, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

Sarah. m. Dr. John Winslow, iv. 54²

Simeon, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Susa (Miller), wife of Capt. Isaac Bishop, v. pt. 2, 451²

Sylvester, of Readsboro, i. 220², 2d ed. 219

Dea. Sylvester, from Brookfield (Mass.), of Marlboro, sketch, v. pt. 2, 451

Rev. Truman, of Barre, iv. 51²

circuit preacher, iv. 375²

Bishop & Tracy, pubs., i. 751²

Bissel, ____, of St. Johnsbury, i. 397²

Capt., of Windsor (Conn.), ii. 643²

Benjamin, of Shoreham, i. 96²

George A. B., of Mendon, iii. 789²

Hezekiah, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Noadiah, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Bissell, ____, from Conn., of Randolph, ii. 1014²

____, m. Dr. Austin Bradford, ii. 1006²

____, sister of Dr. Ezekiel Bissell, in Randolph, ii. 1014

Bishop of Burlington, ii. 1007², 1176

in Fairfield, ii. 199

Dr., of Randolph, ii. 1046, 1051

A. R., of Northfield, iv. 682

Abel, of Vershire, ii. 1133

Amelia, m. Dr. Austin Bradford, ii.. 1176

m. Joseph A. Curtis, iv. 805

Aurelia C. E., m. 1st, Dr. Austin Bradford; 2d, Edmund Weston, ii. 1015, 1053

Austin, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²

Benjamin, of Enosburg, ii. 398²

of Essex co., i. 948

Charles W., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13

Capt. Daniel from Conn., of Randolph, ii. 1014²

David, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

David jr., grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Dr. E., of Randolph, ii. 1005², 1006 (2)

Dr. E. M., of Shelburne Falls (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 395²(2)

Edward M., of Fairlee, ii. 900(2)

Elias, from Conn., of Randolph, ii. 996, 1007², 1014², 1032

Elizabeth S. A., m. Eleazer Ban­croft, ii. 1015

Elizabeth (Washburn), wife of Dr. Ezekiel Bissell, ii. 1014²

Dr. Ezekiel, from Windsor (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 1053, 1176

sketch, ii. 1007², 1013²-15

Mrs. G. A. R., iii. 1038

George W. P., of Fairlee, ii. 900

Israel M., of Fairlee, ii. 900(2)

James W., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343²

John, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Windsor (Conn.), ii. 1013²

Luthera, m. Calvin Blodgett, ii. 1018

Martha (Morey), wife of Simon B. Bissell, ii. 900

Maj. Noadiah, of Fairlee, ii. 897, 900

Sidney A. W., of Randolph, ii. 1015

Simon B., grantee of Orange, ii. 956

from Windsor (Conn.), of Fairlee, ii. 900

Simon B. jr., of Fairlee, ii. 900(2)

Theresa M. E., m. Gilman Smith, ii. 1015

William, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Rev. William of Randolph, ii. 999²

William F. R., of Randolph, ii. 1015

Bishop William H. A., from Randolph, ii. 1015, 1053

Bitgood, Remington, of Shelburne, i. 859, 864, 869²

Bittinger, Rev. John Q. of St. Albans, ii. 333

Bixby, Mrs., of Brownington, iii. 97

Rev., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 483²

Aaron, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 670²

Amasa, of Brattleboro, v. 177²

Archalas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 393

Dr. Armetus, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851





Bixby, Daniel, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 380², 385², 386², 391, 392², 393

of Isle La Motte, ii. 557²

David, from Leyden (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 76²

Eliza, m. Solomon Gleason, iv. 796

Mrs. Esther, wife of J. J. Bixby, 863

Freeman, of Montpelier, iv. 549²

G. W., of Swanton, iv. 1094

Rev. G. W., of Waterbury, iv. 839²

George, of West Fairlee, ii. 909(2)

Rev. George W., of Fletcher, H. 209²

Hiram, of Topsham, ii. 1114

J. J., of Mt. Holly, iii. 863

Jason R., of Topsham, ii. 841²

Dr. Jesse P., of Mt. Holly, iii. 851

John, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379²

Jonathan, of Essex, i. 779, 784

Joseph, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Lincoln, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103, 152²

Mrs. Lincoln, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Lucinda (Herrick), wife of Lincoln Bixby, v. pt 2, 103

Luther, of Montpelier, iv. 530

Rev. M. W., of Johnson, ii. 674

Manasah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 20², 24, 28(2), 36, 37

Moses, missionary to Burmah, iii. 182

N. H., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²

Rev. N. W., of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Nathaniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 60, 108, 186²

Persis (Laughton), wife of Nathaniel Bixby, v. pt. 2, 60

Salome, m. Adams Dutton, iii. 743

Samuel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 7, 19², 24, 25², 26², 27(2), 28², 29², 30

of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Sanford, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²

Solomon, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487

Theophilus, of Moretown, iv. 917

Bixby & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Bixley, Anna, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Samuel of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 38

Black, Mrs. Abigail, iv. 54

Abigail K., m. Ira Andrews, iv. 54

Catherine m. Arba Clark, v. pt. 2, 96², 137²

Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651

Charles W., of Barnard, iv. 1192²

Hannah M., m. Charles S. Foster, v. pt. 2, 270²

Harvey, of Burlington, i. 690

Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 524

Jacob, from Holden (Mass.), of Berlin, iv. 54, 59

of Stowe, ii. 706

James, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Jesse, iv. 607

John, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Lucy (Manley), wife of Stewart Black, v. pt. 2, 105²

Lucy (Wilson), wife of Charles Black, v. pt. 2, 211

Mary, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Patty, m. Ebenezer Manley, v. pt. 2, 105²

Philip, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 229²

Priscilla, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Sally, m. John Laughton, v. pt. 2, 60

Silas, of Berlin, iv. 59, 1189

Stewart, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105², 107², 127²

Tryphenia, m. Jesse Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187²

William, of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Blackall, Dr., of Brattleboro, v. 60²

Blacklee, Jonathan, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Blackley, Oliver, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Blackman, George, of Georgia, ii. 247

James H., of St. Albans, ii. 433

L. F., of Swanton, iv. 1042

Lemuel, of Jericho, i. 834

Nathaniel, of Huntington (Conn.), i. 834

Nathaniel jr., of Jericho, i. 834

Peter, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²

Pliny, of Jericho, i. 834

Prosper, of Burlington i. 655²

of Jericho, i. 834

S. F., & co, of Swanton, iv. 1130

Sarah, m. Samuel Flint, ii. 1022²

Blackmer, ____, of Brandon, iii. 439², 440

Dea. Asa, of Pittsford & Brandon, iii. 457², 468

Denison, of Brandon, iii. 446², 468²

Norman, of Bennington, i. 179, 2d ed. 180²

Samuel, in Bennington, i. 144², 2d. ed. 147

Samuel H., of Bennington, i. 179, 2d ed. 180²

Blackmore, Abner, of Danby, iii. 592

Blackstone, Sir. William, ii. 593

Blackwell, E. D., of Barre and Montpelier, iv. 25², 37²(2), 281²

Blagden, Rev. Dr., of Boston, v. 28

Blagge, Benjamin, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Blain John, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Blair, ____, pioneer of Georgia, ii. 236²

Mrs., of Georgia, ii. 236²

Gen., of St. Louis (Mo.), v. pt. 2, 467

A. H., of Burlington, i. 547





Blair, A. W., of Montpelier, i. 291²

of Northfield, iv. 682²

Abel, of Georgia, ii. 239, 244², 249

Dr. Abel, of Georgia, ii. 242²-3

Ada (Graves), wife of Dr. Abel Blair, ii. 242²

Andrew, of Goshen Gore, i. 434, 435², 436

Mrs. Andrew, of Goshen Gore, i. 434²

Andrew M., from Goshen Gore, of Wis., i. 436

Mrs. Ann, of Goshen Gore, i. 434²

Augustus H. of Georgia, ii. 244²

Charles R., of Fletcher, ii. 215²

Elias, from Bennington, of Fletcher, ii. 201(2), 202, 205, 208²

EIias jr., of Fletcher, ii. 205, 215(2)

Ezekiel, of Benson, iii. 406

G., of Montpelier, iv. 353(2), 354

George P., of Barnet, iv. 1194

Hannah, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Dr. Horace P., of Georgia, ii. 243

Hugh, of Waterbury, iv. 820

Jane, of Waterbury, iv. 820

L., of Shelburne, i. 884

Lucy, wife of M. P. Blair, m. Ben Alvah Kinsley, ii. 213

M. P., of Fletcher, ii. 213, 215

Matthew, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Medad P., of Fletcher, ii. 201²

Montgomery, of Washington (D. C.), v. pt. 2, 467

Noel, of Fletcher, ii. 201

Robert, of Barnet, i. 275, 286

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

William, of Montpelier, iv. 524²

Zomy, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Blair & Rives, printers, ii. 947²

Blaisdel, Hiram, of Albany and Plain­field, iii. 65²

Jonathan, of Albany, iii. 65²

Jonathan P., of Albany, iii. 58²

Blaisdels of Albany, iii. 58²

Blaisdell, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 379²

in Morgan, iii. 288²

Stage driver, iv. 11²

Anna, of Strafford, ii. 1084²

Azuba, m. Moses Fisk, iv. 789²

Betsey, of Fletcher, ii. 209

Corwin, in Fletcher and Colton (N. Y.), ii. 209²

Daniel, of Cambridge, ii. 611², 617

Elijah, of Lebanon (N. H.), iv. 304²

Elizabeth, wife of Harvey Blaisdell, ii. 341

Ezra, of Strafford, ii. 1083², 1088²

Fanny (Batchelder), wife of Jonathan Blaisdell, iv. 717

Miss H. A., biographical sketches, ii. 340²-2²

Hannah, of Fairfax, ii. 393²

Harvey, of Loudon (N. H.), ii. 341

of Strafford, ii. 1084

Henry, of Strafford, ii. 1069

Ira S., of Cambridge, ii. 206²

of Franklin co., ii. 94²

J. M., of St. Albans, ii. 434

James P., of Strafford, ii. 1083²

John, of Strafford, ii. 1083²

John H., of Randolph, ii. 994

Jonathan, ii. 296² note

of Albany, iv. 717

of Cambridge, ii. 611²

Jonathan L., of St. Albans, ii. 368

Jonathan M., from Loudon (N. H.), of St. Albans, sketch, ii. 341-2

Joshua, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Josiah, of Richford, ii. 280², 281

Justin H., of Barre, iv. 37²

Lorenzo, of Fletcher, ii. 201²

Margaret (Gilman), wife of Jonathan M. Blaisdell, ii. 341²

Mary, of Cambridge, ii. 617

Munroe, of Fletcher, ii. 201

Parrot, of Montpelier iv. 351

Parrot jr., of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Philip, pensioner, ii. 392²

Stephen, pioneer of Richford, ii. 280(2), 283

Rev. Stephen, in Huntington, i. 827²

William, of Cambridge, ii. 605²

William H., of St. Albans, ii. 305²-6, 368

William S., of Richford, ii. 285²

of Franklin co., ii. 95

Blakalee, Eber, of Washington, ii. 1139

James, of Washington, ii. 1139

Blake, ____, i. 575

of Albany, iii. 58²

of East Haven, i. 985²

of Swanton, iv. 1053²

m. A. J. Rennie, v. pt. 34, 31

Judge, of Swanton, iv. 1123

Rev., iii. 1095²

Col., of Brattleboro, v. 51(2)

Rev. A. B., of St. Johnsbury, v. pt. 34, 30²

A. T., of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725²

Abel, of sutton and Bath (N. H.), v. pt. 34, 31

Abel B., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 22

Abigail, of Lowell, iii. 280²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Abigail (Jones), wife of John Wel­land Blake, v. 156

Abijah, of Vergennes, iv. 622

Abraham, of Highgate, ii. 264²

Albert, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

of Swanton, iv. 1047², 1048

Albert H., of Denver (Colo.), iv. 1120²

Alice, m. E. M. Sowles, iv. 1120²

Amplius, of Chelsea, iv. 232², 304

Ann, of East Montpelier, iv. 584³

of Lowell, iii. 280²





Blake, Anna Hull (Blake), wife of George B. Blake, v. 156²

Anna Sophia, m. Henry Cabot, v. 156

Asahel, of Northfield, iv. 671³

B. B., of Swanton, iv. 1038, 1045², 1129, 1130

Bennett, from Sutton, went to Texas, v. pt. 34, 30²

Betsey m. James Cahoon, v. pt. 34, 28

Betsy, of East Haven, i. 986

Bradbury, of Fairfax, ii. 171², 174

Bradley B., of Swanton, iv. 1120²

Lt. C. B., of Crown City (O), iii. 725²

C. H., of Swanton, iv. 1129, 1130, 1186

C. Hamilton, of Swanton, iv. 1038

Caleb, of Cambridge, ii. 602

Charles, of Brandon, iii. 478

of Salem, iii. 308², 309²

Charles R., of Highgate, ii. 420²

E., of Springfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 52

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²

Eben, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Ebenezer, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31

Edward, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Eleareda, of Woodbury, iv. 879²

Elihue, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Elisha, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Ellen (Fessenden), wife of J. Blake, of Boston, v. 85²

Ellen Maria, m. George Nichols, iv. 622

Enoch, of Cabot, iv. 85, 140²

from Moultonborough (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 29²

of Sutton v. pt. 34, 5, 21², 30², 33²

Enoch jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31

Mrs. Enoch jr. (née Ladd), v. pt. 34, 31

Enos, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 30(2), 55²

Ephraim, of Salem, iii. 41², 307², 308(2), 309², 378²

Frank V., v. pt. 35, 54

Frederick H., of Bennington, i. 259

Frederick J., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 505²

G. G., of Swanton, iv. 1130, 1134²

G. G. & B. B., of Swanton, iv. 1130

G. H., of Sutton and Barton, v. pt. 34, 30²(2)

George B., of Boston, v. 120²

George B. & co., v. 157

George Baty, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 156-8

George G., of Swanton, iv. 1036, 1080, 1120², 1186

George H., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 45

George P., of Montpelier, iv. 527

Gertrude, of Brattleboro, v. 86

H. A., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31

Hannah P. (Trobridge), wife of A. T. Blake, iii. 725²

Harrison, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 525²

Mrs. Harrison, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 526

Harvey, of Springfield (Mass.), in Fairlee, ii. 897

Helen (Ellis), wife of John R. Blake, v. 85²

Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Greensboro, iii. 221²

Col. Henry Jones, of Brattleboro, v. 50², 86

Irving, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42

Isaac, from Sutton, went to Texas, v. pt. 34, 30²

J. & Son, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31

J. & W. H., of Swanton, iv. 1035², 1120

J. H., of Brandon, iii. 478²

J. W., of Brattleboro, v. 51

from Worcester (Mass.), of Brattleboro, v. 82

Jacob, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 31, 44², 45(2)

James, of Brighton, i. 953

James K., of Coventry, iii. 138

James W., of Brattleboro, v. 168²

Jeremiah, of Woodbury, iv. 879²

John, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

of Highgate, ii. 420²

John B., of Brattleboro, v. 58

John C., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21², 45

John D., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728

Dr. John Ellis, of N. Y., v. 81²

John R., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727²

John Rice, from Brattleboro, of Boston, v. 21², 34², 41, 57², 85, 121, 156(2), 172², 175², 189²

sketch, v. 81²-3

John W., of Brattleboro, iv. 447²; v. 20(2), 36, 42², 57(2), 79(2), 119², 121, 167², 180²

John Welland, of Boston, v. 157

of Brattleboro, v. 156

Joseph, of Brookfield, v. pt. 2, 505

of Swanton, iv. 1007, 1017, 1020, 1028, 1035(2), 1038(2), 1103²(2), 1120, 1126, 1132², 1133, 1134, 1185-7

Joseph & William H., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Joseph E., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31

Joseph T., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²

Joshua, of Boston, v. 156²

Lois K., m. Tilmus Hathaway, iv. 140²

Lucy (Goodhue), wife of John R. Blake, v. 121

Mahitabel, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44






Blake, Maria, m. Joseph Duncan jr., v. pt. 2, 93², 167²

Mrs. Marla B., iv. 622

Martha, m. Col. E. L. Barney, iv. 1120²

m. Philo Trowbridge, iii. 725

Martha J. (Glover), wife of Dr. Seth M. Blake, v. pt. 2, 505²

Martha M., m. Elisha L. Barney, iv. 1126

Minerva (Green), wife of Joseph Blake, iv. 1120

Nancy A., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Nathan, of Corinth, ii. 882(2)

Nathan jr., grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Nathan D., of Corinth, ii. 876²-7, 882(2), 883

O., of Brandon, iii. 451

Prudence, wife of Joseph Blake, v. pt. 2, 505

Rebecca, m. Ezra Dean, v. pt. 2, 526

Royal, of Brandon, iii. 478

S. A., of Plainfield, iv. 729²

Dr. S. M., portrait of, v. pt. 2, facing p. 505

Samuel, of Derby, iii. 308

of Salem, iii. 308², 309²(2)

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31²

Samuel D., from Moultonborough (N. H.), of Sutton, sketch, v. pt. 34, 30

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20, 21², 44, 45²

Mrs. Samuel D. (née Lee), v. pt. 34, 30

Sanborn, of Washington, ii. 1139

Dr. Seth M., from Brookfield, of Bellows Falls, sketch, v. pt. 2, 505

Stephen, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 30², 31, 43, 50

Mrs. Stephen (née Colby), v. pt. 34, 30²

(née Daloff), v. pt. 34, 30²

Susanna, m. John Corless, v. pt. 34, 33²

Theophilus, of Fairfax, ii. 171², 173

Thomas, of Cambridge, ii. 602

Thomas E., of Salem, iii. 307², 308

Timothy, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

of Lowell, iii. 280²

of Strafford, ii. 1083, 1088²

W., iii. 479²

W. A., of Northfield, iv. 695²

W. H., of Swanton, iv. 1103², 1130, 1132², 1144²

W. H. 2d, of Swanton, iv. 1045², 1117, 1129(2), 1130

Waitstill, of Ira, iii. 783²

William, of Dorchester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 35

of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Swanton, iv. 1120

of Waitsfield, iv. 782²

William D., of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725²

William H., of Swanton, ii. 447²(2); iv. 1035², 1038, 1063², 1064(2), 1087², 1103², 1120, 1134², 1185²-7²

William H. 2d, of Swanton, iv. 1036², 1120²

William Hamilton, of Swanton, ii. 96, 97

William N., of Lowell, iii. 281

William Wirt, of Greensboro, iii. 221²

Wirt, of Greensboro, iii. 220

Blake & Barney, of Swanton, iv. 1035², 1130

Blake & Bros., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Blake & Lawrence, of Swanton, iv. 1030², 1033², 1034², 1044, 1077², 1130

Blake & Wilson, of Swanton, iv. 1036²

Blake Bros., of Boston, v. 121, 172²

Blake Bros. & co., of Boston, v. 157²

Blake, Howe & co., of Boston, v. 157²

Blake, Ward & co., of Boston, v. 157²

Blakeley, David, from Woodbury (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 909²

Hewit, of Pawlet, iii. 881

Blakely, ____, m. Joshua Howe, iii. 1100

A. J., of Pawlet, iii. 886²

A. Judson, of Pawlet, iii. 886², 894²

Anna, m. Jonathan Randall, iii. 910

Billings, from Pawlet, of Troy and Saratoga (N. Y.), iii. 909²

C., of Montpelier, iv. 280², 353², 354

Collins, of Pawlet, iii. 886²-7, 893

Dan, of Pawlet, iii. 896², 909²

David, of Pawlet, iii. 873², 881(2), 902²

Dr. David, of Pawlet, iii. 894

Mrs. David, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Capt. David jr., of Pawlet, iii. 879², 909²

Esther (Edgerton), wife of Capt. David Blakely jr., iii. 909²

Fayette, of Pawlet, iii. 881²

Jacob E., of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Rev. Jacob E., of Pawlet, iii. 902², 909²

Jonathan, from Conn., of Pawlet, iii. 909²

Mrs. Jonathan, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Margaret (Billings), wife of Jona­than Blakely, iii. 909²

Quincy, of Pawlet, iii. 887

Rev. Quincy, of Hampton (N. H.), iii. 909²

of Pawlet, iii. 902²

Robert, of Pawlet, iii. 885

Robert S., of Pawlet, iii. 894²

Sheldon, of Pawlet, iii. 886², 894²

William, of Pawlet, iii. 885, 904

Blakeslee, Dr. C. S., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728²

Ebenezer, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note






Blakeslee, Capt. James, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

John, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997(2)

Blakesley, Clement, of Fair Haven, iii. 697

Uneca, m. John Walter jr., i. 985²

Walter, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Blanchard, ____, of Cabot, iv. 106, 108

of Grand Isle, ii. 520² note

of Lyndon, i. 350²

of Pittsfield, iii. 938

Dr., of Lyndon, i. 347

Capt., v. pt. 2, 305²

Gen., of Barre, iv. 34²

A. J., in Morristown, ii. 689²

A. N., of Montpelier, iv. 326

Abel, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75(2)

from Hollis (N. H.), of Peacham, i. 364

Abiel, from Hollis (N. H.), of Peacham, i. 364

Abigail, m. Timothy H. Whitney, v. pt. 2, 388²

Abner, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Abraham, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Albert, of Barre, iv. 918²

of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²

Amos, of Brookfield, ii. 861

of Greensboro, iii. 213

Rev. Amos, from Peacham, of Montpelier and Meriden (N. H.), sketch, ii. 800

Annie, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Asa, of Barre, iv. 41(2)

Asahel, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of New Haven, i. 70

Azariah, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²

B. F., of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Benjamin, of Rutland, iii. 1013², 1081

Christopher, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

Dr. D. N., in Orleans co., iii. 35

D. W., of Coventry, iii. 158, 159²(2)

Dr. D. W., of Coventry, iii. 43(2), 153², 160

Daniel, of East Montpelier, iv. 584

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Darwin C., of Hopkinton (N. H.), iv. 49

David, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75, 97²(2), 103

trustee of Derby lit. and theol. ins., iii. 181²

Lt. David, of Cabot, iv. 77²(2), 78², 79, 119

Capt. David, of Cabot, iv. 79, 93, 116²

Rev. E. Harvey, in Glover, iii. 200

Rev. Edmund Harvey, of Greensboro, iii. 383²

Elenor, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Dr. Enoch, of Lyndon, i. 356², 355²

of Barnet, iii. 302

Enoch 1st, of Peacham, i. 367²

Enoch 2d, of Peacham, i. 367²

Fred, of Montpelier, iv. 281, 409²

Dr. G. D., of Randolph, ii. 995²

George, of Barre, iv. 36²(2)

George F., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

H. S., of Bradford, ii. 842

Hannah, m. Thomas Davenport, iii. 304²

Heman, of Highgate, ii. 265²

Rev. Hiram, in Danby, iii. 606²

Hosea, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

J. W., of Hardwick, i. 450²

James, of Cabot, iv. 86², 117²

grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

Jane, m. Samuel Andrews, iv. 906²

Joel, from Hollis (N. H.), of Peacham, i. 364

John, of Cabot, iv. 94

John C., of Peacham, sketch, i. 367(2)

Ens. John R., in Rev. war, ii. 391

John Ryon, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Jonathan, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Rev. Jonathan, of Knox college (Ill.), in Guildhall, i. 1010²

Joseph, of Amherst (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 45

of Cabot, iv. 93, 103²

of Calais, iv. 173, 174²

of Dunstable (N. H.), ii. 802(2), 807(2), 808

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²

in Lincoln, i. 49²

grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

of Woodbury, iv. 879, 880

Joseph, census enumerator, v. pt. 2, 494²-5

Maj. Joseph, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Laura, of Isle La Motte, ii. 557

Lemuel, of Worcester, iv. 902²

Loren D., of Barre, iv. 51²

Mary, m. Isaac Reed, ii. 1037

Mary E., m. Eli Theophilus Green, v. pt. 2, 709

Moses, of Burlington, i. 495²

of Calais, iv. 176²

N. A., of Glover, iii. 200²

Nancy, m. Peter Johonnott jr., iv. 917²

Nathan A., of Glover, iii. 199²(2)

Nathaniel, of Peacham, i. 367²

of Rutland, iii. 794²(2)

Ens. Nathaniel, in Rev. war, ii. 391

Capt. Nathaniel, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Sgt. Orlin, of Isle La Motte, ii. 555²

P., of Peacham, i. 362²

Peter, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²

from Hollis (N. H.), of Peacham, i. 364





Blanchard, Phebe, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Ens. Philip, of Highgate, ii. 420

Polly, of Brookfield, ii. 861

Reuben, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²

from Hollis (N. H.), of Peacham, i. 364

of Woodbury, iv. 874

Dr. Rial, of Middlesex, iv. 237²

Sarah Maria (Johonnott), wife of Thomas Jefferson Blanchard, iv. 918²

Simon, from Hollis (N. H.), of Peacham, i. 364

of Caledonia co., v. pt. 34, 40

Squire, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

T. J., of Burlington, i. 513

Thomas, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Cabot, iv. 86²

of Fair Haven, iii. 701

from Sutton (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 737²(2)

of Mass., inventor, ii. 1037

Capt. Thomas, of Springfield (Mass.), v. 39

Thomas jr., grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

Thomas Jefferson, of Barr, iv. 918²

William, grantee of Grand isle, ii. 518² note

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554(2) note, 557(2), 558

pensioner, ii. 392²

Blanchards of Peacham, i. 360²

Blanchard & Hope, of Brandon, iii. 500²

Blanchard & Langdon, map of N. H., i. 261

Blanchard Bros., of Montpelier, iv. 281

Blanchard, Keith & Peck, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Blanchard, Peck & Johonnott, of Mont­pelier, iv. 280

Blancher, see Blanchard

Blanchin, John, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542

Blanchis, Loney, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Blandin, C. W., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 403

portrait of, v. pt. 2, facing p. 377

Charles W., from Brookline, of Rut­land (Ill.), v. pt. 2, 390

on John Blandin, v. pt. 2, 389²

Clarissa, m. Rufus Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 395

D. A. (Johnson), wife of Charles W. Blandin, v. pt. 2, 390

Fremont C., from Rutland (Ill.), of Streator (Ill.), v. pt. 2, 390

J. L., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381

John, from Attleboro (Mass.), of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377², 378², 380², 383², 391, 392², 393, 394², 395, 404

sketch, v. pt. 2, 389-90

Lamech, from Attleboro (Mass.), of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 376², 377², 386², 390, 391, 392²

Sally (Holden) (Hubbell), 2d wife of John Blandin, v. pt. 2, 390

Samuel, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378²

Sarah, m. Samuel Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 394²

Sarah (Gray), wife of John Blandin, v. pt. 2, 390

Waity, m. Jesse Walker, v. pt. 2, 404

Blandon, Mrs., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

Blasdell, W. H., of Lowell, iii. 269

Blashfield, Eunice, m. William Robinson, iv. 168²

Blass, Ora C., of Brownington, iii. 92

Blatchley, Darius, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Blauvelt, Rev. J. A., from N. J., of Guildhall, i. 1011²

Blaxton, Thomas, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Bleecker, ____, of Albany, i. 149, 2d ed. 151²

Bleven, Joshua, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²

Blin, Hiram, of Shelburne, i. 941²

James, of Essex, i. 779²

Laura, m. Lyman Thayer, i. 867

Lucy, m. Ashbel Hurlbut, iii. 919

Ormond N., of Danby, iii. 665²

Samuel, of Shelburne, i. 856, 863

Simon, of Shelburne and Burlington, i. 856, 863, 867 and note

William, of Shelburne, i. 863

Blinn, Hepsey, m. Seth J. Hitchcock, iii. 743²

Bliss, ____, of Bradford, ii. 819²

of Castleton, iii. 514

from Lebanon (Conn.), in Chit­tenden co., ii. 641

of Thetford, iii. 210 (2)

m. Rev. Van Lennep, v. pt. 2, 622²

Dr., of Waterbury, iv. 821²

Mrs. (née Barney), of Keeseville (N. Y.), iv. 1124

Rev., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44

of Burlington, iv. 1124

in Georgia, ii. 248

in Marshfield, iv. 206²

A., of Poultney, iii. 999(2)

A. A., of Worcester, iv. 912

A. F., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 431²

A. N., of Calais, iv. 164²

A. S., of Calais, iv. 136, 143

Aaron, of Calais, iv. 135, 136(2), 172², 173², 175

Abdiel, of Calais, iv. 135², 144, 172², 173, 174², 175²

Capt. Abdiel, of Calais, iv. 136, 158

Abel, of Georgia, ii. 236², 245






Bliss, Abigail (Grout), wife of Harvey Bliss, v. pt. 2, 622²

Abner, from Warren (Mass.), pioneer of Georgia, ii. 236², 237, 240, 244, 249²

Alanson, of Essex, i. 780, 782

Albert, Georgia trader, ii. 242

Almira, of Calais, iv. 166

Alpheus, of Calais, iv. 135², 143², 144, 173², 175²

Alpheus J., of Calais, iv. 160

Alpheus S., of Calais, iv. 174(2)

Amos, of Poultney, iii. 958², 1000(2)

Amos P., of Poultney, poem, iii. 1005

Anna, of Glover, iii. 200

m. Ozias King, ii. 898

Augustus A., of Woodbury, iv. 882

of Worcester, iv. 892

B. Y., from Randolph, of Ill., ii. 1040

Billy, of Essex, i. 787²

Bradley, of Enosburg, ii. 133²

of St. Albans, ii. 433²

C., of Calais, iv. 170²

C. M., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 56, 59²

C. V., Georgia trader, ii. 242

Caleb, of Calais, iv. 136, 139², 143², 144, 166(2), 168, 175²

Calvin, of Calais, iv. 150²

of Randolph, ii. 1046

Candace, m. John Burnap, v. pt. 3², 15

Caroline, m. Edward Rodney Aiken, v. pt. 3², 14

Catherine, m. ____ Morse, iv. 160

Charles, of Calais, iv. 176(2)

Charles M., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 55², 56², 57, 64

of Woodford. i. 253², 259

Coralinn E., m. William C. Robinson, iv. 169

Daniel, of Waterbury, iv. 838²

Dr. Daniel, of Waterbury, iv. 819(2), 828, 839

Rev. Daniel, from Georgia, in Bey­rout (Syria), ii. 242²

Capt. Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. 48²

David, of Calais, iv. 136, 175²

Dwight S., of Poultney, iii. 1005

Dwight Shepherd, of Poultney, poems, iii. 1004

E. J., of Brandon, iii. 482, 500

Rev. Edwin, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Elias, of Essex, i. 781²

Ellis, of Bradford, ii. 824

Rev. Enos, of Brandon, iii. 455-6, 464(2) 467(2)

in Orange, ii. 957

Ezra, of Cabot, iv. 86

of Calais, iv. 176

Rev. F. S., author, of Montpelier, iv. 294²

on Barre Univ. church, iv. 30-1(2)

Frederick, of Calais, iv. 135, 136², 137, 166, 175²

of Georgia, ii. 92², 95², 235², 236(2), 241², 245(2), 249

Mrs. Frederick (née Davis), of Georgia, ii. 236

G. B. W., of Calais, iv. 136²

Galen, of Calais, iv. 176²

George, iv. 517²

of Brandon, iii. 478²

of Shelburne, i. 863², 879

Dr. George, of Castleton, iii. 522

George E., of East Montpelier, iv. 589

Hannah, of Calais, iv. 166²

of East Montpelier, iv. 584

Harvey, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Herman, of Calais, iv. 174²

Hester A., m. Marcus N. Kent, iv. 159

Homer, in Civil war, ii. 577

Horace, of Cabot, iv. 82

Mrs. Horace, of Cabot, iv. 82

Horace, of Marshfield, iv. 205²

Huldah (née Carpenter), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 613

Rev. Isaac 2d, of Westminster v. pt. 2, 622²

Rev. J. Isham, of Castleton, iii. 514²

in Northfield, iv. 657²

of St. Albans, ii. 338, 471²

on P. E. church in St. Albans, ii. 335²-8

of Shelburne, i. 879²

of Swanton, iv. 1089²

author, iv. 314²

J. W. E., of Calais, iv. 134², 136, 168, 174

James M., of Calais, iv. 150²

Jerome N., of Calais, iv. 174

Joel, of Enosburg, ii. 135²

Rev. John, in Newbury, ii. 951

Capt. John, i. 574², 580(2)

John B., of Woodbury, iv. 376

Jonathan, of Randolph, ii. 1066

Joseph W., of Bradford, ii. 824

Joseph W, E., of Calais, iv. 144

Joshua, of Calais, iv. 134, 135, 136, 143², 144, 147, 166, 170², 173(2), 174², 175²

of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Joshua 2d, of Calais, iv. 136, 144, 147², 165², 172², 173(2), 175²

Joshua 3d, of Calais, iv. 144

Joshua 4th, of Calais, iv. 144, 147²

Dr. L. W., of Bradford, published Northern Enquirer, ii. 818

Lee H., of Calais, iv. 173, 174(2)

Lemuel, of Calais, iv. 173²