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The town of East Montpelier was organ­ized Jan. 1, 1849, having been set off from Montpelier by the General Assembly at their session in 1848, on the petition of citizens of Montpelier village. The meet­ing for organization was called by Addison Peck, a justice of the peace, on the petition of 6 freeholders to him directed for that purpose.

The officers elected at this first meeting were: Mod. Addison Peck; town clerk, Royal Wheeler; selectmen, Stephen F. Stevens, Isaac Cate, J. C. Nichols; treas., A. Peck; overseer of poor, A. Peck; con­stable, J. P. W. Vincent.

The first child born in town, after organ­ization, was Clara Davis, daughter of Pear­ley and Cynthia Davis, Jan. 19, 1849. The first marriage was Rodney G. Bassett and L. Amelia Willard, Jan. 21, 1849, by Charles Sibley, justice of peace.

The town is bounded northerly by Cal­ais, easterly by Plainfield and a small part of Marshfield, southerly by Berlin, from which it is separated by the Winooski riv­er and a part of Barre, and westerly by Montpelier and Middlesex, and contains 18,670 acres; population in 1880, 972; grand list in 1881, $9,251.

The township is watered by the Winooski river, which runs through the southerly corner, and along the southerly boundary, by Kingsbury Branch, which, after drain­ing the numerous ponds in Woodbury and Calais, crosses the northeasterly corner of the town, and enters the Winooski; (its name was derived from that of an early settler living near the stream,) and by numerous small streams, affording many excellent mill-sites. The surface of the town is uneven, but the soil is good and productive, and there is scarcely any waste land in town. The prevailing char­acter of the rocks is slate and lime, with granite boulders scattered in the easterly part. Of timber, the sugar maple, beech, spruce and hemlock largely predominate, with a great variety in less quantity.

There are some very fine sugar orchards in this town; that of Cyrus Morse numbers 2,750 trees, all supplied with tin tubs, the sugar-house and fixtures being fully equal to the requirements of so large a number of trees. In a good season they make 10,000 lbs. of sugar, for which there is a ready sale, rendering it one of the best industries of a large farm.

The industries of East Montpelier are chiefly, almost exclusively, agricultural; the farms are of medium size, generally containing from 75 to 150 acres, some of 200 to 300, and a few as large as 400 acres, devoted to a mixed husbandry, the dairy decidedly taking the lead; some attention is given to the rearing of blood stock,—of horses, cattle, sheep and swine.

There are two small villages in town,




situated on the Winooski, containing a meeting-house, school-house, store, tav­ern, post-office, established about 1825, a grist-mill, saw-mill with planer, two car­penters and joiners and blacksmith shop. This village has suffered great loss by fires; 1817, or thereabouts, a hulling mill was burned; 1825, or '26, a blacksmith shop; 1847, the tavern-house, store, two barns and all the out buildings,—property of John Mellen; 1852, the Union store and goods; 1859, the blacksmith shop of G. W. Lewis; 1868, the store and goods of C. H. Stevens, together with the barn of C. C. Willard; 1869, the store of J. C. Nichols, with the goods, the property of Col. Randall; also in the immediate neighborhood, 1857, the house of Norman French; 1866, the house of George Daggett, one of the best houses ever built in town—struck by lightning; 1871, the barns of C. A. Tabor, together with all the farm produce, tools, and four horses.

[Store and tavern since burned.—ED.]




situated on Kingsbury branch, contains a post-office, store, grist-mill, saw-mill, woolen-factory, boot and shoe-shop, black­smith shop, and the manufacture of musical instruments by E. D. & G. G. Nye. The water power in this place is very ex­cellent.

There are ten school districts in town, each supplied with a good, well-finished



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school-house, where a school is kept from 6 to 9 months each year, besides four frac­tional districts, where the scholars attend school in adjacent towns.




In 1794, a circulating library was established at the center of the town, in the house of Pearley Davis,—he being librari­an,—containing 200 volumes, made up of history, travels, biography, and works of scientific, philosophic or moral character. These books were freely circulated through the town for a long period of years. The ladies' circulating library was established in East village in 1859, containing 223 vols. A Sunday school library of 290 vols. in 1850; one at North Montpelier of 160 vols. in 1867. In 1861, an agricultural library was organized at East village of 116 vols., which was burned in C. H. Stevens' store, in 1868.




There are four meeting-houses in town; that belonging to the Society of Friends was first used as such, in 1802, having previously been used as the store of Col. Robbins. The Union Meetinghouse at the center of the town was built in 1823, and is also used as a town-house.

At east village is a Universalist house, built in 1833, the Rev. John E. Palmer, of Barre, preaching the dedication sermon, Jan. 8, 1834.

At North Montpelier a Universalist house was built in 1867. This is much the best house, in the belfry of which is one of the best bells in the vicinity.




In 1793, there was a religious society of Friends organized in the east part of the town, who for many years assembled them­selves together regularly twice a week, a meek and contrite people, under the preach­ing of Clark Stevens. It was their custom to hold silent meetings, when the spirit of the Lord did not move them to speak.




There was a Freewill Baptist church organized in the east part of the town at an early day, and a great awakening in the religious cause, under the efficient labors of Elder Benjamin Page. They held their meetings in barns, dwelling-houses, or anywhere where the way was open for them. Subsequently there was a church organized by the same denomination in the north part of the town, under the preaching of Elder Paul Holbrook.




Two of the most active pioneers of this so­ciety were the late Gen. Parley Davis of Montpelier Center, and Arthur Daggett, who lived and died near the East village. These first settlers in town had preaching of the faith they cherished, at an early day. Rev. William Farwell, Hosea Ballou, Paul Dean and John E. Palmer were the first ministers. Their society here was organized Feb. 8, 1834. The cause prospered until there was more of this faith in town than any other. The resident pastors of "The Universalist Society" were Rev. Tracy R. Spencer, R. M. Byram, Simeon Goodenough and Lester Warren. Rev. Mr. Warren, now living in town, says he was employed for this society by Parley Davis, Arthur Daggett and others, in May, 1838. He preached once or twice a month, in the Center and at the East village, for 9 years. And now he has "vesper service" in the new church at the North village, once in two weeks. The meetings are well attended, as are also a "course of lectures" arranged by "The Prudential committee" of "The Lyceum." Rev. E. Ballou also preached alternately with Mr. W. for several years, until the settlement of the late Rev. T. R. Spencer.




Rev. Jesse Lee, who was the pioneer of Methodism in New England, first preached in this town in 1795, and formed the first society. He was succeeded by Rev. Ralph Williston, Nicholas Sneathen, Gideon Draper. and others.

Alexander Parker, his wife and two or three of their daughters, Enoch Cate and wife, Sylvanus Morse and wife, David Per­sons and wife, John Stevens and wife, Joseph and James Gould and their wives, were among the early Methodists of the town.



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Since the organization of the society they have, like most institutions, experienced at intervals seasons of prosperity and decline.




There was a society of Christians organized in this town a few years since, who supported preaching a portion of the time.




Of epidemics, only 4 deserving the name have occurred from the first settlement of the town to the present day. The first of these was the dysentery, which fatally prevailed in the summer and fall of 1802.

The second was the typhus fever, which prevailed to considerable extent in the summer of 1806. The third, that fearful disease known by the name of spotted fever, which suddenly made its appearance in the winter of 1811. In the fall and winter of 1813, the typhus fever again very fatally prevailed. The number of deaths from this disease in the whole (old) town, was 78: much the larger number of which were outside the present limits of East Montpelier.

The town is believed to be one of the healthiest in the State; the average number of deaths for the last 20 years has been 17; the largest number in 1862, being 29; the smallest number in 1867, only 7.


The oldest person living in town is Anna Gould, born at Sutton, Mass., Aug. 12, 1787; came to this town in 1803; is the widow of Simeon Gould, who died in 1879, aged 98 years, by whom she had 9 chil­dren, of whom 7 are now living at this writing, (Sept. 1881). Mr. and Mrs. Gould's marriage life was 70 years.

The oldest person who was born in town is Mrs. Paulina Davis, widow of the late Timothy Davis, and daughter of Clark Stevens, born Sept. 15, 1795. (Oct. 1, '81.)

Mrs. Harriet Goodwin, widow of Hon. Israel Goodwin, and daughter of Capt. Isaac Putnam, born July 29, 1796.

The oldest inhabitant of the town is Mrs. Sally Vincent, widow of Capt. Isaac Vin­cent, and daughter of Darius Boyden, Esq., born at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1793; came to East Montpelier early in 1794, and has lived in town continuously since, 87 years, 7 months.

The oldest person who ever lived in town was Mrs. Molly Gould, who died in 1851, aged 102 years, I month. Mrs. Gould was born at Sutton, Mass., in 1749; married John Gould of the same town in 1768; raising a large family of children; came to this town in 1811.




It is by no means certain, who cut the first tree, or built the first house. Gen. Pearley Davis undoubtedly made the first pitch, being two lots of the first division, at the center of the town, of which he re­ceived a deed from Jacob Davis, May 28, 1788, the consideration being "eighty pounds, lawful money." He made a be­ginning soon after, putting up a log-house and barn that season, but returned to Massachusetts to teach school the following winter. He cut and stacked the hay on a beaver meadow in the north part of the town, (now owned by E. H. Vincent) that season, which was mostly drawn to Col. Jacob Davis' the following winter, he fall­ing short of fodder for his teams, and those of new settlers who would stop for a time with him on their arrival.

In June, 1788, John Templeton and Solomon Dodge came to East Montpe­lier, from Peterboro, N. H., and com­menced felling the forest on their respect­ive lots, (being adjacent) preparatory to establishing their new homes, returning to New Hampshire to do their haying, after which, they worked the remainder of the season, clearing their land, and building each a log-house. The following spring, 1789, in March, they returned with their families for a permanent settlement, ac­companied by their father-in-law, James Taggart. After stopping about three weeks with Col. Jacob Davis, they proceeded to their new homes, 5 miles distant, the snow at this time being 2 feet deep. On arriving at Mr. Templeton's house, the roof having been covered with bark, a part of which had blown off, they found the snow nearly as deep inside the house as out. This had a decided cool look, but there was no backing down, the snow was



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shoveled out, a fire built, and they spent the remainder of their days on that farm, which is still owned and occupied by their grandson, Austin Templeton.

Mr. Dodge and wife lived and died on their adjacent farm, where their youngest daughter still resides, the wife of J. R. Young. These were the first families that moved into the town of East Montpelier.

During the first season all their grain had to be brought from Brookfield, (getting it ground at Williamstown) a distance of 20 miles,—on a man's back.

In the fall of this year, (1789) as their first crops were harvested, Col. Davis' mill on North Branch was ready to do the grind­ing, and save the Brookfield tramp.

Mrs. Templeton was accustomed to say in her later years, that she did not see a woman, except her two sisters, (Jenna Taggart who lived with her and Mrs. Dodge,) for a year, lacking one day, and that no family (except as above) lived nearer than Col. Jacob Davis', being 5 miles. Mr. Templeton died May 18, 1813, aged 48 years.

The third family that moved into town, was Jonathan Snow and wife, in March, 1790,—Mr. Snow having been here and made a small beginning the summer be­fore, in the east part of the town. They stopped several days with Mr. Templeton on their way. After living on their land two or three years, Mr. Snow sold out to his father-in-law, Barnabas Hammett, and lived a year or two below Montpelier vil­lage, returning to an adjacent lot of his first beginning, now owned and occupied by his youngest son, Alonzo Snow, where he continued to reside. Mr. Snow was born at Rochester, Mass., July 12, 1768, mar­ried Lydia Hammett Feb. 11, 1790, and came to this town by the then express train, an ox team; after rearing a large family, died Mar. 31, 1846.

During I790, quite a large addition was made to the population, for we find that March 29, 1791, at the organization of the old town, of the 27 voters present, 24 were residents of East Montpelier, viz: Benja­min I. Wheeler, David Parsons, Pearley Davis, Ebenezer Dodge, Solomon Dodge, Nathaniel Peck, David Wing, Lemuel Brooks, Clark Stevens, Jonathan Snow, Hiram Peck, James Taggart, John Tem­pleton, Elisha Cummins, Jonathan Cutler, Charles McCloud, Isaac Putnam, Nathan­iel Davis, Jerahmel Wheeler, Smith Ste­vens, Charles Stevens, Edmund Doty, Duncan Young. The last survivor of this pioneer band, was Elisha Cummins, who died Nov. 21, 1860, aged 93 years.

The first child born in town was James Dodge, son of Solomon Dodge, Apr. 5, 1790; the first female child born was Mary Templeton, daughter of John Templeton, May 3, 1791. The first death was that of Betsey Cate, a child of Enoch Cate, 8 months old. The first resident of East Montpelier who was married was Clark Stevens, with Huldah Foster of Rochester, Mass., Dec. 30, 1792. The first meeting­house was a log-house, built by Clark Ste­vens and Caleb Bennett, (Friends), on the highway near the line of their farms, in 1793, and used as such till 1802. This is believed to be the first meeting-house ever built in Washington County.

Dr. Philip Vincent was the first physi­cian who came into town; he came from New Braintree, Mass., in February, 1795, and settled where his grandson, Horace M. Vincent, now resides; died in 1813, aged 54 years. The first merchant was Col. David Robbins, who built and began trade in what is now the Quaker meeting­house, in 1796. The first tavern kept in town was by Freeman Snow, opened in 1798 or '99, near where George Davis now lives. The first saw-mill was built by Pearley Davis, on the brook at the N. W. corner of lot no. 45, 1st div., in 1792, he having bought 2 acres of land for that purpose, of Caleb Bennett, for which he paid "three pounds, lawful money."

The first grist-mill was built by Samuel Rich, in 1795, on Kingsbury Branch, where the mill of M. V. B. Hollister now stands.




was born at Sutton, Mass., Feb. 24, 1769. He came to this town in 1792; was mar­ried to Margaret McCloud Dec. 1, 1796. Besides doing an extensive farming busi‑



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ness, (owning 700 acres of land) he built and run a grist-mill, a saw-mill, a carding-machine, a fulling-mill, a brick-yard and distillery; he also kept a tavern for a num­ber of years subsequently to 1805.

In 1805, he built a very nice, large dwelling-house, said to have been the best house in the County at that time. The place was known for a long term of years, as Rich's Hollow, so largely did his busi­ness predominate over that of all others. He was a carpenter by trade, and built the large barn (80x32 feet) for Nathaniel Da­vis, in 1793, being the first barn of any magnitude ever built in this town. He died in 1827, leaving 10 sons and daugh­ters, one of whom, Jacob Rich Esq., resided at the old homestead at the time of his death, in 1878.




Born at Rehoboth, Mass., Sept. 19, 1766; settled at an early date in Montpe­lier, now East Montpelier, on the farm where he lived until his death. In the spring of 1793, he married Huldah French, of Attleboro, Mass. At the organization of the town of Montpelier, in 1791, he was elected one of the listers and one of the highway surveyors, and the same year town grand juror. In 1792, he was elect­ed selectman, and held that office 16 years previous to 1818. He died March 7, 1845.




Born at Rehoboth, Mass.; settled in Montpelier, now East Montpelier, at an early date, on the farm where he lived till his death. He married Sybil French, of Attleboro, Mass. In 1792, he was elected first constable, and that year warned the first freemen's meeting ever held in that town. Afterwards, between 1806 and 1813, he held the office of selectman 5 years, and was justice of the peace several years. He died in the spring of 1835.




Among the men of business prominence in the early history of the town, none were more conspicuous than Nathaniel Davis. He was born at Oxford, Mass., Nov, 25, 1769; in 1789, he came to Montpelier and purchased a tract of land in the north-east part of the town, and commenced a clearing at once, there being but two families in what is now East Montpelier at that time. In 1792, having married Miss Dolly Davis of his native town, he commenced house­keeping, and doing business on a large scale. The following year, he built a saw­mill on his farm, having turned a brook a mile above him to obtain sufficient water to run the mill. In addition to clearing up his farm very rapidly, in 1793, or '94, he built a barn 80x32 feet; in '95, he built a two-story house 42x32 feet,—the same being occupied by his son Col. Nathaniel Davis, at the time of his death, in 1879; this is the oldest house in town at this writing, 1881. Before the year 1800, he built a potash and store, and did an ex­tensive and successful mercantile business for about 25 years.

Soon after 1810, Mr. Davis commenced what is now the village of East Calais, by building at that place, a grist-mill, saw­mill, nail factory, a scythe factory, and opening a store; subsequently this prop­erty was surrendered to 2 of his daughters, having married the Hon. Shubael Wheeler and Samuel Rich, Jr. Esq. Another daughter, who married N. C. King, Esq., was equally as well provided for.

In 1825, Mr. Davis having closed his mercantile business, and disposed of his outside property, as above, in connection with his son commenced doing a more ex­tensive farming business, by buying farm after farm, till they were able to sell more than 100 head of beef cattle per annum.

In 1838, they built the large woolen fac­tory at North Montpelier, which, in con­sequence of an unfortunate partnership, entered into at the completion of the build­ing, was a very disastrous enterprise. He died in 1843, aged 74 years.


(From Thompson's History of Montpelier.)




a son of Nathaniel and Sarah Davis, was born in Oxford, (in the part afterwards becoming Charlton,) Mass., Mar. 31, 1766, and, after receiving rather an unusually good English education, at the then new academy in the neighboring town of Lei­cester, including a knowledge of surveying, he came into town with Col. Davis, bringing his set of surveyor's instruments,



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and at once engaging in the original sur­veys of the township, first as an assistant and finally as a principal surveyor of the town and county.

It was while thus employed, as he once told the writer of this sketch, that, coming on to the splendid swell of forest land then crowning the elevation at the center of the town, he was so struck with the general indications of the soil and the natural beauty of the location, as seen beneath the growth of stately maples, cumbered with little underbrush, that he resolved he would here make his pitch, feeling confident that this must be the seat of town business, and then believing even that it would become the site of its most populous village.

The mistake of Gen. Davis, so far as regarded the growing up of much of a village on the highlands of the town, ap­pears to have been quite a common one with our early settlers. Impressed at first, as he was, with the inviting appearance of the higher parts of their respective townships, when contrasted with the forbidding aspect of the dark and tangled valleys, the most able and enterprising of them, for a general thing, made their pitches accord­ingly, as in the instances of the settlements of Randolph, Danville, and dozens of other towns in this State. But they soon found their anticipated villages slipping down into the valleys, to leave them, in that respect, high and dry on the hills, with the most traveled roads all winding along the streams. First, there must be mills; then a place near to shoe horses; then a place for refreshment of both man and horse; and while all this is going on, it is a convenience and a saving of time to be able to purchase a few family necessa­ries; thence, to meet these calls, first comes the blacksmith's shop, then the tav­ern, then the store; and you have the neucleus of a continually growing village already formed; while people soon find out it is easier going round a hill than over it, and build their roads accordingly.

So far, however, as regarded the seat of town business, Gen. Davis' predictions were fulfilled; for he, having pitched on a tract of 300 acres of land at the center, and built a commodious house, had the satisfaction of seeing it the receptacle of all town meetings till a public house was erected; and the latter was the place of such meetings, either for the whole town or his part of it, up to the day of his death. At all these town meetings he was always an active and influential participator. And in looking over the records of the town for the first half century of its corpo­rate existence, we can scarcely find a page on which his name does not appear coupled with some of its most important trusts or offices.

In 1794, he was elected captain of the first military company ever organised in town; and before the year had closed he was promoted to the office of major of the regiment formed from the companies of the different towns in this section. In 1798, he was elected a colonel of the regiment; and in 1799, he was still further promoted to the prominent post of general. In 1799, he was also honored by his townsmen with a seat in the legislature, and received from them 2 elections as their representa­tive in the General Assembly.

In 1794, Gen. Davis married Miss Re­becca Peabody, daughter of Col. Stephen Peabody of Amherst, N. H., the lady of whose medical skill and general usefulness we have particularly spoken while treating of the incidents and characters of the early settlement. From this union sprang 7 daughters, most of whom lived to connect themselves with the best families of this or other towns; and one of them, (now (deceased,) Mrs. Truman Pitkin, whose family occupy the old homestead, was the mother of Perley P. Pitkin, Esq., the present representative of East Montpelier; while of the surviving, one, endowed with high gifts of poesy, is the widow of the late Hon. S. Pitkin, and another the wife of the Hon. Royal Wheeler.

Gen. Davis, in the expanded benevolence of his mind, appeared to take an interest in the welfare of all his fellow-men, and par­ticularly so of the young, for whose im­provement in knowledge he labored earnestly and always. He was one of the most active and liberal in establishing a Town Li­brary. He was ever anxious to see our com­mon schools supplied with competent teachers; and in subscriptions, and in the educa­tion of his daughters, he largely patronized our academy. He was one of the most pleasant, animated and instructive of companions, one of the best of neighbors, and one of the most public spirited and useful of citizens. In short, with his strong, massive person, prepossessing face, intelli­gent eye, genial and hearty manner, and earnest tone of conversation, he was one whom the world would unite in calling a grand old fellow, and as such he will be remembered till the last of the generation who knew him shall have followed him to the grave.

He died April 14, 1848, at the age of a little over 82 years. His relict, Mrs. Rebecca Peabody Davis, died Feb. 5, 1854, aged about 83 years and 6 months.




was born in Rochester, Mass., Nov. 15, 1764. At the age of 18, he was drafted as



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a soldier, and served in that capacity several months during one of the last years of the American Revolution. After leaving the army, he engaged himself as a seaman at the neighboring port of New Bedford, and spent several years in the ventures of the ocean. But the perils he had here encountered in the whaling and coasting trade, not only revived the religious impressions formerly experienced, but led him to resolve on the quiet pursuits of husbandry, and to remove, with that object in view, to the new town of Montpelier in Vermont. Accordingly he immigrated into this town in 1790, in company with David Wing, the elder, and his sons, pur­chased and at once began to clear up the valuable farm near Montpelier East village, which has ever since been the family homestead. After effecting a considerable opening in the wilderness, and building the customary log-house and barn, he returned to the land of his fathers, and, Dec. 13, 1792, married Miss Huldah Foster of his native Rochester brought her imme­diately on and installed her as the mistress of his heart and household.

Soon after his marriage, Mr. Stevens appears to have been more deeply than ever exercised with his religious convictions; when soon, by the aid of some neighbors who, like himself, had previously united themselves with the Society of Friends or Quakers, he built a log-meeting-house on the bank of a little brook a short distance to the north-west of his dwelling. And here, under his lead, that little band of congenial worshipers established in the wilderness the first altar for the worship of the living God ever erected in Wash­ington County. Subsequently this band was received into membership with the New York Society of Friends, who held monthly meetings in Danby, in the south­western part of Vermont, which meetings were eventually established at Starksboro, in this State. Of the latter, he became a regular monthly attendant, and in 1815, having, besides being the leader and teacher of his Society at home, travelled, each year, hundreds of miles to attend monthly, quarterly and yearly meetings in Vermont, New York, and in the different States of New England, and everywhere evinced his faithfulness as a laborer, and his ability an a religious speaker and teacher, he was publicly acknowledged by the Starksboro Association as a regular and accepted minister of the gospel. Years before this, through his instrumentality, and that of his worthy and perhaps most energetic fellow-laborer in the cause, the late Caleb Bennett, his Society at home had been considerably enlarged, and a commodious meeting-house erected a half mile or more distant from the first primi­tive one above mentioned.

But it Clark Stevens was a man of the intelligence and virtue which caused him to be placed in such a prominent position in his religious connections, why was he not, as well as other citizens of his town of the same grade of capacity, promoted to posts of civil trusts, or other wordly hon­ors? It was because, after having been made the second town clerk of the town, and reluctantly consented to serve in that ca­pacity one year—it was simply because he ever uniformly declined to accept them. Time and again would the town gladly have made him their representative in the Legislature. But all movements of that kind were by him promptly discouraged and stopped at the outset. On the organ­ization of the new county of Jefferson, in such high esteem were his worth and abili­ties held by the leading men of the county at large that, on their united recommendation, he was, without his knowledge or consent, appointed by the Legislature to the more important and tempting office of a judge of the court. But this he also promptly declined, and gave the public to understand that civil honors had so few charms for him that it would thereafter be in vain for them to offer them for his acceptance.

Thus, "he had wrought out his work, and wrought it well." Thus he lived, and thus, at the ripe age of nearly ninety, he peacefully passed away, at his old residence, on the 20th of December, 1853, with the characteristic words on his lips: "I have endeavored to do what I appre­hended was required of me. I have nought but feelings of love for all mankind; and my hope of salvation is based on the mercy of God through his Son Jesus Christ."

Personally, Clark Stevens was one of the finest looking men of his times. Full 6 feet high, and nobly proportioned, with a shapely contour of head and features, dark eyes and a sedate, thoughtful counte­nance, his presence was unusually impos­ing and dignified. He was a prince in appearance, but a child in humility. He was unquestionably a man of superior in­tellect, and that intellect was, in all its traits, peculiarly well balanced. But it was his great and good heart which shown out the most conspicuously through all the actions of his long and beneficent life. In fine, Clark Stevens, in the truest sense of the term, was a great man.

D. P. T.


"Goodness without greatness

     Is but an empty show;

But, O, how rich and beautiful!

     When they together grow."



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died in East Montpelier, Oct. 7, 1874, aged 97 years. 2 months, 16 days. He was the oldest man in the county at the time of his death, having resided in the town where he died one day over 80 years. He was born in Rochester, Mass., July 22, 1777. John and May Gray, his parents, started with their 9 children for Vermont, Sept. 14, 1794, and arrived at Caleb Ben­nett's, in Montpelier—now East Montpe­lier—Oct. 6, following, having been 22 days on the road, their only means of con­veyance of family and goods having been an ox-cart drawn by two pairs of oxen. Mr. Bennett had come from New Bedford, Mass., two or three years earlier, and with him Mr. Gray and family, being old ac­quaintances, stopped a number of days, as did Thomas Allen and family, who had traveled with the Grays from the old Bay State; this made a pretty thick-settled family, but large houses were not such a necessity then as now.




born at Peterboro, N. H., Nov. 15, 1788, came to East Montpelier in March, 1789. He was at the time of his death one of the oldest residents of East Montpe­lier,—aged 89 years, 7 months, 15 days. When the deceased was but 4 months old, his father, John Templeton, in company with Solomon Dodge, removed to East Montpelier from Peterboro, N. H., at that time there being no families in that local­ity, and but one, Col. Jacob Davis, in the then limits of Montpelier. On their arri­val here the snow was so deep that they were unable to proceed further, and were compelled to stop with Col. Davis a week. Reaching their new home, they discovered that the roofs of the rude shanties which they had erected the year previous had been blown off, and the snow was as deep in their houses as on the ground, they being compelled to shovel the snow out, and make their beds as best they could. The two men had married sisters, named Tag­gart, and cleared farms adjoining, that on which Sam'l Templeton died being the one cleared by his father, while a daughter of Mr. Solomon Dodge, Mrs. John R. Young, resides on the one which her lather clear­ed. The deceased was a good, reliable citizen, and leaves one son and a daugh­ter—Austin Templeton, of East Montpe­lier, and Mrs. James M. Howland, of Montpelier. Although Mr. Templeton had always lived on the same place, yet he has resided in four counties and two towns, and paid taxes in three counties.






came to Montpelier, now East Montpelier, about 1812. He was born in Rochester, Mass., July 19, 1789, being one of five brothers, and the third son of Jonathan King and Mary Clark King.

In his boyhood he attended district school until fifteen years old, when his father gave him his time, and he was to provide for himself. He immediately entered a private school to fit himself for teaching, and the study of medicine. He studied the languages, Greek and Latin, and made such progress that he taught school the winter after he was sixteen, and began to read medicine in 1808; and con­tinued to teach, and read, until the fall of 1811. Having studied, mixed medicines, and visited patients more or less with Dr. Foster of Rochester for 3 years, he attend­ed medical lectures at Hanover, N. H., Dr. Nathan Smith being at the head of the medical department of Dartmouth College at that time.

He began practice at North Montpelier about 1812, having a sister residing in that vicinity, and in 1814, at the call for volun­teers he went, as surgeon, with others, to Plattsburgh when the British invaded that place. In 1817, he married Miss Fanny, second daughter of Maj. Nath. Davis, one of the foremost settlers in town, engaged in mercantile pursuits. About this time his father-in-law Davis offered him a good chance to go into trade, which he accepted, and gradually ceased to visit the sick generally, prescribing for and visiting only those who were especially anxious for his counsel. After years of trade and careful investment of savings, he became perhaps the wealthiest resident in East Montpelier. In 1849 and 1850, he represented the town



                                                        EAST MONTPELIER.                                                  583


in the legislature, and for many years did a large justice business; many sought his advice in matters important to them, and being a well-informed, social man, of large acquaintance, many couples formerly applied to him to join them in marriage.

Between 1818 and 1835, six children were born to him, only three of whom reached maturity, and are living at the present time—two of them at Montpelier, with one of whom he now resides at the age of 92, and until within a few months retaining his faculties in a remarkable de­gree. Naturally a man of strong mind, capable, honest and conscientious, yet full of pleasantry and anecdote, he has endur­ed with fortitude and even cheerfulness whatever misfortunes came upon him, and in the course of a long life has made numerous friends, many of the younger class of whom yet often call to see him, while few or none of his earlier associates now remain.

Although his father was an orthodox deacon, and his oldest brother a clergy­man of the same denomination, views broader and more hopeful have ever found a place in his heart.




Persons over 80 years of age who have lived and died in East Montpelier Dec. 1st, 1881.


Molly Gould,                             102½

Mrs. Chamberlain,                     101

Triphina Shepard,                      99½

Betsy Carroll,                             99

Simeon Gould,                            98

Isaac Gray,                                 97½

Benjamin Ellis,                          96

Elias Metcalf,                             95

Bethiah Parker,                          95

Phoebe Dudley,                          95

Mary Gould,                               95

Daniel Gould,                             94

Samuel Davis,                            94

Rachel Bliss,                              94

Lorane Templeton,                      94

Isaac Vincent,                            93½

Theophilus Clark, Sr.,                 93½

Elisha Cummins,                        93

James Foster,                             93

Lucinda Cutler,                          93

Eunice Vincent.                         92

Polly Waters,                              92

Samuel Patterson,                       91

Joanna Wakefield,                      91

Jemima Morse,                           91

Margaret Holmes,                        91

Abigail Cutler,                            91

Clark Stevens,                            90

Sylvanus Morse,                         90

John Chase,                              90

Elizabeth Boyden,                       90

Edward Clough,                          90

Willard Shepard,                        90

Reuben Waters,                          90

Harriet Hamblin,                         90

Samuel Templeton,                     89½

Daniel Bassett,                           89

Ruth Daggett,                             88

Abigail Nash,                             88

William Gray,                             88

Lucy Templeton,                         88

David Wing, Sr.,                         88

Mary Stevens,                             88

Sally Merritt,                              88

Lucinda Sanders,                        88

Freeman Snow,                          87

George Clark,                             87

John Upton,                              86

Rebecca Giles,                            86

Susanna Clark,                           86

Ruth Bennett,                            86

Oliver Merritt,                            86

Pauline Davis,                            86

Jesse Bassett,                            86

Huldah Wheeler,                        85

Hezekiah Tinkham,                     85

Edward West,                             85

Reliance Stevens,                       85

John Gray, Sr.,                          85

Anna Gray,                                85

Reliance Stevens,                       85

George Clark,                             85

Ezra Paine,                                85

Nathaniel Ormsbee,                    84

Lovina Tracy,                             84

Timothy Davis,                           84

Annis Tabor,                              84

David Daggett,                            84

Abigail Hathaway,                       84

John Putnam,                            84

Caty West,                                 84

Sally Parmenter,                         84

Sally Ormsbee,                           83

Daniel Russell, Sr.,                     83

Jesse Bailey,                              83

Elijah McKnight,                        83

John Boyden,                             83

Benajah Putnam,                        83

Abigail Lawson,                          83

Nicholas D. Bennett,                   83

Daniel Russell, Sr.,                     83

Rebina Davis,                             83

Gen. Parley Davis,                      82

Caleb Bennett,                            82

Esac Howland,                           82

Joseph Gould,                            82

Abial French,                             82

Ezra Bassett,                              82

Jeduthan Doty,                           82

Sarah Wing,                               82

Paul Hathaway,                          82

Cyrus Stoddard,                          82

Abigail Beckley,                          82

Polly Nelson,                             82

Sally Parker,                              81

Betsy Phinney,                           81

Moses Parmenter,                       81

Shubael Short,                            81

Temperance Russell,                   81

Polly Peck.                                81

Lot Hathaway, 2d.,                      81

Lot Hathaway, Sr.,                      80

Smith Stevens,                           80

Sally Parker,                              80

Jonn Stevens,                            80

David Gould,                              80

Susanna Ellis,                            80

Arthur Daggett,                           80

Eunice Hammett,                        80

Eunice Williams,                        80

David French,                            80

Polly Stoddard,                           80

Nancy Holbrook,                         80

Barnabas Hammett,                     80

Job Macomber,                            79

Nahum Kelton,                           79½

Nathaniel Cutler,                        79

Wm. Templeton, Jr.,                   79



            584                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.




Living in town Dec. 1, 1881.




Anna Gould,                              94

Polly Gould,                               90

Sally Vincent,                            89

Lydia P. Parker,                         87

Cyrus Morse,                              85

Belinda Paine,                           85

Harriet P. Goodwin,                    85

Polly Richards,                           84

William Holmes,                         83

Ann Cummins,                           81

Harriet Choate,                           81

Catherine Stevens,                      81

Mahala Templeton,                     81

Culver W. Lane,                          80

Eleanor Norcross,                       80

Abigail Southgate,                       80

Theophilus Clark,                       79

Rodney Cummins,                       79

Fanny Gray,                               79

Betsey Gray,                               79

Hannah Bliss,                            79

Putnam McKnight,                      79

Margaret McKnight,                     78

Polly Hathaway,                         78

Willard Cutler,                           77

Ralph W. Warner,                       77

Amasa Cummings,                      77

Stephen Gould,                          77

Joseph Richards,                        77

Nahum Templeton,                     77

Mirinda Dodge,                           76

Lawson Hammett,                       76

Lorenzo D. Gray,                         76

Phebe Perry,                              76

Relief M. Stewart,                       76

John R. Young,                          76

Anna Beckley,                            75

Timothy Blake,                           75

Samuel Davis,                            75

Dulcena Edwards,                      75

Almira Wheeler,                         75

Willard Sanders,                         75

Edward G. Davis,                       74

Samuel Edwards,                        74

Betsey Harvey,                            74

Aurelia Jacobs,                           74

Abigail Lawson,                          74

Luther M. Parmenter,                  74

Betsey M. Sibley,                        74

Lydia Young,                              74

Almira Warner,                           74

Chester S. Guernsey,                  73

Elhanan Norcross,                      73

Eunice Parmenter,                      73

Polly Gould, 2d,                         72

Marcus B. Hamblin,                    72

Prentiss M. Shepard,                  72

Freeman N. West,                       72

Hosea Gould,                              72

Polly Burno,                               71

Lucy B. Clark,                            71

Jefferson F. W. Dodge,                71

Joseph Gray,                              71

Mary F. Sibley,                           71

Alonzo Snow,                             71

Ann Blake,                                70

Lucius Cummins,                        70

Almira Fleming,                          70

Philura D. Hamblin,                    70

Harriet H. Peck,                         70

Sherlock Peck,                           70

William Templeton,                     70

Squier Bailey,                             69

Mercy E. Clough,                        69

Diana Holmes,                            69

Ezekiel D. Nye,                           69

Joel Ormsbee,                            69

Harriet Stevens,                          69

Mary B. Southwick,                     69


A very remarkable instance of longevity, is, of a Mrs. Betsy Carroll and her three daughters of this town. Mrs. Carroll died at the age of 99 years; one daughter, Mrs. Lucinda Cutler at the age of 93; the second, Mrs. Abigail Cutler at the age of 91, and the other now living in town, Mrs. Polly Gould at the age of 90 years.




Within the present limits of East Montpelier from its settlement to Dec., 1881.




A little girl, daughter of B. Nash, was killed by a falling tree in the east part of the town previous to 1800.

A man by the name of Chamberlin, about 21 years of age, was killed by a fall­ing tree during the year 1801, near the center of the town, and another the follow­ing year by the name of Robinson, in the north part of the town.

The wife of John Cutler hung herself in 1801.

The foregoing are taken from D. P. Thompson's History of Montpelier.

A man by the name of Alonzo Kingsley was killed by a tree on the farm now owned by George H. Chase, about 1800; and Daniel Blanchard was killed by a falling tree Sept., 1803, near the site of No. 5, or four corners school house.

A child of Jonathan Edwards fell from a raft and drowned in the lower pond of N. Montpelier, about 1825.

Charles Plumb was drowned while bathing, about 1819, just below the Clark Ste­vens bridge, aged 16 years.

Nancy Waugh committed suicide by drowning in the brook east of George Da­vis' residence, about 1829.

Elisha Gray, aged about 28, drowned or died in a fit occasioned by plunging in the water when over-heated, Aug. 19, 1831. A child of Heman Powers was drowned by falling from a raft, at East village mill-pond.

The wife of Henry French committed suicide with the razor, near East Village. Also a man by the name of Ladd.

William Stoddard committed suicide by



                                                        EAST MONTPELIER.                                                  585


hanging, at the present residence of Aro P. Slayton.

A child of Theophilus Clark died from being scalded by sitting into a pail of hot water.

William Alger died from a gun shot wound, (accident) April 5, 1844, on the farm now known as the Norcross farm.

Charles Pitkin died at A. J. Hollister's from accidental gun shot wound.

Dec. 22. 1857, George W. Jacobs died from poison by taking a solution of corro­sive sublimate by mistake.

June 25, 1860, Abner Chapman, aged 13 years, and Herbert L. Nye, aged 7 years, son of George G. Nye, were drowned while bathing in the Branch below N. Montpelier.

July 5, 1862. Nathan Parker, aged 72, died from being gored by a bull.

Oct. 31, 1863, Ellison Albee, aged 26, fell from a loaded wagon and was run over and killed, while at work for Elon O. Hammond.

Feb. 15, 1866, Eustice Morris, aged 53, was killed by a falling tree while chopping for T. C. Kelton.

July 13, 1868, Zadock H. Hubbard, aged 25, died from sun-stroke, while at work for Charles A. Tabor.

Nov. 9, 1873, Pliny P. Pearsons, aged 34, died from a cut on the head by a circular saw, while working under the mill at N. Montpelier.

Nov. 22, 1875, Bessie K. Lord, aged 5, daughter of Rev. W. H. Lord, of Montpe­lier, was thrown from a carriage and killed in the west part of the town.

Arbuckle murder. —Hiram W. Arbuckle, aged 27, living with his mother at East Village, April 13, 1877, shot George Shortt, a young man of 16, who was sitting on a bench by the stove in the grist-mill. The ball striking the breast bone, glanced down to the left side. Shortt starting to leave by a back door was hit in the arm above the elbow by a second ball, after its passing through the stove-pipe, he at the same time stumbling over some wood on the  floor. The appearance was that the last shot was fatal. Arbuckle immediately left the mill and went to the black-smith shop of his brother-in-law, George W. Bancroft, and shot him twice and then returned back near the mill. About that time, Bancroft came out of the shop and started for his house. Arbuckle seeing him, ran after him and chased him round some lumber near the road. Bancroft then changed his course and ran for the mill, followed by Arbuckle, who fired again just as he was entering the mill door, he falling dead on the door. Arbuckle then went to his home and remained there until the arrival of the constable, George Howland, who had been sent for about a mile distant, when he stepped out at a back door and shot himself, falling dead instantly. The situation of the mill, shop and house are is about like the points of a triangle, 12 rods apart, and Bancroft's house next to the other house. The young man, Shortt, strange to say, was not fatally hit, the ball of the first shot was taken out on the outside of the left ribs, some 8 or 10 inches from where it struck him. At the time of the shooting, the miller, Mr. Clifford, and two other neighbors were in the mill, and no one except Bancroft was in the shop. No cause can be assigned for the shooting, except an unpleasantness with Shortt, growing out of a collision of teams some time previous at a ride, and the dissipation of Bancroft and treatment to his wife, who was the sister of Arbuckle.

July 18, 1878, Henry R. Campbell fell from a load of hay and was killed.

Dec. 20, 1878, Bert R. Macomber, aged 17, committed suicide by shooting.

Nov. 30, 1879, Doct. John H. Peck died from over dose of chloroform.

April 24, 1880, Byron Eastman, aged 20, was drowned by the upsetting of a boat at North Montpelier.




is remembered by the citizens of Montpe­lier as an odd character about town in its early days. His brother, Willard Shepherd, was one of the early settlers of East Montpelier, and became an opulent farmer. The old two-story brick house he built near the line of East Montpelier and Plainfield is occupied by his descendants. He was the author of "The Phœnix Chron‑



            586                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


icle," The word Phœnix signifies arising out of its own ashes. The Bonfire in which 450 books were burnt: A view of Montpelier and all the country places in the State, &c. &c. By Sylvanus Shepherd. Printed for the author. 1825, 8vo. pp. 18.— Gilman's Bibliography.




Lines written by CLARE STEVENS in his 89th year, to a lady who was a second wife.


A step-mother's lot is one that's hard—

She need be constant on her guard;

There are so many minds to please,

She should be often on her knees,

To pray for grace her path to tread,

And by her Saviour's will be led;

For what suits one will not another,

So I do pity the step-mother.


See biography of Clark Stevens, page 581. In his old age he often amused him­self with rhyming tributes for his friends, acrostics largely. This, just given, is taken from a quarto blank book, 84 pages, all written after he was 85 years of age.




Town Clerk—Royal Wheeler, 1849 to 1855 inclusive; Austin D. Arms, 1856 to 1862 inclusive. Truman C. Kelton, 1863 to the present time—1881.

Treasurer—Addison Peck, 1849, '50, '51. N. C. King, 1852 to 1861 inclusive. S. S. Kelton, 1862 to 1877. T. C. Kelton, 1877 to the present time—1881.

Overseer of the Poor—Addison Peck, 1849, '50, '51. Jacob Bennett, 1852 to 1860. Addison Peck, 1860 to 1865. John G. Putnam, 1865-66. John M. Willard, 1867 to 1875 inclusive. Solon F. Cummins, 1876 to the present time—1881.

1st Selectman—J. C. Nichols, 1845-50, '51; Jacob Rich, 1852; Samuel Temple­ton, 1853; Lorenzo Gray, 1854; Edson Slayton, 1855, '56; Ezekiel D. Nye, 1857; Hazen Lyford, 1858; Jas. Bennett, 1859; Orlando F. Lewis, 1860, '61; Truman C. Kelton, 1862; John C. Tabor, 1863; Jas. A. Coburn, 1864; S. S. Kelton, 1865; John M. Willard, 1866; J. L. Coburn, 1867; Thomas B. Stevens, 1868; Squire Bailey, 1869; M. D. Willard, 1870, '71; Clark King, 1872, '73, '74; E. H. Vin­cent, 1875; Eri Morse, 1876; S. W. Hill, 1877; D. H. Patterson, 1878; J. C. Paine, 1879; G. H. Dix, 1880; Orlando Clark, 1881.

Representative —N King, 1842, '50; J. P. W. Vincent, 1851, '52; James Tem­pleton, 1853, '54; Stephen F. Stevens, 1855, '56; Larned Coburn, 1857, '58; P. P. Pitkin, 1859, '60; E. D. Nye, 1861, '62; T. C. Kelton, 1863, '64; Prentice M. Shepard, 1865, '66; Timothy Davis, 1867, '68; J. A. Coburn, 1869, '70; T. B. Ste­vens, 1872, '73; H. D. Foster, 1874; J. L. Coburn, 1876; Austin Templeton, 1878; A. A. Tracy, 1880.

Representatives from East Montpelier be­fore division of town—Pearley Davis, 1799, 1802; Nahum Kelton, 1816, '17, '18, '20, '29; Wm. Billings, 1834, '35; Royal Wheeler, 1838, '39; Addison Peck, 1842, '43; Dr. Charles Clark, 1846, '47.




1849—Horatio N. Needham, free soil, 213; Carlos Coolidge, whig, 76; Jonas Clark, dem., 21.

1850 — Lucius B. Peck, dem., 193; Charles K. Williams, whig, 85; John Roberts, free soil, 32.

1851—Timothy P. Redfield, free dem., 146; Chas. K. Williams, whig, 59; John Roberts, dem. 24.

1852—Lawrence Brainerd, free soil, 107; John S. Robinson, dem., 81; Erastus Fairbanks, whig, 65. Presidential, Winfield Scott, 37; Franklin Pierce, 47.

1853—John S. Robinson, dem., 101; Lawrence Brainerd, free soil, 91; Erastus Fairbanks, whig, 51.

1854—Stephen Royce, wing, 93; Merritt Clark, dem., 95; Lawrence Brainerd, free soil, 5.

1855—Stephen Royce, whig, 163; Mer­ritt Clark, dem., 95; Lawrence Brainerd, free soil, 1.

1856 — Ryland Fletcher, whig, 168; Henry Keyes, dem., 87. Presidential, Fremont, 139; Buchanan, 40

1857 —Ryland Fletcher, whig, 128; Henry Keyes, dem., 93.

1858—Hiland Hall, whig, 145; Henry Keyes, dem., 92.

1859—Hiland Hall, whig, 163; John G. Saxe, dem., 102.

1860—Erastus Fairbanks, whig, 180;



                                                        EAST MONTPELIER.                                                  587


John G. Saxe, dem., 87. Presidential, Lincoln, 113; Douglass, 32.

1861—Frederick Holbrook, repub., 141; Andrew Tracy, whig, 73; H. B. Smalley, dem., 13.

1862—Frederick Holbrook, repub., 111.

1863—John G. Smith, repub., 161; Timothy P. Redfield, dem., 62.

1864—John G. Smith, repub., 149; Timothy P. Redfield, dem., 56. Presi­dential, Lincoln, 131; McClellan, 25.

1865—Paul Dillingham, repub., 122; Charles N. Davenport, dem., 49.

1866—Paul Dillingham, repub., 129; Charles N. Davenport, dem., 41.

1867—John B. Page, rep. 176; J. L. Edwards, dem., 39.

1868—John B. Page, repub., 174; John L. Edwards, dem., 51. Presidential, Grant, 156; Seymour, 28.

1869—Peter T. Washburn, repub., 143; Homer W. Heaton, dem., 48.

1870—John W. Stewart, repub., 129; Homer W. Heaton, dem., 41.

1872—Julius Converse, repub., 155; Abraham B. Gardner, dem., 47. Presi­dential, Grant, 107; Greeley, 19.

I874—Asahel Peck, repub., 77; W. H. H. Bingham, dem., 41.

1876—Horace Fairbanks, repub., 134; W. H. H. Bingham, dem., 57. Presiden­tial, Hayes, 109; Tilden, 33.

1878—Redfield Proctor, repub., 145; W. H. H. Bingham, dem., 55.

1880—Roswell Farnham, repub., 166; Edward J. Phelps, dem., 56. Presidential, Garfield, 108; Hancock, 17.




Soldiers of the Revolution, who lived and died in East Montpelier.—Hezekiah Tinkham, Edward West, Elias Metcalf, John Putnam, Job Macomber, Daniel Russell, Sen., Theophilus Clark, Clark Stevens, Samuel Southwick, Enoch Cate, John Gray, Joshua Sanders.

Soldiers of the War of 1812.—Rowland Edwards, Enoch Kelton, Nathan Kelton, John Gould, John B. Kelton, John Morgan, Jasper M. Stoddard, Moses Parmenter.

Soldiers of the Mexican War.—Daniel Cutler, Orange McKay.







Names.                            Age.    Co.  Regt.       Enlistment.    Remarks.

Andrews, Gustavus A. 43   K      3        July 10 61   Discharged Dec. 9, 62.

Bancroft, Charles F.    18   I     Bat.      Jan. 18 62   Died June 14, 62, in Louisana.

Bancroft, Daniel P.      23   C    Cav.       Aug 28 62   Discharged May 18, 65.

Bailey, Hiram A.          19   H      3         June 1 61   Mustered out July 27, 64.

Beaudreau, Stephen                                               Credited, but does not appear to have

                                                                                 entered the service.

Bent, David J.            20   G      4         Aug 30 61   Died May 7, 62.

Burnham, Andrew       36   H      2           do 20 61   Discharged Dec. 17, 61.

Carley, Charles           22   F       6           do 15 62   Transferred to U. S. Navy Apr. 15, 64;

                                                                                 discharged June 6, 65.

Carley, Henry             24   F       6        Sept 23 61   Mustered out Oct. 28, 64.

Carley, William           44   E      8         Nov 28 61   Trans. to V. R. C.; disch. June 4, 64.

Carr, Chester              26   I      11        Aug 11 62   Deserted July 26, 64.

Connell, Thomas         22   K      3        July 10 61   Died July 4, 62, of wounds rec'd at Lee's


Cummins, Edwin        22   G      4         Aug 27 61   Discharged Oct. 10, 62.

Cutler, Charles F.        21   K      7         June 1 62   Died at New Orleans, Sept. 3, 62.

Dearborn, Roswell H.   23   G      4         Aug 29 61   Killed at Fredericksburgh Dec. 13, 62.

Dillon, William 2d.,     18   F       6           do 15 62   Pro. corp.; wounded Aug. 21, 64; must.

                                                                                 out June 19, 64.

Field, Reuben R.         24   B     Cav          do do do   Mustered out June 21, 65.

Gero, George               28   K      3        July 10 61   Discharged Nov. 22, 61.

Gray, William C.         22   C     Cav       Sept 13 61   Mustered out Nov. 18, 64.

Hammond, Elon O.      45   K      3       June 16 61   Captain; resigned Aug. 14, 61.

Hargin, Ira J.              18   F       2         Aug 14 62   Killed in action May 3, 64.

Hill, Amasa                29   K      3        July 10 61   Died April 14, 62.

Hill, Henry H.             21   G      4        Sept 21 61   1st lieut.; died May 9, 62, Wash'n, D. C.

Hill, Joseph P.           20   E      3         June 1 61   Prom. corp.; discharged Dec. 23, 62.



                              588   VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Names.                            Age.    Co.  Regt.       Enlistment.    Remarks.

Howland, Hiram B.      42   G      3       June 15 61   Discharged Jan. 21, 63.

Joslyn, Triffley           21   G      4          Sept 3 61   W'd at Wilderness; must. out Sept. 30, 64.

Lapiere, Cypren          21   F       2         Feb 24 62   Trans. to V. R. C., Apr. 20, 65; must.

                                                                                 out July 20, 65.

Lapiere, Joseph          21   F       2             do 5 62   Discharged Sept. 13, 62.

Lawrence, Stephen D. 28   F       2         Aug 14 62   Rejected by Brigade Surgeon.

Mann, Albert N.          21   I       9         May 23 62   Discharged Nov. 5, 62.

Maxham, George         38   E      8           Dec 8 61   Promoted corp.; re-enlisted June 5, 64.

Mitchell, John            18   K      3        July 10 61   Deserted Jan. 21, 62.

Morse, Joseph Jr.,      29   H      2         Aug 20 61   Mustered out Sept 13, 64.

Morris, Joseph            18   C     Cav       Aug 14 61   Discharged Nov. 26, 62.

Muckler, Henry           28   G      4           do 27 61   Discharged April 19, 62.

Ormsbee, Elhanan W.  24   G      4         Aug 30 61   Killed at the Wilderness May 5, 64.

Ormsbee, Mansaur A.   28   F       2          May 7 61   Discharged Jan. 14, 63.

Ormsbee, Orvis           20   G      4         Aug 30 61   Died Jan. 19, 62, at Camp Griffin, Va.

Persons, Charles E.     20   G      4         Aug 27 61   Mustered out Sept. 30, 64.

Persons, Levi A.          24   G      4           do do do   Sergeant; discharged Apr. 17, 62.

Persons, Phineas C.    23   F       6         Feb 25 62   Discharged July 31, 62.

Pitkin Perley P.          35           2       June 20 61   Quartermaster; pro. capt. and assist.

                                                                                 quartermaster U. S. A., April 13, 62.

Prescott, Dexter S.      22   G      4         Aug 22 61   Discharged Nov. 10, 62.

Putnam. Isaac A.         24   G      4           do 24 61   1st sergt; prom. 2d lieut. Co. H, Jan.

                                                                                 19, 62; 1st lieut. Co. C, Oct. 20, 63;

                                                                                 killed at the Wilderness May 5, 64.

Sanders, Charles A.     29   G      4         Aug 24 61   Discharged April 4, 62.

Seymour, Isaac            44   I       9       June 23 62   Discharged Feb. 20, 63.

Shorey, Theodore        19   F       2          May 7 61   Prom. corp.; sergt.; re-enlisted; must.

                                                                                 out July 15, 65.

Silloway, Seth P.         39   1st   Bat         Dec 7 61   Discharged April 30, 64.

Sinnott, William          44   I       2         Aug 27 62   Discharged May 18, 63, for wounds rec'd

                                                                                 at Fredericksburgh.

Slayton, Austin C.       21   K      3        July 10 61   Mustered out July 27, 64.

Smith, James H.         19   F       6           Oct 2 61   Discharged Oct. 30, 64.

Snow, Oscar D.           19   H      3         June 1 61   Died Oct. 14, 61.

Southwick, George W.  32   1st   Bat      June 16 62   Mustered out August 10, 64.

Stevens, William B.     23   G      4         Aug 22 61   Pro. serg't; died of wounds rec. at Cold

                                                                                 Harbor, Juue 12, 64.

Steward, Dexter G.      24   K      3        July 10 61   Discharged Sept. 17, 62.

Templeton, Charles A. 19   F       6           Oct 7 61   Corporal; died Oct. 17, 62.

Thibeault, Antoine      18   F       2         Aug 28 62   Died at White Oak Church, Dec. 24, 62.

Trow, George E.          20   H      2         Aug 20 62   Mustered out Sept. 12, 64.

Washburn, William L.  18   G      4           do 28 61   Discharged Feb. 17, 63.            [18, 63.

Wheeler. Cyril            33   I       2           do 20 62   Wounded at Fredericksburgh; dis. May

Willey, Alonzo D.        24   K      3        July 10 61   Killed at Lee's Mills, Apr. 16, 62.

Wemes, James            38   G      4           Apr 5 62   Discharged July 8, 63.




Barnet, Lucius H.           21  C    13        Aug 29 62   Mustered out July 21, 63.

Carson, Charles H.         20  do   do                   do         do

Coburn, Lewis L.            28  do   do                   do   Captain; mustered out July 21, 63.

Cutler, Lorenzo D.          20  do   do                   do   Serg't; died at Brattleboro, July 24, 63.

Flint, Norris W.             25  do   do        Aug 29 61   Mustered out July 21, 63.

Genait, Victor                21  do   do                   do

Hill, Horace L.               21  do   do                   do

Howland, William H.      22  do   do                   do

Lawson, William E.        22  do   do                   do

Lewis, William H.          19  do   do                   do

Martin, Henry H.            20  do   do                         Wd. July 3, 63; must. out. July 21, 63.

Nye, Alanson                 22  do   do                   do         do

Ormsbee, Hosea B.         22  do   do                   do         do

Ormsbee, William H.       18  do   do                   do         do

Pierce, George               25  do   do                   do         do

Pratt, Azro A.                 29  do   do                   do         do

Slayton, Rufus H.           18  H    13                   do         do

Snow, Willard C.            22  C    13                   do   Wounded July 3, 63; died July 19, 63.

Stoddard, Francis F.       22  do   do                         Pro. Corp; must. out July 21, 63.

Templeton, Albert C.       18  do   do                   do

Tucker, Marcus F.          19  do   do                   do

Wakefield, Christopher H. 24      do                   do   do

Wakefield, Henry           20  do   do                   do

Wakefield, William H.     22  do   do                         Mustered out July 21, 63.



                                                        EAST MONTPELIER.                                                  589




Names.                             Age    Co.  Regt.       Enlistment.    Remarks.

Ainsworth, Eugene D. 18   I      11        Nov 23 63   Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 1, 64; dis.

                                                                                 Apr. 27, 65.

Barton, Geo. M.           17   3     Bat        Dec 26 63   Pro. corp; mustered out June 15, 65.

Batchelder, John D.    21   I      11        Nov 21 63   Died at Ft. Slocum, D. C., Feb. 27, 64.

Burnham, Edwin        20   I      11          do 23 63   Wd. at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19. 64; pro.

                                                                                 corp; must. out July 17, 65.

Carson, Charles H.      21   E     17       Sept 14 63   Corp; killed at Wilderness, May 6, 64.

Clark, Isaac                31   I      11        Nov 29 63   Died June 6, 64, of wounds received at

                                                                                 Cold Harbor.

Collins, Luther M.        I8   H     17            do 9 63   Mustered out July 14, 65.

Goodell, Lewis            19   I      11          do 23 63         do            June 29, 65.

Gove, George D.          17   3     Bat        Dec 23 63         do            June 15, 65.

Howland, Arthur L.     18   E     17       Sept 21 63   Deserted from hospital in 65.

Howland, William H.   23   E     17          do 14 63   Corporal. Died May 10, 64, of wounds

                                                                                 received May 6, 64.

Jackson, Marcus N.     20   I      11        Nov 23 63   Mustered out Aug. 25, 65.

Langdon, John C.       21   3     Bat        Oct 30 63         do            May 13, 65.

Mason, Gilman           18   I      11          Dec 4 63   Discharged Apr. 15, 64.

Mason, Joseph            18   I      11        Nov 27 63         do                                    [65.

O'Neil, Daniel             44   B      5           do 24 63   Trans, to V. R. C. Apr. 64; dis. June 15,

Pierce, David              20   K     Cav         Jan 1 64   Killed in action March 1, 64.    [22, 64.

Roscoe, Curtis W.        19   H     11          Dec 2 63   Corp; died at Andersonville prison, Sept.

Sanders, Charles A.     27   3     Bat         Aug 5 64   Mustered out June 15, 65.

Thomas, William W.    19   I      11        Dec 23 63   Discharged Jan. 31, 65.

Wakefield, Henry        22   E     17       Sept 15 63   Died at Salisb. prison, N.C., Feb. 20, 65.

Washburn, Ira A.         18   I      11        Dec 28 63   Mustered out Aug. 5, 65.




Francis, Edgar A.        18   D      2         Aug 20 64   Mustered out June 19, 65.

Jangraw, Francis        21   3     Bat          do 17 64         do            do 15, 65.

Morris, Joseph            20   do    do                   do         do

Morris, Francis           19   do    do                   do         do

Dana, Alpheus T.        20   K      7           Feb 1 65         do            Jan. 31, 66.

Lewis, William H.       21   Ft    Cav         Jan 3 65         do            June 27, 65.

Potter, Robert              19   E      8         Feb 20 65         do                        do 28, 65.

Rowe, Joseph             24   3     Bat        Aug 18 64         do                        do 25, 65.

Skiddy, Lawrence        33   D      7         Feb 13 65         do            Feb. 13, 66.

Stevens, Henry A. C.   19   Ft    Cav         Jan 3 65         do            June 27, 65.

Hoyt, Enoch S.                  V. R. C.        Feb 17 65   Died Oct. 1, 65.




Holmes, Ira                 24   E      8                          First en. a credit to town of Woodbury.

                                                                                 Deserted May 28, 64.

Maxham, George         41           do        June 5 64   Wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 64;

                                                                                 must. out July 17, 65.




Aldrich, Levi H.          24   K      3        July 13 63   Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 64;

                                                                                 des. Oct. 1, 64.

Gray, George S.           22   C      2                    do   Killed at Wilderness, May 5. 64.

Ripley, William C.       20   D      2                    do   Wd. May 5, 64, and Sept. 19, 64; pro.

                                                                                 corp. Oct. 31, 64; serg't. Feb. 7, 65;

                                                                                 must. out July 15, 65.




Bigelow, John B.        48   B      C        July 24 63   Substitute for John H. Peck; must. out

                                                                                 June 26, 65.

Giovanni, Don                                                do   Substitute for Darwin A. Stewart; des.

                                                                                 before assignment to Co. or Reg't.




Benjamin, David                         Foster, Edwin H.                        Pierce, Aaron

Bliss, George E.                          Gould, Henry M.                         Seabury, Edward T.

Buzzell, George W.                      Gould, John M.                          Smith, Willard G.

Cummins, Luther                        Hollister, Martin V. B.                 Stevens, Thomas B.

Davis, George                             Holmes, Henry C.                       Templeton, Austin

Davis, Nathaniel Jr.,                   Ordway, Edward,                        Templeton, H. H.

Davis, Oscar L.                           Parmenter, Marcus                      Wasson, David H.

Edwards, Samuel Jr.,



            590                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.




Volunteers for 3 years............................................................................................. 86

Volunteers for 1 year................................................................................................ 12

Volunteers for 9 months.......................................................................................... 24

Drafted men who entered service  .............................................................................. 3

Furnished substitute................................................................................................ 2

Paid commutation................................................................................................... 22

Mustered out at expiration of time of service, or the close of the war........................ 64

Discharged for disability.......................................................................................... 30

Killed in battle.......................................................................................................... 8

Died of wounds received in action............................................................................... 6

Died of disease contracted in service........................................................................ 11

Died in Rebel prisons................................................................................................. 2

Deserted.................................................................................................................... 6




Name.                                                        Date of death.

Bancroft, Charles F.                                June 14, 1862.

Batchelder, John D.                                 Feb. 27, 1864.

Bent, David J.                                            May 7, 1862.

Carson, Charles H.                                    May 5, 1864.

Clark, Isaac                                              June 6, 1864.

Cornell, Thomas                                        July 4, 1862.

Cutler, Charles F.                                     Sept. 3, 1862.

Cutler, Lorenzo D.                                    July 24, 1863.

Dearborn, Roswell H.                               Dec. 13, 1862.

Gray. George S.                                          May 5, 1864.

Hargin, Ira J.                                             May 5, 1864.

Hill, Amasa                                             April 14, 1862.

Hill, Henry H. 1st lieut.                              May 9, 1862.

Howland, William H.                                 May 10, 1864.

Hoyt, Enoch S.                                           Oct. 3, 1865.

Ormsbee, Elhanan W.                                May 5, 1864.

Ormsbee, Orvis                                        Jan. 19, 1862.

Pierce, David                                             Mar. 1, 1864.

Putnam, Isaac A. 1st lieut.                         May 5, 1864.

Roscoe, Curtis W.                                   Sept. 22, 1864.

Snow, Oscar D.                                        Oct. 14, 1861.

Snow, Willard C.                                      July 19, 1863.

Stevens, William B.                                 June 12, 1864.

Templeton, Charles A.                              Oct. 17, 1862.

Thibeault, Antoine                                   Dec. 24, 1862.

Wakefield, Henry                                      Feb. 20, 1865.

Willey, Alonzo D.                                     April 16, 1862.







Page 329, Miranda C. Storrs should be Maria Cadwell Storrs.

Page 357, William H. Upham should be William Keyes Upham.                                 E. P. W.

Page 299, soldiers furnished by the town given as 236, quota 189, should be 336, and a quota of 289 to fill.




Page 331, Willie Kelly, aged 11 years, killed by a sweep on Barre street, in 1869.

Page 331, a Willey child killed on Main street; run over, age 6, 1870.

Page 331, Michael McMahon killed, should read, aged 30 years.

Page 231, William Mousier, not William Monsier.

Page 332, D. K. Bennett, Aug. 3, not Aug. 8.

On page 348 should be added the names of Edward Ordway, Edward Seabury and Willard G. Smith to the list of drafted men from Montpelier as having paid commutation. They are erroneously given in the Adjutant General's printed report of 1864, as credits from East Montpelier.

Page 345, '6, Frank V. Randall, Jr., enlisted Jan. 1, 1863, at the age of 11 years; a credit from this town as a musician in Co. F, 13th Reg't., and mustered out of service July 21, '63; enlisted Jan. 5, '64, as musician in Co. E, 17th Reg't.; mus­tered out July, '65.

Page 342, Ansel H. Howard, aged 18 years, enlisted Aug. 20, '61, in Co. H, 2d Reg't.; promoted corporal; re-enlisted from Montpelier, Dec. 21, '63; promoted sergeant; mustered out of service July 15, '65.

Page 345, William Goodwin, enlisted Aug. 25, 1862, at the age of 24, in Co. I, 13th Regt. Mustered out with the regi­ment July 21, 1863.

Page 524, Center Cemetery should read Cutler Cemetery,

Page 530, James Conners' age should be 24, not 54.


Additional.—Mrs. Rhoda Brooks, page 476, the date of her birth should be 1788,

J. A. Wing, p. 545; birth Oct., not Dec 26, 1810, remained in Plainfield 58.

Page 289, Drolette, should be Drolet.







CLARK STEVENS of East Montpelier, old town clerk and Quaker minister—first preacher in old Montpelier. Donated by Hon. S. S. Kelton, historian of East Montpelier, and Thomas B. Stevens, grandson of Clark Stevens.

Gen. PARLEY DAVIS of East Montpelier, first general surveyor of Washington County. Donated by his grandson, Benjamin I. Wheeler of East Montpelier.

Gen. EZEKIEL P. WALTON. By Hon. E. P. Walton

Mrs. PRUSSIA PERSONS WALTON. By Mrs. Harriet N. Wing of Glens Falls, N. Y.

Hon. E. P. WALTON. By Hon. E. P. Walton.


GEORGE LANGDON. By Mrs. Geo. Langdon.

Dr. JULIUS Y. DEWEY. By Hon. Charles and Edward Dewey.

Hon. DANIEL BALDWIN. By Mr. and Mrs. Marcus D. Gilman.

Hon. CHARLES REED. By Mrs. Charles Reed.

Hon. CHARLES W. WILLARD. By Mrs. Charles W. Willard

Senator WILLIAM UPHAM, Mrs. WILLIAM UPHAM. By Mrs. George Langdon.

Hon. SAMUEL PRENTISS. By Joseph A. Prentiss, Esq., Winona, Minn.

Rev. WILLIAM H. LORD. By Ladies of Bethany Church.

Rev. FREDERICK W. SHELTON. By Episcopal Church Society.

Rev. CHESTER WRIGHT. By Rev. I. Edward Wright.

Capt. NATHAN JEWETT, Col. ELISHA P. JEWETT. By Col. E. P. Jewett.


Judge TIMOTHY P. REDFIELD. By Hon. T. P. Redfield.

Hon. HOMER W. HEATON. By Hon. Homer W. Heaton.

JOSEPH A. WING, Esq. By J. A. Wing, Esq.

Gen. PERLEY P. PITKIN. By Gen. P. P. Pitkin.

Hon. LUCIUS B. PECK. By his daughter, Mrs. Anna M. Mallary, Towanda, Penn.

Hon. STODDARD B. COLBY. By his daughter, Mrs. Col. Carey, Washington, D. C.

CHARLES G. EASTMAN. By Mrs. Charles G. Eastman.

JONATHAN SHEPARD. By George C. Shepard.

Gov. ASAHEL PECK. By Nahum Peck of Hinesburgh.

Hon. RAWSEL R. KEITH. By Dodge W. Keith of Chicago.

MAHLON COTTRILL, Mrs. MAHLON COTTRILL. By Jedd P. Cottrill, Esq., Milwaukee.

Col. LEVI BOUTWELL. By Mrs. Levi Boutwell and H. S. Boutwell.

Dr. NATHANIEL C. KING of East Montpelier, Dr. SUMNER PUTNAM of Montpelier. By Dr. Sumner Putnam.

CARLOS BANCROFT. By Mrs. Carlos Bancroft.

AARON BANCROFT. By Chas. De F. Bancroft and two old citizens.

ZENAS WOOD. By his daughters at St. Johnsbury.

RICHARD W. HYDE. By Mrs. R. W. Hyde and family.



            592                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Hon. JOHN A. PAGE. By Hon. J. A. Page.

Hon. JOSEPH POLAND. By Hon. J. Poland.

CHARLES W. BAILEY. By Mrs. Chas. W. Bailey.

J. WARREN BAILEY. By Mrs. J. W. Bailey.

Major ALFRED L. CARLETON. By Mrs. A. L. Carleton.

Rev. ELISHA BROWN. By Col. A. C. Brown.

LUTHER CROSS. By Luther B. Cross.

ROBERT H. WHITTIER. By Mrs. R. H. Whittier.

Dea. CONSTANT W. STORRS. By Mrs. C. W. Storrs.

MARCUS D. GILMAN. By M. D. Gilman.


Hon. RODERICK RICHARDSON. By Hon. R. Richardson.

Dr. CHARLES CLARK. By the family.




LORENZO Dow and PEGGY, and BRIDGMAN. By L. J. Bridgman.

CHURCH OF ST. AUGUSTINE. From the Catholic Society.

TRINITY M. E. CHURCH. By the Society—Mrs. Laura A. McDermid, solicitor.

CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH. By the Unitarian Society, through John G. Wing, Esq.

BAPTIST CHURCH. By Society and friends, through John W. Smith.

CENTRAL VERMONT DEPOT. From Cen. Vt. R. R. Co., St. Albans.



WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE. By the Montpelier lawyers, through Hiram Carleton, Esq.


RIVERSIDE HOUSE. From C. J. Gleason, Esq.


Plates before engraved.—CHRIST CHURCH—By favor of Mr. Atkins of the Argus. BETHANY CHURCH, THE STATE HOUSE, PAVILION, &c. The Interior Of CHRIST CHURCH, BETHANY, and TRINITY M. E., subscriptions commenced for.


NOTE TO THE PORTRAITS.—Those of Col. Langdon and wife, and Gen. Walton and wife, were painted by Tuthill, (a pupil of Benjamin West); those of Mahlon Cottrill and wife, by Mason, and all when the parties were so young, their portraits will be recognized by only a few persons. The same is true to some extent of the portraits of Gen. Parley Davis and Mrs. Upham. The signature of Prussia Walton was writren at the age of 82.




MONTPELIER, thou hast won my heart

     By all thy generous ways;

It is my joy, my pride, thy noble men,

     Thy matrons beauteous in their days—

To praise.


And I would write thy happy name

     On the historic page,

In letters as of gold, to hand

     Down to the future age—




Abby Maria Hemenway