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oral during the war, which gave him the rank of Colonel. He was descended from the dis­tinguished family of Hay in Scotland, and was highly educated and distinguished for his own talent. While Commissary for the army and resident in New York he presented a petition, the object of which was to procure the sanction of purchases for the army in this state "to the pretended Legislature of Vermont." The stern old fathers of Vermont felt the insult and were in a dilemma how to rebuke the same and yet secure the trade, till Matthew Lyon suggested that they accept his petition with the recommend that he should address his next petition to the great grand assembly of Vermont.


From the Vermont Record.

Robert Hanniford, of Underhill, now (January, 1867) at the ripe age of 99, hale and hearty, in the full possession of his intellect, east his vote for Washington, and for every occupant of the presidential chair except Pierce and Buchanan.










The lands now in the area of Essex county were, previous to 1764, supposed to be in the New Hampshire grants, and some of the land was granted by the Governor of New Hamp­shire to different parties. It was, however. included in New York in the year above named, and March 7th, 1770, the government of that state erected the county of Gloucester, which included the land in the N. E. part of the state, Essex within its limits. In 1777, the General Convention of Vermont declared themselves independent, and in 1779 divided the state into two counties, and each county into two shires. Essex was then within the limits of Cumberland county, in the shire of Newbury. In 1781 this county was divided into Windham, Windsor and Orange, Essex being within the limits of Orange, with Newbury still for its shire. The county of Caledonia was incorporated Nov. 8th, 1796, and included all the N. E. part of the state within its limits. Essex county was, however, soon incorporated, and the county officers were appointed in the October session of the legislature in 1800. Essex county is about 45 miles from N. to S. and 23 from E. to W. It lies between Lat. 44° 20' and 45°, and Lon. 4° 51' and 5° 28' E. from Washington. It is bounded N. by Can­ada East and S. by the Connecticut river, bordering its bank for more than 65 miles, S. W. by Caledonia county, and W. by Orleans county. The land is generally fertile, though in many parts stony. Along the valley of the Connecticut it is beautifully picturesque, and no more romantic scenery can be found. Guildhall was chosen as its shire, and has thus far been unchanged, but there is a strong wish among many at present to change it to Island Pond. This county was never much settled by Indians, but was used as a hunting ground, and through it was the main road for the St. Francis tribe of Canada and those living in the valley of the Connecticut. It was a while disputed territory between them, and we have every reason to suppose that there were many ambuscades and trials of skill between the Indians of Coos and St. Francis, within its borders. There have been a few stone tomahawks and arrow points found within the limits of the county, but Indian relics are rare. There are several anecdotes concerning the aborigines, but they appear in the town histories. As a consider­able portion of the county is still a wilder­ness, we have four unorganized towns—Averill, Ferdinand, Lewis and Norton, and three gores, viz. Avery's, Warner's and War­ren's. Averill was chartered June 23, 1762, is 6 miles square, and bounded N. E. by Ca­naan, S. E. by Lemington, S. W. by Lewis, and N. W. by Avery's gore and Norton. It is well watered and well timbered, but broken and uneven in surface and contains but few inhabitants.

Ferdinand was chartered Oct. 13th, 1761, to contain 23 square miles, but as a portion of Wenlock has been added it now contains much more than that. It is bounded N. by Lewis, E. by Brunswick and Maidstone, S. by Granby and E. Haven, and W. by Newark and Brighton. It contains several ponds and streams, which are well stocked with splendid trout, making this town the best fishing ground in the section.

Lewis was chartered June 29th, 1762, is a mountainous township 6 miles square, boun­ded N. E. by Averill, S. E. by Bloomfield, S. W. by Ferdinand and Brighton, and N. W. by Avery's gore. This township is well timbered with pine, but the land is not con­sidered to be of the best quality. Norton is




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bounded N. by Canada, E. by Canaan and Averill, S. by Warner's, Warren's and Av­ery's gores and W. by Holland. The Grand Trunk R. R. coming up through Warren's gore runs through near the center of the town, but as the land is poor and rocky few have made homes in this locality.

Of the three gores Warren's contains 6380 acres, Warner's 2,000, and Avery's 10,685. They all lie together, being bounded N. by Norton, E. by Averill and Lewis, S. by Brighton and W. by Holland and Morgan. They contain some ponds and small streams, are in some parts well timbered, and the Grand Trunk R. R. running througb near the center of the three, or through the cen­tral gore, renders the timber of some value.

The first settlement of the county was made in Guildhall (then supposed to be Lu­nenburgh) by David Page, Timothy Nash and Geo. Wheeler. They had to bring their provisions from Northfield, Mass., in canoes, by river navigation over 160 miles. During the war of the Revolution they were constantly annoyed by the tories and In­dians who killed their cattle, plundered their houses, and carried some of their number away into captivity. In laying before the reader the incidents of our early history, I think that some extracts from Eben Judd's diary as good an account of the early settlers as can be given. He surveyed this portion of Vermont, as well as northern New Hamp­shire, and many incidents in his journal will show his connection with both localities.

We commence Sept. 6th, 1766, from Judd's journal:*


"After dinner we had a Coos meeting— John Holdbrook Moderator, Benj. Clark and all the rest that chose, council men. Went to Baldwin's and lodged."

"Sept. 7th. Crossed the river at noon to Joseph Wait's, surveyed on the river the Gov­ernor's lot in Brunswick."

"Sept. 9th. Finished Governor's lot," &c. "

Sept. 10th. Went to meeting at Mr. Hall's in Maidstone. In the afternoon went to Mr. Rich's, and saw his son sick with consumption."

"Sept. 12th. Began to survey at Leming­ton upper bounds."

"Sept. 13th and 14th. Surveyed at Lemington and on the river against that place."

"Sept. 15th. Surveyed against Minnehead; and camped in the woods."

"Sept. 17th. Went to Nath'l Wait's in forenoon, and drew a tooth for his wife. In the afternoon went to old Mr. Blodgett's and heard David Judd preach."

"Sept. 18th. Made a plan of Lemington."

"Sept. 22. Began to lot Lemington."

"Sept. 30th. Run until we came to the line between Lewis and Magog, there we went on side line to the mile tree southerly, which tree stands on a very high mountain, where we could overlook nearly all of Lew­is and some part of Wenlock and Averill.

"Oct. 2d. Finished the lotting of Lewis and set out homewards. Lodged on a branch of the Nulhegan river."

"Oct. 4th. Went to Mr. Rich's. Spent afternoon with Dr. Gott.

"Oct. 5th. This day had a meeting at Wooster's. Maj. Wilder mad. Joseph Hold­brook confused the whole meeting and con­ducted in a scandalous manner; was for having Whitelaw's survey or location all broken up, and all our allotments, and said he was ashamed of such conduct The meet­ing was adjourned until the next day, and the settlers of Maidstone sent for."

"Oct. 6th. Another meeting at Wooster's —Holdbrook continues to abuse the meeting and comes near breaking up the allotment."

"Oct, 7th. and 8th. Surveyed up the val­ley of the Connecticut."

"Oct. 9th. Surveyed on side of the river in Maidstone. Just at sunset met a company of men on a piece of land that Mr. Shoff lived on. They held our chain-men, and said if we went on they would break, our heads. We returned to Thomas Wooster's. (We went on with our work until the 13th.")

"Oct. 13th. About 2 o'clock P. M. was met by a company of settlers in a Briton's manner. They stopped and hindered us a long time."

"Oct. 14th. Began to lot where we left off on Wait's Bow. We went strong handed. Joseph Holdbrook carried the fore end of the chain, and was clinched upon by Mr. Grapes. Grapes was advised to let go, and finally did, and we went on with our lotting."


* For the extracts from Judd's Journal we are in­debted to the Editor, who copied them from the original journal now in possession of Henry Stevens, the veteran antiquarian of the State.




                                      ESSEX COUNTY CHAPTER.                                            945


"Oct. 21st. Run a line about 4 miles on a high mountain, which is 77 rods perpendic­ular height."

"Oct. 22d. Run about 4 miles on the east line of Stratford, over a large pond. Good land all around it, and a fine path made by moose."

"Oct. 27th. Lodged at John Holdbrook's in Stratford, and eat old hasty pudding that the old man had made a week before."

(He leaves his boarding place on account of high charges, being 10 shillings per week for himself and horse keeping besides.)

"Nov. 8th. Surveyed on the river in Maidstone," (was stopped and held fast by the settlers of said town near Merrill's) "finally they desisted." He then says "We compromised, and they agreed to delay the matter till after the Surveyor's meeting, by our promising to use our influence to have each settler have 20 acres of meadow and 80 acres of upland. Great indignation was expressed against the doings and usage of Holdbrook."

"Nov. 2d. Thanksgiving day. We liv­ed exceeding well at Esq. Eames."   .   .   .

"Nov. 27th. Went to Maj. Wilder's after paper, and then to every house where I thought I could get some. Found some at last. Lodged at Dr. Gott's in Guildhall, who told me as many stories as I could pen down in a month. Told me of a number of re­ceipts that would be to infinite advantage to any man. Told me he had made 19 alma­nacs, and got six of them printed. For the first he got £30 and more for the rest. When I asked him any question about as­tronomy, he could not answer." (Judd was an almanac maker.)

"Nov. 29th. Went to Capt. Burley's after paper and got six sheets Just before night there was a small earthquake and the ground was felt to shake."

"Nov. 30th. Thanksgiving day in Ver­mont. Went to Mr. Hall's at night. Fine supper—roasted turkey, chicken pie, and the first apples and apple pie I have tasted since I came to Coos. Had a fiddler and Coos dance. Went from there to Mr. Lucas' about 10 o'clock at night, where we found a company drinking sizzled rum, or hot toddy. Had a high caper, as it is called. About midnight returned to Esq. Eames, and made out to get to bed without help. The weather moderated about this time, as might have been expected."

"Dec. 3d. A disease very prevalent among young women, and some boys have it —large bunch on their throats or bronchial. About two-thirds or more of girls and young women have these bronchial bunches which are frequently as large as a hen's egg. Do not generally prove fatal."

"Dec. 11th. Was voted in Stratford at their adjourned meeting to dismiss Joseph Holdbrook Esq. from all public business respecting the town as he has been in very hardservice for sixteen years," &c., &c.

"Dec. 13th. The happy wished-for day has arrived and no Holdbrook. Proceeded on business as fast as possible. Brought on Lemington first, then Averill, then Minne- head, then Lewis, then Brunswick, then Wenlock, then Ferdinand, then waited for the settlers of Maidstone, and opened meet­ing at 1 o'clock, P. M. A number of set­tlers together and a large lot of proprietors, all proceeded to business with calmness and resolution and there was not even a high word spoken. There were matters to settle of the utmost consequence to private persons. Finished about 2 o'clock at night and made a settlement with all the settlers. Happy would it be for me if I could make as much peace every day as I know I have done to­day. I am sure nothing would have been done about a settlement had I not urged the matter just as I did."


(Mr. Judd now visits the Governor of Vt. and describes his visit as follows.)


"June 4th, 1787. Crossed the river to Williston to see his excellency Governor Chittenden of Vermont. I found him in a small house in the woods."—Questions and answers:


QUES. In what manner must the surveyor be paid for running the outlines of the towns?

ANS. Those towns which were settled and located before the war the State of Vermont will pay for running the outlines.


QUES. (After showing him the advertise­ment and votes of our meeting). Will this meeting answer our purpose to act upon or not?

ANS. You had better warn a new meet­ing and take regular steps of the law, and




916                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


then you need not fear about having any thing overhauled.

QUES. Will it be likely that we shall get a new grant of land to make up the defi­ciency in those towns that fall short accord­ing to charter?

ANS. This state would not wish to make up the damage done by New Hampshire, but if you have paid more money for towns than you ought, the legislature will undoubtedly give you that back in lands. That will ever be my advice. You can draw a petition for that purpose and bring to the assembly, and I will overlook it and see it is well stated, &c. You can as well do it yourself as to employ any one else to do it. It will be best to set forth how much your land falls short from the charter, and then cast up and see how much you have paid over what you ought to have paid, and I will help you all I can. You can, if you like, petition for Lunenburgh, to make up the deficiency, and then pay what the overplus tax money will not pay. (I reviewed the Holdbrook case to him and he said it was very well, for he was a worthless fellow.)

QUES. What shall we do with settlers now on pitches in the towns?

ANS. You must put into the warning for the meeting to have them hold their pitches, and you must not interrupt them, for I will take the part of the poor settlers rather than have them interrupted. You must give them more than granted, if you intend to have them peaceable. (Judd now returns to Coos.)

"Jan. 8, 1787. Went to Southbury, Ct., to a Coos (proprietors') meeting. Jo. Holdbrook had his vote of thanks read off to him, &c. David Hyde behaved very scan­dalously."

"Feb. 1st. Began an almanac for 1788, and took 50 acres of land in Lunenburgh, for a poor debt of 500 dollars of Wm. Langdon, one of the original proprietors of that town."

"March 25th. Went to hear Mr. Eli preach. He spoke from these words: 'To be carnal minded is death; but to be spiritual minded is life and peace.' He said much about the mind of a person, and that his actions were an index of it."

I will add a sermon:


"Man is born into trouble as the sparks fly upward." I shall divide my discourse into and confine it under the following heads: First, man's ingress into the world. Second, his progress through the world. Third, his egress out of the world,—


First, man comes into the world naked and bare;

Second, his progress through it is trouble and care;

Third, he goes out of it nobody knows where.


To conclude:


If you do well while here, you will fare well when there;

I can tell you no more, if I preach a whole year."


"April 12, 1787. My birth day, 26 years old." (He now leaves his almanac with a printer, and starts for Vermont again.)

"November 10th Tarry at Guildhall, to attend to my store and mill, sawed 2141 feet of boards for John Rich to-day."

(His diary of 1800 commences in Wood­stock prison, where he was confined for debt. Officer Fitch arrested him by breaking into another man's house, where he struck him with a cane and presented a loaded pistol to his wife's breast. He was liberated, June 24th of this year.)

As the town histories contain most of the items which might be in place in a county chapter, I will mention but one incident in the political strife of 1812, 1813 and 1814.

In relation to the politics of that time, I would say that each party was ready and willing to injure the opposite. Every op­portunity was eagerly embraced and every provocation possible given. So, after the lapse of 50 years it is impossible to arrive at the facts of all cases. The case I will mention was the shooting of Beach by Dennett, an officer of customs. The account at that time published is as follows: In September of 1813, Mr. Samuel Beach, of Canaan, VT., wishing to repair a mill-dam in Canada, obtained a permit from the governor to take over a yoke of oxen to work on the dam. He accordingly sent a man forward with his team. The oxen were taken from him by Lieut. John Dennett. Mr. Beach, when en­deavoring to obtain his oxen, was shot dead by Dennett. Dennett and his associates were put in Guildhall jail, from which Den­nett escaped the following spring. The next August he was retaken, but not until mortal­ly wounded by his pursuers. It appears that Dennett resisted, and was shot, while attempting to kill Mr. Morgan, by a Mr. Sperry, another of the pursuers. This is the substance of the story, as circulated by the




                                      ESSEX COUNTY CHAPTER.                                            947


federals; while the opposite party circulated and still say the following was true, and circumstanced seem to favor the truth of the assertion:


In the fall of 1813, one Samuel Beach, of Canaan, owning mills in Canada, obtained a permit to take over a yoke of cattle to repair his dam. This he did several times, and after working them a few days would sell to the English and take in another yoke. This was soon reported to Gen. Cushman, who ordered Lient. Dennett with a squad of men to put a stop to it. In attempting to do so, Beach leveled his gun at Dennett and snapped it, but it missed fire; while he was in the act Dennett discharged his gun at him, which took effect, killing Beach. Dennett and his associates were arrested and placed in Guildhall jail, but as many doubts seem to have arisen about the justice of the arrest, his associates from time to time were allowed to leave for their homes. Dennett walked about the house and yard as he chose, and final­ly went home in the spring and went to mak­ing buckets in the woods. Some little effort was made to find him, but he was not found. At length it became common talk that he was about home, and three men were com­missioned to take him and return him to jail. The remainder is from Dennett's own words, after he knew he could live but a few hours: He says that he was on a log chopping, and the first intimation he had of any one being present he was shot, the ball entering and lodging in his back. They then bound him and took him to a village in Canaan, where a lumber wagon was procured, and he was tied in the bottom and the wagon was driven over the rough road to Guildhall; and, further, the wagon having no springs, it hurt him much to ride, and he plead with his captors to drive slow over rough places, which they not only refused to do but would drive off the road, so as to torture him the more. After lodging him in jail, Dr. Lyman, of Lancaster, extracted the ball; doubtless doing it in a very unskillful man­ner, perhaps being the worse for liquor at the time. Some thought his (Dennett's) enemies hired him to kill him in the opera­tion, but it is not probable that that was the case. Be it as it may, he lived but a short time.

I have now told the stories of the two op­posing parties, and the reader must form his own opinion of the case. It would not be strange, in these bitter times, if both parties were hasty in the discharge of their duty. That Beach was guilty of taking over cattle to sell, cannot he doubted.




The first Essex county court was holden at Lunenburgh, on the 3d Wednesday of December, 1800. Ambrose Grow was ad­mitted to the bar, and seven entries were made for jury trial. The next term was. holden at Brunswick, on the 3d Wednesday of June, 1801; Hon. Daniel Dane, chief judge. Samuel Phelps, of Lunenburgh, and Mills DeForest, of Lemington, assistant judges. Joseph Wait, of Brunswick, sheriff. The first trial in this court was at this term. The action was brought by John and Ann Hugh against James and Mary Lucas, for slander. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, and assessed the damages at $14,41. The cost was $60,70. There has been and conviction for manslaughter—the case ap­peared as follows: Two brothers, Stephen and Martin Pellom, resided in Guildhall; their father was an East Indianian, their mother a negroes or mulatto. Stephen went and took a harrow that belonged to Martin, and while carrying it on his back he was assaulted by Martin with a club, and finally it seems threw down the harrow and went in for combat. Stephen, it appeared, struck Martin on the temple with a club, fracturing his skull and killing him. He was arrested the same day, viz., April 30, 1851, and was finally convicted of manslaughter.





Towns                Males.          Females.              Total.

Averill,                        5                      7                     12

Bloomfield,              180                   140                   320

Brighton,                 490                   455                   945

Brunswick,              123                     89                   212

Canaan,                  336                   172                   408

Concord,                  687                   604                 1291

East Haven,               75                     61                   136

Ferdinand                  29                      5                     34

Granby,                     66                     66                   132

Guildhall,                281                   271                   552

Lemington,                99                   108                   207

Lunenburgh,            534                   500                 1034

Maidstone,               145                   114                   259

Norton,                     25                      7                     32

Victory,                   113                     99                   212

                           ———               ———               ———

Totals,                   3088                 2698                 5786




948                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


                                   TABLE OF COUNTY OFFICERS.


           Councilors and Sena-

           tors for Essex Co.     Chief Judges.          Sheriffs.                State's Attorneys. Judges of Probate.

           ——————————    ———————           ———————         —————————  —————————

1801                                   Daniel Dana              Joseph Wait,           Elijah Foot,            Daniel Dana,

1802    I put down the               "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1803    named of the coun-         "    "                        "    "                   Levi Barnard,             "    "

1804    cil that lived at the          "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1805    time of election in            "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1806    Essex County.                "    "                    William Hewes,        Seth Quishman,         "    "

1807                                       "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1808                                   Micajah Ingham,            "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1809    Haines French,           Daniel Dana,                 "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1810        "    " Maidst'n.        Micajah Ingham,            "    "                       "    "                 Joseph Wait,

1811                                       "    "                    Oliver Ingham,         Joseph Berry,        Charles Cutler,

1812                                   David Hopkinson,      David Hibbard, jr.,       "    "

1813                                   Daniel Dana,                 "    "                   Elijah Foot,            Daniel Dana,

1814                                       "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1815                                   David Hopkinson,      John Dean,             Joseph Berry,        Isaac Cushman,

1816                                   Oliver Ingham,          Rich Stevens,              "    "                     "    "

1817                                       "    "                    Henry Hall,                 "    "                     "    "

1818                                       "    "                    Rich Stevens,              "    "                     "    "

1819    Joseph Berry,                "    "                        "    "                   Bailey Denison,          "    "

1820        "    Guildhall,             "    "                    John Dean,             Seth Cushman,          "    "

1821        "    "                      Benj. Hunkins,         Dyer Hibbard,         Joseph Berry,            "    "

1822        "    "                      Joseph Berry,           Elijah Hill,               Seth Cushman,          "    "

1823        "    "                      Wm. Gates,              Richard Stevens,      Joseph Berry,        Wm. Gates,

1824        "    "                          "    "                    Azariah Webb, jr.,        "    "                     "    "

                                          CIRCUIT JUDGES.

1825                                   Stephen Royce,         Azariah Webb, jr,     Seth Cochrane,      William Cates,

1826                                   Samuel Prentice,       Rich Stevens,              "    "                 Royal Cutler,

1827                                   Stephen Royce,         Azariah Webb, jr,         "    "                 William Gates,

1828                                   Samuel Prentice,           "    "                   David Hibbard, jr., Royal Cutler,

1829                                   Ephraim Paddock,     Henry Hall,                 "    "                     "    "

1830                                       "    "                    Chapin K. Brooks,        "    "                     "    "

1831    Richardson Graves,     Stephen Royce,         Henry Hall,                 "    "                 Wm. Gates,

1832        "    "                      Nicholas Bailis,          Azariah Webb, jr.,    James Steele,            "    "

1833        "    "                      Stephen Royce,         Greenleaf Webb,      Wm. Heywood, jr.,      "    "

1934                                   Jacob Collamer,        Chapin K. Brooks,    James Steele,            "    "

1835    Richardson Graves.     Isaac R. Redfield,      Greenleaf Webb,          "    "                     "    "


1836    Wm. Gates,                Isaac R. Redfield.      Greenleaf Webb,      Wm. Heywcod, jr.,  Royal Cutler,

1837    Wm. Heywood, jr.,      Stephen Royce,             "    "                       "    "                 Joseph Gleason,

1838        "    "                      Isaac R. Redfield,          "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1839    Geo. E. Holmes,             "    "                    George E. Holmes,       "    "                     "    "

1840    Stephen Howe,               "    "                    Greenleaf Webb,      David Hibbard, jr., Royal Cutler,

1841    Moody Rich,                   "    "                    George E. Holmes,   Wm. Heywood, jr.,  Azariah Webb, jr.,

1842    Warner Bingham,            "    "                    George W. Gates,         "    "                     "    "

1843        "    "                      Charles K. Williams,       "    "                       "    "                 Moody Rich,

1844    George Marshall,         Isaac R. Redfield,          "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1845        "    "                          "    "                    Beach Blodgett,       Win. T. Barron,      Wm. Heywood, jr„

1846    David Hibbard, jr.,      Daniel Kellogg,          Preston May,               "    "                 Jonah Brooks,

1847        "    "                      Charles Davis,          R. C. Benton,          Wm. H. Hartshorn,     "    "

1848    Oramel Crawford,       Hiland Hall,              George W. Gates,     Wm. Heywood, jr.,  Isaac Cummings,

1849        "    "                      Luke P. Poland,        Greenleaf Webb,          "    "                 Jonah Brooks,

1850    John Dewey,                  "    "                        "    "                   Wm. H. Hartshorn,     "    "

1851        "    "                          "    "                    James W. Cooper,    Wm. Heywood, jr.,  R. W. Freeman,

1852    Henry S. Walter,             "    "                    William Rich,               "    "                     "    "

1853        "    "                          "    "                    N. W. French,         R. C. Benton,         O. Crawford,

1954    Wm. H. Hartshorn,         "    "                        "    "                       "    "                 William Chandler,

1855        "    "                          "    "                    D. H. Beattie,              "    "                     "    "

1856    R. C. Benton,             A. Peck,                       "    "                   Wm. H. Hartshorn,     "    "

1857        "    "                      Luke P, Poland             "    "                   Geo. N. Dale,             "    "

1858    N. W. French,                "    "                    Wm. Cheney,              "    "                 Jonah Brooks,

1859    Myron S. Chandler,         "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1860    T. G. Beattie,                 "    "                    H. W. Bedell,          Oscar F. Harvey,        "    "

1861        "    "                          "    "                        "    "                       "    "                     "    "

1862    D. A. Beattie,                 "    "                        "    "                   Henry Heywood,         "    "

1863        "    "                          "    "                    Charles Chase.            "    "                     "    "



The following is a list of Attorneys admitted to the bar at Essex County Court:


Ambrose Grow.                            1800         David Hibbard,                               1822

Benjamin Bissell,                        1801         S. W. Cooper,                                 1822

Seth Cushman,                           1804         Francis E. Phelps                           1824

Andrew Judson,                          1806         J. M. Cushman,                             1825

Peter Converse,                           1806         James Steel,                                   1827

Daniel Cobb.                               1809         Charles C. Cushman,                    1830

Samuel A. Pearson,                     1810         George Paine,                                 1831

John N. Tilliston,                        1810         Wm. Heywood, jr.,                          1831

Elisha Hinds,                              1811         A. H. Joy,                                        1837

James Berry,                               1811         Hiram A. Fletcher,                          1838

Thomas Denison,                        1812         John S. Roby,                                 1844

Zera Cutler,                                 1812         John Nichols,                                 1844

Charles Robinson,                      1813         R. C. Benton,                                  1851

Samuel Ingham,                          1818         D. G. Peabody,                                1852

Bailey Davidson,                         1818         Henry Heywood,                             1860

Nelson Chamberlain,                  1819         Geo. W. Hartshorn,                        1860

J. W. Williams,                            1820         —— Tenney,                                   1861

Thomas Peverly,                          1821



List of Attorneys that have practiced and those that continue to practice at Essex County Court:


Names.                                    Residence.                         Com'd.      Closed.

John Mattocks,                       Peacham,                              1800          1842

Elijah Frost,                            Guildhall,                              1800          1816

Wm. Mattocks,                        Danville,                                1801          1840

D. S. Burtrum,                        Danville,                                1802          1804

Levi Barnard,                          Lunenburgh & Lancas‑

                                                     ter, N. H.                           1802          1831

Asa King,                                     "    "                                    1803          1805

A. Sprague,                                 "    ""                                  1803          1805

E. Knight,                                    "    ""                                  1803          1804

Wm. A. Palmer, jr.,                  St. Johnsbury & Dan-

                                                     ville,                                  1803          1807

Seth Cushman,                       Guildhall,                              1804          1844

Wm. A. Griswold,                     Danville,                                1805          1819

Reuben Grant,                        Concord,                                1806          1812

Samuel A. Pearson,                 Lancaster, N. H.                    1810          1838

John N. Tilliston,                    Northumberland N.H.           1810          1815




                                      ESSEX COUNTY CHAPTER.                                            949



A. Wetherbee,                          Waterford,                             1809          1821

Joseph Berry,                          Guildhall,                              1811          1820

Wm. Farrar,                            Lancaster, N. H.                    1811          1819

Ephraim Paddock,                   St. Johnsbury,                      1812          1840

Zara Cutler,                            Northumberland N. H.          1813          1810

Isaac Fletcher,                        Lyndon,                                 1816          1836

David Hibbard,                        Concord,                                1816          1846

Charles Davis,                        Danville & Waterford,           1818          1840

Bailey Denison,                       Guildhall and North‑

                                                    umberland N. H.               1819          1822

Thomas Peabody, jr.,               Northumberland N.H.           1822          1829

Saunders W. Cooper,              Guildhall and Lancas‑

                                                    ter, N. H.                            1822          1829

Turner Stevenson,                  Lancaster, N. H.                    1824

J. Sheaf,                                  Lancaster, N. H.                    1825          1830

James Bell,                             Walden,                                 1825          1841

Ira Young,                                Colebrook and Lancas‑

                                                    ter, N. H.                            1825          1845

J. W. Williams,                        Lancaster, N. H.                    1826          1865

J. S. Wells,                              Guildhall and Lancas‑

                                                    ter, N. H.                            1828          1848

J. D. Stoddard,                        Waterford & St. Johns‑

                                                    bury,                                  1829

Jesse Cooper,                          Canaan                                 1831          1832

Wm. Heywood,                         Lunenburgh & Guildhall,

                                                    Lancaster, N. H.                1832

Titus Hull,                               Guildhall & Northum‑

                                                    berland, N. H.                    1835          1842

H. N. Wead,                             Guildhall,                              1835          1838

John Doan, Jr.,                       Lunenburgh,                         1839          1843

Thomas Bartlett,                     Lyndon,                                 1840          1861

H. A. Fletcher,                         Colebrook & Lancaster,

                                                    N. H.                                  1840

Jacob Benton,                         Lancaster, N. H.                    1843

O. H. Hartt,                              Montpelier,                            1843          1845

John Nichols,                          Guildhall,                              1844          1846

John S. Roby,                          Lancaster, N. H.                    1844          1846

W. T. Barrow,                          Guildhall,                              1845          1848

George C. Cahoon,                  Lyndon,                                 1846

W. Burns,                                Lancaster, N. H.                    1846

W. H. Hartshorn,                     Guildhall,                              1847

Dymon Flint,                           Colebrook, N. H.                    1848          1856

A. J. Willard,                           St. Johnsbury,                      1849

Benj. F. Whidden,                   Lancaster, N. H.                    1849          1862

O. T. Brown,                            East St. Johnsbury,              1849

Geo. A. Bingham,                    Lyndon.                                 1849          1853

C. W. Burt,                              Colebrook, N. H.                    1849          1854

H. S. Bartlett,                          Lyndon,                                 1850          1856

B. W. Slade,                            St. Johnsbury,                      1850          1861

Geo. C. Williams,                     Lancaster, N. H.                    1850

R. C. Benton,                           Lunenburgh,                         1857         1858

—— Roberts,                           Lyndon,                                 1852         1854

D. A. Rogers,                            Colebrook, N. H.                    1855         1858

Ira A. Ramsey,                         Guildhall & Colebrook,

                                                    N. H.                                  1855

A. Barker,                                Colebrook, N. H.                    1855

Ossian Ray,                             Stewartstown and Lan‑

                                                   caster, N. H.                       1855

John W. Edwards,                   Derby,                                    1856

George N. Dale,                       Guildhall and Island

                                                    Pond,                                 1857

O. F. Harvey,                           West Concord,                       1858

Geo. W. Hartshorn,                 Canaan,                                1858

Charles D. Johnston,              Stratford, N. H.                      1859         1861

Benjamin H. Steel,                  Derby Line,                            1859

Jonathan Ross,                       St. Johnsbury,                      1859

Wm. S. Dodd,                          Colebrook, N. H.                    1860

Henry Heywood,                      Guildhall,                              1861





[In the foregoing lists I have endeavored to come as near positive certainty as possible, yet it is not impossible that some names may be wrong. I would acknowledge the gratu­itous assistance of Henry Heywood, Esq. of Guildhall, in searching the county records, as his aid has been of great benefit to the cor­rectness of the items.]


The Grand Trunk Railway, connecting Portland with Montreal, was chartered in 1848, and built in 1853, through Essex coun­ty. It crosses the Connecticut at the mouth of the Nulhegan from New Hampshire, and runs in a northwesterly direction through Bloomfield, Brunswick and Ferdinand, to Island Pond village which is in Brighton, containing the custom-house for the entry of goods passing to and from Canada. From Brighton it runs E. of N. into Canada, pass­ing through a corner of Morgan, in Or­leans county, Warren's gore and Norton. When the road was first surveyed it was in­tended to run up the valley of the Connecti­cut to Canaan, but on account of offers from the Canadians to build to Island Pond and establish the custom-house there instead of on the line—they then owning only the Can­ada end of the road and the expense being greater to them in building to Canaan—it was finally changed to the present route. The Grand Trunk Co. at length bought the entire road, and being English capitalists now talk of removing the custom-house from Island Pond to the line, yet it probably will not be done at present.




To the lovers of natural scenery the valley of the Connecticut, from the head of the fifteen-mile falls to Canaan, cannot be sur­passed in loveliness. The meandering folds of the river, the abrupt headlands, the tow­ering summits of the White Mountains, the variety of timber land, all conspire to ren­der it a changing scene and one of peculiar interest and beauty. Almost every town in the county boasts of some hill or mountain from the summit of which scenes of peculiar beauty lay spread before you, and such in reality is the case.

The White Mountains are in full view from the river towns, and may be seen perhaps from every town in the county. The best view of the White Mountain range attaina­ble is however from Lunenburgh. Seen from that locality they stand out in all their bold­ness. Perhaps the best view is from near the village, but it is fine from almost every part of the town. From Mt. Byron in Maid­stone, the bows of the Connecticut river, five of them which are to be seen—will spell the word Union, each bow forming a letter suf­ficiently distinct for recognition. Looking over into New Hampshire and also into Can­ada for 40 or 50 miles, the landscape is ex­ceedingly beautiful. The White Mountains are in full view, and the profile of the old man of the mountains in Franconia notch is visible, but with this phenomenon—that the old man of the mountain appears to be




950                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


lying on his back, his rugged profile intent skyward. Many other views might be point­ed out, but to gain a good idea of them it requires a visit in person.









This town is situated on the Connecticut River; and is bounded W. by the unorganized township of Lewis, N. by Lemington and S. by Brunswick. It was chartered by Gov. Wentworth, June, 1762, under the name of Minnehead. By the terms of the charter the township was to be 6 miles square, and divided into 70 shares. The grantees were 63 in number.* 500 acres, which was to be accounted two shares, were reserved for the Governor's right, one share for the propaga­tion of the gospel in foreign parts, one for a glebe for the benefit of the Church of England, one for the first settled minister in the town, and one for the benefit of schools in town. It appears the town was first surveyed in 1796, by Andrew Beers. This survey was unsatisfactory, and in 1798 E. W. Judd was appointed to make a new one. This survey also proving unsatisfactory, Jonas Baker was appointed to re-survey the same in 1802, and the township was run out into lots of 112 acres each. By whom or at what time the town was first settled, we have no definite data. But from the best information obtained it is reasonable to suppose that Thomas Lamkin was the first settler, and came into town in 1796. Who his first asso­ciates were does not appear to be definitely known, but in 1802 there had been nearly 30 "pitches" made in town. Among the settlers at this date were Gaius Kibbe, James P. Frazier, J. J. French, Peter Mills, Stone Mills, Eben Wright, Raymond Fuller, Daniel Holbrook and Samuel Healey. Joseph Ste­vens also came not far from this time. He and Mr. Healey** are the only ones now remaining; both are 80 years old or upwards. But few of the early settlers remained in town for any great length of time. They commenced under disadvantageous circum­stances, and many became discontented and left, some allowing their lands to be sold for taxes. From 1812 to 1820 the population scarcely increased at all. In 1830 the population numbered 150. What it numbers at the present time (April 1862) is not accurate­ly known; but there are from 70 to 75 families.† Only that portion in the vicinity of the Connecticut and Nulhegan rivers has as yet become settled, but the town is gradually increasing in population and wealth, and by the stimulus imparted to it by the construc­tion of the Grand Trunk Railroad (which passes through the southerly portion) is becoming a town of considerable importance, so that no town in the county now presents greater inducements to settlers.

At the junction of the Nulhegan and Connecticut rivers the Messrs. Baldwin have a superior establishment for manufacturing lumber of all kinds, furnishing employment to numerous hands, and a good market for all such as are disposed to turn an honest penny by drawing their spare lumber during the winter months. The market for all kinds of produce is also rendered excellent.

The surface of the town is uneven, present­ing almost every variety of scenery. A few meadow or interval farms are found on the banks of the Connecticut and Nulhegan rivers, but in many places the upland bluffs extend to the rivers. The soil is mainly good; in certain sections it is very excellent, while in other sections it appears only valu­able for pasturage and timber. A large por­tion of the township is covered with valu­able timber of various kinds, for which a branch of the Nulhegan river, which passes through the center, furnishes conveyance to the mills. There are other streams of sufficient power for manufacturing pur­poses, some of which have been improved. The number of lumber mills in town is now four, being located in the different neigh­borhoods in town. There are numerous other little streams formed by springs of the


* GRANTEES OF BLOOMFIELD, ORIGINALLY MINNEHEAD,— Rev. Noah Waddams, Rev. Elijah Sill, Rev. Joel Bardwell, Rev. Sylvanus Osborne, Agus Judson, Beach Tomlinson, Elijah Mills, Samuel Jones, Samuel Hurd, David Baldwin, jr., Medad Wright, Ephraim Beers, Nathan Beardsley, Brewster Dayton, Stephen Frost, John Haines, Thomas Wooster, Joseph Holbrook, Israel Jonhson, Samuel Chatfield, jr., Wooster Twitchell, Joseph Davis, Samuel Nichols, Benjamin Bennet, Heth Garlick, Reuben Booth, Mark Langdon, Daniel Bostwick, Daniel Pickett, Samuel Canfield, Joseph Wheaton, Samuel Mallery, Stephen Morehouse, Capt. Nathaniel Bosworth, Daniel Averill, Moses Averill, Elias Kene, David Hawley, Josiah Caswell, Daniel Kene, Stephen Nobles, Israel Nobles, Morgan Nobles, Zepaniah Branch, Benjamin Mallery, Butler Mallery, Capt. Elijah Whit­tlesey, Thomas Beeman, Aaron Phelps, jr., Samuel Prindle, Capt. Nathan Hicok, John Marsh, Portsmouth, Joseph Calhoun, John Calhoun, William Cogswell, Samuel Averill, Hon. Theodore Atkinson, William Temple, Esq., Richard Webird, Esq., Daniel Warner, Esq., Zachariah Nobles, David Calhoun, James Calhoun.

** Both since deceased.

† In 1860, population 320.