New Hampshire State Papers, V24 Index Person


 New Hampshire State Papers




A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  ]





Abbe, Joseph                            231

      Thomas                             454

Abbott, Amos                          649

      Benjamin                           378, 689

      Daniel                                649

      David                                 247

      Edward                               618, 649

      George                               649, 653

      Jabez                                  649

      Jacob                                 614

      Jesse                                  649

      Jonathan                            245

      Joseph                               698

      Joshua                                649

      Moses                                649

      Nathan                              649

      Nathaniel                           613, 649

      Rebecca                             18

      Reuben                               649

      Samuel                               247

      Stephen                             649

Abel, Andrew                           726

      Gerrill                                592

      James                                 592

      John                                  592

Abrames, Andrew                     592

      Anthony                            592

Achincloss, Thomas                 454, 532

Ackley, Benjamin, Jr                507

      Isaac                                  507

Acworth, Lord                         3, 371

Adams, Charles                        103

      Daniel                                815

      Ephraim                            374, 378, 383, 583

      John                                  730

      Joseph                               332, 419, 421

      Judah                                 450

      Nathaniel                           547

      Robert                               383

      Samuel                               526

      Thomas                             332, 540

      William                              89, 92, 93, 98, 374

Addington, Isaac                      66

Akerman, Benjamin                 569

Alden, Daniel                           726

      John                                  67, 153, 208, 296, 324-327, 329, 765, 794, 795

Alden, Nathaniel                      324, 326

Aldrich, Jonathan                     675

      Solomon                            675

Alexander, Elias                       574

      Elijah                                 583

      Joseph, Jr.                          280, 281

Alford, John                             808

Allard, Henry                           422

Allen, Benjamin                       541, 814

      Daniel                                811

      Jacob                                 698

      Jeremiah                            307-311

      John                                  336, 337, 526, 855, 857

      Joseph                               8, 698, 814

      Jude                                   491

      Nicholas                            811

      Richard                              814

      Samuel                               632, 733

      Silence                               18

      Spencer                              698

      William                             92

Ally, John                                698

      Samuel                               698

Almy, Job                                764, 765

Alvord, Simeon                        730

      Stephen                             730

Ambler, John                           527

      Joseph                               463

      Joshua                                463

Ames, Jacob                             234

      Jethro                                234

      William                             592

Amherst, Lord Jeffry               8, 414

Amsdale, Isaac                         463

Amsden, Isaac                          540

Anderson, John                        601

Anderson, James                      303

Andrew, Joshua                        245

Andrews, John                          813

      Robert                               813

Angier, John                            737

      Oakes                                7

Annabee, Daniel                       507

Applebee, William                   697

Appleton, Daniel                     231

      Elizabeth                           231

      Isaac                                  231


      936                                    INDEX.


Appleton, John                        231, 874, 875

      Mary                                 231

      William                             454, 729

Arbuckle, William                    20

Arbuthnot, John                       223

Armes, John                             573, 583, 730

      John, Jr.                             573

Armor, Samuel                         893

Arnold, John                            18, 811

      Josiah                                507

      Thomas                             105, 106, 159

Arthur, John                            150, 151

Ash, Thomas                           697

Ashley, Oliver                          583

      Samuel                               581, 582

      Samuel, Jr.                         583

Atherton, Humphrey               856

      Major                                101

Atkinson, Theodore                  332, 373-375, 378-380, 383, 385, 387, 396, 399, 402, 403, 406- 408, 412, 414, 416, 418, 419, 421, 422 425, 429, 437, 438, 444, 449-451, 454, 459, 463, 467, 471, 475, 480, 487, 492, 494-496, 499, 502, 507, 508, 512, 516­519, 522, 523, 527, 532, 536, 537, 540, 541, 543, 544, 552, 555, 558, 559, 561, 562, 564, 568, 569, 572, 574, 575, 578, 579, 583, 586, 592, 596, 605, 608, 622, 625, 632, 633, 653, 657, 665, 668, 678, 681, 684-686, 689, 693, 695, 703, 705-707, 716, 721, 725-727, 734, 737, 826, 865, 887, 898-900

      Theodore, Jr.                       382-384, 392-394, 411-413, 441, 446, 450, 454, 463, 464, 475, 489, 498, 507, 511, 512, 529,_547, 548, 550, 582-584, 592, 593, 600-602, 653-655, 660, 665, 666, 674-676, 678, 685, 689, 690, 710, 715-717, 729, 730

Atwell, John                             689

Auchmuty, Robert                     223, 310-314, 422, 492

Ault, John                                837, 853

Austin, Abiel                            247

      Nathaniel                           532

      Zebediah                            247

Averill, John                            332

      Samuel                               589, 592, 601

Avery, James                           678

      John                                  492

Awls, William                          20

Ayer, John                               613

      Obediah                             612, 614

      Peter                                 245

      Samuel                               613

      William                             233, 235, 236, 247, 643

Ayers, Daniel                           893

      Edward                               685

      Jacob                                 653, 656

      Job                                     450

      Mark                                 422

Ayers, Moses                           18, 812

      Perkins,                             454

      Perley                                654

      Peter                                 303, 654, 656

      Richard                              653

      Roger                                 450

      Samuel                               656, 665, 675

      Samuel, Jr.                         653

      Thomas                             422


Babb, Philip                             151

      Philip, Jr.                           665

Babcock, Joseph                       516

Bacon, John                             450, 454

      Reuben                               450

Badger, John                            302

Bagley, Jonathan                      455

      Orlando                             191, 200, 201

Bagnall, Benjamin                    223

Bailey, Joseph                          813

      Philip.                               426, 427, 436, 438

Baker, Daniel                           816

      John                                  18, 843

      Joseph                               247

      Otis.                                  501

      Samuel                               816

      Thomas                             19, 698

      William                             816

Baldwin, Benjamin, Jr               501

      Ebenezer                            501, 726

      Isaac                                  70

      Jabez                                  726

      Jeremiah                            89

      Nathan                              730

      Rufus, Jr.                            726

      Samuel                               89

Ball, Gideon                             223

      Nathaniel                           331

Ballantine, John                       46

Ballou, William                        261

Bamford, Robert                      526

Bancroft, Timothy                  332

Banfield, Charles                      522

Banfill, John                            920

Banks, James                            463

Bant, William                          223

Bantom, Ambrose                    697

Barber, David                           454

      Robert                               392

Bardin, Robert                          34

Barker, Jonathan                      665

      Nathaniel                           613

      Noah                                 492

      Samuel                               816

      Stephen                             36

      William                             613, 738

      Zebediah                            613

Barnard, Edward                       247

      John                                  245


      INDEX.                             937


Barnard, Jonathan                    335-338

      Rev. ___                            247

      Samuel, Jr.                         336, 337

      Thomas                             247, 812

Barnes, John                            18

      Thomas                             20

Barrell, Nathaniel                     412, 653

Barrett, James                          330

      John                                  122, 123, 814

      Joseph                               251

Barron, Moses                          19

      Oliver                                245

      Samuel                               383

      Timothy                            454

      William                             730

Barrows, Jabez                          726

Barter, John                             720

Bartholomew, Timothy           738

      William                             364, 857, 860, 874, 875

Barthrick, Jonathan                 814

      Thomas                             814

Bartlett, David                         303

      Joseph                               121

      Josiah                                426, 588

      Samuel, 3d.                        302

Barton, Henry                          89

Basford, Jacob                          568

      James                                 525

Bass, Joseph                             532, 720

      Samuel                               18, 813

Batchelder, Abraham                411

      Jeremiah                            894, 896

      Joseph                               568

      Josiah                                568

      Nathan.                             891

      Nathaniel                           568

      Nathaniel, Jr                      568

      Stephen                             135

      Uiakrtah (?)                       886

Batchellor, ___                        849, 866, 867, 874

      John                                  578

      Josiah                                578

Bates, Benjamin                       19, 21

      James                                 463

      John                                  463

Bathrick, John                         407

Baxter, Thomas                       816

Bayley, Abner                          454

      Henry                                813

      Jacob                                 454

      James                                 454

      John                                  32, 613

      Joshua                                115, 454, 612, 613, 706

Beal, Zachariah                        303

Bean, Daniel                            454

Beard, John                              706

      Thomas                             837

      William                             103, 837

Beatle, Thomas                        18

Beck, Amos                             689

      Henry                                649

      John                                  532

Beckhard, Elias                        726

      John, 3d.                            726

Beckman, Gerandus                  592

      James, Jr.                           592

      John                                  592

      Theophilus                        592

      Thomas                             592

Beckwith, Job                           507, 512

      Nathaniel                           507, 512

Bedel, Cyrus                             454

      Moody                               454

      Robert                               454

      Timothy                            454

Bedford, Duke of                      13, 457

Bedgood, Jeffry                        310, 311, 313-315

Beebe, Jonathan, 3d.                516

      Silas                                   507

      William, Jr.                        507

Beedle, Thomas                       812

Beers, Richard                          76

Belcher, Andrew                       334, 811

      Jonathan                                14, 15, 17, 25, 28, 31, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 68, 70, 71, 73, 80-82, 85, 87, 88, 90-93, 96, 98, 110, 111, 113, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 132, 138, 143, 145, 162, 164, 176, 177, 182-185, 190-192, 194, 195, 198, 201, 203, 204, 209, 210, 218, 219, 228-230, 242, 244, 254, 256, 258, 274, 277-279, 281, 286, 300-302, 304, 306-310, 312, 314, 316-318, 321, 322, 326, 329, 334, 344, 350, 352, 354-356, 359, 710, 711, 750, 754, 765, 767-769, 780-782, 784, 785, 791, 799, 809 811, 817, 818, 880, 882-885, 887, 888, 893

      Samuel                               19

Belding, Samuel.                       463

Belknap, Benjamin                   407

      William                             455

Bell, Andrew                            738

      John                                  20

      William                             737

Bellew, Henry                          550, 557, 559

Bellingham, Richard                 266, 842

Bellows, Benjamin                    330, 332

      Benjamin, Jr.                     332

      John                                  332

      Joseph                               332

      Peter                                 332

Belmont, August                      460

Bemis, Jonathan                       7

      Joseph                               814

Benedict, Daniel                       463

Bennett, ___                            143

      Abraham                            526

      Arthur                                   654, 716



      938                                    INDEX.


Bennett, Caleb                         716

      Job                                     526

      John                                  240, 241, 547

      John, Jr.                             547

      Peter                                 812

      Thomas                             407, 716

Benson, Joseph                        18

Benton, Thomas H.                 460

Bergin, Edward Hall                  392, 548, 716

Bernard, Edmund                      8

      Francis                               140, 142, 230, 286

      Nathaniel                           302

      Thomas                             18

Berry, Ephraim                        392

      John                                  231

      Thomas                               90, 91, 228, 229, 231, 285, 286, 300-306, 322-324, 665, 765

      William.                            665, 912-917

Besley, James                           592

Biber, James                             698

Bickford, Benjamin                  151

      Eleazer                              526

      Henry                                698

      Jethro                                422

      John                                  103, 151, 526, 697, 837

      John, Jr.                             697

      Joseph                               526, 697

      Lemuel                              421

      Thomas                             422, 698

Bicknall, Benjamin                   19

Bicknard, Benjamin                  811

      Samuel                               811

Bigbee, James                           454

Bill, Richard                             18, 812

Billings, Daniel                         815

      Joseph                               540

      Nathaniel                           815

Bingham, Thomas                    693

Bingley, Samuel                        813

      Thomas                             813

Bird, ___                                  144

Bisco, Josiah                            8

      Thomas                             8

Bishop, John                            407

      Samuel                               737

Bixby, John                              813

      Joseph                               813

Black, Alexander                      374

Blackfield, Thomas                  813

Blackmore, Lemuel                  689

      Samuel                               685

      Solomon                            685, 689

Blagdon, John                          527

Blair, Alexander                       713

      Edward                               454

Blaisdell, Jacob                         920, 924

      John                                  189-191, 200

      Jonathan                            199, 303, 336-338

      Ralph                                 891

Blake, Moses                            568, 578

      Philemon                           568

      Samuel                               568

Blanchard, Abiel                       649

      Augustus                            383

      Eleazer                              407

      James                                 383

      John                                  649

      Jonathan                            378, 383

      Joseph                                  16, 70, 86, 89, 95, 98, 101, 116, 126, 157, 182, 203, 272, 288, 351, 352, 379, 507, 601

      Joseph, Jr.                          407

      Jotham                              720

      Richard                              527

      Thomas                             613

      Thomas, Jr.                       383

      William                             92

Blazo, William                         663

Bleecker, Jacobus                     592

Bliss, Peletiah                          706

Blodgett, Caleb                         158-160, 339, 768

      Joseph, Jr.                          332

      Nathan                              614

      Seth                                   407

Blood, Elnathan                       374

      James                                 378

      John                                  97

      Joseph                               92, 95, 97

      Josiah                                89, 92

      Nathaniel                           84, 89, 93

      William                             92

Blunt, Charles                          532, 685

      Ephraim                            247

      William                             685, 721

Boardman, Moses                     613

Bodge, Benjamin                      697

      Benjamin, Jr.                     697

      Ichabod                              698

Bollan, William                        614, 615

Bolton, Hannah                          302

      Nathaniel                           846, 847

Bond, Amos                             156

      Benjamin                           8

      Daniel                                8

      Henry                                583

      John                                  32

      Jonas                                 748

      Thaddeus                           156

      William                             66

Boody, Azariah                        698

Booth, Robert                          847

Borland, Francis                       161

Borworth, John                        814

Boscawen, Edward                    21, 485

Botts, William                         477, 478

Bourne, Ezra                            795

      Meletiah                            800

Bouton, Eleazer                       463


      INDEX.                             939


      Jehiel                                 463

      Samuel                               463

Bowdoin, James                        721

Bowen, Ezra                             809

Bowers, Jonathan                     526

      Samuel                               378

Bowman, Nathaniel                  215, 216

      Noah                                 450

Boyd, George                           737

      James                                 568

Boydell, John                           222

Boyes, Matthew                       839, 845, 851, 852, 854, 872

      Robert                                  836

Boylston, Dudley                     450

      Zebdiel                               450

Boynton, Benoni                     234

      David                                 532

      Ichabod                              814

      John                                  814

      John, Jr.                             374, 378

      Joshua                                374, 378

      William                             891

Brackenbury, William              34

Brackett, George                      665

      Joshua                                532, 547, 693, 716, 730

      Nathaniel                           665

Bradbury, Thomas                        77, 364, 365, 862, 867-871, 901

      William                             110

Bradish, Jonathan                     407

Bradley, Daniel                        303

      Isaac                                  191, 192

      Jonathan                            649

      Timothy                            649

Bradstreet, ___                        135, 146, 839

      John                                  578

      Jonathan, Jr.                      332

      Simon                                263

Bragg, Thomas                         653

Brainard, Chileab                      511

      Daniel, Jr.                          507

      Jeremiah                            507

      Josiah.                               511

      Nathan                              511

Braille, Major                           22, 178, 761, 777

      Thomas                             84, 814

      William                             814

Breed, Ebenezer                       816

      John                                  816

Brent, Amos                            450

Brenton, ___                           83

      William                             366, 367

Bretnall, John                          151

Brewer, James                          737

Brewster, Daniel                       721

Briard, John                             689, 729

Brick, Thomas                         814

Bride, Ebenezer                        223, 383, 407, 411

      Joseph                               156

Bridges, Moody                        287, 289, 290

Briggs, Joseph                          18

Brigham, Aaron                       156

      Gershom                            738

      Nathan.                             156

Bright, Henry                           156

Brinley, George                        706

Brock, John                             422

      Nicholas                            698

      William                             526

Brooks, Caleb                           118-120, 407

      John                                  574

      Simon                                411

      Thomas                             730

Broughton, ___                        839

      George                               76

Brown, Abisha                          245

      Abraham                            568

      Adonijah                            463

      Arthur                               726, 730

      Daniel                                678

      David                                 382

      Ebenezer                            7, 234

      Ephraim                            815

      George                               160

      Henry Young                     553, 657, 830, 832

      James                                 302

      John                                  720

      Jonah                                 373

      Jonas                                 411, 675

      Jonathan                            568, 887

      Joseph                               247, 880, 882, 883

      Josiah                                7, 156, 378, 411, 574

      Matthew                            685

      Marmaduke                        726

      Richard                              231

      Samuel                                  40, 41, 89, 140, 141, 374, 378, 757

      Thomas                             332, 814, 815

      W                                      89

      William                             7, 231, 526

Brownell, George                      568

Bruen, Obediah                         259, 260

Bryant, Jonathan                     407

Bryent, Jeremy                        392, 547, 716

      John                                  392, 548, 716

      Walter                                  390, 392, 532, 547, 665, 701, 714, 716

      Walter, Jr.                         392, 546, 547, 706, 716

Bryer, Thomas                         491

Buckley, Joseph                       815

      Peter                                 815

Buckminster, ___                     226

      Colonel                              226

      Joseph                               34, 35

Bucknam, Edward                     536

Bulfinch, Thomas                    223

Bulkeley, John                         134

      Peter                                 83

Banbury, Mons                         720


      940                                    INDEX.


Bunker, Daniel.                        697

      Elijah                                 698

      Zachary                             697

Bunton, Andrew                       247, 653, 656, 657

Burbank, Daniel                       412

      Ebenezer                            654

Burge, David                            383

Burleigh, Andrew                      231

      James                                 653, 716

      John                                  392, 547, 716

      John, Jr.                             547

      William                             491

Burling, Edward                        590, 592

      Edward, Jr.                         592

      Richard.                             592

Burnap, Isaac                           693

      John                                  693

Burnet, Ebenezer                      412

      William                             3, 50, 236, 371

Burnham, James                       231, 526

      John                                  526

      Offin                                 411

      Richard                              813

      Robert                               103, 526, 866

Burns, John                              20

      Jonas                                 837

Burridge, Ephraim                    7

      John                                  7

Burrill, Ebenezer                      256, 304, 310, 312, 316, 342, 359, 765, 781, 783, 784

      John                                  19

      Theophilus                        143

Burroughs, Lemuel                   726

Bursley, John                           846

Burt, William                           815

Burton, Henry                          93

      William                             51

Bush, Timothy                         693

Bushnal], ___                           19

      Ephraim                             118, 120

Bussey, John                            527

      William                             527

Buswell, Caleb                          649

Butler, Alford                           18

      Edmund                             64

      James                                 737

      Oliver                                573

      Phineas                              737

      Simon.                               501

      Valentine                           573

Butman, Jeremiah                    343

Butterfield, Benjamin               384

      Jonathan                            68-70, 378

      Nathaniel                           383

      Samuel                               192-195

      William                             392

Butters, Samuel                          726

      Samuel, Jr  .                       726

Buttrick, Samuel                       815

Buzzell, Henry                         697

      John                                  698

      William                             698

Byam, Benjamin                      383

      John                                  382

Byels, Jonathan                        813

Byfield, Nathaniel                    40, 41, 43, 46, 754, 796


Cadogan, Rice                          151

Cady, Aaron                             516

      Aaron, Jr.                          516

      Nathaniel.                          516

Calder, Hugh                            812

Caldwell Samuel                        378

Calfe, John                               569

Call, David                               706, 721

      Jonathan                            815

      Thomas                             34

Came, Samuel                           57

Campbell, Andrew                    726

Caney, Jane                              815

      John                                  815

      Joshua                                697

      Love                                  698

      Paul                                   697

      Thomas                             851

Canning, Thomas                     225

Capen, John                             685

Caplin, Thomas                       813

Carlisle, William                      315

Carlton, ___                            846, 847, 893

      Benjamin                           613

      Christopher                       613

      Nathaniel                           426

      Nehemiah                          613

      Stephen, 2d.                       426

Carly, Samuel                           526

Carnes, John                            223

Carpenter, Greenwood              737

      John                                  601

Carr, David                              653

      Francis                               653

      John                                  653, 656

Carrigain, Philip                       649

Carter, Daniel                          642, 649

      Ephraim                            653

      Ezra                                   620, 622, 649

      Henry.                               532

      Jacob                                 649

      John                                  526, 698

      Thomas, Jr.                       501

Carver, Richard                        846, 847

Cary, fames                              813

      Thomas.                            837

Cass, Amos                              568

      John                                  583

      Joseph                               583

Caswell, Nathan                       455

Cate, Captain                           866


      INDEX.                             941


Cate, Daniel                             665, 721

      Ebenezer                            665

      Eleazer                              665

      John                                  833

      William,                            425

      William, Jr.                        665

Cavanaugh, Charles                  685

Chadbourne, Thomas               532

Challis, John                            336, 338

      John, Jr.                             337

      Thomas                             303

Chamberlain, Abner                 517

      Benjamin                           517

      David                                 517

      Henry                                812

      John                                  517, 812

      Samuel                               763, 767

      Simeon                              583

      William                             517

      William, Jr.                        517

Chamberlin, Benjamin              738

      John                                   19, 20, 97, 247, 458, 737

      William                             732

Chambers, Charles                    46

Champernowne, Captain          858

Champney, Downing                814

      Samuel                               814

Chandler, ___                          159, 345, 809

      Abiel                                  649

      Colonel                               127, 172, 192, 253, 297, 319, 761

      David                                 247

      Isaac                                  336, 337

      James                                 121-126, 175, 326, 327, 329

      John                                  9, 22, 51, 106, 158, 252, 340, 612, 613, 620, 622, 642, 749, 751, 754, 757 773, 777, 780, 790, 796, 797, 807, 808

      John, Jr.                             223, 730, 765

      Joseph                               815

      Josiah                                240, 245

      Moses                                234

      Nathaniel                           336, 337

      Peter                                 649

      Samuel                               78, 106, 159, 160, 172, 173, 176, 777, 780, 781, 783, 784, 794, 795, 807, 808, 815, 818, 819

      Samuel, Jr.                         815

      Thomas                             19

      William                             781, 782

      Zachariah                          19

Chapman, Benjamin                 716

      Samuel.                              716

      Timothy                            507

Chase, Benoni                          411

      Bradford                            411

      Caleb                                 411, 675

      Daniel                                411, 675

      Daniel, Jr.                          411, 675

      David                                 618

      Dudley                               421, 675

Chase, H. B.                             894

      John                                  649, 816

      Jonathan                            411, 491, 669, 674

      March                                411, 675

      Moody                               411, 675

      Moses                                411, 667, 674

      Moses, Jr.                          411

      Paul                                   411

      Samuel                                6, 404, 410, 411, 671, 673, 674

      Samuel, Jr.                         411, 675

      Seth                                   674

      Solomon                            411, 675

      Stephen.                            302, 411, 675

      Thomas                             893

      William                             816

Chatham, Lord                         544

Checkley, John                        112

      Richard                              223

Checker, Solomon                    813

Cheever, Daniel                       814

      James                                 814

Cheney, John                           32

Chesley, George                       526

      Ichabod                              525

      James                                 697, 698

      Jonathan                            525, 844, 866

      Joseph                               526

      Philip                                103, 526, 844

      Reuben                               698

      Samuel                               526, 697

Cheslin, Philip                         261

Child, Edward                           156

      Jonathan                            501

Childs, Jonathan                       737

Choate, ___                             178, 345, 777, 780, 809

      Francis                               231

      John                                  225-229

      Nehemiah                          231

      Robert                               231

      Thomas                             231

      Thomas, Jr.                       231

Church, Charles                        86, 87, 783, 784

      Colonel                              153, 297

      John                                  698

      Thomas                             751

Cilley, Bradbury                       920

      Holdridge                           492

      John                                  568

      Joseph                               897

Claggett, Wyseman                  383, 441, 660, 665, 693

Claghorn, James                       816

Clapp, Supply                           721

Clark, Alexander                      383

      Asahel                               693

      Benjamin                           222, 422, 587

      Caleb                                 507

      Ebenezer                            665

      Edward                               613

      Elias                                  526


      942                                    INDEX.


Clark, Elisha                            726

      Enoch.                               665

      George                               492

      Greenleaf                           665

      Ichabod                              720

      Ichabod, Jr.                        720

      John                                  40, 41, 548, 613, 685, 811

      John, Jr.                             70, 454

      Jonas                                 158, 185

      Jonathan                            491

      Josiah                                665

      Nathaniel                           302

      Oliver                                726

      Percival                             303

      Richard                              698

      Robert                               332

      Samuel                               170, 532

      Thomas                             64, 856

      William                             18, 143, 681, 782, 811, 815

Clarkson, Andrew                     899, 900

Clay, Henry                             418

Clays, Elijah                             737

Clement, Nathaniel                  613, 649

Clements, Daniel                      698

      James                                 698

      Job                                     526, 698

      John                                  697

Cleveland, Aaron                     512

Clifford, Richard                      568

      Zachariah                          568

Clive, Sir Robert                       579

Clough, Caleb                           336, 337

      Jeremiah                            831, 832

      Jonathan                            569

      Thomas                             527, 831, 832

Cloutman, John                        698

Cobb, ____                              763

Cochran, John                          721

Cock, William                          598, 601

Cockburne, Sir James                589, 594, 598, 603

Coffin, Charles                         223

      Edmund                             720

      Enoch                                613, 649

      John                                  21-28, 485, 620

      Joseph                               486

      Peter                                 32, 64, 367, 368, 837, 909

      Tristram                            526, 698

      William                             649

Coggin, John                            614

Cogswell, Jonathan                   231

      Nathaniel                           613

      Thomas                             920, 924

      William                             231

Coker, Robert                          32

Colburn, Andrew                      737

      Ephraim                            19

      Henry                                241

      John                                  183, 184

      Robert                               89, 93, 374

Colburn, Thomas                     243

      William                             89, 93

Colby, Abraham                       642

      Ichabod                              336, 337

      Orlando                             336-338

      Samuel                               191, 201, 337, 656

      Samuel, 3d                         336

      Thomas                             338

      Timothy                            857, 337

Colcord, Edward                       837, 855, 857, 862

Cole, Anna                               205, 206

      Jacob                                 815

Colebrooke, Sir George             589, 594, 603

Coleman, Dudley                      468, 477, 482, 483

      Eleazer                              421

      Thomas                             613

Coles, Daniel                            601

Colley, Richard                        491

      Richard, Jr.                        491

Collins, Edward                        856

      William                             218

Colt, John                                450

      Peter                                 450

Comey, David                          407

Conant, Caleb                          112

      Lot                                    813

Cone, Jonah                             512

      Jonathan                            511

      Stephen                             507

      William                             512

Connor, Hugh                          526

      James                                 526

      Jeremy                               864

      Jonathan                            831, 832

      Joseph                               698

Converse, Josiah                      407

Cook, ____                              170, 757

      Elisha                                40, 41, 612

      Hezeriah                            698

Cooley, Simon                         574

Coolidge, David                        8

      John                                  8

      Jonas                                 7

      Joseph                               8

      Nathaniel                           8

      Richard                              8, 613

      Thaddeus                           8

      William.                            7, 8

      William, Jr.                        8

Coombs John                           374, 378

      Medad                                392

      Samuel                               83

Coope, John                             450

      Moses                                450

Copp, David                             454

Corbett, John                           152

Corey, Jacob                            234, 241

Cornell, Benjamin                    592

      John                                  592


      INDEX.                             943


Cornell, Joseph                        592

      Joseph, Jr.                          592

Cornish, Thomas                     848, 850

Corwell, William                      20

Cotton, ___                             751

      John                                  134, 142, 333

      Roland                               104, 374, 378, 407

      William                             32, 902, 903, 913, 914, 916, 917

Coutant, Henry                        592

Cowan, Thomas.                      378

Craige, Thomas                        383

Cram, Benjamin                       578

      James                                 574

      John                                  568, 578

      Thomas                             578

Crane, John                              847

Cressy, Samuel                         463

Crillis, Matthew                       837

Critchett, Elias.                        526

Crocker, Andrew Savage           454, 706

      John                                  222

      Paul                                   332

      Simeon                              507

Crockett, Richard                     491

Crombie, William                     407

Cromwell, Joseph                     698

      Thomas                             135

Crosby, ____                           184

      Increase                             511

      John                                  532

      Levi                                   512

      Nicholas                            243

Cross, John                              135

      Shubael                              454

      Thomas                             231

Crosswent, William                  568

Crouch, Richard                       157

Crowell, John                           816

      Yelverton                          816

Cummings, James                     89, 113, 115, 116, 192, 194, 195, 201, 202, 218

      Jerathmeel                         80, 81, 89, 93, 114, 115, 218-220, 342, 345

      John                                  97

      Jonathan                            374, 378

      Jonathan, Jr.                      374, 378

      Josiah                                243

      Samuel                               92, 184, 185, 193-195, 374, 375, 383

      Samuel, Jr.                         689

      William                             97, 374

Cunningham, James                  247

      Thomas                             242

Currier, Captain                       578

      Daniel                                336, 337

      Jacob                                 336, 337

      Jonathan                            336, 337

      Joseph                               336

      Joseph, Jr.                          337

Currier, Richard                        336, 337

Curry, ____                             626

Curtis, James                            813

      Peter                                 532, 720

Cushing, ____                          39, 809

      John                                  754, 796

      John, Jr.                             273, 277

      Jonathan                            578

      Thomas                             57-59, 134, 142, 333, 778, 808

Cushman, Ambrose                  693

      Isaac                                  755

Cutler, Ephraim                       156

      John                                  19, 811

      Samuel                               156

      Thomas                             154, 155, 250

      Thomas, Jr.                       156

      Timothy                            816

      William                             156, 332

Cutt, Edward                            689

      Henry                                837

      John                                  426, 569, 622, 624, 685

      Richard                              75, 76, 268, 270

      Samuel                               689, 720

Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah           465, 470, 472, 473, 547, 706, 730

      Gershom                            814

      Samuel                               706

      William                             706

Cutts, Charles                           894

      Samuel                               547, 737

Cuyper, Cornelius                     592


Dalling, Thomas                      720

Dalton, Caleb                           234

      Samuel                               861, 863, 868, 875, 901

      Tristram                            678

Daly, Elijah                              737

Dam, Elnathan.                        422

      John                                  363, 422, 837

      John, Jr.                             422

      Joseph                               698

      Moses                                422, 904, 905

      Richard                              422

      Zebulon                             422

Dame, Theophilus                    520, 521

Dana, ____                              541

      Isaac.                                 726

      James                                 726

      Jedediah                             723, 724, 726

      Jedediah, Jr.                       726

      Jonathan                            726

      Judah                                 544

      Thomas                             674

      William                             7

Danforth, ____                        761

      Jonathan                                 10, 11, 13, 34, 64, 66, 146, 147, 149, 165-169, 205, 206, 213, 214, 233, 295

      Samuel                               196-199


      944                                    INDEX.


Danforth, Thomas                   32, 166, 293, 294

Daniell, David                          103, 698

      Jacob                                 697

      Jacob                                 697

      Joseph, Jr.                          699

      William                             569

Daniels, Asa                             516

      Clement                             517

      Eliphalet                            454

      Joseph                               526

Danielson, Arthur                    697

Darling, John.                          332, 891

      John, Jr.                             332

      Reuben                               450

      Timothy                            675

Davenport, Addington             17, 46, 812

      Captain                              812

      Deodat                               463

      Hezekiah                           463

      James                                 17

      Joseph                               463

      Richard                              167, 168

      William                             18

Daverson, Thomas                   693

Davis, Benjamin                       126

      Daniel                                492, 526, 613, 844, 866

      David                                 526, 653, 716

      Ebenezer                            156

      Eleazer                              112, 814

      Ensign                               271

      Ephraim                            526, 613, 711, 897, 898

      Francis                               336, 337

      Hopestill                            816

      Jabez                                  526

      James                                 422, 492, 527, 578, 699, 711, 911, 914, 915, 917, 919

      James, Jr.                           526

      James, 3d                           526

      John                                  103, 846

      Joseph                               303, 526, 613, 634, 699

      Joseph, Jr.                          526

      Nathaniel                           699

      Samuel                               526, 574, 613, 698

      Samuel, Jr.                         698

      Simon                                583

      Solomon                            721

      Thomas                             383, 527, 697

      William                             9, 11

      Zachariah                          816

Dawes Ambrose                        812

      Thomas                             18, 812

Day, Ebenezer                          574

      James                                 223

      Joseph                               693

      Moses                                37, 612, 613

Dean, Abner                             507

      Daniel                                815

      Thomas                             562, 730

      William                             18, 574

Dearborn, Ebenezer                  568

      Godfrey                             847

      Henry                                883

      John, Jr.                             578

      Jonathan                            491, 568

      Joseph                               527, 578, 884, 885, 918

      Samuel                               665

      Simeon                              665

Decker, John                            421

Deering, Frances.                     67, 679

De Grey, ____                         646

Delaware, Earl                          641

Demerit, Eli                             527

      Eli, Jr.                                697

      Job                                     697

      John                                  527, 699

      William                             527, 698

Demitt, Peter                           601

Denbow, Salathiel                     103

Denio, Aaron                           316, 317

Dennett, Ephraim                    422, 492, 527, 568, 578, 844, 892

      John                                  876, 903

Dennis, Thomas                       231

Dennison, Daniel                     268, 270, 839

      Nathan                              726

Derby, Jonathan                       502

Devoll, Manassah                     737

      William, Jr.                        501

Dewey, Nathan                        501

      Noah                                 737

Deyckman, Jacob                     592

Dickinson, ____                      751

      Ebenezer                            772

      James                                 685

      Nehemiah                          507

      Obediah,                            540

Dimond, Ezekiel                      649

      Jacob                                 649

Dinsdell, William                     18, 811

Dinsmore, Thomas                  89, 93

Dix, James                               8

      Joseph                               156

Doacks William                       720

Dodge, Andrew                         813

      David                                 613

      Ebenezer                            583

      James                                 454

      John                                  813

      Samuel                               517

      Samuel, 3d                         516

      William                             231, 813

Doe, Bradstreet                        547

      John                                  526, 547

      Nicholas                            103, 547

      Samuel                               526

Dole, John                               548

      Joseph                               24, 26, 28

Donald, Jonathan                     697


      INDEX.                             945


Doolittle, Benjamin                 353

      Ephraim                            730

Dorman, Ephraim                    583

Dore, Ebenezer                        18

Dorrill, John                            18

Doty, Moses                            601

      Richard                              601

Douglass, John                         407

Dow, Henry                             303, 823, 870, 871, 875, 902, 904, 906, 908, 909, 911-916

      Samuel                               877, 887

Downe, Thomas                       222

      William                             332, 574

Downing, Ananias                    601

      Benjamin                           421

      Emanuel                            77

      George                               601

      Harrison                            422

      John                                  332, 374, 378, 422, 492, 527, 574, 578, 601, 675

      John, Jr.                             421, 422

      Jonathan                            421

      Joseph                               421

      Joshua                                421

      Josiah                                422

      R.                                      832

      Richard                              421, 904, 905

Downs, Gershom                      699

Dowse, Jonathan                      54

      Joseph                               815

      Margery                             815

      Nathaniel                           665, 685, 706

Doyen, Francis                         234, 247, 249

Drake, Abner                           568

      Abraham                            578, 846, 847, 888

      Nathaniel                           568, 578

Draper, Thomas                       407

Drew, Elizabeth                        103

      Francis                               103, 699

      John                                  697

      Joseph                               697

      Thomas                             103, 527

Drury, Luke                             412, 675

      Zedekiah                            374, 378

Duda, Nicholas                         716

Dudley, Colonel                       170

      Daniel                                846

      David                                 411

      John                                  665

      Jonathan, Jr.                      411

      Joseph                               126, 175, 620, 815

      Paul                                   18, 46

      Samuel                               675, 839, 847, 851, 862, 873

      Stephen                             271

      Theophilus                        864

      Thomas                             847

      William                             6, 35, 41, 70, 71, 73, 87, 180, 181, 218, 223, 254, 255, 675, 762, 765, 767, 780, 790, 808

Duffy, John                              847

Dummer, ____           135

      Jeremy                               45

      Richard                              212

      William                             43, 45, 46, 238, 239, 798

Duncan, John                           234

Dunlap, William                       407

Durant, Edward                        223

Dures, Moses                            814

Durgin, Francis                         526

      James                                 527

Durrell, Peter.                          7

Dustin, Timothy                      383

Dutch, George                          716

Dwight, Daniel                         156

      Jonathan                            154-156

      Joseph                               156

      Nathaniel                           156, 318, 781, 782

      Samuel                               156

      Timothy                            143, 781

Dyer, Benjamin                        18, 812

      Samuel                               455


Eames, Ebenezer                      516

      Jacob                                 613

      Joseph                               516

      Stephen                             92, 97

Eastman, ____                         626

      Ebenezer                            31, 37, 53, 60, 568, 610, 612, 613

      Joseph                               617, 653

      Joseph, Jr.                          653

      Moses                                653

      Moses, Jr.                             649

      Nathaniel                           653

      Obediah                             653

      Philip                                649

      Richard                              247

      Thomas                             617

Eastwick, Captain                    754, 757

Eaton, Henry                           706

      Joseph                               89

Edgerly, Thomas                      103

      Zachariah                          698

Edson, Josiah                           813

Edwards, Thomas                     83

Egremont, Earl of                    641

Elkins, Henry                           847

Ellinwood, John                       813

      Ralph                                 813

Elliot, Jonathan                       649

Ellis, Gideon                             583

      John                                  156, 582

      Joseph                               526, 583

      Welbore                             641

Emerson, Daniel                      373, 378, 689

      Edward                               303, 569

      Jonathan                            568

      Micah                                526


      946                                    INDEX.


Emerson, Samuel                      190, 191, 199, 200, 525, 836, 899, 900

      Solomon                            698

      Stephen                             613

Emery, Benjamin                     649

      Noah                                 548, 665

Emmons, Joseph                      507

Endicott, Elisabeth                   65, 66

      John                                  44-50, 62, 64-66, 148, 223, 262, 363, 366, 643

      John, Jr.                             232

Epes, Daniel                             177, 272, 340, 790

      Major                                53, 807

      Simonds                             775, 809

Erving, John                            223

      William                             739, 740, 742

Esterbrook, Joseph                   726

      Moses                                383

      Samuel                               726

Estow, William                        77, 135

Eustis, Joseph                           526

Evans, Benjamm                      526, 698

      Daniel                                698

      David                                 18

      Edward                                526

      John                                  295, 642, 698

      Joseph                               526, 698

      Joseph, Jr.                          698

      Joseph, 3d                          698

      Robert                               698

      Robert, Jr.                          698

      Thomas                             478

Eveleth, Daniel                        231

Everett, John                           214

Ewer, Nathaniel                       716


Fabyan, John                            151, 421

      John, Jr.                             421

      Joseph                               421

      Samuel                               421, 665

Fairfield, ____                         809, 810

Fairweather, John                     225

Fales, James                             569

Faley, John                              815

Falmouth, Viscount                  641

Fansher, John                           463

      John, Jr.                             463

      William                             463

Farley, Benjamin                      89, 374

      Samuel                               92, 374, 378, 498

Farmer, Jacob                           382

      Peter                                 592

      Thomas                             19, 234, 241

      Widow                               19

Farnsworth, David                    540

      Ephraim                            234

      James                                 540

      Reuben                               234

      Stephen                             540

Farnum, Benjamin                    649

      Ephram                             613

      Ephraim, Jr.                       649

      John                                  649

      Joseph                               649

Farrell, Robert                          685

Farrington, Joseph, Jr.              592

Farrow George                          815

Farwell, Benjamin                    98

      Henry                                199

      Henry, Jr.                          243

      Isaac                                  89, 98, 374

      Oliver                                98, 383, 583

      Oliver, Jr.                          383, 583

Fassett, John                            737

      Josiah                                764

Fay, Jeremiah                           811

Fellows, ____                           810

      Hezekiah                           649

      Nathaniel                           450, 507, 512, 685

      William                             422, 492, 527, 578

Felton, Thomas                       816

Fernald, George                        685, 689

      John                                  532

      Reynald                             264, 266, 268, 270

Ferriman, William                    730

Ferrin, Jonathan                       234, 241

Ferris, Benjamin                       592

Ferson, Thomas                       225

Field, David                              574, 583

      Ebenezer                            407

      Gains                                 319

      John                                  697

      John, Jr.                              697

      Joseph                                103

      Samuel                                574, 583

      Seth                                    317, 319

      Uriah                                 592

      William                             407

      Zacharias                           103

Fifield, Benjamin                      649

      Edward                               491

      Jonathan                            578, 888

      Samuel                               678

Fileg, Zechariah                       156

Fish, Thomas                           97

Fisher, John                             665, 706, 765

      Samuel Wentworth            737

      William                             407

Fisk, Amos                               689

      John                                  156

      Nathan                              613

      Samuel                               18, 92

Fitch, ____                              291

      Jabez                                  494

      John                                  450

      Samuel                               386

      Theophilus                        460, 462, 463

      Thomas                             233, 754


      INDEX.                             947


Fitts, Jeremiah.                        231

Fitzwilliam, Earl of                  104

Flagg, Eleazer                           92, 815

Flanders, Abner                        649

      Jeremiah                            336, 337

      Samuel                               336, 337

Fleming, John                          532

      William.                            685

Fletcher, Oliver, Jr.                  378

      Robert                               84, 378, 383, 392, 574

      Samuel                               234

Flint, John                               136, 330, 331, 333, 764, 767

Floyd, Hugh                             730

      Thomas                             693

Flucker, Thomas                      134, 333, 531

Fogg, Benoni                            568

      Daniel                                883

      James                                 568

Follen, William                        816

Follett, Benjamin                     492

      Ichabod                              526

      John                                  844

Folsom, David, Jr.                    547

      James                                 547

      Jeremiah                            392, 547, 716

      Jeremiah, Jr.                      392, 492, 547, 716

      John                                  392, 547, 716, 912-916

      John, Jr.                             716

      Nathan                              716

      Nathaniel                           492, 706

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     656

      Peter                                 392

      Samuel                               706

Footman, John Jr.                    527

      Thomas                             837

Ford, Robert                             234, 569

Foskett, John                           815

      Robert                               815

      Samuel                               815

Foss, Isaac                                491

      Joshua                                734

      Josiah                                665

      Zachariah                          392, 547, 685, 689, 720

Foster, Abiel                            241

      Abraham                            613

      Asa                                    653

      Caleb                                 653

      Daniel                                547, 650, 652, 653

      Ephraim                            247, 653

      Henry                                582

      Jareb                                  450

      Jehiel                                 450

      John                                  110, 111, 613

      Moses                                 247, 620, 654

      Moses, Jr.                          653

      Phineas                              234

      Rebecca                             812

      Richard                              18

      Samuel                               532, 720, 726

Foster, Thomas                        223

Fountain, Matthew                   463

Fowle, Daniel                           517, 532, 720, 730

      John                                  404, 405, 407

      John, Jr.                             39, 98

      Morris                               698

      Robert Lewis                      532, 693, 721, 730

Fowler, Jacob                           336, 337, 392

      James                                 592

      Jonathan                            378, 454

      Michael                             721

      Philip, Jr.                           392, 548

Fox, Ezra                                 450

      Henry                                641

      Simon                                450

      William, Jr.                        516

Foxcroft, Francis                     85, 809

Foxwell, ____                          101

Foye, John                               698

Francis, Ebenezer                     407

      Nathaniel                           730

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     730

Freeman, Benjamin                  583

      Jonathan                            693

      Peter                                 450

      Russell                               920-923

      Skif                                    726

Frees, Jacob                              577, 578

      Jacob, Jr.                            578

French, Benjamin                     374, 378, 383, 574

      John                                  95, 101

      John, Jr.                             574

      Jonathan                            374

      Joseph                               98, 374

      Sampson                            332

      Samuel                               374, 383

      Thomas                             491

      William                             491

      William, Jr.                        491

Frimington, Oliver                   225

Frisk, Thomas                          582

Frisbee, Levi                            706

Frost, Charles                           527

      Ezra                                   450

      George                               579, 665

      John                                  422, 492, 527, 531, 579, 698, 721

      Joseph                               579

      Joshua                                716

      Nathaniel                           547

      Peleg                                 450

      Reuben                               450

      Simon                                   68, 70, 71, 73, 90, 91, 93, 114, 117, 120, 126, 129, 194, 203, 219, 229, 277, 281, 306, 308-310, 312, 314, 322, 323, 344, 355, 356, 785

      Thomas                               8

      William                             698

Frye, J.                                     249

      James                                 36, 37


      948                                    INDEX.


Frye, Julian                              450

Fullam, ____                            35

      Francis                               748

Fuller, Isaac                              7

      James                                 880, 882, 883

      Joshua                                7, 8

      Josiah                                 8

      Samuel                                7

      Thomas                              507, 511

      Thomas, 2d                       507

Fulton, John                             407

Furber, Jethro                           422

      Joshua                                392

      Moses                                421

      Thomas                             532

      William                             32, 421, 837, 853, 911-917

Forbush, Benjamin                   698

Furniss, Benjamin                     407

      Robert                               431, 432


Gage, Benjamin                        613

      Henry                                816

      John                                  272, 698, 700, 816

      Solomon                            649

      William                             816

Gains Samuel                            268, 270

Gale, Benjamin                         245

      Daniel                                649

Gallop, ____                            789, 791

      Benadam                            154

      Samuel                               161

Gambling, Benjamin                      568, 578

Gardner or Gardiner, Andrew     447, 448, 450, 540

      Captain                              170, 171

      Henry                                720

      Isaac                                  768

      John                                  140, 450

      Joseph                               19, 814

      Nathaniel                           859, 860

      Samuel                               814

      William                             693

Garfield, Benjamin                   411

      Eliakim                              411

      Nathaniel                           383

Garland, Jabez                          698

      Jacob                                 568

      Jonathan                            578, 887

      Nathaniel                           698

      Peter                                 454

Gary, Benjamin                            332

Gates, Bezaleel                         507

      Jacob                                 234

      Jonathan                            507, 814

      Josiah, Jr                            516

      Samuel                               507

      Simon                                814

      Thomas                             517

Gault, Andrew                          247

Gault, John                               877

      Patrick                              247

Gay, Jonathan                          18

Gee, Peter                                151

George, Samuel                         302

German, William                      112

Gerrish, ____                           620, 626

      Henry                                732, 923, 924

      John                                  578, 698

      Joseph                               29, 298, 764, 765

      Paul                                   422, 492, 525, 527, 578, 698

      Samuel                               306

      Timothy, Jr.                      422

Gerry, John                              720

Gibbons, Ambrose                    837

      Major-General                   363

Gibbs, Henry                            97

      Jacob                                 411

      John                                  592

      Robert                               84

      Samuel                               332

Gibson, James                           526, 831

Giddings, John                          706

Gilbert, Jon                              726

      John, Jr.                             507

Gile, Ephraim                           569

      Samuel                               18

Giles, John                               526, 698

      Matthew                            151

Gill, Samuel                              18

Gilman, Andrew                       493, 494

      Benjamin                           494

      Bradstreet                          392,

      David                                 392, 548, 716

      Edward                               569, 848, 850

      Edward, Jr.                         848, 850

      Israel                                 392, 501

      Israel, Jr.                            392, 716

      Jacob                                 392, 569

      Jeremiah                            392, 716

      John                                    422, 492, 527, 569, 578, 706, 716, 861, 863, 864, 878, 901

      John Taylor                       922

      Joseph                               706

      Nicholas                                578, 706, 844, 864, 865, 878, 880, 902, 904, 912-916, 919

      Peter                                  578, 706, 866, 896, 900

      Philip                                454

      Robert                               454

      Samuel                               392, 544, 548, 553, 554, 563, 564, 578, 716

      Samuel, Jr                          897

      Simon                                392

Gilmore, James                         726, 730

      John                                  383

      Robert                               19

Gilson, Ebenezer                      92

Gittens, George                        873

Gleason, William                      814


      INDEX.                             949


Glines, John                             527

      William, Jr.                        527

Goble, Thomas                         815

Goddard, ____                          919

      Captain                              159, 345, 751

      Ebenezer                            7

      Edward                               58, 106, 782-784, 809

      John                                  103, 156, 837

      Josiah                                7

      Seba                                   225

Godfrey, William                     568

Goffe, Daniel                           223

      John                                  19, 105, 118, 120, 194, 195, 416, 458, 583

      Thomas                             195, 196

Gold, Henry                             816

      Joseph                               764, 765

Golding, ____                          763

Goodall, Ira                              482

Goodhue, Samuel                      491

Gooding, James                        547

Goodridge, Joseph                    332

Goodwin, James                        526

      John                                  812

      Lazarus                              303

      Nathaniel                           18, 812, 815

Gookin, Daniel                         848, 850

      Nathaniel                           576, 578

Gordon, Nicholas                     864

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando              365, 639

Gorham, Jabez                          816

      John                                  78-82, 222, 708, 816

      Shubael                              79, 80, 82, 789, 791

Goss, Nathaniel                        665

Gould, Ebenezer                       382

      Elihu                                  336, 337

      James                                 223

      Joseph                               302

      Moses                                332, 574

      Moses, Jr.                          332

      Nehemiah                          332

      Reuben                               382

Gowen, Nathaniel                     411

Graham, John                           477, 478

      Robert                               477, 478

Granger, John                           613

      Samuel                               613

Grant, Benjamin                       737

      Benjamin, Jr.                     502, 737

      Christopher                       7

      Christopher, Jr.                  7

      James                                 706

      Noah                                 738

      Peter                                 501, 737

Graves, Moses                          234

      Samuel                               737

      Sterling                              507

Gray, Braveter                         245

      George                               477, 478

Gray, Isaac                               343

      James                                 426, 432, 434-436, 905

      John                                  526

      Reuben                               698

      Samuel                               706

      William                             816

Greaves, Edward                       772

      Thomas                             296

Greeland, Samuel                      815

Greeley, Jonathan                    379, 383, 665

      Joseph                               891

      Samuel                               374, 378, 574

Green, Ebenezer                       501, 737

      Henry                                823

      James                                 97

      John                                  92, 97, 137, 138, 223, 492, 685, 689

      Joseph                               137, 138, 223

      Peter, Jr.                            649

      Rufus                                 223

      Samuel                               491

      Thomas                             222, 223

Greenfield, Samuel                    135, 845-847

Greenleaf, Abner                      512

      Stephen                             299, 301, 302, 304-306

      Tristram                            303, 306

Greenwood, Thomas                7

Gregg, James                            171

      William                             342, 343, 345

Gregory, John                          720

Grenville, George                     641

Gridley, John                            19, 811, 812

      Joseph                               811

Griffin, George                         507, 511

      John                                  815

      Lemuel                              511

      Lemuel, Jr.                         511

      Matthew                            816

Griggs, Jacob                            17, 811

      John                                  815

Grimes, John                            583

      William                             450, 583

Grind, George                           816

Grouard, James                         532

Grow, John                               665

Gummer, Ezekiel                      532

Gunn, ____                              142

Guppy, James                           721

Gurnet, Samuel                         18

Gurney, Zachariah                    812

Gustin, Thomas                        513, 515, 516

      Thomas, Jr.                       517

Gutteridge, Jeremiah                 303

Gutterson, William                   613


Hack, William                          162

Hacy, William                          19, 812

Hagerman, Adrian                    601

      Rem                                   601

Haines, Joshua                          665


      950                                    INDEX.


Haines, Samuel                         665

Hale, ____                               40, 41, 297

      Doctor                               80, 81

      Eliphalet                            706

      Enoch                                330

      John                                  665

      Jonathan                            675

      Joseph                               55, 613

      Robert                               293, 294, 339-341, 343, 344, 788, 790

      Samuel                               401, 403, 454

      Thomas                             303

Halifax, Earl of                        641

Hall, ____                                58, 773

      Benjamin                           247, 699

      Daniel                                649

      David                                 649

      Edward                               864, 866, 887, 892

      Enoch                                280, 281

      Jacob                                 454

      Jeremiah                            323, 582

      John                                  178, 293, 601, 837

      Joseph                               613, 697, 816

      Joseph, Jr.                          649, 698, 699

      Nathan                              738

      Nathaniel                           816

      Ralph                                 64, 699, 837, 846

      Richard                              234

      Samuel                               364, 365, 531, 730, 816, 857, 860, 867, 868, 870

      Stephen                             412, 674

      Thomas                             411

      Thomas, Jr.                       507

      Willis                                 675

Hallett, John                            816

Halley, William                        568

Hallock, John                           592

Halsey, James                           223

Ham, Benjamin                        698

      Daniel                                699

      Dodefer                             698

      Ephraim                            693, 698

      John                                  698

      John, Jr.                             698

      Jonathan                            698

      Joseph                               699

      Lyda                                  699

      Nathaniel                           699

      Samuel                               737

Hamblett, Joshua                      407

Hammond, Jonathan                156, 583, 737

      Joseph                               583

      Nathaniel                           318-322

Hancock, John                         136

      Thomas                             223

Handmore, John                       813

Hands, John                             812

Hanford, Theophilus                463

Hanks, Benjamin                      726

Hanks, Uriah                            726

Hannaford, John                      491

      Zah                                    492

Hannors, Rebecca                     19

Hanson, Benjamin                    699

      Benjamin, Jr.                     699

      George                               699

      James                                 526

      John, Jr                              699

      Jonathan                            699

      Joseph, Jr.                          699

      Joseph, 3d                          699

      Ruth                                  699

      Samuel                               699

      William                             699

Hardy, John                             383

      Jonathan                            383, 544, 650

Harford, Elisabeth                    697

      John                                  716

      Nicholas                            716

Harkman, John                        450

Harmon, Colonel                     751

      Rebecca                             812

Harold, Robert                         454

Harriman, Jaasiel                      454

      Joseph, Jr.                          454

Harrington, George                  8

      George, Jr.                         8

      Jonah                                 737

      Timothy                            332

Harris, Daniel                           516

      Ebenezer                            332, 516

      George                               516

      Gibson                               516

      John                                  156, 720

      Nathaniel                           763, 767

      Noah                                 450

      Owen                                 18, 812

      Samuel                               813

      Simon                                450

      Stephen                             7, 89, 93, 374

      Thomas                             7

      Timothy                            156

Harrison, Joseph                      721

      Peter                                 721

Hart, Robert                             532

      Samuel, Jr.                         689

      Zephaniah                         374

Hartshorn, Ebenezer                19

Hartwell, Edward                      241, 310, 312, 315

      Jonathan                            737

      Samuel                               815

Harvell, John                           378

Harvey, Clement                      697

      Daniel                                697

      John                                  697

      John, Jr.                             507

Harwood, Samuel                      137

      Thomas                             247


      INDEX.                             951


Haslett, James                          454, 501, 532

      Matthew                            720

Hastings, Benjamin                  156

      Daniel                                156

      John                                  454, 540

      John, Jr.                             540

      Lemuel                              541

      Moses                                7

      Richard                              649

      Silvanus                             540

      Zebulon                             156

Hatch, Isaac                             18

Haven, Joseph                          706

      Nathaniel Appleton           706

      Samuel                               394, 395, 706

Hawke, Admiral                       678

Hawkes, John                           583

Hawkins, John                           815

Hawley, John                           450

Hawthorne, William                 64, 65, 860

Hawxhurst, Daniel                    592

Hay, James                               8

      Peter                                 814

Hayes, Elihu                             699

      Hezekiah                           699

      Ichabod                              699

      John                                  526, 699

      John, Jr.                             699

      Peter                                 699

      Roger                                 656, 720

      Thomas                             699

Hayward, Elisha                       813

      George                               815

      Oliver                                778

      Thomas, 3d                       813

      William                             454

Haywood, Ebenezer                  112

      Nathaniel                           283

      William                             540

Hazelton or Hazeltine, Richard                                                                          569

      Silas                                   411, 675

Hazzen, John                           234, 454

      John, Jr.                             454

      Moses                                234, 613

      Richard                               30, 51, 302-305, 619, 620

      Richard, Jr.                        26-28, 613

Head, James                             726

Healey, Nathaniel                    578, 794, 795

Hearn, George                          699

Heath, Elias                             653

      Joshua                                653

      Nehemiah                          613

      William                             114, 115

Heaton, Nathaniel                    583

      Seth                                   323

      William                             583

Hedges, Lammy,                      816

Hemenway, Joseph                   737

Henderson, Howard                  697

Henderson, Howard, Jr.            697

      Richmond                          697

Henfield, William                     726

Henley, Nathaniel                    865

Henniker, John                        139

Henry, William                        20

Henshaw, Joshua, Jr.                 222

Hersey, James                          743

Hethersay, Robert                    846

Hevenor, William                    264

Hewitt, James                           837

Heywood, Nathan                    285, 286

      Samuel                               249-254, 256-258, 283, 285, 764

Hibbard, Jedediah                      532

Hicks, David                            547, 654, 716

      Joseph                               526, 699

Hide, Joshua                             583

      Samuel                               8

      Silas                                   726

Hight, James                            689

Hildreth, Ephraim                    178-182, 250, 613

Hill, Abraham                          34

      Captain                              58

      Ebenezer                            813

      Elisha                                532

      James                                 894

      John                                   103, 140, 141, 222, 407, 491, 665, 768

      Joshua                                491

      Nathan                              525

      Robert                               407

      Samuel                               525, 532

      Valentine                           32, 363, 525, 837, 842

      William                             699

Hills, James                              407

      Joseph                                 34, 146-148, 268, 270, 303, 856

Hilton, ____                            860, 907, 910

      Edward                                  263, 272, 848, 850, 852, 854

      Edward, Jr.                         272

      Ichabod                              548

      Josiah                                547

      Nicholas                            259

      S.                                       234

      Samuel                               491

      Winthrop                          548, 578

Hinchman, Captain                  64

Hinda, Joshua                           726

Hinkley, Charles                      454

Hinsdale, Ebenezer                   142, 334, 540

Hobart, James                          689

      John                                  689

      Samuel                               682, 689, 693

      William                                 512

Hobbs, Morrice                        877

Hobson, ____                            9, 53, 58, 153, 178, 810

      John                                      89, 158, 172, 173, 252, 254, 282, 283, 286, 297-299, 301-303, 319-321, 783, 784, 797, 807-809

Hodgdon, Israel                          526, 697


      952                                    INDEX.


Hodgdon, Israel, Jr.                  526

      John                                  421

      Shadrach                            697

Hodge, Lemuel                         583

      Samuel                               699

Hodgson, Thomas                    656

Hoeg, Benjamin                       302, 491

      Joseph                               492

Hoit, Ebenezer                         463

      Nathan                              924

      Nathaniel                           463

      Silas                                   463

Holbrook, John                        411

      Moses                                412

      Samuel                               188

      Thomas                             18, 813

Hoiden, Isaac                           541

Holland, Antipas                      412, 674

      James                                 721

      John                                  411, 674

      Joseph                               303

      Samuel                               481

Holles, Thomas Pelham           232

Hollis, Samuel                          17

Holmes, Christopher                504, 505, 507, 512

      Eliphalet                            512

      John                                  512

      Uriel                                  512

Holt, ____                               826

      Benjamin                           247, 249

      Nathaniel                           247

      Nicholas                            245

      Oliver                                245

      Stephen                             247, 248

Humans, George Savel              532

      John                                  222

Hopkins, Daniel                       601

      William                             601

Horn, Daniel                            699

      George                               699

      Isaac                                  699

      John                                  699

      John, Jr.                             699

      Nathaniel                           699

      Thomas                             699

      William                             699

Horner, James                          501

Horsom, Jacob                         699

Hosmer, Stephen, Jr.                174-177

Houghton, James                      234

      Jonas                                 130-132, 209, 210, 228, 237, 806

      Jonathan                            234

      Jonathan, Jr.                      241, 242

House, Eleazer                         693

      John                                  682, 693

      Jonathan                            693

Houston, ____                         36

Howard, Edward                       813

      John                                  523, 813

Howard, Jonathan                    764

      William                             77

Howe, Gideon                           92, 100

      Samuel                               815

Howell, Henry                          223

Howlett, Ensign                       873

Hoyt, Benjamin                       511

      John                                  336-338

      John, Jr.                             336, 337

Hubbard, Abigail                       813

      David                                 374, 378, 574

      Israel                                 17

      John                                  699

      Jonathan                            540, 573, 613

      Leveret                              665, 720

      Philip                                699

      Thomas                             20, 188, 224

      William                             364, 365

Huckins, James                         103, 699

      John                                  697

Hudson, Daniel                         813

      Eleazer                              303

      William                             214

Huggeford, Peter                      592

Huggins, James                         526

      John                                  526, 665

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     665

      Robert                               526

Hugh, John                               450

Hughes, Clement                      568, 834

      Joshua                                812

Hull, Captain                            64

      George                               532

      John                                  65, 66

Hungerford, Green                    512

      Lemuel                              512

      Samuel                               592, 601

Hunking, ____                         824

      Hercules                             151

      Mark                                 422, 492, 527, 569, 579, 878, 911, 914, 919

Hunnewell, Humphrey              151

Hunt, Ebenezer                        789

      Enoch                                92

      Jabez                                  18

      Jeremiah                            234

      John                                  422, 573, 583

      Richard                              260, 261

      Samuel                               332, 422, 737, 772, 812

      Simon                                573

      Thomas                              260, 800-802, 812

Hunter, Abraham                     689

      Abraham, Jr.                      689

      Isaac                                  689

      Robert                               689

      Robert, Jr.                          685

Huntington, Earl of                  641

Hurd, Benjamin                        699

      Jacob                                 222


      INDEX.                             953


Hurd, James                              699

      John                                   32, 454, 501, 693, 699, 720, 729, 837

      Nathaniel                           721

      Samuel                               699

      Samuel, Jr.                         699

      Tristram                            914, 915

Huse, Thomas                          302

      William                             303

Husks, Ellis                              374

Hussey, Christopher                 135, 136

      Joseph                               526

      Mary                                 135

      Richard                              697

Hosted, Peter                           463

      Zebulon                             463

Hutchins, Jeremiah                   214

      John                                  291, 767

      Joseph                               698

      Joshua                                234

      Phineas                              737

      William                             234

Hutchinson, Thomas                6, 20, 61, 133, 134, 139, 331, 615, 616, 778


Ilsley, Joseph                           302


      John                                  170

      Mohermite                        271

      Old William                       232

      Passaconoway                    366, 367

      Penacooks                         56, 57

      Pequots                              76

      Pompassenoway                232

      Wehohnonowett                862

      Wonolancet                       57

      Wonalawet                        56, 57

Ingalls, Benjamin                     653

      Daniel                                653

      John                                  653

      Josiah                                291

      Samuel                               568, 654, 656

      William                             653

Isham, Isaac                             507


Jackson, Daniel                        720

      Edward,                              8

      Hall                                   665, 689, 693

      Isaac                                  7

      James                                 697

      Jeremiah                            608

      John                                  720

      Joseph                               665, 699

      Samuel                               7, 8, 768

      Thomas                             601

      Walter                               103

Jacobs, David                           19

      Daniel                                698

Jacques, John                            613

Jacquith, Ebenezer                    82, 210

Jaffrey, George                          383, 422-424, 492, 527, 569, 579, 706, 737

      George, Jr                          17, 422, 492, 527, 578

James, John                              699

Jaquish, John                            569

      Richard                              569

Jeffries, Francis                        813

      John                                    180, 342, 766

      Thomas                             18

Jeffry, Cyprian                         421, 492, 526, 578

      James                                    422, 492, 527, 578, 711, 865, 879, 880, 883-885, 888, 893, 919

      James, Jr.                           422, 578

Jenkins, Ezra                            730

      John                                  526

      Joseph                               526

      Joseph, Jr                           526

      Richard                              720

      Robert                               223

      William                             526

      William, Jr.                        665

Jenks, Samuel                           730

Jenness, ____                           879, 882

      Francis                               422, 532

      Hezekiah                           578

      Isaac                                  730

      John                                  578, 883, 884, 896

      John, Jr.                             894, 896

      Jonathan                            730

      Joseph                               730

      Levi                                   730

      Richard                              335, 422, 492, 527, 532, 578, 825-827, 884

      Richard, 3d                        730

      Samuel                               532

      Simeon                              730

Jennings, Richard                     813

Jennison, Patrick                     103

Jewell, John                              336, 337

      John, Jr.                             336, 337

      Joseph                               336-338

      Samuel                               151

Jewett, Gibbons                        512

      Jonathan                            763

      Joseph                               269, 491, 901

Johnson, ———                      763

      Brackett                            665

      Cornelius                           649

      David                                 310, 312, 314

      Edward                               32, 34, 104, 206, 268, 270, 816

      Eleazer                              303, 816

      Isaac                                  9, 11

      James                                 214, 225, 275, 540

      Jesse                                  706

      John                                  547, 654, 716

      Jonathan                            689

      Josiah                                653, 716

      Nathan                              665


      954                                    INDEX.


Johnson Noah                          247

      Philip                                665

      Samuel                               234, 288

      Samuel, Jr.                         332

      Stephen                             569

      Thomas                             665, 699, 706, 843

      Timothy                            613, 826

      William                             303, 826

Johonnot, Zachariah                222

Jolliffe, John                            84

Jones, Benjamin                       526

      Daniel                                502, 583

      Ebenezer                            18

      Elnathan                            815

      Ephraim                            319-322

      Jabez                                  516

      James                                 516

      John                                  36, 38, 64, 767

      Joseph                               336, 337, 526, 710, 711

      Joseph, Jr.                          526

      Mary                                 492

      Nathaniel                           613

      Rice                                   151

      Samuel                               816

      Stephen                             103, 526

      Stephen, Jr.                        526

      Thomas                             846, 847

      William                             225

Jordan, ———                         101

Jorner, Thomas                        816

Joscelyn, Joseph                       20, 21

Joslin, ———                          877, 903, 905, 907, 908, 910

Judkins, ———                        865

      John                                  392


Keane, Anna                            205

      John                                  815

      Robert                               205

Keene, Sir Benjamin                 152

Kellogg, Israel                          516

      James                                 540

      Joseph                                57, 280, 281, 316, 317, 319, 781

      Nathaniel                            144

      Stephen                              516

Kelly, Abiel                              826

      Stephen                             699

Kendall, Abraham                    574

      Daniel                                574

      Edward                               738

      John                                  95, 98, 101, 574

Kennedy, James                       20

      Fergus                                20

      Robert, Jr.                          737

      Samuel                               573

      Walter                               477, 478

      William                             450, 507, 512, 685

Kenniston, James                     491, 526

      Joshua                                491

Kenny, ———                         859, 907, 910, 913

Kent, Jacob                              454

      John                                  302

      Oliver                                837

      Richard                              29-31, 297, 298, 568

      Robert                               526

Keyes, Gershom                       140, 141, 223

      John                                  70

Kidder, Isaac                            407

      Reuben                               225, 339

Killecutt, Reuben                      383

Kimball, Abraham                    642

      Amos                                 332

      Asa                                    649, 653, 656, 657

      Captain                              171

      David                                 37, 612, 613

      Ephraim                            332

      Ezra                                   699

      Henry                                83

      John                                  649

      Jonathan                            569

      Nehemiah                          699

      Reuben                               649, 653

      Robert                               613

      Samuel                               613

      Stephen                             649

      Thomas                             29

King, Elijah                              388, 455

      George                                   400, 433, 435, 454, 455, 467, 469, 470, 502, 504, 517, 610, 681, 706, 720, 730, 738, 739, 742, 743

      Joseph                               454

      Richard                              8

      Samuel                               172-177, 382, 789, 791

      Thomas                             846

      William                             517

Kinsman, John                         231

Kirby, Jacob                                601

      William                             601

      Willits                               601

Kirk, Richard                           601

Kittle, James                            816

Kittredge, James                       78, 245

Knapp, James                           84

Kneeland, Samuel                     17, 811, 812

Knight, John                            421, 527, 904, 905

      John, Jr.                             421

      Temple                              562

      Thomas                             260, 261

      William                             706, 730

Knowles, Sir Charles                 537

Knowlton, Abraham                   231

      Captain                              231

Knox, John                              247


Ladd, William                          653, 656

Lake, Richard                           816

      Thomas                             292, 293, 855, 857, 859, 860

Lakin, Isaac                             97

      Jacob                                 97


      INDEX.                             955


Lakin, William                         84

Lambert, Thomas                    407

Lumberton, James                    685, 689

      James, Jr.                           685

      John                                  685

Lamont, James                         685

Lamphear, George                    517

Lamprey, Benjamin                 578

      Benjamin, Jr.                     882, 883

      Simon                                894, 896

Landon, Benjamin                    812

      David                                 812

Lane, Ambrose                         264, 265

      Andrew                              221, 222

      Anna                                 10

      Ephraim                            18

      Job                                     34

      John                                  18, 812

      Joshua                                812

Lang, John                               653

Langdon, Benjamin                  19

      John                                  685, 721

      Mark                                 532

      Paul                                   693, 706

      Richard                              706

      Samuel                               531, 557, 560, 706

      Tobias                               426, 876, 919

      William                             532

      Woodbury                          693

Langley, John                          18

Langstaffe, Henry                    225, 837

Lankton, Samuel                      706

Larkham, Thomas                   259-261

Lamed, Abel                             608

      Abijah                                608

      Benjamin                           608

      David                                 608

      Ebenezer                            608

      Simon                                608

Larrabee, John                         223

      Peter                                 541

Lassells, Jonathan                    726

Lathrop, -Benjamin                 815

      Ebenezer                            726

      James                                 726

      Jedediah                             517

      Lieutenant                         64

Lavers, Jacob                           532

Lawrence, Abel                        291, 378, 583

      Amos                                 332, 333

      Enoch                                97

      James                                 97

      Jeremiah                            92, 374

      Michael                             583

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     97

      William                             94, 95, 374, 378, 573

      Zachariah, Jr.                     92

Leach, James                            912-917

      John                                  19, 812

Leadbetter, Henry                    18

Leader, Richard                        365, 366

Lear, Tobias                             720

Learned, David                         8

      Elisha                                8

      Isaac                                  613

      Jonathan                            7

      Samuel                               234

Leathers, Edward                      103

      Ezekiel                              526

      William                             526

Leavitt, Ephraim                     491

      James                                 578, 864

      John                                  491

      Jonathan                            547

      Jonathan, Jr.                      547

      Moses                                491, 886, 902, 904

      Thomas                             568, 920

Lee, Benjamin                          156

      Thomas                             583

      William                             223

Leeds, Gideon                           463

Leffingwell, Asa                       726

      Jeremiah                            726

Legat, John                              845-848, 850

Leigh, John                              685

Leighton, Hatevil                     697

      John                                  697

      Thomas                             422, 837

Leland, Benjamin                     411, 675

      Moses                                 411

      Phineas                              675

      Solomon                            675

Lemon, Joseph                         89

      Samuel                               815

Lendall, James                          811

Leonard, Isaac                          813

Lewis, Ebenezer                       693

      Ezekiel                                      46, 57, 104, 109, 762

      Isaac                                  815

      Job                                     215, 223

      Willie                                225

Libby, Anthony                       919

      Benjamin                           699

      George                               532, 720

      Isaac                                  699

      John                                  685

Lifford, Harmon                      601

Lilly, David                              411

      David, Jr.                           411

Lincoln, Samuel                       19

Lindall, ____                           39-41

Linn, ____                               20

Liscomb, ____                         763

      Samuel                               154-156, 768

Lispenard, Anthony                 592

      David                                 592

      Leonard                             592

Listen, Nicholas                       848, 850


      956                                    INDEX.


Litch, John                              332

Little, Ebenezer                       504, 511

      Ebenezer, Jr                       511

      Francis                               706

      George                               32

      Isaac                                  763

      James                                 20

      John                                  20

      Josiah                                920, 921, 923

      Moses                                511

      Nathan                              511

      Otis                                   693

Littlehale, John                        303, 569

Livermore, Amos                     7

      David                                 8

      Oliver                                7

      Samuel                               392, 548, 716

Livingstone, John                    234

      Madam                              18

Livius, George                          548

      Peter                                 383, 544, 547, 653

Lloyd, James                            706

Lock, ____                              917

      Francis                               880, 882, 883

      Joseph                               917

      Nathaniel                           578

      Samuel                               501

Locker, Jonathan                     815

Lockman, Ascan                      156

      Augustus                               156

      George                               156

      Leonard                             155, 156

      Lewis                                 156

      William                             156

Lockwood, Joseph                    463

Long, George                           492

      Pierse                                492, 720

      Samuel                               815

      Zabenia                              84

Longfellow, Nathaniel              578

      Jonathan                            897

      Stephen                             302

Longley, John                          160

Lord, Benjamin                        450

      Joseph                               583

      Robert                               450, 873

Loring, Daniel                          222

      Joseph                               483

Lounsbury, Nathaniel               463

Lovejoy, Caleb                         247

      Chandler                            649

      David                                 247

      Ebenezer                            613

      Henry                                245, 649, 653

      Jonathan                            374

      Nathaniel                           613

      William                             240, 242, 245

Loverill, Ebenezer                    568

Loveridge, Lewis                      516

Lovering, Daniel                      492

      Joseph                               492

Lovewell, John                            20, 179, 233-241, 243-247, 249, 643, 756

      John, Jr.                             374, 378

      Nehemiah                          450, 454

      Nehemiah, Jr                     454

      Zaccheus                            80, 81, 199, 218, 243, 255, 825-827

Low, Joseph                             492, 532

Lowden' James                         815

Lowell, Gideon                         302

Lummecks, Nathaniel              527

Lund, Thomas                          116

      William                             113, 114, 116, 117, 121-123, 202

Lunt, Daniel                             454, 512, 833

      John                                  302

Lusher, Eleazer                        9, 32, 856

Lutwyche, Edward Goldstone    383, 729

Lyde, Byfield                           137, 138, 222

Lyford, John, Jr                       738

Lyman, Caleb                           161, 163

      Isaac                                  706

Lynda, ____                            159, 773

      Benjamin                              53-55, 172, 574, 754, 778, 796

      Joseph                               816

      Nathan                              450

      Thomas                             532

      Willoughby                        450

Lyon, Eleazer                          19

      Jonathan                            20

      Samuel                               18


Mackay, Benjamin                   720

Mackelloy, John                      699

Mackelarsn, Timothy              689

      Timothy, Jr.                      685

Mackenzie, Colin                     477, 478

Macomber, Silvanus                 450

Makers, James                          816

Mandsley, Captain                   812

Manley, William                      812

Mann, John                              247

      Peter                                 532

Manning, Patrick                     699

Mansfield, Lord                        646, 647

      Samuel                               730

Marble, Enoch                         674

March, Clement                           389, 392, 454, 597, 511, 547, 619, 653, 663, 665, 712, 716

      Daniel                                675

      Edmund                             335-337

      George                               665

      Jacob                                 407

      John                                  299, 301-306

      Joseph                               455

      Nathaniel                           665

      Paul                                   392, 455, 665, 710


      INDEX.                             957


March, Stephen                        665

      Thomas                             665

Marden, John                           699

Marion, Joseph                        221

Marsh, Elisha                           501

      John                                  532, 689, 693

      Jonathan                            302

Marshall, Andrew                     699

      George, Jr.                         693

      John                                  407, 412, 693

      William                             720

Marston, Ephraim                    911-916

      Jacob                                 501, 693, 737

      James                                 527

      Jeremiah                            883

      John                                  653

      John, Jr.                             653

      Joseph                               880, 882, 883

      Nathan                              665

      Samuel                               578

      Samuel, Jr.                         568

      Thomas                             592

      William                             501, 737

      William, Jr.                        501

Martin, John                            374, 407

      John, Jr.                             374

      Michael                             689

      Thomas                             656, 721

Maxwell, William                     407

Mascarene, John                      454

Mason, Ann                             365, 366

      Benjamin                           491, 526

      Daniel                                716

      John                                     188, 264, 268, 288, 365, 366, 392, 454, 632, 639

      John Tufton                         17, 223, 224, 291, 619, 633, 636, 641, 653

      Joseph                               8, 365, 366, 491, 526, 547

      Joseph, Jr.                          491

      Mrs.                                   264

      Nehemiah                          8

      Peter                                 526

      Stephen                             392

      Thaddeus                           191, 210, 223, 318, 817

Mathes, Benjamin                    844

      James                                 20

Matthews, Abraham                 526

      Benjamin                           103

      Daniel                                812

      David                                 592

      Francis                               526

      Francis, Jr.                         526

      Joel                                    450

      John                                  816

      Samuel                               697

      Thomas                             592

      Vinant, Jr.                          592

      Walter                               103, 151

Mattis, John                             613

Mattoon, Hubartus                   392

      Richard                              526

Maverick, John                        223

Maynard, Elisha                       156

      Stephen                             140

Mayne, Edward                        477, 478

      Robert                               477, 478

      Sir William                           477, 478

      Thomas                             477, 478

McAllister, Richard                  20

McCarthy, Timothy                592

McClellan, James                     685, 689

McClelaton, James                   411

McClenethen, Samuel               685, 689

McClenning, James                  675

McClintock, Samuel                 662, 665, 730

McClune, William                    665

McConnell, Samuel                  247

McCormick, Robert                 20

McDaniel or McDaniels, James                                                                    93, 374

      Joseph                               93

      Randall                              93, 374

McDonough, Thomas              532, 544, 560, 562, 564, 693, 737

McDougall, ____                     19

McDowell, Domini                   812

McDuffee, John                       392, 548, 716

McFarland, George                   275

McFee, Daniel                          383

McGaffey, Andrew                   737

McGregore, David                    383

      James                                 171, 383

      James, Jr.                           383

McIntire, Jonathan                  426

McKean, James                        171

McKnight, James                     20

McMath, John                         526, 866

McMillan, Andrew                   426, 439-441, 653

McMurphy, John                      825-827

McNeal, Archibald                   407

McNitt, Andrew                       685

      Bernard                              689

      Eleazer                              685

Malmadris, Archibald                 422-424, 492, 527, 568, 579

      Gilbert                               422

McQuade, Widow                     20

McQuig, John                           20

Meacham, Samuel                    517

Mead, Benjamin                       716

      John                                  491, 716

      John, Jr.                             716

Mears, John                             18, 812

Medar, John                             103

Meekin, Thomas                      336, 337

Meglotherin, John                    20

      Thomas                             19

Melcher, James                        693

Mellen, Henry                          145


      958                                    INDEX.


Melvin, David                          233, 235-238, 643

      John                                  89

      Jonathan                            89, 93

Merriam, Joseph                      675

Merrill, Daniel                         82, 210

      Jacob                                 511

      James                                 491

      John                                  613, 617-619, 627

      Joseph                               491

      Joseph, Jr.                          491

      Nathaniel                           378, 454

      Phineas                              893

      Stephen                             234, 336, 337

      Thomas                             547, 653

Meserve, Clement                    422, 568

      George                               473, 574, 730

Metcalf, Joseph                        874, 875

      Michael                             583

Miles, Josiah                            527, 831, 832

Millard, Jason                           507

Miller, ———                          754, 757

      Benjamin                           454

      Christopher                       592

      Ebenezer                            17

      Francis                               772

      Humphrey                          815

      James                                 720, 737

      Jeremiah                            422

      Joseph                               772

      Matthew                            737

      Samuel                               18, 20

      Thomas                             592

Millet, Thomas                        697, 698

Mills, John                               699

      Jonathan                            175

Miltimer, James                       383

Miner, Thomas                        517

Minot, James                           89

Mishaney, Daniel, Jr.               699

Mitchell, Andrew                     37, 613

      George                               493, 495

      William                             685, 689

Mixer, Josiah                           7

Moffatt, John                          532

Monker, James                         837

Monroe, Edmund                     730

      John                                  112

      William                             332

Moody, Caleb                           302

      Daniel                                492

      Joshua                                302

      Samuel                               706

      Thomas                             697

Mooney, Hercules                    699

Moor, Archelaus                      830-832

      John                                  170, 526

      Jonah                                 332

      Joshua                                332

      Samuel                               234, 332

Moor, William                         491

      William, Jr.                        492

Moore, Adams                         481

      Caleb                                 812

      Ephraim                            19, 812

      James                                 20

      John                                  19, 573

      Judah                                 726

      Robert                               247

      William                             20, 491, 846, 847, 880

Moores, John                           812

      Paul                                   730

      Thomas                             812

Moreland, John                        20

Morey, Israel                           454, 502, 737

      John                                  18, 501

      Solomon                            501

Morgan, ———                       763

      Abraham                            492, 917

      Joseph                               813

      Luther                               569

Morrill, Benjamin                    891

      Ezekiel                              338

      Moses                                338

      Nathaniel                           422, 527

      Samuel                               654

Morrison, Alexander                454, 512

      William                             512

Morse, Benjamin                      675

      Benjamin, Jr.                     675

      Henry                                737

      John                                  812

      John, Jr.                             83

      Thomas                             702

Moseley, John                          815

      Joseph                               411

      Unite                                 407

Moses, Samuel                          502

      Theodore                           454, 502

      Timothy                            697

Mott, Adam                             601

      Stephen                             601

      William                             601

Moulton, Jeremiah                   79

      John                                  135

      Jonathan                            392, 512, 547, 665, 716

      Joseph                               532

      Joseph, Jr.                          532

      Josiah                                392, 578, 882

      Nehemiah                          894

      Thomas                             135

Mountford, Timothy               720

Mudge, George                         815

      Michael                             601

Mulliken, Benjamin                  247, 287, 289, 290

      Joseph                               245

Murdock, Samuel                      726


Nash, Timothy                        534, 535


      INDEX.                             959


Neal, Captain                           842

      Eliphalet                            532

      Hubartus                            481, 504, 547, 556, 707, 721, 739

      James                                 665

      Joshua                                491

Needham, John                        812

      Robert                               478

Negod, John                             853

Nelson, James                          532, 685

      John                                      19, 324-327, 329, 450, 477, 478, 589, 592, 594, 603, 685, 689, 693, 726, 730, 811

      Mark                                 532

      Philip                                299, 301, 302, 304-306

      Temple                              252, 324, 326

      Thomas                             866, 867

Nevin, James                            383, 517

Nevins David                           93, 373, 378

      Thomas                             89, 93, 374, 378

      William                             93, 374

Newcastle, Duke of                  232

Newell, ———                         789, 791

      Samuel                               815

Newhall, David                         730

      John                                  730

      Joseph                               407

      Nathan                              407

Newmarch, John                      517, 532

      Joseph                               450, 507, 601, 844, 899, 900

Nichols, Abraham                    156

      Benjamin                           613

      John                                  336, 337

      William                             336, 337

      Zephaniah                         726

Noble, John                              532

      Obediah                             501

Nocke, Thomas                       837

Noldred, Samuel                       720

Norris, Benjamin                      492

      James                                 492

Northam, Timothy                  507

Northumberland, Earl of          641

Norton, Francis                        9, 214

      Thomas                             231

Nowell, ———                        293

      Moses                                512

      Mrs. Parnell                       293, 294

      Samuel                               293, 294

Noyes, Nicholas                       874

Nute, James, Jr.                        697

      Paul                                   697

Nutter, Hatevil                           363, 421, 422, 837, 852, 853

      Hatevil, Jr.                         421

      Henry                                421

      James                                 421

      John                                  421

      Mathias                             421

      Samuel                               421

Nutting, William                      332, 378


Odell, Thomas                         491

Odiorne, John, 3d                     527

      Jonathan                            579

      Jotham                              422, 492, 527

      William                             579

Odlin, Dudley                           494, 495

      John                                  494, 578

Ogleby, William                       18

Olcott, Simeon                            501, 543, 544, 920, 921, 923, 924

Oliver, Andrew                         18

      Daniel                                812

      James                                  213, 214, 812

      Peter                                 9, 213, 214, 574

Olmstead, James                       507

Jonathan                                  507

      William, Jr.                        507

Onjevine, Elias                         592

Ordway, James                         336, 337

      Nehemiah                          337

Orr, Deacon                             20

Osborne, John                          283

Osgood, Hannah                       649

      James                                 653

      John                                  37, 135, 612 613

      Joseph                               138, 302

      Stephen                             613

Overing, John                          156

Owen, Silvanus                         738


Packer, Thomas                       569, 825-827, 892

Page, Caleb                              709

      Christopher                       250, 578, 877

      Jeremiah                            731

      John                                  831, 832

      Joseph                               613

      Nathaniel                           613, 617, 634

      Onesipharus                       512

      Samuel                               568

      Thomas                             613

Paige, John                              706

Paine, Samuel                           501

      Samuel Clark                      154

      Thomas                             574

      William                             839, 845, 849, 851, 852, 854, 856, 866, 867, 872

Palmer, Aaron                         592

      Abraham                            501, 706

      Amos                                 502

      Benjamin                           491

      Christopher                       875

      Drake                                592

      Ichabod                              454, 501

      James                                 491

      John                                  492

      Joseph                               491

      Nathan                              592

      Samuel                               887, 891

      Samuel, Jr.                         578, 887


      960                                    INDEX.


Palmer, Thomas                      808, 810, 811

      William                             135, 136

Paris, Robert                            84

Park, Richard                           7

      William                             7

Parker, Abraham                      84

      Amasa                               374, 398

      Asa                                    693

      Benjamin                           97, 183, 184, 234, 374, 378, 613

      Ebenezer                            218

      Isaac                                  105, 112, 215, 540

      Jacob                                 730

      James                                 146, 613

      James, Jr.                           84

      John                                  34, 83, 146, 379, 383, 693, 720

      Joseph                               64, 613

      Josiah                                84

      Matthew Stanley                706

      Moses                                383

      Nathan                              613

      Nathaniel                           97, 134, 378, 540, 922

      Obediah                             89

      Peter                                 653

      Robert                               450

      Samuel                               92, 100, 693

      Thomas                             105, 407, 517

      Thomas, Jr.                       411

      William                             51, 104, 383, 547, 716

Parkerson, James                     84

Parks, Jonathan                       234

Parsons, ____                          675

      Joseph                               337

      Moses                                706

      Samuel                               336, 337

Partridge, Colonel                    904

      Eleazer                              355

      William                             822

Patch, Thomas                        374, 689

Patten, Matthew                      20

      Samuel                               20

      Stephen                             336, 337

Patterson, ____                       19

Pattinson, Joseph                     693

Pattison, James                        812

Payson, John                           18

Peabody, John                          613

      Stephen                             813

      William                             813

Pearce, Daniel                          874

      Ebenezer                            89

      George                               721

Pearl, John                               526

Pearne, William                       720

Pearsall, Israel                          601

      Thomas                             601

Pearson, ____                          761

      Joseph                               588, 589, 894, 896, 924

      Moses                                764, 765

Pease, Samuel                           392

Peaslee, Amos                          737

      Joseph                               336

      Nathaniel                           613

      Robert                               613, 737

Peavey, Joseph                        492

      Oliver                                392

Peck, Ebenezer                        516

      Samuel                               507

Pecker, Daniel                         223

      John                                  52, 568, 614

      Samuel                               813

Peirce, ____                            619, 620, 827

      Charles                              286, 322

      Daniel                                   392, 397, 398, 507, 512, 547, 665, 693, 706, 844, 875

      Ebenezer                            92

      George                               568

      John                                  583, 920, 921, 923

      Joseph                                435, 450, 706, 743

      Joshua                                383, 568, 866

      Josiah                                 156, 157

      Nathaniel                           897, 900

      Oliver                                382

      Thomas                             568, 578, 699

      William                             383

Pembroke, Earl of                    233

Pendleton, Brian                      151, 264-266, 268, 367, 368, 873

Penhallow, Samuel                   569, 730, 822

Pepperell, William                   58

      William, Jr.                        579

Percival, James                        511

      Richard                              260

      Timothy                            507

Perkins, Benjamin                    578

      James                                 568

      Jeremiah                            231

      John                                  697

      Joseph                               526

      Joshua                                697

      Sarah                                 18, 812

Perkinson, William                  103

Perley, Jacob                            234

      Jeremiah                            234, 239, 241

      Nathaniel                           654, 656

      Thomas                             287, 289, 290, 613

Perry, Ephraim                         156

      Josiah                                156

Peterborough, Earl of               249

Peters, Andrew                          422

      John                                  454

Pettit, Thomas                        848, 850

Peverly, Thomas                     685, 689

Peyton, John, Jr.                      685

Phelps, Alexander                    454

      Frederick                           501

      Joel                                    501

      Robert                               234, 241, 242


      INDEX.                             961


Phelps, Samuel                         454, 501

Philbrick, ———                     882

      Jonathan                            877

      Joseph                               883

Philbrook, ———                    879

      Benjamin                           665

      John                                  578

      Joseph                               884

Phillebrows, Isaac                     407

Phillips, ———                       40, 41, 101

      Alexander                          815

      Amos                                 373, 378

      John                                  706

      Joseph                               98

      Samuel                               245, 248, 613

      Seth                                   97

Phipps, Sir William                  78, 215, 297

      Spencer                              41, 186, 188, 612, 778, 780

      Thomas                             568

Pickering, James                      421

      John                                  392, 627, 716, 876, 903, 909, 911, 912, 915

      John Gee                            531

      Joshua                                421

      Nicholas                            532

      Thomas                              421, 905

      William                             532

Pickett, Elias                           813

      Joseph                               813

Pierce, Charles                         283, 299, 301-303

      John                                  455

Pierpont, Ebenezer                  3, 5

Pigze, James                             407

Pike, Elias                                110

      John                                  32, 392

      Joseph                               170, 171, 282-287, 290, 297-302, 304

      Moses                                454

      Robert                               392, 861, 863, 867-872

Pinkham, James                       697

      James, Jr.                           697

      Stephen                             697

      Tristram                            698

Piper, Nathaniel                       491

      John                                  491

      Samuel                               491

      Samuel, Jr.                         491

      Thomas                             491

      Thomas, Jr.                       492

Pitman, Derry                          699

      John                                  526

      William                             103

      Zachariah                          699

Pitts, James                              19

Place, George                           392

Plaisted, John                           195, 422, 492, 527, 578

      Roger                                 32

Plant, Mathias                            422, 578

Platts, Abel                              285, 291

Platts, Edward                          738

      John                                  300

      Joseph                               282, 288, 291

Plimley, Thomas                     811

Plimpton, John                        17

Plumer, Daniel                         699

      John                                  697

      Jonathan                            568

      Richard                              697

Plummer, John                         532

Pollard, John                            234, 245

      Oliver                                234

      Samuel                               18, 811

Pomfret, William                     837

Pomroy, Ebenezer                   220, 296, 306

Poole, Jonathan                       156

Poor, John                               32

Pope, Bernard                          103

Porter, Asa                              706

      Eleazer                              355

      James                                 540

      Thomas                             693

Potter, Joseph                          737

Pottle, William, Jr.                  665

Powell, Abigail                         492

      Jeremiah                            706

Power, Isaac                             152

      Peter                                 89, 93

Powers, Cyprian                       202

      Jerathmeel                         332, 583

      Jonathan                            763, 764

      Nathaniel                           450

      Nicholas                            698

      Peter                                 243, 374

      Peter, Jr.                            374

      Simeon                              730

      Stephen                             374, 378, 383, 689

Pratt, Jonathan                        601

      Joseph                               815

      Phineas                              169

Prentice, Stanton                     332

Prescott, ———                      751, 754

      Benjamin                           127-132, 279, 281, 319-322, 764, 765

      Colonel                              181, 182, 761

      Henry                                454

      James                                 134, 568, 888

      John                                  568, 578

      John, Jr.                             568

      Jonathan                            257, 258

      Oliver                                134

      Peter                                 339

      Samuel                               568

      William                             134

Pressey, John                           336, 337

      Jonathan                            336, 337

Prince, Isaac                            811

      Joseph                               18

      Thomas                             304


      962                                    INDEX.


Proctor, Carden                       592

      Ebenezer                            89

      Moses                                89, 93

      Robert                               54

      William                             592

Prout, Jonathan                       18

Pugsley, John                           816

Pulsifer, Jonathan                    613

Purcell, Gregory                       551

Putnam, Daniel                        411, 675

      Ebenezer                            540

      James                                 730

      Joseph                               136

      Seth                                   540

      Stephen                             583

      Thomas                             541

Putney, Joseph                         104

Pynchon, John                         104


Quenton, John                         685, 689

Quimby, Aaron                        592

      Joseph                               336, 337

      Philip                                336, 337

Quinby, Benjamin                    112

      Jonathan                            592

      Josiah                                592

Quincy, Edmund                       720, 754, 762, 764, 765, 790, 796

      Edward                               40

      John                                       28, 68, 70, 71, 73, 90-93, 114, 117, 119, 120, 123, 126, 129, 176, 184, 191, 194, 201, 203, 210, 219, 229, 235, 256, 277, 281, 286, 304, 308-310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 321, 322, 329, 344, 355-357, 359, 817

Quinier, Thomas                      7


Rand, Edward                           532

      Isaac                                  532

      Isaac, Jr.                            531

      Isaac, 3d                            531

      John                                  526, 532

      Robert                               180, 189, 195-298

      William                             250

Randall, James                          912

      Nathaniel                           526

      Rufus                                 516

      Samuel                               8, 526

      Sylvester                            516

      William                             103

Rankin, Joseph                         697

Ranny, ———                         905, 906

Rathburn, Isaiah                       517

      Joshua                                516

Rawson, Ebenezer                    411, 675

      Edward                                   13, 76, 84, 104, 135, 147, 149, 151, 167, 168, 206, 212, 213, 259-261, 263, 268-270, 292-295, 363, 365, 367, 368. 839, 843, 846-848, 850-852, 855-857, 868-871

Rawson, Grendal                       507, 512

Ray, John                                 685

Raymond, Daniel                     89

      James                                 450

      Thomas                             813

      William                             339-343, 345, 789, 813

Read, ———                            127, 133, 134

      Christopher                       813

      John                                  222, 310-312, 492, 527

      Joseph                               234

      Robert                               20

      Samuel                               815

      Thomas                             374

Readman, John                         578

      John, Jr.                             578

      Joseph                               578

Redford, William                      824

Redman, John                          823

Reed, Benjamin                        331

      Frederick                           501

      James                                 501, 737

      James, Jr.                           501, 737

      John                                  814

      Theodrick                          737

Relhan, Anthony                     730

Remant, see Raymond

Remington, Captain                 814

      Jonathan                            778, 814

Rendal, Tobias                         698

Reynolds, Owen                       491

      Samuel                               613

Rice, Asher                              112, 150

      John                                  18

      Seth                                   140

Richards, Benjamin                  813

      James                                 699

      John                                  18, 812

      Joseph                               813

Richardson, Abiel                     407

      Bradbury                            454

      Ebenezer                            454

      Edward                               32

      James                                 411, 501, 675, 737

      John                                  157

      Joseph                               255

      Josiah                                501

      Luther                               454

      Noah                                 407

      Samuel                               411

      Stephen                             239

      Thomas                             238

      William                             583

Rickard, Thomas                      720

Riddan, Thaddeus                     365

Riddle, Goyn                            20

      Hugh                                  20

Rindge, Daniel                          382, 397, 398, 720

      Isaac                                     388, 397, 400, 403, 431, 439, 455, 468, 477, 481, 483, 504, 519, 523, 532


      INDEX.                             963


Rindge, Daniel, cont.:

                                                        533, 555, 556, 559, 564, 587, 606, 610, 669, 693, 695, 707, 720, 721, 730, 731, 739

      John                                  422

      Jotham                              454

Rines, David                             336

      Joseph                               699

      Thomas                             526, 697

      William                             526

Ring, Daniel                             336, 337

      David                                 335, 337

      Jarvis                                 336-335, 578

      Seth                                   422

Ripley, George                         812

      Silvanus                             706

Robbins, Benjamin                   601

      Jeremiah                            601

Roberson, Nathaniel                 392

Roberts, Aaron                         697

      Benjamin                           698

      Benjamin, Jr.                     698

      James                                 837

      John                                  699, 738

      Joseph                               699

      Moses                                697

      Nathaniel                           697

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     697

      Samuel                               698

      Stephen                             697

      Thomas                             697

      Thomas, Jr.                       697

Robertson, Robert                    720

Robie, Ichabod                         339, 865

Robbins, Benjamin                   97

      Daniel                                7

Robinson, David                       491

      James                                 492

      John                                  578

      Jonathan                            716

      Nehemiah                          234

Roby, Henry                            846, 847

      Jeha                                    568

      John                                  19

      William                             383

Rogers, Charles                        392

      Daniel                                231, 517, 730, 844

      Gamaliel                            18, 812

      James                                 383, 392

      John                                   231

      Mark                                  532

      Nathaniel                           231, 499, 501, 568, 706, 812

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     501

      Richard                              231

      Robert                               32

      Samuel                               454

      Simon                                812

      Thomas                             507

      Uriah                                 726

Rogers, William                       392

Rolfe, Benjamin                       56, 59, 60, 614, 619, 642

      Captain                              282, 751

      Henry                                51-54, 56-58, 78, 613

      Nathaniel                           649

Rollins, Caleb                           491

      John                                  526

      Jonathan                            492

      Joseph                               422, 491

      Thomas                             491

Root, Elisha                             152

Rosebrook, Eleazer                  601

Ross, Levi                                649

Roswell, Sir Henry                    638, 641

Rowe, John                              526, 697

      Robert                               568

Rowell, Aaron                          336, 337

      Gideon                               336, 337

      Thomas                             336-338

Rowen, Garrett                         20

Rowley, William                      260

Royal, Teag                             103

Royce, Vere                                426, 431, 435, 439, 441, 442, 531, 533, 559, 564, 720

Rudd, Gideon                            693

Rugg, Amos                              73

Ruggles, ———                        812

      John                                  812

      Joseph                               3, 5, 19

      Timothy                            502, 734, 737

Rundlett, Charles                      706

      Zachiel                              491

Runnels, John                           526

      John, Jr.                             699

Rush, John                               98

Russell, Benjamin                     815

      Eleazer                              527, 568

      James                                 815

      John                                  143-145, 332

      Nathaniel                             407

      Richard                               165

      William                             814

Rust, Henry                              492, 578, 730

      Simon                                450

Ryder, Hezekiah                       450

      Oliver                                450

Rymes, William                       568


Sabin, Phineas                          517

      Timothy                            685

Sachell, John                            491

Sadey, Samuel                           778

Sadler, Ebenezer                       412

Sage, Jonathan                         540

      Joseph, Jr.                          302

Salter, Bozenger                       532, 693

      John                                  726

      Richard                              726

      William                             222-224


      964                                    INDEX.


Saltonstall, Nathaniel               89

      Richard                              343, 842

Sampson, ____                        912, 913, 919

Sanborn, Benjamin                   454, 568, 578

      Benjamin, Jr.                     454

      Edward                               568

      Enoch                                568

      Jeremiah                            568, 578

      John                                  422, 492, 527, 568, 577, 578, 865

      Jonathan                            368, 919

      Nathan                              831

      Reuben                               568

      Samuel                               454

      Samuel, Jr.                         454

      Shubael                              578

      Stephen                             578

Sanders, ____                           171

      John                                  612, 613

      John, Jr.                             613

      Nathaniel                           613

      William                             135

Sanderson, John                       507

Sanger, David                           7

Sargent, Andrew                       816

      Dennison                           816

      Jacob                                 191, 201, 336, 337

      John                                  105, 302, 303, 336, 337

      Moses                                336, 337

      Nathan                              730

      Nathaniel Peaslee              455

      Samuel                               303

      Stephen                             336, 337

      Timothy                            336, 337

      William                             135

Sartell, Josiah                           97, 134

      Nathaniel                           94, 95

Sartwell, Obediah                      540

      Simon                                541

Saunders, John                          36, 38, 41, 845, 901

Savage, Habijah                        17

      Peres                                 811

      Thomas                             9, 147, 214

Savel, Joseph                            14

Savory, Robert                         308

Sawyer, Benjamin                     454, 534, 533

      Deliverance                       455

      Ezra                                   230

      John                                  234, 447, 454, 544

      John, Jr.                             540

      Jonathan                            500

      Samuel                               232

Scales, James                            619

Scammon, Nicholas                  259-261

Scarlett, Samuel                        84

Schofield, Ebenezer                  463

      James                                 463

Scipio, Lattho                          512

Sclate, Edward                          501, 730, 737

Scott, Abraham                        582

Scott, James.                            583

      John                                  97, 583

      Joseph                               407

      Samuel                               583

      William                             314, 315, 685, 689

Scrwens, William                      478

Scrymgeour, David                   477, 478

Seaman, Austin                        601

      David                                 601

      Giles                                  601

      Isaac                                  601

      Jacob                                 601

      Obediah                             601

      Robert                               601

      Thomas, Jr.                       601

      William                             601

      Zebulon                             601

Searing, Jacob                           601

Searle, John                              583

Searles, John                            378

      Samuel                               374

Sears, Matthew                         507

Seaver, Nathaniel                     156

Seavey, Mark                           454, 706, 730

Seaward, Giles                           392, 716, 720

Seeley, Eliphalet                      463

      Eliphalet, Jr.                      463

      George                               131

      Obediah                             463

      Richard                              151

      Silvanus                             463

      William                             150, 151

      Wix                                   463

Seldon, Joseph                          512

      Samuel                               507, 512

Senter, Aaron                           392

      Benjamin                           392

      David                                 392

      John                                  816

      Joseph                               392, 400, 401, 547, 716

      Moses                                392, 920

      Reuben                               392

      Samuel                               392

Servis, Samuel                          407

Severance, John                       855, 857

Sewall, Hannah                         65, 66

      Samuel                               45, 65-67, 115, 116, 295, 296

      Stephen                             67

Sexton, Knight                         507

Seymour, Thomas                    592

      Thomas, Jr.                       463, 592

Shackford, John                       422, 568

      Samuel                               422, 568

Shannon, James                        689

      Richard Cutts                        454, 502, 693

Shapleigh, Nicholas                   151, 809, 855, 857, 874, 875

Shatswell, Richard                    548

Shattuck, David                        97


      INDEX.                             965


Shattuck, Ebenezer.                  407

      James                                 97

      John                                  97

      Jonathan                            97

      Josiah                                156

      Samuel                               7, 234, 241

      Samuel, Jr.                         97

      William                             89, 93

Shaw, David, Jr.                        685

      Francis                               407

      George                               685

      Joshua                                685

      Roger                                 77

      Samuel                               569

      Seth                                   689

      Seth, Jr.                             685

Sheafe, Jacob                            295, 296

      Jacob, Jr.                            532

      Sampson                            84, 332, 374, 378, 422, 492, 574

Shedd, John                              812

Sheldon, Samuel                       812

Shepard, John                           526

      Samuel                               526

Shepherd, John                         815

Sherburne, Daniel                     562, 720, 737

      Edward                               738

      Henry                                 264-266, 374, 532, 566, 568, 654, 693

      John                                  268, 270, 578, 706

      John, Jr.                             450

      Joseph                               568, 693, 887

      Nathaniel                           568

      Samuel                               562, 569, 738

      Thomas                             665

Sherman, David                        675

      Ephraim                            411, 674

      Ephraim, Jr.                       412, 675

      John                                  269

      Nathaniel                           412

      Richard                              706

      Samuel                               675

      Samuel, Jr.                         412

      Sergeant                             269

Shipley, ____                           226

      John                                  34, 35, 38, 41, 178-182, 612, 755

      Jonathan                            96, 613

Shirley, Edward                        544, 650

Short, Joseph                           302

Shove, ____                             9, 13, 39, 159, 160, 178, 757, 809

      Edward                               108-111, 794, 795, 797, 807, 808

Showers, Nathaniel                   422

Shute, Jacob                             618, 649

      Samuel                               422, 423, 425, 492, 527, 567, 568, 579, 625, 627, 628, 904

Sias, John                                 526

      Joseph                               832

Sias, Samuel                              526

Silver, Samuel                           303

      Thomas                             569

Simonds, James                        613

      Nathan                              614

      Nathaniel                           51

      Samuel                                 263, 268, 269, 271, 272

      Timothy                            642

      William                             450

Simpkins, John                         812

      Pilgrim                              812

      Thomas                             17

Simpson, John                          113, 115, 174, 176, 177, 215-218, 220-223, 344

      Joseph                               844

      Thomas                             720, 897

      William                             693, 720

Sims or Symes, John                 730

      Joseph                               454, 532

      Thomas                             568

      William                             378, 383, 407, 412, 583

Sinclair, John                           491

Skiffe, Stephen                         765

Skinner, John                           407

      Richard                              720

      Thomas                             815

Skullard, Samuel                       135

Slade, Benjamin                        454

Sleekland, Jonathan                  726

Sloan, William                         685

Sloper, Henry                           568

Small, Edward                           151

      Susanna                              568

Smart, Bartholomew                547, 716

      John                                  846

      John, Jr.                             392

      Joseph                               716

      Winthrop                          716, 920, 924

Smeed, William                        583

Smith, Abijah                           693

      Andrew                               706

      Benjamin                           13, 14, 18, 20, 116, 203, 527, 548, 568, 716

      Charles                              463

      Cheney                              699

      David                                 19, 879, 882-884, 894, 896

      Ebenezer                               397, 400, 403, 507, 711, 844, 866, 897, 898, 922

      Edward                               392, 548, 716

      Elisha                                568

      Ephraim                            463

      George                               685, 853

      Hugh                                  685, 689

      Isaac                                  706

      Jabez                                  578

      Jacob                                 689

      James                                 103, 463, 685, 815

      James, Jr.                           685, 689

      Jesse                                  463


      966                                    INDEX.


Smith, John                              103, 112, 231, 525, 693, 716, 814

      John, Jr                              526

      John, 3d                             526

      Jonathan                            816

      Joseph                               526, 716, 814

      Joshua                                689

      Mary                                 492

      Nathaniel                           7, 619, 814

      Patrick                              685

      Robert                               847

      Samuel                                  332, 374, 407, 478, 527, 568, 574, 701, 711, 712, 737, 814, 866, 897, 898, 900

      Samuel, Jr.                         302, 527

      Silas                                   601

      Theophilus                        492

      Thomas                             231, 379, 568

      Widow                               20

      Zachariah                          18

Snow, Isaac                              156

      Zerubbabel                         613

Solendine, John                        737

Solly, Samuel                            374

Somes, Ebenezer                      455

Southmaid, John                       512

Southmel, Obediah                   450

Southwork, Constant                726

Spafford, John                          332, 574

      Silas                                   574

Sparhawk, John                        693

Sparrow, James                         512

      Nathaniel                           512

      Richard                              512, 517

      Stephen                             512

Spaulding, Joseph, Jr.                97

      William                             97, 234, 374, 378, 574

Speakman, William                  222

Spear, William                         332

Speed, John                              491

Spencer, Asa                            512

      Ebenezer                            507

      Hobart                               512

      Jared                                  507, 516

      John                                  135

      Joseph                               512

      Joseph, Jr.                          512

      Oliver                                507

      Peter                                 512

Spofford, John                         541

Spooner, Job                            450

      John                                  222

Sprague, John                           34, 502, 532, 816

      Jonathan                            816

Spring, Henry                           156

      John                                  7

      Nathaniel                           7

Squire, William Jr.                    608

Stacey, William                        382

Stackpole, John                        112

Stanford, William                     578

Stanyan, Anthony                    845-847

Starbird, John                           697

      Samuel                               697

Starbuck, Edward                      367, 837

Stark, Archibald                       78, 650, 658-660, 708

      Samuel                               650

      William                                426, 440, 444, 445, 653

Stearns, Abijah                         332

      Benjamin                           332

      David                                 574

      Ebenezer                            7

      John                                  332, 407, 812

      Thomas                             332

      William                             332

Stebbins, Francis                       772

Stedman, Caleb                         18

Steele, John                              223

Sterling, Hugh                          650, 658-660

Stevens, ____                          763

      Aaron                                649

      Abel                                   730

      Admer                               463

      Benjamin                              37, 40, 41, 612, 613, 633, 642, 689, 737, 835

      Benjamin, Jr.                     247

      Cotton Mather                  532, 730

      Daniel                                463

      Ebenezer                               297, 422, 492, 527, 578, 613, 825-827

      Enos                                  730

      Hubbard                             526

      Jacob                                 110

      Jeremiah                            199-201

      Job                                     729

      John                                    128-130, 234, 323, 324, 336, 337

      Jonathan                            653, 716

      Joseph                               730

      Joshua                                492

      Justice                                36

      Nathaniel                           491, 716

      Obediah                             463

      Obediah, Jr.                        463

      Phineas                              539, 540

      Samuel                               491

      Simon                                450, 723, 729

      Simon, 2d                          729

      Solomon                            730

      Thomas                             335-337, 707

      Willard                              729

      William                             310, 312

Stevenson, Thomas                  837

Steward, Charles                       578

      James, 2d                           507

      John                                     300

Stewart, James                             373

      John                                     282, 589

      Solomon                            282


      INDEX.                             967


Stickney, Jonathan                   649

      Samuel                               234

      Thomas                             649

      William                             185 186, 188

Stileman, Elias                         75, 76, 901

Stiles, Aaron                            501

      Benjamin                           501

Stilton, Edward, Jr.                   716

Samson, Joseph                        103

      Thomas                             526

St. John, David                         463

Stockbridge, Abraham              491

Stoddard, ____                         35

      Anthony                            762, 766

      Colonel                              57, 142, 774, 777

      John                                  321, 322

      Sampson                                3, 104, 371-373, 377, 378, 381, 382

      Sampson, Jr.                      383

      Vryling                              383

Stone, David                            730

      Ebenezer                            156

      Nathaniel                           7, 8

      Simon                                574

Stoodley, James                        574

Storer, Joseph                          665

      Seth                                   7

Story, Charles                          822, 864, 911, 912, 915

Storrs, Aaron                           501

      Andrew                              501

      Huckins                             726

Stoughton, Israel                      263

      William                             65, 66

Stowe, John                              674

Stowell, John                            8

      Samuel                               8

Stratton, David                        156

      Hezekiah                           319

Straw, Gideon                           338

      Samuel                               336, 337

      William                             336, 337

Stuart, Ebenezer                       303

      John                                  594, 603

Sturgis, Samuel, Jr.                    79

Sullivan, Cornelius                    454

      John                                  316, 547, 693

Summers, Henry                       815

Sumner, Benjamin                    587, 731, 732

      Clement                             583

      Stephen                             706

Swain, Benjamin                       18, 811

      Francis                               846

      Henry                                811

      Jeremiah                            245

      Nicholas                            846, 847

      Richard                              135, 136

Swallow, Benjamin                   92, 97

      John                                  97

Swan, Ebenezer                        501

Sweat, Benjamin                       649

      Elisha                                302

      John                                  578

      Stephen                             568

Swett, Benie                             32

      Elisha                                835

Swinington, Joshua                   411

Sylvester, Joseph                      272-279, 789, 790


Taft, Robert                             120, 121

Taggard, Patrick                      20

Talbot, George                         18

Taplin, John                            454

Tappan, Bezaleel                     578

Tar, Vincent                            697

Tarbell, Samuel                        234, 241

Tarbott, Nicholas                     814

Tarbuck, Henry                        837

Tash, John                               547, 716

      Thomas                             547, 716

Tasker, ____                           866

      John                                  699, 844

Taylor, Abraham, Jr.                89, 93, 95, 101

      Benjamin                           332, 492

      Benjamin, Jr.                     492

      Ebenezer                            512

      Edward                               492

      Hezekiah                           412

      James                                 675

      John                                  332, 815

      Jonathan                            373

      Joseph                               89, 578

      Nathan                              491

      Richard                              816

      Timothy                            407, 583

      William                             41, 44, 612, 625

Tebbetts, Ephraim, Jr.              697

      Henry                                698

      Ichabod                              697

      Jeremiah                            699

      John                                  699

      John, 4th                           699

      Thomas                             697, 847

Tedd, John                               846

Temple, Abraham                    412, 675, 815

      David                                 412, 675

      John                                    324, 463, 583, 592, 653, 665, 675

      William                             665

      Zephaniah                         450

Tenney, William                      374

Terrill, Robert                          689

Terry, ____                             809

Thatcher, John                        816

Thaxter, Samuel                            17, 19, 70, 71, 73, 87, 180, 274, 275, 277, 749, 750, 754, 778

Thayer, Noah                          20

      Shadrach                            18

Thing, Bartholomew                578, 880

      Samuel                               578, 864

      968                                    INDEX.


Thomas, Benjamin                   578, 886

      Elisha                                886

      James                                  103

      Joshua                                 223

      Nathaniel Ray                     693

      Samuel                                 816

Thompson, Benjamin              689, 812

      Captain                              181, 182

      David                                 20, 501, 737

      Ebenezer                            468, 501, 564, 722, 732

      Henry                                682, 685, 689

      James                                 685, 698

      John                                  422, 526, 683, 689, 699

      John, Jr.                             526

      Jonathan                            526, 844, 866, 897

      Joseph                               8, 12

      Matthew                            491, 685, 689

      Noah                                 689

      Robert                               526

      Rufus                                 689

      Samuel                               422, 569

      Thomas                             318

      Thomas, Jr.                       318

      William                             383, 501, 737

Thorn, Joseph                          18

Thornicraft, Derrick                601

      Joseph                               601

Thornton, Matthew                    378, 383, 507, 701

      Thomas                             816

Thurlow, John                          302

Thurston, Moses                      374

      Stephen                             492

Tibbetts, Benjamin                   527

      Edward                               527

      Henry                                526, 527

      Joseph                               526

      Nathaniel                           526

      Samuel                               392, 422, 492, 527, 578

      Thomas                             526

      Timothy                            526

Tiffany, Giles                           501, 693

      James                                 738

Tilestone, ____                       789, 791

      Thomas                                 13, 14, 18, 201, 202, 228, 754, 794, 795, 797, 799, 805-808, 819

Tillotson, Daniel                      501

Tilly, Samuel                            526

Tilton, ____                            789, 791

      Abraham                            215

      Daniel                                706, 823

      David                                 568

      Jacob                                 532, 706, 730

      Jethro                                568, 578

      Nathaniel                           392

Timberlake, Henry                   18, 811

Tinker, Silvanus                       507

Tirrell, Gideon                         18

Titcomb, Abraham                   302

      Daniel                                697

Titcomb, William                    32

Titus, Samuel                              601

Todd, Andrew                             139

Tolford, John                           835, 836

Tolman, Ebenezer                    737

      Thomas                             737

      William                             737

Tom, John                               20

Toms, Daniel                           330

Took, John, Jr.                        579

Topham, John, Jr.                    507

Toppan, Abraham                    32

      Bezaleel                             613

      James                                 303

      Samuel                                  613

Torrey, William                           13, 32-34, 76, 84, 104, 147-149, 151, 166-168, 206, 213, 268‑270, 292, 295, 367, 730, 738, 848, 850, 855, 856, 869

Towle, Benjamin                      568

      Caleb                                 568

      John                                  6

      Philip                                568

Townsend, Benjamin                601

      James                                 18, 222, 601

      Nathaniel                           378

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     374

      Timothy                            601

Tozer, Richard                         112

Tracey, John                            726

Trail, Robert                            721

Trask, Nathaniel                      706

Treadwell, Charles                    578

      Jacob                                 706

      Jacob, Jr.                            547

      John                                  231

Trecothick, Barlow                  717, 720

Treferen, Foster                       720

Trefern, Peter                          151

Trehern, George                       720

Trescott, John                         18, 812

Trible, John                             516

Trickey, John                          421

      Jonathan                            547

      Thomas                             421

Tripp, James                            601

Trissell, Thomas                      225

Troth, John                             374

Trowbridge, Caleb                    8, 407, 573

      Thaddeus                           7, 8

      William                             7

Trull, Samuel                            234, 241

Trumbull, John                         815

      Joseph                               608

Tuck, John                               877, 902, 904

      Robert                               135

Tucker, Benjamin                    336, 337

      John                                  247

      Josiah                                92, 97, 698


      INDEX.                             969


Tucker, Lemuel                        649

      Oliver                                450

      Simon                                450

Tuckerman, John                     18, 812

Tufts, John                              501

      Nathaniel                           426

      Peter                                 34

Turner, Benjamin                     18

      George                               720

      John                                  70, 75, 73, 84, 180

      Joseph                               726

      Nathaniel                           726

      Philip, Jr.                           726

Tuttle, Ebenezer                      697

      Elijah                                 697

      John                                  911

Twombly, Isaac                        699

      Joseph, Jr.                          699

      Ralph                                 699

      William                             699

      William, Jr.                        699

      William, 3d                        699

Tyler, John                              223, 282, 283, 285-287, 290, 297-302, 304

      Moses                                247

      Samuel                               222

Tyng, ____                                  53, 777

      Edward                               18, 324-326, 329, 812

      Eleazer                                  41, 95, 101, 120, 123, 184, 195, 199, 202, 218, 612

      Jonathan                            84

      William                             80, 178-180, 182, 183, 263


Underhill, Isaac                        592

      Jacob                                 592

Underwood, Aquilla                  164

      Bray Dearing                     720

      Joseph                               158-160

Uran, Richard                           613

      Silas                                   548

Usher, John                              374, 378, 726

      Robert                               374, 378, 726


Valentine, Richard, Jr.              601

Vandewater, Peter                    601

Van Vleck, Henry                     592

Varney, ____                           843

      Rufus C                              292

Varnum, John                           234, 407, 412

Vaughan, William                     876, 902, 904, 909, 911-917

Veasey, Benjamin                     491

      George                               491

      George, Jr.                         491

      Samuel                               491

      Thomas                             491

      Thomas, Jr.                       491

Vering, David                           89

Viccos, Thomas                       18

Vickery, Israel                          18

      Thomas                             19

      Thomas, Jr.                       20

Vinson, Joseph                         675

Virgin, Ebenezer                       304, 613, 619, 649

Vose, Robert                            18

      Samuel                               19


Wadleigh, ____                        907, 910, 914

      Jonathan                            912, 913, 915, 916

Wadsworth, Captain                 812

      Joseph                               46, 53, 55, 56, 809, 812

      Samuel                               18, 20

Wainwright, ____                    757

      Colonel                              297

      John                                      35. 36, 38, 40, 41, 86, 87, 225-229, 231, 341, 612, 795

Wait, Ezra                               730

      Gershom                            675

      John                                  34

      Joseph                               579, 584, 585

      Phineas                              574, 583

      Thomas                             730

      William                             675

Walch, Joshua                          93

Waldron, Captain                     101, 104

      George                               454

      John                                      526, 700

      Richard                                  29, 31, 32, 75, 76, 292, 421, 422, 425, 491, 492, 523, 525, 527, 568, 569, 578, 579, 610, 625, 700, 711, 734, 833, 834, 837, 842, 859, 861, 863, 878, 880, 883-885, 888, 892, 893, 905, 919

      Richard, Jr.                        422, 492, 527, 578

      Thomas Westbrook              517

      William                             260, 261, 706

Wales, Eleazer                         608

      Eleazer, Jr.                         608

      Nathan                              608

      Nathaniel                           407

      Nathaniel, Jr.                     608

      Nathaniel, 3d                     608

      Nathaniel, 4th                   608

      Seth                                   606, 608

      Solomon                            608

Walker, Andrew                       19

      Asa                                        411

      Benjamin                           234

      Edward                               813

      Isaac                                  137, 138, 223, 613

      Israel                                 156

      James                                 19, 649

      John                                  421

      Jonathan                            649

      Joseph                               532

      Robert                               20

      Seth                                   540, 730

      Timothy                            547, 614, 646 649

      Timothy, Jr.                      61, 62, 548, 649


      970                                    INDEX.


Wall, ____                               864, 902, 904, 907, 910, 913

      James                                 845, 846

      John                                  706

Wallace, ____                          20

      Benjamin                           675

      William, Jr.                        665

Walley, Elizabeth                     231

      John                                  231

      Thomas                             730

Wallingford. John                    422

      Thomas                             303

Walsworth, Amos                    516

Walton, Benjamin                    422

      George                               421, 730

      George, Jr.                         421

      John                                  422

      Samuel                               421

      Shadrach                                422, 492, 527, 569, 579, 878

Ward, ____                              35

      John                                  477, 476

      Joseph                               532, 693

      Nahum                               252, 532

      Simon                                894, 896

      William                             36, 38

Warner, ____                          827

      Daniel                                601, 653, 675, 716

      Daniel, Jr.                          507

      Eli                                         507

      Gilbert                               222

      Jonathan                                335, 392, 547, 653, 716, 720

      Richard                              92-95, 98

      Samuel                               720

Warren, James                         273, 279

      John                                  156

      Sarah                                 19, 811

      Thomas                             156, 685

Warring, Silas                           675

Washburne, Benjamin              813

      Jonathan                            813

Washington, George                 339

Waterbury, Joshua                    463

      Nathaniel                           463

Waterman, Silas                       726

Waters, Ebenezer                     675

Watson, David                         700

      Dudley                               700

      Isaac                                  526, 700

      John                                  716

      Jonathan                            700

      Robert                               103

Watts, John Beverly                653

Way, Richard                           811

Weare, Daniel                          578

      Ebenezer                            422, 492, 526, 578

      Meshech                            340, 730

      Nathaniel                               32, 578, 823, 833, 844, 877, 911-916

      Peter                                     422, 492, 527, 568, 577, 578, 919

      Peter, Jr.                              578

Webb, ____                             340

      Azariah                              737

      Thomas                             919

Webber, Benedict                     737

Webster, Abel                          511

      Jeremiah                            899

      Jeremy                               891, 900

      John                                  264, 528, 578, 891

      Joshua                                234, 241

      Nathaniel                           569, 865

      Stephen                             569

      Thomas                             578

Weed, Abraham                       463

      Amos                                 463

      Benjamin                           463

      Enos                                  463

      Henry                                   920, 924

      Hezekiah                           463

      Isaac                                  463

      Nathaniel                           463

      Orlando                             920

      Peter                                 463

      Reuben                               463

      Samuel                               463

      Silvanus                             463

Weeden, Edward                       812

Weeks, David                           706

      John                                  665

      Joshua                                894

      Samuel                               734

      William                             547, 665

Welch, Alexander                    720

      Joseph                               689, 730

      Thomas                             815

      William                                 455, 656, 693, 721, 730

Weld, Edmund                          18

      Joseph                               3-5

Welden, Joseph                        816

Welland, William                     700

Wellington, John                     814

      Joshua                                156

      Thomas                             156, 814

Wellman, James                       674

Wells, ____                             22, 160, 178, 241, 343, 750, 754, 773, 777

      Captain                              297, 749

      Eleazer                              336, 337

      Ephraim                            516

      Ephraim, Jr.                       516

      Jacob                                 720

      John                                  730

      Jonathan                            763

      Joseph                               540

      Nathaniel                           231

      Obediah                             730

      Samuel                                   174-176, 340, 583, 765, 790, 807, 809, 816-818

      Thomas                                 316, 317, 517, 767, 837

Wendell, Daniel Wentworth     720


      INDEX.                             971


Wendell, Edmund                     720

      Edmund, Jr.                        720

      Jacob                                 163, 197, 321, 783

      John                                  532, 693, 720

      John, Jr.                             720

      Thomas                             720

Wentworth, Benjamin              422, 526

      Bening                                   187, 332, 371, 373, 374, 376, 378-380, 382, 383, 389, 391, 392, 404, 406, 407, 409, 411, 412, 415, 416, 418, 422, 439, 441, 445-447, 449, 450, 454, 457-459, 461, 463, 464, 485-489, 492-495, 504, 507-509, 511, 512, 514, 516, 517, 523, 538, 540, 541, 545, 547, 548, 568, 570, 572, 574, 575, 578, 580, 582, 583, 589, 591, 592, 598, 600, 601, 620, 650, 653, 654, 658, 660, 662, 664, 665, 672, 674, 675, 682, 684-686, 689, 693, 708-710, 713, 715, 716, 723, 725, 726 , 826, 830, 834, 835, 865, 897, 900

      David                                    422

      Ebenezer                            422, 568

      Ephraim, Jr.                       700

      Ezekiel                              700, 915

      George                               532, 656, 720

      Gershom                            526

      H.                                      426, 919

      Hunking                             422, 492, 578, 665

      John                                      43, 67, 332, 379, 383, 385-387, 394, 396, 397, 399, 401, 402, 413, 414, 419, 421-424, 427, 429, 431, 433, 436, 437, 442-444, 452-454, 465, 467, 469, 471, 473, 475, 480-483, 489. 491, 492, 497-499, 502, 502, 517, 519, 520, 522, 525, 527-529, 531, 532, 534-537, 543, 544 550, 552, 554, 555, 557, 558, 560-562, 564, 574, 577-579,585, 586, 594, 596, 602, 605, 606, 608, 628, 645, 656, 657, 667, 668, 671, 677, 679-681, 689, 691‑693, 695, 702, 703, 705, 711, 718, 720, 721, 727, 729, 734, 735, 737, 738, 740‑742, 834, 864

      John, Jr.                             422, 685

      Joshua                                532, 657, 693, 720

      Mark                                 492

      Mark Hunking                      463, 583, 592, 653, 665, 685, 689, 693, 703, 706

      Paul                                   477, 478, 525, 527

      Samuel                               379. 383, 450, 574

      Sir Thomas                        529, 531

      Spencer                              700

      Thomas                             685, 689

      William                                 478, 492, 517, 578, 837

Wesson Ephraim                      512

West, Ebenezer                        649

      Edward                               578

      Nathan                              693

      Nathaniel                           649

Westbrook, Thomas                   422, 492, 527, 569, 579

Westland, Richard                    214, 215

Wetherbee, Abijah                   541

      Ephraim                            285

      Joanna                               574

      Jonathan                            332, 541

      Paul                                   332

      Samuel                               541

Wetherell, James                      700

Weymouth, Thomas                18, 811

Wheat, Joseph                         815

      Moses                                815

Wheeler, David                        815

      Ebenezer                            815

      Jeremiah                            649

      John                                  815

      Joseph                               84, 251, 815

      Moses                                541

      Nehemiah                          454, 512

      Peter                                 89, 93, 373

      Thomas                             83

Wheelock, John                       706

      Joseph                               234, 241, 242

Wheelwright, ____                  864, 905, 906, 917-919

      Jeremiah                                574

      John                                      171, 172, 574, 720, 743, 760, 795, 796, 849, 859, 861, 862, 864

      Joseph                               574

      Nathaniel                           574

Whidden, Ichabod                    548

      John                                  665

      Michael                             568

      Samuel                               665

Whipple, James                        412, 675

      John                                  412, 675

      Joseph                               411, 532, 675

      Minister                             578

      Moses                                412, 675

      William                             532, 720

Whitchcot, Benjamin               295, 296

      Doctor                               292

      Rebecca                             295, 296

Whitcher, Benjamin                 897

Whitcomb, Joseph                   93. 98, 234

White, ____                            39

      Benjamin                           501, 814

      Edward                               17, 28, 755

      Elijah                                 507

      John                                  234, 240, 241, 612, 720, 737

      Jonathan                            501, 816

      Joseph                               454

      Jotham                              501

      Nathan                              492

      Nicholas                            613

      Robert                               247

      William                             86, 568, 613

Whitehouse, John                    700

      William                             700

Whiting, Benjamin                   606

      Caleb                                 516


      972                                    INDEX.


Whiting, David                        407

      James                                  93, 374

      John                                   214, 215, 737

      Samuel                                214

      Thomas                             569

Whitman, John                        764, 768

Whitmore, Francis                   407

      Nathaniel                           411

      William                             407

Whitney, Abraham                  8

      David                                 8

      Ezekiel                              8

      James                                 247, 374, 574

      John                                  8

      Jonathan                            815

      Moses                                737

      Samuel                               156

Whitt, Samuel                          813

Whittemore, John                    247

      Rev. ____                          249

      Samuel                               331-333

Whittier William                     613

Wibird, Richard                             332, 374. 378, 422, 492, 517, 527, 569, 574, 579, 601, 675, 726, 919

      Richard, Jr.                        422, 492, 527, 578

Wickham, David                      507

Wicomb, Thomas                    613

Wiggin, ____                           625, 626

      Andrew                                  422, 491, 492, 527, 578, 880, 902

      Broadstreet                        492, 578

      Chase                                 491, 909

      Henry                                492

      Jonathan                            489, 491

      Joseph                               492

      Katharine                          492

      Nicholas                            492

      Simon                                491, 864

      Thomas                                 101, 136, 261, 262, 265-268, 491, 838-840, 842, 845, 848, 850 854, 859-861

      Thomas, Jr.                       492

      Thomas, 3d                       491

      Walter                               491

Wigglesworth, Samuel              231

Wight, John                             814

Wightman, Allyn                     516

Wilder, ____                            749, 750

      Ephraim, Jr.                       730

      Jacob                                 138

      Joseph                                  39-41, 73, 138, 217, 257, 281, 314, 315, 612, 765

      Joseph, Jr.                             68-73, 137, 138, 255, 256, 310, 312, 313, 315

Wilkins, Philip C                     482

Willard, ____                           127, 133, 134

      Abel                                   332, 583, 730

      Abijah                                332, 583, 730

      Barzilli                               332

Willard, Billy                           573

      Caleb                                 332

      Captain                              757

      Henry                                234

      Jonathan                            332, 583

      Jonathan, Jr.                      730

      Joseph                               540, 574

      Joshua                                332, 730

      Josiah                                     28, 91, 123, 163, 171, 176, 184, 201, 223, 234, 252, 254, 256, 274-277, 279-281, 286, 304, 314, 316, 321, 329, 346-348, 350-356, 358, 359, 540, 569, 571, 573, 579, 582, 762, 764-766, 781, 782

      Josiah, Jr.                           573, 582

      Levi                                   332, 729

      Moses                                540

      Nathan                              573

      Nathan, Jr.                         573

      Oliver                                573

      Oliver, Jr.                          573

      Prentice                             583

      Sampson                            582

      Samuel                               138

      Simon                                    84, 574, 839, 850

      Solomon                            573, 583

      Wilder                               573

      William                             450, 573, 583

Willey, Abel                             507, 522

      Benjamin                           697

      George                               855

      John                                  527

      John, Jr.                             527

      Robert                               697

      Stephen                             548

      Thomas                             103, 526, 697

Williams, ____                        121

      Benjamin                           18, 811

      Ebenezer                            18

      Francis                               263

      Isaac                                  92, 532, 689, 693

      Israel                                 57, 781

      John Pingree                      693

      Jonathan                            7, 16, 18, 812

      Jonathan, Jr.                      7, 222

      Matthew                            103

      Moses                                893

      Samuel                               19, 526, 700

      William                             7

Willis, Balthazar                      846

      John                                  601

      Samuel                               599, 601

Willits, Richard                        601

      Thomas                             601

Willmets, James                       700

Wilson, David                          374

      Henry                                18

      Humphrey                         494, 846, 847

      John                                  10, 11, 18


      INDEX.                             973


Wilson, Joseph                         234

      Robert                               423, 424, 492

Winchester, Joseph                  156

Wincoll, ____                          271

      John                                  292, 293

Wing, Ananias                         816

      Samuel                               693

Wingate, John                          526, 700

      John, Jr.                             700

      Joshua                                568, 578

      Moses                                700

      Paine                                 335-337, 578

Wingfield, Thomas                  260, 261

Winn, Edward                          613

      Joseph                               332

Winship, Jason                         407

      Samuel                               407

      Timothy                            407

Winslow, ____                         226

      Canelin                              730

      John                                  306

      Joseph                               34, 35

      Samuel                               77, 269, 839, 849, 851, 852, 854, 857, 867-872

Winthrop, John                       706, 721, 846

      John, Jr.                             135

Wise, Ammi Ruhamah             613

      Joseph                               98

Wiswall, Ichabod                      123-126

      Peleg                                 121, 123, 124

Wolcott, John                          32

Wolsey, Benjamin                    601

Wood, Benjamin                      675

      David                                 613

      John                                  501, 700, 815

      Jonas                                 601

      Joseph, Jr.                          60r

Woodbridge, Benjamin             105-107, 159

      Dudley                               154

Woodcock, Ezra                      450

      Jonathan, Jr.                      737

Woodman, Archelaus               844

      Edward                               32, 866, 867, 872

      John                                  103, 526

      Jonathan                            526, 844

      Jonathan, Jr.                      526

Woods, ____                           19

      Isaac                                  97

Woods, John                            97

      Jonathan                            97

      Joseph                               541

Woodward, Bezaleel                 693

      David                                 693

      John                                    156, 502

Woodworth, Amass                  737

      Joel                                    502, 737

Woolrich, Philip                      89, 92, 100

Worcester, Francis                   373, 378

      Noah                                 689

Works, Henry                          568

Worth, Joseph                         888

Wrenn, William                       151

Wright, ____                           142, 757, 773

      Eben                                  234

      John                                  613, 693

      Joseph                               234, 241, 242, 454

      Samuel                               97

      Seth                                   693

      Thomas                             846

      William                             378

      Winkell                             392

Wyman, James                         730

      Peter                                 156

      Ross                                   249


Yates, James                            17

Yeaton, Benjamin                    454

      William                             532, 693

York, Benjamin                       526

      John                                  526

      Josiah                                392, 716

      Richard                              103, 837, 853

      Thomas                             716

Young, Abner                           698

      Benjamin                           700

      Daniel                                700

      David                                 649

      Eleazer                              700

      Eleazer, Jr.                         700

      Elisabeth                            697

      Isaac                                  700

      Jonathan                            700

      Joseph                               547, 568, 716

      Nathaniel                           700

      Thomas                             526, 547, 700

      Thomas, Jr.                       547