New Hampshire State Papers



State of New Hampshire.












1775, TO MAY, 1777:





























"He who takes no interest in the history of his ancestors does not deserve to be remembered by his posterity."







JOINT RESOLUTION relating to the preservation and publication of portions of the early state and provincial records and other state papers of New Hampshire.


Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


That his excellency the governor be hereby authorized and empowered, with the advice and consent of the council, to employ some suitable person — and fix his compensation, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro­priated — to collect, arrange, transcribe, and superintend the publication of such portions of the early state and provincial records and other state papers of New Hampshire as the governor may deem proper; and that eight hundred copies of each volume of the same be printed by the state printer, and distributed as follows: namely, one copy to each city and town in the state, one copy to such of the public libraries in the state as the governor may designate, fifty copies to the New Hampshire Historical Society, and the remainder placed in the custody of the state librarian, who is hereby authorized to exchange the same for similar publications by other states.

Approved August 4,1881.


In accordance with the foregoing resolution, the governor, with advice of the council, on the 12th day of October, 1881, appointed and commissioned ISAAC W. HAMMOND as "Editor, and Compiler of State Papers."







This volume contains the rolls of the soldiers who served in the Revolutionary War from this state from the beginning of that memorable struggle to May, 1777, so far as the same are in the possession of the state, or could be procured elsewhere by the editor. They will be of great value to town historians, biographers, genealogists, and others who are engaged in tracing the history of their ancestors with a purpose to place the same in compact and permanent form.

It is to be regretted that some of the early rolls have not been found. If they come to light later, they will be published in a subsequent volume.

The rolls herein published do not exhibit the entire service rendered by some of the men, as some of the regiments were incorporated into the regular "Continental Army," and thereafter paid by continental paymasters; consequently some of the pay-rolls are in the possession of the United States government, and are held as vouchers. The muster and bounty rolls and regimental returns will, however, give the names once each, at least, of nearly all who served subsequent to January, 1776; and when these rolls, returns, and other documents are all published, the res­idences of most of the men can be ascertained, with the help of a com­plete index, which has been carefully compiled.

The large number of letters of inquiry from persons within and without the state, which have been received by the editor since he commenced the compilation of these rolls, are abundant evidence of a grow­ing public interest in the history of our state, and fully sustain the action of the governor and council in authorizing their publication under the resolution of the legislature of 1881.








The editor has been encouraged and sustained in his labor by the uniform kindness and favor of His Excellency Samuel W. Hale, and the honorable council; and many other gentlemen from various parts of the state, who have visited him, have shown a deep interest in the work, and spoken words of counsel and encouragement which have been very helpful.

The publication of the second volume of rolls has been commenced, and the work will issue in due time (D. V.).


Concord, April 15, 1885.





                          GENERAL CONTENTS.



Indian and French war rolls,                                                        1-30

Capt. Matthew Austin's roll, 1709,                                                     1

     "    Shadrach Walton's roll, 1710,                                                  2

     "    James Davis's roll, 1712,                                                         3

Maj. Paul Mascarine's roll, 1711,                                                       4

Sir Charles Hobby's roll, 1710-11,                                                      6

Capt. John Robertson's roll, 1710-11,                                                7

Maj. Gilbert Abbott's roll, 1710-11,                                                     8

Capt. James Abercrombie's roll, 1710-11,                                          8

     "    David Pigeon's roll, 1710-11,                                                    9

     "    Samuel Templer's roll, 1710-11,                                             10

     "    James Davis's roll of scouts, 1712,                                    11-15

     "    Green's and Major Smith's Cos.,                                            11

     "    Gilman's, Hill's, and Davis's Cos.,                                          12

     "    Gerrish's, Vaughan's, and Phipps's Cos.,                                13

     "    Westbrook's, Gilman's, and Tebbitts's Cos.,                             14

     "    Weeks's Co.,                                                                          15

     "    John Goffe's roll of scouts, 1746,                                            16

     "    Job Clement's Guard, 1748,                                                   18

Enlistment document, Crown Point, 1755,                                       19

Men at Fort William and Mary, 1758,                                               20

Capt. Hercules Mooney's Co., 1758,                                                 20

Receipts of men in Canada expedition, 1759,                                   22

Extracts from diary of Capt. Jeremiah Marston, 1762,                 24-27

Roll of Capt. Marston's Co., 1762,                                                    24

     "    men at Fort William and Mary, 1767,                                     27

     "      "          "                "            1771-72,                                   28

     "      "          "                "            1772-73,                                   29




Revolutionary war rolls, introduction,                                              31

Capt. Reuben Dow's Co., 1775,                                                        32

New Ipswich men, Cambridge, 1775,                                                33

Temple men, Cambridge, 1775,                                                       35




vi                                 GENERAL CONTENTS.


Rindge men, Cambridge, 1775,                                                        35

Col. James Reed's return, June, 1775,                                            38

Notes on battle of Bunker Hill,                                                        39

Killed and wounded at Bunker Hill,                                            42-44

Letters from Moses Emerson, 1775,                                                 45

Maj. Andrew McClary's loss at Bunker Hill,                                     46

Col. Stark's staff, May, 1775,                                                           46

Staff rolls of the three regiments, 1775,                                     48, 49

Col. Stark's regiment, pay-rolls August, 1775,                             50-75

Capt. Isaac Baldwin's Co.,                                                               50

  "     Elisha Woodbury's Co.,                                                            52

  "     Samuel Richards's Co.,                                                           55

  "     John Moore's Co.,                                                                   57

  "     Joshua Abbott's Co.,                                                                60

  "     Gordon Hutchins's Co.,                                                           63

  "     Aaron Kinsman's Co.,                                                             66

  "     Henry Dearborn's Co.,                                                            68

  "     Daniel Moore's Co.,                                                                 70

  "     George Reid's Co.,                                                                  73

Col. James Reed's regiment, pay-rolls August, 1775,                 76-106

Capt. Hezekiah Hutchins's Co.,                                                       76

Col. Reed's return, June, 1775,                                                 78, 79

  "      "      staff pay-roll,                                                                 80

Capt. H. Hutchins's Co.,                                                                  81

  "     Jacob Hinds's Co.,                                                                  84

  "     Levi Spaulding's Co.,                                                               87

  "     Ezra Towne's Co.,                                                                   89

  "     Jonathan Whitcomb's Co.,                                                       92

  "     William Walker's Co.,                                                              95

  "     Philip Thomas's Co.,                                                                98

  "     Benjamin Mann's Co.,                                                           100

  "     Josiah Crosbey's Co.,                                                            102

  "     John Marcy's Co.,                                                                 104

Col. Enoch Poor's regiment, muster and pay-rolls, Aug., 1775, 107-151

Capt. Winborn Adams's Co., muster-roll,                                        107

  "     Winthrop Rowe's Co.,        "                                                   109

  "     Philip Tilton's Co.,             "                                                   112

  "     Benjamin Titcomb's Co.,   "                                                   114

  "     James Norris's Co.,           "                                                   116

  "     Henry Elkins's Co., receipt,                                                   118

  "     Richard Shortridge's Co.,                                               118, 119

Col. Poor's staff, pay-roll Aug. 1, 1775,                                           121

Capt. Winborn Adams's Co.,                                                           122

  "     Jonathan Wentworth's Co.,                                                   125

  "     James Norris's Co.,                                                               128

  "     Winthrop Rowe's Co.,                                                            131

  "     Samuel Gilman's Co.,                                                           134




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                            vii


Capt. Henry Elkins's Co.,                                                               137

  "     Benjamin Titcomb's Co.,                                                        140

  "     Jeremiah Clough's Co.,                                                         143

  "     Philip Tilton's Co.,                                                                 146

  "     Richard Shortridge's Co.,                                                      149

Col. John Stark's regiment, provisional returns, 1775,                   152

Quartermaster Henry Parkinson's account of rations issued to

                   Stark's regiment,                                                       153

Quartermaster Joseph Fogg's account of rations issued to Poor's

                   regiment,                                                                  154

Quartermaster Isaac Frye's account of rations issued to Reed's

                   regiment,                                                                  155

List of men enlisted in the artillery, 1775,                                     156

Artillery men's receipts                                                                 157

Capt. Henry Elkins's Co., receipts,                                                 158

Col. Timothy Bedel's regiment, muster-rolls 1775,                   159-177

Bedel's Co. of rangers, receipt,                                                      161

Staff roll, corps of rangers, 1775,                                                   162

Col. Bedel's rangers, pay-roll,                                                        163

Capt. James Osgood's Co., pay-roll 1775,                                        166

  "                    "              muster-roll,                                            169

  "                    "              receipt,                                                  170

  "     John Parker's Co., pay-roll, 1775,                                          171

  "                    "              muster-roll,                                            174

  "                    "              receipt,                                                  175

  "                    "              dates of arrival home,                             177

Col. John Stark's regiment, receipts October, 1775,                 178-186

Capt. George Reid's Co.,                                                                178

  "     Daniel Moore's Co  ,                                                              179

  "     Henry Dearborn's Co.,                                                           179

  "     Aaron Kinsman's Co.                                                             180

  "     Gordon Hutchins's Co.,                                                         181

  "     Joshua Abbott's Co.,                                                              182

  "     Thomas McLaughlin's Co.,                                                     183

  "     Samuel Richards's Co., .                                                       183

  "     Elisha Woodbury's Co.,                                                          184

  "     John Hale's Co.,                                                                   185

  "     Gordon Hutchins's Co.,                                                         186

Col. Enoch Poor's regiment, receipts October, 1775,                 187-197

Capt. Winborn Adams's Co.,                                                           187

  "     Jonathan Wentworth's Co.,                                                   188

  "     James Norris's Co.,                                                               189

  "     Winthrop Rowe's Co.,                                                            189

  "     Samuel Gilman's Co.,                                                           191

  "     Henry Elkins's Co.,                                                               191

  "     Benjamin Titcomb's Co.,                                                        192

  "     Jeremiah Clough's Co.,                                                         193




viii                               GENERAL CONTENTS.


Capt. Philip Tilton's Co.,                                                                195

  "     Richard Shortridge's Co.,                                                      196

Col. James Reed's regiment, receipts October, 1775,               198-208

Capt. Hezekiah Hutchins's Co.,                                                      198

  "     Jacob Hinds's Co.,                                                                 199

  "     Levi Spaulding's Co.,                                                             200

  "     Ezra Towne's Co.,                                                                  201

  "     Jonathan Whitcomb's Co.,                                              202, 203

  "     William Walker's Co.,                                                    203, 204

  "     Philip Thomas's Co.,                                                              205

  "     Benjamin Mann's Co.,                                                           206

  "     Josiah Crosby's Co.,                                                              207

N. H. men in Quebec expedition, editorial note,                             209

Capt. Henry Dearborn's Co.,                                                          210

  "     Samuel Ward's Co.,                                                               213

  "     Dearborn's Co., pay-roll,                                                        214

  "              "             wages due,                                                    217

Rolls of troops engaged in the defence of Piscataqua Harbor,

                   1775,                                                                  223-240

Lieut. James Parr's Co.,                                                                223

Capt. John Calef's Co.,                                                                  224

  "     Richard Dowe's Co.,                                                              225

  "     Benjamin Butler's Co.,                                                          225

  "     Abraham French's Co.,                                                          226

  "     Robert Crawford's Co.,                                                          226

  "     Titus Salter's Co.,                                                                 227

  "     Samuel Hayes's Co.,                                                             228

  "     Thomas Berry's Co.,                                                              228

  "     Mark Wiggins's Co.,                                                               229

  "     Nathaniel Hobbs's Co.,                                                          229

  "     Henry Elkins's Co.,                                                               229

  "     Moses Yeaton's Co.,                                                              230

  "     Nicholas Rawlings's Co.,                                                       231

  "     Cutting Cilley's Co.,                                                              231

  "     James Hill's Co.,                                                                   232

  "     Joseph Clifford's Co.,                                                            232

  "     David Copp's Co.,                                                                  232

  "     Smith Emerson's Co.,                                                            233

  "     David Place's Co.,                                                                 234

  "     John Hill's Co.,                                                                     234

  "     Alpheus Chesley's Co.,                                                          235

  "     Caleb Hodgdon's Co.,                                                             235

  "     Stephen Hodgdon's Co.,                                                         236

Lieut. Thomas Bragdon's Co.,                                                        236

Capt. Robert Ford's Co.,                                                                 237

  "     Robert Follett's Co.,                                                              237

  "     Samuel McIntyre's Co.,                                                         238




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                             ix


Capt. Noah Littlefield's Co.,                                                           238

Dr. Hall Jackson's Artillery,                                                          239

Capt. George Jerry Osborne's Co.,                                                 239

Men in Fort Sullivan Nov. 5, 1775,                                                 240

N. H. men at Winter Hill, editorial note,                                        240

Col. Burnham's return, Winter Hill, Dec. 1775,                              242

Capt. Benjamin Taylor's Co.,    "       "                                            244

Conway soldiers, June 10, 1775,                                                   246

Capt. Archelaus Towne's Co., 1775,                                               246

  "     Joseph Parson's Co., 1775,                                                    247

Account of shoes issued to Stark's, Reed's, and Poor's reg‑

                   iments, 1775,                                                            248

Capt. Henry Elkins's Co., Fort Washington,                                    252

Return of troops in N. H., Dec. 6, 1775,                                          253

Dunbarton return,                                                                        254




North Hampton recruits,                                                               255

Capt. Turner's Artillery,                                                                255

Colonels of militia regiments,                                                        256

Capt. Titus Salter's roll, Fort Washington,                                      257

  "     Eliphalet Daniels's roll, Fort Sullivan,                                   259

  "     Ebenezer Dearing's roll, Portsmouth,                                     260

Col. Thomas Stickney's regiment, officers names,                          261

Col. Bedel's regiment, pay-rolls, etc.,                                      262-296

Capt. Joseph Estabrook's Co.,                                                        262

  "     Daniel Carlysle's Co.,                                                           263

  "     Jason Wait's Co.,                                                                  264

  "     Daniel Wilkins's Co.,                                                             266

  "     Ebenezer Green's Co.,                                                   267, 270

  "     James Osgood's Co.,                                                             273

  "     Edward Everett's Co.,                                                            279

  "     Samuel Young's Co.,                                                             281

Lists of men in Bedel's regiment June 24, 1776,                            287

  "        absentees Bedel's regiment, July 22, 1776,                         291

Officers in Bedel's regiment, receipts,                                           295

Return of officers in Col. Joseph Badger's regiment of militia,

                   March 5, 1776,                                                           296

Return of officers in Col. Benjamin Bellows, Jr.'s, regiment of

                   militia, March 15, 1776,                                             297

Dover soldiers in continental army,                                               298

Concord soldiers         "          "                                                       299

Return of men in Capt. Nathan Brown's Co.,                                  299

     "           "                Timothy Clement's Co.,                                301

Wilton men in continental army,                                                   303

Muster-roll of Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co.,                                        303




x                                  GENERAL CONTENTS.


Return of absentees of Poor's regiment,                                         307

Return of sick of Poor's regiment,                                                  309

Col. Isaac Wyman's regiment, July, 1776,                                311-338

Capt. William Harper's Co.,                                                            311

  "     William Stillson's Co.,                                                           313

  "     James Shepherd's Co.,                                                   316-318

  "     Capt. John Drew's Co., muster-roll,                                       321

  "     Samuel Wetherbee's Co.,   "                                                  324

  "     Joseph Dearborn's Co.,      "                                                  327

Lieut. Timothy Worthly's Co.,      "                                                  329

Capt. Joseph Chandler's Co.,      "                                                  330

  "     Joseph Parker's Co.,          "                                                  332

  "     William Barron's Co.,         "                                                  335

Col. Joshua Wentworth's return,                                                   338

Col. Joshua Wingate's regiment, July, 1776,                           339-363

Capt. David Quinby's Co.,                                                              340

  "  James Arnold's Co.,                                                                  343

  "  Daniel Emerson's Co.,                                                              346

  "  John Nesmith's Co.,                                                                 347

  "  Samuel Nay's Co.,                                                                    350

  "  Simon Marston's Co.,                                                                352

  "  William Humphrey's Co.,                                                          355

  "  William Barron's Co.,                                                                358

  "  Joseph Badger's Co.,                                                                361

Col. Joseph Badger's letter and return, July, 1776,                        364

Col. Pierse Long's regiment, August, 1776,                              367-393

Capt. Caleb Hodgdon's Co.,                                                     368, 374

  "     Mark Wiggin's Co.,                                                         369, 377

  "     John Brewster's Co.,                                                     371, 384

  "     John Calfe's Co.,                                                                   380

  "     Nathan Brown's Co.,                                                             387

  "     Timothy Clement's Co.,                                                         390

  "     Josiah Russell's company of rangers,                                    394

Col. Thomas Tash's regiment, September, 1776,                      396-415

Capt. Nathan Sanborn's Co.,                                                          397

  "     Daniel Gordon's Co.,                                                             399

  "     Jonathan Robinson's Co.,                                               401, 414

  "     John Calfe's Co.,                                                                   404

  "     William McDuffee's Co.,                                                        406

  "     Smith Emerson's Co.,                                                            408

  "     Daniel Runnels's Co.,                                                           410

  "     William Prescott's Co.,                                                          413

Col. Nahum Baldwin's regiment, September, 1776,                  416-434

Capt. Philip Putnam's Co.,                                                             416

  "     William Read's Co.,                                                               418

  "     Abijah Smith's Co.,                                                               420

  "     John House's Co.,                                                                 422




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                             xi


Capt. Samuel McConnell's Co.,                                                      424

  "     John Houghton's Co.,                                                            426

  "     Benjamin Emery's Co.,                                                          429

  "     John Moody's Co.,                                                                 432

Col. David Gilman's regiment, December, 1776,                      435-462

Capt. Francis Towne's Co.,                                                            436

  "     William Walker's Co.,                                                            438

  "     Joshua Hayward's Co.,                                                   442-444

  "     Samuel Wallingford's Co.,                                                     446

  "     Joseph Parsons's Co.,                                                    448, 449

  "     Daniel Gordon's Co.,                                                      451, 452

  "     Benjamin Sias's Co.,                                                     454, 455

  "     Samuel McConnell's Co.,                                               456, 457

Miscellaneous documents, 1776,                                             463-481

Capt. Jeremiah Eames's men, order,                                             463

  "     Samuel Wetherbee's men, list,                                              463

Recommendations for field officers,                                               464

Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co., receipt,                                          465, 466

  "     William Stillson's Co., pay-roll,                                              467

Return of men in First N. H. Regiment, with residence,                 468

Petition of Capt. Salter's men,                                                       472

Return of Somersworth soldiers,                                                   473

Capt. Jeremiah Eames's scouts, pay-roll,                                       473

Men in Quebec expedition, in part,                                                474

Return of men raised in Col. Josiah Bartlett's regiment,

                   August, 1776,                                                            475

Officers in Col. John Waldron's regiment,                                      476

Petition from men taken at the Cedars,                                         476

Appointment of men to be raised September, 1776,                        478

Recommendations for field officers,                                               479

Petition from men at Fort Sullivan,                                                480

Service performed by New Hampshire in 1776, editorial,                480

Col. Pierse Long's regiment, pay-rolls January, 1777,              482-510

Capt. Abraham Perkins's Co.,                                          482, 498, 501

  "     Ebenezer Dearing's Co.,                                                 484, 499

  "     Timothy Clement's Co.,                                                  486, 508

  "     John Calfe's Co.,                                                           489, 500

  "     Mark Wiggin's Co.,                                                         492, 502

  "     Nathan Brown's Co.,                                                      494, 506

  "     John Brewster's Co.,                                                     496, 504




Col. Pierse Long's regiment as paid for their march to Ticon‑

                   deroga, February, 1777,                                       511-521

Capt. Ebenezer Dearing's Co.,                                                511, 518

  "     Timothy Clement's Co.,                                                  512, 513




xii                                GENERAL CONTENTS.


Capt. John Calfe's Co.,                                                           514, 529

  "     Mark Wiggins's Co.,                                                               515

  "     Nathan Brown's Co.,                                                      516, 519

  "     John Brewster's Co.,                                               516-517, 519

  "     Abraham Perkins's Co.,                                                  518, 520

Col. David Gilman's regiment, final pay-rolls,                          552-544

Capt. Francis Towne's Co.,                                                            524

  "     William Walker's Co.,                                                    527, 545

  "     Benjamin Sias's Co.,                                                     529, 545

  "     Daniel Gordon's Co.,                                                             532

  "     Joseph Parson's Co.,                                                      534, 545

  "     Samuel McConnell's Co.,                                                       537

  "     Samuel Wallingford's Co.,                                                     540

  "     Joshua Hayward's Co.,                                                          542

Miscellaneous documents,                                                      545-560

Haverhill return, May, 1777,                                                         546

Salisbury return, March, 1777,                                                      548

Capt. Stillson's men, order,                                                           548

Petition from soldiers at Fort Washington,                                     549

Order to Capt. John Haven,                                                           550

Capt. John Haven's Co., for guarding prisoners,                             551

Roster of officers .in the three continental regiments April,

                   1777,                                                                         552

Apportionment of men to fill up the same,                                      556

Roll of Capt. James Carr's Co. with residences,                      559, 560

        "          Benjamin Titcomb's Co., with residences,                   562

Three years men enlisted from 4th militia regiment from Exe‑

                   ter, New Market, Epping, Brentwood, and Poplin,        563

Three years men enlisted from Col. Stickney's regiment,               565

     "             "                        Col. McClary's regiment,                   570

     "             "                        Col. Nichols's regiment,                    572

Col. Enoch Hale's return,                                                              575

Enlistments from Col. Thornton's regiment,                                   579

Col. Joseph Badger's return,                                                         580

Enlistments from Col. John Webster's regiment,                            582

     "             "     Col. Bartlett's regiment,                                       585

Capt. Asa Richardson's return, Pelham,                                         588

Lieut. Joseph Emery's return, Pembroke,                                       588

  "     Samuel Bradford's return,                                                    589

Col. John Webster's return,                                                           589

Capt. Cutting Cilley's Co., order,                                                    589

Lieut. James Gould's return, Hollis,                                              590

First N. H. Continental Regiment, 1777, pay-rolls,                   591-614

Capt. Isaac Farwell's Co.,                                                              592

  "  Jason Wait's Co.,                                                              595, 599

  "  Amos Emerson's Co.,                                                                600

  "  Amos Morrill's Co.,                                                                   601




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xiii


Capt. Ebenezer Frye's Co.,                                                     604, 606

  "     James House's Co.,                                                        607-609

Lieut. Thomas Simpson's men,                                                      608

Capt. Nathaniel Hutchins's Co.,                                             610, 611

  "     William Scott's Co.,                                                       612, 614

Second N. H. Continental Regiment, 1777,                              615-637

Capt. James Norris's Co.,                                                              615

  "     John Drew's Co.,                                                           617, 619

  "     James Carr's Co.,                                                                 620

  "     Frederick M. Bell's Co.,                                                 623, 626

  "     Caleb Robinson's Co.,                                                            627

  "     William Rowell's Co.,                                                            630

  "     Elijah Claye's Co.,                                                                 632

  "     Samuel Blodgett's Co.,                                                   634, 635

  "     Benjamin Titcomb's Co.,                                                        636

Third N. H. Continental Regiment,                                          638-663

Capt. Isaac Frye's Co.,                                                                   639

  "     Richard Weare's Co.,                                                            641

  "     John Griggs's Co.,                                                                 644

  "     Zechariah Beal's Co.,                                                    647, 649

  "     Michael McClary's Co.,                                                          651

  "     Daniel Livermore's Co.,                                                 653, 655

  "     Benjamin Stone's Co.,                                                           656

  "     James Gray's Co.,                                                                 659

Uncertain what company,                                                              662

Petition of Capt. Daniels's men,                                                     663

Appendix,                                                                                      665

Diary of Lieutenant Jonathan Burton at Winter Hill,               667-689

Roll of Capt. Benjamin Taylor's Co.,                                               667

Return of Capt. Taylor's Co., Dec. 17, 2775,                                   680

Diary of Lieut. Jonathan Burton, Ticonderoga,                        690-702

Roll of Capt. William Barron's Co.,                                                 690


Index of towns, places, etc.,                                                           705


Index to names of persons,                                                            711









The figures in brackets at the beginning of each document refer to the volume and page of the original manuscript.






Page 24, read Melcher Ward instead of Melcher Wood.

103, last line but one, read Wilkins instead of Williams.

146, third line from bottom, read Goss instead of Coss.

504, read David Ela instead of David Eda.

518, read George Loud instead of George Lord.