New Hampshire State Papers



Town Papers














Embracing some Documents relative to Towns which have been returned to the State archives since the publication of Volume XI




























JOINT RESOLUTION relating to the preservation and publication of portions of the early state and provincial records and other state papers of New Hampshire


Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


That his excellency the governor be hereby authorized and empowered, with the advice and consent of the council, to employ some suitable person — and fix his compensation, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated — to collect, arrange, transcribe, and superintend the publication of such portions of the early state and provincial records and other state papers of New Hampshire as the governor may deem proper; and that eight hundred copies of each volume of the same be printed by the state printer, and distributed as follows: namely, one copy to each city and town in the state, one copy to such of the public libraries in the state as the governor may desig­nate, fifty copies to the New Hampshire Historical Society, and the remainder placed in the custody of the state librarian, who is hereby authorized to exchange the same for similar publications by other states

Approved August 4, 1881








In this volume is continued the publication of the same class of papers published in Volume XI, commencing with Gilmanton, and taking the towns, as alphabetically arranged, to New Ipswich They extend over a period, in some towns, of one hundred and fifty years, ending with the year 1800

The editorial introduction to each town is intended to give data relative to the grant, charter, and incorporation, and all severances and annexations of territory, and all divisions for the purpose of forming new towns, said data being compiled from the manuscript records of the state in all cases The petitions for various purposes are valuable, as furnishing much historical matter not elsewhere in existence, and the names of the inhab­itants at various dates They have been in all cases copied as originally written, scrupulously preserving the orthography, punctuation, capitalization, etc Many valuable documents rel­ative to soldiers of the various Indian and French and Revolu­tionary wars may be found in this and the preceding volume Volume XIII, the printing of which has been commenced, will contain the remainder of this class of documents

The editor desires to express his gratitude to many citizens of the state, who are especially interested in its history, for encouragement given him in his labor, and for the many favor­able comments awarded to Volume XI, and particularly to His Excellency Charles H Bell, for valuable advice and support

Should this volume be as favorably received as its predeces­sor, the editor will be entirely satisfied with the result of his labor, and encouraged to future efforts


CONCORD, May, 1883














Introduction,                                                                                    1

     Petition for authority to assess and collect taxes, 1737,                2

     Petition of inhabitants relative to a road, 1770,                             3

Petition for a magistrate,                                                                  4

Letter from Col Joseph Badger to committee of safety,

                   1776,                                                                            5

Roll of men of Col Badger's regiment, mustered July

                   23, 1776,                                                                       6

Roll of officers in Col Badger's regiment, 1776,                                  8

Gilmanton soldiers' orders and receipts,                                           9

Return of ratable polls, 1785,                                                          10

Petition for a magistrate, 1788,                                                       11

Petition to have courts held at Norway Plains, 1789,                        11

Action of town relative to Gilmanton Academy, 1792,                       14

Thomas Cogswell to Hon Abiel Foster relative to the

                   academy, 1794,                                                           16

Thomas Cogswell to Hon John Prentice, relative to the

                   academy,                                                                     16




Introduction,                                                                                   18

Petition for a grant of the township, 1752,                                       18

Petition to have the charter lengthened out, 1763,                          19

Relative to boundary line between this town and Stod‑

                   dard, 1768,                                                                  20

Relative to a wire factory, 1776,                                                      21

Relative to collection of taxes, 1782,                                                22

Return of ratable polls, 1784,                                                          23

Petition for a new town, 1786,                                                         23

Cettificate of vote of town, 1787,                                                      24

Non-resident land-owners, 1793,                                                     25




vi                                 GENERAL CONTENTS




Introduction,                                                                                   25

Relative to church matters,                                                             26

Petition from Presbyterians, 1771,                                                   27

Relative to the settlement of Rev Mr Currier, 1771,                         28

Remonstrance to Mr Currier's settlement, 1771,                             29

Proceedings of town-meeting, 1771,                                                 30

Relative to a dispute at town-meeting, 1772,                                   30

Petition for a lottery to build bridges over Piscataquog

                   river, 1778,                                                                  32

Petition for the privilege of sending a representative

                   without being classed with Derryfield, 1779,                33

Documents relative to soldiers, 1778,                                              34

Col Kelley to Col Stickney,                                                              35

Relative to Joshua Wilson, soldier, 1775,                                         35

Warrant for town-meeting, 1780,                                                     36

Petition relative to church affairs, 1781,                                          38

Request relative to management of town-meeting, 1783,                  39

Deposition relative to constables' pay,                                              39

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                          40

Warrant for town-meeting, 1783,                                                     41

Protest against action in town-meeting, 1783,                                 41

Trouble between the Congregational and Presbyterian

                   parishes, 1783,                                                            42

Protest against proceedings of town-meeting, 1783,                         44

Petition to have the line between Goffstown and New

                   Boston established, 1787,                                            45

Goffstown men in first N H regiment,                                              46




Introduction,                                                                                   46

Rev Elias Fisher's certificate, 1796,                                                 47

Petition for relief from paying ministerial taxes in Lemp‑

                   ster, 1796,                                                                   47

Vote of Lempster relative to ministerial taxes paid by

                   Goshen, 1796,                                                             48




Introduction,                                                                                   48

Petition for incorporation, etc, 1777,                                                49

Petition for incorporation, 1778,                                                      50

Petition relative to taxes, etc, 1779,                                                51

Justice of the peace elected, 1779,                                                  52

Account of service done in the Revolutionary war,                           52




                                    GENERAL CONTENTS                            vii


Petition for the passage of an act making produce, etc,

                   legal tender for debts, 1783,                                        54

Documents copied from Gen Jonathan Chase's papers,                    55

Grafton men drafted, 1780,                                                             56




Introduction,                                                                                   56

List of grievances, 1777,                                                                  57

Documents copied from Gen Jonathan Chase's papers,                    58

Relative to town lines, 1781,                                                           58

Inventory for 1775,                                                                          59

Petition for a parochial parish, 1780,                                               59

Petition to have the name of the town established as

                   New Grantham, 1787,                                                  60




Petition of sundry inhabitants to be annexed to Fran-

                   cestown, 1792,                                                            61

Petition for annexation of some lands to Greenfield, 1793,               63




Introduction,                                                                                   64

Petition to have the boundaries established, 1714,                           65

Petition for authority to elect a representative, 1730,                       66

Relative to ministerial taxes, 1739,                                                 67

Military officers elected, 1775,                                                        67

Vote relative to forming a state government, 1776,                          68

Relative to Thomas Packer, Jr, soldier, 1779,                                   69

Soldier's order, 1781,                                                                      69

Matrimonial agreement, Thomas Packer and Molly

                   Tarlton, 1779,                                                              69

Relative to election of representatives, 1783,                                   71

Petition for authority to raise money by lottery to build

                   a bridge, 1789,                                                             72




Introduction,                                                                                   73

Election of justice of the peace, 1779,                                              74

Relative to a road through Plymouth, etc, 1781,                               74

Petition relative to a road through Alexandria, 1782,                        76

Capt Edmund Shattuck recommended for a magistrate,

                   1785,                                                                           77

Petition relative to boundaries, 1785,                                              78

Petition for change of name of town, 1788,                                       79

Petition of Cockermouth people for a new town, 1791,                      80




viii                               GENERAL CONTENTS


Petition of Plymouth people for a new town, 1791,                            80

Capt Edmund Shattuck's resignation, 1791,                                     82

Petition to have the name of the town changed to

                   Groton, 1796,                                                              82




Introduction,                                                                                   82

Assessment of rates, about 1764,                                                    83

Petition for an incorporation of the town, 1746,                                85

Committee to prosecute the foregoing petition, 1748,                       86

Request relative to foregoing petition, 1749,                                    86

Committee to defend Kingston lawsuits, 1768,                                 87

Votes in town-meeting relative to Kingston claims, 1760,                 87

Votes of town, relative to Kingston claims, 1767,                             88

Committee appointed to settle with Kingston, 1767,                         88

Relative to the settlement of Kingston dispute, 1768,                       89

Elijah Heath's account, 1760,                                                          90

William Heath, Jr, soldier, 1760,                                                     90

Benjamin Morse, soldier, 1762,                                                       91

John Sawyer, soldier of the R I expedition, 1778,                             91

John Eaton's petition, soldier, 1780,                                                91

Petition to be classed for representative, 1785,                                92

Petition relative to paper money, etc, 1786,                                     93

Relative to Revolutionary matters,                                                   95

Petition for a magistrate, 1788,                                                       96

Certificate of nails made, 1791,                                                       97

Certificate of nails made, 1792                                                        98




Introduction,                                                                                   99

Depositions relating to boundary line between Hampton

                   and Portsmouth, 1669,                                                 99

Agreement relative to boundary between Hampton and

                   Portsmouth, 1669,                                                      100

Election of assemblymen, 1691,                                                     101

Vote relative to granting new town, Kingston, 1694,                       102

Disbursements for soldiers, 1694,                                                 102

Selectmen about a new town, 1694,                                               102

Election of assemblymen, 1694,                                                     103

Hampton soldiers, 1695, 1696,                                                       103

Hampton men in garrison at Exeter, 1695-'96,                               105

Hampton soldiers, April to September, 1696,                                  107

New Hampshire to Hampton men, 1696,                                        109

Warrant for muster of the militia, 1697,                                        109

Hampton men sent to the fort, 1704,                                             110

Hampton soldiers, 1708,                                                                111




                                    GENERAL CONTENTS                             ix


Remonstrance against a township being granted

                   at Squamscot, 1709,                                                   112

Another of same tenor, 1715,                                                        113

Weare's petition for a township, 1717,                                            117

Warrant for parish meeting, 1719,                                                 115

Falls men present at said meeting,                                               115

New Parish men present at said meeting,                                      115

Petition for grant of a township, 1731,                                            116

Bill of expense for constructing a pillory, 1732,                              117

Petition of North Hill inhabitants relative to paying

                   ministerial rates, addressed to Gov Belcher and the

                   assembly, 1738,                                                         117

North Hill parish declaration, 1739,                                               119

Report of committee concerning lines between North

                   Hill and the old parish, 1742,                                     120

Remonstrance to foregoing report,                                                 120

Abstract from Dr Anthony's memorial, 1757,                                  122

Abstract from Nathan Blake's petition, addressed to the

                   governor and assembly, Jan 28, 1760,                        122

Relative to small-pox, 1758,                                                           123

Relative to a lottery, 1790,                                                            124

Vote of town relative to a lottery, 1790,                                          125

Petition for authority to raise money by lottery to re-

                   pair a bridge, etc, 1791,                                             125

Relative to aforenamed lottery, 1791,                                            126

Relative to church matters, 1796,                                                  127

List of land-owners, about 1738,                                                    128


                                       HAMPTON FALLS


Introduction,                                                                                 130

Petition for grant of a township, no date,                                        130

Petition of John Brown, innholder, for the privilege of

                   a town fair, about 1734,                                             131

Deposition of Joshua Pierce,                                                          132

Petition relative to making a new town of the west part,

                   1736,                                                                         133

Committee appointed to fix division line, and report of

                   said committee, 1736,                                                133

Action of legislature, 1737,                                                            135

Petition for a change of dates of the fairs, 1738,                             135

Petition for the granting of a township, 1749,                                 136

Petition of Quakers relative to service in the army, 1761,               137

Relative to incorporation of Seabrook, 1768,                                   138

Objections to the meeting called by Justices Bryant and

                   Emery, 1770,                                                             138

Petition for the appointment of a committee to settle

                   parish difficulties, 1770,                                            139




x                                  GENERAL CONTENTS


Report of the committee, 1770,                                                      140

Louisbourg soldiers, 1746,                                                             141

Crown Point soldier, 1756,                                                             141

Abigail Dwinnell's petition 1759,                                                    141

Petition of Isaac Tobey, 1760,                                                         142

Jonathan Knowlton, soldier, 1760,                                                 142

Isaiah Row, soldier, 1760,                                                             142

Eleazer Quimby, soldier, 1760,                                                      142

David Steward, soldier, 1761,                                                        142

Proceedings in a parish meeting, 1773,                                          143

Summons to witnesses in foregoing matter,                                   143

Petition concerning aforesaid dispute,                                           144

Another statement relative to the foregoing dispute,                      146

D Bachelder's statement concerning same,                                   147

Election of a magistrate, 1776,                                                      149

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        149

Recommendation for appointment of magistrate, 1789,                   150

Relative to working highway taxes in Hampton Falls

                   and Seabrook parish, 1791,                                        246




Introduction,                                                                                 152

Consent of inhabitants of the east side to the incorpo‑

                   ration of Hancock, 1779,                                            152

Petition for an incorporation of the town, 1779,                              152

Petition relative to taxes, 1779,                                                     153

Report of committee to locate a meeting-house, 1785,                    154

Petition for special tax to build a meeting-house,                           155

Petition for appointment of a committee to locate a

                   meeting-house, 1785,                                                155

Petition for authority to levy a fax to build a meeting-

                   house, 1785,                                                              156

Relative to building a meeting-house, 1787,                                   156

Petition of Jos Putnam to be annexed to Hancock, 1793,                 157

Consent of the town to the foregoing,                                             157

Relative to militia regiments, 1785,                                               158




Introduction,                                                                                 159

Vote of the town relative to its boundaries, 1772,                           159

Petition for an additional grant, 1771,                                            159

John Crane for leave to establish a hospital, 1773,                         161

Jonathan Freeman relative to Hanover addition, 1774,                  161

Precept for the election of a representative, 1775,                          162

Vote of the town relative to the matter in dispute,                         165

Petition of Lieut John House, 1779,                                               165




                                    GENERAL CONTENTS                             xi


Petition of Thos Clark, soldier, addressed to the gen‑

                   eral assembly, 1783,                                                  166

Petition of Lieut James Goold, 1783,                                              166

Peter Johnson, Bunker Hill, soldier,                                              167

Soldiers' orders, 1786,                                                                   167

From Gen Chase's papers,                                                             168

Petition to have a part of Hanover incorporated into a

                   new town, 1783,                                                        170

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        171

Petition for the appointment of a magistrate, 1784,                        172

Petition for an issue of paper money, 1784,                                    173

Relative to a road through town, laid out by a legisla‑

                   tive committee, 1786,                                                 174

Petition for a grant to make a canal, etc, 1792,                              175

Isaac Rogers's petition for a ferry, 1794,                                        176




Introduction,                                                                                 177

Petition for a ferry, 1772,                                                              177

Extract from grand to Asa Porter,                                                   178

Report of the committee on the matter of granting a

                   ferry to Thomas Johnson,                                           179

Relative to dead body found, 1776,                                                 179

Enoch Bartlet's complaint, 1780,                                                   180

Abstract from the petition of Geo Moor, soldier, 1783,                     181

John French, armorer, 1780,                                                         181

Moses Dow declines to accept an election as a member

                   of the congress of the United States, 1784,                 182

Vote of town relative to paper money, 1786,                                   183

Selectmen's protest to the grant of a ferry to Ezekiel

                   Ladd,                                                                         183

Petition for an act of incorporation for the academy,

                   1793,                                                                         184

Subscriptions towards building a bridge over Connec‑

                   ticut river, 1794,                                                        185

Asa Porter for a ferry,                                                                    186

John Hurd relative to roads, 1774,                                                 186

Representation of services done by the town during the

                   war, and its present condition, 1798,                          187




Introduction,                                                                                 189

Petition of the inhabitants to have the town incorpo‑

                   rated, 1768,                                                               189

Return of men raised for the army, 1776,                                      191

Roll of Capt Aaron Adams's company, 1776,                                    192




xii                                GENERAL CONTENTS


Joseph Patterson, wounded soldier, 1778,                                      193

Abraham Kimball, wounded soldier,                                               193

Soldier's order, 1779,                                                                    194

Petition for the appointment of a committee to locate a

                   meeting-house, 1786,                                                194




Introduction,                                                                                 195

Petition to be incorporated into two towns, 1776,                            196

Arms and ammunition asked for, 1776,                                          197

Petition to be incorporated, 1778,                                                  197

Certificate of soldiers exempt from poll tax,                                   198

Deposition of Capt Edward Everett,                                                198

David Emerson recommended for coroner, 1782,                            199

Return of number of ratable polls, 1783,                                        199

Deposition of Joseph Emmons, 1781,                                             200

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1785,                           200

Petition for a division of the town, 1787,                                        201

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1789,                           202




Introduction,                                                                                 203

Hillsborough soldiers in R I expedition, 1778,                                 203

A list of alarm men in Hillsborough, 1776,                                     204

Return of a soldier, 1779,                                                              205

Bounties advanced by towns, 1782,                                                205

Lieut Sam Bradford's petition, 1781,                                              205

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1780,                           206

Relative to drawing town lots, 1784,                                              207

Relative to date of annual meeting, 1785,                                      208

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        209

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1785,                           209

Relative to Robert Tinney, soldier,                                                 210

Relative to incorporating a town library, 1797,                               212




Introduction,                                                                                 212

Col Josiah Willard's account for supplies furnished sol‑

                   dier s, 1750,                                                              213

Col Ebenezer Hinsdale's bill, 1785,                                                214

Relative to Dummer's ferry,                                                           215

Relative to abatement of taxes, 1779,                                            216

Relative to Vermont controversy, 1781,                                          217

Petition for a grant of a ferry, 1735,                                               218

Relative to aforesaid ferry, 1786,                                                   218

Another petition relative to same, 1786,                                        219




                                    GENERAL CONTENTS                           xiii


Deposition of Josiah Wheeler, 1786,                                              219

Deposition of Nathaniel Stearns, 1786,                                          220

James Hubbard for a ferry, 1786,                                                   221

Petition for a magistrate, 1789,                                                     222

Petition for authority to send a representative, 1793,                     222

Petition for the privilege of a lottery, 1795,                                     223

Petition of Nathan Willard for a grant of Gravel Island,

                   1795,                                                                         224

Petition of Zebulon Moffatt, soldier, 1776, addressed to

                   the general court,                                                      225

Account for soldiers' bounties, etc,                                                225




Introduction,                                                                                 226

Petition for a regrant of some forfeited rights,                                226

Petition for arms and ammunition, 1776,                                       227

Hercules Mooney's petition, 1779,                                                  227

Holderness soldier, 1782,                                                              228

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        228

Relative to class for representative, 1785,                                      228

Maj. Sam. Shepard recommended for a magistrate,

                   1789,                                                                         229

Against the appointment of Sam. Shepard,                                     230

Petition for the laying out of a road from Plymouth to

                   Hill, 1798,                                                                 230




Introduction,                                                                                 231

Peter Wheeler's petition, 1761,                                                      232

Joshua Wright's petition, 1760,                                                      232

Selectmen's account for taking an inventory of New

                   Ipswich, 1761,                                                            232

Petition from inhabitants of Dunstable to be annexed to

                   Hollis, 1762,                                                              233

Vote at a town-meeting, 1764,                                                       234

Vote at a town-meeting, 1768,                                                       234

Appointment of Sam. Farley, agent, 1768,                                      234

Petition for the formation of a new town, 1768,                              235

Petition for the formation of a new town, 1769,                              235

Boundaries of Raby, 1769,                                                             236

Agreement relative to extending the town further east,

                   1773,                                                                         236

Petition of Dunstable parties to be annexed to Hollis,

                   1773,                                                                         237

Consent of Dunstable to the foregoing 1773,                                  238

Relative to a Hollis man enlisted in Massachusetts reg‑

                   iment, 1778,                                                              239




xiv                               GENERAL CONTENTS.


Relative to appointment of officers in the militia, 1775,                  239

Relative to the estates of absentees, 1779,                                    240

Estates of Hollis absentees, 1779,                                                 241

Account of sale of confiscated counterfeiters' tools, 1780,               242

Petition of Capt. Reuben Dow, 1778,                                              242

Aid to the family of Jacob Danforth, 1779,                                      243

Soldiers' Petition for an allowance for the depreciation

                   of their pay, 1781,                                                      244

Relative to Lemuel Blood, soldier, 1782,                                        244

Testimony of Reuben Blood and Wm. Cormick con‑

                   cerning the same, 1780,                                            244

Deposition of Jeremiah Prichard, 1778,                                         245

Soldiers' orders,                                                                            245

Relative to estate of Wm. Brown, an absentee, 1784,                     245

Relative to the restoration of Monson, 1782,                                  246

Petitioners' tax, 1782,                                                                   246

Statement of a grievance, 1783,                                                    247

Relative to articles of confederation, 1783,                                    248

Petition of certain persons to be set off to Raby, 1783,                    249

Opposition of Hollis to the petition of Raby, 1785,                           250

Petition for a magistrate, 1784,                                                     251




Introduction,                                                                                 252

Petition of Joshua Abbott for a ferry, 1782,                                     253

Petition of Dustin and Martin for a ferry, 1782,                              253

Petition of McGregore and Duncan for exclusive privi‑

                   lege of locking Hooksett falls, 1794,                            254




Introduction,                                                                                 255

Petition for the privilege of having a representative,

                   1773,                                                                         257

Relative to the formation of counties, 1772,                                   257

Proceedings of a town-meeting, 1772,                                            259

Relative to the formation of counties, 1772,                                   259

Capt. Stinson relative to soldiers, 1776,                                         260

John Hale declines the appointment of major, 1777,                      260

Petition of Timothy Clements, 1778,                                              261

Remonstrance to the appointment of Benj. Wiggin,

                   1785,                                                                         261

Petition for the appointment of Benjamin Wiggin as a

                   magistrate, 1786,                                                       262

Another petition in favor of Wiggin, 1786,                                       263

Petition in favor of Lieut. Joshua Morse, 1786,                               264




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                            xv


Another remonstrance to Mr. Wiggin,                                            265

Enlistment papers, 1776,                                                               266

Depositions relative to service in the army, 1777,                          266

Enlistments, 1781,                                                                        267

Certificate of soldiers mustered, 1781,                                          267

Petition of Joseph Marsh, soldier, 1787,                                         268

Petition of Samuel French, soldier, 1787,                                      268

Petition of Elijah Smart, soldier, 1791,                                           269

Hopkinton men in the First N. H. Regiment,                                  269

Remonstrance to the ordination of Rev. Jacob Cram,

                   1789,                                                                         270

Another remonstrance of the same import, 1789,                           272




Introduction,                                                                                 273

Nottingham West men in First N. H. Regiment,                              273

Complaint concerning Rev. Nathaniel Merrill, 1747,                       274

Granting authority to Mr. Cummings to petition the

                   legislature, 1747,                                                       275

Relative to ministerial affairs, 1747,                                              275

Alleged illegal voting, 1747,                                                           276

Petition relative to foregoing, 1747,                                                277

Statement in favor of Moses Hadley's petition,                               278

Relative to Jonathan Searle, 1775 ,                                               278

Relative to land of Wm. Brattle, 1777,                                            279

Relative to the protection of fish, 1778,                                          280

Petition relative to aforesaid act, 1779,                                          280

Petition of Thomas Caldwell, 1783,                                                282

Depositions of Cummings, Cross, and Hale, 1783,                          283

Statement relative to building the road, 1783,                               284

More relative to said road, 1783,                                                    285

Petition of Sarah Bradbury, 1780,                                                  286

Petition of Richard Cutter, soldier,                                                286

Asa Davis recommended for a magistrate, 1785,                            286

Petition for an incorporation of a library, 1797,                               287




Introduction,                                                                                 288

Petition for an incorporation, 1796,                                                289

Another petition relative to incorporation, 1797,                             290

Another, relative to incorporating a town, 1799,                             290




Introduction,                                                                                 291

Bounds of the township, as granted Nov. 30, 1749,                         292

Petition for an incorporation of the town, 1773,                              292




xvi                               GENERAL CONTENTS.


Case of assault before courts were established in the

                   county, 1775,                                                             293

Evidence relative to foregoing,                                                       294

Petition of Daniel Russell, soldier, 1777,                                       295

Petition of Ephraim Adams, soldier, 1779,                                      296

Soldiers' orders,                                                                            296

Petition of Lucy Wesson, 1782,                                                      297

James Turner, soldier,                                                                  297

Petition of Benjamin Dole, 1785,                                                   298

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        298

Relative to Kendall Parsons, soldier,                                              299

Petition for authority to raise a company of cavalry,

                   1786,                                                                         299

Relative to Peterborough Slip, 1787,                                               300

Protest against setting off a portion of the town, 1787,                   300




Introduction,                                                                                 303

John Goffe, relative to township bounds, 1770,                               304

Order to survey a tract of land for David Page, 1773,                      305

Petition for an act of incorporation, 1793,                                       305




Introduction,                                                                                 306

Agent appointed to get the town incorporated, 1750,                       307

Jeremiah Hall appointed agent to obtain an act of in‑

                   corporation, 1750,                                                      308

John and Ruth Dinsmoor's petition, 1750,                                      308

Benj. Guild appointed to assist Capt. Hall, 1750,                            309

Petition for an incorporation of the town, 1751,                              309

Another petition for an incorporation, 1753,                                   310

Relative to inoculation for small-pox, 1776,                                    311

Petition for a lottery for the purpose of building a

                   bridge, 1778,                                                              312

Relative to a lottery for the purpose of building a

                   bridge, 1778,                                                              313

Relative to trial of several royalists, 1777,                                     314

Jeremiah Stiles chosen magistrate, 1777,                                     315

Deserters from the army, 1777,                                                     316

Documents relative to Capt. Sam. Weatherbee, 1778,                    316

Col. Wyman's certificate,                                                               316

Deposition of Ebenezer Putnam,                                                    316

John Hart's discharge, 1776,                                                         317

Resignation of Maj. Timothy Ellis, 1779,                                         317

Substitute for Nehemiah Town. 1780,                                            317

Nehemiah Brown, wounded soldier,                                               318




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                          xvii


Petition of Charles Rice, Bunker Hill soldier, 1791,                        318

Warrant from Vermont for the election of two repre‑

                   sentatives, 1781,                                                       318

John Balch, post-rider, 1781,                                                        319

Timothy Balch, post-rider, 1785,                                                    320

Relative to taxes on estates of absentees, 1783,                             320

Resignation of Timothy Ellis, 1782,                                                321

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        321

Relative to the county jail, 1783,                                                   322

Taxes on land of absentees, 1785,                                                 322

Certificates of nails made, 1789,                                                   323

Election of a representative, 1794,                                                 323




Introduction,                                                                                 324

Petitions of soldiers,                                                                      324

Petition for a grant of land,                                                            325

Ebenezer Brown's complaint, 1778,                                                326

Petition for a paper currency, 1785,                                               327

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        327

An appeal for Dr Benj. Rowe, about 1785,                                      328

Petition for a coroner. 1786,                                                          329

Jeremiah Fogg's declination of the office of Adjutant‑

                   General; 1786,                                                           329




Introduction,                                                                                 330

Petition for a confirmation of the grant and specification

                   of its bounds,                                                             331

Precept for an election, 1710,                                                        332

Kingston men's names, 1727,                                                        332

Relative to taxation by Massachusetts, 1731,                                 333

Petition of inhabitants of the easterly part for a new

                   parish, 1738,                                                             334

Petition for a grant of land, 1738,                                                  335

Action of town-meeting, 1742,                                                       336

Petition for lands, 1750,                                                                337

Action of town relative to roads, 1755,                                           338

Petition relative to a road, 1755,                                                    339

Report of a committee on the foregoing, 1755,                                339

Petition for encouragement to manufacture salt, 1776,                  340

Petition for a lottery, 1777,                                                            341

John Prescott, soldier, 1753,                                                         341

Abstracts from petitions of French War soldiers,                            342

Capt. Samuel Fifield's certificate, 1762,                                         342

Petition of John Dent, soldier, 1759,                                              343




xviii                             GENERAL CONTENTS.


Petition of Paul Pressey, soldier, 1759,                                          344

Certificate relative to foregoing, 1759,                                           344

Jeremiah Bartlett's petition, 1778,                                                344

Soldiers' orders,                                                                            345

Petition of Sarah Hobart, 1797,                                                      345

Relative to the militia, 1784,                                                         345

Another concerning militia, 1785,                                                  347

Certificate of nails made in 1791,                                                  350




Introduction,                                                                                 351

Petition of David Page for more land, 1773,                                    351

Relative to representative, 1775,                                                   352

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        352

Petition of Col. Bucknam for the grant of a ferry, 1784,                  353

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1787,                           353

Petition relative to roads, 1788,                                                     354

Relative to the formation of Coös county, 1790,                              356

Petition for a new county, 1791,                                                    356

Petition to have the right of ferries vested in the town,

                   1792,                                                                         357

Petition for authority to levy a special tax for road pur‑

                   poses, 1792,                                                               358

Petition of Eleazer Rosbrook for a ferry. 1792,                                359

Petition for special tax to make roads, 1793,                                  359

Record of a town-meeting, 1793,                                                    360




Introduction,                                                                                 361

Town-meeting proceedings, 1777,                                                  361

Petition for an allowance for services in the war, 1786,                  362

Relative to representative class, 1788,                                           363

Landaff claims Edward Marden, soldier, 1786,                               364

Relative to a Bunker Hill soldier, etc., 1794,                                  365

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1789,                           365

Petition relative to sending representative, 1799,                           366




Introduction,                                                                                 367

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1789,                           367

Petition for special tax to build a meeting-house, 1793,                  368

Vote of town relative to extending its north line, 1795,                   368




Introduction,                                                                                 369

Report of committee on boundaries, 1768,                                      369




                                    GENERAL CONTENTS                            xix


Return of arms and equipments, 1775,                                          370

Petition of Nathaniel Bugbee, soldier, 1777,                                   371

Certificate relative to foregoing, 1777,                                           371

Petition of John Slapp, 1778,                                                         371

Soldier's order, 1785,                                                                    372

Documents copied from Gen. Chase's papers, 1777,                       372

Wm Dana's return, 1777,                                                              373

Relative to a committee of conference, 1777,                                 374

Letter from Nehemiah Estabrook, 1777,                                         374

Complaint of N. H. adherents, 1778,                                              375

Relative to an alleged riot, 1779,                                                   376

Protest against the action of the town. 1780,                                 376

Call for a conference meeting. 1780,                                             377

Relative to Vermont controversy, 1782,                                          378

Disputed jurisdiction, 1782,                                                          379

Relative to recording grants in office of the secretary of

                   state, 1782,                                                               380

Protest against the incorporation of a district to be

                   called Dresden, 1783, incomplete,                              381

Relative to the collection of taxes,                                                 382

Relative to the incorporation of Dresden, 1783,                              382

Relative to the incorporation of Dresden, 1783,                              384

William Dana's petition for a ferry, 1784,                                       384

Petition for a new town, 1785,                                                       385

Samuel Bailey for a ferry, 1785,                                                    386

Relative to the charter of the town, 1786,                                      387

Relative to town boundaries, 1786,                                                388

Report of committee on boundaries, 1786,                                      388

Certificate of nails made, 1791,                                                     389




Introduction,                                                                                 390

Relative to Edward Dearborn, soldier, 1778,                                   390

Edward Leathers's order, 1784,                                                     391

Dr. James Brackett recommended for a magistrate,

                   1785,                                                                         391

Assessment list for taxes, 1787,                                                    392

Notice of a meeting of alarm-men, 1787,                                        394

Officers chosen at said meeting,                                                   394

Job Runnels recommended for a magistrate, 1789,                        394

Paul Giles recommended, 1789,                                                    395




Introduction,                                                                                 396

Relative to the town's quota of soldiers, 1783,                                396

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        397




xx                                GENERAL CONTENTS.


Civil magistrate wanted, 1785,                                                      397

Assessment list, 1787,                                                                  398

Relative to town boundaries, 1788,                                                399

Opposition to the north-east corner petition, 1790,                         399

Remonstrance to having the north-east corner set off,

                   1790,                                                                         400

Petition to have the north-east part set off, and with

                   other territory incorporated into a town, 1791,            401

Vote of the town relative to the foregoing, 1791,                             402

Vote of the town of Newport relative to same,                                 402

More opposition,                                                                            402

Portion proposed to be taken from Lempster to form a

                   new town,                                                                  403




Introduction,                                                                                 404

Petition for re-grant of township,                                                   404




Introduction,                                                                                 404

Representatives chosen to attend the convention at Leb‑

                   anon, 1777,                                                               405

Statement of condition of the town and service in the

                   war, 1786,                                                                 406

Statement of town affairs, 1787,                                                    407

John Young relative to town affairs, 1789,                                     410

John Young wants a patent for building chimneys,

                   1791,                                                                         412

Capt. Samuel Young's petition,                                                      413




Introduction,                                                                                 414

Warrant for town-meeting, 1743,                                                   415

Vote at said meeting, 1743,                                                           416

Relative to paying rates in two towns, 1746,                                   416

James Hill's receipts, 1745,                                                           417

Invoice of Lieut. Pelatiah Russell's equipments lost in

                   the service, 1757,                                                      417

Capt John Parker's petition, 1776,                                                 418

Litchfield men at Ticonderoga alarm, 1777,                                   418

Relative to being classed for representative, 1780,                         419

James Underwood relative to some confiscated estates,

                   1780,                                                                         420

William Patterson relative to some confiscated estates,

                   1782,                                                                         420




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xxi


Selectmen concerning soldiers, 1783,                                            421

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        422

Relative to their quota of soldiers, 1783,                                        422

Petition for a bridge at Cromwell's Falls, 1794,                               423




Introduction,                                                                                 424

Relative to taxes, 1786,                                                                 425

Relative to a tax for building roads, 1785,                                      425

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1788,                           426

Relative to taxing non-residents, 1791,                                          427

Lieut Peleg Williams's petition, 1793,                                             428




Introduction,                                                                                 429

Relative to the burning of Matthew Clark's house,

                   1725, 430

Order relative to laying out some land, 1728,                                 431

Warrant for town-meeting, 1733,                                                   431

Charge against the legality of a town-meeting, 1736,                     432

Precept for the election of an assemblyman, 1736,                         432

Two sets of town officers chosen, 1737,                                          433

Relative to a new parish, 1737,                                                      435

Relative to a parish in the westerly part of the town,

                   1739,                                                                         436

Proposals for peace, 1737,                                                             437

Return of laying out a highway, 1738,                                            440

Petition from persons formerly belonging to Dracut for

                   a parish, 1741,                                                           441

Londonderry bounds,                                                                     442

Relative to a road, 1743,                                                                443

Certificate of service of a notice, 1742,                                          443

Report of a committee on roads, 1743,                                           443

Petition for a reduction of the number of licensed tav‑

                   erns in town, 1758,                                                    444

Special town-meeting called for, 1745,                                           445

Relative to taxes, 1745,                                                                 446

Order to the constable to collect taxes, 1764,                                 446

Relative to the election of an assemblyman, 1762,                         447

Election of assemblyman disputed, 1762,                                       448

Abstracts from petitions of French war soldiers,                             450

Relative to the formation of counties. 1769,                                   451

An address to the governor, 1773,                                                  454

Relative to parish affairs, 1774,                                                     455

Petition to have an election set aside, 1774,                                  456

Protest against the foregoing named town-meeting,                       457




xxii                              GENERAL CONTENTS.


Reimbursement wanted for money paid men who turn‑

                   ed out on the Lexington alarm, 1775,                         459

Petition of Thomas Lannen, 1764,                                                  460

Deposition of Thomas Davidson concerning a son,                          460

Certificate of James McGregore, 1776,                                          460

Petition of David George, soldier, 1776,                                          460

Service of minute men, 1775,                                                        461

Petition of Wm. MacMurphy, 1777,                                                 462

Thomas Archibald, soldier, 1778,                                                   462

Sergt. William Morrill, 1776,                                                          462

Soldiers' enlistments, 1779,                                                          462

Samuel Thompson's petition, 1780,                                                463

Col. Scammel recommends Lieut. Asa Senter for pro‑

                   motion, 1781,                                                             463

Statement of John Nesmith, 1782,                                                 463

Joseph Hogg's order, 1784,                                                            464

Petition of Samuel Houston, one of Washington's

                   guard, 1785,                                                              464

Petition of William Adams, 1791,                                                   464

Relative to Lieut. Robert Barnet, 1778,                                          465

Petition for the release of Stephen Holland, 1777,                          465

Petition of certain persons to be annexed to Nottingham

                   West, 1778,                                                               467

Relative to certain persons being annexed to Windham,

                   1778,                                                                         468

Recommendations for military officers, 1780,                                 469

Relative to the enlistment of Londonderry men by

                   Massachusetts, 1781,                                                469

Relative to the line between this town and Windham,

                   1782,                                                                         470

Relative to foregoing matter,                                                         471

Verbal agreement made, 1782,                                                      471

Protest against Mrs Jane Holland's being permitted to

                   return, 1782,                                                             471

Abstract from town inventories, 1782-83,                                       473

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        473

Petition to be exempted from paying ministerial tax in

                   the old parish, 1783,                                                  474

Instructions to representatives, 1783,                                            475

Relative to counterfeit money,                                                       476

Petition of sundry persons to be annexed to the east

                   parish, 1783,                                                             476

Relative to par ish affairs, 1784,                                                    477

Petition to be annexed to the west parish, 1784,                            478

Petition for a Sunday act, 1784,                                                     478

Relative to paper money, etc., 1786,                                              479

Vote of the town on paper money, 1786,                                         482




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                         xxiii


Letter, — Col. Reid to the president of the state,                           482

Daniel Reynolds elected to fill a vacancy in the house

                   of representatives, 1787,                                            482

Petition of Congregationalists for an incorporation,

                   1796,                                                                         483

Committee chosen to present the petition, 1797,                           484




Introduction,                                                                                 485

Petition to have a portion of the town annexed to Con‑

                   cord, 1782,                                                                485

Benjamin Sias recommended for a magistrate, 1785,                     486

Vote relative to paper money, 1786,                                               487

Joseph Smith recommended for a magistrate, about

                                                                                                 1785,          488

     Another recommendation for Joseph Smith,                              489

John Sanborn recommended for a magistrate, 1789,                      490

List of soldiers in the army, 1776,                                                 491

Soldiers' enlistments, 1780 – 81,                                                   491

Soldier's receipt, 1780,                                                                  492

Soldiers' orders, 1784-85,                                                              492




Introduction,                                                                                 492

Petition for an extension of the charter,                                        493

Relative to taxes,                                                                          494

Town invoice, 1777,                                                                       495

Petition for abatement of taxes, 1779,                                                           495

Report of a committee relative to a soldier, 1786,                                          496

Relative to soldiers furnished for the war, 1786,                            496

Petition of non-residents, 1787,                                                                                            497

Petition relative to a ferry, 1790,                                                                                     498

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1790,                           499

Vote of town relative to a ferry, 1791,                                                           499

Petition of Jacob Hurd for a ferry, 1793,                                                        500




Introduction,                                                                                 501

Thomas Sumner relative to the town grant, 1768,                          501

Condition of the town, 1768,                                                          502

Town inventory, 1773: names only printed,                                    503

Vote of town relative to the convention at Lebanon,

                   1777,                                                                         504

Letter, — Jonathan Childs to Hon. Jacob Bailey, 1776,                  504

Petition of Capt. Ebenezer Green, 1781,                                         505

Report of committee on soldiers, 1786,                                          505




xxiv                              GENERAL CONTENTS:


Documents copied from Gen. Chase's papers,                                506

Petition for charter for a ferry, 1784,                                             506

Complaint relative to representation, etc.,                                     507

Petition for the annexation of Grant's Island to the

                   town, 1788,                                                                508




Introduction,                                                                                 509

Recommendation for a coroner, 1776,                                            509

Recommendation for a magistrate, 1779,                                       509

Letter from Benjamin Lynde, 1779,                                               510

Petition for a division of the town, 1780,                                        510

Remonstrance to foregoing petition, 1783,                                     511

Another remonstrance, 1784,                                                        513

Statement from the petitioners, 1784,                                           514

Another statement of the situation, 1784,                                      516

Report of a committee of conference, 1785,                                    518

Remonstrance to a division of the town,                                         519

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        521

Soldier's order, 1784,                                                                    521

Soldier's bounty,                                                                           521

Lyndeborough men in First N. H. Regiment,                                   522

Relative to military affairs, 1785,                                                   522

Nehemiah Rand recommended for a magistrate, 1786,                   523

Relative to warning Elisha Wilkins out of town, 1788,                     524

Committee report relative to foregoing,                                          525

Petition for the setting off of the north-west part of the

                   town, 1790,                                                                526

Inhabitants of Lyndeborough Gore for an incorpora‑

                   tion, 1790,                                                                 527

Consent of Peterborough to foregoing, 1790,                                   528

Report of a committee on the foregoing,                                         528

Proceedings of a town-meeting relative to the foregoing,

                   1791,                                                                         529

Remonstrance of sundry inhabitants to being set off,

                   1791,                                                                         532

Report of a committee on the foregoing, 1791,                                533

Petition from inhabitants of the south-west part to be

                   annexed to Temple, 1795,                                          534

Action of town on foregoing petition, 1796,                                     535

Rev Mr Goodridge's statement, 1776,                                             535




Introduction,                                                                                 536

Petition for the appointment of a magistrate,                                 536

Pelatiah Daniels, soldier, 1760,                                                     537




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xxv


Daniel Pinkham, soldier, 1776,                                                      538

William Twombly, soldier, 1779,                                                     538

Bounty to George Ham, 1784,                                                        538

James Jackson's order, 1785,                                                        538

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        539

Petition for authority to elect a representative, 1786,                     539




Introduction,                                                                                 540

Petition of Hadley and Kidder, 1759,                                              541

Ebenezer Newman, soldier, 1779,                                                  543

Letter from Col John Goffe to Gov. Wentworth rela‑

                   tive to trespasses and some sharp practice at an elec‑

                   tion in Derryfield, 1766,                                             543

Jeremiah Stevens for confirmation of a grant of land,

                   1742,                                                                         545

Relative to the discontinuance of a road, 1753,                              545

Relative to the alewive fishery, 1776,                                            547

Relative to being classed for representative, 1780,                         549

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        550

Relative to Sabbath-breaking, 1784,                                               551

Proportionment of foreign, domestic, and state debt,

                   1787,                                                                         551

Petition for the appointment of a committee to settle

                   the north line of the town, 1789,                                552

Vote of the town relative to line, 1789,                                          553

Petition for an incorporation to erect a bridge over Mer‑

                   rimack river, 1792,                                                    554

Relative to Amoskeag bridge, 1792,                                                554

Petition for a grant of land, 1794,                                                  555

Petition to have a gore of land incorporated with Der‑

                   ryfield, 1795,                                                             556

Samuel Blodgett for a charter to construct a canal

                   around Amoskeag Falls, 1794,                                    557

Petition for legislation to protect fish in Cohas brook,

                   1797,                                                                         558

Blodgett's canal, 1798,                                                                  559

Petition for the incorporation of a company to construct

                   a canal from Merrimack river to Massabesic pond,

                   1799,                                                                         559

Petition for authority to raise money by lottery to com‑

                   plete the canal, 1799,                                                560

Relative to locks and canals on Merrimack river, etc.,                    562

Another petition for the protection of fish in Cohas

                   brook, 1800,                                                               565




xxvi                              GENERAL CONTENTS.




Introduction,                                                                                 566

Petition for an act of incorporation, 1775,                                       567

Another petition for an incorporation, 1775,                                   568

Petition for an incorporation, 1776,                                                568

Petition of Maj Andrew Colburn,                                                    569

Calvin Goodenow, soldier, 1782,                                                    570

Relative to taxes of Elijah Williams, 1781,                                      570

Certificate of nails made, 1790,                                                     570

Against the appointment of William Parker, 1790,                          571

Relative to boundary between this town and Fitzwill-

                   iam, 1795,                                                                 571




Introduction,                                                                                 572

Inventory of 1773,                                                                         573

Relative to the election of representative, 1776,                             573

Relative to the east line of the town, 1777,                                    574

Relative to the settlement of the east line of the town,

                   1778,                                                                         575

Relative to taxes, 1784,                                                                 575

Relative to east line of the town, 1798,                                          576

Remonstrance to the establishment of the east line as by

                   the act of 1797,                                                          576




Introduction,                                                                                 577

Petition for a town charter, 1768,                                                  578

Relative to an alleged theft, 1775,                                                 579

Relative to paper currency, 1777,                                                  579

Vote relative to paper currency, 1786,                                           580

Soldiers' orders,                                                                            581




Introduction,                                                                                 581

Petition for an incorporation, 1768,                                                582

Soldiers' orders, 1777, '83, '85,                                                      582

Relative to William Maloon, soldier, 1791,                                      583

Petition for a change of day of annual meeting, 1784,                     584

Petition of the Baptist society for an incorporation,

                   1797,                                                                         584

Vote of town relative to the Baptist society, 1797,                          585




Introduction,                                                                                 586

Sarah Lutwyche, relative to ferry, 1775,                                        586




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                         xxvii


Report of committee on the foregoing, 1775,                                   587

Remonstrance to petition of Matthew Thornton for a

                   ferry, 1784,                                                                588

Another remonstrance to same, 1784,                                           589

Nathaniel Garfield, quarter-master, 1779,                                     591

Soldier's order, 1782,                                                                    592

Relative to William Cowen, soldier, 1784,                                      592

Petition in behalf of James Taylor, 1785,                                        592

Relative to the election of representative, 1762,                             593




Introduction,                                                                                 594

Petition to be incorporated,                                                            595

Soldiers' order s, 1784, '85, '92,                                                     596

Petition of John Barter, soldier, 1788,                                           596

Relative to the town's quota of soldiers, 1783,                                597

Petition for a division of the town, 1785,                                        598

Remonstrance to the foregoing, 1785,                                            599

Relative to the town's quota of soldiers, 1786,                                600

Vote relative to paper money, 1786,                                               601

Petition for abatement of taxes, 1787,                                            601

Petition for a magistrate, 1790,                                                     602

Relative to division of state tax, 1794,                                            603




Introduction,                                                                                 603

Asa Lewis, soldier, 1776,                                                               604

Soldier's order, 1785,                                                                    604

Petition for an incorporation, 1779,                                                605

Remonstrance to foregoing, 1779,                                                  606

Remonstrance from Amherst,                                                        607

Petition for an incorporation, 1780,                                                607




Introduction,                                                                                 609

Vote of the town, 1761,                                                                 610

Vote relative to locating a meeting-house, 1756,                            610

Hollis asks for a portion of Monson, 1763,                                      610

Benjamin Hopkins's bill, 1761,                                                       610

Relative to annexation of a portion of Monson to Hol‑

                   lis, 1773,                                                                   611

Petition to be annexed to Hollis, 1762,                                           612

Reasons for not granting foregoing petition, 1763,                          612

Address expressing satisfaction with the county arrange‑

                   ment, 1769,                                                               614

Vote of Monson, 1770,                                                                   615

Opposition to reestablishing Monson, 1782,                                    616




xxviii                            GENERAL CONTENTS.





Introduction,                                                                                 616

Petition for an incorporation. 1773,                                                616

Letter from Col. Joseph Senter to the legislature, 1776,                 617

Petition for an incorporation of the territory into two

                   towns, 1777,                                                              617

Relative to Rev. Samuel Perley, 1779,                                            618

Relative to doomage, 1780,                                                            620

Enlistment, 1780,                                                                         620

Petition of non-residents, 1790,                                                     621

Vote to change date of annual meeting, 1791,                                622




Introduction,                                                                                 622

Vote of town relative to bridge over Nashua river, 1753,                 623

Relative to bridge over Nashua river, 1753,                                    624

Relative to representative, 1762,                                                   625

Trouble at a town-meeting, 1762,                                                  626

Petition relative to the foregoing, 1762,                                          628

Notice of meeting, 1762,                                                                629

Votes relative to "One Pine Hill" matters,                                      630

Relative to the formation of counties, 1769,                                   631

Relative to bridge over Nashua river, 1773,                                    632

Petition for authority to elect a representative, 1783,                     633

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        634

Lieut Jonathan Emerson's petition, 1779,                                      634

Dr. Hale's certificate, 1779,                                                           635




Introduction,                                                                                 635

Petition for an incorporation of the town, 1773,                              636

Petition for change of the name of the town, 1777,                         637

George Brintnall's order to march, 1778,                                       637

Relative to taxes, town records, etc., 1778,                                    637

Relative to estate of Thomas Packer, etc , 1780,                             638

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        639

Relative to a division of the town for the formation of

                   Sullivan, 1786,                                                           639

Petition of Ruth Batcheller, concerning her husband's

                   confiscated estate, 1789,                                           640

Certificate of number of ratable polls, 1794,                                   641

Relative to representative, 1794,                                                   641


                                         NEW BOSTON.


Introduction,                                                                                 642

John Burns, soldier, 1760,                                                            642




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                          xxix


House burned, 1756,                                                                     643

Petition for an incorporation, 1760,                                                643

Relative to boundary lines,                                                            644

Relative to the petition for an incorporation, 1761,                         645

Relative to locating a meeting-house, 1765,                                   645

Relative to ministerial lot, 1768,                                                    646

Relative to the formation of counties, 1769,                                   647

Petition for the incorporation of a new town, 1771,                         648

Statement from the committees of safety of New Bos‑

                   ton, Weare, and Francestown, 1775,                          649

Concerning Dr. Jonathan Gove, 1777,                                            650

John Hunter, wounded at Bunker Hill, 1776,                                 652

Rhode Island soldiers, 1778,                                                          652

Robertson and McMillan, wounded at Bunker Hill,1780,                 653

Jonathan Margery, wounded at Saratoga, 1781,                             653

Relative to Johnston Smith, 1782,                                                 654

Relative to Samuel Boyd,                                                               654

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        655

Concerning Dr. Gove and Silas Hedges, 1786,                                655

Instructions to representatives, 1787,                                            656

Relative to boundary line between this town and Goffs‑

                   town, 1788,                                                                658

Report of committee on town lines, 1788,                                       659

Report of committee on town lines, 1788,                                       660

Petition from soldiers who were captured at the Cedars, 1795,       661

Soldier's order, 1798,                                                                    662




Introduction,                                                                                 662

Relative to incorporating the town, 1778,                                       663

Committee to petition for redress of grievances, 1781,                   664

Petition of aforenamed committee, 1782,                                       664

Petition for authority to tax non-residents, 1789,                           665

Remonstrance to foregoing, 1789,                                                  666

Petition for the incorporation of a new town, 1791,                         667

Vote of town relative to foregoing, 1791,                                         668

Petition of sundry inhabitants to be annexed to Brad‑

                   ford, 1796,                                                                 668

Report relative to town lines, 1797,                                               669


                                         NEW CASTLE.


Introduction,                                                                                 670

Relative to settling a minister, 1682,                                             672

Petition of Humphrey Spenser, 1682,                                             673




xxx                              GENERAL CONTENTS.


Petition for a tavern license, 1682,                                                673

Joseph Purmort for tavern license,                                                674

Statement and petition of Joseph Purmort, 1683,                           674

Remonstrance of Portsmouth selectmen, 1682,                              675

Precept for the election of an assemblyman at Star

                   Island, 1694,                                                              677

Relative to town bounds,                                                               677

Precept for election of assemblymen, 1695,                                    678

Summons to assemblymen, 1698,                                                  678

Warrant for militia muster, 1697,                                                  678

Return of assemblymen, 1698,                                                      679

Col. Romer, relative to Fort William and Mary, 1704,                      679

Col. Romer's memorial, 1705,                                                        680

Supplies for soldiers, 1705,                                                            681

Relative to a bridge, 1719,                                                             681

Petition of Rev. John Blunt, 1737,                                                  684

Rev. Stephen Chase accepts a call to the ministry, 1750,               685

Petition of Dr. Nathaniel Sargent, 1746,                                        686

Petition of Joseph Langmaid, soldier, 1756,                                    686

Petition of John Odiorne, Jr., for a divorce, 1759,                           686

Eunice Odiorne binds out her child, a unique indent‑

                   ure, 1754,                                                                  688

Relative to tax on Trefethen's mills, 1763,                                     689

Relative to ministerial matters, 1772,                                            690

Relative to soldiers attending church. 1773,                                  691

Relative to harbor defences, 1776,                                                 691

Memorial relative to fishery business, 1776,                                  692

Petition for authority to establish a lottery, 1778,                           693

Report of committee on damage done by the troops,                       694

Relative to legislative representation, 1784,                                   695

Petition for authority to establish a lottery, 1789,                           696

Petition from Rye relative to the lottery,                                        697

Petition from sundry inhabitants to be annexed to Rye,                  699

Petition from George Jaffrey for an allowance for dam‑

                   age caused by building the fort,                                  700


                                        NEW DURHAM.


Introduction,                                                                                 701

Petition from Canada soldiers, 1764,                                             702

Petition from Elizabeth Doe,                                                          702

Petition from Peter Drowne, soldier, 1785,                                     702

Petition from Samuel Runnels, soldier, 1788,                                703

Soldier's order, 1784,                                                                    703

Petition from Elisha Thomas, soldier, 1787,                                   703

Petition from Richard Colomy, 1791,                                              704

Relative to Robert Karson, soldier,                                                 704

Return of ratable polls, 1783,                                                        705




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                          xxxi


Resignation of Col. Thomas Tash, 1791,                                         705

Petition relative to library, 1797,                                                   706


                                        NEW HAMPTON.


Introduction,                                                                                 706

Benning Moulton recommended for a magistrate,                          707

Another for same,                                                                         708

Vote of town to set off the north-east part, 1796,                            709

Soldier's order, 1792,                                                                    709




Introduction,                                                                                 710

Newington men sworn,                                                                  710

Concerning irregularities in town-meeting, 1737,                          711

Additional petition concerning foregoing,                                       712

Irregularities in town-meeting, 1745,                                            712

Deposition of Hateevil Nutter,                                                        714

Relative to a road laid out in 1656,                                                714

Deposition of Thomas Tibbetts, Joseph and Abigail

                   Richards,                                                                   715

Statement concerning aforesaid road, 1753,                                  716

Schedule of petitioners,                                                                717

Deposition of George Walton,                                                         717

Deposition of Samuel Huntress,                                                    718

Proceedings of court of general sessions, 1753,                              718

Proceedings of court of general sessions, 1754,                              720

Repoit of committee on said road, 1755,                                         721

Relative to dividing line against Portsmouth, 1763,                        721

Military officers chosen, 1775,                                                       722

Benjamin Adams's statement, unique,                                           723

Relative to election of representative. 1782,                                   725

Petition for authority to send representative,                                 727

Another communication from Benjamin Adams,                             727

Remonstrance to appointment of Mr Adams, 1787,                         728

George Gains relative to the aforesaid,                                          729

Petition for the incorporation of a library,                                       729


                                         NEW IPSWICH.


Introduction,                                                                                 730

Petition for authority to levy special tax, 1762,                               731

Remonstrance of non-residents, 1763,                                           732

Relative to paying committee to locate a meeting-house,

                   1768,                                                                         733

Relative to establishment of counties, 1769,                                  734

Vote of town relative to lots, 1772,                                                 734




xxxii                            GENERAL CONTENTS.


Petition concerning same,                                                             735

Petition for pay for service done in the war, and lists of

                   men who turned out on Concord alarm,                      736

List of men who turned out on Royalton alarm,                              738

Petition for pay for horses lost in the service,                                 739

Appraisal of estates of absentees, 1778,                                         741

Relative to oath of allegiance, 1783,                                              741

Relative to militia regiment, 1785,                                                 742

Service of Samuel Walker,                                                             744

Petitions of John Thomas and Ezra Towne, soldiers,                       745

Petition for an allowance for bounties,                                           746

Petition for the incorporation of New Ipswich Academy,                  747

Petition for a lottery for the benefit of said academy,                      747




List of Saratoga men, 1777,                                                           751

Boscawen enlistments, 1776,                                                        751

Boscawen, relative to John Allen,                                                  752

Boscawen returns of soldiers, 1778 and 1779,                               752

Bow, William Rogers's complaint, 1776,                                         753

Bow returns of soldiers 1776 and 1778,                                         753

Bow enlistments, 1780,                                                                 754

Canterbury train band,                                                                  754

Canterbury enlistments, 1776,                                                      756

Canterbury enlistments, 1780 and 1781,                                       757

Chichester, return of Capt Cram's company, 1776,                         758

Concord enlistments, 1779 and 1781,                                            758

Agreement between the town of Exeter and Edmund

                   Gilman, 1647,                                                            759

Deed of Wadononamin to Edward Hilton, 1660,                              760

Documents relative to a convention of delegates from

                   towns in Hillsborough and Cheshire counties,            762

Address from said convention,                                                       764

Address from Amos Dakin, chairman of said convention,                767

Action of the legislature concerning same,                                    767


Index to names of towns, places, etc.,                                            771

Index to names of all the persons mentioned in the volume,               











The documents in this volume were copied from the manuscripts in Vols IV, V, VI, and VII, of the collections of 1880, and Vols II and III, ''Indian and French Wars and Revolutionary Papers," in the office of the secretary of state They are numbered to correspond with the originals