New Hampshire State Papers



Provincial and State Papers.
















I. Journal of the N. H. Convention which adopted the Federal Constitution, 1788.

II. Journal of the Convention which revised the State Constitution in 1791-1792.

III. The Great Controversy relating to the "NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS" (so called), 1749 to 1791; including troubles in border towns on both sides of the Connecticut river, 1781-1783.

IV. Letters, &c., of Committee of Safety, 1779 to 1784.

V. Census of 1773.

VI. Census of 1786.

VII. Appendix, containing copies of Ancient Grants, &c., supplementary to Volume I.












Corresponding Secretary of the New Hampshire Historical Society.














JOINT RESOLUTION, passed by the Legislature of New Hampshire.


Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened, That His Excellency the Governor be hereby author­ized and empowered, with the advice and consent of the Council, to employ some suitable person, and fix his compensation, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to continue the collection, compilation, and to superintend the publication of such portions of the early State and Provincial Records, and other State Papers of New Hampshire, as the Governor may deem proper, not to exceed one volume; and that eight hundred copies of the same be printed by the State Printer and distributed as follows: namely, one copy to each City and Town in the State, one copy to such of the Public Libraries of this State as the Governor may designate, two hundred copies to the New Hampshire Historical Society, and the re­mainder to be in the charge of the State Librarian, who is authorized to exchange the same for similar publications issued by other States. Approved July 18, 1876.






The publication of this tenth volume terminates my official labors as editor and compiler of the Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire. The contents of the volume are of permanent value, including articles never before published in full. The Journal of the New Hampshire Convention in 1788, which ratified the constitution of the United States, and that of the Convention in 1791-2, which revised the state con­stitution of 1784, furnish the names of the distinguished men who composed those conventions, and mark an era in our history of which the state may justly be proud.

The papers relating to the long controversy with New York and Vermont, in respect of what were called the "New Hamp­shire Grants," form a mass of material which, wrought into a volume of history with like papers from other sources, will equal if not surpass any story of our early times.

The letters, orders, &c., sent out by the Committee of Safety during the latter years of the Revolution, furnish the best evi­dence on record of the extreme privations of the people, and the noble patriotism which animated them. The census of 1773, ordered by Governor John Wentworth, and that of 1786, ordered by the General Assembly of the state, —neither of which was ever before published, — exhibit comparatively the growth of the state between those periods, and also show how SLAVERY, as it existed in the province before the Revolution, came to a quiet end. The Constitution of 1784, in its Bill of Rights, "spake, and it was done." Slavery vanished without




iv                                  EDITOR'S PREFACE.


noise, without a single known civil suit, without a ripple of disturbance or turmoil on the face of society.

In an Appendix to the foregoing Papers, the editor, with advice of His Excellency, Governor BENJAMIN F. PRESCOTT, has thought proper to supplement the first volume of Provin­cial Papers by several very important documents which have recently been brought to light. One is what is called the Squamscott Patent, or the Grant to Edward Hilton of land at Dover Neck, where a settlement was begun in 1623; another is the Grant of the Province of Laconia, Nov. 17, 1629, which serves to correct a capital mistake made by our historian, Dr. Jeremy Belknap, as to the name given to the grant to Gorges and Mason, in August, 1622, and also the confusion in the first chapter of his history respecting the Laconia Company and the Wheelwright Indian Deed.*

In conclusion of his labors, the editor begs leave to renew his acknowledgments of obligation and gratitude to the Hon­orable FREDERICK SMYTH, ex-Governor, upon whose recom­mendation to the legislature the work was undertaken, and to the several Governors of the state in succession, by whose encouragement and favor, through eleven years, the work has been carried forward; also to the gentlemen, respectively, in the office of Secretary of State, who have afforded him every desired accommodation to consult early records and papers; and no less to the president and officers of the New Hamp­shire Historical Society, whose advice has frequently been sought.

However, some errors and imperfections may be detected in the execution of the work, yet the editor is conscious of having aimed to accomplish the great undertaking with entire impar­tiality, and with strict accuracy in the transcript of original records and documents, adding only such notes and explana­tions as appeared to him necessary and just. It is gratifying to the editor, and will be to the people of New Hampshire, to know that the volumes, as they have been published one after another, have become at once a standard authority for reference in matters of history. They are quoted freely by


* See note by the editor, pp. 692, 693; also, Vol. IX, pp. xl,




EDITOR'S PREFACE.                     v


historians and writers both in this country and England. Surviving the decay and ravages of time, they will remain to instruct future generations in the early history, and in all the official proceedings and events of the state.

To the candid judgment and acceptance of the PEOPLE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, this last volume of Provincial and State Papers, — as also all the preceding, — is most respectfully sub­mitted and humbly commended by their obedient servant, the compiler and editor.




Concord, N. H., September, 1877.




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.





JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION which adopted the Federal

     Constitution, 1788                                                                  1-22

List of Delegates                                                                            1-7

Biographical Notes by the Editor                                                   8-11

Proceedings of Convention in Exeter, February, 1788                  12-15

His Excellency John Sullivan, President                                          12

Proceedings of Convention in Concord, June, 1788                      16-22

Articles proposed as amendments                                              17, 18

Yeas and nays                                                                           18, 19

Adoption of the Constitution                                                            19

Letter from President Sullivan to Gov. John Hancock                       22




JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION which assembled in

     Concord to revise the Constitution of

     New Hampshire, 1791-1792                                                 23-196

List of the names of members                                                     24-29

Biographical sketches by the Editor*                                           30-37

Proceedings, organization — Hon. Samuel Livermore, president       38

Rules of procedure                                                                    39, 40

Article 6 of Bill of Rights, — motion to strike out — yeas and

     nays       41, 42

Articles read and debated, — 19th article                                  42, 43

General Court — motion to change the time of meeting, &c             43

House of Representatives — yeas and nays                                44, 45

Motion to strike out the religious test or qualification †                    46

Executive power — motion to change the title of president to

     governor  47

Motion to reduce the number of the house — yeas and nays       48-50

Report of Committee on the Senate, &c                                     51, 52

Oaths and subscriptions — sundry motions                                52, 53

Committee appointed to reduce proposed amendments to form         53


* The biographical sketch of Col. Nathaniel Head (p. 32) is not fully correct. There were two men of same name. Col. Nathaniel Head, of Pembroke, was from Bradford; died Oct. 16, 1825, aged nearly 83 years. Nathaniel Head, Esq., of Hooksett, was the grandfather of Gen. Natt Head; he died Oct. 4, 1829, aged 75. — ED.

† On page 46, under "Yeas," the name "Page" should be D. Page. — ED.




viii                               GENERAL CONTENTS.



Committee on the "COUNCIL" and on the journals of both

     houses    54

Committee's report on 19th article of Bill of Rights                          54

Report of Committee on the Council                                           55, 56

Resolves relating to courts, &c.                                                 56, 57

Committee appointed to prepare and report amendments to be

     submitted to the people — adjournment                                      57

Members present at adjourned meeting, February 8, 1792          58-62

Report of Committee on Alterations and Amendments                 63-71

              Bill of Rights — articles 19, 20, 39                              63, 64

              Part II. General Court                                                       64

              Senate                                                                        65-67

              House of Representatives                                                 67

              Executive power — governor                                        67, 68

              Council                                                                            68

              County treasurers, &c.                                                     69

              Judicial power                                                                  69

              Oath, &c.                                                                         70

Constitution as reported by the committee                                  71-91

Part I. Bill of Rights                                                                    71-76

Part II. Form of government                                                             76

              General Court                                                             76-78

              Senate                                                                        78-80

              House of Representatives                                             80-82

              Executive power — governor                                         82-85

              Lieutenant governor, council                                       85, 86

              Secretary, county treasurer, &c.                                 86, 87

              Judiciary power, clerks of courts                                 87, 88

              Encouragement of literature                                             88

              Oath and subscriptions, &c.                                         89-91


JOURNAL resumed                                                                         91

Report (above) examined and debated in committee of the

     whole      91-103

The 39th article in Bill of Rights struck out                               91, 92

Proposition to meet in September, November, or January,

     negatived                                                                                   92

"President" changed to governor, lieut. governor denied                   92

Biennial sessions and reduction of house denied, increase  of

     senate    94-96

Judiciary system considered, &c.                                        97-99, 105

Report of sub-committee on amendments                                103-106

Proposal to meet annually in October                                              107




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                             ix



Reduction of representatives negatived                                          108

Sixth article of Bill of Rights amended                                           108

Division of the state into five senatorial districts                           109

Committee to lay the amended constitution before the people

     plan proposed                                                                    110-112




Articles of amendment, sent out to the people                         113-126

     Proposed amendment of article 6th of Bill of Rights                   113

     Senate, to consist of thirteen                                                     114

     Religious qualification of "the Protestant religion"

              omitted                                                    116, 118, 119, 121

Constitution with articles of amendment incorporated             126-141

Return of votes on the. amendments                                      141, 142

Further action of convention..                                                142, 143

Further amendments to be sent out to the people, reports of

     committees                                                                       144-152

Articles as sent out                                                                152-164

     Senate to consist of twelve members, and annual meeting

              of legislature in June                                                     153

     Religious qualification of "Protestant religion" included      153, 156

Return of votes on the proposed amendments                         166, 167

CONSTITUTION approved by the people                                    167-196

Convention dissolved                                                                     168






     GRANTS," SO CALLED, FROM 1749 TO 1791                       197-500


                                            SECTION I.




Nov. 17. Letter from Gov. Benning Wentworth to the gov‑

              ernor of New York                                                           199


1750. Minutes of the Council of New York, April 3                          200

Apr. 25. Letter from Gov. Benning Wentworth to Gov. Geo.

          Clinton                                                                                201

June 6. Letter from Gov. Clinton to Gov. Wentworth                       202

June 22. Letter from Gov. Wentworth to Gov. Clinton                     203

July 25. Letter from Gov. Clinton to Gov. Wentworth                      203

     List of Grants, by Gov. Benning Wentworth, west

              of Connecticut river, between 1749 and 1764            204-207


1763. Proclamation by Gov. Colden, of New York                             207




X                                 GENERAL CONTENTS,



1764. Proclamation by Gov. Wentworth, of New Hamp‑

                   shire, March 13                                                   208-210

     Gov. Colden's statement to the Lords of Trade, in

                   England, Jan. 20                                                 211-215




                                           SECTION II.



                   GRANTS UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION OF GOV.           

                   JOHN WENTWORTH                                            215-221


Oct. 18.       Memorial of John Wendell                                   215-217

                   Extract from Mr. S. Johnston's letter                          216


Oct. 19. Extract from Gov. John Wentworth's letter to Gov.

                   William Tryon, of New York                                  217-220

Dec.23. Letter from Gov. Tryon to Gov. Wentworth                  220, 221






                                           SECTION III.


     BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CONTROVERSY, BY DR                           

                   JEREMY BELKNAP                                               221-228





                                          SECTION IV.



                   HAMPSHIRE EAST OF CONNECTICUT RIVER        228-241

     Note by the Editor                                                                    228



Dec. 16. Extract from a letter of Hon. Meshech Weare to

                   N. H. delegates in Congress                                       228

     An address of several towns, &c., to the people at

                   large                                                                   229-235

     State of New Hampshire — to the selectmen of

                   Hanover                                                                     233

     Proceedings at town-meetings                                            236-241

                   Meeting at Hanover                                                    236

Nov. 25.       Meeting at Lyme                                                        237

Dec. 9.         Meeting at Acworth                                                    238

Dec, 11.       Marlow — petition                                                      239

Dec. 12.       Chesterfield — instructions                                       239

Dec. 13.       Haverhill, and other towns                                         240




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.



                                           SECTION V.



                   OPPOSES                                                            241-252

     Note by the Editor                                                                    241



Jan. 15. Declaration and petition of inhabitants of the New

                   Hampshire Grants to Congress                            242-246

     His Majesty's order prohibiting more grants of

                   land, &c                                                                    243

Jan. 20. Minutes of New York Committee of Safety                  246-249

Jan. 20. Letter of Committee of Safety, New York, to John

                   Hancock                                                             249, 250

Mar. 1. Letter from Abraham Tenbroeck to John Hancock               251

April 7, 8. Orders of Congress, &c                                                  252




                                          SECTION VI.


     VERMONT ASKS AID FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE                    253-255

July 15. Letter from Ira Allen to N. H. Com. of Safety                     253

July 15. Letter from Ira Allen, for hastening on troops                    254

July 19. Letter from Meshech Weare in answer to the above*         255


1778. Proclamation of Gov. George Clinton of New York,

                   Feb. 23                                                               256-258

     A pamphlet signed "Republican," containing

                   observations on the right of jurisdiction, &c.        259-267

     An address in answer to the foregoing, by "Pacificus,"         268-270




                                          SECTION VII.



                   SHIRE TO UNITE WITH VERMONT                        272-295

     Notes by the Editor on the boundary lines                          272-274

     The Mason line determined by the legislature,

                   1787                                                                   274-276


1778. Sixteen towns east of Connecticut river propose to

                   unite with Vermont                                                   276

June 25. Letter from Nehemiah Estabrook to Meshech

                   Weare about said union                                             277


* Page 255. The word "Colonies" in this article should be Colonels. — ED




xii                                GENERAL CONTENTS.




Aug. 19. Letter from Meshech Weare to N. H. delegates in

                   Congress touching said union                                    278

Aug. 22. Letter from Meshech Weare to Gov. Chittenden

                   of Vermont                                                          279-281

Oct. 10. Report of Gen. Ethan Allen on the said subject to

                   the General Assembly of Vermont                        282-284

Oct. 21. Action of Vermont Assembly thereon                                 284

Oct. 22. Protest of members respecting towns east of Con‑

                   necticut river — signers' names                          285, 286

Oct. 23. Letter from Gov. Thomas Chittenden to Meshech

                   Weare relating to said sixteen towns.                         287

Oct. 23. Letter from Ethan Allen, relating to the same            287, 288

Oct. 23. Letter from the Convention at Windsor, signed by

                   Joseph Marsh, to Henry Laurens, President of

                   Congress                                                           289, 290

     Biographical notes on Elisha Payne, Joseph Marsh,

                   and John Wheelock                                     288, 290, 291

Nov. 4. Communication from Ira Allen to the General As‑

                   sembly of New Hampshire, expressing his

                   views, &c                                                           291-294

Nov. 5. Letter from Meshech Weare to Thomas Chitten‑

                   den, on the visit of Ira Allen, &c. (note)                      294

     Letter from Meshech Weare to Ethan Allen                               295

     A PAMPHLET entitled "A Public Defence of the

                   right of New Hampshire Grants on both sides

                   of the Connecticut river to form themselves in‑

                   to an Independent State." — Dresden: Printed

                   by Alden Spooner, 1779*                                      296-324






                                         SECTION VIII.



                   WEST OF CONNECTICUT RIVER                          325-335

Dec. 9. Resolves of a Convention at Cornish                                   325

Dec. 12. Letter from Ira Allen to Meshech Weare, relative

                   to the existing state of affairs                                     327

Nov.27. Address, by Ira Allen, to the inhabitants of the

                   state of Vermont                                                 329-332


* A few verbal errors have been detected in the transcript of this pamphlet, which readers, if they please, may correct as follows P. 305, first line, for "alterations," read altercations; 307, fifth line from bottom, insert had after "they ;" p. 309, fourth line from top, for "regal," read royal; p. 311, eleventh line from top, for "Government," read Governor; p. 312, seventeenth line from bottom, for "sure," read soon; p. 313, eighteenth line from top, after "in," road the appointment of. — ED.




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xiii




Feb. 12. Final dissolution of the union of towns east of Con‑

                   necticut river with the state of Vermont                     333

Feb. 26. Letter from Thomas Chittenden to Meshech Weare,

                   relating to the foregoing, &c                                       334

Mar. 4. Letter from Ethan Allen to Meshech Weare                        335





                                          SECTION IX.




                   SHIRE                                                                 336-341


Mar. 17. Petition of Jacob Bailey and Davenport Phelps, re-

                   lating to a connection of all the New Hamp‑

                   shire Grants with the state of New Hamp-

                   shire                                                                         336

Apr. 2. Proceedings of the Legislature of New Hampshire

                   on the foregoing petition                                            337

Apr. 23. Proposal of sundry matters to the town of New‑

                   bury, by order of a committee, &c                               338

May.  Returns from Hartford, Moretown, and Peacham           339, 340

June 3. Col. Olcott and Beza. Woodward, agents                            341





                                           SECTION X.



                   TROVERSY                                                          341-354


June 1. Resolves of Congress respecting the New Hamp‑

                   shire Grants                                                              341

June 3. Letter from Thomas Chittenden to Meshech Weare

                   respecting a jurisdictional claim of New Hamp‑

                   shire to the territory of Vermont                                342

June 4. Appointment and Instructions of Ira Allen as

                   agent, &c.                                                                  343

June 24. Action of General Assembly on the foregoing                    344

July 13. Address by Ira Allen, to the Inhabitants of Vermont

                   relating to the aforesaid affairs                           345-351

Sept. 24. Resolves of Congress respecting the New Hamp‑

                   shire Grants                                                       351-354

Oct. 2. Further Resolves in relation to the same                            354




xiv                               GENERAL CONTENTS.




Oct. 12. Letter from Woodbury Langdon, delegate in Con‑

                   gress, to Meshech Weare, respecting Vermont,    355-358

     Note by the Editor — "Sundry articles to be com‑

                   plied with"                                                                 358

July 3. Letter to the committee appointed by Congress to

                   meet at Vermont                                                       360

1780. Letter from Samuel Huntington, Pres. of Congress,

                   to Meshech Wears, June 6, 1780                                361

June 2. Resolutions of Congress in relation to affairs in the

                   New Hampshire Grants                                      361, 362

July 20. Letter of Joseph Marsh, Peter Olcott, and Beza

                   Woodward to the President of Congress                      363

July 25. Letter from Beza. Woodward to Samuel Livermore             365

July 25. Letter from Thomas Chittenden to Pres. Samuel

                   Huntington respecting sundry acts of Congress,   366-371

Aug. 30. Beza. Woodward's petition in behalf of people above

                   Charlestown, N. H., Grants                                 371-374

Aug. 31 Another letter from Beza. Woodward, relating to

                   N. H. Grants                                                       374, 375

Sept. 16. Letter from John Sullivan, delegate in Congress,

                   to Meshech Weare, relating to affairs in Ver-

                   mont                                                                   375-377

Nov. 6. Letter from Jacob Bailey to Meshech Weare, rela‑

                   ting to Vermont, Canada, &c.                              377-379

Oct. 30. Extract of a letter from Ira Allen, at Otter Creek,

                   to Capt. Safford, at Bethel, east of the moun‑

                   tains                                                                         379

Nov. 22. Letter from Gen. Bailey to Meshech Weare rela‑

                   ting to the same affairs                                      379, 380




                                           SECTION X.



                   BOTH SIDES OF THE CONNECTICUT RIVER         381-400


     Convention at Walpole, Nov. 15, 16, 1780                               381-383

Dec. 12. Letter from Thomas Chittenden to Meshech Weare,

                   inclosing a copy of his letter to Congress of

                   25th July                                                           384, 385

1781. Resolutions of the General Assembly of New Hamp-

                   shire, Jan. 13, 1781, instructing its delegates

                   in Congress                                                               385




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS,                            xv




Feb. 3. Letter from Joseph Fay to Meshech Weare, accom‑

                   panying the letter of Gov. Chittenden.                        386

     Convention at Charlestown, Jan. 16, 1781 — Note —

                   Origin of Convention                                                  387

     Journal of said Convention, Jan. 16-18                               388-393

     Protest of a minority of the delegates, Jan. 18                   393, 394

     Secret history of the Convention, by Ira Allen                     394-396

Feb. 10. Note by the Editor — Letter from Elisha Payne to

                   the General Assembly of Vermont                              396

Feb. 22. Rules* of Negotiations, or terms of Union                          397

Apr. 5. Result of submitting the abovesaid terms of Union

                   to the towns specified — List of Towns, † &c        398, 399

     Members from towns east of Connecticut river                          400




                                          SECTION XI.


     DISPUTED JURISDICTION                                                  401-430

June 20. Letter from President Weare to the delegates of

                   New Hampshire in Congress, June 20, 1781,

                   relating to existing difficulties                                    401

July 10. Letters from John Sullivan to Meshech Weare on

                   the same subject                                                402, 403

Aug. 7. Letter from Timothy Ellis to the N. H. Committee

                   of Safety                                                                    404

Aug. 7. Resolves of Congress respecting a decision of the

                   disputes relating to N. H. Grants — Committee

                   of Congress                                                        405, 406

Aug. 21. Letter from Samuel Livermore, delegate in Con‑

                   gress, to Meshech Weare                                           407

     Letter from several inhabitants of Haverhill (Coös)

                   to the Committee of Safety, N. H. [No date]         407, 408

Aug. 25. Memorial of sundry inhabitants of Chesterfield to

                   the Council and House of Representatives, re‑

                   lating to the revolt of sundry towns — Names      409, 410

Sept. 21. Proceedings of a meeting of persons from ten

                   towns in Cheshire county, at Keene, Sept. 21,

                   1781                                                                          411

Oct. 2. Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare,              412

Oct. 12. Memorial of John Clark, of Landaff, to the Com-

                   mittee of Safety, relating to hardships, in‑

                   sults, &c                                                             412-416


* Page 397, for "Result," read Rules: — ED.

† For "Newport (Vt.)," read Reuport. — ED.




xvi                               GENERAL CONTENTS,




Oct. 13. Petition of inhabitants of Landaff for aid and pro‑

                   tection                                                                       416

Oct. 19. Action on the Memorial of John Clark                               417

Oct. 17. Report of a Committee of Congress, to whom was

                   referred certain papers relative to New Hamp‑

                   shire                                                                   418-422

Oct. 16-19. Report of the Council and Assembly of Vermont

                   on the Report of the Vermont delegates to

                   Congress                                                             422-426

Oct. 22. Summons to Daniel Shattuck, &c.                                    426

Oct. 27. Elisha Payne to Meshech Weare, transmitting res‑

                   olutions relating to Commissioners, &c                      427

Oct. 27. Commission for the settlement of boundary lines,

                   &c                                                                             428

Oct. 27. Proclamation of Thomas Chittenden for a day of

                   Public Thanksgiving                                                   429





                                          SECTION XII.


     COLLISION IN BORDER TOWNS                                         430-485

     Note by the Editor                                                                    431

Nov. 15. Letter from Gen. Benj. Bellows to Meshech Weare,

                   relating to troubles in that part of the state                431

     Substance of complaints against Nathaniel Bingham

                   and John Grandy by Samuel Davis                      432, 433

Nov. 12. Warrant to apprehend John Grandy, Jun                          433

Nov. 12. Warrant to apprehend and secure in gaol Nathaniel

                   Bingham                                                                    434

Nov. 16. Petition of Nathaniel Bingham and John Grandy,

                   Jun., to the Council and House of Representa‑

                   tives, N. H                                                                 435

Nov. 16. Statement of facts by Nathaniel Bingham                         436

Nov. 28. An act empowering the sheriff of the county of

                   Cheshire to release certain persons from prison

                   in Charlestown                                                   437-439

Nov. 29. Mittimus for committing Col. Enoch Hale to pris­on     439, 440

Nov. 29. Letter from Gen. Bellows to Meshech Weare, in‑

                   forming him of the imprisonment of Col. Hale      440, 441

Dec. 1. Letter from Samuel King to Col. Chamberlain and

                   others on the abovesaid matters                          441-443




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                          xvii




Dec. 2. Letter from Col. Wm. Haywood to Capt. Phineas

                   Hutchins (with a copy of Sheriff Page's ex-

                   press)                                                                        443

Dec. 5. Letter from Michael Cressey, of Chesterfield, to

                   Gen. Bellows                                                             444

Dec. 5. Orders* to raise the body of Militia to release Col.

                   Enoch Hale from prison                                       444-449

Dec. 12. Letter from Col. Enoch Hale, sheriff of the county

                   of Cheshire, to Meshech Weare                                  449

Dec. 14. Letter and order from Thomas Chittenden to Elisha

                   Payne                                                                        450

Dec. 14. Letter from Thomas Chittenden to Wm. Page                    451

Dec. 15. Instruction from Gov. Chittenden to Ira Allen re‑

                   specting boundary lines                                             451

Dec. 18. Letter from Samuel Livermore to Pres. Weare,

                   relating to proceedings in Congress                            452

Dec. 21. Letter from Elisha Payne to Pres. Weare, propos‑

                   ing amicable measures                                              453

Dec. 21. Order of Elisha Payne to Roger Enos and Wm.

                   Page                                                                          454

Dec. 22. Letter from Enoch Hale, in person, to President

                   Weare, respecting an adjustment, &c                         455

Dec. 27. Warrants from Josiah Bartlett to arrest certain

                   persons                                                               456-459

Dec. 27. Report of Committee of N. H. House of Represent‑

                   atives about admitting Wm. Page to bail              459, 460

Dec. 29. Letter from Ira Allen to Josiah Bartlett, requesting

                   a copy of N. H. Acts and Resolutions                           460

Dec. 29. Joint Letter of Ira Allen and Roger Enos to Josiah

                   Bartlett                                                                     461



Jan. 1. Letter from Samuel Livermore to President Weare,

                   relating to "Vermonters"                                            461

Jan. 1. Letter from Gen. Washington to Gov. Thomas

                   Chittenden, relating to the N. H. Grants (see

                   p. 227)                                                                462-464

Jan. 1. Reward offered for taking Samuel King                              464

Jan. I. Letter from Capt. Joseph Burt to Pres. Weare                      465

Jan. 2. Letter from Gen. Bellows, relating to the rescue of

                   Samuel King by a mob                                                466


* Page 444, seventh line from bottom, for "Records in Secretary's office," read Letters in Library N. H. Hist. Soc. — ED.




xviii                             GENERAL CONTENTS.




Jan, 7. Letters of Committee of Safety — Warrant to arrest

                   Nathaniel S. Prentice                                                 467

     Letters from Meshech Weare to Samuel Livermore,

                   relating to troubles in border towns and to

                   taxes                                                                  468-473

Jan. 8. Letter from Wm. Page, in gaol at Exeter, to Elisha

                   Payne                                                                 473-475

Jan. 8. Resolve to send an armed force to the western part

                   of the state*                                                              475

Jan. 10. Proportion of men to be raised                                          476

Jan. 10. Col. Charles Johnston and Col. David Page to raise

                   scouting parties, &c., Gen. Sullivan to take

                   the chief command of forces, &c                                 477

Jan. 8. Letter from Samuel Livermore to Pres. Weare                    478

     Answer of Pres. Wears to the same                                           479

Jan. 10. Letter from Gen. Bellows relating to Doct. Wm.

                   Page                                                                          479

Jan. 11, 12. Letters from Col. Enoch Hale relating to the

                   rescue of Esq. Giles, and his own seizure by a

                   mob, &c.                                                             480-483

Jan. 14. Petition of inhabitants of Claremont, praying for

                   relief, &c.                                                                  483

Mar. 26. Letters from Samuel Livermore to Pres. Weare,

                   and note by the Editor                                        484, 485




                                SECTION XIII.


     BORDER TOWNS UNSETTLED                                            486-500

May 31. Resolutions passed by committees of certain bor-

                   der towns, with a memorial to the General

                   Assembly of N. H.                                                486-489

June 21. Action of General Assembly thereon                                489

July 2. Letter from President Weare to Gov. Clinton of

                   New York, relating to said memorial                           490

July 30. Letter from Thomas Sparhawk and Benj. Bellows

                   on affairs in Cheshire county                              491-493

July 31. Letter from Doct. Wm. Page to Pres. Weare                       493

Nov. 7. Request of selectmen of Newbury for jurisdiction

                   of New Hampshire to be extended over them               494


* Page 475. In note at the bottom, for "which no doubt was issued at the time," read which perhaps was never issued. — ED.




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xix




Dec. 1. Letter from P. White and John T. Gilman, in Con‑

                   gress, to Pres. Weare                                                 495



Jan. 16. Letter front John Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare          496

Feb. 11. Letter from Enoch Hale to Meshech Weare, rela‑

                   ting to difficulties in Cheshire county                         497

     Note by the Editor                                                                    498




      An act of Congress for the admission of the State

                        of Vermont into the Union                                       499, 500





                   SAFETY, 1779 TO 1784                                       501-620


                (Copied from a MS. volume in the Library of N. H. Hist. Soc.)



[NOTE. Readers will perceive that the letters and orders which follow are so various and numerous that it is very difficult to analyze them, or to describe their contents in few words. The editor therefore only makes a minute of the dates, with the persons to whom addressed, when known, and with a few words indicating the matter.]



Jan. 9. To a committee in Alstead — about counterfeiters              503



Feb. 19. To officer in charge of continental stores in Coös              503

Mar. 7. To Jacob Cuyler, Esq                                                          504

Mar. 31. To Maj. Joseph Bass, clothier, &c                                     504

Apr. 28. To Hon. Jerem. Powell, relating to Eastern expe‑

                   dition                                                                        505

Apr. 28. To Messrs. Peabody and Folsom, in Congress                     505

May 12. To Col. Jonathan Chase — order to raise 60 men              506

May 12.        "        "            "        relating to the same                  507

May 26. Resolve of General Assembly, relating to wheat and

                   flour                                                                          507

May 26. To President Powell of Massachusetts, relating to

                   attack on Canada                                                       508

May 27. To Jacob Cuyler, Esq., relating to paying drafts                  508

May 27. To committee of Haverhill, about trade with Indians          509

May 27. Order about raising men.                                                  509

May 27. To Messrs. Peabody and Folsom, relating to taxes              510




xx                                GENERAL CONTENTS.




May 27. To James Underwood, respecting forfeited lands               511

June 2. To Col. Nichols and Mr. Underwood, respecting

                   forfeited lands                                                           511

June 2. About purchasing rum                                                       511

June 24. To Capt. Neh. Houghton, about mustering men                512

June 28. To Major Childs, about purchasing wheat                         512

June 28. To Col. Stephen Peabody, about mustering men               512

June 30. To relating to purchase of horses                                    513

July — To Maj. Benj. Whitcomb, to take command of

                   forces                                                                        514

July 1. To Col. Hunt, relating to purchase of horses                       514

July 1. To ——— about recruits and supplies for the army              515

July 6. To ——— relating to supplies, &c                                516, 517

July 13. To Nicholas Gilman, Rec. General                                    517

July 15. Relating to powder, beef and rum, and seamen                 518

July 15. To Noah Emery, Jr., — instructions, &c                            518

July 18. To Doct. Pelet'h Warren, request to act as surgeon           519

July 18. To Capt. Eliphalet Giddinge, about forwarding

                   beef cattle                                                                 520

July 18. To Capt. Samuel Reynolds, order to proceed to

                   Connecticut river                                                       520

July 26. To Hon. James Bowdoin, president of Massachu'ts            520

July 20. To Cot. Stephen Evans, orders to march, &c                      521

July 28. To Samuel Livermore, Esq., agent, relating to N.

                   H. Grants                                                                  521

July 29. Hon. John Langdon, delegate to Boston, about

                   the war, &c                                                               522

Aug. 2. To Jacob Cuyler, Esq., excuse for non-payment of

                   drafts                                                                        523

Aug. 5. To Samuel Livermore, relating to N. H. Grants                   524

Aug. 10. To Capt. Shubael Geer, instructions.                                524

Aug. 10. To Mr. Jona. Martin, instructions*                                    525

Aug. 12. To Maj. B. Whitcomb, instructions                                    525

Aug. 12. To Doct. Phelps, to act as surgeon                                    526

Aug. 19. To Jedediah Jewett, to procure a horse for Gen.

                   Sullivan                                                                     526

Aug, 19. To Capt. Josiah Moulton and Col. S. Folsom                      527

Aug. 19. To Col. Joshua Wentworth                                                527

Aug. 19. To the Board of War                                                         527

Aug. 23. To Capt. Eliphalet Giddings, to collect beef cattle              527


* Fourth line from top, the word "amount" should be account. — ED.




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xxi




Aug. 23. To Eph. Blaine, Esq., about beef cattle                              528

Sept. 7. Muster master's returns                                            528, 529

Sept. 8. To Capt. Sam'l Gilman, trustee of Gov. Went‑

                   worth's estate                                                            529

Sept. 6. To Major Child, about supplies, &c                                     529

Nov. 18. To Col. David Webster and John Millen, Esq., to

                   forward supplies                                                        530



Feb. 9. To Francis Blood, Esq., on provisions for Cols

                   Nichols and Ellis                                                        531

Feb. 9. To Col. Hunt, relative to the same                                      531

Feb. 9. To Cols. Nichols and Ellis, do. do.                                       532

Feb. 12. To Col. Jabez Hatch, about a continental stable                532

Feb. 8. To Selectmen ———— relative to collecting taxes               533

Feb. 15. Orders to Lts. Bezaleel Howe and Jos. Boynton, to

                   forward recruits                                                         534

Feb. 17. To Joseph Gilman, Esq., about settling accounts               534

Feb. 17. To Capt. Eliphalet Giddinge, do. do.                                  534

Mar. 2. To Col. Supply Clapp, do. do.                                               535

Mar. 9. Col. Timothy Ellis and Gen. Moses Nichols, to

                   supply troops                                                              535

Mar. 9. To Francis Blood, Esq., to furnish supplies                  535, 536

Feb. 16. Orders to Sam'l Wells, Serj. Major, about forward‑

                   ing men                                                                     536

Mar. 31. Orders to Lt. Beza. Howe, Joseph Boynton, and

                   Sam'l Wells, about forwarding recruits and

                   clothing                                                                     537

Apr. 7. To Charles Johnston, Esq., and James Woodward,

                   relating to lands of absentees                                    537

Apr. 12. To Eliphalet Hale and Geo. Dame, inspectors of

                   shoes                                                                        537

Apr. 12. To Lt. Col. Sam'l Chase, to rent lands of absen‑

                   tees                                                                           538

Apr. 13. To Capt. Ebenezer Dearing, to raise a company for

                   the defence of Piscataqua harbor                                538

 Apr. 14. Hon. John Wentworth, Jun., a Delegate to Con‑

                   gress                                                                         539

Apr. 19. To Col. Sam'l Chase, about renting farms of absen‑

                   tees                                                                           539

Apr. 19. Relating to raising men for western frontiers                    540

Apr. 19. To Moses Dow, Esq., Commissary of Purchase                   540

Apr. 19. To Lt. Jona. Ring, order about rations                               541




xxii                              GENERAL CONTENTS.




Apr. 19. To Col. Charles Johnston, relating to troops for

                   western frontiers.                                                      541

Apr. 19. To Gen. Benj. Bellows.                                                     542

Apr. 21. To Matt. Patten and Thomas Sparhawk, Judges of

                   Probate                                                                      542

Apr. 27. To Jedediah Jewett, sundry directions                              543

May 4. Orders to Captain Ebenezer Dearing.                                  543

May 4. Orders to Lt. Col. Dearborn and Jedediah Jewett,

                   relating to payment of soldiers                                   544

May 5. Orders to Francis Blood, Esq., to make returns of

                   provisions, &c                                                            544

May 4. Order to Col. Joshua Wentworth to muster sol‑

                   diers.                                                                        545

May 25. Orders to Capt. E. Giddinge, F. Blood, and Col.

                   Samuel Hunt, about forwarding beef cattle          545, 546

May 25. To Gov. Jona. Trumbull, relating to a counterfeiter            547

May 26. Orders to Lt. Joshua Merrow, relating to the same    547, 548

July 5. Order to Capt. M. Woodward to send prisoners to

                   Boston                                                                       548

July 5. To Maj. Gen. Folsom, relating to travel money                    549

July 5. To Lt. Joseph Huntoon, relating to deserters                      549

July 6. Order to Francis Blood, Esq., relating to supply of

                   beef                                                                           549

July 6. To Selectmen of Portsmouth, about a supply of

                   rum                                                                           550

July 12. Order to Noah Emery, Esq., about beef cattle                    551

July 19. To Stephen Harriman, relating to land purchased

                   by Gen. Stark                                                            551

July 20. To Capt. Ebenezer Dearing, relating to Deserters

                   and trial by Court Martial                                           551

July 20. To Francis Blood, relating to supply of beef cattle              552

July 27. Agreement with John Balch as post-rider                         553

July 28. Order to Col. Timothy Ellis and others to raise

                   scouting parties                                                  553, 554

July 28. To Col. Samuel Hunt, relating to supply of the

                   army                                                                         554

Aug. 3. To Thos. Bickford, about beef on hand                                555

Aug. 3. Memorial of soldiers in forts asking relief                           555

Aug. 10. Petition from Conway, a company of soldiers sent      555, 556

Aug. 10. To Col. Charles Johnston, to forward soldiers to

                   Coös                                                                          557




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                         xxiii




Aug. 11. To Col. Timo. Ellis, relating to troubles in border

                   towns                                                                 557, 558

Aug. 18. To John Hopkins, Esq., relating to a Dep. Com. of

                   prisoners of war                                                         558

Aug. 18. Warrant to apprehend Robert Young                                 559

Sept. 11. To Lt. Col. Daniel Runnels, about marching orders          559

Sept. 11. To Cols. Wentworth and Evans, do. do.                     560, 561

Sept. 14. To John White, Jr., to take charge of rum, &c                  561

Sept. 26. Orders to Lt. Col. Raynolds, to march to Charles‑

                   town No. 4                                                                 561

Sept. 26. Orders to Capt. Dan'l Gordon, relating to the same          561

Sept. 27. Orders to Col. Wentworth and others, relating to

                   the same                                                            562, 563

Sept. 27. To Col. Samuel Hunt, to furnish supplies                         563

Sept. 27. To Francis Blood, Esq., do. do.                                  564, 565

Sept. 27. Orders to Lt. Col. Raynolds, about supplies                      565

Sept. 28. To Gen. Bellows, do. do.                                                  565

Sept. 28. To Col. Charles Johnston, do. do.                             566, 567

Sept. 29. To Maj. Gen. Heath, relating to troubles in border

                   towns                                                                 567, 568

Oct. 6. To Francis Blood, Esq.,

Oct. 6. To Col. Samuel Hunt,

Oct. 6. To William Page, — all relating to supplies for

                   Charlestown                                                       568-570

Oct. 13. To Col. David Page and Jos. Whipple, to discharge

                   men                                                                          571

Oct. 25. To Capt. Moses Woodward, about prisoners of

                   war                                                                     571,572

Nov. 2. Warrants to apprehend horse thieves                          572, 573

Dec. 29. Letter from Hon. Matthew Thornton                          573, 574

Dec. 10. Letter to President Hanson about delegates in Con‑

                   gress                                                                         575



Jan. 18. To Israel Morey, to deliver records, &c                              575

Jan. 26. Our troops at Saratoga in want of rum, &c                        576

Feb. 2. A guard to be placed at the Great Island                             577

Feb. 4. Letter to Hon. S. Livermore, in Congress, relative

                   to settling accounts, &c                                             577

Feb. 6. Inquiry to be made about supply of provisions                      578

Feb. 23. Letter to Hon. S. Livermore, about currency and

                   taxes                                                                  578-581




xxiv                              GENERAL CONTENTS.




Mar. 1. A suspected person at Londonderry                                    581

Mar. 20, 26. Lands of absentees to be rented                          581, 582

Apr. 6. Recruits at Charlestown and Amherst to be sup‑

                   plied, &c                                                            582, 583

Apr. 4. Warrant to apprehend Col. Jona. Greeley                            583

Apr. 5. Muster masters appointed                                                  584

Apr. 12. Jonathan Greeley put under bonds                            584, 585

Apr. 20. Provision for recruits in the army                              586, 587

Apr. 27. Settlement of Pay Roll                                                      586

May 4. Payment for excise on spirituous liquors                             587

June 8. Guard against an attempt to destroy a ship at Ports‑

                   mouth                                                                       588

June 14. Muster masters to fill their quota of men                  588,589

July 6. A scouting party under Joseph Whipple, Esq                       589

July 12. Order to Capt. Salter to raise men, &c                              590

July 19. Order to fill the quota of men for the army                590, 591

July 20. Notice to Capt. John Jennison about beef                          591

July 20. Order to Jedediah Jewett, &c                                           592

July 30. Time extended to Gilmanton to make up deficiency           592

Aug. 3. Letter relating to border troubles                                592, 593

Aug. 3. Letter to Capt. John Jennison about supply of beef

                   cattle                                                                        594

Aug. 3. Letter to Doct. Wm. Page about recognizance                      594

Aug. 17. Orders relating to beef cattle                                           595

Aug. 23. Order in behalf of Gilmanton, &c                                      595

Aug. 23. Orders to Jedediah Jewett relating to beef cattle             596

Aug. 29. Order to Francis Blood, relating to beef cattle                  596

Sept. 13. The selectmen of Amherst to settle account                    597

Sept. 19. Extent against the town of Cornish suspended                 597

Sept. 20. Richard Jenness, Benj. Butler, John White, to set‑

                   tle for excise                                                              598

Sept. 26. Danger to Piscataqua harbor apprehended                       599

Sept. 26. About pasturing for cattle                                                599

Sept. 27. Answer to Memorial from Dartmouth College                   600

Oct 4. Letter to John White to settle for rum, &c                           600

Oct. 5. Order relating to Capt. John McGray                                  600

Oct. 25. Order to Capt. Ebenezer Fry                                             601

Oct. 19. Edward Wade on furlough, &c                                           601

Oct. 19. Order about beef cattle                                                     601

Nov. 22. Maj. Caleb Robinson appointed muster master                  602

Nov. 22. Order to Isaac Williams about issue of provisions              602




                                   GENERAL CONTENTS.                           xxv




Dec. 5. Jesse Christy to be taken into custody                               603

Dec. 7. Order about beef cattle                                                      603

Dec. 7. The Board of War to examine accounts, &c                         603

Dec. 13. Jesse Christy allowed liberty of the yard                          604

Dec. 13. Recruits to be mustered and supplied                              604



Jan. 3. Orders to Capt. Titus Salter                                               605

Jan. 11. Order to Nicholas Gilman, Esq., Rec. Gen.                        605

Jan. 24. Letter to Joseph Whipple, Esq., relative to tax                   606

Mar. 6. Letter to Hon. John Hancock, relating to dele‑

                   gates, &c                                                                   606

Mar. 6. Lands of John Tufton Mason not be sold                             607

Mar. 7. Stephen Gorham, Esq., commissioner to settle ac‑

                   counts                                                                       607

Mar. 13. Col. Samuel Chase to rent lands of absentees                  608

Mar. 21. Letter to Gen. John Stark                                                608

Apr. 4. Order relating to Col. Geo. Reid                                          608

Apr. 10. Nicholas Gilman, Esq., deceased                                       609

Apr. 25. Jesse Christy discharged from gaol                                   609

May 16. Bridge to Janvrin's Island to be sold                                  610

May 23. British vessels to be entered                                            610

June 6. Settlement with N. H. troops — Depreciation             610, 611

July 11. Order for removal of barracks, &c                                     612

July 11. Order to enlist five effective men                                      612

July 25. Summons to answer for removal of powder                        613

July 26. Hon. John Langdon desired to go to Congress                   613

July 31. The town of Pembroke discharged from extents,

                   &c                                                                             613

Aug. 9. Order to inspect salt beef, &c                                             914

Aug. 16. Order to Enoch Hale, sheriff, about extents                      614

Aug. 29. Permission for Dorothy Nelson to visit Portsmouth            615

Aug. 29. Permission for Abigail Robertson to visit Ports‑

                   mouth                                                                       615

Oct. 11. The town of Salem discharged from extents                      615

Nov. 21. Excise on spirituous liquors at public vendue — Con‑

                   ditions of sale-Committee for, &c                         616-618

Dec. 25. Order to the Naval Officer respecting gunpowder              618



Jan. 3. Accounts for raising 2d Regiment to be settled            618, 619

Jan. 23. Order relative to certain counterfeiters                            619

Mar. 25. Letter to John Langdon, relating to free trade                  620

May 14. Letter to John Sullivan about want of money                     620




xxvi                              GENERAL CONTENTS.



CENSUS OF 1773                                                                   621-636


Note by the Editor — Letter of Hon. A. H. Cragin                     622, 623

Form of order — schedule for returns                                            624

Returns from Rockingham County                                           625-627

Returns from Strafford County                                               628, 629

Returns from Hillsborough County                                         630, 631

Returns from Cheshire County                                              632, 633

Returns from Grafton County                                                 634, 635

Summary of returns by counties — total                                        636




CENSUS OF 1786                                                                   637-689


Note by the Editor.                                                                        637

Resolution and form of order for the census                                   638

Returns by counties, in alphabetical order of towns                 639-651

County of Rockingham — Towns                                              639-651

Summary of returns from 37 towns in Rockingham County             651


NOTICE. By a misprint, the total number of inhabitants in Rockingham county is put down in the summary at 48,431 This is an error, which readers will please correct. The true number is 32,138. — ED.


County of Strafford — Towns                                                   652-657

Summary of returns from eighteen towns, 13,877                          657

County of Hillsborough — Towns                                             658-670

Summary of returns from thirty-five towns, 25,933                        670

County of Cheshire                                                                 671-679

Summary of returns from twenty-four towns, 15,160                      679

County of Grafton                                                                   679-688

Summary of returns from twenty-four towns, 8,344                        688

Summary of returns by counties                                                    689


APPENDIX                                                                              691-703

Note by the Editor                                                                  693, 694

Grant of the Province of Laconia                                             693-696

The Squamscott or Hilton's Point Patent                                  697-700

The Dover Combination                                                          700, 701

Letter from Thomas Wiggin to Sir John Cooke                         701-703






Some errors of dates and names have been detected in Vol. IX, which readers will please correct as follows:


Errors in Vol. IX.


P. 145, under the head of CORNISH, the word "Hartford" should in every case be Hertford.

P. 303. Gilsum was incorporated July 13, 1763, instead of "July 6." It was first called Boyle, granted Dec. 28, 1752, and settlement probably begun as early as 1754.

P. 826 Campton was first granted Oct. 9, 1761, regranted Jan. 5, 1767, settlement begun about 1765.

P. 827 Haverhill was granted May 18, 1763, instead of "1764."

P. 828 The description given of "Marlborough" chiefly belongs to the town of that name in Vermont. It should simply read, Monadnock, No. 5, was incorporated by Me name of Marlborough, Dec. 13, 1776.