The Villages of Royalton, North Royalton and South Royalton, Vermont - Families

The Villages of Royalton, North Royalton and South Royalton, Vermont



Families of Royalton


The reference "Lovejoy" indicates there is a genealogy published in "The History of Royalton, Vermont" by Evelyn Lovejoy.  Click here to find out more about this book.

Listings are alphabetical - select from below:

A, B, C, D     E, F, G, H     I, J, K, L   M, N, O, P   Q, R, S, T   U, V, W, X, Y, Z


If you would like to be listed as a researcher or have a link you would like added to a surname, please drop me a note with your name, e-mail address and/or URL.

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The Villages of Royalton, North Royalton and South Royalton, Vermont


This site is maintained by:

Mark Davis

53275 Placid Drive

South Bend, IN  46637


E-Mail: [email protected]


© Copyright 2000 by Mark A. Davis - All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy any  material, in part or whole, for personal use only AND only as the material in question does not contain a prohibition against reproduction in it's endnotes. Reproduction must include a reference to The Villages of Royalton, North Royalton and South Royalton, Vermont as the source.  Permission to copy or reproduce for any other reason must be granted by Mark A. Davis. Some materials featured on this website is courtesy of other individual  researchers, as listed in the endnotes sources or other citations. Their contact information is provided, if known, and anyone wishing to reprint should seek permission from each individual.