

Date of Grant or Charter ~ 7 June 1763
Villages & Communities Within: 
  Kirby Corner, North Williston, Tafts Corner, Williston.

   "This is an excellent farming town, of a rich soil, with an uneven surface, but not mountainous. It is very productive of all the varieties common to a northern climate . . .   Williston is watered by Winooski River and some smaller streams, but its water power is small. Thomas Chittenden was the father of this town. He came here in 1774. He was a member of the convention, which, in 1777, declared Vermont an independent state, and was active in procuring its admission into the Union. When the Vermont Constitution was established in 1778, Mr. Chittenden was selected as a candidate for governor, to which office he was annually elected, with the exception of one year, till his death, in 1797. He was sixty-seven years of age." 

(Gazetteer of Vermont, Hayward, 1849)

The town clerk maintains birth, death and marriage vital statistics and many other records of value in researching your ancestors. You can contact the Clerk's office at:

Williston Vital Records Office
Williston Town Clerk
7900 Williston Road
Williston, VT  05495
(802) 878-5121
M-F 8-4:30

  Town of Williston Home Page 
  Williston Historical Society 




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