Original Stockholders Dismal Swamp Canal

Original Stockholders Dismal Swamp Canal

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Original Stockholders Dismal Swamp Canal

The following was located in the Tennessee Archives Library in Nashville, TN

List of original stockholders in the Dismal Swamp Canal taken from the records of the Superior Court at Edenton, N. C.

"Pursuant to the directions of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act for cutting a navigable Canal from the waters of Pasquotank River in the State, to the waters of Elizabeth River in the State of Virginia, John Hambleton, one of the Commissioners for receiving subscriptions for the purpose of cutting the said Canal, produced to the Court a return of the Proceedings of the said Commissioners under the hands of Willis Cooper, Thomas Harvey, John Cowper, Robert Andrews and George Kelley, five of the Commissioners in the said Act named and moved that the same might be recorded-agreeable to the directions of the said Act.

Ordered that the same be recorded accordingly which is in the words following, To-wit:

We the underwritten, Managers, for receiving subscriptions to the Dismal Swamp Canal do hereby certify that the following is a just and true list of all the subscribers to the said Canal, with the sums subscribed by each according to the books of subscription now laid before us. Given under our hands in the town of Halifax, in the State of North Carolina this 19th day of September, 1791.

Signed. Willis Cooper, Thomas Harvey, John Cowper, Robert Andrews, George Kelly."

The names of the Subscribers to the stock and the number of shares taken by each follows, to-wit:

"Samuel Blodgett, 2 shares; John Morrison Galt, 2 do; Robert Hull, 2 do; Richard E. Lee, 5 do; Donald Campbell, 3 do; Adam Lindsey, 1 do; John Boush, 3 do; Charles Stewart, 1 do; William Nivison, 2 do; John Taylor, 2 do; Thomas Wilcox, 4 do; Robert Taylor, 1 do; Cary H. Hansford, 1 do; Thomas Newton, Jr., 4 do; James Taylor, 2 do; George Kelly, 1 do; James Cator, 2 do; William Lindsey, 1 do; William Plume, 1 do; John Ingram for William Y. Ingram, 1 do; Ben Pollard, 2 do; William Stokes, 1 do; Robert Hayes, 1 do; William A. Bayley, 1 do; Henry Brass, 1 do; Thomas Blanchard, 1 do; Patrick Parker, 1 do; John Kennedy, 2 do; Thomas Matthews, 1 do; Bennett Armstrong, 2 do; Thomas Ritson, 1 do; Edm'd Almand, 1 do; Charles Odeon, 1 do; Robert Brough, 1 do; Robert Farmer, 1 do; Simon Vashan, 1 do; B. Street, 1 do; John Dunn, 1 do; John Smallwood, 1 do; Joseph Shipwash, 1 do; Alex and Eben'r Cowan, 1 do; William Atchison, 2 do; John Lawrence, 1 do; Seth Foster, 1 do; Gilbert Robertson, 1 do; Peter Brunet, 1 do; Samuel Burke, 1 do; William Cuthbert, 1 do; James Ramsey, 1 do; (end of page 430 in book) Daniel Bidinger, 1 do; Stephen Wright, 1 do; J. G. Martin, 1 do; Edward Owens, 2 do; John & James Reed, 1 do; William & James Douglas, 1 do; Bailey Hill, 2 do; James Boyce, 1 do; Edward Archer, 1 do; Elliott & Purviance, 1 do; John Brent, 1 do; John Drinane, 1 do; Richard Bourke, 1 do; Samuel Goodrich, 1 do; John Stuart, 1 do; Willis Cowper, 3 do; James McClure, 1 do; Miles King, 1 do; Robert Andrews, 4 do; G. S. Tucker, 1 do; David Jameson for the Dismal Swamp Co., 20 do; Ro Boush, 3 do; Thomas H. Parker, 1 do; James Whitehead, 1 do; William Graves, 1 do; Andrew Martin, 2 do; William Hobdey, 1 do; James Crawford, 1 do; Philemon Gatewood, 1 do; John H. Hall, 1 do; Allison & Hunter, 1 do; David Patterson, 1 do; Alexander Moseley, 1 do; Paul Proby, 1 do; William Willoughby, 1 do; George Lovall, 1 do; Moses Myers, 2 do; Robert Barron, 1 do; John Brown, 1 do; William Pinnock, 1 do; Edward Valentine, 1 do; George Chandler, 1 do; Robert Gibson, 1 do; Martin Doyle, 1 do; Wm. Stokes for Chas. Stokes, 1 do; Howard Poole, 1 do; Samuel Pool, 1 do; Will Sherlock, 1 do; Chas. Mortimer, Jr., 1 do; Alex Love, 1 do; Samuel Davis, 2 do; John Kearns, 3 do; John Lightfoot, 1 do; Thomas Pierce, 4 do; J. Parker, 2 do; George Beale, 1 do; Joseph Jones, 3 do; J. Hamilton, 1 do; B. Jones, 1 do; Nath'l Paine, 1 do; Joseph Richardson, 1 do; Miles Richardson, 1 do; Holland Lockwood, 1 do; M. Fennell, 1 do; James Pearce, 1 do; Polly Stokelie, 1 do; Isaac Stokelie, 1 do; Thomas Harvey, 1 do; Lemuel Palin, 1 do; Thomas Brownrigg, 1 do; Joseph Scott, Jr., 1 do; Job Carver, 1 do; Fred B. Sawyer, 1 do; Joseph Keaton, 1 do; Isaac Gregory, 2 do; James Young, 1 do; A. Slaughter, 2 do; Richard Blow, 2 do; John Nivison, 1 do; John Cowper, 3 do; Willis Wilson, 1 do; John Davis, 1 do; James Harper, 1 do; Sam'l Kerr, 1 do; Bd Magnion, 1 do; Robert Reives, 1 do; John Stratton, 1 do; A. Martin, 1 do; James Williamson, 1 do.

Signed: Willis Cooper, John Cowper, Robert Andrews, Thomas Harvey."

"Superior Court Oct. 6th, 1792."

*NOTE--The shares of stock were $250.00 each.

"The following list of subscribers to the Dismal Swamp Canal was returned by Robert Andrews, President, Thomas Newton, Jr., John Cowper, Benjamin Jones and Daniel Bedinger directors of the Company, agreeable to the directions of the Act of Assembly in that case made and provided and on motion ordered to be recorded which is in the words following, viz:

A list of additional subscriptions received since Sept. 30th, 1791. John Blair, Williamsburg, Va., 2 shares; John Bracken, Williamsburg, Va., 2 do; James Madison, Williamsburg, Va., 2 do; William (end of page 431) Lee, Green Springs, 2 do; James McClury, Richmond, Va., 1 do; Robert Morrison, of Philadelphia, by Benjamin Harrison, Richmond, Va., 2 do; John Ambler, James City, Va., 2 do; Patrick Henry, Prince Edward, Va., 1 do; Wm. Nelson for the Executors of Thomas Nelson, Sr., King William, Va., 1 do; Robert Andrews for Thomas L. Shippen, Philadelphia, 3 do; Jacqln Ambler, Richmond, Va., 50 do; Alex McCauley, York, Va., 10 do; Ebenezer Ewing, Williamsburg, 2 do; Henry Skyrin, Hampton, Va., 1 do; Jon Shelburne, Norfolk, Va., 1 do; Jon Dunbar, by Wm. Nelson, his attorney, Charles City, 2 do; John Lawrence, New York, 4 do; J. Parker for N. P. Parker, Isle of Wight, Va., 4 do; William Smith, South Carolina, 12 do; John McKinney, Norfolk, Va., 1 do; James Bennett, Norfolk, 1 do; Anth'y Metcalf, Norfolk, Va., 2 do; Isaac Sexton, Nansemond, Va., 1 do; John Mason, Camden, N. C., 1 do; Benjamin Pollard, Norfolk, 2 do.

We certify that the foregoing list beginning with John Blair and Ending with Benjamin Pollard, contains the additional subscriptions amounting to 112 shares, made in the books of the Company &c., since 20th day of September, 1791.

Given under our hands at Norfolk, 10th day of April, 1792.




© 2017 Tidewater Genealogical Society
Katherine Nice
Last updated:  06/13/2017