Spring Grove News 1962 Surry County Virginia Historical Society and Museums, Inc.
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Spring Grove News

29 Nov. 1962

Mrs. Bobby Lane, Gloria and Chuck Lane of Surry visited Mrs. Allan Setchel, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jerue attended Mr. Fred Hopkin's funeral at Goulds Funeral Home in Hopewell and burial at Merchants Hope Church, Thursday.
Mr. Willis Reeson of Hampton was home for the week end to visit his family.
Mrs. Robert Epps and Miss Jaqueline Epps visited Mrs. Billy Epps and infant son in Louise Obici Hospital in Suffolk, Saturday.
Mrs. Claude Eley and children of Pennsylvania visited Mr. and Mrs. Franz Von Schilling at Mt. Pleasant, recently.

Attended Meeting

Miss Jackie Epps went to a Y. W. A. meeting at the home of Mrs. Joe Moody, Monday afternoon.
Mr. Jim Epps and Miss Laura Kindall went to Atlanta, Georgia, over the week end. Jim returned to his home on Monday.
Mr. Fran Sober and Mrs. Edith Perdue of Richmond visited at their home here last week.
Mr. Eldon Jerue of the Naval Air Station in Norfolk visited his parents, Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Allan Setchell went to Richmond, Wednesday.
Rev. John Crocker was a dinner
guest Wednesday evening in the Barnes-Rollings home.
Mrs. 0. E. Barnes and Mrs. P. C. Jerue attended the W. M. S. meeting of the Claremont Baptist Church, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. W. Matthews.

Dinner Guest

Mr. Tom Jerue of Richmond was a dinner guest of his parents on Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. John Appell of Surry, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scarborough and Susan of Dendron and Mr. Rodney Wyatt were dinner guests Thanksgiving Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Scarborough.
Miss Betty Ann Appell of Surry, Miss Marion Ann Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Scarborough visited Mr. and Mrs. John Holt in Waverly, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Chamblee of Smithfield visited Mr. and Mrs. John Holt, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Huber, Curtis and Ellen Huber of Greensboro, N. C., visited their sister, Mrs. Gibbon Epps over the Thanksgiving holidays. They were overnight guests Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gregor Huber.
Guests in the Ashton Scarborough home last week were Mrs. Ed Powell and Dana, Mr. Richand Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Swain, Mr. and Mrs. William Merryman of Hopewell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scarborough of Surry.
Mrs. Willis Reeson visited Mrs. James Nichols in Burrowsville on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baugh, Mrs. Ethel Shiffer and Mr. Donald Shiffer of Claremont were luncheon guests in the home of Mrs. Eva Barnes, recently. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Haff visited Mrs. Barnes.

Week End Visit

Miss Carol Fisher of Claremont spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. Eva Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher and Carol and Mrs. Ethel Shiffer and Donald of Claremont were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mrs. Eva Barnes.

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