ALHN meeting minutes 3/01/00
American Local History Network, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
March 1, 2000

The meeting was conducted in a temp chatroom at It was called to order by Roxann-Gess-Smith at 9:00 PM eastern time.

Present: Roxann-Gess Smith, President; David Peterson, V. President; Tracy Putnam, Sec; Members: Pat Sabin, Norm Vance, Jan Cortez, Patricia Neal. Barb Lavin was excused due to illness.
Lucy Dill, Treas. joined the meeting at 9:17 pm.

Minutes to previous meeting were approved. The agenda was approved. President called for a treasurers report, however Lucy had not yet joined the meeting.

A motion was made by Pat Sabin to appoint a committee of 3 board members and 3 volunteers to revise the ALHN Inc. bylaws. This motion was seconded by Jan Cortez. Before Voting began on this motion, Tracy Putnam asked that discussion take place first. All agreed. Discussion ensued as to the breakdown of volunteers vs. board members on the by-laws committee, Pat Sabin expressed concern that there were also issues pertaining to the board of directors that needed to be addressed. After discussion of the motion a vote was taken and the motion failed.

A motion was then made by Pat Sabin that a committee of 2 board members and 3 volunteers be formed to review and revise the present ALHN inc. bylaws This motion was seconded by Tracy Putnam. A vote was called for. The motion passed.

Again much discussion was held about the need for a better vehicle for conducting meetings. The board members were having a hard time staying in the chatroom due to tech, difficulties.

Based on the above, Dave Peterson made a motion to table the agenda and meet again next week. Pat Sabin seconded the motion. A vote was called for. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned approx. 10:15 PM eastern time.