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Believe it or not, even such a small village as Kleinliebental sometimes made the headlines beyond its boundaries. The following seven articles are the best evidence. They all come from the so called "Odessaer Zeitung", a German newspaper for the colonies of South Russia, that was published during the years 1863-1914 and 1914-1918, first three times a week, later daily except Sundays and holidays.

Some of the volumes can be found (on microfilm) in the library of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen in Stuttgart, Germany.
I scanned the articles and beside each original article I placed an English translation. Many thanks to my Aunt Juliane and to Mrs. Dickenson for helping translate the partially Russian articles into German and then into English.
Sometimes I had difficulties with the old Gothic script or the copies were so bad that I could not decipher single words or even whole paragraphs. That is why you will find some "[?]" in the texts. If someone can decipher any words better then I did, or if somebody finds a better translation, please let me know.

Finally it should be said that some of the articles, particularly No. 3 and 4, probably will require a long downloading time since they are rather extensive. Therefore I did not scan the original article No. 5. This article probably would need hours to download completely. Here you will just have to be content with our translation.

Why are there always two different dates on the top of each article?

In 1582 Pope Gregor XIII introduced a reform of the calendar and set up a refined leap year regulation. This new so-called "Gregorian Calendar" was immediately adopted by most Catholic countries. However, most Lutheran states and also Russia, did not follow for years. In fact, Russia did not follow until 1918. Instead, it kept using the old "Julian Calendar" which was 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar.
If you would like to know more about this interesting topic, have a look at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~eww6n/astro/Calendar.html

So according to these informations, I figured out that the two dates on top of some of the articles are nothing else then the Julian date followed by the Gregorian date that has to be 13 days more. So for example the date "February 11 (February 24) 1911 means that the article was published on February 24 according to our current calendar. If there is only a Julian date, then you can determine the Gregorian date by using some of the formulas that you will find on the page I mentioned above, or you could just add 13 days ... .

Comments and suggestions are always appreciated!
[email protected]
© 1998 Peter Mock
Version 3.0