The Will of John Trevelyan of Yarnscombe

The Will of John Trevelyan of Yarnscombe[1]

In the name of God, amen. The seven and twentie daye of Januarie, in the yeare of our Lord God a thowsande fyve hundrith fortie and fyve,[2] I, John Trevelyan, esquyar, of the parishe of Yernescombe, whole in mynd, and of good remembrance, make my testament and last will in fowrme and maner folowinge: Fyrst, I bequeth my Sowlle unto Almighti God, and my bodie to be buried in holie grave accordinge to the discrecion of myne Executors. Item, I geave and bequethe to the Sead store of the parrish church of Yernescombe ten shillingis. Item, I geave and bequethe to everie of my dowghters, that is to saye, fyrste, to Jane my dowghter,[3] alredie maried, Two Hundrethe markis sterlinge. Item, unto Isabell my dowghter,[4] towardes hir marage. Two Hundrithe markys sterlinge. Item, unto my dowghter Dorothie,[5] towardes hir mariage. Two Hundrethe markys sterlinge: under this condicion, that they marie by the good advice and cowncell of Avice my wiffe and John Trevylyan my sonne and heyre. Which Sixe hundrithe markys I wolde will to be paide by my wiffe Avice and John Trevilyan my sonne and heyre, at such convenient tyme and speade after my decease as they shall thinke best, be equall porcyons. Whyche Avice and John I ordeyne and make my whole and sole executors to se thes my Legacis and bequestes trewlie paid and performyd, and all my debtis lykewise and other chargis that shalbe bestowed at my funerall and obytt according to ther discrecion. The residue of my gooddes not bequethed I bequeth and geave wholie to the forenamyd Avice and John, to order it for the welthes of my sowll according to ther discrecyon. In wytnes wherof I have cawsyd this testament to be made and writen the dale and yeare above specyfyd, berynge wytnea to the same Symon Atkyn, clerke, and George Pollerde.

Probatum fuit pred. testamentom comm nobis Roberto Fysher, &c. Quinto die mensij Maij Anno Domini mitto quingenmo Qninquagemo Octayo, &c.

Source: Collier, J. Payne (ed.),The Trevelyan Papers: Part II, Camden Society, 1863

[1] John TREVELYAN was the son of Sir John TREVELYAN (? -1522) of Nettlecombe, Somerset. John acquired a manor at Yarnscombe upon his marriage to Avice COCKWORTHY, daughter and hier of Nicholas COCKWORTHY. John TREVELYAN died on 1 Feb 1546/47. The TREVELYAN family originated in Cornwall. John's father had been knighted by Henry VII in 1501. John's grandfather, John TREVELYAN (? -1494), was a Lancastrian supporter during the War of the Roses who acquired the manor of Nettlecombe upon his marriage to Elizabeth Whalesborough in 1452.

[2] Although John TREVELYAN's will is dated 27 Jan 1545/46 it was not proved until 5 May 1558. This apparently was the consequence of a dispute between Avice COCKWORTHY and her eldest son John TREVELYAN (? -1563) that eventually saw the manor at Yarnscombe transferred to Thomas TREVELYAN (? -1569), a younger son of John TREVELYAN and Avice COCKWORTHY.

[3] Jane TREVELYAN married William SANDES.

[4] It is not known whether Isabel TREVELYAN married.

[5] Dorothy TREVELYAN married Nicholas TOOKER.
