Commander's Messages Men of the 7th (Central Texas) Brigade:

It is an honor to have been elected as your Brigade Commander.
To you, I give my service, love, honor and respect and I hope that
together we can accomplish all of the things we signed on to do.

I am sure that as a team we will do just that !!!

There has been much division within the organization due to politics.
I assure you that I am not very political.

I ask that we remain dutiful to our Charge and the tasks which aid in our keeping
it "Green or Gray." We shall rise above that and set a new precedent. Give yourselves
to the cause of bettering one another and support, how you may, each camp's endeavors.

All of us have gifts of skill, talent and faith; use your strength;
build up your brothers and move forward.

Central Texas does not have to be ours alone geographically.
Could it mean centerpiece at the Division?

Chad Weldon
7th (Central Texas) Brigade
June 15, 2004