Message Boards

Welcome to the Ancestry Message Boards

Welcome to the Ancestry Message Boards. You can post, view, and search surnames in all categories. When posting a query, be as specific as possible, but please confine queries to Scurry County. When posting to the Biography board, please make the Scurry County connection obvious, not just towns or areas, because not all of us are familiar enough with the county to know where areas are located. The same policy holds for the other boards also. Make the county connection obvious, please. Each board comes with its own search engine, that can search all areas of the system or the database you are in. If you have trouble, let me know and we will work it out to your satisfaction.

Please keep the posts confined to the subject material of the board and make the Scurry County connection obvious. Thanks

I am interested in getting a list of Volunteers that are willing to do Look Ups for Scurry County. Please email me if you have access to Books on Scurry County or are interested, thanks.

Clifford Fargason

Last Updated: December 12, 2010