Sterling C. Robertson Chapter DRT Officers


The Daughters of the Republic of Texas

Sterling C. Robertson Chapter


Officers 2017-2019

President Sue Ann Yows Vernon

Vice President Deanna Donelson Eastburn

Recording Secretary Susan Baird Ugland Harnagel

Treasurer Sharon Wood Haynes

Chaplain Sandra Carter Van Wyk

Registrar Sharon Carter Farnsworth

CRT Sponsor Cathi Davis

Executive Secretary Linda Evans Davis

Financial Development Nancy Brown McSwane

Historian Lynn Taylor Pearson

Programs and Publicity Gerry Caperton Milnor

Parliamentarian Clova Joyce Downing Gibson

Program Committee - Kathleen Hale, Chairman; Jane Kaiser; Jo Meyer; Gerry Milner; Sue Prosser
Yearbook Committee - Martha Boutwell, Chairman; Melet Gibson; Jean Lathern; Carrie Tarrant
Finance Committee - Linda Davis, Chairman; Deanna Eastburn; Nancy McSwane
Financial Sub-Committee/Financial Development - Cathi Davis; Lorena Buster; Susan Harnagel;
Nancy McSwane; Jane Winston Ruggiero
By-Laws Committee - Deanna Eastburn, Chairman; Amelia Bogard; Nancy McSwane; Sue Vernon
Membership Committee - Sharon Farnsworth, Chairman; Susan Harnagel; Sandra VanWyk
Telephone Committee - Clova Gibson, Chairman; Linda Davis
Meeting Committee- Amelia Bogard, Chairman