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United Daughters of the Confederacy

Robert E. Lee 186





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In Memoriam

Southern Literature

Robert E. Lee Chapter 186
Chartered December 17, 1897
59 members
Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday at 10:00 a.m.
September - May
This was published in the Confederate Veteran Magazine February 1916


U. D. C., 1912-1913

Lee and Jackson! We hallow the days
That gave these men to our Southern land ;
Men who came to their country's call
And held their lives at her dear command,
Who fought with a purpose pure and high
As moved the Crusaders in days gone by.

Lee from the mansion of Arlington,
Cultured and courtly, grand and fine,
On his great gray charger a king of men,
The noble son of a noble line.
Cloud by day and fire by night,
Duty was ever his guide and light.

>From a cottage among the Virginia hills
Came Jackson, earnest and true and strong;
A rugged "stone wall'' barring the way
To the surging flood of fanatical wrong.
He knelt on the eve of battle to pray-
That was our Stonewall Jackson's way.

Lee was a gem without mote or flaw,
Polished and perfect in every part;
Jackson a jewel rough from the mine,
Hiding God's image within his heart.
Together, with battle flags unfurled,
Their deeds of glory awoke the world.

A cloud of mourning darkened the skies;
>From the South ascended a wail of woe.
In the hour of triumph Jackson fell ;
Our giant of battles was stricken low.
But with crash of cannon and shout and cry
The blood-red tide of the war swept by.

Lee, with his gallant host, fought on,
Matching his skill with the swarming hordes
Who thronged about him on every side,
Pressing him hard with their gold-bought swords,
Till he knew by each victory's holocaust
The holy cause of the South was lost.

He sheathed his sword with patient pride
And lived his life to its stainless end.
Crowned with honors and white with years,
He passed, beloved of foe and friend.
In the halls of fame there are none like he.
A nation wept at the grave of Lee.

We tell the story in marble and bronze,
By the silver tongue and golden pen,
And warm and throbbing it lives for aye
Enshrined in the hearts of men.
We tell it again on their days of birth,
That their names may be spoken always on earth.

Together forever side by side
On the heights of glory, where all may see,
Adown the ages our heroes ride,
Stonewall Jackson and knightly Lee ;
Together forever side by side
Our land's palladium and guide.

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