Don't know if this is Miller County, AR or Bowie County, TX
Article does not specify

Aug. 18. 1884

The sixth annual session of Mrs. Hogane’s select school for girls will begin on Mon, September 1st.  Particular attention given to mathematics and literary exercises.

Don't know if this is Miller County, AR or Bowie County, TX
Article does not specify.

Aug. 27,1884

Prof. G. A. Hays will open his Normal and Graded school in the public school building, near the courthouse, next Monday.  He is one of the best educators in the southwest, and if properly supported, he will build up a school that will be an honor to Texarkana.

Do not know if it is Miller County, AR or Bowie County, TX
Article does not specify.

Sept. 17, 1884
Prof. J. Mook arrived in the city yesterday and will as soon as he can procure a hall open a dancing school.  He is well know to our citizens as an elegant gentleman and an excellent teacher, and trust that he may be liberally patronized

Miller County, AR or Bowie County, TX

Dec. 6, 1884
On motion of S. H. Pope, of Prescott, those who wished to have their names enrolled as members of the association, were requested to give their names to the secretary, upon which the following teachers were enrolled.  G. A. Hays, Texarkana; S. H. Pope; Prescott; J. F. Killebrew, Hope; C. L. Sampson, Washington, W. E. Bryan, Lewisville; Miss S. D. Senter, Texarkana; Miss M. K. Watt, Hope; Mrs. Z. H. Gaither; Texarkana; Miss Abby Whitcomb, Texarkana; Miss M. E. Connovey, Lewisville; Miss Jennie Weed, Texarkana; Mrs. M. J. Fiedl; Washington; Mrs. E. T. Cox, Washington.  On motion the chairman appointed G. A. Hays, S. H. Pope, C. L. Sampson, J. F. Killebrew and Miss S. D. Senter to arrange a permanent organization.  On motion a committee of programme was appointed by they chair, composed of Profs. Killebrew and Pope, and Miss Whitcomb.  On motion the Association took a recess for half hour to await __ of the committee.  Meeting called to order after recess and report of committee on exercises was heard and adopted.  The following programme presented:  (1.) Music. (2) Permanent organization. (3.) Necessity and advantages of the Association.  (4.) Music.  (5.) The teacher as a politician.  (6) Music.