Kingsland Genealogical Society


P.O. Box 952, KINGSLAND, TEXAS 78639

Kingsland Genealogical Society

Are you an active Genealogist?

Would you like to learn more about your ancestors?

Are you interested in history? Have you ever thought about recording your family history?

Would you like to learn what it takes to get started in Genealogy?

If you said yes to any of the questions you should consider attending a Society meeting or contacting a KGS volunteer in your area.

The KGS was organized in 1989 and received a tax exempt status from the State of Texas in 1995. Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month (currently meeting at the Kingsland Community Center at 2pm). Visitors welcome - Dues for membership $12.00 a year ($18 for couples).

The membership of the Society attempts to remain faithful to the purpose of the organization stated in the bylaws: "KGS is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is educational and whose objects are to create and foster an interest in genealogy; to bring interested persons together for discussion and interchange of opinions and planning in the field of genealogy; to study methods of research; to preserve genealogical data; to assist one another; and to perform such other functions which may be of mutual benefit to its members."

Sara Holland