Hopkins County TXGenWeb | Census

Hopkins County, TX | Census

Last modified: 28 JUN 2010

Site Resources

1850 Hopkins County Census - or FamilySearch: 1850
1855 Scholastic Census
Slave Schedules 1850 and 1860
1860 Hopkins County Census - or FamilySearch: 1860
1870 Mortality Schedule for Pct 1, 2, & 3
1900 Enumeration Districts
1930 Enumeration Districts

Other Resources

Most census records are now online and easily accessible through Ancestry.com or HeritageQuestOnline.com. Most public libraries have a library edition of Ancestry.com (onsite) and/or HeritageQuestOnline.com (online), which you can access at no charge. Check with your local or state library. You may also access many state and federal census records via the Family History Center in Laredo.

Available U.S. Federal Censuses available for researchers include 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820. 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, (1890 destroyed by fire), 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1930.

General Search

[1790- 1840] - these list heads of households only with general counts of other residents

Individual Database Search including:
1850 Mortality
1850 Slave Schedule
1850 the first census that lists all family members by name
1870 the first census in which former slaves are listed by name
1880 the first census that lists family relationships and birthplace of parents
1900 includes month and year of birth for all residents and naturalization information; number of children born and number now living

Search the Federal Census, books, PERSI, the Revolutionary War, and the Freedman's Bank.

Texas residents who are registered patrons of public or academic libraries may obtain free remote access (from your home) to HeritageQuest Online through the TexShare Databases program. You may need a login and password to access from home. Contact your library for more information on obtaining a TexShare login and password.

Native American Creek Indian Census, 1832

Searching the Dawes Rolls
Lists of people accepted between 1898 and 1914 by the Dawes Commission as members of these five Indian tribes: Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole

Census Tools

Free Downloadable Census Forms, from 1790 to 1930 including slave schedules.
Soundex Converter
Census Availability Maps:
Interesting Census Info
Common Census Abbreviations
Census Online Links