Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, October 28, 1914

D. L. Wardlaw Writes
Letter From Quanah

To The Democrat:
    Enclosed find check for ($1.00) one dollar.  I like to hear from Falls occasionally.  Think my time paid for is about up, hence the check.  Am getting along very well.  Begins to look like Falls county.  About 500 negroes have changed cars here in the past twenty days, besides the Mexicans, going to Cottle county to pick cotton.  Also lots of white pickers coming in.  Beal Sneed has something like 200 negroes on his ranch.  I understand he had 1500 acres in cotton, making a bale to the acre.  All crops are fine -- maize, kaffir corn, sorghum and alfalfa.  We have a good crop of cotton here.  No price for it.  Been having fine weather to harvest it.  Looks like rain this morning.  People are beginning to move back to this country.  Horses for war are in demand.  No demand for mules.  The range is fine and cattle are bringing a good price.  A. J. Norton, a friend of mine, sold $15,000 worth of calves yesterday.  We have two weekly papers.  With best wishes and success for The Democrat.

D. L. Wardlaw

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.