Typed as spelled and written -
Lena Stone Criswell

Sixty-Second Year - (Number missing)
Marlin, Texas, Wednesday, December 19, 1962


Mrs. Levi Goodrich was hostess for the annual Literary Club Christmas party at her home, 428 Easy Street, last Friday evening.  Mrs. Goodrich is the traditional hostess for this occasion.

The yard was illuminated by hurricane lamps tied with greenery and red bows.  The entrance was flanked on either side by topiary trees in urns.  There were appropriately decorated with red birds and Christmas balls.

Shades of pink ranging from the most delicate hue to a rich cerise were used in the interior decorations.  The only exception was a flood lighted Christmas tree done in silver and red.  A pink puff tree and a beautifully garlanded mantlepiece were points of interest in the living room.

A massive arrangement of cerise carnations in a silver wine cooler centered the dining room table.  Pink candles tied with pink bows were in silver candelabra on either side.  The pink net cloth was underlaid with satin and edged in silver tinsel to add a further festive (missing).

The guests were seated at tables for four where they found their place marked by Santa Claus place cards.  Beside each place setting was a Christmas corsage.  Cranberry crystal on pink net cloths made striking table arrangements.  The soft glow of candlelight fell over the room from pink tapers which burned in the center of each table.  A three-course turkey dinner, followed by after-dinner coffee served by the hostess.

Mrs. Goodrich, appropriately gowned in a pale pink dinner dress, presented the program, "Modes of Transportation."  To illustrate the theme, Mrs. Goodrich had arranged a group of toys on the coffee table which depicted way of transportation from earliest times to the present.

After briefly giving a history of transportation, Mrs. Goodrich turned to speculation about future transportation and then began to give personal sketches reminiscent of transportation innovations in Marlin.  This last part was especially enjoyed by the guests.

A brief business meeting was held and it was decided to accept the invitation of Mrs. Robert Peterson to have an open house meeting at the Allen House on January 11.  This will be the next scheduled meeting of the Literary Club.


Copyright permission granted to Therea Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas