Typed as spelled and written – Lena Stone Criswell


                                               THE MARLIN DEMOCRAT

                                          Sixtieth Year – Number 101 – (p2)

                               Marlin, Texas, Tuesday Morning, February 28, 1950



                                             OF MR. AND MRS. A. J. PETERS


            Announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Robert M. Peavey, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peters at Temple, who are former Marlinites, were hosts Saturday evening for an announcement party at their Temple home.

            Greeting the guests were Mrs. Peters, the honoree, her two aunts Mrs. Shelton Gafford of Marlin, and Mrs. Norman York of Temple.  Mrs. R.A.McCall of Marlin is an aunt of the bride.  The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mrs. J. M. Peters and Mrs. P. J. Bryan of Marlin.

            A buffet dinner was served at six o’clock with the guests being seated at foursome tables.  The buffet held an arrangement of white carnations which complemented the bouquets that decorated the mantel and tables in the living room.

            The center of interest in the decorative scheme was the tableau announcing Miss Peter’s marriage date.  On the dining table, which was covered with an imported white linen cloth, a miniature bride, gowned in satin with a cathedral train and full-length veil falling from a coronet of miniature flowers was seated on top of a small world globe.

            Wide bands of white satin ribbon, sprinkled with lilies of the valley, extended from the bridal design, inscribed with “Liz and Bob, April 15th” in gold letters.  A choral group of wooden handcarved angels were set about on the mirror reflector which was a base for the arrangement.

            At the conclusion of the dinner, the guests played canasta.

            Sharing the evening’s entertainment were Misses Lamerle Walker, Adelaide Clements, Patsy Cox, Ann Morgan, Barbara Jean Reed, Delores Tucker, Carol Blanton and Mrs. Don Miller and Mrs. R. P. Johnson.

            Miss Peters graduated from Temple high school and was a junior at Southwestern university, Georgetown.  She is a member of the Phi Mu sorority.

            Mr. Peavey, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Peavey, of Indianapolis, Ind., received his degree from Southwestern university, August 1949.  He is a member of Kappa Alpha.  He is in business in Indiana.

            The couple will be married at the First Baptist Church in Temple on April 15.


Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Marlin Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Tx.