Typed as spelled and written - Lena Stone Criswell

(Year missing) - Number 103
Marlin, Texas, Friday Morning, March 18, 1955


Mrs. J. S. Williams, Jr., chairman of the Falls County Demonstration Council presided at the regular monthly council meeting held in the county court room Monday, March 14.

The Chilton club was in (charge) of the short recreation period, with an "Easter Bonnet" theme prevailing.

The Rosebud club gave the flowers, a low green bowl filled with varied spring flowers arranged by Mrs. L. D. Houpt.

The secretary, Mrs. Joe Falsone, Jr., called the roll, gave minutes, and read communications.

A letter from Miss Viola Rabroker, president of the Wesphalia club, was read in which she offered her resignation, as council member and yearbook chairman, she having recently moved to Dallas.  Mrs. Frank Mueller, of Wesphalia, was elected council delegate to fill Miss Rabroker's place and Mrs. Otto Huber was elected to head the yearbook vacancy.

Standing committees gave reports.  Twelve Civil Defense members of county clubs were present and after being introduced by Mrs. Williams, were given points and instruction of getting work set up in their respective clubs.

Mrs. Williams announced an eight hour Civil Defense course to be held in the McClanahan church annex this week when Red Cross and economics teachers will teach first aid and canteen procedure.

Mrs. Bill Adams, Civil Defense chairman of H. D. Clubs, also spoke on having the same eight hour course in a West Falls county area so as to be more convenient.

The THDA meeting March 30-31 in Temple was discussed and Mrs. Milton Mears, Cedar Springs club who is present chairman, was re-elected for a new term.

A tea will mark the celebration of National H.D. Week, May 1-7.

Chilton was selected as a most central place to hold the afternoon event, and committees were named to begin plans to honor this day.

This was a 100 per cent meeting and was attended by council delegates from all 13 clubs of the county.  Mrs. Ray Dodwell, a former member was a visitor.

Mrs. T. C. Newman, county H.D. agent, who is leaving this week to reside at College Station, presented an instructive view of program continuance until another agent can be assigned.  She also praised Falls county club women and said her work here had been pleasant.

The council presented Mrs. Newman with a piece of her chosen silver as a token of appreciation of her work.



Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing
by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.