Typed as spelled by Lena Stone Criswell


Thirty-First Year - Number 169

Marlin, Texas, Tuesday, November 17, 1931


Sessions of Circles at Church Follow For Study of Mission Lessons.

Members of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church

heard a talk by Mrs. H. H. Gambrell, wife of a former Marlin pastor, who is

visiting here, at its meeting at the church Monday afternoon.

"Come Thou, Almighty King," was the opening song and Mrs. F.E. Hailey

led in

prayer. Mrs. Gambrell was presented by Mrs. H. A. Dupuy, auxiliary

president. The devotional service was led by Mrs. S. D. Dollahite, the theme

being "Happy Duty of Praise." Separate sessions of circles followed.

With 12 members present, Circle No. 1 heard a lesson from Royal

Service brought by Mrs. R. L. Norwood.

Mrs. J. I. Collier was leader of the lesson for Circle No. 2, 11

members attending.

Circle No. 3 had 14 members in attendance, the lesson being led by

Mrs.J. D. Oltorf.

Miss Margaret Nunnelly led Circle No. 4's devotional, 14 being

present. Mrs. H. H. Norwood presented the lesson.

Dorcas Circle heard a Bible lesson conducted by Mrs. C. B. Francks,

nine members attending.

Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for typing

by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls County, Texas.