Typed and spelled as written: Kay Cunningham

The Daily Democrat
Marlin, Texas     August 25, 1931

Around About Marlin
and Falls County

    "Sigin' Skule" is the title of an entertainment which will be presented by home-talent players at the Stranger school house Friday night.  Mrs. G. P. Reeves is directing.  The program is given in celebration of the building of a stage in the school building for use in school and community.

    "This is going ti be good," said T. F. (Sport) Brothers, "who was in Marlin Saturday and incidentally gathering material for a "stunt."  "Some of our folks can certainly sing -- and dance, too.  It is free and everyone is invited."

    S. J. Gilbert and J. B. Walling of Waco, highway patrolman, stopped a few minutes here.  "At this time there are forty-one officers patroling the highways," said Mr. Walling.  "Naturally it is quite difficult to keep up with everything on the thouswnads of miles of busy highways.  However, we find the people as a rule very considerate of the rights and safety of others and our work is not difficult.  Additional officers will go on duty soon."

    Mr. Walling called attention to a new law which came into effect August 22, in which drivers of all trucks on one-ton capacity and more must have a truck driver's license.  "This means ALL drivers" he emphasized, "whether the truck is used for hire or not."

    "How about advertising a bale of cotton for sale?"  said Albert Tomlinson Friday.  "I sold all my peaches and grapes by advertising in the Democrat -- maybe if I advertised my cotton I can sell it, too."

Copyright Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.